Liturgical Spirituality

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"Let Us Pray" 6.

2 Symbols affect the whole person

6.3 Symbols and words
An Introduction to Liturgical Spirituality 6.4 Symbols and celebrations
7.1 Official Rites: the Eucharist and the Prayer of the Church
Fergus Garrett fms 7.2 Two thousand years of tradition
Nairobi 1996 7.3 A variety of rites
7.4 The Roman or Western rite
7.5 Unity and Communion: the Body of Christ
INTRODUCTION 8.1 Eucharist as prayer
1 ATTITUDES OF PRAYER 8.2 Word and symbol in the Eucharist
1.1 What is prayer? 8.3 The heart of the Eucharist: "This is my body"
1.2 Who is God? 8.4 Roles and ministries
1.3 Who am I? 8.5 Music and Participation
1.4 How do I feel in front of God? 8.6 Furniture and Space
2.1 Prayer in the Old Testament: God's Gift and Promise 9.1 Liturgy is not spontaneous: planning and rehearsal
2.2 The Prayer of Jesus 9.2 What are we celebrating today?
2.3 Prayer in the New Testament 9.3 Participation and Evaluation
2.4 Christian faith: knowing God's Plan, His Love 10 LITURGY FOR YOUNG PERSONS
2.5 Christian prayer 10.1 Who is participating?
2.6 Devotion to Mary and Christian prayer 10.2 The Directory for Masses with Children
3 WORSHIP AS COMMUNITY PRAYER 10.3 Key role of the celebrant
3.1 A community has a common tradition 10.4 Time and place, words and symbols
3.2 A community has a common vision 11 LITURGICAL SPIRITUALITY
3.3 A community is united through prayer and worship 11.1 Small Christian Communities and liturgy
3.4 Worship as an attitude of prayer 11.2 Religious communities and liturgy
4 WORSHIP AS CELEBRATION 11.3 Living in Baptism and Eucharist
4.1 Elements of a celebration 11.4 Heavenly liturgy
4.2 Meals and celebrations 12 CELEBRATING OTHER SACRAMENTS
4.3 Celebrating the present moment: Life Now 12.1 Baptism and Confirmation
4.4 Remembering gifts received 12.2 Reconciliation: Sin and Sins
4.5 A community with a future: the Kingdom 12.4 Marriage as Worship
4.6 Community Celebration is ritual 12.5 Ordination
5 WORSHIP AND THE WHOLE PERSON 12.6 Anointing the Sick: God heals the whole person.
5.1 Worship and words
5.2 Worship and the body
5.3 Worship and interpersonal relationships
5.4 The whole person is involved
6.1 Symbols are created by the community
Let us Pray 2


"Liturgical Spirituality" is an aspect of Christian spirituality which
emphasizes the communion of persons expressing their faith in God's 1.1 What is prayer?
gifts and promises. Thus it has its roots in the Biblical tradition, the
"Listen to us God, Great Elder;
Jewish and Christian traditions. Another book could treat of the more
Listen to us God of ancient times.
individual aspect, "Prayer and Contemplation", to which we are also
Listen to us God, you have ears.
Look at us God, you have eyes.
Receive us God, you have hands." (Prayer of the Galla of Kenya)
This small booklet aims primarily at helping young people aspiring to
religious life (and their formators). It is an attempt to present the
For many traditional peoples, prayer was never addressed directly to
liturgical aspect of our Christian and Catholic spirituality in a simple
God, but for some, there was, and still is, a cult of God as Father,
way. It may also encourage participation and planning by young people
Lifegiver, Origin of all things. God is praised, His help is invoked,
both in community and in their apostolic work.
apologies are expressed, forgiveness is asked.
Whenever we ask, "What is prayer?" the answer always concerns God:
Understanding of liturgy flows from our understanding of the Church,
"raising the mind and heart to God," "conversation with God,"
and our understanding of Church grows and flows from the way the
"communicating with God", "listening to God", ...
liturgy is planned and carried out: the general arrangements and the
I prefer the phrase "paying attention to God" because it includes my idea
behaviour of the celebrant. Experiencing good liturgy is more important
of God (my faith), my idea of myself, and my attitude to all that God
than liturgical knowledge or understanding.
has done or made, especially other persons.
In paying attention, I am most truly myself. This because I pay
The emphasis is on the western or Roman tradition. The main resources
attention with my whole self: body, mind and spirit. In paying attention
used are the official documents of the Church, beginning with the
to God I am more fully aware of who He is and who I am.
Constitution on the Liturgy of Vatican Council II, the General
My attentiveness should lead to intelligent reflection on God, his
Instruction on the Roman Missal, the General Instruction on the Divine
attributes and his work. This in turn will lead me to seeing more clearly
Office (or Prayer of the Church), and the Directory for Masses with
what is right and good, what is my personal history and my own
personal call. I can then act more responsibly, more lovingly. A prayer
from Kenya says:
In Liturgy
"O Great Elder, ruler of all things earthly and heavenly,
we celebrate the work
We are your warriors, ready to act in accordance with your will".
of the God of Life
If I pay attention to the things of nature, what we call "creation", I see
who calls us all
much that is very beautiful, very awe-inspiring. I remember the origin
into Life Together;
of these things, the great and powerful Creator of All. "God" is not an
idea I can have in my mind. The only way to "touch" the reality we call
for the God of Life has sent Jesus
"God" is through our spiritual life, our life of prayer.
to challenge us,
When I pay attention to my life as a person and as a member of a family
to empower us and to show us how
or community, I am also getting in touch with God, the Giver of all
to live together in unity.
Life. Spirituality is not an action, not something to be done. It is an
attitude, a way of looking at life. Through my attitude of prayer I am
able to see the meaning of life: in a meeting with another person, in an
Let us Pray 3
event of my lie, or in an event in history. In order to develop this What is God like? As some people in Zaire say, "Nzambi? Nzambi is
attitude, I need to sit still and allow God into my life. That is how I can Nzambi". And the Pygmies of Zaire say this of God:
"see" God, and "touch" Him. That is my contact with God, my prayer, "In the beginning was Kmvoun, Today is Kmvoun, Tomorrow will be
the time when I "pay attention" to God. When I contact Him I need to Kmvoun. Who can make an image of Kmvoun? He has no body. He is
contemplate Him, I need to praise Him. as a word which comes out of your mouth. That word! It is no more. It
To pray is to pay attention to GOD, not to my own needs or my own is past and it still lives! So is Kmvoun."
plans. To pray is to focus on God and His plans, whether for me or for God is still close. A mother's song from Rwanda is like a prayer, asking
the world. In paying attention I am led to see the truth about myself and God to nurture her baby:
about God. I see the greatness of His love for me and for my family, in "Hush, child of my mother, if only I could meet God who gave you to
spite of our unfaithfulness and failings. me, I would fall on my knees and pray to him ... for little babies on my
back ...God who gave you to me, may he also bring you up for me".
1.2 Who is God? Traditional ideas of God are true but incomplete. One great saint said
The creation myths of Africa and other cultures often tell how God, after that we are always breaking our images of God, because they are never
living totally involved with man, separated himself from us, because of good enough, never complete.
an act of foolishness or disobedience. Who can know God as he is? God allows us to see a little of himself in
The story which follows is from Cameroon. At the time the sky was his creation, in all of history, and especially in the human person, in our
close to the Earth, Bumbulyun (God) lived with men. He was so close "innermost being". It is God who gives meaning to everything that is
that men could move about only with their backs bent. On the other real, in life and in history, and in creation's story. The meaning of life
hand, they didn't have to worry about food, they had only to reach out comes through signs. It is my body which shows me what is real,
and tear shreds from the sky and eat them. But one day a girl, the especially the reality we call God. The "inside" of things, the real
chief's daughter, who was a "mukuwan" (a wicked girl, who did the meaning is always communicated through the "outside". God always
opposite of every one else), instead of taking pieces of the celestial arch speaks in a human way, through human signs.
for her food, began to look at the earth and to pick up the seeds that she People of every time and place have been able to discover "God" in his
found there. She made a mortar and a pestle to crush the seeds that she creation, in what we call "cosmic signs", in the silence and solitude of
had picked from the ground. bush or mountain, in the majesty of a river or a tree, in the wonderful
Kneeling on the ground, every time she raised her pestle, it would hit light of the sun or moon or stars. For example, some Hindu "holy men"
the sky and God too. Busy with her work, the girl said to the sky: have retired to caves high in the mountains, to sit alone and contemplate
"God, can't you move back a little?" The sky moved a little and the girl the greatness of God.
could stand up. She continued and as she ground her seeds, she raised There are signs in history. God has been at work from the beginning,
her pestle a little higher. She implored the Sky a second time: the Sky leading all people, including our own ancestors, to himself. Some have
moved again a little. Then she began to throw her pestle into the air. At found him more clearly than others. We can study the work of God
the third entreaty, the Sky, indignant, went so far, that it reached the very clearly in the history of the people of Israel, in their being set free
place where it is now. from slavery (the Exodus), and in their solemn contract with God (the
From that time men walked and stood upright. They no longer fed on Covenant of Sinai).
shreds of Sky, they became eaters of millet. Furthermore, God no However it is in Jesus himself that we find the clearest and greatest
longer shows himself to men as previously when, every evening, he had communication of God's love and power, his glory. The God of the
come to settle their discussions. Now men are alone with their New Testament is a three-in-one God, a Trinity. God is Father, Son,
arguments. and Spirit.
God is Father for me because he calls me into life, and calls me to grow
into the fullness of life in His Son, through the power of the living
Let us Pray 4
Spirit. God has made His Son the source of life and the sign of His 1.3 Who am I?
great love for me. God's Spirit lives in me so that I can use His power, Many westerners are now returning to the more traditional idea of a
show His love, and build up His Kingdom. person as a being in relationship to others. To be is to be in relation.
For example, a new baby is a perfect example of God's call to new life. For example, an African proverb says, "I am because we are, and we are
Parents who have the child baptized commit themselves to pass on the because I am". Every human language has words for "I", "we", "you",
fullness of life, the life of faith. And it is the Spirit of love which then "they" (some languages also distinguish "he" and "she"), as well as for
binds the family together. "person", "mother", "father"...
God is the source, the origin of all things, the Father of all mankind. The characteristics of a human person are: the ability to be attentive to
God is in relationship. Just as human beings exist only in relationship - experience, the ability to be intelligent in seeing relationships between
in openness and availability, in sharing, in giving themselves to each different experiences, the ability to be reasonable in deciding what is
other as a kind of sacrifice. truly good in my experience, the ability to be responsible in choosing
The community of believers is itself a sign of the divine relationships. my responses to experience, the ability to be loving in carrying out my
If there is faith, unity, sharing, equality, and service, then we can believe decisions.
and show others that God is with us and in us. I am made in the image of God, male or female. It is because I am in
The Second Vatican Council spoke of the "signs of the times", and told the image of God that I can know and love others, that I can know and
us to look for God's message in the joys and hopes, the sufferings and love God, that I can make intelligent use of God's creation.
desires of men and women around the world. We search nowadays for I am a person. In the Bible "I" can be translated by a variety of words,
dignity, equality, and sharing. The Church helps every person to such as "soul", "flesh", "heart", "bone", "womb", or "loins". But "I" am
discover for her/himself that he/she is a child of God. There are signs not a collection of parts. The ancient Greek philosophers liked to divide
within human nature itself. We all long for life, for sharing, for the person into body and soul. For them the body had one life and the
freedom, for responsibility, for love. These desires are God's way of soul another. But this is not the way the Bible speaks of a human
calling us to himself, for he is the source of all good things, and Jesus person.
said, "I am the way, the truth, the life" (John 14:6). In the Bible a person has no "parts". When we read of "soul" in the
God has no image except us men and women and His perfect image is Bible, we must think of a person. The soul is alive, the person is alive,
Jesus. The Good News is that this Jesus is the creator and Lord of all but only because God breathed a spirit, his own life, into the person.
things. He is the center and goal of the world's progress throughout its Paul speaks of a "spiritual man", meaning a person who is open to God
history. He has been leading all people through their leaders, the holy and allows God's Spirit to be active in her/him. It is the Spirit which
people, the wise people of all places and times. gives eternal life. Jesus "handed over the Spirit" (John 19:30, Luke
For example, some people can see aspects of God's goodness in such 23:46) when he died on the cross, and that is how we die, by
people as Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul II, or the saints of the past, the surrendering our lives into God's hands.
Mahatma Gandhi, St Francis of Assisi ... The Hebrew ideas about death, as found in the Old Testament, show a
He is at work now within the Christian community and also outside it. development towards what we find in the New Testament revelation. In
He is the answer to the hopes, desires, and longings of every person. some Jewish scriptures, we learn that the "soul" of a person "dies", even
When I try to pay attention to God, I learn more of the truth about God. though it continues to exist in "Sheol" or "Hades". After death, the
But God is not an idea that I can fit in my head, God is too wonderful body decays and a person can no longer communicate or express
for that. When I say "God", I don't really know what I am talking her/himself. The person has become like the shadow of a tree without
about! the tree. The Maasai used to leave a dead body to be eaten by hyenas
God is speaking - but, are we listening? because they do not believe in life after death.
Let us Pray 5
What Jesus has revealed to us is that the spirit which gave life to the Relationships
soul will also give life to the body. The person will once again be able If a child does not learn to love, or if there are some wounds from non-
to express her/himself through a new spiritual body. We cannot loving adults, then there will be fears, resentments, and frustrations in
understand what this new body will be like, but we can get some idea later life. The person will be unable to cooperate with others, or to form
from the stories of the appearances of Jesus after his resurrection. real friendships. The person will remain more or less selfish.
The soul does not live "in the body". The body is also the whole The mentally healthy adult makes her/his own life through relationships
person. Though my body will get sick and die, "I" will never die. . In with others in order to continue the search for happiness which began at
some way I am my body because my body is the only means I have of the mother's breast. Happiness is the reward of our efforts to make
communicating my Self to other persons. In one passage of the Bible others happy, and unhappiness is the result of being stuck in one's
(Numbers 6:6), a corpse is called a "dead soul", a dead person. When selfishness. As a selfish person I will be alone, afraid, suspicious. Jesus
Jesus says, "This is my body", he is not talking about a part of himself, standard of love is unconditional: "Love as I have loved you".
but about his whole Self which he is giving to us. We know about love in marriage, in family, and in friendship, but Jesus
The word "flesh" emphasizes the facts of sin and death, for it is the flesh added another kind of love: "Love your enemies". He himself gave the
which can be conquered by sin and death. As it is expressed in the example, and made no "if" or "but" in his loving. Apostolic love is
Zairean Rite of the Mass, "like an insect sticking to the skin and sucking another special kind of love. It means deciding to follow Jesus in his
human blood, evil has invaded us, and our life is diminished". redeeming work, as a witness and as an active worker, being available to
The "heart" of a person is her/his "inside" - memories, ideas, plans and help others. In its extreme form apostolic love requires living the
decisions. It is in the heart that a person is conscious and free. It is in celibate life, in order to be able to share the love of Jesus with totally
the heart that God meets a human person, in the person of the Holy availability.
Spirit. The heart is what some call the "depths of our being". Body-Person
The human person is above all a mystery. I feel my limitations, I want I know that I am a human being, a body-mind-spirit person. I come
to be free, to live life to the full, to be loved and respected, to live in before God as a complete person, not leaving my body, or living only in
peace and harmony. I also want to know the meaning of my life, my mind. I am especially a spirit-person when I come before God.
especially suffering, evil and death. I seem to be tied down by I can pay attention with my body, with my mind, and most of all with
weaknesses of body and mind. my spirit. We use the term "heart-to-heart" when we want to describe
I am my history an intimate conversation.
During our human development there are various new beginnings to be I am a human person with a history and a culture. I have a family
made. Our cultures recognize many stages in development, such as the background, relatives, community. I have a history of nurturing, of
ability to turn over, to crawl, to stand, to walk, to talk ... A new-born formation and deformation. Therefore I have my strengths and my
baby is totally self-centered, but in its mothers smile it recognizes that wounds, my good deeds and my sins. When I come before God I leave
happiness comes from giving. A child slowly learns that it feels good to none of these behind.
make others happy. Then as a child's social contacts increase it begins
to see cooperation and authority as further means to happiness. Later 1.4 How do I feel in front of God?
new tasks arise in the search for a female or male identity, a sex-role. 'A How do I feel about myself in general? Am I at peace? Do I have
child imitates father or mother and then, as an adolescent, learns that sex confidence in myself? Am I afraid of anything? Am I angry about
has a purpose, that the sexes are made for each other. As maturity anything?
approaches, other choices and decisions have to be made, there are life Some of us are afraid of spirits, ancestral or local. We are also afraid of
goals to be set. These stages are well marked in traditional societies, being condemned, rejected, ridiculed, shown up in all our true, weak
and when people move to the city, they easily lose their significance. selves. And because we are afraid, we are unable to participate fully in
Then it is more difficult to become a person.
Let us Pray 6
ordinary human relationships. We resent others and tend to be 2 BIBLICAL AND CHRISTIAN PRAYER
aggressive, either actively or passively we keep others at a distance. But
all the time we are looking for love. We really want to give and receive 2.1 Prayer in the Old Testament: God's Gift and Promise
love, but we are unable, so we become frustrated and angry or anxious,
and we try to find comfort and consolation in things rather than people. The Hebrews in the Old Testament had the same reasons for prayer as
Those who know Jesus and believe in his love can easily be healed of our ancestors to acknowledge the greatness of the Creator, the Source of
their fears. God's revelation tells us the true meaning of life. When we Life, to praise and thank him, to beg for forgiveness and for favors.
know what life is all about, our values and attitudes can change, we can Read some of the following to see how the Hebrews prayed: Genesis
be converted. Mental health or wholeness is not the same as being 20:7 (Abraham), Genesis 25:1 (Isaac), 1 Samuel 2:1-10, (Hannah), 2
saved, but by accepting salvation we get the means to become a healthy Samuel 7:18-29 (David), Daniel 9:4-19, Luke 1:68-79 (Zachary).
person. A person's posture at prayer varied a lot. Prayer is a bodily activity.
In God's presence Sometimes they sat down to pray: 2 Samuel 7:27. Sometimes they went
If I know who God is and who I am, then I can be very honest in down on their knees or lay face-down as a sign of humility and
confessing the truth about myself and the truth about God. submission to God: Daniel 6:10, Ezra 10:1, Judith 4:12. For a prayer of
I can express myself either as a sinner (a "fleshy" person according to St blessing, the priest stood: 2 Chronicles 30:27. Sometimes they
Paul) or as a new person in Christ (a "spiritual" person), OR as a stretched out their hands: 2 Maccabees 15:12. Sometimes they changed
resurrected person, when I share in the glory of the risen Christ. Paul their clothing or put ashes on their heads as a sign of their troubled state:
explains how the risen Christ continues to express himself in a new Judith 9:2-14, 2 Maccabees 10:25-27. It is said that the Maccabees
body, which is the Christian community. The "springs of living water" prayed while fighting (2 Maccabees 15:27), and that Judith prayed while
(John 7:38, Rev 7:17, 21:6) will continue to flow, because the Spirit of walking (Judith 12:8).
Jesus is still active in believers, giving them eternal life, the life of the Often people fasted for a period before praying to show their sincerity
spirit. and need: Nehemiah 1:4, Baruch 1:5, Tobit 12:8.
Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, life in all its fullness" There was no special place of prayer, although the Temple was used
(John 10:10). Jesus came to give us not only the life of the Spirit, but after the Exile for an elaborate liturgy of singing psalms. Incense was
all of life's fullness. He wants to give us a full life, including the used in the Temple prayer and worship as a symbol of the
physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and social. He is the way, the communication between the people and God. Some men of the clan of
truth, and the life, and he wants to set us free - free from fear, free from Asaph were assigned the task of singing to invoke, thank and praise
resentment, free from frustration and anxiety. God, while the people responded with "Amen" (1 Chronicles 16:1-37).
