Creative Beading
Creative Beading
Creative Beading
History of Swarovski t
Expert tips and tricks t
Regular Features
6 Gallery
44 What’s New
74 Basic Bead Techniques
80 Glossary
82 Next Issue
Bead Gallery
Crystal Park
Loving Designs
Crystal Park
Loving Designs
12 Creative
6 Creative Beading
The ArTTable*
The ArTTable*
Crystal Park
Proudly supported by
Creative Beading 13
Round Nose Pliers
Flat Nose Pliers
Bead Mat (Optional)
8 Creative Beading
Wrapped Chain
MATERIALS Add bead cap (K), then 12mm silverfoil bead Before continuing forward, you will need to
2m Tigertail (H) to the third ‘up’ link on the chain fill in the one or two chain links behind the
Sterling silver Catch or charm (step TWELVE).
Fob catch STEP EIGHT
9 x Crimp beads Add 6mm swarovski crystal (D) then a 8mm metal STEP FOURTEEN
bead (E)to the fourth ‘up’ link on the chain. Add bead cap (K), then 12mm lampwork
bead (B) behind the charm, then 6mm
BEADS STEP NINE Swarovski crystal (D) then a 8mm metal bead
Art Glass Feature Bead Add bead cap (K), then 12mm lampwork (E) behind the lampwork bead if necessary on
6 – 8 x 2g x seed beads bead (B) to the fifth ‘up’ link on the chain the ‘down’ chain link.
different colours, shapes &
sizes (total 16g approx) STEP TEN STEP FIFTEEN
16-20 x 6mm Swarovski Now open a jump ring and thread charm (J) Add 8mm crystal bead (A), continuing
Pearls in 2 colours onto the sixth ‘up’ link on the chain and close forward from the charm on the next ‘down’
16-20 x 4mm Swarovski jump ring. link of the chain.
Pearls in 2 colours
16-20 x 6mm various STEP ELEVEN STEP SIXTEEN
coloured Czech glass beads Repeat steps 5-10 (5 beads, 1 charm, 5 Add bead 8mm oval cloisonné (C) to the
16-20 x 4mm various beads, 1 charm, etc) until you have reached second ‘down’ link in the chain.
coloured Czech glass beads the end of chain.
1 x 8mm Czech glass Rondels STEP SEVENTEEN
DESIGNER’S NOTE Add bead cap (K), then 12mm silverfoil bead
Once you have reached the end of chain, (H) to the next ‘down’ link on the chain
TOOLS return to end of chain where you had started
Crimping pliers and you will now start adding bead to the STEP EIGHTEEN
Wire cutters adjacent ‘Down’ link of the chain. Add 10mm tumbled coral bead (M) to the
next ‘down’ link on the chain.
Add a charm (J) to the left, adjacent to the STEP NINETEEN
third bead (H) on the ‘down’ link of the chain. Add bead cap (K), then 12mm silverfoil coin
This is the starting point. bead (I) to the next ‘down’ link on the chain
10 Creative Beading
STEP TWENTY bracelet chain from the right side. Close the
Now open a jump ring and thread charm (J) jump ring.
onto the sixth ‘up’ link on the chain and close
jump ring. STEP THREE
Now open another jump ring and thread one
STEP TWENTY ONE end of chain to approx the 8th ‘up’ link on the
Repeat steps 15-20 (5 beads, 1 charm, 5 completed bracelet chain from the left side.
beads, 1 charm, etc) until you have reached Close the jump ring
the end of chain.
You have now finished the bracelet. Please DESIGNER’S NOTE
continue reading if you will be doing the You can make the front piece of chain (the
optional necklace. ‘V’) longer or shorter to suit your taste.
Open jump ring and thread one end of chain
to approx the 8th ‘up’ link on the completed
Add 8mm glass bead (L) to the next ‘down’
link on the chain
Add bead cap (K), then 12mm silverfoil bead
(H) to the next ‘down’ link on the chain
Add 8mm cloisonné oval bead (C) to the next
‘down’ link on the chain
Add 8mm crystal bead (A) to the next ‘down’
link on the chain
Add 6mm Swarovski crystal bead (D), then STEP FIFTEEN
metal bead (E), on the next ‘up’ link of the Add bead cap (K), then 12mm lampwork
chain, on both sides of the heart bead to the next ‘down’ link on the chain
12 Creative Beading
Thread a length of longer tiger tail approx
30cm through the top watch loop and
centre the watch in the middle of the
strand. Thread on 8 pink opal rondels with
spacers between them.
