Thinner Than Water
Thinner Than Water
Thinner Than Water
Copyright © 2015, Melissa Ross
The English language stock and amateur stage performance rights in the United
States, its territories, possessions and Canada for THINNER THAN WATER are
controlled exclusively by DRAMATISTS PLAY SERVICE, INC., 440 Park Avenue
South, New York, NY 10016. No professional or nonprofessional performance of
the Play may be given without obtaining in advance the written permission of
DRAMATISTS PLAY SERVICE, INC., and paying the requisite fee.
Inquiries concerning all other rights should be addressed to The Gersh Agency, 41
Madison Avenue, 33rd Floor, New York, NY 10010 Attn: Jessica Amato.
Anyone receiving permission to produce THINNER THAN WATER is required
to give credit to the Author(s) as sole and exclusive Author(s) of the Play on the
title page of all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play
and in all instances in which the title of the Play appears, including printed or
digital materials for advertising, publicizing or otherwise exploiting the Play and/
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Be advised that there may be additional credits required in all programs and
promotional material. Such language will be listed under the “Additional Billing”
section of production licenses. It is the licensee’s responsibility to ensure any and
all required billing is included in the requisite places, per the terms of the license.
For Rubin
THINNER THAN WATER was originally produced by Labyrinth
Theater Company (Stephen Adly Guirgis, Mimi O’Donnell, Yul
Vázquez, Artistic Directors; Danny Feldman, Managing Director) in
February 2011. It was directed by Mimi O’Donnell; the set design
was by Lee Savage; the costume design was by Bobby Frederick Tilley
II; the lighting design was by Japhy Weideman; the sound design was
by Jeremy J. Lee; and the production stage manager was Pamela
Salling. The cast was as follows:
The Family
The Others
Scene 1
RENEE. Your mom was the hot mom. Gary’s mom was the fat mom.
GARY. My mom’s not fat!
RENEE. (Dismissing him.) Please. And my mom was the pain in
the ass. (Gary laughs.) What?
GARY. Nothing.
CASSIE. My mom —
RENEE. Was hot. And is dead. Dead hot mom trumps fat mom
and pain-in-the-ass mom.
CASSIE. Are we really having this conversation?
GARY. Unfortunately yes. / Yes we are.
RENEE. I’m just trying to find some logic here. Trying to find a
little sense in the insanity.
CASSIE. Are you asking me to apologize because my mom’s dead???
RENEE. Don’t be ridiculous. (Beat.) Who actually called you?
CASSIE. The girlfriend.
RENEE. You talked to her? She exists?
CASSIE. She’s not a Yeti.
RENEE. I know that. (Beat.) What’s she like?
CASSIE. I donno. She’s fine. / She’s OK.
RENEE. She must be stupid.
CASSIE. Jesus! I knew you / were gonna.
RENEE. Knew what?
CASSIE. I knew you were gonna react / like this.
RENEE. You “knew”??? Gimme a / fucking break.
CASSIE. GOOD GOD! Could you let me finish a fucking sentence???
Could you let me talk for a minute for a second before interrupting me???
RENEE. Sorry. Go ahead. Talk it out. You have the conch shell.
CASSIE. (Beat.) Taking. A break.
RENEE. (Pause.) I can understand not calling him.
GARY. Excuse / me?
RENEE. He’s over thirty and still lives with his fat mom.
GARY. He is also in the room.
RENEE. Whatever.
GARY. I’m saving!
RENEE. For what? A new bong?
GARY. How’d I get dragged into this???
RENEE. You date underage girls!!!
GARY. They are not underage!!!
RENEE. In Georgia maybe!!!
GARY. Why is this about me???
RENEE. I am the one you call in case of an emergency! I’M THE
RENEE. (Beat.) I am a mom. (Gary walks to the window, opens it, and
lights a cigarette.) When you are making an “In Case of Emergency”
list. And you are choosing who goes first. Are you smoking?
GARY. Is that a real question?
RENEE. (????)
GARY. I mean. Do you really want me to answer you? Are you
genuinely confused?
RENEE. Stop being an asshole. And you’re choosing between a
pothead who lives in a garage, a temp, and a MOM. You pick / THE
CASSIE. Freelancer!
RENEE. Excuse me?
CASSIE. I’m not a temp. I’m a freelancer.
RENEE. Do you have health insurance?
RENEE. Is it a permanent job?
CASSIE. It’s freelancing. It’s. I don’t have to defend my career to you!
RENEE. (A little laugh.) Career?
CASSIE. They happen to love me at my job.
RENEE. Did I say they didn’t?
CASSIE. It was your “tone.”
RENEE. (Beat.) What does Henry think about this?
CASSIE. This isn’t about Henry.
RENEE. Henry has a level head. Henry. I’m sure Henry thinks /
this is ridiculous.