When I realize the truth about God, I cannot hide the truth about myself. Moses is credited with a great song of praise after the people escaped
It is like being naked before God, naked in body, mind, and spirit. from Egypt (Exodus 15:1-18), and his sister Miriam led the singing and
When I try to look at God (my image of God), I see clearly the huge gap dancing (Exodus 15:20-21).
between God's greatness, power and love, and my own weakness and In most cultures there were fixed times for prayer, especially in the
sinfulness. What can I do but say, "Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner!" morning to thank God for the gift of a new day, and in the evening for
I can praise Him and thank Him for His greatness and His goodness. his blessing on the dark time. David is credited with developing the
musical side of public prayer, including the use of trumpets, cymbals,
Questions: How would you help your five years old sister or brother to drums, and stringed instruments (the ancestors of our guitars).
learn to pray? How would you help a catechumen to pray? Prayer could be very long, as when Moses prayed all day during the
battle against the Amalekites (Exodus 17:12), or the long prayers
spoken by David (1 Chronicles 17:17-27) or Solomon (1 Kings 8:23-
53), or as in Psalm 119 with its 176 verses.
Let us Pray 7
Some of the characteristics we find in these ancient prayers are wonder, 2.3 Prayer in the New Testament
mystery, awe, curiosity, longing, expectation, petition. The people The Gospels and Jesus' teaching on Prayer
experienced God's love and expressed their faith in words and in action. Jesus taught his disciples to pray more by example than by words. They
They knew that God appreciates human persons, for "God saw that it were used to praying the Jewish way, using the psalms to pray at fixed
was very good" (Gen 1:27). They knew that God had promised them times (see Luke 1:11). There were special places for prayer, especially
blessing (Deuteronomy 7:13). And so in time trouble they were the Temple (Luke 2:37). However Jesus emphasized how important it
confident in calling out to God, even though He seemed at times to be is to pray from the heart, "the inner room ... in secret" (Matthew 6:6),
silent (Psalms of lament, and the Book of Job). and to follow the pattern he gave : "You should pray like this -Our
Father in heaven ..." (Matthew 6:9). What is new in this way of prayer?
2.2 The Prayer of Jesus First there is the use of the word "Father ...", not in its formal sense, but
Jesus came to complete what our ancestors had learned. He also taught "Abba", or "Daddy", implying a very close relationship of dependence
us how to pray, by his example and also directly in the "Our Father". and love.
Why did Jesus pray? St Paul tells us he was "like us in everything but Then there is the insistence on the prayer being very personal, "in
sin". And since he was like us he needed to express himself to God his secret". The Our Father is an individual's prayer, but by saying "Our" it
Father in human words. In the Gospels we find several examples of becomes also a prayer of the community. Only Jesus could pray "My
Jesus' prayer. He thanked his Father for revealing the truth to the simple Father ...", because his relationship is so much closer.
people (Matthew 11:25), and for hearing his prayer for Lazarus (John In the Our Father we find all the traditional reasons for prayer: to praise
11:41-42). He prayed prayers of blessing over the children (Matthew and bless God, "holy be your name"; dependence and submission to
19:13), and over the bread and wine at the Last Supper (Mark 14:22-23). God's greatness, "your kingdom come, your will be done"; dependence
He prayed to his Father for all the disciples and for us too, at the Last on God the source of life, "give us today our daily bread"; confession of
Supper (John 17). He prayed when his mind was troubled by thoughts sin and of our need to forgive others; finally a general petition for
of the suffering that was coming for him (John 12:27-28, Matthew preservation from all that is evil.
26:36-46). He prayed for forgiveness for his executioners (Luke 23:34). Jesus also told the disciples to have faith in God's goodness - their
In addition to these very clear examples, we often read of Jesus going prayers would be answered, even with miracles (Mark 11:24, Matthew
away by himself, to the hills, to the top of a mountain, to a lonely 21:22). But repentance and forgiveness must come first (Mark 11:25,
place ... (Mark 1:35, Matthew 14:23). We do not know what this Luke 18:10). Many people in the Gospels, including Jesus himself are
prayer was, perhaps it was like the prayers in John 12 and John 17. described as being filled with the Holy Spirit when they pray (Mary in
Perhaps he was speaking to his Father about everything that was on his Luke 1:46-55, Zachary in Luke 1:68-79, Simeon in Luke 2:29-32, Jesus
heart. This kind of prayer, alone with the Father, must have been very in Luke 10:21). This continues in the Church as we see in the next
important to Jesus, since it is mentioned frequently in the Gospels. section.
Whenever we read the words of Jesus' prayers, we find that he addresses Jesus pointed out that prayer is not simply an activity to be done
God as his Father. Check this in the prayers listed above. regularly, but it is way of living. We are to pray constantly, even
Jesus prayed sitting down, when he was blessing the children or the staying awake (Matthew 26:41, Luke 18:1, Luke 21:36). Fasting is a
bread and wine. In the garden of Gethsemane he prayed kneeling proof of our determination to give our whole attention to God (Luke
(according to Luke) or lying face down (according to Matthew and 2:37, Luke 5:33), and is required in difficult cases, especially where evil
Mark). Sometimes he looked up to the sky, as we read in John 11:41- spirits are involved (Mark 9:29).
42, Mark 6:41 and 7:34. Prayer in the Acts
It is easy to see that the disciples of Jesus had certainly learned how to
pray. They joined together in prayer for the coming of the Holy Spirit
Let us Pray 8
(Acts 1:14), and we note that that the women were with them, which for discernment, to know the truth (Philippians 1:9), that God's will may
was probably a new thing for the Jewish men. They also prayed to be done (Romans 1:9).
know God's will when it was time to replace Judas (Acts 1:24). Something very new about Christian prayer, which was also obvious in
The first Christians remained faithful to their Jewish way of praying. the Gospels, was repeated by Paul: it is the Spirit who prays in us
They continued to use the psalms (as we still do) and those who were in (Romans 8:26, Ephesians 6:18, 1 Corinthians 12:3, Galatians 4:6; see
Jerusalem continued to go to the Temple to pray (Acts 2:42). But they also Jude v20). Sometimes the Spirit inspires the words, and sometimes
also prayed in the house (Acts 1:41 and Acts 4:31) or on the housetop only sounds, such as "alleluia" (Romans 8:26). Though Paul said he
(Acts 10:9). Often they knelt to pray (Acts 9:40, Acts 20:36, Acts would like all to pray "in tongues", he preferred prayer in public to be
21:5). Sometimes when they prayed they received special gifts of intelligible, so that all could pray with the heart and mind (1 Corinthians
knowledge or vision (Acts 22:17, Acts 11:5, Acts 10:4, Acts 13:3). 14:13).
They continued to pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit, for healing and Christian prayer is marked by a lot of joyful praise and thanksgiving
for other gifts (Acts 8:15, Acts 28:8). When they prayed for other (Colossians 1: 3, Philippians 1:4 and 4:6, 1 Timothy 4:5, Revelation
people they usually put their hands on the body of the person (Acts 6:6). 19:6), especially when asking God for favors.
This was for healing or for a gift of ministry (ordination). In the letter to the Hebrews we are reminded that Jesus himself prayed
Prayer was a very important activity, and they gave a lot of time to it aloud, and with tears (Hebrews 5:7). And James reminds us that we
(Acts 6:4, Acts 10:2), especially in time of need (Acts 12:5 Acts 16:25). should pray according to our mood (James 5:13). Prayer should be a
Elsewhere in the NT constant activity of the Christian (1 Thessalonians 5:17 and 3:10, 1
In the many letters and other writings of the New Testament we find Timothy 5:5, Romans 12:12, Colossians 4:2). Some things can interfere
further evidence that the Christians were practising what Jesus had with prayer: sin or lack of forgiveness (1 Timothy 2:8); husband-wife
taught. relationships (1 Corinthians 7:5 and 1 Peter 3:7), wrong motivation
Paul urged the members of the Church at Ephesus to pray in the Spirit at (James 2:4, 1 Peter 4:7).
all times (Ephesians 6:18). He reminded the Christians in Corinth that Throughout the New Testament, we find the disciples being asked to
the Holy Spirit brings order, not confusion. Therefore they should take pray and act "in the name of Jesus". This especially true of praying, and
care to pray as a community, taking turns, and not just praying as of prayer of petition in particular. We continue top pray in this way (see
individuals (1 Corinthians 14:26-33). In this same passage of 1 below, 2.5).
Corinthians we should not be misled by Paul's words about the women "Lord, teach us to pray"
(v34), because he was asking them to respect their culture at that time.
This passage (1 Cor 14:26-33) is also important because it mentions 2.4 Christian faith: knowing God's Plan, His Love
some of the elements Paul is recommending for their prayer meetings: Almost very person believes in God. Yet the God of our Ancestors was,
hymns (to be sung), readings from scripture, revelation (an inspiration and still is, the unknown power, source of life, far beyond us, yet very
from the Holy Spirit), words in a strange language ( a sign of the close, even "sitting on my shoulders", or "like the cockroach in the
presence of the Spirit), an interpretation of these strange words. thatch of the hut".
What did Paul ask the Christians to pray for? What was important to Christians believe in something more, God-become-man in Jesus Christ.
ask of God? We know Him now as the "First-Born", the "Elder", the "Go-Between"
The first thing we can note is prayer for one another. Paul frequently (Medium or Mediator).
asked his readers to pray for him (Romans 15:30), just as he prayed We thank God that we can see Jesus, that we know who he is, and who
constantly for them (Ephesians 3:13). He asked them to pray for the his Father is. We believe what Jesus said about being with his new
work of the Church, spreading the Good News. This is put in several community: "You are in me and I am in you" (John 14:20, 15:3). It is
ways, as growth in faith (Ephesians 1:15-23, and 6:18, Colossians 4:3, 2 the Holy Spirit who is the life of the Christian community. If we know
Thessalonians 1:11 and 3:1, Philemon 1:6), as salvation (Romans 10:1),
Let us Pray 9
Jesus then the signs of his Spirit will appear in our daily lives: love, joy, creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which
peace, unity, power, praise, self-control. All our problems will be little is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord!" (Romans 8:35,39).
ones, because God our Father loves us and has saved us. We have been saved! We had better believe it!
Saved? God's Plan
You have probably met one of those very active Christians who go "God's plan is to make known his secret to his people, this rich and
around asking, "Brother, sister, are you saved?" How do you answer? glorious secret which he has for all peoples. And the secret is that
We can say "Yes!", because we are saved NOW, we have been free Christ is in you, which means that you will share the glory of God"
NOW. We believe the words of Jesus, "I am the Way the Truth, the (Colossians 1:27)and "This plan, which God will complete when the
Life ... the Truth will set you free" (John 14:6, 8:32). It is faith which time is right, is to bring all creation together, everything in heaven and
makes us free men and women. We feel safe because we know that God on earth, with Christ as head" (Ephesians 1:10, see also 2:15b-18,
is a loving Father. God is not a demanding or a punishing father. He 3:11). Jesus knew God's plan and his work - "My Father is always
does not force his children. He waits patiently for the sinner to come working" (John 5:17), "This is working for God, that you believe in the
back to him. Our struggle goes on and we can fall, which is why St one He sent" (John 6:29). John also put it this way: "God's
Paul said, "I am not saved yet" (see Philippians 3:10-13). commandments are these, that we should believe in the name of his Son
We know what God is like because we believe in Jesus. Jesus told us Jesus Christ, and that we should love one another as he commanded us"
about his Father, not just in words, but by his whole life - "He who sees (1 John 3:23).
me sees the Father" (John 12:45, 14:9). To "see" Jesus means much God's Spirit is at work carrying out His plan. God is drawing us all
more than looking at a man, the carpenter's son. Jesus asked his friends, closer together in love - His own love. God's love is faithful and
"Who do you say that I am?" (Mark 8:29), and they gave him various unlimited and unconditional. God is present whenever people gather
answers. These men were all looking at Jesus, but only his true together in love - He is love.
disciples could say, "You are the Messiah the son of God" (Mark 8:29). In Christ We are His Body
The followers of John the Baptizer came to find out the truth about We are to be "in Christ, like a sacrament: a sign and instrument of
Jesus. Jesus simply told them, "Go and tell John what you see: the lame communion with God and unity among all people" (Vatican II, The
walk, the blind see, the poor have the Good News preached to them" Church, no. 1). We must all come together to that openness in our faith
(Matthew 11:4-5). The evidence was there that the Messiah had come, and in our knowledge of the Son of God; we shall become mature
but not everyone could see it. people (Ephesians 4:13). "Our message is that God is making all
We have been saved from sin, because we have come to the Father for mankind his fiends through Christ"(2 Corinthians 5:19).
forgiveness. We have been saved from sin because the Holy Spirit To say "Jesus is Lord" is to celebrate the reason for our very existence.
gives us power to overcome evil. When we confess our sin in the The word "Christ" which is Greek, is the same as the word "Messiah"
sacrament of Reconciliation we hear the words of forgiveness from the which is Hebrew, meaning the one anointed by God and sent into the
God's representative. When we open ourselves to God's Spirit, he fills world to teach people to accept God as their King. In the Jewish Bible
us with his own life and strength. the Messiah is given many titles: "counselor, eternal father, prince of
We have been saved from fear, because we know that God is on our peace" (Is 9:6), and a King "victorious, triumphant, but humble"
side: "He gave us his son, will he not also freely give us all things? Who (Zechariah 9:9).
will accuse God's chosen people? God himself declares them not Jesus did not want to be known publicly as the Christ (Messiah),
guilty!" (Romans 8:32,33). because the Jews had some wrong ideas about how they would be
We have been set free from worry and anxiety, because our Father "saved". Some looked for a political leader who would make the nation
knows all our needs, "Who can separate us from the love of Christ? Can powerful against the Romans. Others hoped for some miraculous
trouble do it, or poverty, or danger, or death, ... there is nothing in all intervention from God. Jesus tried to give his disciples the right idea in
his sermon "On the Mount": Happy are those who choose to be poor,
Let us Pray 10
they shall have God for their king; happy are those who have lost all to "economic growth", but all the time the big problem is human nature
the rich, for they shall inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:3-4). and our own selfishness, competition, and greed.
St Peter preached the first Christian sermon, and told the crowds: "God
has made Jesus whom you crucified both Lord and Christ" (Ac 2:36). 2.5 Christian prayer
The title "Lord" means the same as "king", and it emphasizes the power What is different about Christian prayer? As we see above, the Jews
and authority of Jesus. The same word was also used for "God". Paul had tremendous respect for God and for the Law of the Covenant that
also made this very clear when he wrote, "all beings ... should bend the He gave them. Muslims have the same respect and awe in God's
knee at the name of Jesus and every tongue should acclaim Jesus Christ presence, and they try to live in complete submission to His Will.
as Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Ph 2:10-11). No one can become a Christian by following a set of rules, or by acting
So, as a Christian, I know that (1) Jesus is the center of my life, (2) in a certain way. A Christian is a person who has a special relationship
Jesus is equal to the Father, he is God, (3) Jesus has created all things, with God, a personal relationship and a community relationship. A
(4) Jesus is the way to the Father, (5) Jesus is my Lord, the one who Christian has absolute trust in God as a loving Father who is absolutely
cares for me, calls me by name, is with me, leading me, and giving his reliable. We develop this trust when we come to know that we have
Spirit to me. received everything from him: "Happy are those who know they are
Jesus is also the Word of God who existed in the beginning and was spiritually poor; the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them" (Matthew
made man. He is the "Lord of history", according to God's plan "to 5:3). The other blessing proclaimed in the same passage explain more
bring everything together" (Eph 1:10). We have the task of spreading about this attitude of dependence: happy are those who mourn, the
the Good News about this man Jesus who is our Lord and God. We do meek, those who want to do God's will, the merciful, the peacemakers,
this by showing that we believe he is risen and living among us and in those who are prepared to suffer for doing God's work. Luke put this
us: "he whom you serve is the Lord" (Rom 12:11). even more strongly by telling us that "Jesus looked at his disciples and
Christian faith is more than faith in God. The Christian knows that said, "Happy are you"" (Luke 6:20).
salvation comes from a complete trust in God's love and forgiveness. As Christians we center our lives on Jesus, because he is the Way, the
The Christian knows that "God is love" because of the life and death of Truth, the Life. We look at Jesus, because God is like Jesus. When we
Jesus. Faith is not just believing, it is following Jesus, living out his recognize God's presence in creation, in beauty, in persons, we also see
invitation, "Follow me", and working for the Kingdom of his Father on God's love. We respond to this presence with joy. Together we praise
earth, without looking for any reward. God. We praise him as Father. We praise him in the name of Jesus his
Christian faith is not based on observing laws in order to be saved (as in Son. We praise him in the power of the Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus and
Islam and Judaism). Nor is it based on trying to please God by the Father, the Holy Spirit living in us. The Spirit gives us power to
sacrifices or good acts. Muslims believe that God is the Almighty, the praise, and power to change our lives, and power to change the world's
controller of fate, and so a person must be humble and fear God. The history.
Hindu has a great choice of paths to God, through obedience to life's The prayer that Jesus taught us carries the message of peace, "your
laws, through contemplation of God's being, or through loving service kingdom come, your will be done ... forgive us our sins as we forgive".
of God. God's will is for peace and unity through trust and forgiveness. We
Christianity is the only faith where God is the loving Father, one who celebrate our own unity and communion in the Eucharist, but we must
loves us unconditionally, and has proved this love in his Son's life and also "work for peace".
death. The ancient religions of the east (Hinduism, Buddhism) have discovered
Christian faith is concerned with action, with changing the world. The that through prayer and meditation they can come to a state of peace
Kingdom of God is in preparation now. Christians are trying to start the with God, but it is the special task of Christians to live as a community
new community, the new human society, based on love and sharing. in order to spread peace and union among all people. Through their
The "world" is still concerned with "development" and "inflation" and
Let us Pray 11
example and their preaching Christians can bring peace. The Vatican the model for a few of the prayers, ending "you who live and reign with
Council has put this very clearly: "This sacred Synod... offers to the Father ...
mankind the honest assistance of the Church in fostering that The Father is the source of life and love. He loves us without any
brotherhood of all persons which corresponds to their destiny", and it conditions. There are no "ifs" with God. He loves us when we sin and
has also said very clearly that Jesus Christ himself is the way to peace then waits patiently for us to turn back to him.
and unity, because "only in the mystery of the incarnate Word does the Jesus is the love of the Father in human form. The life which the Father
mystery of man take on light ... Christ fully reveals to us the meaning gives us is the Holy Spirit. Jesus had this life from the time Mary said,
of a human person and makes our supreme calling clear" (GS 23). "Yes" to God's plan. Jesus lived an ordinary life for about 30 years, and
So being a Christian means being very close to God and to his Son everyone thought he was just "the carpenter's son".
Jesus in order to live in peace and unity, and to work for peace and But when Jesus reached the full maturity of his human strength and
unity. This is our worship and our sacrifice, "Offer yourselves as a wisdom, this same Holy Spirit began to show itself in a new way. The
living sacrifice, dedicated to his service" (Rom 12:1). The prayer of Holy Spirit is power, divine power.
Jesus, at his farewell meal with his friends, explains our task: "that they Throughout his Gospel, John explained very clearly Jesus' relationship
may be completely one, in order that the world may know that you sent to his Father and to the Holy Spirit. For example, "The one whom God
me and that you love them as you love me" (John 17:23). And to his has sent speaks God's words because God gives him the fullness of the
friends his final words were, "you will have peace by being united to Spirit. The Father loves his Son and has put everything into his power"
me. The world will make you suffer, but be brave, I have defeated the (John 3:34-35). We have the same Holy Spirit, given to us by Jesus. In
world" (John 16:33). the power of this Spirit we give glory to God by showing that we have
How can we dedicate ourselves to God's service? We have already the power to love, because God's love is at work in us. Paul reminds us
received the sacraments which are the signs of this dedication: Baptism, that it is only through the gift of the Spirit that we can make an act of
Confirmation, Eucharist, (Marriage and Ordination perhaps). When we faith, "Jesus is Lord!", or pray "Abba, Father" (1 Cor 12:3b, Rom 8:14).
realize that we are really nothing of ourselves, then we are ready to be We do not usually pray to the Holy Spirit, because it is He who prays in
used by God, possessed by him and filled with his Spirit. "What gives us.
life is God's Spirit, man's power is of no use at all" (John 6:63). Our prayer and spirituality can begin in one of two ways, depending on
Religion is concerned with laws and ways of doing things, but our personality. Perhaps we begin with the symbolic, with images of
Christianity is about change, progress, and the growth of the Kingdom Jesus in his historical life, uniting with him as we try to do the will of
of God. Christianity obliges us to continue searching for our own the Father. Or perhaps we begin by being in touch with our own self,
particular tasks and for the best way to carry them out. The Vatican with the deeper presence and mystery of the Spirit, whom we recognize
Council spoke of "the signs of the times" as being very important in our as the source of love. Both of these beginnings will lead us into a
search. We need to find out what God's Spirit is doing in our world greater and greater detachment, both from self and from symbol (this is
today. Then we will be able to cooperate in his work. the apophatic way).
