Tutorial 4 - Correction (AQIRA)

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NAME: MPT AIA Sue RELL DATE: 2 ame >e>y Scanned with CamScanner TUTORIAL 4 Formule: SonAght tne meaboa Sura sof Ane -Years"-Dgrad-rathed | ¥ owWne Declining -Batance meawod = " : Je] dns 2x Weck vate at Lepraniny wepcite) Du = CoSf - Salvage Chyses) Diz Yar digtal Amount to 4 Danes ‘See far op * Presa 7 gear date Yaardixst —Ye-tine (00h of 484 of Aytes ce nectoge tmestrnent sveane iy cet came | Tal ti, EEE it | ay oie AL AO ae | rot | Mee mt stunt soot + savage | coop Sura oar Prpccea We ef tyeet 2 tvetmen = garde ews Plant hype + Hoe ? Cetozer of Estimated life + Gaears (2112 howrshyear) Tol cost + sts26,000 Zavestinent rate Wey “BHt36,000 Tax, inserance aud storage Aa Plant availry : Gt peryeae> “Replacement cost "la per year CO*O4) Lost of prodactovity 2 per year Operating condition 1 Average ©2100) Rated power + 304 NAME: WoKe AaueR east Rest DRED? teleen m8 O60 - 45 00-3600 FRM 49% 000 1. Find the amaal depreciation and beeValue Cinsentars tes 21) ‘Sirah Une Wethod ma saa ine a “Book: Value ‘Depreciation Book Value \ |" Depreciation Book Value Year 0 Rrag28 ° Kms 28,000-00) 0 578,000 li £&C4q2 000) 1 262,4 390,000 mm Kae. set ee 252, 2¢0-06 10,01 . RmG 38 000 sek. tarts) m2 000 tetag oth © preg tue 4} | sanannse | 245,000 vanes I SP Freveaany 4 fem 158.402 8 2,000 Year 3 wea £6 .S06°O0 lias lay |? OO eens ba > 0999 39.32 im 106.999.92 SY Shh bs. 1x ar 64.000 veers 2 5 4500-00 Sy 101, 945.5 + Ee AS eae ; “} 46,000 rene Kia Ctyred) fanny ‘Ske Cowen Gein eee ee Fe = seen de “is cxpcrted vane wong anid operating cost fr Mahe deqezl feat 1 2 3 4 @ = WAFS, 000-00 4. Depreciation cost ° 2. Start of the Year G2 293.960-00 | 249,019.70 | 196,902.86 | 106,399-92 46.000-00 J Scanned with CamScanner Die 194.390 NAME: move Ranen win OKLE DATE: > dun oeo4 beta 408 Ay vg 1 s Rma gs og ser 3 4492 BH > neg 6% FE, 619 a roe = RmS.94 vem 4 Mem 30 DUE pON 0% _eren-gg 4 WIO9- RI kone. 3k nwo oy 3. nd of the Year 439, 014.70 1st, 202.36 | 106, 299.92 4g,009 CO 4¢,000-00 Average Investnent 295, 394-60 142,600-24 | 49:64%-46 | 4¢,000-00 Si me 2s Se 6. ke133.20/he pmi23 20/nr kmia2.20/he | pemis2-20/hr | Rms? -20/br 4 a 2690 «=| 4, beac [| 36%a00 y 293,200 ae> rs at =F Bu 7. = kms. qgfhe = m2 43 fhe = Rm st-90/hr = peg. eae =km43-85/v | B. Tyre cost = kmig.0a fhe RM 49 fine Rea fae Regia [he penatt/be | pear Jie | a Speci ems hone Tone Wane Tae 10. Operator's wages 5-4o fw Lima ho / Bins - Ho, am35-40 fae mas 40, Scanned with CamScanner NAME Now nanen DATE: » aie >4 on Deterinne the wes, imaun the to replace a hice if the depreciation cost used SOTYDM, DeseriptionNear z 3 7 6 Depress rae eats oe 42,000:00 SEreoE OO 64,000-00 SATE E 241000-00 Replacement 2 21,130.00 21,130 21,120.00 " (70.00 A0,170-00 GA,120.u0 | 44 190-00 : » 0 “ ¥ v Hr + Camalative DER Cost 1 408,360.00 493,440.09 | 9600-00 6°9,470-0 4, Startle Nee 98,000.90 §,000-00| 1%%-000-00] 114,000-00 | 6000.00 Ne »40.000:00 | 219,000.00 000.00 | ug,000 00 | 6%-000+06 | 45,000.00 . ¥¥2.900°00 224,000-00 1ye,$00-00 1, 000-90 bb, 500-00 26,140-00 1695-00 10,9000 b.21¢ 00 > + vy + 7 £7,065 00 112,255 00 1S.549.09 15%, b09-00 14y 815 00 Scanned with