Thread on the 3 hole spacer, using just the
two outside holes.
KITS Thread on another 8 pink opal rondels with
Kits are available spacers between them and measure against
for $49.00 your wrist. Add more rondels and spacers if
including GST. you need to.
14 Creative Beading
P ink Opal
MATERIALS Using your semi precious stone and seed beads this
Nymo thread
looping necklace is a step up for those of you who love
stranding but feel confined by simple single strands
Approx 15g x size 9 seed
beads STEP ONE
Fresh water pearls This Necklace is done in double thread, so
Semi precious stones for an eight strand 50cm necklace thread the
A small amount of amber needle with 9m of thread (8m for necklace,
1m for finishing off both ends). Tie a reef knot
Approx 125g x mixed beads making sure that the knot is not at the end.
in various shapes and sizes,
ranging from 4mm to 8mm See diagram 1.
in all shades of green,
rondels, tubes, facetted
crystals and a small amount
of silver spacers. Diagram 2
Diagram 1
TOOLS STEP TWO Thread needle through the stopper bead,
Beading needle Button hole one seed bead as a stopper making a large loop. Flatten loop so both
bead, by threading the bead till almost at sides touch, giving the impression of having
the end, then thread through the loop at the two strands. Thread needle through the
end, then continue to thread seed beads until further most bead then pull tight. If you
work measures one metre. Randomly thread have done this properly, this will create 4
bead mix occasionally threading some more strands. Repeat again on the other 2 loops.
seed beads until complete work measures 4 You should now have eight strands. See
metres. See Diagram 2. Diagram 3.
Rating Diagram 3
16 Creative Beading
Green with
STEP FOUR the beaded toggle). Thread though the ninth
To create first half of the beaded toggle and bead from the original button hole bead
loop type clasp, thread 8 seed beads, one where you started. Thread on another 8 seed
8mm bead and then 6 seed beads. Thread beads and thread through one of the strands
back through the top of the 8mm bead and and tie off in the same manner as you did for
repeat till 8mm bead is covered. Put on 1 the other side. See Diagram 5.
seed bead and go back through to the top
of the 8mm bead to cap off the ball, you are DESIGNER’S NOTE
now heading in the opposite direction that This also looks good in multi coloured seed
you started. Put on 8 more seed beads and beads with the odd 8mm bead randomly
thread back through 1 of the strands about dotted about.
1 ½ cm. Tie a knot around the same strand.
Repeat knotting about 5 times. Cut the last of
the thread and tie another reef knot with knot
at one side. See Diagram 4.
Diagram 5
18 Creative Beading
From Bears
to Beads
20 Creative Beading
“I do like
flower beads
but I suppose
my favourites
would have
to be the
bright multi
beads and
‘evil eye’
The bright
it never looked as good as something that I arts” course several years later majoring in hot colours
did want to make. glass, which further piqued my interest.
I am in my comfort zone making bears but In late 2003, I received a brochure in
make me
because the glass can have some unforeseen the mail which advertised for bead making feel happy.”
reactions when you mix colours then I find the
spontaneity of this very fascinating.
Have you noticed any similarities between
the bear world and the beading community in
I have already met a lot of nice people in
the bead world. The bear and bead worlds
are quite similar and although I am meeting
a lot of new people in the bead world (having
known the bear-makers for years), I find that
there are a lot of parallels in their outlooks
and behaviour.
I enjoy making beads and bears and I try
to put my best efforts into whatever I do –but
I still find it amusing to see how many people
take themselves a bit too seriously. I think the
word ‘artist’ is bandied around far too much.
Creative Beading 21
22 Creative Beading
Creative Beading 23
24 Creative Beading
Selected beads for your ring STEP ONE
16 x 6mm and 8mm beads Thread each bead with a head pin, cut head
pin leaving 1cm of pin longer than the bead.
See Diagram 1.