Children are very curious, very anxious to know what is going on. They The prayer that Jesus taught us is a treasure in itself and is a model for
are full of questions, and are always learning and growing. "Unless you our own prayer of praise, petition, and repentance. It is good sometimes
change and become like little children, you will never enter the to check the words we use in our prayer. Do we speak only to Jesus, or
Kingdom of God" (Matthew 18:3). do we speak most often to the Father, as Jesus taught us to do. What do
Christian prayer is easily recognized by its Trinitarian formula: to the we say to God? Do we continually present our problems, our petitions
Father, through the Son, in the Spirit. This is the model of most of the (is it my will or His will that I want to be done?), or do we spend more
official prayers of the Church, "through Christ our Lord", or other time praising Him ("holy be your name")?
longer endings including the Holy Spirit. It is clear from Jesus' words at
the Last Supper that we can also ask Jesus for what we need, and this is
Let us Pray 12

2.6 Devotion to Mary and Christian prayer need to be revised so that they fit in with the way the Church worships
We recognize many holy people as our Ancestors in the faith. Not only today.
Catholics but many other Christians have a strong devotion to the saints, Thirdly, our devotion to Mary must be ecumenical. Mary is the Mother
and especially to Mary, the mother of Jesus. The Muslims always refer of the Church and the model for all Christians. We do not help the
to Jesus as "Son of Mary". unity of the Church when concentrate on devotions which are hard for
Our devotion to the saints is embodied in the liturgy through the many other Christians to understand. The word "Catholic" means "universal",
feast days throughout the year. We must be careful to follow the and we should try to concentrate on themes that are really universal and
Church in not mixing our prayer and worship with devotion to Mary or acceptable to all. This does not mean giving up our own particular and
the saints. Prayer is addressed to God, to the Father, through Jesus, in private ways of honoring Mary. But we do need to show all our
the Spirit. Therefore we cannot put Jesus and Mary in the same prayer, Christian brokers and sisters that Mary is for them too. But we cannot
even less can we say, as some do, 35 years after Vatican II: "Jesus, do this through "special" devotions which seem to separate Mary from
Mary and Joseph, have pity on us". It is surely not possible to put the her Son or from the whole Church. Pope Paul reminded us that Mary
second person of the Godhead alongside the human creatures, Mary and can be a means of uniting all Christians as long as she is seen with
Joseph. Nor is it really possible to speak to Mary and Joseph in the Christ and within the Church.
same breath, for Mary's role is very different from that of Joseph or any Fourthly, our devotion must be truly human. This means that we have
other Saint. Likewise we should not put the prayer, "Sacred Heart of to make sure that we have the right idea about what being human
Jesus ..." amongst petitions to the saints, such as "St Charles Lwanga, means, about what woman truly is. Pope Paul reminds us that some
pray for us". writings about Mary are "often full of wrong ideas", especially about
Devotion to Mary is stronger today than ever before. Because of the "women and the way they live today". What we have to imitate in Mary
work of the Vatican Council we have a clearer picture of Mary as a is not her lifestyle and her place in the Jewish culture of Nazareth, but
member of the Church. She is the first Christian, the model Christian, rather her total response to God's call as she lived her life of love and
as well as being the mother of the Lord and our mother. In the past service within that culture. For thousands of years, Christians have
some people were confused either because of the many titles of Mary, or thought about Mary and written about her. Today we must study the
because they knew only one, less important, title. world around us and see that the truth we discover there is the same
After the Council, Pope Paul VI wrote a letter which explains how we truth revealed to us by Jesus Christ. Every disciple of Jesus should take
can improve and renew our devotion to Mary. He gave us four Mary as a model of service, justice, charity, faith, and love.
guidelines which will help us to see if our devotions are according to the Devotion to Mary includes honoring her, imitating her as the first
mind of the Church today. Christian, and asking her intercession by saying "Pray for us"..
Firstly our devotion must be based on the Word of God in Scripture. In Mary is mother of the Redeemer, coworker with Him. She is mother of
the Bible we find the history of our salvation and the meaning of our the Church. She is a model of holiness in her "yes" to God. She is also
lives as Christians. We need to make use of the text and symbols of the the hope of the Christian still on pilgrimage. This is all summed up in
Bible, and to base our hymns and prayers on the Bible, using the ideas, Chapter 8 of the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, from Vatican II.
inspirations, and words we find there. Our devotion to Mary must show Our relationship to Mary is one of devotion, knowing, loving, and
clearly the message of the Good News about Jesus and the Kingdom of imitating her. When we understand Mary's role in our redemption and
God. in the Church then we see our duty to honor her and imitate her. The
Secondly, our devotion must fit in with the liturgical seasons of Advent, Church has official ways of honoring Mary, in the liturgy for certain
Lent, and Easter and also lead us to the liturgy of the Mass and the feast days, but also every day in the Mass.
sacraments. Our marial devotions must not be mixed in with the We pray with Mary whenever we pray with the Church, and more
liturgy, but must support and go along with it. Some of our devotions especially when we recite or sing her song, "My soul proclaims the
greatness of the Lord" (Luke 1:46-55).
Let us Pray 13
By giving Mary the title of "Mother of the Church" Pope Paul 6th and wealth are not the way to happiness. Jesus showed that the way to
invited us to speak to Mary as to a mother. This what Catholic and happiness is through sharing with one another whatever we have, and
other Christians have always done. So we pray to Mary (and to all the especially sharing our selves in love and joy. However, often these
saints) by asking her to "pray for us". believers are handicapped through their lack of opportunity to share heir
Pope Paul also cautioned us against exaggerated devotion to Mary, and faith and joy. If a Christian community wants to grow into a real sign,
asked the Church leaders to examine and purify some of the traditional one that people take notice of, then it must become a "praying
devotional practices. community".
The Church exists wherever believers gather to praise God and to share
Questions: To whom did Paul address his prayers? How did Jesus their faith and service. The Church does not really exist if this is not
honor his mother? happening. Those who want to belong to the Church must be ready for
3 WORSHIP AS COMMUNITY PRAYER Even before we are able to make any decision at all, God welcomes us
into his family, the Church. A young baby is brought to the
3.1 A community has a common tradition Community by its parents. The pastor asks the sponsors to promise that
the child will be given every help to know Jesus and to participate in the
In the Acts of the Apostles we read that the first Christians "remained
community. The seeds of faith are thus sown and the ceremony of
faithful to the teaching of the Apostles, to the brotherhood, to the
Christian initiation is carried out. The water of Baptism shows that a
breaking of the bread and to the prayers"(Acts 2:42). This is how they
new life is possible through belonging to the family of God. Salt
members were identified, by their faithfulness to the groups, faith and
reminds us of the Old Testament "covenant of salt", a promise that was
to be kept for ever and ever. Oil signifies consecration to the Lord.
Do you belong to the Church, or do you just attend the Church? What
A new Christian is not admitted fully into the community until a further
does it mean to "belong"? Those who belong in the fullest sense are
is possible. "Can you drink the cup that I will drink?" Jesus asked
those who know one another, communicate with one another, serve one
James and John (Matthew 20:22). A young child is not yet able to make
another, work together, share common traditions and values and pass
such a commitment. However by eating the bread which really is the
these on.
Risen Jesus, he/she can understand at least something of the meaning of
In the Christian Church to belong is to dedicate oneself to the Christian
the Eucharist, namely, being with Jesus in his sacrifice for us.
community and its task. When I was baptized as a baby I was unaware
The priest says, "This is my body". Can we hear Jesus saying these
of this dedication and less aware of the task, yet the community
words as he looks at his family gathered in the Church? Are they really
accepted me as a new member. Much later I had the opportunity to
his Body? As he gives himself to each one do they become more and
make a decision about whether to become a disciple of Jesus and a
more his Body? We know the bread and wine are the signs of his real
member of his community, or whether to remain as one of his admirers,
presence, for "body" means "person" and "blood" means "life".
uninvolved and uncommitted.
There is a further commitment to be made when the time comes. Some
Some people are baptized as adults. Their conversion and commitment
day the child will be a young adult, understanding more fully the
to Jesus come before their Baptism. For them, Baptism symbolizes the
meaning of the Christian vocation, and how Jesus asked his disciples to
dying of the old sinful self and the birth of a new person, filled with the
forget about money, to forget about status and prestige, to forget about
Spirit of Jesus. The new believer joins the community of believers and
power. Jesus asks us to be like children, like servants who do anything
shares with them in the work of spreading the Good News by word and
that needs to be done. Jesus asks us to give our whole lives for others,
example. The believer has a vocation to change the world.
just as he did. When we understand this and say "Yes", we can be
In every parish community there are believers at work trying to change
confirmed in our Christian vocation.
the world, trying to show the world around them that power, prestige,
Let us Pray 14
Then God responds to our "Yes" by filling us with the power of his Jesus comes to us as a person, using human signs which we can
Spirit, the same Holy Spirit who gave power to the first disciples at experience, such as anointing and the laying on of hands. Confirmation
Pentecost. This commitment, and the sacramental sign of God's action, is an opportunity to experience the power of the Spirit, and to come to
are so important that usually only the Bishop presides at this ceremony full Christian life, with peace, power, and joy.
of Confirmation. However, because Confirmation is often celebrated at
a much younger age, there is a need for some way of offering to young 3.2 A community has a common vision
adults the means to develop the commitment described above. We learn more about the first Christian community from Acts: "The
I am not yet a Christian, for I am still becoming a Christian, continuing whole group of believers was united, heart and soul ..." (Acts 4:32).
a lifelong process. This is the process that for an adult, starts with They were "one in heart" (Acts 5:12). "All who shared the faith owned
conversion and Baptism. For an infant it begins with its birth into a everything in common ..."(Acts 2:44).
Christian family, followed by Baptism, with conversion following some Today the Small Christian Communities (SCC) try to continue this
time later. common vision. The members meet in their homes as well as in their
The Spirit is Jesus' gift to us. Through the power of the Spirit we can churches (see Acts 2:46). They try to discover for themselves how to
live as Jesus' disciples and show the love of Jesus to our neighbors. The live as Christians. That is why they read the words of Jesus in the Bible
Spirit is given also in the sign of Baptism and in the sign of the and then try to see how these words can come alive in their daily
Eucharist. Why is there another sign, that of Confirmation? activities. They share their experiences of living as Christian men and
A further sign is given, corresponding to the new work that God is women, in their daily tasks as well as in their the community activities
doing, a sign of reaching a new stage of growth. A young adult is ready and in the example they give to the wider community. They find ways
to make a commitment that which an infant could not make, to say of serving one another by using their individual talents and by working
"Yes" to Jesus in a new way. When we say "Yes" as an adult, the Spirit together to improve their lives. In the Acts of the Apostles this is
of Jesus can make much greater use of the gifts he has already given us. summarized in the words: "They met in their houses for the breaking of
The Spirit can take over one's whole life, with power. bread, they shared their food gladly and generously and they praised
There are two aspects to the sign of Confirmation, as there are with all God and were looked up to by everyone" (Acts
the sacraments. The believer givers her/himself completely to God and The prayer Jesus gave to his disciples is a perfect prayer for the SCC
to the work of the community. The leader of the community, the because it always uses the plural forms, "we", "us", "our". It is a prayer
Bishop, acts in the name of Jesus and of the community. Under this of the whole community. It is also a prayer of praise ("holy be your
twofold sign Jesus is giving himself to the person, with his Spirit. name"), a prayer of petition ("give us today ..."), and a prayer of
We are not angels. We are body-self-persons. We experience the life of confession ("forgive us our sins ...").
the Spirit of Jesus as persons when we try to open ourselves to his The Acts of the Apostles also gives us an idea of the faith of the first
power. Our faith is not intellectual only, it is a personal response. The Christian communities. They believed that "the Lord and Christ whom
whole person is involved. So when Paul talks about the fruits of the God as made, is this Jesus"(Acts 2:36), who was crucified and raised to
Spirit, he is talking about feelings and emotions also, "love, joy, peace, a new life. Pete, "filled with the Holy Spirit" had told the Jewish
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self- Council: "Only in Jesus is there salvation, for of all the names in the
control..." (Gal 5:22). And when Paul lists some of the gifts of the world given to men, this is the only one by which we can be
Spirit, he includes gifts of speech (wisdom, knowledge, prophecy), gifts saved"(Acts 4:4,11,12).
of power (miracles, healing, faith), as well as gifts of discernment, Later on, those who believed that "Jesus is Lord", and that salvation
speaking in and interpreting strange words (see 1 Cor 12). These are comes only through him, were called Christians (Acts ) because they
gifts that are needed to build up the community. And the Spirit also believed that the Messiah (Christ) had come. We follow the same
gives gifts of prayer, for "when we do not know how to pray, the Spirit Messiah, Jesus, and we also follow the example of those first Christians
prays within us, using words we do not know" (Rom 8:26).
Let us Pray 15
when we meet as SCC. We meet to discover more and more of the Some people enjoy the clapping, dancing, singing, or shouting that are
power of the Holy Spirit which Jesus continues to give us, to heal, to common in some Churches. But anyone can join in this external
reconcile, to share our whole lives together. activity without sharing fully in the faith of the group. When others are
not fully involved in our worship we detect a heaviness, because we
Synod on SCC must "carry' these others along with us.
Worship requires a leader who can keep the group together by leading
3.3 A community is united through prayer and them into a common attitude of prayer, helping them keep together
worship throughout the worship, and finally bringing it to a close. But each
Jesus said to his disciples, "If two of you on earth agree to ask anything person also contributes her/his unique gifts to the worship. As Paul
at all, it will be granted by my Father in heaven. For where two or three wrote to the Corinthians, "When you come together each of you brings a
are gathered in my name I am there among them" (Matthew 18:19-20). psalm or some instruction or a revelation, or speaks in a tongue or gives
Individual prayer is important too, and Jesus also said, "When you pray, an interpretation (1 Corinthians 14:26). Some communities are more
go to your private room ... " (Matthew 7:11). This means that spontaneous than others, but always there must be order, "for God is a
individual prayer should not be done in public. It is the community that God, not of disorder, but of peace" (1 Corinthians 14:33). That is
gathers in Jesus' name, an individual speaks in his own name. another reason why there must be a leader.
Jesus is present in our small communities because that is how he has When the community is focusing on God's presence, with all looking in
chosen to continue his work. The work of Jesus is done in the the same direction, then God's Spirit is free to act, and the community
community and through the community. Paul's letter to the Ephesians becomes more and more the Body of Christ. The prayer of each person
makes it clear that the community "grows until it has built itself up in becomes the prayer of community. Then the Word of God can touch the
love" (Ephesians 4:16b). We are becoming the Body of Christ. We whole community, and the members are drawn closer together in love
have to "reach unity in faith and in knowledge of the Son of God" and reconciliation.
(Ephesians 4:13). That is why each one of us has been given a gift, "to
knit God's holy people together for the work of service" (Ephesians 4 WORSHIP AS CELEBRATION
4:12). So we "try to discover what God wants" (Ephesians 5:12). Paul
also tells us how to do this through prayer and worship: "Recognize 4.1 Elements of a celebration
what is the will of God ... be filled with the Spirit ... sing psalms and Why do we celebrate? How do we celebrate? These are important
hymns and inspired songs among yourselves" not just superficially, but questions for a Christian. Celebrations are important social events. In
"singing and chanting to the Lord in your hearts, always and everywhere all cultures there is a yearly cycle of events. we live from year to year.
giving thanks to the God who is or Father, in the name of our Lord Each year, on the assigned dates we take time off to re-live, in a
Jesus Christ" (Ephesians 5:17-20) If we do this then Paul's words to the celebration, some of the important events of our individual lives and the
Philippians will also be fulfilled: "Standing firm and united in spirit, life of our community. We celebrate birthdays, death days, wedding
battling as a team, with a single aim, for the faith" (Philippians 1:27b). anniversaries, the independence of our nation, and so on.
Every celebration is a social event, a community event. Every
3.4 Worship as an attitude of prayer celebration brings together the aspects of time: past, present and future.
We can pray as individuals, but when we worship we pray as a We celebrate our present life, what we are now. We give thanks for past
community. It is not the individual who makes Jesus present, but the events which brought us to this "now" time. We look ahead to a better
Church, that is, at least two people (Matthew 18:20). When e worship, future.
we act together, we say or sing the same words together, we move The Yoruba celebrate an annual festival in honour of Ogun:
together. But behind the common action is a common faith. "Ogun, here are the festival kolanuts for you from all of us ...
Let us Pray 16
Ogun, here is your festival pigeon from all of us ... through Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist, Reconciliation,
Spare us so that we can do this again next year. Ordination, Marriage, and Healing of the Sick. New members are
Ward off death and sickness from us. initiated, present members continue to deepen their unity and
Ward off accidents from us ... from the young folk ... from the elderly ... community through Communion with Jesus in his self-offering, and
from the children ... from all pregnant women." through restoring unity in reconciliation. There is an Ordained minister
whose task it is to lead the celebrations and to coordinate the work of
Every celebration has its traditional aspects, elements of the culture of community building and outreach. The unity of the family is sealed in
the people, words, music, singing, symbols. the celebration of Marriage. The healing power of Jesus is present in
Some celebrations are also worship or even liturgy. We come before the community through the Anointing of the sick.
God with our whole selves: past, present and future. Our life is now the life of Jesus, who lives in and through us, who saves
Many countries celebrate Independence, not because of some event in the world and builds his Kingdom through us.
the distant past, but because of their present reality: they are
independent now. 4.2 Meals and celebrations
As Christians we also celebrate, because we too have been set free. As Can we call a meal a celebration? Let us think about the meaning of a
Christians we believe that we are united with Jesus, because his Spirit meal. We sit together. Someone brings us food. We eat from the same
lives in us. This means that we try to live as he lived, to make the world dish. The food we eat becomes part of our person. My food becomes
free. He worshipped the Father through the complete offering of his life my body. When I eat with you, my body (my self) shares its being, its
for people: "Can you drink the cup that I will drink?" (Matthew 20:22). substance, with your body-self.
We claim to know the meaning of life, that Jesus is the beginning and In every culture that sharing is recognized, though sometimes in very
the end of human existence: "In him we live, and move, and have our different ways. A meal is always a sign of friendship and trust when it
existence" (Ac 17:28). So we join with other believers who live in the is offered to others outside the family. It is a sign that needs no words,
power of the Spirit, in a life of equality, sharing, and service - a life of whether it is offered in Japan, in Fiji, or in Kenya. We read in the Bible
worship, a life of "liturgy". (Gen 18:1-15), how Abraham welcomed three strangers by first offering
"Liturgy" is a word to puzzle many people. Originally it meant public them food and drink. He did not ask them who they were or where they
service. The Jews adopted it for the work involved in the Temple came from. He gave a perfect example of hospitality, kindness, and
worship, but Paul did not use it in that way. Whenever Paul wrote welcoming.
about our worship of God or our sacrifice, he is talking about our Eating together is an act of family. The meal is a symbol of what the
service of our neighbor (see references in previous chapters). family is. The way a family eats shows clearly the relationship between
To celebrate we take time off from our ordinary daily activities - work, husband an wife, between parents and children. Christian parents have
sleep, eat, play - and we do things which are no "use" except to bring us become "one flesh", and the children are formed from this same flesh
joy and peace. Christians know the meaning of life, that God is with us, and blood. In different ways in different cultures the roles of the
and we find joy and peace when we celebrate it. members are shown by the way of serving, the order of eating, the
On Sundays we gather to celebrate our daily life of worship, our service arrangements of seats or places, and the kinds of food each one is
of one another. We come together to be nourished by the Word of God allowed to eat.
and to give thanks for his life that is in us. We give thanks too for his In a different way the meal symbolizes the wider unity of ourselves with
life and death among us 2000 years ago. It is because of that life and the whole of creation. Our food comes from places far and near, some
death that we know the love of the Father, the presence of the Son, the from our own gardens and some from foreign places. The food was
power of the Spirit. produced by the sun, the earth, the rain, and the labor of many people.