CASSIE. I don’t want to talk about Henry!
CASSIE. He’s not family. He’s my boyfriend. He’s not. I don’t care
what Henry / thinks. OK? OK?
RENEE. Fine. OK. OK! (Pause.) It’s my fucking birthday.
CASSIE. I know …
RENEE. You call me up. Tell me you and Gary wanna come by. I
was so excited that someone remembered. (Beat.) I hadda get my
own cake.
CASSIE. I know. / I’m really sorry.
RENEE. Mark’s out of town. The kids’re at school. I was gonna be
spending my birthday alone / and then you called.
CASSIE. I said I’m sorry Renee. Do you want a kidney?
RENEE. Sure. Why not. (Beat.) You couldn’t have waited a day?
(Pause.) What’s wrong with him?
CASSIE. Cancer.
RENEE. What kind?
RENEE. Ha! That’s brilliant. (Gary puts the cigarette out and throws it
out the window.) Did you just throw a cigarette butt out on my lawn?
GARY. Yup.
RENEE. That’s lovely. Thank you, Gary.
GARY. You are very welcome Renee.
RENEE. So not only do I not get the call. But then. I get the
honor of picking up the / pieces anyway.
CASSIE. Oh my god! LET IT FUCKING GO!!! (To Gary.) Can
you please help me???
GARY. Don’t look at me. I live in a garage.
RENEE. Why doesn’t the girlfriend take care of him?
CASSIE. She is. She works. She needs help.
RENEE. So why doesn’t she get him a nurse?
CASSIE. He doesn’t want / a nurse.
RENEE. Doesn’t want? Well wow. I don’t always want to stick my
finger up my husband’s ass. But you know what? I do it anyway.
GARY. Unnecessary / visual.
CASSIE. He doesn’t want a nurse!
is not a good person. You are making him into something tragic.
You’re making him sad and old and sick and helpless. He’s not. He’s
a shitty human being. And he’s drowning. And there’s a shark eating
his leg. And he picked the weakest link out of the three of us to save
him because that was his best shot and because if nothing else. The
man has good survival skills. That’s why he called you. Because he
knew that if he called me? I’d’ve hung up on his ass.
CASSIE. Maybe you’re right. / Maybe he’s.
RENEE. No not maybe.
CASSIE. All right. Fine. Not maybe. He is a cockroach on a toilet.
OK? OK? So. So be the better person Renee. Win the better person
contest. Sit around and watch him smoke himself to death and
then send him off to hell with a big fat debt to you. Kill him. With
fucking kindness. (Pause.) Look. I know you hate him. I get it. And
you have good reasons to. But. (Beat.) This is something I need to
do. And so. If you could / help me.
RENEE. It’s always something.
CASSIE. This is the last time. This is the last time I will ask you for
anything. I promise. I swear. This is it. You can hold me to it. OK?
This is the last time.
RENEE. (Pause.) What would I have to do?
CASSIE. They need about fifteen hours a week. I figure we can
each do five.
GARY. Wait. I’ve gotta do this too? I can’t do this / right now.
RENEE. I need to be home by three when my kids come home
from school.
CASSIE. Yeah OK. / That’s fine.
GARY. Did you hear me??? I can’t do this. I’ve got stuff going on.
RENEE. What kind of stuff.
GARY. (Beat.) Personal. Stuff.
RENEE. If we can do it — you can do it.
GARY. This / fucking sucks.
RENEE. (To Cassie.) You owe me. And if you. You know. Flake
out? If you forget. If you lay this / all on me?
CASSIE. I promise I won’t.
RENEE. You will not. You will not flake out, Cassie. / If you
flake out?
CASSIE. I promise. I promise you / I’m not gonna.
RENEE. I have heard this before.
CASSIE. I mean it this time. I swear. I am getting my shit together.
RENEE. Your shit? Your shit is spread out over the Interstate.
CASSIE. I know.
RENEE. You are gonna need a U-Haul to get your / shit together.
CASSIE. I know!
RENEE. So. Good luck with that. (Pause.) I am doing this for you.
Do you understand? I am compromising everything I believe in. /
For you.
CASSIE. I know. (Beat. And then sincerely.) I know. (Beat.) Thank
you Renee.
RENEE. Yeah well. Don’t thank me yet. (Beat.) Who wants
fucking cake.
by Melissa Ross
4M, 4W
When their father falls ill, three estranged half-siblings reunite. As the world
around them crumbles, they argue with each other and with everyone
around them in a desperate struggle to do the right thing and mend their
rapidly deteriorating lives. THINNER THAN WATER is a blood-raw,
wicked comedy-drama about fighting through the thick and thin of family.
“ … throbs with the messiness of life. All of the characters, even the minor ones,
feel vividly real, while the dialogue is acidly funny … surprisingly cathartic.”
—The New York Post