Round nose pliers
Diagram 2
Leave the loop open to thread it on the ring
shank, then close the loop. Do this until all
Diagram 1
your beads are used. See Diagram 3.
With the 1cm head pin longer than the bead,
fold the pin in half to form a loop.
See Diagram 2.
Diagram 3
Adelaide Beads
Ph: (08) 8365 0215
26 Creative Beading
Diagram 1
28 Creative Beading
Me Red
Open a 9mm jumpring and attach a 10mm
KITS round facetted glass bead and a large glass
bead, then close the jumpring. Repeat five times.
Kits are available
for $39.95. Beads PART D
can vary from the Open a 9mm jumpring and attach beads in
original but will still the following order, a 6mm light-shade round
be perfectly suited. facetted glass bead, a metal dagger with a
Findings colours 4mm jumpring attached, a 6mm dark-shade
– Rhodium, Black, round facetted glass bead, a pinched oval Diagram 4
Gold, Silver, Bronze glass bead, a small oval facetted glass bead
and Antique. then close the jumpring. Repeat five times. side is between the 6mm dark-shade facet
Please specify See Diagram 3. and the pinched oval bead.
colour of beads
and findings when STEP FOUR
ordering. Open the 9mm jumpring of one part C
section and attach it to the part B jumpring
in the same way as you attached part A
– in the middle of the part B pattern. Hint
– The middle of this opposite side is between
the 6mm light-shade facet and the small
oval facet. Your part C jumpring should be
sitting opposite your part A jumpring, with 2
beads now falling to each side of the part B
section. Doing this ensures beads are evenly
Diagram 3
staggered along both sides of your bracelet.
While your part C jumpring is still open,
attach one part D section to it. Part C should
STEP THREE be attached to the middle of the part D bead
Once you have finished creating all the pattern. Hint – the middle of this side is
WIN separate sections, you can connect the between the 6mm dark-shade facet and the
this bracelet! bracelet together. pinched bead. Close jumpring.
Starting at the end of the bracelet, open the
For details see our 9mm jumpring of one part A section and attach STEP FIVE
Beads Glorious a chain end, ensuring you place it on the right- You have now completed one section of the
Beads Competition hand side of the beads. See Daigram 4. bracelet – parts A, B, C and D are linked
While the jumpring is still open, attach this together. Complete the bracelet by joining the
on pages 66 to the middle of one part B section, then remaining sections together according to the
and 67. close the jumpring. Hint – The middle of this same pattern.
30 Creative Beading
Open the 9mm jumpring from your next
part A section and attach it to the middle of
the part D bead pattern. Hint – the middle of
this side is between the 6mm light-shade facet
and the small oval facet. The jumpring from
part A should now sit directly opposite the
part C jumpring, with two beads from the part
D bead pattern falling on either side. Close
the jumpring. Continue bracelet pattern until Diagram 1
all parts are joined.
Bizzarr Beads
STEP SIX 550 City Road
To finish your bracelet, open your last 9mm South Melbourne Victoria 3205
jumpring and attach a clasp. You can then Ph: (03) 9645 9458
connect this jumpring to the last section of Email:
your bracelet. See Diagram 5. Website –
Creative Beading 31
2 x 4cm double drilled
rectangles STEP ONE STEP TWO
7 x top horizontal drilled String one red teardrop so it lies in the Thread one side of a double drilled
teardrops centre of the tiger tail, string one black rectangle with the tiger tail to your left,
32 x 4mm black faceted round either side. then thread the other hole with the tiger tail
rounds to your right. Place one black round
8 x 2mm red, silver lined on either side.
seed beads
12 x 3mm red, silver lined STEP THREE
seed beads Repeat step 2.
6 x 4mm red, silver lined
seed beads STEP FOUR
Alternate between 4mm
seed bead, black round,
TOOLS teardrop until you have
Round nose pliers used 3 teardrops on
Side cutters either side.
Alternate between 3mm seed bead
and black rounds until you have used 6 x
3mm seed beads on either side. Crimp
to secure.
Leave a gap of 10.5cm and crimp both
sides of the tiger tail separately.
Thread on 2 x 2mm seed beads,
1 black round, 2 x 2mm seed beads, 2
crimps and your parrot clasp. Allowing
room for your clasp to have some
movement, secure both crimps on trim
off excess.