We celebrate, according to our culture, the signs of Jesus' life among us As we eat the food we can become more aware of all this.
and in us. These are the signs we know as sacraments: initiation
Let us Pray 17
It is for all the above reasons that we have the custom of "saying grace" through him" (Colossians 3:17), "Whatever your work is, put your heart
at our meals. A "grace" is a free gift. To "say grace" means to say into it as done for the Lord and not for people" (Colossians 3:23),
thanks to God, the source of all that exists, including our own selves, "Whatever you eat or drink, and whatever else you do, do it all for the
our families, and the love that binds us together. There is a model for glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31).
this prayer of thanks in the "Preparation of the Gifts" at Mass. Over the But our life is more than daily activities and events. Jesus has given us
bread and the wine that we bring and will later receive, the priest says, everlasting life, now (John 10:10). Therefore every moment of life is
"Blessed are you Lord God of all creation, through your goodness we like a sacrament, a revelation of God (see P. De Caussade, The
have this food to offer, fruit of the earth and the work of human Sacrament of the Present Moment). God's gift of life is revealed in the
hands ..." He adds the words, "through Christ our Lord", because we great and small events of life. What we live now, in faith, is because of
know that the Father has given everything to his Son, in the power of Jesus, his life and his death.
the Spirit, and this is how all of creation has come into being for us. "Do this in memory of me" (Luke 22:20). Is this just a commemoration
Eating is not always a celebration. It may be only to satisfy hunger, or of the passing of Jesus from death to a new life in glory? No, when we
even just to enjoy the taste. But when eat together, we are celebrating are sharing the Body and Blood of Jesus we are not simply looking back
life itself. That is why no celebration is complete without a meal. That to a past event, we are living now, and we are living for the future.
is why the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is What do we do? We come with gifts to share in a ritual meal, after first
completed only when we eat the bread and drink from the cup, so that sharing the Word of Scripture. We come to give thanks to God who
we share in his Body and Blood. It is a sign of his trust and friendship loves us. This meal is something more, for in it we "announce the death
that he offers us this food and drink. Our way of taking part in this meal of the Lord until he comes" (1 Corinthians 11:27). Yes, "We proclaim
reveals our relationship with him and with one another. It show what your death Lord Jesus until you come in glory". Since we are now his
kind of a family we are. Body, Jesus dies now as we give ourselves, and he continues to die to
The Mass, the Lord's Supper, is a solemn but joyful celebration. It is prove to the whole world that God is love.
the family meal of the People of God. It is a celebration of our real life
with Jesus and his Spirit. The Spirit gives life to the world. Through 4.4 Remembering gifts received
his Spirit God is leading us to become one family. The Mass is also the Do you know the traditional community or family celebrations or
sign of the trust and friendship that already exists in this family. We festivals in your culture - life events, planting and harvesting, national
can trust one another when we can see in one another the image of Jesus events? Most traditional religions focus on the events of the present: the
himself, whom we want to love and serve. cycle of life (pregnancy, birth, growth, initiation, marriage, sickness,
healing, death and its consequences...). Christian faith gives new
4.3 Celebrating the present moment: Life Now meaning to these events, and adds some new ones related to the life of
Everything is gift: "what have you that you have not received?" (1 the Christian community.
Corinthians 4:7). For the African, God is the source of all and We celebrate the "God-events" of our lives: our birth into the Christian
especially of life (see John 10:10). [See R 1,5 1c 4,7 2c4,1 5,10 8, 4 1 community (our Baptism, celebrated again at Easter), our new life in the
Timothy 4,3-4 1P 4,10 2P1,17] Spirit (celebrated with Confirmation and at Pentecost), our freedom
God is acting NOW, His Spirit is present NOW. We can feel His from fear and guilt (with Reconciliation and on Good Friday), our self-
presence in our relationships with family and friends, in our meals, in giving with Jesus (with our ordained priest in the Mass and on Holy
our work for the community, in our sorrows and in our joys. Thursday). There is also the celebration of the building up of the
That is why we continue to thank God every moment of our lives. Church through Marriage, and of the healing of body mind and spirit in
Christians live in the spirit of gratitude: "What ever you say or do, let it the anointing of the Sick.
be in the name of the Lord Jesus, in thanksgiving to God the father
Let us Pray 18
The leaders of the Church have worked hard to make our religious The English word "remember" and similar words are not sufficient to
celebrations (our liturgy) more up-to-date and more helpful in bringing translate the Jewish and Christian tradition. What we read Paul's letter
out the meaning clearly. For example: and what we hear at Mass have the much deeper meaning, that of
a) In our funeral celebration we now find it easier to thank God for "renewing" or "re-living" or "participating in": "Do this in remembrance
accepting our family members into his eternal presence, even though we of me" (Luke 22:19b) and "Do this as a memorial of me" (1 Corinthians
are sad about losing them from our presence. 11:25b). So we participate in Christ through these sacramental actions.
b) The initiation of new Christians is now more gradual and the various
stages celebrated according to the culture, help the whole community to 4.5 A community with a future: the Kingdom
realize the greatness of God's gift of faith, and the seriousness of his call Although Matthew has about 45 references to the Kingdom, Mark 15,
to work for the Kingdom. and Luke 36, we find these words only 3 times in John's Gospel, and
c) The anointing of the sick now follows more closely the instructions only occasionally in Paul's letters (12 times altogether). It seems that
of the Letter of James: "send for the elders of the Church and they must the later writers found other ways of speaking about this idea. [Peter?]
anoint the sick person with oil in the name of the Lord and pray over It is not easy to grasp the meaning of the phrase "Kingdom of God" that
him. The prayer of faith will save the sick person and the Lord will we find in the Gospels. Vatican Council 2 expressed it for us like this:
raise him up again; and if he has committed any sins he will be "The Kingdom is revealed in the Person of Christ himself " and "the
forgiven" (James 5:14-15). Church is on earth the seed, the beginning of that Kingdom, and while it
The greatest changes have taken place in the celebration we take part in slowly grows it longs for the completion of the Kingdom" (The Church
most often, Reconciliation (Confession or Penance) and the Eucharist. 5). The same Council also spoke about membership of the Kingdom in
The celebration of Reconciliation is now a community affair. We can another way: "all are in fact called to the same destiny in God, we must
now confess to one another and be reconciled, as well as receiving the believe that the Holy Spirit offers to each one the possibility of being
sign of forgiveness through Christ's minister, the priest. There is no made partners, in some way known only to God, in the mystery of
fixed ceremony for celebrating this sacrament. The community can salvation" (Church in the Modern World 22). The Church is
work out their own natural way of being reconciled to one another and "established by Christ as a communion of life, love and truth", to be a
to God. The Church's Instruction simply says: "The faithful listen "most sure seed of unity, hope and salvation for the whole human race"
together to the Word of God ... "They examine their lives ... "They help (The Church 9).
each other through common prayer ... "They confess their sins ... "They The test of salvation is given by Jesus: "I was hungry and you fed me ...
receive absolution ..." The Instruction also says that the parish priest come ... possess the kingdom prepared for you" (Matthew 25:35,34).
should "adapt the rite to the concrete circumstances of the penitents". Jesus also said, "This is the work God wants you to do: believe in the
Because WE are the Church we can celebrate, in our own way, the one he sent" (John 6:29). Jesus was sent by the Father to give new life
important events of our Christian lives. That is why the Church has to the world: "God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that
instructed us about the bread to be used at Mass - "it must look like everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life" (John
food", and "be made in such a way that the priest can break it into 3:16). "The one whom God has sent speaks God's words, because God
pieces and give these to at least some of the faithful". Much more will gives him the fullness of his Spirit" (John 3:34). "The one wants to
be said about the celebration of the Lord's Supper, the Mass. serve me must follow me" (John 12:26). And after washing the feet of
All these celebrations are based on "remembering". For 3,200 years the the disciples, Jesus said, "I am you Lord and teacher and I have just
Jews have been remembering the great events of the Exodus and the washed your feet. You then should wash one another's feet" (John
Sinai Covenant, and for 2,000 years Christians have been remembering 13:14), and "whoever believes in me will do the works I do, yes, he will
the events of the New Covenant: the coming of Jesus as the First-Born do even greater works, because I am going to the Father" (John 14:12).
of the New Creation (the New People), his death and resurrection to Jesus gave another sign of the Kingdom, it is God's Spirit that gives me
begin the New Covenant.
Let us Pray 19
power to drive out demons, which proves that the Kingdom of God has The world is now very aware that we must work for peace. But it seems
already come upon you" (Matthew 12:28). that not many know about the source of this peace. Insecurity and fear
With all these words of Jesus for our guide, we should be well prepared are still the strongest forces influencing world leaders, and at their root
to do his work, and "prove to the people of the world that they are we find selfishness and pride. In John's Gospel the "world" generally
wrong about sin, and about what is right, and about God's judgment" refers to the evil side of human nature, selfishness, pride, greed, and
(John 16:8). It may not be easy to see from these words how building love of power, which prevent justice and peace from being achieved
up communities will prove the world wrong. It is not sin that is within nations and between nations.
important but faith in the Father who forgives sin, and faith in the Son The Spirit of God is a spirit of love, peace and unity. We must believe
who sacrificed his life in love. A group of people who are faithful to that the Spirit is at work in our world. But unless we search for the
one another in spite of their many sins and failings will be able to show signs of his presence and his action we will not be able to do the work
others that peace is possible. They will also show the world that Jesus we are called to do. The Church looks to the future, not for the sake of
was right, and that his words were true when he spoke about bringing its own members, but for the sake of the whole world and all of God's
life into the world. And they will show the world that God's judgment children.
is now, that it is possible to make a decision now, to love or not to love. The Kingdom
The work is not done in one day. Jesus, when he died, left only a few Baptism confers on Christians the obligation of working for the
frightened followers to carry on his work. But this little group grew in Kingdom. Jesus never spoke of his kingdom as a territory or even as a
faith and love, through prayer and through the action of he Holy Spirit. particular group of people. For example, he said: "You are not far from
Within a few years they were able to spread the Good News to all the the Kingdom of God" (Mark 12:34), "The kingdom of Heaven is like a
countries of the Roman Empire. Today every country in the world has treasure hidden in a field" (Matthew 13:44). Even the word "kingdom"
its group of believers who are "one in mind and heart" (Ac 4:32), who is not very clear to us, perhaps the word "rule" or "reign" would be
share their lives and their possessions, and "with great power" give closer to the original meaning. One translator of Matthew 5:3 has the
witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: "Christ is risen, and we are following, "Happy are they who choose to be poor, they shall have God
his Body, the Church." for their king" (Juan Mateos SJ). This is also expressed further on:
What is the future of this family of believers? Paul says "we shall "Your Father in Heaven knows that you need all these things; instead be
become mature people by speaking the truth in a spirit of love; we must concerned above everything else with his Kingdom and what he
grow up in every way to Christ, who is the head" (Eph 4:13,15). But to requires" (Matthew 6:33).
follow Jesus will certainly lead us into trouble and persecution, which is To accept God as King means to do his will, to obey his law of love.
one of the marks of God's blessing, "Happy are you when people insult Jesus gave us the choice of two Kings: "You cannot be the slave both of
you and persecute you because you are my followers" (Matthew 5:11). God and Money" (Matthew 6:24). For Jesus, money represented the
Every Christian has a small but important part in this task of building unjust systems of power: economic power, political power, and even
the Kingdom. religious power were based on money collected from the people. These
The Kingdom is built first of all in the local Christian community, in the power systems were the real cause of the death of Jesus, and also of the
small group of people who are prepared to share what they have persecution of his followers throughout history.
(possessions, time, prayer, etc.) and also to tell others why they are Jesus did not just preach about the Reign of God, he also called the
doing it. Community living is the sign which also needs to be explained High Priests "bandits" and the Temple their "den" (Matthew 21:31). He
through the Word of the Good News. DO and SAY what Jesus asks. called the lawyers "thieves" (Matthew 23:25, Luke 11:39). He showed
Being a Christian is not a privilege, it is a task. As the Council the people how to live outside the system: he did not observe all the
reminded us, "Christians have shouldered a gigantic task demanding religious laws, he forgave sinners, he talked and ate with and touched
fulfillment in this world". That is why it is so important not to "choke the "unclean". He formed a group around him who would continue to
the Holy Spirit" (1 Thessalonians 5:19) in his attempts to stir our hearts. pray and work for the coming of the Kingdom. He promised to be with
Let us Pray 20
them always until he comes again. He gave them a wonderful sign of The Kingdom of God is already present (Luke 17:21), but it is only in
his presence, the Lord's Supper, the Mass. its beginning stage. The history of the world will come to an end when
God can "reign" over individuals and over groups. In Luke we read, the Kingdom is complete. What will the Kingdom of God be like?
"The Kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21), but this can also be "The Kingdom of God is like ..." How many examples can you recall
translated as "the Kingdom of God is among you". God reigns in me from the Gospel? A modern example: The Kingdom of God is like a
when he has taken complete possession of me, body, mind, soul, and caterpillar. One day a caterpillar became tired of eating leaves and made
spirit. Then I would be completely aware of his presence and his call. a bed for itself and went to sleep. Some time later it awoke and could
Obviously I am not going to reach such a perfect state in the earthly not recognize itself. It had become so much more beautiful, and it no
stage of my life. I will always find another corner of my Self that is still longer crawled around but flew through the air in great swoops of
in rebellion against God, a place where he does not yet reign flight". We do not know what God has in store for those who love him,
completely, where his Kingdom has not yet come, and where his will is but whatever it is, it will be "heavenly".
not yet being done perfectly. Only in the final purification of death will We pray daily "your Kingdom come, your will be done". These two
God's possession of us be complete. petitions are the same.
Change and Progress Jesus shared bread with 5,000. He taught his disciples (and us) to do
In a similar way, even though more and more people come to see that the same. So we share his life in the Mass, and we share our lives with
the real cause of sorrow in this world is attachment to status, power, and one another. We do this in order to work for his Kingdom, to show the
possessions, there will never be absolute perfection for society or for world that the way to happiness is by sharing all that we have.
any social group. The world itself has to experience a death, a Christ will come again as Lord and King when we have prepared the
transformation, a purifying stage before reaching a final state of way for him by doing his work here on earth.
perfection, "where God himself will be with them, and he will be their
God. He will wipe away all the tears from their eyes. There will be no 4.6 Community Celebration is ritual
more death, no more grief, crying or pain. The old things have The community celebrates its life and its work. When people celebrate,
disappeared" (Rev 21:3,4). This is how the promise of Jesus will be socially or liturgically, they know what to do, they know what will
fulfilled : the "life to the full" (John 10:10), the "peace and joy of the happen next. There is a certain traditional way of doing things. The
Holy Spirit" (Romans 14:17). words "tradition" and "custom" remind us that it is not only stories that
And that is why Christians work so hard for human development, for are passed down through generations. There are ways of acting
peace and prosperity, so that God's reign will be so much closer. (greeting, standing, sitting, speaking, ... ) which are recognized as
"Listen, says Jesus, I am coming soon" (Rev 21:7). So we pray, "Amen belonging to our community: "we do it this way". We know exactly
(so be it). Come Lord Jesus!" (Rev 21:20). what to do because we have observed the elders from our earliest years,
The Gospel of Mark contains prophecies of Jesus about coming events: and have copied them. When we behave as the rest of the community
trouble for Jerusalem, trouble for the Church in the form of false does we show that we belong, and when strangers try to copy our ways
teachers, and then finally, "the Son of Man will appear ... and gather it is a sign that they want to belong also. But they do not actually
God's chosen people from one of the world to the other" (Mark 13:14- participate until they understand and accept the work of the community.
27). The lesson Jesus gave us was that we should be alert, on the watch, Only then do they have something to celebrate.
for we do not know when the time will be. He must not find us Some persons have special tasks or roles in the community. We all
sleeping. It is no use our praying, "Your Kingdom come", for we do know who they are and what they are supposed to do. Still, each person
nothing to prepare ourselves and the world for this coming. In another is free to be spontaneous and creative in some degree.
place Jesus says, "Keep watch and pray that will not fall into
temptation" (Mark 13:38), again reminding us of the prayer he taught
us, the prayer of the Kingdom.
Let us Pray 21
One or more persons take the lead and carry out their specific tasks. We people, of His love and care, of His invitation to us to become members
are all happy because we know how the ceremony will go, and what will of His people, to participate in the work which he continues to do today.
happen next. Each of us knows what we have to do or say or sing ... When we look closely at the words we use in our worship we see that
Muslim prayer is a good example of a simple ritual celebration. Five there are four types of language used. First there is the Word of God,
times each day the leader announces that it is time for prayer. At each found in the Bible, and especially in the Gospels. Then there are the
announcement, the men spread out their prayer mats (often in the street) words of the leader of the celebration, words that are written in a book
and face towards their holy city of Mecca, while they pray, bowing or and are meant to be proclaimed or sung so that the assembly can hear
raising their hands, or kneeling ... all saying the same set of words. It is and join themselves to the prayer. Some of these are in a dialogue
important for the Muslims that they do this as a community. Similarly, between the celebrant and the assembly, some are proclaimed on our
Jewish men cannot meet for synagogue prayer if they are fewer than 10 behalf. Then there the words which belong to the whole assembly, such
in number. as the Our Father, the Creed ... Finally there are words which
Christians have their own rituals as we know. These are always in some accompany some of the actions of the celebrant and the assembly, and
way related to the traditional celebrations of the community, but these are sung.
sometimes they seem to have been "imported" by those who brought the All of these words are important and have a meaning for us. That is
Good News. why we need to pay attention to them, to join in with our hearts and
minds and voices. The Word of God in the Bible is particularly
Questions: What is the traditional way of celebrating life in your important and can only be proclaimed properly by one who believes,
community? How is the Mass a celebration of life? understands, and has the gift of speaking out clearly.
We speak and we sing. How do we speak and sing? Are there some
5 WORSHIP AND THE WHOLE PERSON ways of speaking and singing which are more suitable and effective for
the liturgy? Do we examine the words of our songs to see if they are
5.1 Worship and words really suitable? Are they theologically correct? Do they move us,
arouse our feelings? What is the task of those who play musical
Language is a way of communicating symbolically. Most languages are
instruments during the liturgy?
sounds made by the human voice, but in some cultures the drum can
Do we understand what we are saying? What does "Alleluia!" mean?
also "speak". Other languages are signs made by the hands (American
What does "Amen!" mean? How should we sing or say these words to
Sign Language), or picture symbols (Chinese). Words and stories reveal
convey what we mean?
or reflect the mystery of our own existence and point us to the future.
