Polkowski 2010
Polkowski 2010
Polkowski 2010
Hip Biomechanics
Gregory G. Polkowski, MD and John C. Clohisy, MD
56 | www.sportsmedarthro.com Sports Med Arthrosc Rev Volume 18, Number 2, June 2010
Sports Med Arthrosc Rev Volume 18, Number 2, June 2010 Hip Biomechanics
can reduce the abductor force by 40% and abductor of measurements obtained during different activities after
moment by 50%.35 Similarly, increasing femoral offset or total hip arthroplasty. This group of researchers was able
lateralizing the greater trochanter during total hip arthro- to implant pressure transducers into total hip arthroplasty
plasty increases the mechanical advantage of the abductor components to make these measurements. The results of
musculature by increasing the abductor moment arm, these measurements confirm earlier ex vivo calculations,
which correlates with a decrease in joint reaction force.36 and a few bear mentioning. As expected, the hip joint force
A varus-producing osteotomy would have the same effect, increases with increasing gait, to 300% body weight during
reducing the joint reaction force by increasing the moment slow walking, 350% to 400% with quick walking, and up
arm of the abductor musculature. to 500% during jogging, to a maximum of 800% during
Although static considerations regarding forces acting stumbling. Interestingly, the amount of force on the hip
on the hip joint are useful and relatively straightforward, during 2-legged stance measured approximately 80% to
the effects of motion and varying loads are likely of more 100% of body weight. The fact that these forces are not one
interest and of greater relevance in the care of athletes. The half this value are attributed to the persistent muscle
forces exhibited on the hip joint can be calculated during tension acting on the hips during this type of stance.32
both running and walking, but these calculations require The advantage of this type of in vivo measurement is that
consideration of kinetic and kinematic data of the entire all of the forces acting on the hip are included in such
lower limb, are quite complex, and are far beyond the scope measurements, whereas the in vitro calculations require
of this article. Brinckmann et al32 summarizes the work dismissal of minor contributions from antagonistic muscle
of Bergmann et al,37 Novacheck,38 Winter,39 Paul,40,41 and activity and the elastic tension of muscles, tendons, or joint
Morrison42 with respect to such calculations.28 These capsules.32
researchers showed that during slow walking the hip was
loaded with approximately 3 times body weight just after JOINT SURFACE PRESSURE
heel strike, with forces increasing to 4 times body weight
Because focal changes in articular cartilage pressure at
just before toe-off.28 As the speed of walking increases, the
the hip joint have been implicated as contributing factors in
initial peak in joint load increased to approximately 4 times
the development of hip osteoarthritis, it is useful to consider
body weight, with less of an increase in load before toe-off.
the anatomic elements and forces that determine these
During running, forces equivalent to 7 to 8 times body
potential pressure changes. The most basic estimation of
weight are transmitted across the hip joint during heel
joint pressure can be determined by dividing the joint
strike, and increase to a value slightly higher than that
reaction force by the area over which this force is
during toe-off.28 It should be noted that these calculations
distributed in the femoral head:
are based on an individual moving forward in a straight
line, and these do not take into consideration activities that Pmean ¼ F=A
are seen in athletes of other sports such as basketball, with A being the ‘‘projected area’’ of the joint.32 Although
tennis, and football, which require a great deal of cutting, this does not take into account the curved surface of the
twisting, and pivoting. femoral head and is an oversimplification, assuming a body
The complexities of motion associated with cutting mass of 60 kg and a femoral head diameter of 5 cm, using
and pivoting sports make force calculations difficult, but the information from the free body diagrams above, with a
Van den Bogert et al have employed a mathematical model joint reaction force of 1500 N, the average pressure seen at
to approximate the forces across the hip joint during the hip joint in this case is calculated to be 75 N/cm2.32
downhill skiing. They found loads as high as 8.3 to 12.4 The actual bearing surface of the hip joint is not a
times body weight across the hip joint during Mogul skiing, perfect sphere, however, and the actual distribution of
with lower loads (from 4.1 to 7.8 times body weight) pressure across the articular cartilage is not uniform. This is
approximated during non-Mogul downhill skiing.43 As related to the fact that the acetabular socket opens laterally,
expected, cross-country skiing had much lower calculated and does not form a uniform hemisphere. In the situation
loads across the hip joint, and ranged from 4.0 to 4.6 times of a uniform hemisphere, the maximum amount of pressure
body weight.43 across the articulation would occur at a point that is
Ground reaction forces during landing have been colinear with the joint reaction force. From this point the
shown to be lower in trained gymnasts compared with pressure decreases as the periphery of the hemisphere is
recreational athletes. McNitt-Gray and colleagues found approached, and reaches zero at the rim of the hemi-
this to be the case when ground reaction forces were spherical socket, assuming there was no friction in the
measured during landing from 3 different heights.44 They system (which is a reasonable assumption given the
also found that the peak ground reaction force was reached exceedingly small coefficient of friction of articular carti-
on average 6.3 ms faster in the trained gymnasts, and that lage). In the situation of an incompletely covered ball and
the recreational athletes adjusted to the higher landing socket joint, although, to satisfy equilibrium conditions,
heights by increasing the amount of hip flexion and the a greater amount of pressure is seen by the cartilage near
overall length of their landing phase, whereas the trained the uncovered rim, with pressures near zero at the more
gymnasts were found to have larger ankle and hip extensor constrained side.32 Greenwald and Brinckmann have
moments during landing.44 further described this pressure distribution after a cosine
distribution, and were able to calculate the magnitude of
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