R g
Repeat for the other side, except instead of
the clasp on this side just leave a loop for the
clasp to catch.
32 Creative Beading
2 x faceted rectangle DESIGNER’S TIP another round quartz bead and one
smoky quartz beads – If you want each earring to be exact, hammer sterling silver bead onto it. Bend pin at
15mm x 12mm
two nails into a piece of scrap wood and bend right angle. Zig zag the rest of the pin
2 x faceted smoky quartz eye pin gently around each nail. Otherwise into desired shape. (See tip)
barrel beads – 6mm
use a marker pen and ruler to get the same
4 x round faceted quartz measurements and bend with round nose pliers. STEP FOUR
beads – 6mm
ently flatten the zig zag portion of the pin
2 x sterling silver beads STEP ONE using a hammer on a hard surface. Using
– 2.5mm
Place faceted rectangle bead onto the eye two hammers is ideal (like an anvil). Note:
pin. Bend the pin at a right angle to bead Four or five taps should achieve the desired
and trim to approximately 1cm above effect. Over flattening will curl and mark the
TOOLS bead. Using round nose pliers make an surface of the pin.
Hammer x 2 eye loop.
STEP TWO Repeat the above steps to make the 2nd
Open the loop on ear hook, and place earring.
34 Creative Beading
L ightning
MATERIALS A P’perfect belt for jeans and dressy casual look that
8 x 2.5m of 1mm p’leather
cord total of 20m you can braid up in an afternoon
1.5m x chain
12-14 x head pins
12-14 x filigree balls The finished length of this belt is 1m – 1.1m STEP THREE
(not including tassel lengths of 40cm) it can Set aside 28 beads for tassel ends. Turn and
2 x O rings large be worn on the hips or waist as desired. stick or pin short end of your work. Working
on the long section; on 4 of the strands place
DESIGNER’S NOTES a bead and knot randomly so that there is a
BEADS You will learn to braid four strands into a bead approx every 2-5cm on at least 1 of the
4 x 30 beads from Indian round rope in this project. Practice with plain strands at any given spot on the braid when it
bead mix (total 120) string how to braid the four strands prior to is grouped together. Hint – The aim here is to
1.5–2mm length
starting and you will master your project a lot have beads spread along the strands as you
1 x 30mm Foil bead easier. You will also find it easier if you have braid without having to thread them on as you
24-28 x size 6 seed beads a foam board you can pin your work to as work. Use all the beads but make sure you
you braid. Alternately sticky tape your project leave the last 45-50cm without beads. See
approx 100-125mm from the edge of a table Diagram 2.
and work over the edge. Knot Bead
Tassel end
Lay out all the 8 strands of p’leather, tie one
large over handed knot with the 8 strands of 2.1m
p’leather 40 cm from one of the ends.
Diagram 2
3-3.5cm Knot
Diagram 1 Four Strand Braid
36 Creative Beading
P erfectly
When you have reached the desired Place large O ring next to the knot on
length, or approx 45 cm from the end inside edge of the button hole and attach
of the p’leather tie all the strands into an the chain. Wrap the chain around the
overhanded knot. Take 2 strands of p’leather braided section of belt wrapping it into
and string on the large foil bead, with the and between the beads. At the end of the
remaining 6 strands divide them into 2 braiding section place the O ring next to
groups of 3 strands. See Diagram 3. the knot and attach the wrapped end of
chain. Trim off any excess.
Thread 1 filigree ball and 2 size 6 seed
beads on to the head pin, (12-14 times)
now laying out your belt and place at
approx the same spacing your pin heads
Diagram 3
on the chain and wrap loosely so they
move freely.
38 Creative Beading
Creative Beading 39
40 Creative Beading
this Bracelet and
For details see our
Beads Glorious
Beads Competition
on pages 66
and 67.
