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Final 2022 + Solution

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Date : January 24, 2022 ‫ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ اﻟﻘﺎھﺮة‬

Exam starts : 12:30 pm ‫ﻛﻠﯿﺔ اﻟﮭﻨﺪﺳﺔ‬

‫ﻗﺴﻢ اﻟﺘﺼﻤﯿﻢ اﻟﻤﯿﻜﺎﻧﯿﻜﻲ واﻻﻧﺘﺎج‬
Duration: 3 hours 3141 ‫ ﺗﻤﺞ‬- ‫اھﺘﺰازات ﻣﯿﻜﺎﻧﯿﻜﯿﺔ‬

1- Answer all questions and show all the calculations you do.
2- Write neatly and clearly and cross out any work you do not wish to be considered.
3- Underline the final answer very clearly
4- Take gravitational acceleration 9.81 m/s2.
5- All questions carry equal marks.

Question no 1
In the system shown below write down the equation of motion and find the natural
frequency for the values of m = 2 kg, k = 500 N/m, J0 = 0.08 kg.m2, r = 10 cm.

Question no 2
The rotor of a dial indicator is connected to a torsional spring and a torsional viscous
damper to form a single-degree-of-freedom torsional system. The scale is graduated in
equal divisions, and the equilibrium position of the rotor corresponds to zero on the
scale. When a torque of 2x10-3 N.m is applied, the angular displacement of the rotor is
found to be 50 ° with the pointer showing 80 divisions on the scale. When the rotor is
released from this position, the pointer swings first to -20 divisions in one second and
then to 5 divisions in another second. Find
(a) the undamped natural periodic time of the rotor.
(b) the torsional spring stiffness.
(c) the mass moment of inertia of the rotor.
(d) the torsional damping constant.

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Question no 3
A heavy LCD computer monitor, having a mass of 8.5 kg is
supported by a very lightweight stand having a (cantilever) stiffness
of 755 N/m and effective damping of ς = 0.15. The monitor sits on
a desk on an upper floor of a building close to a railway track.
Vibrations created by passing trains cause the floor to sway (vibrate
horizontally) at a frequency of 1.5 Hz, which also causes the monitor
to sway. Since the desk is very rigid, the base of the stand, the desk,
and the floor all move together as given by y(t). If the monitor’s
vibration with respect to the floor (i.e., z(t) = x(t)-y(t)) has an
amplitude of 10 mm, what is:
a. the amplitude of vibration of the floor?
b. the phase difference between the floor vibration and the monitor vibration?

Question no 4
A centrifugal pump, weighing 600 N and operating at 1000 rpm, is mounted on six
springs of stiffness 6000 N/m each. Find the maximum permissible unbalance in order
to limit the steady-state deflection to 5 mm peak-to-peak.

Question no 5
A centrifugal pump has a mas m1, and having an unbalance of me, is supported on a
rigid foundation of mass m2 through isolator springs of stiffness k1, as shown below. If
the soil stiffness is k2, and speed of the pump is 1200 rpm, determine:
a) The natural frequencies of the system
b) The displacement (response) of the pump and the foundation for the following
data: m = 0.2 kg, e = 150 mm, m1= 360 kg, k1=350255 N/m, m2= 907 kg,
k2=175127 N/m.

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Question no 6

A rotor, having a mass moment of inertia J1 = 15 kg.m2, is mounted at the end of a steel
shaft having a torsional stiffness of 0.6 MN.m/rad. The rotor is found to vibrate violently
when subjected to a harmonic torque of 300 cos (200 t) N.m. A tuned absorber,
consisting of a torsional spring and a mass moment of inertia (kt2 and J2), is to be
attached to the first rotor to absorb the vibrations. Find the values of kt2 and J2 such that
the natural frequencies of the system are away from the forcing frequency by at least 20

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Data Sheet

Free Undamped System

Free Damped System

Underdamped (ζ < 1)

Critically damped (ζ = 1)

Over damped (ζ > 1)

Forced Undamped System

Forced Damped System

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