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Eapp 1ST Periodical Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Toledo City
General Climaco, Toledo City


Name: Grade&Section: Date: Teacher: Rowena P. Nuñ ez

Directions: Read each item carefully & choose the letter of

your answer.

1. A structure of an academic text that aims to provide the reader C. Michaelangelo was a great artist in Rome during the
with a clear idea of the focus and aim of the text. 1500’s.
A. Introduction C. Conclusion D. Michaelangelo is great.
B. Body D. Title 15. Which of the following makes the best thesis statement?
2. A structure of an academic text where the essay's (or article's) A. Even though marriage is a strong and respected
argument, ideas and results are developed and discussed. institution in Russia, more and more people are
A. Introduction C. Conclusion choosing to live together before marriage, despite the
B. Body D. Title cultural pressures.
3. A structure of an academic text function as a brief restatement B. I am going to explain why many couples in Russia are
of the main arguments and facts that have been treated in the choosing to live together rather than get married.
essay. C. Marriage in Russia.
A. Introduction C. Conclusion D. Marriage in Russia explained.
B. Body D. Title 16. Which of these makes the best thesis statement?
4. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of an academic text? A. I’ve lived in a small town my entire life and have
A. to inform C. to persuade enjoyed it.
B. to argue a specific point D. to advertise B. Living in a big city has many headaches.
5. Which of the following comes first when writing an academic C. Living in a small town has many advantages in
text? comparison to living in a big city.
A. Posing a question C. Evaluating an opinion D. In contrast to living in a big city, I enjoy living in a
B. Problematizing a concept D. Arguing for a stand smaller town because I have closer relationships with my
6. A critical, objective, specialized texts written by experts or neighbors and the pace of life is much healthier.
professionals in a given field using formal language. 17-18. Choose the BEST paraphrase of these sentences.
A. Literary text C. In-text Rugby football is the most popular sport in New Zealand.
B. Academic Text D. Academic Writing Most villages, towns, and districts have their own teams.
7. A piece of written material such as a book or poem, that has the A. Of all sports played in New Zealand, rugby football is
purpose of telling a story or entertaining. the most popular. Most areas even have their own team.
A. Literary text C. In-text B. Rugby and football are the most popular sports in the
B. Academic Text D. Academic Writing area of New Zealand. Every village, town, and districts have their
8. Means not easily believing the information offered to you by a own teams.
text. C. Most villages, districts, and towns in New Zealand
A. Critical Reading C. Skimming love rugby football and popular sports.
B. Cretical Reading D. Scanning D. New Zealand sports include rugby football in most
9. Which of the following is not a strategy in critical reading? districts, villages, and towns.
A. Question while Reading 18.
B. Writing Critical Comments in Margins The giant rafflesia, also known as “the stinking corpse lily” has
C. Dialogic/Dialectic Exercise for Critical Reading blossoms that can reach three feet in diameter and weigh up to
D. Writing another Article twenty five pounds. The flowers give off smell similar to rotting
10. To look over or read quickly especially to find the main ideas. meat.
A. Critical Reading C. Skimming A. The stinking corpse liliy, also known as the giant
B. Cretical Reading D. Scanning rafflesia has blossoms. They can get pretty big and the blossoms
11. To look at carefully usually in order to find someone or stink.
something. B. A flower with the nickname “the stinking corpse lily”
A. Critical Reading C. Skimming produces an odor like rotting meat. The real name of this huge
B. Cretical Reading D. Scanning flower that can weigh as much as twenty pounds is the giant
12-16. Choose the best thesis statement. rafflesia.
12. Should cigarettes be made illegal? C. The giant rafflesia, also known as “the stinking corpse
A. Although smoking has many negative health effects, lily” has blossoms that can reach three feet in diameter and weigh
making smoking illegal would not solve the problem. up to twenty five pounds. The flowers give off smell similar to
B. Teenagers should be allowed to smoke if they chose rotting meat.
to. D. There are flowers give off a smell similar to a rotting
C. Smoking is a leading cause of death in the United meat. The giant rafflesia, also known as “the stinking corpse lily”
States. has blossoms that can reach three feet in diameter and weigh up
D. Smoking is bad. to twenty five pounds.
13. What is the best way to teach the public about healthy 19. Is a restatement of the author’s original thought and meaning.
lifestyles? A. Outline C. Summarize
A. People should be able to decide what kind of lifestyle B. Paraphrase D. Direct Quoting
to have even if it is unhealthy. 20. The condensing of a passage or thought into a much smaller
B. I disagree that laws can help people stay healthy. package.
C. Advertising is an effective medium for selling many A. Outline C. Summarize
things, and I believe it can sell good health too. B. Paraphrase D. Direct Quoting
D. People should be aware of healthy options. 21. The following are the musts in paraphrasing EXCEPT
14. Which of these is a thesis statement? .
A. Michaelangelo’s artwork is powerful because of its A. Be in your own words!
strong spiritual undertones. B. Convey the original meaning.
B Michaelangelo’s artwork is famous and is admired by C. Be near or longer than the original passage.