42 Creative Beading
Continue weaving thread through beads until Glass Bead onto the needle and thread the
the ball starts to feel firm. End weaving next to needle from the bottom to the top of bead
the 10cm tail that was left, tie a double knot. marked B. This will create the 4 sides of you
Put a spot of glue on the knot and when it is ball. Always remember to keep your threads
dry, trim ends. Repeat Steps 1 to 4 to create firm as you are working. Continue weaving
the other 5 beaded beads – So that in all thread through beads until the ball starts to
there are 2 of each colour. feel firm. End weaving next to the 10cm tail
that was left, tie a double knot. Put a spot
STEP FIVE of glue on the knot and when it is dry, trim
CONSTRUCTION ends. Repeat Steps 1 to 4 to create the other
Onto the length of Tiger Tail, thread a crimp. 2 beaded beads, so that there are three
Form a secure loop by threading the Tiger Tail altogether
back through the crimp and crimping it. Refer
to Diagram 4 for threading order and create STEP 5
another loop at the other end with another CONSTRUCTION
crimp, when all beads are threaded on. Attach Onto the length of Tiger Tail, thread a crimp,
2 x Jump Rings and Toggle to one end and then the 20mm Sphere. Take the short end of
other 2 Jump Ring and the other half of the the TT back through the crimp to form a loop BEADED BEAD
toggle to the other. For extra length add more and close the crimp. Refer to Diagram 4 for SUNCATCHER
Jump Rings threading order. When this is complete thread MATERIALS
a crimp – 6mm Bicone Crystal AB and another 30cm Tiger Tail
BEADED BEAD SUNCATCHER crimp. To form the hanging loop, thread the 2 x Silver crimps
STEP ONE TT back through all three and close the crimp.
2m of beading thread –
BEADED BEADS Trim excess. a neutral colour to match
Thread a beading needle with 1m of beading
thread. Put needle in middle so that you are WRAPPED LOOPS
stitching with two threads. This will make Grey dots indicate position of round nose pliers.
the ball stronger. Thread 4 x 4mm Czech 12 x 4mm Czech Fire Glass
– Rose AB
Fire Glass beads on and leave a 10cm tail.
Continuing in the same direction, take the 12 x 4mm Czech Fire Glass
needle through all 4 beads again. Tie the – Peridot AB
tail and working thread in a double knot. 12 x 4mm Czech Fire Glass
Diagram 1 Step 2 – Lt. Amethyst AB
– Make a 3 x 6mm Swarovski Bicone
STEP TWO P shape – Crystal AB
Step 1 – Make
Thread on another 3 x 4mm Czech Fire Glass an L shape 2 x Swarovski 6mm Bicone
Beads, and continuing in the same direction, each of Chrysolite, Lilac/
Violet, Lt. Peach
thread the needle through the top bead of the
first four and through the first 2 beads of the 4 x 8mm Swarovski Pearl
second 3 just added. Diagram 2 – Mauve
1 x 20mm Sphere
STEP THREE Step 4 – Wrap
Repeat Step 2 one more time, with another 3 x remaining wire
4mm Czech Fire Glass Beads. Diagram 3 Step 3 – Make around the shaft to TOOLS
an O shape the bead. Trim. Flat Nose Pliers
STEP FOUR Wire Cutters
1 x 4mm Czech Fire Glass Bead, and thread Crystal Park Beading Needle or Big Eye
the needle down from the top to the bottom Ph: Cath on (07) 3800 3825 Needle
of bead A. Thread another 4mm Czech Fire PVA or Beading Glue
Creative Beading 43
For embellishments, beautiful Czech flowers glass
beads with a hole in the centre, these are 16mm
and come in mixed colours of 10.
44 Creative Beading
Large heart feature
pieces – nickel free &
large glass foil hearts
with stripes
Venetian Imports
Bead World
Ph: (07) 5519 9999
Fax: (07) 5519 9444
46 Creative Beading
Creative Beading 47
48 Creative Beading
STEP THREE cut the ends so they are all even and feed
Using alternate feature beads, thread the a charlotte crimp over the end of the three
other two strands in the same way. wires, then crimp all three wires together with
one crimp.
STEP FOUR Slide the charlotte crimp up over the
Once all threading is complete, lay the crimped wire ends and fold the cup so it
design out flat on your bead mat and arrange captures the crimped ends. Do this for
your bead sequences into their final position. both ends.
Once all crimping is complete, hold the three
strands up together and move the strands
around until they are sitting the way you want.
Then, holding the three strands together
52 Creative Beading
loop. Wrap the remaining wire around the
loop being careful to secure the shorter
end of the wire by wrapping it once
around the base of the loop.
