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Reading Text: Sport with a difference

Paddleboarding is the hardest adventure

sport you'll ever try! If you like surfing
and rowing, you'll definitely love this.
You sit on your knees or lie on a board
and use your arms to move over the
water! If you're fit and you love a
challenge, try it! You will need to buy or
borrow a board.

Cycling is an activity you can enjoy

alone, or you can train and enter
competitions. Who knows? You could be
a future winner of the Tour de France!
Whether you ride for health, enjoyment or
competition, you must wear special
equipment. Never cycle without a helmet
to protect your head.

If your coordination is good and you

aren't afraid of falling over, figure
skating (dancing on ice) is an excellent
way to get exercise and have some fun.
You only need a pair of skates. If you’d
like to try it, ask about figure skating
programmes at your nearest ice rink.

Handball is one of the fastest team

sports, so if you want to play it, make
sure you have great coordination and are
athletic. Good ball skills are important,
too; you must be able to catch, throw and
shoot a ball very quickly. Indoors or
outdoors, it's a fantastic way to make
friends and keep fit.
For an underwater challenge, try scuba
diving. There are courses for all levels,
including beginners. Instructors with
years of experience can teach you, so
you'll be in safe hands. Lessons are
available all year at local swimming
pools. The bad news? Lessons are
expensive and you have to pay extra to
hire the equipment.

Judo could be the right sport for you if

you like reaching your goals. It uses
coloured belts to show your level. There
are seven levels, from white to black.
When students get their first belt, it shows
them that they can succeed. It gives them
confidence and makes them want to go

You have heard of surfing, but what about

... skurfing? It's an exciting new sport
that combines water-skiing and surfing. A
fast motorboat pulls you along; you stand
on a surfboard instead of skis, and ride
the waves that the boat creates. You need
to hold on tight and not fall. Don't forget
your life jacket.

Fast and exciting, snowboarding is one

of the coolest winter sports. The baggy
hip-hop clothing that snowboarders wear
make it trendy. It's also an extreme sport,
and that means it can be dangerous. If
you've never done snow sports before and
are trying snowboarding for the first time,
make sure your instructor is experienced.
Instruction: Read the text again and answer the following questions.
Situation: The teenagers below are all looking for a sport to do. There are eight descriptions
of sports for young people. Decide and match which sport would be the most suitable for the

1. Ezlan is very interested in the environment and would like to study the oceans when
he's older. He'd like to do an activity that will help him to explore the seas.
Answer: Scuba Diving
Justification: Paddleboarding and skurfing take place on the surface of the water.
These two sports do not involve much exploring compared to scuba diving, hence
scuba diving is the best answer because it involves underwater activity that require
more explorations.

2. Anis has been doing snow sports all her life, so she wants to try something else. She
wants to spend time exploring the countryside around her village.
Answer: Cycling
Justification: Snowboarding and figure skating are excluded because it involves snow
sports. She wants to explore more sports on the land (Judo, Cycling, Handball) that
involves her exploring the countryside, hence cycling is the best choice.

3. Khairul is new to the area and wants to meet people his age. He's a good athlete who
loves basketball and football but he'd like to try something a bit different.
Answer: Handball
Justification: Handball is a team sports, so he would be able to make friends. Handball
also requires someone who is athletic. Since, Khairul is a good athlete, handball is the
most suitable sport for him.

4. Chatherina really enjoys discovering new things, so she doesn't want to do any of the
usual sports. She's fit and wants to do something that will push her body.
Answer: Paddleboarding
Justification: Paddleboarding is the hardest adventure sport. This sport also requires
someone who is fit. Since, Chatherina is fit, handball is the most suitable sport for her.

5. Iqiram is shy and isn't really interested in sports, but his doctor has told him he needs
to get fit. Iqiram wants to see results for his hard work.
Answer: Judo
Justification: Judo is the sport that requires a person to see the results using the colour
of the belts. Hence, Judo is suitable for Iqiram because he wants to see results for his
hard work.
Instruction: Read the text again and answer the following questions.
Situation: The teenagers below are all looking for a sport to do. There are eight descriptions
of sports for young people. Decide and match which sport would be the most suitable for the
teenagers. Give your justifications.

1. Ezlan is very interested in the environment and would like to study the oceans when
he's older. He'd like to do an activity that will help him to explore the seas.

2. Anis has been doing snow sports all her life, so she wants to try something else. She
wants to spend time exploring the countryside around her village.

3. Khairul is new to the area and wants to meet people his age. He's a good athlete who
loves basketball and football but he'd like to try something a bit different.

4. Chatherina really enjoys discovering new things, so she doesn't want to do any of the
usual sports. She's fit and wants to do something that will push her body.

5. Iqiram is shy and isn't really interested in sports, but his doctor has told him he needs
to get fit. Iqiram wants to see results for his hard work.
Paddleboarding Snowboarding Scuba Diving Judo

Cycling Figure Skating Skurfing Handball

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