The language of traditional worship is full of symbols, both words and
5.2 Worship and the body
signs. Often the words themselves have meanings which are hidden
from those who do not know the culture. Ordinary words and ordinary We have already seen in Chapter 2 how posture is a symbol of our
objects can put us in contact with the spiritual world, with God. They attitude to God, how it expresses our feelings towards Him. Can you
do this in two ways: first by pointing out that God is never far from any imagine a celebration where we use words only? Of course, it is
of us, that He lives with us, and secondly by reminding us of the great impossible. We must move, sing, dance, play drums, eat and drink ...
deeds of God in our history. When we hear the same words used over This is the language of the body, which also includes dress and
and over in worship, these words become very important symbols. decoration. How do you greet a visitor in your tradition? Do you
They become sacred for us. merely use words, or do you also use gestures, and do you offer
In Christian worship the words of Scripture are very important because something to drink or eat?
they tell us of the great events of the past, of God's dealings with His The gestures used in other cultures may seem very strange to us. For
example, in one place, a man asks a blessing from his mother by
Let us Pray 22
kneeling down to touch her feet. In another place a visitor is welcomed increase in the desire of people to share more of their inner selves, their
by each member of the group pressing her/his nose against the guest's feelings, their faith, their values, and not just thoughts and ideas.
nose. In Japan a deep bow is a sign of respect and welcome for the The Bishops of the Council also spoke of the whole person, "body and
visitor. In other places a close embrace is a warm greeting. We can soul, heart and conscience, mind and will" (Church in the Modern
learn to accept these gestures when we visit other places, but in our own World 3).
place we use our own customs. We speak our own "body language". We are becoming more aware of our being in relation to the Creator ,
In our worship we are communicating, as a community, with the God of and to the whole of creation: to self, to others, to the material world.
our Ancestors, and also with one another, so we must use the gestures Christian worship celebrates all our relationships in this deeper reality.
that we know and understand. Worship is the work of the community, I come before God with all my relationships. I am never alone.
and so our movements and other body language ought to be Teilhard de Chardin, alone in the desert of China, was able to offer his
coordinated. We are participating in a common action. These days the "Mass on the world", where he recognized his communion with every
community can decide on when to stand, sit, or kneel, when to dance or creature. The whole person needs constant conversion, for as Matthew's
sing, and all join in together. If anyone does not join in, there is a Gospel tells us, the eye is the lamp of the body (Matthew 6:22).
reason - perhaps the person is handicapped in some way, or perhaps
he/she is giving the message "I am not with you". 5.4 The whole person is involved
By moving together, the community expresses the word "we": "Here we When I participate fully in a celebration, my whole self is involved:
are Lord, in your presence, as your own people ...". body, mind, soul, spirit. A symbol always speaks to the whole person,
first it strikes my eye, then it stirs my memory, and arouses feelings
5.3 Worship and interpersonal relationships associated with that memory, including perhaps my relationship with
Worship is meant to build the community, to develop relationships that God. Finally the symbol is left behind as I find God in the depths of my
are life-giving. When there is a funeral, most people look forward to heart, where His Spirit can pray in me. A symbol can take me from the
meeting relatives. Some may meet for the first time, others after many "outside" of things to the "inside", the deeper reality. Each aspect of
years. The young ones get to know the older members of their extended "me" is involved, though at some stage, one may be more important
family and clan. Some find they need to make peace at this time, than the others. What is most important is that my words, my actions
because they have been hurt or have hurt others, and so damaged the and my intentions are in communion with the whole community.
unity of the family. Sometimes reconciliation is needed between Christian worship ....
groups. Often many people ask forgiveness from the person who has In our celebration we want our thinking to be changed to that of Jesus,
just died. In various ways the community grows stronger, and the we want our loving to be like that of Jesus, and we want our bodies to
members are bound together in unity and love. The newly created unity be healed in order to express our love for each other.
of the group is celebrated by eating together. To be converted is change my thinking (my mind) to that of Jesus, to be
Traditional celebrations are not always worship, strictly speaking, but able to love (in the spirit) like Jesus, to be able express my love in
they are deeply spiritual events which touch the hearts of those who action (bodily) as Jesus did.
participate and bind them together. Later we will see how the Eucharist
is a model for every human celebration. Questions: Can you celebrate without involving your whole self, body,
It may not be well known that when Pope John 23rd announced the mind and spirit?
Vatican Council (1962) he told us that "we are entering a new age of
human relationships". What could he have meant by that? Read Church
in the Modern World No. 8 concerning changes in relationships, and
No. 25 concerning our interdependence). What is obvious is the great
Let us Pray 23

6 SYMBOLS IN COMMUNITY what Pope John 23rd called for in his prayer for the Vatican Council II:
"Renew your wonders in our time as though for a new Pentecost.
6.1 Symbols are created by the community Over the years, our way of celebrating the liturgy has changed, because
we have found more suitable ways of acting and speaking, ways that are
We have already mentioned symbols and their importance. [e.g. in effective in allowing us to contact the hidden God so that He can work
ATR] in our lives. When we ask the questions "Why ...?" it is not enough to
Now we look at the universal symbols of our Christian liturgy. say, "Because that is the way we were told". We need to find out just
We know that worship involves ceremonies. That means that the why these ways are suitable and effective.
actions have special meanings. The actions are symbols with a very Jesus, and his Jewish ancestors, used common materials in their
deep meaning, an emotional content. Each gesture, each object used, liturgical celebrations: oil, water, salt, bread, wine, fire, smoke. These
has its own contribution to make, so that we can get in touch with the things affect our senses of touch, sight, smell and taste. All these things
deeper reality that normally is hidden from us. except the bread and wine are traditional in most countries, and
The Bambara of Mali have 240 objects which they display to represent nowadays almost all people are familiar with some form of bread, and
the totality of things and beings in the universe. For example a spoon is wine too. For Jesus and the Jewish Christians these things were already
not just for eating, it also represents, Woman, Winter, Transmission of in use sacramentally. Perfumed oil was used to consecrate kings (1 Sam
Knowledge, and Death. 10:1f), priests (Leviticus 4:5), and prophets (1 Kings 19:16, Is 61:1),
Sometimes objects are carried in offertory processions and some one and for purification (Leviticus 14:17-18); water was used in purification
says, for example, "this pot represents ..." This is not a symbol, for and initiation (Leviticus); salt was a sign of an everlasting commitment
symbols already call forth meaning from our subconscious. ("covenant of salt" Leviticus 2:13); bread was broken and shared in
God contacts us and we contact God in the symbolic activity of the friendship (often with salt, see Job 6:6) with a cup of wine (Luke
sacraments. The words, which are also symbols, should help us to enter 24:30); the flame burned in the Temple to show God's presence
this reality. Words and actions should fit together, and this applies to (Leviticus 6:6), and it also burned in every home as the only source of
all the words and all the actions. The liturgy can be spoiled by actions light and heat (if the lamp went out it could only be lit from another
and words which do not belong there. We can all remember when lamp); the dried sap of certain trees (incense) was burned to make a
something "went wrong" because the acolyte forgot his task, or the sweet smell in the midst of all the bloody sacrifices and the smoke was a
celebrant could not find the right page in the book, or a crazy person sign of the prayer of the people rising up to God (Leviticus 6:8).
interrupted the liturgy. But what do these materials mean to us? Why do WE use them in the
We ourselves, by our dress, movements, and words, are a part of the set liturgy? And do the WORDS of the liturgy help us to understand?
of symbols which make up the structure of the liturgy. Sometimes we We could ask questions about our gestures. Do they have a meaning:
forget why we do or say certain things, at Mass, for example. We can standing up, sitting, kneeling, genuflecting, raising our hands, clapping,
ask ourselves (or someone who knows): "Why do we do this?" "Why walking in procession, meeting together, touching the other person
do we say this?" and also, "Why do we do it this particular way? Why (handshake, hug, laying on hands)? Which are the most suitable and
do we use these particular words?" most effective means to carry out our intention of meeting God in the
Liturgy belongs to the Church. Firstly in the sense of it having liturgy?
continuity with the first Christians, and celebrating certain fixed
"events", such as daily prayer in the "Office" and the "Sacraments". 6.2 Symbols affect the whole person
Secondly liturgy belongs to the Church existing in the local community
called to celebrate these "events" within its own culture, through its own We have discussed some aspects of this in section 5.4, but here are some
cultural expression. The liturgy of the local community should express more examples from our liturgy.
Let us Pray 24
If the Word is proclaimed and not just read, then it will move our hearts. The early Church reflected on these events and so we have the symbol
We will listen, and then be drawn into the mystery of God-with-us, God of the Paschal Lamb, found in John and in the Apocalypse, but alluded
speaking to us. to in the other Gospels, in the lamb eaten at the Passover.
How do you react when someone smiles at you? A smile may have a At Mass we want to hear words that are intelligible, words that will
number of different meanings: welcome, acceptance, approval, throw light on our past, present and future situation, that will give
amusement, joy, attraction. Are smiles important in our liturgy? meaning to the events of our lives. Then we can respond to what we
We remember that it is through the liturgy that the community expresses see, recognize and understand in these events. We listen to the Old
its unity, its life in Christ, and its commitment to God's work. Our faces Testament in order to connect the historical and distant past to the life of
can express our joy at being united in Christ, united in our faith, united Jesus and to our own lives, as well as helping us to see the continuity
in our willingness to work for God, to give ourselves to one another and that will lead us into the future. We listen to the New Testament and
to the world. the Gospel to hear the Good News that was hidden in the Old
This is what we read about the early Christians: "the whole group of Testament, but revealed clearly in Jesus. This same word of God will
believers was united, heart and mind" (Acts (4: touch our hearts to pray for His Church, for the world, for the needy,
What other symbols/gestures express our unity? and for our own community.

6.3 Symbols and words 6.4 Symbols and celebrations

Who went to Bethlehem to see "this word which has come to pass"? Where is Jesus to be found today? How is he at work saving every
The Hebrew notion of "word" is much stronger than in most other person today? The bishops of the Vatican Council told us that he is
languages. Without going into detail here, we should note that it working in mysterious ways in every age and in every culture, and in
includes action. A word is a powerful symbol, especially a word from the heart of every person (see Church in the Modern World No. 22).
God Himself. The first chapter of John's Gospel should remind us of Some people have never heard of him. Some have heard of him but are
this. not interested in knowing him. Others have the privilege of knowing
And as was mentioned above (5.1), names are very important symbols. him as a friend and brother, and also experiencing his presence and
The Jewish people used names that were usually highly symbolic. The action through signs.
son of Mary was named Jesus (in Hebrew Jesus = Yeshuah = "God Symbols
saves"), "because he will save his people from their sins" (Matthew The mysteries of creation are signs of God's presence and action, but
1:21). But through his life, death and resurrection, Jesus gave a deeper they are not easy to read. The mysterious rites of the liturgy are also
meaning to this name. Jesus is the Word who as with God in the partly clear and partly obscure. Some of the rites would be much clearer
beginning. Jesus is the man who was born of Mary. Jesus is the Lord if the primary symbols were given their proper place.
who will judge the living and the dead when he comes again. He is the In the early days of the Church, the water of baptism was obviously an
Lord of history - past, present, and future. immersion, a drowning, a death and resurrection or re-birth, because the
Jesus introduced new symbols into religion: bread and wine have person's whole body went under the water. The bread of the Eucharist
acquired new meaning, the human person has become a symbol of the was once a single large loaf, easily seen on the altar table, and it could
divine presence, and the assembly of the community of persons has be broken into many pieces and shared amongst the whole congregation.
become a symbol of the Body of Christ. But Jesus had to use words to When a sick person was anointed it was not just a dab with a drop of oil
point to the deeper meaning of what he was doing, to the new symbols but it was more like a massage.
he used. That is why at every Mass we hear the account of the Last Jesus
Supper, and we never get tired of hearing this simple story. Of course Jesus is always at work, doing the work of his Father (John 5:17). We
we have the words of Chapter 6 of John's Gospel to explain it further. need to become aware of this work and participate in it as members of
Let us Pray 25
his Body, the Church. Jesus no longer works "on the outside", where he Celebrations need signs and symbols which point towards the truth, the
was restricted by place and time. Now he works "on the inside", and his reality of God and His Work. We see more clearly because of the signs.
work includes the past, the present and the future. What he did once is We come closer to the truth, to reality through the outward sign. Signs
still being done today, and so we can have a sure hope for the future. connect us with the past and the future. Through the sign we touch God
Through the symbolism of the liturgy, we are able to experience the and God touches us, he acts in us, he empowers us, and we realize how
reality of Jesus' work and then participate in it more fully. We are able he lives in us.
to live "on the inside" of life, where Jesus is really at work. That is how Sacred time and sacred place/space
we can live and work in the Spirit and power of Jesus. Certain times and places have always been regarded as special in the life
Faith of the community. Sunrise and sunset are moments for wonder
It is faith which opens the way to this "inside" life, the spiritual life, the everywhere. The tops of mountains seem to be places where God is
real life. In the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation the Church closer to us. Churches are designed to provide an environment that
gives the adult Christian believer the opportunity to experience God's reminds us of the invisible power that surrounds us. Some of our
action in a new way, and later to share in further symbolic actions which liturgies have special times, such as the Easter Vigil.
will renew and strengthen the inner life. The new life becomes visible,
"on the outside" as love, joy, peace, and praising prayer. The way to Question: What is the most powerful symbol in your life? What is the
touch the "inside" is through the "outside", through the world of most powerful Christian symbol?
symbols which touch the spirit through the senses of the body. Why do we break the bread? ... Does the action of breaking the bread
The Church's Authority show this meaning clearly to the people, by the manner and timing of it?
What we call "sacraments" are not things, but actions done according to What kind of bread would help this symbolic action to be seen and
the laws of the Church which safeguard their truth and continuity. They appreciated as suitable and effective in leading us all deeper into the
generally require the cooperation of an ordained minister of the Church. mystery of God's action in our lives?
It is possible for a group of people to sit down and break bread together
like Jesus and the disciples, but this would not be the Mass, even if the
action did have a profound effect on those taking part. Part of the action 7 WORSHIP IN THE CATHOLIC TRADITION
is meant to show that what is being done is a work of the whole Body of
the Church, the Body of Christ, so that it really is Christ's work. 7.1 Official Rites: the Eucharist and the Prayer of the
In the earliest days of the Church, the Eucharist was presided over by Church
the Bishop. Nowadays the Bishop sends his minister, ordained for the
purpose, to ensure that what is done by the community is the action of In the Church there are a variety of forms of worship. Some of these
the whole Body. Without such authority, which is itself sacramental, assemblies require the presence of an ordained minister, sent by the
the action is powerless. The sacrament of ordination is completed when Bishop, to confirm that we are truly being "church" in our worship.
a man is admitted to the "College of Bishops", who together rule the These forms of worship are called "liturgy" and "sacrament". Other
Church with the authority of Christ, and elect on of their members to be gatherings are less formal, but still express the presence of Christ in the
the center, sign, and instrument of unity for the whole Body. community ("where two or three are gathered in my name ...").
Traditionally he is also the Bishop of Rome, and is known as the Pope. The Church has written down in detail the ritual for our "official"
Together the whole community of believers in each local Church must celebrations. The principal books we use for Mass are the
work out how to celebrate the sacramental signs with greater Sacramentary and the Lectionary. The Ritual contains the rites for the
effectiveness. The signs must be more visible and touch the lives of the other sacraments. The Prayer of the Church contains the Psalms and
people more deeply, so that their outward fruits will also be seen more other prayers to be recited or sung daily. These books contain both the
clearly in their love, joy, peace, and praise. words and the movements of the liturgy. They show which parts are
Let us Pray 26
essential and which parts are able to be modified by the community or and West (based on Rome). The Christians in the east were under great
the celebrant. pressure from Islam, and so were not able to send many missionaries.
Only eastern Europe (Greece, Bulgaria, Russia, Georgia, Armenia) was
7.2 Two thousand years of tradition converted by the Eastern (now called Orthodox) Church.
The disciples of Jesus certainly obeyed his command to "do this in Today the Roman rite is the most widespread in the world. The Roman
remembrance of me". They continued to break bread in a ritual way, as liturgy is characterized by great simplicity and nobility. Often non-
they celebrated the "Lord's Supper" (see Luke 24:30,35; Acts 2:42,46, Romans find the language too dense, with too many ideas in a single
20:7,11, 27:35; 1 Cor 10:16, 11:23). This ritual was based on the sentence. However this is being overcome as new prayers are being
Jewish barakah or blessing meal. The writings called Didache ("The introduced, and even adaptations and additions to the ceremonies , as in
teaching of the Apostles") give details of how the ritual was observed in India and parts of Africa (the "Zairean rite").
the early second century (after the year 100 AD). There are many other The Second Vatican Council encouraged the Bishops to try very hard to
descriptions from these early times, as well as ancient books actually make the liturgical rites more accessible to the people through cultural
used in the liturgy. adaptations. This work of adaptation has continued, especially in the
Our Mass today is very like the Last Supper, with the greatest difference rites of Christian Initiation, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick and
being the large numbers who participate in our churches and cathedrals. Marriage.
Until the time of Constantine there were no Christian churches built in We should try to understand how the various parts of the Mass form a
the Roman Empire, but already the Christian tradition had been taken unity: the Introductory rites (from one to ten minor rites, of which only
outside the Roman Empire, to India and northern Syria. This was the final Prayer is essential), the Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of the
because of the colonies of Jews all over the world. The first Eucharist, and the Concluding rites. One of the helps to our
missionaries went to places where they would be understood by their participation is to see ourselves as called at each stage to listen and to
fellow Jews. respond.

7.3 A variety of rites 7.5 Unity and Communion: the Body of Christ
As the Christian faith ( called at first "The Way") spread quickly to so Jesus took some bread and said, "This is my body". Later Paul wrote to
many countries and cultures, the details of the ritual "Breaking of the the Church at Corinth: "All of you are Christ's body and each one is a
Bread" also became diversified. The main streams still in existence part of it" (1 Corinthians 10:17, see also 1 Corinthians 12:27 Rom 12:4,
today were founded in Antioch (Syria), Alexandria (Egypt), and Rome Colossians 3:15, Eph 3:6, 5:23), and he also wrote "Christ is the head of
(Italy). The Syrian rite spread to Byzantium (the modern his body the Church" (Colossians 1:18, 2:19).
Constantinople), Georgia (once a part of Russia) and to Armenia. The spiritual food of the Eucharist has the opposite effect of ordinary
Variations of these rites are now found throughout the world. The food. Instead of the food becoming a part of us, each of us becomes a
Chinese for a time had certain indigenous rites, but these were part of Christ's Body! In the details of our celebrations we try to make
suppressed in the 18th century. Today African rites are developing, this very clear. For example we are supposed to use one large "host"
especially in Zaire and Cameroon. which is first broken and then shared with the members of the
community. There is one cup which ideally we should all share in.
7.4 The Roman or Western rite There is also the sign of peace, and the union of our voices in the
acclamations and prayers, especially the AMEN, the Our father, the
The most widespread rite is now the Roman Rite, sometimes called the
Lamb of God.
"western" rite, because of the split (schism) in the Church in the 10-11th
If the Body is going to be seen as united then we need to show our
centuries. Political and doctrinal disputes finally split both the Roman
communion even with those we do not know. There are about nine
Empire and the Catholic Church into East (based on Constantinople)
Let us Pray 27
hundred million Catholics in our "communion". Our Holy Father the another and with Jesus in our giving of ourselves with him to the Father
Pope is one of the signs of our communion. Our loyalty to him is one and to one another. We are encouraged to share in the one cup of wine
of the "tests" of our communion - those who obey him as the supreme ("Take this all of you ...") whenever we can. The way we celebrate the
authority can call themselves "Catholics". Others too belong to Christ's Mass now should be a clearer sign of what Jesus did in its outward sign
Body, but in a less visible way. They possess the same Spirit and share as well as its inner reality: the TAKING, THANKING, BREAKING,
the same faith, but there is no visible sign of communion. The various and GIVING of Bread and Wine. Now we can say with him, "This is
fragments of the Body need to be seen as one. my body, given for you", as we share the one bread with our neighbor.
The Church is really Christ's Body because the members share his life One Church
(the Holy Spirit) and do the same work (building up God's Kingdom by Everywhere the leaders of the Catholic Church are working with other
evangelization). Christians to find ways of restoring the unity of the Church, ways of
We are parts of the Body. Each part is necessary for the whole Body. reconciling our differences and accepting one another again.
And each part is useless without the rest of the Body. "All of you are Everywhere small groups of Christians are meeting together to pray and
Christ's Body, and each one is a part of it. In the Church God has put to share their lives, to encourage one another in their faith and in their
all in place: in the first place apostles, in the second place prophets, and mission to change the world. Today the Holy Spirit is recognized as the
in the third place teachers, then those who perform miracles, followed source and power for peace and love in each small community and in
by those who are given the power to heal or to help others or to direct the world. The Church is being renewed and coming to a new life in a
them or to speak in strange tongues" (1 Corinthians 12:27-28). Each New Pentecost.
person has a task to do for the others. His gift is useless without people
to serve, and each gift is needed by the others. Questions: What are the elements of the Rite of the Eucharist, according
Many of us are involved in the helping or healing ministry - sometimes to Mark’s Gospel?
without realizing it. Most sickness begins in the spirit, not the body.
