Becoming Artography
Becoming Artography
Becoming Artography
is already known
This article explores moments of becoming a/r/tography.
but instead creates A/r/tography is a research methodology, a creative practice, and
Author Notes
I wish to thank the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC) for their generous
support of these research endeavors.
I also wish to extend a deep sense of gratitude to Donal O’Donoghue, Adrienne Boulton-Funke, Heidi May,
and Natalie Le Blanc-Ruttan from The University of British Columbia and Stephanie Springgay from the
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/The University of Toronto for their collaborative engagements with
this SSHRCC research project. I am indebted to the entire a/r/tographic collective that also includes George
Belliveau, Peter Gouzouasis, Kit Grauer and Carl Leggo. Together, we have explored “becoming a/r/tography”
in visual arts, drama, music, and poetry, within a teacher education program context.
I also want to thank Ruth Beer from Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Kit Grauer and Gu Xiong from The
University of British Columbia, and Stephanie Springgay from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/
University of Toronto for their collaborative scholarly and creative efforts in implementing this research
creation grant. I am also indebted to the Richgate families who allowed us into their lives.
Sample revised Summerhill text. Artist residency product under the direction of Helen Reed and Hannah
Jickling (2011). Photo credit: Heidi May.
Untitled by
Rita Irwin (2009).
Untitled by Rita Irwin and Valerie Triggs (2010). Photo credit: Kirsty Robbins.
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