2324 Intl Student Fin Aid App
2324 Intl Student Fin Aid App
2324 Intl Student Fin Aid App
Instructions for Completing the 2023-2024 International Student Financial Aid Application
The International Student Financial Aid Application is designed to gather information 15. Write in the number of people who live in your parents’ household and are
from international students who are applying for financial aid at colleges and universities supported by their income.
in the United States. When completing the application, it is important to:
16. Complete all parts of this question. Include family members counted as
Answer all questions that apply to you and your family. your dependents in question 11 and/or counted as your parents’
dependents in question 15.
Convert all currency figures to U.S. dollars ($) before entering them on the form.
Section C—Financial Information
Return the form directly to the college that provided or requested it.
17. Most colleges require you to submit documentation to verify information on
Some of the questions on the International Student Financial Aid Application are self- this form. Check with the college to determine its requirements.
explanatory; the instructions that follow are only provided for questions that may need
further explanation. Section D—Asset Information
Section A—Student’s Information Asset information pertains to the parents or to the student and the student’s
family if the student is married and lives independently of the parents.
This section pertains to the student who is applying for aid.
Write in the value of assets and, where asked, any debt against the asset as of
Section B—Parents’ Information the time you complete this application.
On this application, “parents” means the custodial parent(s) — the parent or parents Section E—Expenses
(or legal guardian) with whom the student lives. If the student’s biological or adoptive
parents are divorced or separated, the custodial parent(s) are the parent or parents 29 Write in the annual amount your family spent on the items listed. If you do
not know the actual amount, please estimate.
with whom the student has lived the most during the 12 months prior to filling the
application. If the custodial parent has remarried, “parents” includes the student’s
biological/adoptive parent and stepparent. 7. Country(ies) of citizenship
Month Day Year
11. Your marital status
Place of birth (country)
6. Not married Married/In a domestic partnership
Relationship Relationship
a. Age a. Age
b. Address b. Address
c. Occupation/Title c. Occupation/Title
d. Employer d. Employer
15. How many people, including yourself, depend on the income of your parents for daily living expenses?
16. Family Member Listing. Provide information for all family members you included in question 11 or 15. Do not give information about yourself.
Section C—Financial Information
17. What documentation will you be providing to verify income and asset information requested on this form?
Tax forms Statement from employer Other (specify — for example, bank statement)
18. What is the official exchange rate of your country‘s currency to the U.S. $ today? (for example, 3,100 pesos = $1) = $1
19. Does your government currently impose restrictions on the exchange and release of funds for study in the United States? Yes No
20. Do you have a source of emergency funds once you arrive in the United States? Yes No
21. How will you pay for your transportation to the United States? (e.g., parents’ income, sponsor, etc.)
22. During 2021, how much of your household income (before taxes or expenses) came from the following sources (in U.S. $)?
b. Mother’s work $ .00 f. Family real estate $ .00 j. Housing, food, and $ .00
holdings other living allowances
23. Will there be a significant increase or decrease in your family’s income next year? Yes No
If yes, explain:
24. Does your family own its home? Yes No (If yes, complete 24a–24d below.)
a. What year was it purchased? c. How much does your family still owe U.S.$ .00
on the purchase price?
b. What was the original purchase price? U.S.$ .00 d. What is the present market value? U.S.$ .00
25. Does your family own a business? Yes No (If yes, complete 25a–25d below.)
a. Date business commenced c. Your parents’ share of business value U.S.$ .00
a. Land and buildings U.S.$ .00 d. Assets owned by student U.S.$ .00
(other than home or business)
Indebtedness on land and buildings U.S.$ .00 e. Money owed to family by others U.S.$ .00
b. Savings U.S.$ .00 f. Repayment (of 26e) expected this year U.S.$ .00
c. Investments (such as stocks and bonds) U.S.$ .00 g. Other (jewelry, artwork, antiques, etc.) U.S.$ .00
Section D—Asset Information (continued)
27. Do you or your family have money, property, or assets in another country? Yes No (If yes, complete the grid below. Include amounts in 26 above.)
28. Do you or your family own (an) automobile(s)? Yes No (If yes, complete 28a and 28b below for each automobile.)
Section E—Expenses
29. How much did your family spend on the following expenses during 2021? SPECIFIC AMOUNTS ARE NEEDED.
30. How much money does your family owe to other people or to financial institutions? U.S.$ .00
Section F—Expected Support for Educational Expenses
32. Enter the expected amount of annual support toward your educational costs from the sources listed below:
Your government
U.S.$ .00 $ .00 $ .00 $ .00
Private sponsor
(explain in Section G) U.S.$ .00 $ .00 $ .00 $ .00
33. List agencies/foundations/government to which you are applying for financial aid. (If more than two, attach a list.)