Cut a 3cm length of wire and make a 90
degree bend for a wrapped loop 20mm from
one end. Attach the last link of the 4cm piece
of chain to the loop, wrap and trim the wire.
Slip on a bronze FWP and trim the remaining
wire to within 3mm of the pearl. Bend the wire
over itself with the flat nosed pliers and crimp.
Repeat with the remaining 15 bronze FWPs,
spacing them evenly along the length of the
With the clasp closed, place the necklace on
chain. Repeat with 5 smoky quartz discs and
4 cream FWPs, filling in any gaps to create
this bracelet! a flat surface. Find the centre of the chain an even shape.
For details see our and thread the chain through the link. Pull
Beads Glorious the clasp end of the chain through the loop Designers in Residence Website
formed with the chain and pull tight. This is
Beads Competition called a Ring Hitch knot.
on pages 66
and 67. STEP SEVEN
Create a loop with another 5cm length of wire
and slip on the link, wrapping the excess around
the loop. Instead of threading a pearl, leave the
wire bare. Bend the wire 2mm from the end of
the wrapped wire. Create another wrapped loop,
threading on the 4cm piece of chain.
Make your own link by wrapping an 8cm
piece of wire around a utensil handle
or ring mandrel. Holding the wire firmly,
make a 90 degree bend in both ends of
the wire where they meet. Clip 1 end,
leaving a 2mm tail. 2mm from the bend
on the longer end of the wire, make
another 90 degree bend and create a
54 Creative Beading
CRYSTAL IS FAMOUS FOR its hypnotising process quicker and more accurate than any
beauty and has been sculpted, polished and manual practise before.
designed into jewellery and fine art for many In 1895 Daniel travelled to the Austrian
years. Swarovski, synonymous with quality and town of Tyrol and, alongside his brother-in-law
style, have been the leaders and innovators of Franz Weis and Armand Kosmannstill, founded
cut crystal for over 100 years. the family business.
Daniel Swarovski was born in 1862 in Nadia caught up with Bernadette Larcher,
Jablonec, Bohemia, a town north of Prague Head of International PR Swarovski, to chat
in today’s Czech Republic. Considering
Jabolnec’s long history of cutting and
polishing stone for the jewellery industry, and
Daniel’s father owning and running a small
crystal cutting factory, it’s not surprising that
as a young boy, Daniel dreamt of cutting and
Above: Bernadette
Larcher, Head of creating beautiful pieces from crystal.
International PR. He loved to watch his father work and was so
inspired that he later completed an apprenticeship
Right: Create your Style alongside him and other crystal cutters.
with Swarovski pieces After visiting many shows and being dazzled
from the US Design by the crystals cutters, Daniel soon dreamt
Contest 2005 Cultural
of creating a way to revolutionise the crystal
Fusion. Design by
Katherine Song, Toronto. cutting world forever. So he set out to cut
crystal to precise perfection in a way never
done before.
Courtesy of D. Swarovski & Co
56 Creative Beading
“We understand crystal as a creative material
in its own right and as a phenomenon
beyond just that material,” Ms Larcher states.
“Our historical legitimacy lies in cut crystal
58 Creative Beading
Creative Beading 59
60 Creative Beading
Art Glass
Cut the Tiger tail into 4x 50cm lengths. Now thread the 4 strands through the Art
Glass Bead; this will cover the crimp bead.
Put 1 x crimp bead and 1 x seed bead and STEP SEVEN
then another crimp bead on the end of 2 of the Thread the 8mm rondelle through the 4
Tigertail lengths. Thread through one end of the strands and hold firm.
catch or Fob and then back through the crimp
and seed beads. Flatten the crimps to secure the STEP EIGHT
wire. Repeat this for the other side of the catch. Take one strand and add a 4mm or
6mm bead and then some seed beads.
STEP THREE You can continue the pattern in the
Begin to thread the beads onto one side of the main part of the necklace here or
tiger tail starting with a 4mm Swarovski pearl or change the pattern slightly and have
4mm Czech glass bead. Now thread on 6-8 of the larger beads at the bottom of the
NECKLACE the seed beads and then a Swarovski pearl or tassel section.
