Electromagnetic Boundaries With Pec PMC

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arXiv:1608.05519v1 [physics.

class-ph] 19 Aug 2016

Electromagnetic Boundaries
with PEC/PMC Equivalence

Ismo V. Lindell and Ari Sihvola

ismo.lindell@aalto.fi ari.sihvola@aalto.fi
Department of Radio Science and Engineering
Aalto University, School of Electrical Engineering
Espoo, Finland
August 22, 2016

The most general electromagnetic boundary, defined by linear and
local boundary conditions, is defined in terms of conditions which can be
called generalized impedance boundary conditions. Requiring that the
boundary be equivalent to PEC and PMC boundaries for its two eigen-
plane waves, which property is known to exist for many of its special cases,
it is shown that the recently introduced Generalized Soft-and-Hard/DB
(GSHDB) boundary is the most general boundary satisfying this property.

1 Introduction
Boundary surface is a conceptual two-dimensional structure in which electro-
magnetic sources, induced by the external field, are related by some intrinsic
mechanism. As sources we may assume electric and magnetic surface currents,
Jes , Jms , and electric and magnetic surface charges, ̺es , ̺ms . When the unit
vector normal to the boundary surface is denoted by e3 , the fields outside the
boundary are related to the surface sources by the conditions [1]

e3 × E = −Jms , e3 × H = Jes , (1)

e3 · D = ̺es , e3 · B = ̺ms . (2)

For simplicity we assume a planar boundary and constant unit vectors e1 , e2 , e3
making an orthonormal basis. Assuming time-harmonic fields with time depen-
dence exp(jωt), the sources obey the continuity conditions

∇ · Jes = −jω̺es , ∇ · Jms = −jω̺ms , (3)

following from the Maxwell equations and (1), (2).

Let us assume that the relations between the source quantities, set by the
boundary structure, are linear and local and can be expressed by linear algebraic
equations. Because of the relations (1) and (2), the fields at the boundary are
related in a certain manner forming the boundary conditions which are linear
and local. Considering the basic problem of a field incident to the boundary, due
to the Huygens principle, the reflected field is uniquely determined when two
scalar components of the field vectors tangential to the surface are known. Thus,
the boundary conditions must be of the form of two scalar conditions between
the fields at the surface. Under the assumption of linearity and locality, the
most general boundary conditions can be assumed to have the form

αe3 · B + βe3 · D + at · E + bt · H = 0, (4)

γe3 · B + δe3 · D + ct · E + dt · H = 0, (5)

relating the normal components of D and B vectors and tangential components
of E and H vectors in terms of four vectors and four scalars. The vectors
tangential to the boundary surface are denoted by the subscript ()t . The form
of (4) and (5) can be simplified by eliminating e3 · B on one hand, and e3 · D
on the other hand, whence the most general form can be written as

αe3 · B + at · E + bt · H = 0, (6)

δe3 · D + ct · E + dt · H = 0, . (7)

2 Boundary conditions
Let us consider the boundary conditions (6) and (7) for some special choices of
the two scalars and four tangential vectors.

• The perfect electric conductor (PEC) conditions, α = δ = 0, bt = dt = 0,

at = e1 , ct = e2 ,

e1 · E = 0, e2 · E = 0, ⇒ e3 × E = 0. (8)

• The perfect magnetic conductor (PMC) conditions, α = δ = 0, at = ct =

0, bt = e1 , dt = e2 ,

e1 · H = 0, e2 · H = 0, ⇒ e3 × H = 0. (9)

• The perfect electromagnetic conductor (PEMC) conditions [2], α = δ = 0,

at = M bt = M e1 , ct = M dt = M e2 ,

e1 · (H+ M E) = 0, e2 · (H+ M E) = 0, ⇒ e3 × (H + M E) = 0. (10)

• The DB conditions [3], α = δ = 1, at = bt = ct = dt = 0,

e3 · D = 0, e3 · B = 0. (11)

• The soft-and-hard (SH) conditions [4], α = δ = 0, at = dt = e1 , bt =
ct = 0,
e1 · E = 0, e1 · H = 0. (12)

• The generalized soft-and-hard (GSH) conditions [5], α = δ = 0, bt = ct =

at · E = 0, dt · H = 0. (13)

• The soft-and-hard/DB (SHDB) conditions [6], α = δ, β = γ = 0, bt =

ct = 0, at = −dt ,

αe3 · B + at · E = 0, αe3 · D − at · H = 0. (14)

• The generalized soft-and-hard/DB (GSHDB) conditions [7], bt = ct = 0,

αe3 · B + at · E = 0, δe3 · D + dt · H = 0, (15)

• The impedance conditions α = δ = 0,

at · E + bt · H = 0, ct · E + dt · H = 0. (16)

which can also be written as e3 × E = Zs · H, with Zs = (at dt − ct bt )/(e3 ·

at × ct ).

Comparing with (16), the form (6), (7) can be called generalized impedance
conditions. Because each tangential vector has two free parameters, the num-
ber of free parameters of the GSHDB boundary (15) is 4, for the impedance
boundary (16) it is 6 and for the generalized impedance boundary (6), (7) it is
One should note that non-local boundary conditions are not included in the
definition (6) and (7). For example the D’B’ boundary defined by the conditions
e3 · ∇(e3 · D) = 0, e3 · ∇(e3 · B) = 0, (17)
would require operator-valued scalars α and δ in (6) and (7).