So it is inner healing which is most necessary, that is, forgiving oneself
and forgiving others, receiving forgiveness, learning to trust and not to 8 PARTICIPATION IN THE EUCHARIST
fear. We often help others to find their real problems and then face
them. Our biggest problems are those which prevent us from practising 8.1 Eucharist as prayer
the love of Jesus. The body is healed and grows to its full maturity
If we want to discover more of what the Mass means for us we should
when these gifts of healing are exercised (Eph 3:12-13).
think about what we actually do at Mass. At Mass we come together to
Jesus is still saying to us, "This is my body, given for you" and
discover once again, encounter again, and celebrate again the truth that
challenging us to say it with him to the whole world. For we are his
"God-is-with-us", that we know and understand the work of God's Son,
Body, which must be sacrificed so that the world will be saved.
God's power and His plan in our lives.
Local Church
We come into God's presence as we join the assembly, the Body of
Today the Church leaders are trying very hard to make use of the words
Christ. Before God we can only say, "Lord have mercy on me a sinner".
and signs of our own cultures in order that we can live the faith in our
God is with us in the Word, so as we remember our sinfulness, we
daily lives and celebrate it in ways that derive from our cultures and
prepare to listen and be challenged by the readings. With the help of the
languages. Every local Church has to continue the search for better
homily we touch more surely the reality of God's presence and we are
ways to express the faith of the universal Church, so that what is handed
ready to respond with our petitions, for the whole Church, for our own
on will be a source of life and enthusiasm for each new generation.
community, and for the world.
One Loaf
The Church leaders tell us to celebrate the Mass with one loaf whenever
this is possible. This is a much clearer sign of our union with one
Let us Pray 28

8.2 Word and symbol in the Eucharist some prayers, to which the congregation responded, "Lord, hear our
What do we celebrate in the Mass? What is God doing? What do the prayer". He then led the people in reciting the "Hail Mary ..." so that
signs and symbols point to? We should think more of the symbolic "Mary would take our prayers to God".
actions, rather than symbolic things. In another church I had seen an entrance procession where the
There are four very obvious signs: (1) the Congregation assembled Lectionary, covered with fine bark cloth, was held high and carried by
together, because God has drawn us together, (2) the priest ordained as a the lector, accompanied by two candle bearers, and followed by the
link with our Bishop, with other Churches, and with Jesus, the one who Acolyte and the Priest. When the Lectionary was placed on its stand
speaks and acts with authority, sent by God, (3) the word of God (the lectern), the candle bearers stood on either side of the lectern. The
embodied in the spoken words of the Scripture, especially the Gospel, lectern was made so that the Lectionary could be clearly seen. The
(4) the bread and wine prepared for a shared meal, where the reality of priest stood in front of the Presidential Chair for the opening prayers of
Jesus' presence is very clear, where we meet him giving himself to us the Mass. The altar table was bare, with no cloth, flowers, cross, or
and for us (a sacrifice to God his Father), and where we give ourselves candles, since these would be brought during the Preparation of the
to him and to one another - "This is my Body, given for you" Gifts, after the Liturgy of the Word was completed. There was a large
Questions: Which actions and symbols of the Mass help us most? Are banner on the back wall giving the key words of the Gospel passage to
there any things which take our minds and hearts away from the true be read.
meaning of the Mass? so that we cannot enter into the deeper reality of The lector had been sitting behind and near the lectern. She could be
Jesus and the Spirit doing the Father's work? clearly seen by all the congregation and she made good use of the
An Example microphone. The priest came to the lectern to read the Gospel and after
At a recent Mass in a parish church, the celebration began with the the reading he held up the book as he proclaimed, "This is the Gospel of
entrance procession made up of two "altar boys", the acolyte, and the the Lord!". In his homily the priest shared some of the experiences he
priest. The altar table had been prepared with two lighted candles and a had when visiting parish groups that week. He chose experiences that
very large book known as the "Sacramentary". To the right of the table were clearly related to the message of one of the readings. He told us
was the Presidential Chair, and to the left was the Lectern. The opening how the Gospel was being lived by the people of our parish in their
prayers of the Mass were read by the priest standing at the altar table daily lives. He did not present his own theology or tell us what we
between the two lighted candles and using the very large book. Also on should be doing or should not be doing. After the homily and the
the altar were the chalice and the various cloths covering it. Apostles Creed, the Lector came forward again to offer prayers on
After the introductory prayers the priest sat in the Presidential Chair behalf of the congregation. There were prayers for the leaders of the
while the Lector came to the Lectern. The book from which the lector Church and the nation, and also prayers for some of the parishioners
was reading could not be seen. In fact the lector herself was almost who had special needs. They were mentioned by name.
hidden by the very high lectern, and the microphone was too high to After these prayers, the collection was taken up while the altar table was
catch her voice. prepared and the Gifts were brought forward. The family who formed
After the first reading the response was sung by the congregation, led by the offertory procession carried a bottle of wine and the large flat loaf of
the choir. The congregation also sang the Alleluia before the reading of unleavened bread which would later be broken into 300 pieces to be
the Gospel. The Gospel was read the priest standing at the altar table. shared by most of the congregation.
He used a very small book which was hidden by the Sacramentary. Questions
After the Gospel reading, the priest preached a strong sermon about the 1 Which particular aspects of each of the two liturgies of the Word
sanctity of marriage. He did not refer to the Scripture texts which had seem to be more help to the people to appreciate the value of the Word
just been read. After leading the congregation in the "I believe ..." of God, and respect its written and spoken forms ?
(using the Nicene Creed, not the Apostles' Creed), the priest then read
Let us Pray 29
2 Which liturgy corresponds more closely to what is prescribed in the others. The "Doing" is not just taking bread and wine and saying the
Introduction to the Roman Missal ? This Introduction can be found in words. That will not make Jesus present in our lives. We need to
the first pages of the Sacramentary ? complete the "doing" by imitating him. We need to say to one another,
3 Do we all have a clear understanding of the different functions and "This is my body, given for you".
tasks of the ministers (Priest/president, Acolyte, Lector, "TAKING, BLESSING, BREAKING, GIVING"
Choirmaster/choir/musicians, Ushers) and the congregation ? Once we understand what Jesus was really doing at the Last Supper we
can begin to look at the actions of that Supper which we repeat in the
8.3 The heart of the Eucharist: "This is my body" Mass.
The Eucharist is the sacrament most clearly described in the New Where is the "Taking"? This is the Preparation of the Gifts, with a short
Testament. When we read the gospel of Mark (14:22-26) we learn prayer of thanksgiving over them as they are put on the table. This is
exactly what Jesus did, and in the gospel of Luke (22:19) we read of not really an "offertory", although there can be an Offertory Procession
Jesus instructions, "Do this to remember me". In these words we can with other gifts besides the bread and the wine. In the Preparation of the
find the reality behind the symbol of the bread and wine which we eat Gifts we begin to see that we are to become closely united with the
and drink. bread and the wine, "which human hands have made". These gifts are
Jesus' words, "This is my body, given for you", are an explanation of also "the fruit of the earth", which means that everything is to be
what he did at the Last Supper and also an explanation of what he did "brought together, with Christ as head" (Eph 1:10).
during his whole life, ending with his death on the cross on Calvary. What is the "Blessing". It is the great prayer of Thanksgiving (=
"BODY" and "BLOOD" Eucharist) which begins with the words, "Let us give thanks to the Lord
The Bible has no real word for "person" or "self". Each aspect of the our God - It is right to give him thanks and praise". As the prayer
human person, body, mind, soul, or spirit, could be used to speak of the continues, we see that the most important thing we give thanks for is the
whole person. "Body" was used by Jesus because he wanted to life and death of Jesus Christ because through his sacrifice we are able
emphasize the death of his body, the end of his earthly life. He said, to be gathered into "the one body of Christ" (4th Eucharistic Prayer), or
"This is my body, given for you", because he wanted us to know the full "become one body, one spirit in Christ" (3rd Eucharistic prayer), "may
meaning of his death and the full meaning of the Last Supper. In the all of us who share in the body and blood of Christ be brought together
same way he spoke of his "blood, poured out for you", because blood in unity by the Holy Spirit".
was always associated with life, the life of the body given by God. So The "Breaking" is the most "invisible" part of the Mass, and yet it is so
perhaps we can now see that the bread and the wine are two aspects of important that it was the name of the whole celebration in the early
the same reality, the death of Jesus for our sake. Church. Its meaning is given in the book used by the priest during
"TO REMEMBER ME" Mass (the Sacramentary): "It signifies that we who are many are made
Here again we must know the biblical meaning in its fullness. If we one body in the one bread of life which is Christ (1 Cor 10:17)" and
remember an important event, one that was full of emotion for us, we "The bread should be made so that the priest can break it and distribute
also remember and feel that emotion again. That is why it takes a long the parts to at least some of the will clearly show the
time to complete our mourning for the loved one who has died. We Eucharist as a sign of unity and charity, since the one bread is being
need to get used to the feeling of loss that will always be there. But distributed among the members of one family" (Instruction - Roman
how can we "remember" Jesus when we have never experienced him in Missal).
the flesh? It is above all in the Eucharist that the presence of Jesus is The "Giving" is very clear to us, although the breaking of the bread is
made real, but only when we carry out his instructions: "Do this" means essential for us to get the full meaning of what is going on. As the
"Do what I have just done", give your lives for one another, put the Sacramentary tells us, "the faithful should receive the body of the Lord
other person first in all that you do, be prepared to suffer for the good of in hosts consecrated at the same Mass and should share the cup when it
Let us Pray 30
is permitted; communion will thus be a clearer sign of sharing in the Kingdom of God, through a new community of people who have God
sacrifice that is actually being celebrated"(Instruction - Roman Missal). for their King, where Jesus himself is present in each member and
"SACRAMENT" especially in their assembly. This community relies on the power of the
The Eucharist is called a sacrament because it is a celebration in which Spirit of Jesus.
there are symbols or signs. These signs enable us to get in touch with Jesus shows his presence in many ways including sacramental signs. It
the reality of God's action in our lives. In the case of the Eucharist God is Jesus who baptizes, it is Jesus who unites the community when they
is acting, through Jesus' death and resurrection, to give us the power to share his Body and Blood in the Eucharist, it is Jesus who reconciles
do what Jesus did throughout his life. God empowers us to give sinners to the community and to the Father.
ourselves completely for our neighbor, for the reconciliation of the Jesus is the Good Shepherd but it is Peter who is asked to feed the flock.
whole world (see 2 Cor 5:14-19). The priest is a leader whose task it is to prepare the way for Jesus' action
"This is the Body of Christ" But we are already the Body of Christ! We in the community. His work is to encourage and assist us to be more
are the living sacrifice offered in the Mass. If we listen carefully to the alive, more active, more empowered by the Spirit. The priest tries to
celebrant, we will hear the words: "... we offer you this holy and living find out where the Spirit is active in the community, what gifts have
sacrifice ... May he make us an everlasting gift to you" (3rd Eucharistic been given to each member. Every Christian has been given gifts by
prayer), or "... gather all who share this one bread and one cup in to the God, for the building up of the community. It is the task of the priest to
one body of Christ, a living sacrifice of praise" (4th Eucharistic Prayer). identify these and help the members to cooperate and coordinate their
And so we can say: "This is my body given for you", to the child, the use.
man, the woman, who kneels beside us at Mass. In our Communion When Pope Paul VI wrote to the Church about the work of spreading
with Jesus in what looks like bread, we are healed and strengthened, we the Good News (1975), he reminded us that we must "discover the
are enabled to do what we have said, "This is my body given for you". ministries which the Church needs". We need not only ordained
How will His Kingdom come if we have no power, if we are not healed ministers (priests) but "the Church recognizes the place of non-ordained
and strengthened? How will we wash our enemy's feet if we are not one ministries which are able to offer a particular service to the Church".
with Jesus? These ministries are always responsible to "the pastors" (bishops, parish
We say "Thanks" to God as we begin the Great Prayer because we have priests) who are responsible for coordinating the work of building unity.
already received so much, and we are sure of receiving so much more. Some of the ministries which the Pope mentions are: catechists, prayer
What can we do to make this SIGN clearer, so that God's power can leaders, song leaders, readers, social workers, heads of small
touch our lives more deeply? communities, apostolic workers of all kinds".
In order to exercise his role of leadership the priest needs the help of
8.4 Roles and ministries many people such as those listed above. In many places lay people are
The community needs the services of poets, composers, dancers, answering the call to serve in these ministries, using the gifts God has
architects, storytellers, painters, carvers and designers to express the given them. Paul had to explain to the people of Corinth that their gifts
truth of human life a Christian way. This how the liturgy will become were for the whole community, and not for their own
inculturated. The community also needs the services of its members satisfaction: "You together are Christ's body, and each of you is a part of
during the actual celebrations. All ministries are for service, the work of it" (1 Corinthians 12:27).
building up the Body of Christ in unity, and so becoming a sacrament of On Sundays we gather around our master Jesus Christ, led by our
unity for the world. pastor, an ordained minister, who teaches us through the Word of God,
Christian community and leadership sanctifies us through the Eucharist, and guides us through the
What is the role of the ordained minister, the priest in our Christian coordination of all our gifts. We gather to help one another to open our
community? Let us remember that Jesus came to sow the seeds of the hearts to God's grace, and to celebrate his action in our daily
Let us Pray 31
lives. God constantly acts with power, so that even though we trust in Let us remember to take Jesus home with us from our gatherings, "Be
him, we are often surprised by his blessings. "So let us give filled with the Spirit; sing the words of the hymns when you are
encouragement to one another and keep strengthening one another" (1 together, and go on singing and chanting to the Lord in your hearts, so
Thessalonians 5:11). that always and everywhere you are giving thanks to God our father in
Ministering to one another the name of the Lord Jesus Christ" (Ephesians 5:19-20).
Why do we come together to worship? Wherever we are, our High In the Eucharist
Priest Jesus Christ is always with us. But we gather in his name and The ordained minister (the celebrant, the priest) serves the people,
make his presence real to one another through our joyful participation in helping them to serve God.
the worship. Our Christian worship is basically our service of our He is there to help the people of God to listen understand and encounter
neighbor, as Paul tells us (Rom 12:1,11, 14:17-18; 1 Corinthians 12:5; the Word of God in their daily lives, so that they can discover "the hope
Colossians 3:23-24). We all share in the priestly mission of the Church to which we are called". This can happen in various ways. The people
(1 Peter 2:9, Revelation 5:10). On Sundays we come together to must be helped to read and study and pray with the text in their own
celebrate God's love for us, and his love that is also in us, that same love situation, in their Small Christian Communities. The minister can
that we have been expressing in our service to one another throughout collect some of their insights and synthesize them in the Sunday homily.
the week. The people could also read the text in small groups during the liturgy.
We are the Church, God's own people, a royal priesthood, an assembly The celebrant also proclaims, on behalf of the Assembly, the great
centered on Jesus in the Eucharist. But are we a community? Even prayer of praise, thanksgiving, and petition (the Eucharistic Prayer).
though we gather only once a week we can be a community, if we also Because it is also their prayer, all the believers respond with an act of
gather in small groups during the week. This is easy for the rural people faith after the words of institution, and with a loud AMEN at the end.
who live their lives together, but even city people can take the time to The celebrant also leads the assembly, the Body of Christ, in the prayer
be together, to share our joys and difficulties and hopes, to break the of the Body, the Our Father.
bread of God's Word in the Gospels, to pray for one another. And in The celebrant breaks the Bread, where the Assembly encounters the
these small groups we also make use of the gifts we have been given, reality of the presence of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, as he continues
gifts of leadership, of prayer, of healing, of wisdom and understanding. his great act of love, giving himself over and over again to his people.
This is how we will grow in faith, fellowship, and apostolic action.
We do not expect our pastors to visit every corner of the parish every 8.5 Music and Participation
week or even every year in some large parishes). It is obvious that we Singing and music can also evoke images and ideas, as well as
must minister to one another's needs. If anyone says she/he has nothing expressing our feelings and attitudes. In this sense the music is also a
to offer, this might be a failure to admit God's generosity in giving his symbol. Therefore great attention should be paid to the style and
grace to all. Each one can help in some way to make Jesus Christ more arrangement as a means of achieving greater participation.
alive in the small community and in the parish as a whole. The assembly participates by responses, and some of these are sung.
We can all follow Paul's advice to the Church at Thessalonika: "Be But there are also other times when singing is an appropriate form of
happy at all times, pray constantly, and for all things give thanks to participation:
God, for this is what God expects you to do in Christ Jesus" (1 (1) The are three great "acclamations" or "shouts of joy": the Alleluia
Thessalonians 5:17). before the Gospel, the Acclamation of Faith during the Eucharistic
Jesus is present in our assemblies, because we believe, and because we Prayer, and the great Amen at its end. There are two other acclamations
love one another, as Paul says, "So the body grows until it has built that should be sung, at least on Sundays: the "Holy, holy, ..., and the
itself up, in love" (Ephesians 4:16). This also according to God's doxology, "For the Kingdom ..." at the end of the Our Father.
commandments, "That we believe in his Son Jesus Christ, and that we
love one another, as he told us to" (1 John 3:23).
Let us Pray 32
(2) There are two important processional songs: for the Entrance, and Note that the tabernacle has no liturgical role and should not be visible
for Communion (note that the "Recessional Song" is not part of the during the celebration. It is for storing Communion for the sick and for
Liturgy, and can be omitted). private devotion to the Eucharistic Presence.
(3) For the first Reading, there are 900 "Responsorial verses" to choose
from. The community should know a good number of these by heart. 9 PLANNING OUR WORSHIP
(4) Other chants are optional: the "Lord have mercy ..." OR the Glory to
God ..." (but not both), the Our Father (if all can join in), the "Lamb of 9.1 Liturgy is not spontaneous: planning and rehearsal
God ..." (if the Breaking of the Bread is prolonged), the Creed is usually
There is a difference between a spontaneous celebration and a traditional
better declaimed (if sung the chant should be very simple).
ritualized celebration. In the first case some one has to suggest, "Let's
(5) If there is an "Offertory Procession", then a song can accompany it
do ... make ... sing ... pray." But in the second case everyone knows
(not an "offering" song, but a song of praise and joy).
what is to be done. They also know the reason for the celebration.
(6) After Communion, there can be a meditative song.
Unless we know the reason we cannot plan properly, we cannot
participate fully, nor can we ask ourselves afterwards if our planning
8.6 Furniture and Space
was successful.
In the celebration itself, everything is arranged to help the participation We need to plan every liturgy so that all the participants know their
of everyone. The space itself as well as the furniture must become a tasks, and especially so that the celebrant can lead us more deeply into
part of the overall symbol of participation in God's work. worship.
Symbolism is strengthened by being clear and simple. If symbols are Those who organize the daily liturgy of the Eucharist need to choose
multiplied or explained too much they are no longer obvious. songs and acclamations, to appoint the lector and acolyte. They also
The seats are arranged to emphasize the unity of the assembly, including need to advise the celebrant in time about the theme or purpose of the
the celebrant, so he should be as close as possible to the people. The celebration, so that his homily will be well-focused. And of course, for
seating should also encourage the movement of the people, for the more solemn Sunday or feast-day celebrations much more
greetings, gestures, dance ... The altar table and the lectern (for the preparation will be needed: arranging the Entrance and Offertory
readings) should be positioned close to the people. They should be very processions, choosing the Penitential Rite, planning the Gospel
beautiful, and should balance one another for the two parts of the procession, appointing people for the readings and for the Prayers of the
liturgy. Likewise the books should attractively bound and decorated to Faithful (these are not for the priest to proclaim). Those in charge also
show their importance as symbols of the ritual. need to supervise the musicians and choir, so that everything is done
Smaller symbols such as candles and cross should be reduced to the with the aim of increasing the participation of the whole assembly.
minimum, and the candles set at the sides of the table, rather than on it. Two points that may be forgotten: singing, music or dance should never
The table is for the action, with the primary symbols of bread and cup. be presented as entertainment, nor should photographers be allowed to
These should be very obvious: one large cup or flask, one "loaf" of set off flashlights or move about in the assembly (never mixing with the
bread. The bread should look and taste like food, and be big enough to ministers in the sanctuary!)
be broken before it is eaten. The symbolism of Communion under both
kinds is very important ("take this all of you ... eat ... drink"). 9.2 What are we celebrating today?