MATERIALS Czech glass bead. Continue alternating seed
2m Tigertail and 4 and 6mm beads until you have completed DESIGNER’S TIP
Sterling silver Catch or approx 20-30cm (or desired length) from the Another alternative is to put a drop bead
Fob catch Clasp. Carefully set this strand to one side and on the bottom of the tassel. If using this
9 x Crimp beads take up the next strand on that side. Thread the alternative you will need to put the crimp
beads as with the first strand but you will need to bead on before the drop bead and then
stagger them slightly so that the 6mm and 4mm thread the tiger tail back through the drop
BEADS beads are not on the same level in the 2 strands. bead and some of the other beads and
Art Glass Feature Bead You can do this by starting with less or more seed then flatten the crimp bead and trim any
6 – 8 x 2g x seed beads beads at the beginning of the pattern. Repeat this excess tiger tail.
different colours, shapes & pattern for the other 2 strands.
sizes (total 16g approx) STEP NINE
16-20 x 6mm Swarovski STEP FOUR When you have the tassel the desired length
Pearls in 2 colours Take the 2 strands on the left and gently twist put a crimp bead on the bottom. Check
16-20 x 4mm Swarovski them around each other, repeat this with the the tension again and crimp the bead. Trim
Pearls in 2 colours other 2 strands and then bring all 4 strands the excess Tigertail. Repeat with the other 3
16-20 x 6mm various together. Carefully thread them all through a strands and your necklace is complete.
coloured Czech glass beads crimp bead, while maintaining the slight twist.
16-20 x 4mm various DESIGNER’S TIP
coloured Czech glass beads STEP FIVE For variation to the necklace you can use
1 x 8mm Czech glass Rondels Once you have these strands sitting where you Swarovski crystals and freshwater pearls
would like them, flatten the crimp bead.
62 Creative Beading
MATERIALS This lamp work watch band has been designed by Bead Needs
100cm Stretch Floss/Cord
1 x Watch Face
Assorted Lampwork Beads
(approx 52 beads, 8-10mm) DESIGNER’S NOTE
As watches are worn so regularly it can be
a good idea to use two strands of cord for
TOOLS added strength.
1 x Needle Cut three lengths of stretch cord twice the
size of your wrist, allowing extra to work with Diagram 1
(usually 5-10cm).
STEP TWO On the long end of the cord, thread enough
Thread your first cord through the top of the beads to go around your wrist once (approx
watch. Situate the face about one quarter the 13 beads) before going through the base of
way along the stretch cord. the watch face.
Diagram 2
Place approx 6-7 beads on either side of
the two empty strands. Holding the ends
together, check the fit of the band making
sure both sides are even.
Tie with a half knot and trim your ends within
5-10mm. (Making the knot around the nose
of a pair of round nose pliers will make it
easy to slide the knot down close to beads).
Glue the knot and slip into a bead to hide it.
Rating STEP 6
1. For a chunkier look, more strands can be
added by repeating steps 1 to 5
64 Creative Beading
Watch Band
Holding onto both tigertails, hold the bracelet
up to ensure that all the beads settle nicely in
place and to ensure there are no undesirable
gaps between the beads. Add the crimp
and crimp with the flat-nose pliers inside
the charlotte crimp. With the pliers gently
fold over the charlotte crimp to cover the
crimp. Put the jump-ring or split ring into the
charlotte crimp hook and gently bend over.
Voila a natural beauty!!!
Rating Beadazzled
Shop 1 / 4 Rowling St
Casuarina NT 0811
Ph: (08) 8928 0989
66 Creative Beading
Diagram 3
Join the remaining two nuggets to the first
Diagram 1
using the previous wire wrapping techniques.
68 Creative Beading
ring, reverse that action – never pull the ring forefinger and push them slightly forward.
WIN apart in opposite directions as it will distort
the shape.
The middle set of rings will now be at the end
of the chain. See Diagram 6.
this bracelet !
For details see our
Beads Glorious
Beads Competition
on pages 58
and 59.
Diagram 4 Diagram 6
Connect two jump rings to the loop at the Push these apart slightly to access the
end of the third nugget and then add two black rings and connect two new rings,
more pairs of rings to form a 2 in 2 chain. one at a time through the black pair.