D. Revised main idea. 38. MLA citations contain _______.
22. The following are the musts in summarizing EXCEPT . A. author surname and page number
A. Be in your own words! B. only the year of publication
B. Be shorter of the original passage. C. an author’s first and last name and year of publication
C. Be near or longer than the original passage. D. None of the above.
D. Convey the original meaning. 39. MLA means .
23. This type of text aims to precisely condense a larger work to A. Modern Literacy Assistant
present only the key ideas. B. Modern Language Association
A. Abstract C. Descriptive C. Modal Learning Association
B. Paraphrasing D. Essay D. Moral Language Acquisition
24. The following are the features of an abstract EXCEPT . 40. APA means .
A. Title C. Objective A. Ace Patrol Association
B. Authors D. Direct Quoting B. Aid Protection Association
25. A feature of an abstract where we can find the procedure or C. American Psychological Association
approach to the project. D. American Physiological Association
A. Authors C. Title 41. APA citations contain _______.
B. Conclusion D. Methods A. author surname and page number
26. A feature of an abstract that describes the most important B. an author’s last name and year of publication
result/the major thing you found or did. C. an author’s first and last name and year of publication
A. Authors C. Title D. None of the above.
B. Conclusion D. Methods 42. Choose the letter of the bibliographic citation that is written
27. Which of the following best describes a fact? in correct MLA style.
A. The feelings of the main character A. “It was years before the law’s effects could be seen”
B. Something that can be proven. (Mitchell “The Lost Law” 210).
C. Something that can't be proven. B. No other poet ever came close his achievement. (Salk
D. How much the main character likes something. 42)
28. Which of the following best describes an opinion? C. In his book, The Real Churchill, Peters said Churchill was
A. A person who can prove something not a man known to compromise. (Peters, 54)
B. Making a good choice D. On page 26, the author states that the number of
C. A person's thoughts or feelings about something deaths from that battle was never officially determined (Sullivan).
D. Something that can be proven 43. A writing that tries to convince a reader to do something or
29. Which of the following is an opinion? to believe what you believe about a certain topic.
A. Todd is wearing a blue tie A. Persuasive C. Expository
B. Gary was unhappy that his team lost. B. Argumentative D. Narrative
C. Sheila woke up at 7:30 in the morning 44. The New Critics were:
D. Jose won the race at field day. A. Feminist critics C. Marxist critics
30. Which of the following is a fact? B. Formalist critics D. Psychological Critics
A. I'm the smartest student in the fifth grade.
B. I received a 98% on the reading test 45. What approach to literary criticism requires the critic to
C. Reading is very easy. know about the author's life and times?
D. Gary Paulsen is my favorite author. A. Historical C. Mimetic
31. Which of the following is not a good reason to provide B. Formalist D. All of these
references for sources you have used in your writing?
A. Your ideas are not worth much on their own. 46. A critic argues that in John Milton's "Samson Agonistes," the
B. It is the ethical thing to do. shearing of Samson's locks is symbolic of his castration at the
C. It will increase your credibility as a writer and hands of Delilah. What kind of critical approach is this critic
researcher. using?
D. All the above are good reasons. A. Formalist approach C. Psychological approach
32. Which of the following sentences is common knowledge and B. Mimetic approach D. Historical approach
does not need to be supported?
A. Hockey is considered Canada’s national pastime, 47. One of the disadvantages of this school of criticism is that it
while its official national sport is lacrosse. tends to make readings too subjective.
B. The new NHL rules make hockey more exciting to A. Historical Criticism C. Formalist Criticism
watch. B. These are all equally subjective D. Reader Response
C. Hockey rules were first published in 1877 in
the Montreal Gazette. 48. This critical approach assumes that language does not refer to
D. The new rules for lacrosse simplify the game for any external reality. It can assert several, contradictory
spectators. interpretations of one text.
33. Which of the following sentences is common knowledge and A. Structuralism C. Formalist Criticism
does not need to be supported with documentation? B. Deconstructionism D. Mimetic Criticism
A. Secondhand smoke is more dangerous than smoking.
B. There are more smoking-related fatalities than
alcohol-related ones.
C. Nicotine is more addictive than heroin.
D. Breathing smoke can be harmful to one’s health. Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow
34. Which of the following sentences is not common knowledge bbelongs belongs to the people who prepare for today (Malcolm).
and needs to be cited?
A. In general, women have longer lifespans than men.
B. Alberta became a province of Canada in 1905.
C. In the 1930s, the immigrant population of Calgary
was mostly made up of Europeans.
D. Canada is involved in peacekeeping missions in
various parts of the world.
36. You should quote directly in which of the following situations:
A. You need to provide evidence from a primary text.
B. You want to emphasize the authority of the speaker.
C. The idea in the quotation is very well expressed.
D. All of the above.
37. The MLA documentation style is a style that uses _______.
A. endnotes C. footnotes
B. parenthetical citations D. None of the above.

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