The vestments of the celebrant should not be overloaded with symbols,
Why do Christians have so many celebrations? Every week we
because that would be distracting us from the action. Their colour and
celebrate the Lord's Day, Sunday, to remind us of the who we are and
shape should be enough to be symbolic and decorative.
why we re here, and we renew our commitment to one another and to
the whole Body.
Let us Pray 33
A Christian always has something to celebrate: life itself, the gift of particular days there will be a special event to give thanks for, an event
faith, the gift of salvation. That is why joy is the mark of a true in the life of the community, or a particular saint to remember and thank
Christian. Our planning includes emphasizing the reason for a God for. Or there may a special need in the community or in the world.
particular celebration. Lord's Day - other days - liturgical cycle & salvation history - life events
Every year we celebrate the cycle of events in our salvation history, not
as past or finished, but as present and future as well. We celebrate the 9.3 Participation and Evaluation
Coming (Advent) of Jesus, not as history, but as he continues to come The most important aspect for evaluation is participation. Full
into our lives and as our expectation of his final Coming in glory. The participation involves us as whole persons (body, mind, spirit) and as a
last words of the Bible are a prayer: "Come Lord Jesus" (Revelation single Body.
22:20). We celebrate the 40 days of Lent as a preparation for the Participation is obvious in our presence, our position (our physical
solemn renewal of our Baptism, our commitment to work for the closeness to one another), our common posture, our responses, our
eradication of evil, the growth of unity. We do this united with Jesus in singing, our greetings, our Communion in the Bread and the Cup.
his work, his suffering, death and resurrection. We spend another 50 Participation of our minds and spirits may not be so obvious, but our
days deepening our understanding of this Paschal Mystery in our lives, willingness to participate will appear in our attentiveness, our
as we prepare to be renewed by the Holy Spirit as Pentecost. enthusiasm, and our joy. In some of the new Eucharistic Prayers the
Throughout the year we celebrate what God has done in the lives of assembly has much more opportunity to participate in the doxologies
some of His servants, the Saints who are our models of prayer, (formulas of praise). This particularly important in the Masses for
dedicated service, and holiness. Especially we celebrate God's gift of children (see the next Chapter).
Mary, the mother of the Lord, the first Christian, the Mother of the So our evaluation includes looking carefully at the details of the
Church, the model of what we are to become: she was sinless from her environment, the structure of the liturgy itself, the leadership given by
conception (the Immaculate Conception), she has experienced the the celebrant and other ministers, to see how each of these helped or
fulness of the resurrection (her Assumption). hindered the participation of all.
We always need a reason for a celebration. Joy is the outward sign of a We can ask questions such as:
true Christian, because a Christian is always celebrating life itself, the Was there enough space for the whole group?
gift of God, and the gift of faith. Was the seating arranged so that all could be close enough to one
Some people are very fortunate in being able to attend Mass every day. another and to the centre of the action (the altar table, the lectern etc)?
This both a privilege and a danger. Being able to participate in the Were the decorations helping the community to focus on the liturgical
wonderful act of salvation carried out by Christ is a privilege. But being action (or were they distracting)?
there every day can easily become routine, with a danger of inattention Were there any distractions in the form of movements or objects that
or boredom. were not a part of the liturgy (photographers, adjustment of
Those who have begun to develop a liturgical spirituality will be able to microphones, moving of furniture ...)?
participate each day by renewing their commitment to serve Jesus in the Was there a "flow" of liturgical stages, from the Introductory Rites to
community, saying with Him, "This is my Body, given for you" to each the Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of the Eucharist, and the
person present and to the whole world. In addition, the events of daily Concluding Rites?
life should already be a work of serving the Lord. The ;persons we meet Was there a rapport (real communication) between the celebrant and the
through our apostolic presence will also be present to us in the community?
Eucharist. There will be no separation between life and worship. Was there an effort by the celebrant to lead the assembly reverently so
Can we really celebrate the Lord's Supper every day? We can if we do that they could recognize and be attentive to the divine presence?
not try to make it like a Sunday celebration. Each day we can
remember, with joy, what God has done, is doing, will do. And on
Let us Pray 34
Were the readers and the homilist competent and convincing in suggested "restricting, abbreviating or omitting certain elements, and of
announcing the Good News in a way that was relevant to the needs and choosing suitable texts" (Notitiae 3, p. 368).
situation of the community? The whole Directory should be studied. Here we give only a few points.
How did the assembly respond to all the above? It can be noted also that much of what is said here about adaptation is
applicable to liturgy in general.
10 LITURGY FOR YOUNG PERSONS Among the ways of helping the little ones to participate, the Directory
mentions having ä special liturgy of the Word and homily ... in a
10.1 Who is participating? separate place", and then brining them in for the Eucharistic liturgy.
The aim of separate children's liturgies is twofold: to help them to
Some of us have participated in a Mass prepared for younger children.
celebrate as children, and to prepare them to participate with adults.
Some of us will be involved in planning such celebrations. Let us look
The children should take part in the preparation of their own Mass,
briefly at some of the problems that arise when we try to involve young
especially the prayers, readings, and songs, but also the place and the
children, of 6 to 10 years, who may have recently received Communion
things used in the liturgy. Singing is especially important for children,
for the first time.
and also music which supports the singing, touches the heart, and
First there is the problem of participation by children in action which
expresses joy. Music must never overshadow the singing or become a
requires a certain level of faith. Children do not have the same faith as
adults. Do we understand how they experience God, or the presence of
Jesus in their lives? Perhaps we could say that the key to children's faith
10.3 Key role of the celebrant
is simplicity.
So, when adults are present at a children's liturgy, they need to have a "The priest who is celebrating Mass with children should be at pains to
similar attitude of simplicity. Adults participate by being with their make the celebration a festive, fraternal and prayerful one. This attitude
children, sharing their simple faith. Can the celebrant also be "in tune" on the part of the priest has a greater effect on the celebration than in
with the simple faith of the children? Masses with adults. Everything depends on his personal preparation and
A second problem is the limited span of attention of young children - on the way he conducts himself and addresses himself to the children"
about 20 minutes for most of them. They also need a variety of (Directory n. 23).
activities to help them focus their attention throughout the celebration. He should choose his words carefully, and be ready to make comments
A third problem concerns the "space" for the liturgy. Children need to in his own words at appropriate times, the invitation to penance, the
be close to one another and close to the action. Usually the altar table in prayer over the gifts, the sign of peace, and communion (see Directory
the church is too high for them to see very much, and the large seats n. 23). It is also advisable sometimes to adapt the presidential prayers
prevent them from being together. Is it possible to arrange the furniture to the needs of the children (see Directory n. 49).
so that it suits the children? There is no reason why one of the adults should not preach a homily to
In some churches the children have a special place around the altar for the children after the Gospel, especially if the priest has difficulty
the Sunday Eucharist, and they have their own liturgy of the Word in adapting himself to the mentality of the children" (Directory n. 24).
another place. Sometimes it will be suitable to have a dialogue with the children
(Directory n. 48).
10.2 The Directory for Masses with Children
10.4 Time and place, words and symbols
The Church has taken account of the special arrangements needed for
good liturgy with children. The document called "Directory for Masses "The church is the primary place for a Eucharistic celebration with
with Children" was published by the Sacred Congregation for Divine children, and if possible a space within it should be carefully chosen to
Worship in 1973. However the first Synod of Bishops had already suit the number of participants and the use they will make of it if their
Let us Pray 35
liturgy is to be lively and adapted to their age ... it will sometimes be to see their responsibility for solving their human problems through the
necessary to celebrate a children's Mass elsewhere" (Directory n. 25). Gospel message. They begin to commit themselves to living Christ's
"The time chosen ... should be one which best suits the circumstances in love for everyone, to going beyond the solidarity of clan, tribe or
which they are living ... when they will be most receptive to the Word interest group.
of God and best able to celebrate the Eucharist" (Directory n. 26). They can also reflect on the way they celebrate and worship God as
One or two readings may be used, always emphasizing quality rather Christians. They can be the means of inculturation of the liturgy,
than quantity. Many episcopal conferences have composed their own through celebrating the values they live day by day. This will be a great
lectionaries for children's Masses. Paraphrases should always be help to the whole community in their understanding of the faith.
"Having regard to the nature of the liturgy as an action of the whole 11.2 Religious communities and liturgy
man, and with particular reference to the psychology of children, A religious community is a household very different from the family
participation through gesture and bodily attitude is highly household. A religious community is not a family. The members were
recommended"(Directory n. 33). Such movements as processing, not nurtured together, and in fact did not choose to be together in their
standing, bowing, clapping, raising hands, and joining hands can be household. Often they come from different tribes or nations. Because
used. Similarly the Directory says that "visual elements ... may be of their diversity and their life of communion together they can be an
introduced ... which allow the children to see with their own eyes the example of the wider solidarity to which all Christians are called.
wonderful works of God in creation and redemption" and "for the same The members are all called to do the same work, the same service of
reason, the use of pictures done by the children can be of value" (n. building unity in the Church, in their parish and their neighborhood.
35,36). They are also called on to be "professional prayers" in the Church, those
Silence is of itself a symbol, even for children, as the Directory says, who carry out the daily "Liturgy of the Hours", the official "Prayer of
"Even children in their own small way are capable of meditative the Church".
prayer"(n. 37) In many places religious communities have the opportunity to do much
for the inculturation of the liturgy within their own chapels and also
11 LITURGICAL SPIRITUALITY through animation of parish groups.

11.1 Small Christian Communities and liturgy 11.3 Living in Baptism and Eucharist
One of the "signs of the times", a sign of hope for the Church, is the rise Baptism makes us members of the Body Christ, strengthened by the
of Small Christian Communities (SCC), neighborhood groups, existing power of the Holy Spirit. Baptism consecrates us, that is, it gives us a
under many different names. Such a community is an ideal special task, a holy task, a special role in God's plan, God's work. Once
environment for receiving and reflecting on the Word of God. It would again we need to recall God's plan to renew the whole of creation in
also be an ideal environment for our act of thanksgiving Christ. Every Christian is sent by the Lord to live out his Baptism (and
(eucharistia)and communion in the Lord's Supper. We would be close confirmation) in the apostolate (see Apostolate of Laity 3) by
enough to the Table of the Lord, and to the elements of the Supper to cooperating in the work of uniting the family, the village, the
see not only the "outside" but also the "inside", the Truth of Jesus, God- neighborhood, the parish, the diocese, the universal Church. This work
with-us in our daily lives. However, the SCC cannot have an ordained is to be both witness and service, for the Church itself is a sacrament, a
minister present, except perhaps on rare occasions. sign and an instrument.
What is possible for the SCC is self-evangelization through prayer and We witness above all by our love, whether married love or celibate love.
listening to the Word of God. In this way the members begin to accept And this love is to be like that of Jesus (1 John 3:23). It will appear in
their individual responsibilities and learn to live as Church. They begin our availability and desire to give something good to the ones we love,
Let us Pray 36
even our enemies. Each one witnesses and serves "in proportion to what brother or sister who stands beside me? This is the challenge of the
Christ has given" (Eph 4:7). Christian vocation.
Every Christian celebrates and renews his commitment to the ministry "Have confidence, I have overcome the world" ... "You are in me and I
through participation in the Lord's Supper, thereby proclaiming "we are am in you" (John 16:33, 14:20). Together with him we can overcome
the Body of Christ, we know the secret of God's plan (Eph 3:10), we the greed, the injustice, the selfishness, the fear, which is in each one of
believe that we are commissioned and empowered to discover and us, and in the world around us.
nurture the seeds of the Kingdom in communion with one another and So let us pray daily to our Father: "may your Kingdom come", and
with Jesus." "give us today the Bread which is Life and Power".
The theme of the Mass is always thanksgiving (= eucharistia). There The life of Jesus was changed by his death. We proclaim that his death
are many aspects of this theme, and we should concentrate on them one is actually life, a new life, in us and among us. We believe that in his
at a time: the Real Presence of Jesus, the Sacrifice of Jesus, our Bread of death we are forgiven, that is, if we want to be forgiven. So we try hard
Life, our Communion with Jesus, our Commitment to Jesus and to one to allow Jesus to live in us, and to do his work through us. He wants us
another in him. to tell everyone, "Look! God loves you so much that he sent his own
The last dimension of commitment is one that is often overlooked, yet it Son to show you that the way to true life and happiness is through
actually includes all the others. The words of Jesus at his farewell meal dying.
are clear: "Love one another as I have loved you" (John 15:17), "So that In Chapter 6 of the Gospel of John, we read how Jesus spoke to three
the world may believe that it was the Father who sent me" (John 17:21). different groups of people as he gradually revealed the true meaning of
Before this he had told them, "The one who eats my flesh and drinks my his mission. To the first group, "the crowd", he said, "I am the bread of
blood lives in me and I in him" (John 6:56). life" (John 6:35). To the second group, the leaders in the synagogue at
Who is this person Jesus who invites us to live in him, to be one with Capernaum whom John called "the Jews", Jesus said, "I am the living
him? It is the one who "showed how perfect his love was" (John 13:1 or bread that came down from heaven ... my flesh is the real
"He loved them to the end"). He became the servant of his community food" (John 6:51,55). And to the third group, the disciples, he said,
and washed the feet of his disciples. Then he gave his up life in order to "The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life" (John
be with them for ever. 6:63).
He invites us to become one with him, to live with him, in his love and So we must ask the Spirit to give us understanding of the reality of what
in his self-sacrifice. We are to become one in a community in him. We we do at mass. He will teach us all things (John 14:36). Jesus own
believe that we possess his Spirit, the Divine power, "in whom we live prayer also helps us, "Father, may they be one in us, as you are in me,
and move and have our being" (Ac 17:28), and so we "can do all things and I am in you, so that the world may believe that it was you who sent
in him who strengthens us" (Ph 4:13). He call us to be a community of me" (John 17:21).
sharing, serving brothers and sisters, and he gives us the power to be So the Mass is the celebration of the Real Presence of Jesus in the food
this community. and drink we share. It is also our celebration of his death, through
He told us "The Kingdom of God is among (within) you" (Luke 17:21), which he entered new life. It is a celebration of his work in us as he
but we have not yet put it into action, because our faith is weak. Our uses us to bring love and faith to all people.
faith in the power of the Spirit, and in the strength of the Divine Bread, "Do this in memory of me", Jesus said (Luke 22:20). But, what are we
is especially weak. He challenges each one of us during the Mass to say supposed to do? Theologians tell us that these words mean, "Do this in
with him, "This is my body given up for you, this is my life blood order to make me present to the community, as the person who brings
poured out for the world"? We want to share in his resurrection, but do salvation". Every day we can give "Eucharist" to those we meet, we can
we also want to share in his dying for others to give them life? Can I break the bread of the Word, we can share ourselves and our material
receive Jesus in Communion and not be prepared to receive him in the gifts.
Let us Pray 37

11.4 Heavenly liturgy and language" (Revelation 5:9h; 7:9). They take part in the heavenly
We proclaim in the Creed: "I believe in the communion of saints". We liturgy (see 4:8,11; 5:9,12,13; 7:10,12; 11:15; 12:10; 15:3-4).
believe that we live in the presence of our Ancestors and all who have The prayers of the liturgy recognize our union with the ancestors and the
gone before us. It is not just the members of the living community who saints:
are present in the assembly. The "living-dead" (those who have died
recently) and those who have remained in the memory of the people, the 12 CELEBRATING OTHER SACRAMENTS
Ancestors of long ago, are also with us.
A prayer from the Mende of Sierra Leone asks: 12.1 Baptism and Confirmation
"O God, let this prayer reach the Supreme Being, let it reach our Infant Baptism
ancestors, all our forefathers who are in your arms". As Christians, we know God's Plan for the world (see Ephesians 1:10).
A Kikuyu prayer asks: We know that his Son Jesus Christ our Risen Lord is still with us as he
"You the Great Elder, who dwell on the shining mountain ... we beseech promised (Matthew 28:21). We know that his Holy Spirit is acting with
you in harmony with the spirits of our ancestors ..." power in our lives (Acts 1: . We know that we are called to serve our
The Bushmen prayed for immortality, speaking to the Moon: brothers and sisters according to God's Plan, so that his Reign ( his
"You lie down and you return - let me be like you, because you have joy, Kingdom) will come in its fullness: the new heaven and the new earth,
you return evermore alive, after you have vanished from sight. Did you where everything is completed in Christ. Therefore we have something
not promise me once that we too should return and be happy again after to celebrate when a baby is born into Christian (Catholic) family.
death?" Here is another person called to join God's task force which will change
Before their elections in 1962, the Ganda people prayed to God, to the the world. Here is another person called to make a commitment to live
recently deceased King Mutesa II, and to all the Ancestors: in close communion with the whole serving Church (celebrated in the
"O Muwanga, who ordered this land, we kneel and pray you so to order Eucharist). Here is another person called to be anointed as priest,
it again as you ordered it in ages past ...O blessed Mutesa, have mercy prophet, and king, united with the suffering Christ, the teaching Christ,
on us ... O all you blessed ones of old, who disappeared, have mercy on the healing Christ. Here is another person called to be an evangelizer:
us ..." by living the life of repentance and reconciliation as a sign to the world,
The Church also reminds us of those who were models of sanctity in by living the life of service according to the gifts received, by sharing
other lands, the Saints of the Universal Church. They are more closely the Good News with others, that they too may understand God's Plan.
united to God than we ourselves. The community celebrate their FAITH in this call given to the new-
The favorite word of many Christians is "Alleluia!" (praise God!), a born, their HOPE that the call will be answered some day, and their
word which comes to us from Jewish worship (see Psalms 111 and 113 LOVE for the new-born. That is why they commit themselves, through
especially). In the New Testament it is found only in the Book of the sponsors (godparents) to see that he/she receives all the help which
Revelation, Chapter 19 verses 1, 3, 4 and 6. There we are told how the will be needed to grow into this vocation.
huge crowd gathered in God's presence are continuously singing His For new-born babies it is the community and especially the parents who
praises. should be preparing themselves. It is a time to reflect on the meaning of
The Book of revelation has many passages telling how the Ancestors our vocation, and especially on how we educate our young children in
("the twenty four elders") and the spirits ("angels") sing and chant the the Christian values:
praise of the eternal God and of Jesus the Lord, "the Lion of Judah", - how we teach them by word and example about their great
"the Root of David", "the Lamb who was sacrificed" (Revelation calling as individual persons greatly loved by God, persons whom
5:5,9,12). The Ancestors include people from "every nation, race, tribe God wants to use for the work of evangelization,
Let us Pray 38
- how we listen to them, trying to discover their needs, their The light is another sign of faith, but this time of the faith we are to
stages of growth, bring into the world - the Good News.
- how we share responsibility with them in the home, preparing The white clothes are another sign of the new life we have discovered
them to accept full responsibility for their own lives, and want to show to others.
- how we teach them to be free to choose and decide in little All of this is God's work in us, just as in Jesus. When Jesus reached the
things at first, so that they are ready to make the great decisions full maturity of his human strength and wisdom, the Holy Spirit began
about their vocation. to show itself in a new way as divine power.
Adult baptism Mark's Gospel begins with the words: "The beginning of the Good
In the baptism of an adult we celebrate something even greater, News about Jesus Messiah the Son of God" (1:1), and goes on to say,
something already realized. We believe that this person has already "He proclaimed the Good News from God: the time has come, and the
received the gift of faith, has heard God's call, and is asking to be Kingdom of God is close at hand. Repent and believe the Good News"
admitted into full communion with the community through Baptism, (1:14).
Confirmation, and Eucharist. In these passages we can see that Jesus is both message and messenger.