CamScanner NAME. Noy Ranen Wouter HEEL DATE: > cans p00 Tyassaa sega Ya xnsco | xih00 | xnscco |tuicoo | s xreoe | £ «126000 & Repair cost (onse.cco) |>" i 3 7 31 3i 26.438.99 [si 89% tg 219,269-41 2 36,atg.09 | #32142. Bb 3671-43 . E F eo aan > Cumeiative Repair St 436.54 | Sia neg.ay | | 20099142 ot a0541 |” 16,428.94 |~ 126,000.00 ° esxanaxgs [0 ebxau2xa5 | 009 Kama cas | OR xan Kas ee xenaxas | Ove xduaxds A, Downtime Cost 22,861.20 25,702.40 | 28,553.60 2404-0 Taig yage-co [em GamalavePwitine HE] cai oo th aolso Gb seca 00 a> 44aceo0 a> oa.tane Teepuannds [tu vom sana 4e [o> bouwouaege [OWse.cvasuaxgs [OLE -eloxana nye . Obsclesence Cont - “06 i rics, 7 0s obey 0 iq eeei 4,801.60 403-4o 4603-20 [24,509.00 ° LAj00 -80 51402. 40 Ws Gol, “20 141 008-90 | 2%, 512-00 vr AS ab Abe encl of iis fourth year of use when rave Cost an average Scanned with CamScanner NAME: KOK WONgH BINT, Roset DATE: Cyang dah dibetuttan) TUTORIAL 4 Fort = = ‘Eaum - BG-Ahe Years’ oui % Oouble -DecGning, Balance ‘ retin ‘al aStraiyd tne 4 meted Czonypmy mernod Covent Fe rein” bm acort -tatugecrtyeny | pw a Year waite Ame Be | ow, 2 a pork value at Ute = Tam 0g went We year “iets 2 Wear ABT Ute chi cost og act cg — | tnvstnant men . Mourly repair raha es jeor st a x ‘ves r wie, Wat ae vege | Mly Pee, “AIREY 7 or * ales "ee a = cost sum of” oor erpectea HSE 06 wove spmeny taear At ofreoted| Years: Plant typ Hoe Estimated fe, Operators wages + M528,000 Ri3S.40 BW per WW) —y Aovinkene ~? operate Lavestmert rate ———> cost Lest of productivity ——> Operating condition Rated power years (2.112 hours/year) @ Geasereea Scanned with CamScanner Rmg2e 000 -¥eM4g 000 CFM AG cod) 2 sons sima4so00 ion and book value for hoe. % el ; Pood ae Same assssverrters0 Ns Straight Line Method Seo DORM eee SOM ‘SOTYDM |__Depreciation | Book Value Depreciation | Book Value |* Depreciation | Book sere. Rm 000-60 ° Rmga8 000 00 ° mas 600-00 al se eel ee heel a [giz e36cea Six waiabroe 4 at Yeart B43 222-23 | seemigy ago | BNPESACO-00 | | kmaen aoo.00 Tie aa Wayne ee RERE | lx casa ed™ [To Year2 | Rmag 666-67 | ensae coe -co Paya 014-30 | enn cascoq| MEM? 22% 9 | ee = — | a Sx mane 000 i Year3 | R14 666-6F |’ RM B0% 949-94 Rips 402-86 |” soy ay9.4% | RmD0R000-00 | aa eee mea -| a : 2 a nmase ovo | { Your R74 666-67 | Rmasq 23.72 fin ios 44-72 | einuy oxo | RMIAH 200-00 = mmag bebo] | GES pel) ee | ge\teno.and saat | igs eee oie : ts sara ; ‘aoe | oD, 62 404-44) ar RNB 000 em | Year S | Remag 666-67 | Rms 666. 65 Reni 286-61 teaya te-up | "He! 228-9 ma (46 69 } =| ee aT {oat waveaee | Shas Year6 | amg 06-67 | kmaa,aaa gg ict atone Nhe | , r i M040 0 00-0 | jes : romae 0-00 | sanai ons 24] : 2. Find he expected houty owning and operating cot for hoe the depreciation owt used DOGMA, Description/Year eet ee 1. Hour, au ‘Cadn Aalam jadvar) 1s | | 2. Depreciation cost M44 240-00 Scanned with CamScanner Svesoreye Owning cost/hour KmN>-B1 Ane | RMIE-26 Sar pmaa.a3/r | emis. 3a/he ine ~ - | ie Ke | | | Fuel cost | rmiai-ta7hr | miei 127 | yemigt -is/ne | vemtai-t2/hr | c | | = 1 iF Saeniiene 2 E | |2. service cost 2030-0 Jr Rm ne Boe ec, ae eee o0o«(a, eeoo «A 2 dee a sre enew) [31° "oye | BN on sera = tepair cos =m 3-04/nr = pme-0a/uy | = &M4-18/n0 = Rm2. 