See Diagram 5. In the diagrams, the last set See Diagram 7. This will lock the design
of rings is shown in black for clarity. in place.
Diagram 5 Diagram 7
70 Creative Beading
Finally thread a jump ring on to each
charlotte crimp loop and attach the hook end
of your clasp to one jump ring and the clasp
tag to the other jump ring. Close the jump
rings with your pliers.
Basics and
‘all that o er stuff ’
you need to kno … eventually
by Annlee Butler
I AM ALWAYS AMAZED at how many talented beaders As a general rule, if it’s ‘cheaper’ it is because the
and wire workers we have in Australia. Again this year our quality is not as good or as consistent as a comparable
Inspiration Beading book is filled with projects to fuel your more ‘expensive’ item. If your project does not require
creativity. The diagrams and techniques described here will uniform beads or you do not use wire tools very often,
provide you with a general guide to complete the projects try to get the best you can in quality for the price you are
in this book and have been developed by trial and error willing to pay.
over many years of beading and teaching. Sometimes it is
the smallest things that can make your beading time more TOOLS
enjoyable – like being able to thread a beading needle first The most important thing … make sure your tools are
go, or rolling neat loops, or being confident that your knots comfortable to hold. I like my tool handles to come past
will not come undone. Even if you are an experienced beader the end of my thumb muscle. I once turned 700 eye pins
I hope that this information is helpful to you. in one day and used a shorter handled pair of tools. The
Price verses Quality: Remember, the same is true bruise in the palm of my hand was a spectacular blue and
in beading as in all aspects of product purchasing. black for a week.
74 Creative Beading
Beads in a gram
How many per HOW MANY BEADS?
Types of bead gram approx How many is enough? Stupid question … never enough.
15 seed 290 I once made a lamp shade fringe with size 11 seed beads,
The metallic style and not really knowing how many beads I needed to make
Cylinder seed 190 to 220 * are heavier so it, I purchased two kilograms of the main colour and 500
there will be fewer grams of the other colours combined. Now, how many
11 seed 110 should I have bought?
8 seed 38
6 seed 15 There were 525 drops of 15cm each, so using the chart
How many beads strung per linear measure below I could have calculated this way:
1cm = 7 beads. 15cm x 7 beads = 105 beads per drop.
Type of bead How many per cm For you inch
people 105 beads x 525 drops = 55,125 beads.
15 seed 9 24 55,125 beads divided by 110 beads per gram = 501.1
grams. Just a little less than the 2.5 kilograms I bought.
Cylinder seed 7 20
11 seed 7 18
To get a square area, multiply width by height. So, if I had a
8 seed 5 13 loom amulet bag that was 5 x 6 cm for one side, I would go:
6 seed 4 10 5 x 6 cm = 30cm
How many beads per square area 30 cm x 2 sides = 60
Type of bead Per square cm Per square inch
15 seed 54 330 Using cylinder beads:
Cylinder seed 42 285 60 x 42 = 2520 beads divided by 200 average
12.6 grams needed – so I would most likely purchase 15 grams.
11 seed 35 216
8 seed 20 108
By the way, I am still using up the rest of the leftover two
6 seed 12 70 kilograms of beads I bought for the lamp.
Creative Beading 75
1. 2.
Position crimp and wire in pliers cup shaped hole. This is Pick up 1 bead and thread back through 2nd bead
usually closest to handle. Squash crimp. Move squashed from needle in opposite direction this is the 3rd row.
crimp to circle shaped hole at front of pliers, with cup Pick up 1 beads and skipping 1 bead go through
facing sideways like a back to front “C” gently compress 1. 2. next bead. Pick up 1 bead, skip next bead and go
to form a ball. Test to ensure crimp is secure. through last bead.
76 Creative Beading
Creative Beading 77
Creative Beading 79
Beads are three-dimensional objects and are often described in a
combination of two and sometimes three dimensions ie; flat round;
long thin tube.
80 Creative Beading
In addition, a feature of the bead is often used to describe its
characteristics ie; hexagonal tube, twisted oval; faceted bicone,
carved barrel.
Creative Beading 81
Simon Mullen
Next Issue
Loiuse Almaney
82 Creative Beading CB1_4