In the celebration of the community the new Christian is asking God to It was at his baptism (the word means "sinking", "submerging", or
confirm her/his commitment to God's work. This person has said, "Yes, "dyeing"), that Jesus realized, in his human wisdom, that he had a call
I now know what God is doing in my life and in this world, especially from his Father. It was then that he knew that he was the Son of God,
through his Church. I want to be united with my Christian brothers and with a mission. He heard the words "beloved son" (Mark 1:11) which
sisters in Jesus Christ. I want to live in the power of his Spirit, in joy, reminds us of Isaac, the beloved son whom Abraham was asked to
in peace and reconciliation, and in self-control. I want to be an sacrifice. It seems that Mark saw the whole of Jesus' public life as a
evangelizer". Baptism, beginning in the Jordan and ending in Jerusalem, on the cross.
The baby must wait to be confirmed and to share in the Lord's Supper, Jesus asked James and John, "Can you be baptized the way I must be
to be united in the great act of self-giving of Jesus, but the adult is baptized?" (Mark 10:38). Jesus asks us the same question, for we too
baptized and confirmed almost as one sacrament and then makes her/his want to be his disciples. Can I give my whole life to serve my neighbor
communion with the Lord and the community in the same Mass. and die for her/him?
Baptism is the basis of our Christian vocation. It is far more important So you have been baptized. Does it make any difference? Do you feel
than any other sacrament. That is why adult new Christians usually any different? Only if you have first repented, changed your ways, and
spend one or two years of preparation for it. begun to believe. When you know why you have been baptized, and
Symbols in Baptism called to serve in God's Church as a Kingdom-builder then you will feel
What do we celebrate in Baptism? the urge and the power to do just that, and only that.
We celebrate only one reality: the reality of God's love for us all. In The Holy Spirit who filled you at Baptism is not like the water which
baptism we celebrate especially our coming to know this love i.e. our trickled off. The Holy Spirit is a fire, hidden deep within you. The
faith, and wanting to reveal it to others. Holy Spirit is living water gushing up to bring life to thirsty soil and
The water of baptism is not connected so much with washing - see thirsting souls. The Holy Spirit is in your hands, and in your voice, in
John's Gospel. Rather it is the sign of the Spirit - we are to be immersed your eyes, and in your smile. Don't choke the Holy Spirit!
in the Spirit, soaked in the Spirit, in the love of God
The oil of baptism is a sign of consecration, being set aside for a holy Questions:
purpose - for the work of God (see the Document on the Lay 1 How do the ceremonies of Baptism and Confirmation help us to
Apostolate). Baptism is the sacrament of mission, which is confirmed understand the meaning of what we, members of the community, are
in Confirmation and these two celebrations belong together. doing in the celebration of the sacrament and in our lives?
Let us Pray 39
2 Do we know the date of our baptism/confirmation? Do we continue Reconciliation
to celebrate this great event? When two people quarrel, they sometimes finish as "enemies". They
will not look at one another. They will not smile at one another. They
12.2 Reconciliation: Sin and Sins will not touch one another. When we see these again we know that they
The emphasis of the Sacrament of forgiveness is no longer on have been reconciled.
Confession and Penance, but on Reconciliation. Why is this? It is Jesus has given to his Church some signs of his presence. He is present
because over the centuries there was a growing emphasis on laws, to in the sign of Reconciliation, Confession, or the sacrament of Penance.
such an extent that many people had forgotten about God's call to love. God always forgives. He forgives every person, every time, every
We concentrated on laws and how to avoid breaking them and forgot offense. It is we ourselves who are slow to accept his forgiveness. He
about paying attention to God and to the presence of Jesus in our never stops looking at us, smiling at us, touching us, inviting us to turn
neighbor. and speak to him. It is we who have looked away and enjoyed our own
Sin comfort. So it is we ourselves who must change and give a sign of
God calls us to be his children, to be like his Son Jesus. It was Jesus reconciliation to God and to our neighbor. God has been calling us
who told us to call God our Father, and showed us the way to the through Jesus, calling us to come to him. But Jesus is seen only in our
Father. He also gave us his own Spirit so that we could have our neighbor. So we must look at that neighbor whom we have neglected to
Father's life in us. When God calls to us, it should be his own Spirit in help, and welcome her/him again, be kind to her/him. We need to smile
us which says, "Yes, Father". at that neighbor, and then do for her/him what we refused or neglected
We sin when we hear God's call and refuse to answer it. God calls us to do before.
through His laws and through other persons. He calls us to respect Him The Christian community is our first responsibility. It is to our brothers
by respecting His law and the persons He has created. None of us is and sisters in Christ that we must first show our love ("see how they
perfect, we are all sinners. We commit "sins", but we do not live "in love one another"). Therefore it is to our Christian community that we
sin", which is absolutely refusing to serve God at all. We believe in must first be reconciled. We can remember this in our Sunday Mass
God's forgiveness, and we turn back to him. A real sinner is a person when we say, "I confess to you my brothers and sisters" that I have
who has chosen totally, in her/his heart, to turn away from the God failed to work as I should to build God's Kingdom, that I have failed to
he/she knows. It is not easy to convert such a person back to God. The tell the Good News of God's love and forgiveness through my own joy
life of God's Spirit is absent from such a person. His sin is mortal, and loving concern for family and friends.
he/she is dead. I must begin again, each week, each day, each moment, to accept God's
No one can turn away from God without also turning away from the forgiveness and to try again to show it to others.
neighbor. This is because God usually calls us through other persons. It is good also to join regularly with the community in celebrating our
God gives salvation to those who have been kind to their neighbor reconciliation to God and to one another, and in confessing our
(Matthew 25:31-46). In order to be saved, we must share our food with sinfulness, especially the weaknesses which continually lead us to
the hungry, share our clothing with the poor, share our joy with the neglect or hurt others. hat s why we have the sacrament of
suffering and the sick, share our homes with strangers. Reconciliation. That is also why we have special seasons of the year,
Jesus comes to me as a poor man a hungry child, a sick woman, a such as Lent and Advent, to remind us about repentance and
stranger, an unmarried mother, a convicted criminal. Can I say to Jesus, reconciliation. We need also to be strengthened by receiving the sign of
"I'm sorry, I can't help you, try somewhere else". In the Gospel God's forgiveness from his minister, who can also give us advice on
mentioned above, Jesus did not quote any of the commandments. He how to deal with our weaknesses.
spoke only of kindness and hospitality. That is why we need to Sacrament
apologize and be reconciled with those we have hurt or neglected. Reconciliation also celebrates God's loving presence. Only through the
presence of God in our lives, the presence of Love, can we overcome
Let us Pray 40
our resentment and anger and be reconciled to our neighbor. There are ministers, our priests, who prepare us for a reconciliation which is
many ways of showing our forgiveness and love, but we need the deeper than the human way, a reconciliation with God himself.
special sign of the Church's minister. In this sign it becomes clear to me Rites
that it is God and not myself who can bring about reconciliation. So we The Church has given us three "rites" or methods of celebrating the
celebrate God's love when we confess our sins and accept his love and sacrament of Penance, (a) privately, in a rite involving only the person
forgiveness, after we have forgiven our neighbor. and the priest, (b) as a community, but with private confession, (c) as a
Some years ago the Synod of Bishops met to discuss the topic of community, with general confession.
Reconciliation. They decided to keep the name "Penance" for the In each case we find these elements of the sacrament:
sacrament in which we acknowledge our sinfulness and receive the - the Word of God encouraging repentance
assurance of God's forgiveness through the ministry of the priest. - examination of life
The word "penance" does not mean just the acts of devotion, prayer or - confession
fasting or good works, which we are asked to perform as part of the - communication of God's forgiveness in absolution
sacrament. "Penance" is also a way of life, which includes "repentance" - prayer, fasting, or almsgiving as a means of restoring what has
and "restitution". been lost or damaged through sin (the "penance").
So the sacrament is a celebration of God's action in our lives which There are two signs that we can miss if we confess privately, separated
enables us to REPENT: to turn away from sin, to turn towards God and from the priest by a screen. These are (a) the sign of authority which the
accept his forgiveness, to turn towards our neighbor and restore what priest wears, the long piece of cloth called a "stole" which was given
was lost through our sinfulness. him by the bishop, who is the Vicar or representative of Christ for us,
The symbols which make up this sacrament are not so clear to all of us (b) the gesture which the priest makes with the words, "I absolve you
because they are not material signs. Instead, they are actions. There are from your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
several ways of celebrating this sacrament, so the signs appear different. Spirit" - he raises his open hand in a sign of authority, and perhaps lays
What are the signs by which we show our attitude of repentance? How it on the shoulder or arm of the person confessing.
do we show that we are turning away from sin? How do we show that The rite of Penance is called a "sacrament". Not all religious
we are turning to God? How do we show that we are turning to our ceremonies are sacraments, e.g. the burial rite is not a sacrament. To
neighbor? How do we show that we are willing to restore the damage those who participate with faith a sacrament reveals and communicates
that we have done to God's work? God's love, the same love which Jesus showed in his life, death and
People who gather together to celebrate this sacrament are already resurrection. Therefore every sacrament is a participation in God's
telling one another by their presence, "We want to turn away from sin, saving work through Jesus Christ, so that the Holy Spirit can continue
we want to turn back to God and to our neighbor". For the person who this work through us.
makes a private confession the sign is not so clear, and he/she may have Reconciliation continues every day without the Church's official
to use other means to be reconciled with the community. sacrament. God is healing/reconciling us through cultural forms as well
Reconciliation begins in the family when we ask one another's as liturgical forms. We can say with Moses, "The Lord was in this
forgiveness and then try to make amends for the harm we have done. It place and I did not know it". As Christians we claim to know the truth,
can then extend to our neighborhood group, perhaps in a more formal but in fact most of the time we are unaware, because we do not lead full-
and more traditional way. Sometimes there is a need for reconciliation time Christian lives.
between groups, and this can only be done formally. Such repentance, God forgives me before, during, and after my sin, and I can accept and
confession, and reconciliation needs to be completed in the liturgy of receive His forgiveness if I am repentant and reconciled. The discipline
Penance. We need also to accept God's forgiveness for the harm done to of our Church requires that we confess our sin and its nature, our
ourselves and the community. For this, God has provided us with his repentance, and our willingness to be reconciled to God and neighbor.
Let us Pray 41
Confession also enables us to be assured of forgiveness and also to ask for and obtain the consent of the contracting parties". So it is up to
receive the advice and encouragement of God's minister. the authorities in each place "to revise and enrich the ritual, so that it
Questions: Which aspects of the sacrament of Penance are especially will more clearly show the grace of the sacrament and emphasize the
important for you? Which signs are the most powerful for bringing you spouses' duties".
into God's loving presence? How do you carry out the human side of The celebration normally takes place within the Mass, between the
reconciliation and forgiveness at home, or in your small group, village, homily and the prayers of the faithful. The Church requires that the one
etc? who assists at the marriage, that is, the one who asks for the consent of
each partner, be delegated by the bishop of the local church. Why? This
12.4 Marriage as Worship person is usually a priest or deacon, but can also be a lay person. There
Why is marriage called a sacrament? Marriage is a way of life. For a must also be two witnesses present to hear the words of consent and to
Christian community the wedding is a way of celebrating God's love, see the signing of the contract.
alive, active, and faithful in the lives of the couple and the children they We remember that a "sacrament" is a celebration of our faith in the
desire to have. presence and power of God's love in our lives. If God is love then he is
In marriage we can see a human sign of a deeper reality - the presence of certainly present in the relationship which binds the young couple
God's love in our world - binding people together, healing, creating new together, even before they express their commitment publicly through
bonds of love, uniting two families into one. the spoken word and the written contract. God brings them together and
A wedding is simply the celebration of the beginning of this great sign God will keep them together if they let him continue working in their
of love, sign of God's presence, bringing all things together under Christ lives.
Without full unity of faith there is something lacking in the sign, for It is only natural that the bride and groom share the one bread and the
example, if the couple are not both Christians, or not of the same one cup from the altar table at Communion time. When the community
Church. also participates in this communion there is a sign of their commitment
Christian Marriage is the commonest and clearest sign of God's presence to support and assist the young couple in their future struggles to remain
in our world and so should be the strongest force for building the faithful to each other and to their children.
Kingdom of unity and love. In the wedding we have a liturgy that should be closest to the lives of
There are so many aspects of marriage that are very important. Here we the members of the Christian community. It is important that all aspects
are discussing the celebration of the beginning of a lifetime's work by of the celebration, before the church ceremony, during it, and after it,
two people who are baptized Christians. form a complete unity. There is no question of finishing the church part
For some, the celebration begins when the couple make their decision and then it is time to "eat, drink, and be merry".
and announce it to the community. This is the time of betrothal. The wedding feast is also a celebration. Can it be a continuation of the
There are so many stages and celebrations in our different cultures that "Eucharistic banquet" ? How?
it is difficult to say what is liturgy and what is not. For a long time During the wedding night the couple continue to express their total
there was no official liturgy of marriage in the church, although there commitment to each other. Without bodily union, the sacrament is
were many blessings. In the sixteenth century, the Council of Trent incomplete, and the marriage can be dissolved.
made it clear that "If any regions use praiseworthy customs and Readiness for marriage
ceremonies when celebrating the sacrament of Matrimony the sacred When you are ready to leave father and mother, and look after yourself,
Synod earnestly desires that these by all means be retained". Four and look after someone else, then you might be ready for marriage.
hundred years later the Second Vatican Council stated that any When you know another person so well that you can list her bad points
ecclesiastical authority is free to draw up its own rite suited to its people and her good points, and you know what he is likely to do next, and
and region ... on the condition that the priest assisting at the marriage what his real aim in life is, and you still love her or him, then you might
be ready to join your lives in marriage, and even lie together.
Let us Pray 42
If you are a Christian, and you know what God's plan is, and you know He is united with his brother priests through the Bishop and therefore
what love is, and you know the suffering that love requires, and you with the whole diocese. The circle widens then to include the other
think your love can shine out like Christ's, then you might be ready for bishops gathered round the pope. Because of the Church's task is to
the Sacrament of Marriage. build the Kingdom of justice and peace, the priest who shows concern
Question: for peace and justice also gives witness to the unifying presence of
When you look at the wedding celebration in your culture, what do you Christ in the whole world.
see as the principle actions or symbols which point to the reality of Fifthly, the priest is a sign of the organization, the institution called
God's loving presence in the lives of the couple and in their commitment "Church". Often when we say "the church", we do not mean the people
to one another? of God, but rather the authority or institution. The priest is thus a public
figure. He is responsible not just to himself, but to his Bishop and the
12.5 Ordination people of the diocese.
Every baptized and confirmed Christian is given the power and the Sixthly, the priest is also concerned with order within the Church. He is
authority to minister as a sharer in the ministry of Jesus Christ, the called on to coordinate and organize the common task and the various
priest, prophet and king. So what about the "ordained priest"? ministries. He receives "holy orders" which he must carry out.
Firstly, in ordination the person is marked out as someone who is a Finally, the seventh role of the priest, which brings together all of the
leader and a living symbol within the community. This particular above, is to preside over the Eucharist and the other sacraments. In this
minister does what the whole Church does, and in some way he shows celebration the unity and solidarity of the community is most visible.
in his life and work the whole ministry of the Church. Other people The presence of Christ is most tangible, in the community, in their head,
could pray, preach, teach, heal, and administer the sacraments just as the priest, in the Word of God, and in the shared Body and Blood of the
well as the priest, but the priest does these things in the name of the Lord.
whole Church community. No one can be a priest just by wanting to. The American Bishops in 1971 expressed it this way: "The ordination of
The community has the right to confirm or reject the reality of the a priest is a solemn sacramental celebration by which a person is
personal vocation. received into the order of presbyters [originally this word meant
Secondly the ordained priest is a living reminder of the presence of "elders"], he assumes public office in the Church, and he is empowered
God's word to the community. The community needs this reminder, it to act in the name of Christ and of the Christian community with the
is not something the priest needs for himself. The presence of the promised assistance of the Holy Spirit".
ordained priest gives the community an opportunity to remember Every ordained minister lives out his sacrament not only by working for
Christ's promise to be with us as a teacher.. unity but by being connected to the center - at every level, parish,
Thirdly, because he is the living symbol of what Christ does in the diocese, universal Church.
Church, and because he is a living reminder of the word of Christ, the If we observe carefully the various ceremonies of the rite of ordination
priest is also the living "sacrament" of Christ. This is particularly true we will see how these seven characteristics are emphasized.
when the people gather round him for the celebration of the Eucharist: Question:
the Word of Christ and the Body of Christ broken and shared for us. He What part does the community play in the celebration? How do they
is like Christ the head of the Body, forming all the members into the give their approval for the ordination?
community called "Church". How do the aspects of reconciliation, unity, justice and peace,
Fourthly, the priest is the leader who brings people together through Eucharist, authority, word, appear in the rite?
reconciliation, not only his own community, but also uniting that
community with the other parts of the Church and with the whole
human community. He is the Center of unity of his own community.
Let us Pray 43

12.6 Anointing the Sick: God heals the whole person. - it reveals in rites and symbols what God was and is doing
We get in touch with the healing power of God when we use the special through Jesus Christ
SIGN of Anointing of the sick. We show our belief, our faith, in God's - it enables the participants, especially the sick person, to
love and desire to give us life to the full. We remove the barriers to experience God's action in their lives
receiving this forgiveness when we confess our sins. - the words used correspond to the rites and symbols.
Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life and have it to the full" There are two actions: the priest lays his hands on the sick person, and
(John 10:10). He gave life to the sick, the rejected, the dejected, the he anoints her/him with blessed oil. The oil is normally blessed by the
sorrowful. The raising of Lazarus from he dead can be taken as a Bishop during Holy week, as sign that the authority of the Vicar of
summary of all of Jesus life-giving ministry. Christ is involved. Sometimes it is necessary for the priest himself to
Jesus invites people to be healed, he says today what he said to Lazarus, bless the oil. Oil is used all over the world as a means of restoring
"Come out!" that is to say, "Come back into the community, take your health and vitality e.g. in massage. The details of the rites and symbols
place again among us". this is an invitation to accept forgiveness, be are to be arranged according to the traditions and culture of the people.
reconciled, and so allow the fullness of life to penetrate the soul, mind, What are the words used when the sick person is anointed? Every
and body. sacramental celebration begins with a liturgy of the Word. The readings
The Church celebrates the healing power of Jesus in two ways: in the are chosen to suit the particular needs of the sick person and the family
sacrament of Penance which concerns only our sinfulness, and in the or community. The prayer of anointing used in the Roman (Latin) Rite
sacrament of Anointing which is concerned also with the state of the is this:
body. The Letter of James reminds us that there is sometimes a close "In this holy anointing and through his great love, may the Lord fill you
connection between our sinfulness and our bodily health: "Is there with the power of his Holy Spirit. Through his love may he grant you
anyone who is ill? he should send for the elders of the Church who will rest in your suffering. May he grant you healing and forgive you all
pray for him and rub oil on him in the name of the Lord. This prayer your sins".
made in faith will heal the sick person, the Lord will restore him to Other prayers, for example, for the laying on of hands, can be chosen by
health, and the sins he has committed will be forgiven. So then, confess the priest who is leading the celebration.
your sins to one another, so that you will be healed". Often the Anointing is accompanied by the sacraments of Penance and
This anointing is a sacrament because it reveals that Jesus is the Healer, Holy Eucharist, as further signs of God's loving presence and care for
and it enables the sick person to experience his healing. It is a the sick person.
sacrament because it is done in the name of the Lord, i.e. in the name of
the Lord's Body, the Church. The Bishop, as the Vicar of Christ, has
authorized his priests to carry out this anointing in the Lord's name, and
in the name of the Church. Others who anoint the sick and pray for
their healing are not celebrating a sacrament, even though their prayer is
very effective. In the sacrament the community celebrates what God is
already doing through them: they show their love and care for the sick,
they help them to fight against the disease or sickness, they pray with
them and for them.
The sacrament of Anointing the Sick is possibly the best example we
can use to show the essential nature of a sacramental celebration:
- it is celebrated by the community with the assistance and the
authority of the ministers of the Church

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