IMG - 0052 PSME Code 2008 41

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rovided Flrcnt the employee's fingers from coming in cylinders or shell open during loading or
F of the ffict with the rolls. unloading.
rith the
hper (Class A). Rolls shall be provided with a c. Each washing machine shall be equipped
@r or guard so arranged that the employee's with brake or other devices to prevent the
:tgers cannot be caught in the rolls while inner cylinder from moving while loading or
,fioftg the material. unloading.

and Ribbon Lap Machine (Doublers) 7.15 Centrifugal Extractor (Class A):
lshuttle A). A device or cover shall be provided
rnanner ril so arranged that the employee's hands
lom the
a. Each extractor shall be equipped with a
Crd be caught under the lap roll. metal cover at least 0.953 mm thick, or its
I equivalent sturdiness, which shall entirely
tachine (Class A). Openings in the cover the opening to the outer shell. The
ker or ftame and between lower frames and floor cover shall be kept in its closed position
led with NH be guarded. Where metal guards are used, when the extractor is in motion.
bnatt ne not be less than 0.953 mm thick.
ged that
!ffir tne
b. Each extractor shall be equipped with an
Hachine (GIass A). interlocking device that will prevent the
i cover from being opened while basket is in
Eacfr power marking nachine shall be motion; and also'prevent the operation of
h cards equipped with a spring compression device the basket while the cover is open.
Ithat the
k"r"*. d such design as to protect the finger bones
sttould these be caught between the Note: This should not prevent the movement
marking plunger and platen, or of the basket by hand to insure an even
loading when the cover is open.
ks n1.
l. The marking machines shall be equipped
lwith an
hnot be
rith a control mechanism which will require c. No extractor shall be operated at a speed
F cover
the simultaneous action of both hands to greater than the manufacturer's rating,
operate the machine, or which shall be stamped on the basket where
hb".o easily visible in letters not less than 6 mm in
lerator's There shall- be a guard that wiil interpose a height. The maximum permissible speed
&rrbr in front of the rnarking plunger. shall be given ifl revolutions per minute.

I rnives Iachines: d. Each engine prime mover individually

i driving an extractor shall be provided with
iCircular Operators designated to an effective speed limiter or governor.
Room, Spinning, Weaving and paft of
b guard
Departments must be provided with e. The exterior of the basket including hoops or
g edges
dusf masks. lllumination of fhese bands shall be inspected at least every six
.l |dlg areas shall be maintained at maximum months to determine condition of basket.
I lctass G{p levels. The extractor shall be dismantled and the
bearings, bearing blocks and basket shall be
bo witn Machine (Class A). inspected at least once a year and all
ie cover
necessary repairs or replacements made. lf
a Each front loading washing machine shall basket shows signs of weakness, it shall not
be equipped with an interlocking device that be used.
bs used will prevent the inside cylinder from moving
hal shall
bept the
when the outer door on the case or shell isa f. Each extractor shall be effectively, secured
open; and it shall also prevent the door from in position on th6 floor or foundation so as to
hat the
being opened while inside cylinder is in elim inate unsafe vibration.
i contact
7.16 Power Wringer (Class A). Each power wringer
i b- Each washing machine shall be provided shall be equipped with a guard across the entire
with a safe and effective means for holding front of the feed or first roll so arranged that
hfe rolls the doors or covers of inner and outer
[that wiil when struck the machine will immediately stop.


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