13/ar 2t/hr Casioed jada) ere a eee |: 1 | sagx 38000 | | cl e100 | nh Rmta-13 ae km 14.13 Zhe em19.14/he he keiq.19/hr | 9. Tyre cost Sea im, Th renga / N41F/h \ —— — = Specialiioms | none None None | none fone Wore ~Specialitems | ne + | 11. Operator's wages | em39-4o/nr em36-40/ne mG -40/hr m6 .40/ny 4m39-40/ hr fem3.9 40 /nr __CAatom jada) | | Operating cost/hr m324-6% fir | RMa29-68 /ar | Rma3e.q2 /hr | Pm939.99 /nr | Rmoar. oy /nr Rma4-B /r| 3. Start of the Year 4, End of the Year 5. Average investment | xma9% I60. 01 mgt 000-00 | 2 Kmio 860-09 0 | Yamaay cia->0. 2 kmaag 394.60 | semaz au-03 Reise 302-8 wemive 243-40. i vo 80> meron 7 ioe = = af emai 286-61 = tems, 349 Rmioe 344-42) emai ase 6} mgs 286-6) | = sme3 386.61 Omniny cost + Operating cost Scanned with CamScanner eenicinent cot Cae es ene 2 5 z 3 ‘ Invietmnent cosy ON ~ 3. Determine the optimum time to replace a hoe if the depreciation cost used SOTYDM. | Description/Year 1 ieee ara 4 5 6 3 mei) M106 boo: OF RMSE 330-99 ¥9M 64 000 00 e149 666-64 amar 993-33, oa x 2. Replacement +/ 228) siemaiiz0-00 | mariz0-00 | Kmatise-00 | Kmai120-00 | Kmaiiso-00 | Km21120.00 Pepreanbow | + + * * * * ae rmiob 45.2 | Mmasi20.00 | mes qeecy | ema 453.23 Ri fi ' Rmigaizo-00 | Rmiagas6-6r | + es lek ¥ 571 tack ARGC ase RR = | Cumulative P&RCost | emigg i20-00 | mate a06-67 | mess 260.00 | Kmas6 480-09 | kemsea.26e-67| km=4720-00 rt of the Y¢ a8 reo Tew Rms28 000.00 | wm400 000-00 | RM3A> 329.93 | Rm20% 000-00 | lemin4 000-00 | iamiol 333-33, bepreatahee ae # aa a we a 5. Endof the Earl ef the Yor mgoo 000-00 | Rmsa3 35393 | macs ov0-00 | Kmiag 000-00 | Kmioi3>>.23 | kmgo.oc0-00 TAS Bil WbtHCH CoO | HEPOESHDESESS) SAD Sos NBGTONDCO| aoe OT WggoOS | [APOC FION SITES 101 SSS SET OOOO 6. Average Investment a a 2 > = a SEE SeseTumr | * RM4b4 000-00 | ammoas ce-ch | sumac usu; | summecoe.oo | eumira cus cc |= vemao ceeec wm 290 666-66xo-u| mms 000 KO-t Menia2 666-66 Kou) mao bbb. bE KOU avarane wesinp Lamas 000 X00 | Rmpat 666-65 KOH Invest RE 6075 km} ogo.00 |*Km3e 199.53 | RMaz m2 | elem 360-00 | wma agy a | dem 4473.33 Caine OH ca cr) +) fay [oa Zev “ , ‘ Curmlative tovestmt | ¥* Ate Ate i Abs be Cost msi ofo-00 | mea ta4.9> | KMGAge-6o | KMiE6 106-66 | RmI4A Saq-aq | Keisq 535.39. Usa TF FTE TIT re 5 a fae BAD x '29 000 2 x 129000 2 x125 000 4 «126 000 Ex 15 000 £ x 125005 aah sadam | = PG 499-5 Skmosriit | snmiacssa: | skmag ayaa | skmaaraa.s¢ | «mas on-45 Scanned with CamScanner a r ton |v = Ate Curmutative Repair Cost |S es co 03 X22 x46 hem a01.20 | ama 891.20 rem 461-30 oo ” aa rs | ere Cost massi70 | emg qor.go | Kms99%-60 @-0a Xana X45 mo 433-63 ff) emia 969.14 mig 285-9 ob aS | 10. Obsolesence Cost ©°>)s xemiqoo-20 | =miaco-#o | Rmiaco-go | wmiaco-Ro | Ymiaco-8o 4 53- eur Jee a) uy Lge | phe tes lees eat Va os eer Km seoi-6o | Rmst0.go | KmI06s%0 | ma goq-00 | Rmu 404-80 | | -ex + | CUMULATIVE COS sroadeagaat | Reaie on.4i | winaa3qe0.24| M322 935.03] Emaeg o50.65| ee | cznulative Hour 4224 6236 2448 jo RO rouse + Av replace Mis tractor 1s ab The ent of Hs year oF use cent an averayg of RMBEBD Per Houv ef operation Scanned with CamScanner

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