1.6 Exact Differential Equations

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6 Exact Differential Equations


Let G , then:

1. The partial derivative of with respect to is:

2. The partial derivative of with respect to is:
3. The total differential of is:

4. , where is any differentiable function in .

5. , where is any differentiable function in .

Definition: A differential equation is exact if there exists
a function such that:


Exactness Criterion:
A differential equation is exact if .

Idea of solving exact differential equations:

Since the exact differential equation can be written as ,
for some , we get that the general solution of the exact differential equation is: .
It remains to find the function .
Solving an exact DE:

First: We write the DE as .

Second: We use the two formulas to find as follows:

Method 1:
Start with: , integrating w.r.t. : .
Now: use to find .

Method 2:
Start with: , integrating w.r.t. : .
Now: use to find .

Finally: the general solution is .

Example: Find the one-parameter family of solutions

, .
The DE is exact.

Finding :
• So, , and it remains
to find .
• .
• Consequently, .
• The G.S. is: , or:
First, we rewrite the DE as :

The DE is exact.

Finding :

The general solution is:


1) Solve the IVP: .

2) Find so that the following DE is exact:

3) Solve the differential equation

4) Let be the solution of the IVP:

Find .

5) Find so that the differential equation is exact, then find the general solution:

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