3 Plane-wave reflection
Considering a time-harmonic plane wave incident to and reflecting from the
boundary surface,

Ei (r) = Ei exp(−jki · r), Er (r) = Er exp(−jkr · r), (18)

ki = kt − k3 e3 , kr = kt + k3 e3 , (19)

and applying the Maxwell equations, we can write the following relations for
the total fields at the boundary surface,

ωe3 · B = ωe3 · (Bi + Br ) = e3 · kt × (Ei + Er ) = (e3 × kt ) · E, (20)

ωe3 · D = ωe3 · (Di + Dr ) = −e3 · kt × (Hi + Hr ) = −(e3 × kt ) · H.(21)

Substituting e3 · B and e3 · D in the generalized impedance conditions (6) and

(7), they obtain the form of the impedance conditions (16) if, in the latter, we
at → at + αe3 × kt , dt → dt − δe3 × kt . (22)
Thus, if the vectors at , dt are allowed to have a similar linear dependence on
the vector, e3 × kt , the impedance conditions (16) represent the most general
form of boundary conditions for a plane wave.
It has been previously shown that, for the generalized SHDB boundary (15),
there exist two eigenwaves, one of which is reflected from the boundary as from
a PEC boundary and, the other one, as from a PMC boundary. This property
is valid for all of its special cases, the SHDB boundary, the GSH boundary,
the SH boundary and the DB boundary. Also, the PEMC boundary shares
the same property whereas the most general impedance boundary doesn’t. The
property of PEC/PMC equivalence is most useful because, given any incident
wave, the reflected wave can be easily found by decomposing the incident wave
in its eigencomponents. The task is to find the restriction for the generalized
impedance boundary which allows the boundary to be replaced by PEC and
PMC boundaries for the respective eigenwaves.
Invoking the results of [7], the relations between tangential components of
the electric and magnetic fields of incident and reflected plane waves in an
isotropic medium with parameters ǫo , µo can be written as

ηo Hit = −Jt · Eit , Eit = Jt · ηo Hit , (23)

ηo Hrt = Jt · Ert , Ert = −Jt · ηo Hrt , (24)

where the dyadic Jt is defined by

Jt = ((e3 × kt )kt + k32 e3 × It ). (25)
ko k3
For an eigenfield the tangential field components are multiples of one another.
Defining Ert = λEit , from (23) and (24) we obtain Hrt = −λHit . Thus, the
PEC and PMC boundaries correspond to the respective eigenvalues λ = −1
and λ = +1.
Let us first find under what restrictions to the four vectors at , bt , ct and dt
the eigenvalues corresponding to the impedance boundary (16) are +1 and −1.
Writing the conditions (16) for the eigenfields as

((1 + λ)ηo at − (1 − λ)bt · Jt ) · Eit = 0, (26)

((1 + λ)ηo ct − (1 − λ)dt · Jt ) · Eit = 0, (27)
to have solutions other than Eit = 0, the bracketed vector expressions must be
parallel. Thus, the eigenvalue λ must satisfy the equation

e3 · ((1 + λ)ηo at − (1 − λ)bt · Jt ) × ((1 + λ)ηo ct − (1 − λ)dt · Jt ) = 0. (28)

Let us require that it be satisfied for λ = +1 and λ = −1, which yields the two
e3 · (at × ct ) = 0 (29)
e3 · ((bt · Jt ) × (dt · Jt )) = e3 · ((bt × dt ) · Jt ) = e3 · (bt × dt ) = 0. (30)
In the latter equation we use the property Jt = e3 e3 and rules of dyadic algebra
[?]. (29) and (30) show that, to obtain eigenvalues λ = ±1, the tangential
vectors at and ct on one hand, and bt and dt on the other hand, must be
linearly dependent, whence they must satisfy conditions of the form

Aat + Cct = 0, Bbt + Ddt = 0 (31)

for some scalars A − D. Operating the impedance boundary conditions (16) as

A C a t bt E (Abt + Cdt ) · H 0
· = = , (32)
B D c t dt H (Bat + Dct ) · E 0

the required boundary conditions must reduce to the form a′t · E = 0 and
b′t · H = 0, which can be recognized as the generalized soft-and-hard (GSH)
boundary conditions (13).
For the generalized impedance conditions (6), (7), we can make the substi-
tutions (22), whence (32) can be written as
(Abt + C(dt − δe3 × kt )) · H 0
= . (33)
(B(at + αe3 × kt ) + Dct ) · E 0

Applying plane-wave relations, these conditions can be expressed as

(Abt + Cdt ) · H + ωCδe3 · D 0
= , (34)
(Bat + Dct ) · E + ωBαe3 · B 0

which have the form of the generalized soft-and-hard/DB conditions (15).

4 Conclusion
The task taken in this paper was to find the most general linear and local
boundary conditions which allow plane waves to be split in two components
one of which is reflected as from the PEC boundary and, the other one, as
from the PMC boundary. For this, the most general linear and local bound-
ary conditions were first expressed in a form which can be called generalized

impedance boundary conditions. Since PEC and PMC boundary conditions for
a plane wave yield the reflection coefficients ±1, the problem was reduced to
finding out corresponding restrictions for the generalized impedance boundary.
The outcome was that the generalized impedance conditions must actually be
of the form of what have been called generalized soft-and-hard/DB conditions,
previously studied by these authors. However, one should note that, because of
the assumption of locality, there may exist other solutions as well. For exam-
ple, the non-local D’B’ boundary conditions (17) are also known to share this
PEC/PMC property [8]. While the result of this paper is mainly of theoretical
interest, realizations of various boundary conditions as metasurfaces have been
reported in [10] – [15], and applications have been pointed out in [16] – [19].

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