2. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi, Matt Richardson & Shawn Wallace,
O'Reilly (SPD), 2014, ISBN: 9789350239759
Unit 1:
• Self-Configuring
• Unique Identity
• Interoperability
• Safety of Patients
• Hypertext transfer protocol is a protocol that presents in an application layer
for transmitting media documents. it is used to communicate between web
browsers and servers. it makes a request to a server and then waits till it
receives a response and in between the request server does not keep any
data between two requests.
• This protocol enables two-way communication between a client and a host
that can be run on an untrusted code in a controlled environment. this
protocol is commonly used by web browsers.
• It is a machine-to-machine connectivity protocol that was designed as a
publish/subscribe messaging transport. and it is used for remote locations
where a small code footprint is required.
• Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is a specialized web
transfer protocol for use with constrained nodes and
constrained networks in the Internet of Things.
• XMPP or the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol,
formerly known as Jabber, is a communications protocol
based on XML (Extensible Markup Language), aimed at
message-oriented middleware and applications such as near-
real-time instant messaging and presence information.
• DDS stands for Data Distribution Service. It is an IoT
protocol developed for M2M (Machine to Machine)
Communication by OMG (Object Management Group).
• Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open
source published standard for asynchronous messaging
by wire.
• The transmission control protocol is a protocol that defines
how to establish and maintain a network that can exchange
data in a proper manner using the internet protocol.
• a user datagram protocol is a part of internet protocol called
the connectionless protocol. this protocol not required to
establish the connection to transfer data.
Network Layer
• This layer is used to send datagrams from the source network to the
destination network. we use IPv4 and IPv6 protocols as a host identification
that transfers data in packets.
• This is a protocol address that is a unique and numerical label assigned to each
device connected with the network. an IP address performs two main
functions host and location addressing. IPv4 is an IP address that is 32 bit long.
• It is a successor of IPv4 that uses 128 bits for an IP address. it is developed by
the IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force) task force to deal with the long-
anticipated problems.
• A key IP (Internet Protocol)-based technology is 6LowPAN (IPv6 Low-power
wireless Personal Area Network). Rather than being an IoT application
protocols technology like Bluetooth or ZigBee, 6LowPAN is a network protocol
that defines encapsulation and header compression mechanisms.
Link Layer
• Link-layer protocols are used to send data over the
network's physical layer. it also determines how the
packets are coded and signaled by the devices.
• It is a set of technologies and protocols that are used
primarily in LANs. it defines the physical layer and the
medium access control for wired Ethernet networks.
• It is a set of LAN protocols and specifies the set of media
access control and physical layer protocols for
implementing wireless local area networks.
Communication Models in IoT
• It is important and useful to understand how various IoT
devices communicate with each other. Communication
models used in IoT have great value.
• The client, when required, requests the information from the server.
This request is usually in the encoded format.
• This model is stateless since the data between the requests is not
retained and each request is independently handled.
• The server Categories the request, and fetches the data from the
database and its resource representation. This data is converted to
response and is transferred in an encoded format to the client. The
client, in turn, receives the response.
HTTP request contains headers like head It is suitable for real-time applications. It does not have
section, title section. any overhead.
It depends upon the HTTP methods to It depends upon the IP address and port number to
retrieve the data.. retrieve the data
It is slower than web socket regarding the web socket transmits messages very fastly than REST
transmission of messages. API.
It does not need memory or buffers to store
9. It requires memory and buffers to store the data.
the data.
Internet of Things (IoT) Enabling
IoT(internet of things) enabling technologies are :
Example –
• Weather monitoring system
• Indoor air quality monitoring system
• Soil moisture monitoring system
• Surveillance system
• Health monitoring system
2. Cloud Computing :
It provides us the means by which we can access applications as utilities
over the internet. Cloud means something which is present in remote
With Cloud computing, users can access any resources from anywhere like
databases, web servers, storage, any device, and any software over the
Characteristics –
• Broad network access
• On demand self-services
• Rapid scalability
• Measured service
• Pay-per-use
• Data cleaning
• Munging
• Processing
• Visualization
Examples –
• Bank transactions
• Data generated by IoT systems for location and tracking of vehicles
• E-commerce and in Big-Basket
• Health and fitness data generated by IoT system such as a fitness bands
4. Communications Protocols :
1) IoT Level-1: