g10 DLL 2nd Quarter
g10 DLL 2nd Quarter
g10 DLL 2nd Quarter
1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of polynomial function.
2. Performance The learner is able to conduct systematically a mathematical investigation involving polynomial functions
Standards in different fields.
3. Learning The learner illustrates Graphs polynomial The learner graphs Graphs polynomial
Competencies polynomial functions. functions. (M10AL-IIa-1) polynomial function. functions. (M10AL-Ia-
(M10AL-IIa-1) (M10AL-IIa-b-1) b-1)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp. 86-90 pp. 90-92 pp. 93-105 pp. 93-105
2. Learner’s pp. 106-108 pp. 108-111 pp. 112-121 pp. 112-121
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by
Resources DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite
Mathematics 2016 Mathematics 2016 Mathematics 2016 Mathematics 2016
Power point PPT, Laptop, Television, Power point presentation, Power point
presentation, monitor, activity notebook Graphing Board or presentation,
show me board, laptop Cartesian Plane Graphing Board or
Cartesian Plane
A. Reviewing previous FACT or BLUFF Pass the Message Find your Match Polynomial Dance
lesson or presenting the Group students to Group the class into 5.
new lesson Write FACT if the five. The student seated in Give each group a Describe the behavior
expression being shown front will solve the given polynomial function. Have of each polynomial
is a polynomial, problem and will pass the them match the assigned function through
otherwise write BLUFF. answer to his members function to them to the different dance
1. 14 x until it reach the last given graphs on the moves.
2. 5 x 2 − 4 √ 2 x + x person in the group. The board. 1. 𝑦 = 𝑥3 + 3𝑥2 –
3. Π group that gets the most The group who got the 𝑥−3
3 1
4. x 4 +3 x 4 +7 number of correct answers correct answer earns 5 2. 𝑦 = (2𝑥 + 3)
5. − 4 x −100 +4 x 100 wins the game. points. (𝑥 − 1)(𝑥 − 4)
B. Establishing a purpose Using the polynomial Aside from the Intercepts, Think-Pair-Share
for the lesson function there are many other
P ( x ) =6 x 3+ 4 x 2+ 6 things to consider when Find the x- and y-
How many terms are we draw the graph of a intercepts of the
there? polynomial function. polynomial function
What is the degree of These are some other
the polynomial? things that we need to 𝑃(𝑥)=(𝑥+1)2(𝑥+2)
What is the leading Motivational Activity : take into consideration; a. (𝑥−2)(𝑥−3)
coefficient? Are you familiar with the multiplicity of roots. b.
How about the constant place shown in the map? behavior of the graph c. 1. Sketch the
term? number of turning points graph of the
The map shows the polynomial
western part of Cavite, using the
taken from Google Earth. result.
When we take a closer
look at the coast lines, this 2. In graphing the
will be the picture: polynomial,
where did you
3. Are the
information to
sketch the
If the polynomial
𝑃(𝑥) = (𝑥 + 1)2(𝑥 + 2)(𝑥
− 2)(𝑥 − 3) is written in
the standard form then
we have
𝑃(𝑥) = 𝑥5 − 𝑥4 − 9𝑥3 + 𝑥2
+ 20𝑥 + 12
2. Describe the
behavior of the graph
𝑦 = 𝑥4 − 5𝑥2 + 4
a. x- and y-intercepts
The polynomial in
factored form is
𝑦 = (𝑥 − 1)(𝑥 + 1)
(𝑥 − 2)(𝑥 + 2)
The roots(x-intercepts)
are 1,−1, 2 and −2.
The y-intercept is 4
b. multiplicity
There are no roots of
even multiplicity.
c. behavior of the
𝑛 = 4 and is
Since 𝑛 is
even and 𝑎𝑛 > 0,
then the graph comes
down from the
extreme left and goes
up to the extreme
d. turning points
There are 3 turning
D. Discussing new Fix and Move Them, 1. In graphing 1. Are the intercepts 1. How do you find
concepts and practicing then Fill Me Up enough
new skills # 1 Direction: Consider the information for us
given polynomial to graph
functions and fill in the polynomials?
table below.
Polynomi S D L C 2. How can we
al t C T describe the
Function a behavior of the the activity?
n polynomial function, graph of a 2. What are the
d polynomial things to identify to
what is the
importance of the x- function? sketch the graph of
and y- intercepts? polynomial functions?
F 2. What are the steps in 3. Is it possible for 3. How do we sketch
o finding the the degree of the graph of
r intercepts? function to be less polynomial functions?
m than the number of
f ( x )=2 −11 x+ 2 x turning points?
2 x3 5
f ( x )= + +15 x
3 3
f ( x )=x (x −3)
f ( x )=x (x − 5)
3 4
y=3 x +2 x − x
E. Discussing new Analysis: Sketch the graph of
concepts and practicing 1. When are Determine the intercepts of Find the following then p(x) = 2x3 – 7x2 – 7x+
new skills # 2 functions the graphs of the following describe the behavior of 12
polynomials? polynomial functions: the graph of 𝑝(𝑥) = 𝑥3 −
2. How can we 1. y = (x + 2)(x + 3)(x + 5) 𝑥2 − 8𝑥 + 12 a. leading term:
determine the Given: _______________________ _________________
degree of a Factor completely:______________
a. leading term: ______ __
polynomial Equate y to 0:__________________
b. behavior of the graph: b. behavior of the
function? Then equate each factor to ____________________ graph:
3. In a polynomial zero and solve for x: ( 𝑛 is odd and 𝑎𝑛 > 0) _____________
function, which is (__ )= (__ )= (__ )= ( 𝑛 is odd and 𝑎𝑛>0)
the leading 0 0 0 c. x-intercepts: ________ c. x-intercepts:
coefficient? 𝑥= 𝑥= 𝑥= the polynomial in _________________
Constant term? ____ ____ ____ factored form is _
Let x = 0 𝑦 = (𝑥 − 2)2(𝑥 + 3) d. multiplicity of
y = (0 + 2)(0 + 3)(0 + 5) roots:_____________
y = _______ d. multiplicity of e. y-
x-intercepts: roots:_____ intercept:__________
_____________________ _
y-intercept: e. y-intercept:_________ f. number of turning
_____________________ points: 2
f. number of turning g. sketch:
2. y = x2(x – )(x + 1)(x – 1)
Factor completely: ______________
Equate y to 0: _________________
Then equate each factor to
zero and solve for x
Let x = 0
y = 02 (0 – 2)(0 + 1)(0 – 1)
y = _______
x-intercepts: _______________________
y-intercept: ________________________
3.y = x3 + x2 – 14x – 24
𝑥2=0 (__ )= (__ )= (__ )=
𝑥= 0 0 0
𝑥= 𝑥= 𝑥=
Factor completely:__________________
Equate y to 0:_____________________
Then equate each factor to
zero and solve for x
(__ )= (__ )= (__ )=
0 0 0
x= x=___ x=___
____ _ _
Let x= 0
y = 03 + 02 – 14(0) – 24
y = _______
F. Developing mastery Tell whether the Determine the intercepts of Describe the graph of the Sketch the graph of
(leads to Formative following is a polynomial the graphs of the following following polynomial the polynomial
Assessment 3) function or not. Give the polynomial functions: functions: function
degree and the number 1. 𝑦 = 𝑥3 + 3𝑥2 − 𝑥 − 3 𝑦=(𝑥+2)2 (𝑥−3) (𝑥+1)
of terms for polynomial 1. P(x) = x + 8x + 15
2. 𝑦 = −𝑥3 + 2𝑥2 +
functions. 2. P(x) = x – 2x – 4x + 8
3 2
11𝑥 - 12
1. y=3 x −2 x +4 3. P(x) = x4 – 2x2 + 1
2. y=5
x+3 4. P(x) = (x + 2)(x + 5)
x+ 4 (x – 3)(x – 4)
3. y=
3 1
5.P(x) = x(x – )(x + 4)
4. y= ( x − 4 ) ( 4 x +1 ) 2
5. y=√ 6 x 2+1 (x – 1)
G. Finding practical Use all the numbers in GROUP ACTIVITY
application of concepts the box once as Determine the Intercepts of Sketch the graph of
and skills in daily living coefficients or the polynomial functions Describe the graph of the polynomial
exponents to form as represented by the the following function
may polynomial following graphs: polynomial functions: 𝑦 = −(x + 2)(x + 1)2
functions of x as you (x − 3)
can. Write your 1. 𝑦 = 𝑥3 − 𝑥2 − 𝑥 + 1
polynomial function in 2. 𝑦 = (2𝑥 + 3)(𝑥 − 1)
standard form (𝑥 − 4)
1 -2
√3 2 −
5 3
H. Making generalizations A polynomial function is Solving for the x- and Things to consider before To sketch the graph
and abstractions about the a function in the form y- intercepts is an we draw the graph of a of a polynomial
lesson 𝑷(𝒙) = 𝒂𝒏𝒙𝒏 + 𝒂𝒏−𝟏𝒙𝒏−𝟏 + important step in graphing polynomial function. function we need to
𝒂𝒏−𝟐𝒙𝒏−𝟐 + ⋯+ 𝒂𝟏𝒙𝟏 + 𝒂𝟎, a polynomial function. consider the
These intercepts are used a. x- and y- intercepts following:
where 𝑛 is a to determine the points b. multiplicity of roots a. leading term
nonnegative integer, n where the graph intersects If 𝑟 is a zero of odd b. behavior of the
as a positive integer or touches the x-axis and multiplicity, the graph graph
implies that: the y-axis. of (𝑥) crosses the x- c. x-intercepts
a. n is not negative axis at r. d. multiplicity of roots
b. n is not zero To find the x-intercept of a If is a zero of even e. y-intercept
c. n is not a fraction polynomial function: multiplicity, the graph f. number of turning
d. n is not a radical, and a. Factor the of (𝑥) is tangent to the points
e. n is not imaginary polynomial completely xaxis at 𝑟.
b. Let y be equal to c. behavior of the graph
a 0 , a 1 , … , an are real The following
numbers called characteristics of
coefficients, a n x is the polynomial functions
leading term, a n is the will give us additional
leading coefficient, and information.
a 0 is the constant term. The graph of a
polynomial function:
i. comes down from the
extreme left and goes
up to the extreme right
if n is even and 𝑎𝑛 > 0
an >0
n <0
d. number of turning
Remember that the
number of turning
points in the graph of a
polynomial is strictly
less than the degree of
the polynomial.
Also, we must note
i.Quartic Functions:
have an odd number of
turning points; at most
3 turning points
ii.Quintic functions:
have an even number
of turning points, at
most 4 turning points
iii.The number of
turning points is at
most (𝑛 − 1)
I. Evaluating learning Direction: Identify the Find the x- and y-intercepts For the given Sketch the graph of
polynomial functions of the following polynomial polynomial function the polynomial
from the given set of functions: 𝑦 = −(𝑥 + 2) (𝑥 + 1)4(𝑥− function
functions. Give your 1)3, describe or determine y = x6 + 4x5 + 4x4 –
reasons. 1. y = x3 + 3x2 – x – 3 the following. 2x3 – 5x2 – 2x
1. f (x )=2 − x +3 x2 − 4 x 4 2. y = x3 – 7x + 6 a. leading term
2. P(x)= √5 x 7 +2 x 3 − x 3. y = x4 – x2 + 2x3 – 2x b. behavior of the graph
3. y=¿ 4. y = x3 – 4x2 + x + 6 c. x-intercepts
d. multiplicity of roots e.
4. f ( x)=√5 x +3 2 y-intercept
5. y = –x(x – 2)(x – )
5. y=− 4 x 2+ 2 x −1 3 f. number of turning
(x – 3) points
1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of polynomial function.
2. Performance The learner is able to conduct systematically a mathematical investigation involving polynomial functions in
Standards different fields.
3. Learning The learner solves The learner solves The learner solves The learner solves
Competencies problems involving problems involving problems involving problems involving
polynomial functions. polynomial functions. polynomial functions. polynomial functions.
(M10AL-IIa-b-1) (M10AL-IIa-b-1) (M10AL-IIa-b-1) (M10AL-IIa-b-1)
c ( 60 ) =¿ ¿
The temperature is
___oF if the number of
chirps of a cricket is 60.
F. Developing mastery During the barangay Indang is famous for One of the projects of the You are the newly hired
(leads to Formative elections in San Miguel, growing and selling YES-O Club is to make an accountant of 7Eleven
Assessment 3) Mr. Manalo, a barangay Dragon Fruit. The number MRF (Material Recovery convenience store in
captain candidate, gave of dragon fruits sold Facility) in the shape of a Indang. Your task is to
a speech outlining his everyday for the month of rectangular prism. The analyze its revenue for the
platforms. He tasked his March can be modeled by volume of the MRF is past 10 years of its
campaign manager to the function n ( t )=−t 2 − 30 t expressed as the function operation. Its annual
record the number of where n ( t ) is the number
3 2
v ( x )=x − x −2 x . What are revenue R (in millions)
people listening by of dragon fruits sold and t the dimensions of the said can be approximated by
counting how many both is the number of days. MRF if the volume is 90 the function
stayed in their seats and a. How many dragon fruits cubic feet? R(t) = 0.0001(-t4 + 12t3 –
remained awake. The are sold when t=3? Solution: 77t2 + 600t + 13,650)
following function was b. How many dragon fruits v ( x )=x 3 − x 2 −2 x where t is the number of
created to describe the are sold when t=25? substitute 90 to v(x) years since the store
number of listeners: ____ ¿ x 3 − x2 −2 x opened.
L ( m) =600 −15 m where apply APE a. What is the revenue of
m represents the 90 +¿ x3 − x 2 − 2 x + ¿ ¿ factor the store on its 5th year of
number of minutes that 3 2 operation?
0=x − x −2 x +¿ ¿
Congressman Babble solve for x b. In which year(s) was
was speaking, and L ( m ) 0=(x+ __)(x2+__x+__) the revenue Php1.5
represents the number only x= ____ is the real million.
of listeners. root.
1. Complete the table of Since x = height of the
values. MRF, therefore the
M 0 6 10 15 dimensions of the MRF is
L(m) __ x ____ x ___ meters.
2. Ms. Lucero, his
contender is challenging
Mr. Manalo. She wanted
to bring reporters to Mr.
Manalo’s speech exactly
when no one was left
listening. If the speech
began at 10:00 a.m., at
what time should she
have walked in with the
reporters? Show how
you reached your
3. How many persons
were there before the
speech started in the
venue based on the
given linear function?
4. Is (22, 270) a solution
to this function? Explain
why or why not.
G. Finding practical Before the invention of A certain plant grows from Solve the following The number of tourists
application of concepts mechanical clocks, a bulb to a plant with problem: who visited Maragondon
and skills in daily living candles were sometimes flowers in just a few A heifer is a young cow can be modeled by the
used to measure the weeks. The function for the that has not yet had calves. function v(t)=2t4-10t3+2t+5
passage of time. The height (cm) of the said To determine whether a where v(t) is the number
formula for the height of plant in each week (t) is heifer’s height is normal, a of visitors and t is the
such candle as a given by ℎ ( t )=t+ 5. If this veterinarian can use the number of months.
function of time is given plant continues to grow at cubic functions a. How many visitors
by ℎ ( t )=10 −2 t where the same rate, how tall L=0.0007t 3 −0.061 t 2 −2.02 t+30
visited Maragondon on the
ℎ(t ) represents the would it be after 15 days? H=0.001t − 0.08 t −2.3 t+ 31 5 month?
3 2
height of the candle in 20 days? 30 days? where L is the minimum b. How many visitors
centimeters and t normal height (in inches), visited Maragondon on the
represents the time in H is the maximum normal 12th month?
hours that the candle height (in inches), and t is
has been burning. the age (in months).
1. What does 10 in the a. What is the normal
formula represent? height range for an 18-
2. What is the height of month old heifer?
the candle after 1 hour? b. Suppose a veterinarian
3. What is the height of heifer that an examines
the candle after 1 hour? heifer that is 43 inches tall.
4. How many hours About how old do you think
have elapsed if the the cow is?
height of the candle is 5
H. Making generalizations A linear function is a How is a quadratic function Solve the following A polynomial function is
and abstractions about the polynomial function of different from a linear problem: a function of the form
lesson first degree. function? P(x) = anxn + an-1xn-1 + an-
A linear function is a What mathematical Villa Filomena is a 2x
+ …+ a1x + a0, an ≠0
function of the form process did you use in booming natural spring where n is a nonnegative
f(x)=mx+b where m and order to solve all the given resort in Indang, Cavite. It integer, a0, a1 ,…,an are
b a real numbers and problems? has three swimming pools real numbers called
m≠0. beside a river. The owner coefficients, anxn is the
is planning to construct a leading term, an is the
new swimming pool with a leading coefficient, and
maximum capacity of 2000 a0 is the constant term.
cubic feet of water. If the Real-life problems can be
volume of the water in the modeled with polynomial
swimming pool can be functions.
modeled by using the
function V(t) = t3 + 40t2 +
175t where t is the number
of hours it takes to fill the
swimming pool,
a. what is the volume of the
water after one hour?
b. How long will it take to
reach its maximum
I. Evaluating learning The number of words in A key was accidentally How were you able to You are the newly hired
a child’s vocabulary is dropped by a student from solve the problems manager of Lolo Claro’s.
function of the child’s the 2nd floor of a 4 storey involving polynomials of You want to know the
age. The formula for the building. The height of third degree? sales of the restaurant
size of vocabularies of where the key was since it opened it’s branch
typical children between dropped can be modeled in Naic. Its daily sales can
ages of 20 months and by the function be approximated by the
50 months is h(t)=-16t2+2t+48 where h(t) function
n ( w )=60 a − 900 is the height in ft and t is S(t) = -0.002t4 + 3t3 – 5t2 +
where a represents the time (in seconds). 4t + 10000
child’s age in months a. How high was the rock where t is the number of
and n represents the after 2 seconds? days since the store
number of words that b. How high was the rock opened.
the child uses correctly. after 5 seconds? a. How much is the sales
1. How many words c. When will the rock hit of Lolo Claro’s after 5
does a typical 25-month- the ground? days of opening?
old child know? b. How much is the sales
2. How many words of Lolo Claro’s after 5
does a typical 50-month- days of opening?
old child know?
3. Will the formula work
for a 20-month old child?
J. Additional activities for 1. Follow-up 1. Follow-up 1. Follow up
application or remediation Solve the following Study third degree Solve the problem below:
problem. polynomial functions. The volume of a computer 1. Study: Circles
A student qualified for room in Zeki’s, an internet
a. Define the following
WCSU. One of the cafe in Indang, Cavite, is
uniforms provided for expressed in the
1. Circle
them is a cap. A polynomial function V(x) =
6x3 + 9x2 – 24x + 36 where 2. Radius
person’s cap size is
based on the head x is the width of the room in 3. Diameter
circumference (in meters. If the volume is 45 4. Arc
inches). For head cubic meter, what is the 5. Minor arc
7 width of the room? 6. Major arc
circumference 20 to 25 7. Central Angle
iches, cap size s can be 8. Inscribed Angle
modeled by the function b. Bring the following
c 1 materials:
s ( c )= − . 1. ruler
3 3
a. If you wear a cap size 2. compass
7, what is your head 3. protractor
circumference? 4. two pieces of bond
b. What is your cap size paper
if your head 5. colored pens/pencils
circumference is 22
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
GRADE 10 School Grade Level 10
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter SECOND
1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of circles.
2. Performance The learner is able to formulate and find solutions to challenging situations involving circles and other
Standards related terms in different disciplines through appropriate and accurate representations.
3. Learning The learner derives The learner derives The learner derives The learner derives
Competencies inductively the relations inductively the relations inductively the relations inductively the relations
among chords, arcs, among chords, arcs, among chords, arcs, among chords, arcs,
central angles, and central angles, and central angles, and central angles, and
inscribed angles. inscribed angles. inscribed angles. inscribed angles.
(M10GE-IIc-1) (M10GE-IIc-1) (M10GE-IIc-1) (M10GE-IIc-1)
a. Identify the chords, a. Explore the chords, a. Illustrate the chords, a. Identify inscribed
Objectives arcs, central angles arcs, central angles arcs, central angles angles of a circle.
and inscribed angles and inscribed angles and inscribed angles b. Find the measures
of a circle. of a circle. of a circle. of inscribed angles
b. Name the chords, b. Define the chords, b. Find the chords, arcs, of a circle.
arcs, central angles, arcs, central angles, central angles, and c. Appreciate
and inscribed angles and inscribed angles inscribed angles of a accumulated
of a circle. of a circle. circle. knowledge as
c. Value accumulated c. Appreciate c. Appreciate means of new
knowledge as means accumulated accumulated understanding.
of new knowledge as means knowledge as means
understanding. of new of new
understanding. understanding.
II. CONTENT Circles Circles Circles Circles
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp. 126-154 pp. 126-154 pp. 126-154 pp. 126-154
2. Learner’s pp. 127-177 pp. 127-177 pp. 127-177 pp. 127-177
3. Textbook Exploring Mathematics Exploring Mathematics Exploring Mathematics E – Mathematics 10 by
10 by Elisa s. Baccay, 10 by Elisa s. Baccay, 10 by Elisa s. Orlando A.
Myla B. Esperanza, Myla B. Esperanza, Baccay, Myla Oronce and
Allan S. Reyes; Allan S. Reyes; B. Esperanza, Marilyn O.
pp.144 – 150 pp.144 – 150, 166 Allan S. Reyes; Mendoza;
Next Generation Math pp.168 - 173 pp.172 - 178
10 by Erist A. Capul,
Hasmin T. Ignacio,
Elsie M. Pacho, et. al.
pp. 140 – 141
Next Century
Mathematics 10 by
Mirla S. Esparrago,
Nestor V. Reyes, Jr
and Catalina B.
Manalo, pp. 174 - 191
4. Additional
Materials from
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by
Resources DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite
Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016,
Worksheets and Worksheets and Worksheets and Worksheets and
PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint
A. Reviewing previous Motivational Activity: 4 Review: Review: Review:
lesson or presenting the Pics – One Word Use the figure to identify With a convenient Use the 3 circles below
new lesson Guess the missing word a radius, a diameter, a radius, construct a circle. to complete the table.
using the pictures below: chord or a secant of the Label the center Use a protractor to find
circle with center O. With the center as the measure if the
1. NT vertex, draw an angle indicated inscribed
2. QK such that the sides angles.
3. QK intersect the circle.
4. NO
5. NT
B. Establishing a purpose Which of the following What is a circle? There are other sets Compare the
for the lesson are good physical Sketch a circle. of points that we can measure of the
models of a circle? On the circle on the consider on a circle. inscribed angle and its
right, identify the A intercepted arc.
following. Compare your
B C observations with those
D D of your classmates.
Complete: The
Given a circle with measure of an inscribed
E center B. Let us consider angle in a circle is
<ABC. Let us consider _____________.
Center of the circle points A, C, and D on
Radius the circle.
Inscribed angle
C. Presenting 1. Teaching/Modeling 1. Teaching/Modeling 1. Teaching/Modeling 1. Teaching/Modeling
examples/Instances of the Illustrative Examples: Illustrative Examples: Illustrative Examples: Illustrative Examples:
new lesson Use the figure below to Use the figure, give the a. If the radius of a Find the measures of
identify and name the missing measurements circle is 12 cm, how the missing angles. Use
following terms related of ʘ H: long is an arc of the figure on the right.
to ʘ O: 225°?
1. a radius Solution:
2. a diameter We replace the
terms in the
equation. So,
1. m GHF = 30°, x
L= •π•r
m GF 180
2. m GF = m FE = 30°, 225
L= • π • 12
m GHF 180
3. m AHB = 45°, L = 47.12 cm Solution:
b. What is the radius of Use m<a = 180 – 72
3. a chord m BEA m<a = 108
a circle if the length
4. a semicircle 4. m BHC = 90°, of a 72° arc is 6π? m<b = 180 – 90
5. a minor arc m CHE Solution: m<b = 90
6. a major arc 5. m AHB = 45°, x
7. 2 central angles m AE L= •π•r
8. 2 inscribed angles 6. m GF = m FE = 30°, 180 L
m AHB = 45°; xπ
Solution: m AHG 180 L
Radius: 𝐷O, 𝑂C, 𝐴O, 𝑂B r=
Solution: xπ
Diameter: 𝐷𝐶̅̅̅, 𝐴𝐵̅̅̅ 1. 30° 180(6 π)
Chord: 𝐷𝐵̅̅, 𝐴𝐶̅̅ 2. 30° + 30° = 60°
72 π
Semicircle: ACB, ADB 3. 360° - 45° = 315° r = 15
Minor Arc: 4. 180° - 90° = 90°
CB,BD,DA,AC 5. 180° - 45° = 135°
Major Arc: ACD, CBA, 6. 180° - 60° -45° = 75°
Central Angle: AOC,
Inscribed Angle: ACO,
D. Discussing new 1. How did you find the 1. How did you find the In the figure, T is the What are the
concepts and practicing activity? activity? center of the circle. measures of the
new skills # 1 2. How did you identify 2. How did you get the following inscribed
the radius, diameter, measure of an arc given angles?
and chord of a circle? the other? m<AFB =
3. What is the difference 3. How did you get the m<ADB =
between the three lines? measure of an angle m<AEB =
4. How did you identify given measures of m<ACB =
the minor and major different angles? 1. Name a chord that is
arcs of the circle? 4. What characteristics not a diameter.
5. What is the difference of a circle can you 2. What is mRQS?
between the minor and define? 3. What is m<RQS?
major arcs of the circle? 5. Differentiate different 4. If m<PTS = 68, what What is the common
6. How did you identify parts of a circle in your is mPQS? in the
the central angle and own words. 5. If mPS = 70, what is four inscribed
inscribed angle of the m<PTQ? angles?
7. What is the difference
between central angle
and inscribed angle of a
8. How did you name
chords, arcs and angles
of a circle?
E. Discussing new Use ʘP below to identify In the adjoining figure, P In the given figure, E is In the figure, C-H-A, S-
concepts and practicing and name the following: is the center of the the center of the circle. N-I, and m<CSN = 100.
new skills # 2 1. 2 radii circle. 1. <B is inscribed in Find x.
2. a diameter arc_____.
3. 2 chords 2. If m<AED = 110, mAD
4. 2 semicircles = ___.
5. 2 minor arcs 3. The angle inscribed in
6. 2 major arcs 1. If the diameter is 20, DAB is ____.
7. 2 central angles then PQ = ____ 4. If mCD = 70, then Solution:
8. 2 inscribed angles 2. If PR = 11, then PQ m<A = ___. Connect H and N.
Solution: = ___ 5. mAB + mBC = _____. a + m<CSN = 180
1. 2 Radii (any segment 3. If PS ┴ QR at S and 6. mAD + ____= mACB. a + ___ = 180
joining the center to a QR = 24 7. mADC – mAD = a = ___
point on the circle) then QS = ____ _____
________, ________ 4. If PS ┴ QR at s and a + b = 180
2. Diameter (a chord SR = 9, __ + b = 180
passing through the then QR = ____ b = ___
center) _________ 5. If QS = RS, then SP
3. 2 Chords (a segment ______QR. b + x = 180
joining any two points on ___° + x = 180
the circle) _____, _____ x = ___
4. 2 Semicircles (one
half of a circle and
measures 1800)
_____, ______
5. 2 Minor Arcs (less
than a semicircle)
_______, _______
6. 2 Major Arcs (greater
than a semicircle)
_______, _______
7. 2 Central Angles
(angle whose vertex is
the center of the circle
and whose sides are
radii of the circle)
_______, _________
8. 2 Inscribed Angles
(an angle whose vertex
is on a circle and whose
sides contain chords of
the circle) _____, _____
F. Developing mastery Use ʘ O below to Answer the following Answer the following Refer to the figure on
(leads to Formative identify and name the using the figure below. using the figure below. the right to answer the
Assessment 3) following: following.
1. If AG = 24 cm, what
is AC? 1. If AG = 24 cm, what
2. If AC = 38 cm, what is AC?
1. radius is CG? 2. If AC = 38 cm, what A. Name the angles
2. diameter 3. If CG = 42 cm, what is CG? that intercept AP
3. chord is AC? 3. If CG = 42 cm, what B. Name the angles
4. semicircle 4. If OG = 5 cm and OC is AC? that intercept EV
5. minor arcs = 13 cm, 4. If OG = 5 cm and C. Name the arc that is
6. major arcs what is AG? OC = 13 cm, what is intercepted by
5. If OA = 5 cm and OG AG? <PAE.
7. central angles
= 3 cm, what is CG? 5. If OA = 5 cm and D. Name the arc that is
8. inscribed angles
OG = 3 cm, what is intercepted by
E. If <PEA = 48,
mAP___, and
m<AVP = ____.
G. Finding practical Using the map below of Answer the following Solve these problems. Refer to the given
application of concepts Paradizoo in Tagaytay using the figure below. Show your solutions. figures below.
and skills in daily living City, identify and name 1. If AC = 96 cm, what 1. The diameter of a Find the value of x.
the following: is AG? circle is 20. How long 1. 2. 3.
is an arc of 210°?
2. The radius of a circle
is 15. How long is an
arc of 60°?
2. If OG = 6 cm and AC 3. What is the radius of 4. 5.
= 16 cm, a circle if the length
1. radius what is BG? of a 45° arc is 3π?
3. If BG = 2 cm, and OC 4. If the diameter of a
2. diameter = 10 cm, circle is 18, how long
3. chords what is AG? is an arc of 118°?
4. semicircle 4. If <OAC = 30 and OA 5. Find the diameter of
5. minor arcs = 12 cm, a circle if the length
6. major arcs what is BG? of a 100° arc is 4π.
7. central angles 5. If <OCA = 30 and
radius OC = 9 cm,
8. inscribed angles
what is OG?
H. Making generalizations A circle is the set of all A circle is the set of all The length of an arc is The measure of an
and abstractions about the points on a plane at a points on a plane at a different from its degree inscribed angle is one
lesson given distance from a given distance from a measure. half the measure of its
fixed point called the fixed point called the The length L of an arc is intercepted arc.
center. A circle is named center. A circle is named equal to
by its center, Ex. ʘ A. by its center, Ex. ʘ A. arc measure
• π • radius.
A radius (plural, radii) is A radius (plural, radii) is 180
any segment joining the any segment joining the On the plane of a circle
center to a point on the center to a point on the with center B, if C is a 1
m<A = m BC
circle. circle. point of arc AD, then 2
A chord is a segment A chord is a segment mACD = mAC + mCD.
joining any two points on joining any two points on The intercepted arc is
the circle. the circle. twice the measure of
A diameter is a chord A diameter is a chord any inscribed angle
passing through the passing through the whose sides pass
center. center. through the end points
An arc is a part of a An arc is a part of a of the arc.
circle between two circle between two
points on the circle. points on the circle. m BC = 2m<A
A semicircle is one half A semicircle is one half
of a circle and measures of a circle and measures
1800. A diameter divides 1800. A diameter divides
the circle into two the circle into two
semicircles. semicircles.
A minor arc is less than A minor arc is less than
a semicircle. a semicircle.
A major arc is greater A major arc is greater
than a semicircle. than a semicircle.
A central angle of a A central angle of a
circle is an angle whose circle is an angle whose
vertex is the center of vertex is the center of
the circle and whose the circle and whose
sides are radii of the sides are radii of the
circle. circle.
An inscribed angle of a An inscribed angle of a
circle is an angle whose circle is an angle whose
vertex is on a circle and vertex is on a circle and
whose sides contain whose sides contain
chords of the circle. chords of the circle.
The arc that lies in the The arc that lies in the
interior of an inscribed interior of an inscribed
angle and has endpoints angle and has endpoints
on the angle is called on the angle is called the
the intercepted arc of intercepted arc of the
the angle. angle.
I. Evaluating learning Use ʘ O below to Determine whether the Determine whether the Refer to the given
identify and name the following statements are following statements are figures below.
following: true or false. always true, sometimes Find the value of x.
true, or never true. Use 1. 2. 3.
the figure below. Points
A, B, C, and D are on
the circle.
4. 5.
1. radius 1. If OX ┴ PQ , OY ┴ RQ
2. diameter and OX = OY, then
3. chord QX = RY
4. semicircle 2. If y is the midpoint of 1. If AB = DC, then
5. minor arcs RQ, <AOB = <DOC.
6. major arcs then OY ┴ RQ. 2. If <AOB = <DOC,
3. If PX = QX, then
7. central angles then DC = AB.
<OXP is a right angle.
8. inscribed angles 3. If <BOA = <COD,
4. If PQ = RQ, then
OX = OY. then AB = CD.
5. If XQ = YQ, then 4. If AD = CD, then
XP = YR. mAB = mCD.
5. If mAB = mDC, then
J. Additional activities for 1. Follow Up Use the following figure. Find the value of x.
In circle E, AB = CD.
application or remediation Label the figure below. 1. If m<CED = 105,
Identify and name the what is mAB?
following: 2. If m<BAE = 3x – 40
1. radius and
2. diameter m<DCE = 2x – 10,
3. chord what is x?
4. semicircle 3. If m<AEB = 4x + 20
5. minor arcs 1. If circle A = circle B, and
6. major arcs CE = FH, DA = 2x + m<CED = 5x, what is
5, and GB = x + 10,
7. central angles x?
what is x?
8. inscribed angles
2. If circle A = circle B,
CE = FH, GB = 4x +
15, and DA = 5x +
10, what is x?
1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of circles.
2. Performance The learner is able to formulate and find solutions to challenging situations involving circles and other
Standards related terms in different disciplines through appropriate and accurate representations.
3. Learning Proves theorems related The learner proves The learner proves The learner proves
Competencies to chords, arcs, central theorems related to theorems related to theorems related to
angles, and inscribed chords, arcs, central chords, arcs, central chords, arcs, central
angles. angles, and inscribed angles, and inscribed angles, and inscribed
( M10GE-IIc-d-1) angles. angles. angles.
( M10GE-IIc-d-1) ( M10GE-IIc-d-1) ( M10GE-IIc-d-1)
D. Discussing new Try this… Try this… Try this… Try this…
concepts and practicing A. Given are two
new skills # 1 congruent circles and a
central angle from each
circle which are
congruent. Their
intercepted arcs are
Complete the table to
show that ES bisects GN
and the minor arc GN
E. Discussing new 1. How do you find doing 1. How do you find doing 1. How do you find doing 1. How do you find
concepts and practicing the activity? the activity? the activity? doing the activity?
new skills # 2 2. Were you able to 2. Were you able to 2. Were you able to 2. Were you able to
complete the proof? complete the proof? How? complete the proof? identify the inscribed
How? 3. What theorem related to How? angles and their
3. What theorem related chords, arcs, and central 3. What theorem related intercepted arcs
to chords, arcs, and angles was proven?. to chords, arcs, and including their degree
central angles was central angles was measure?
proven? proven? 3. Were you able to
apply the theorems on
arcs and inscribed
F. Developing mastery Do more… Do more… Do more… Check yourself…
(leads to Formative Given are two
Assessment 3) congruent circles and
intercepted arcs from
each circle which are
congruent. Their
corresponding angles are
Complete the table to show
that ( ES ) ⊥ (GN ) .
G. Finding practical Applying the learned Applying the learned Applying the learned Applying the learned
application of concepts theorem, answer the theorem, answer the theorem, answer the theorem, answer the
and skills in daily living following: following: following: following:
Find Me
H. Making generalizations Theorem 1 on central Theorem 2 on central Theorem 3 on central Theorems on
and abstractions about the angles, arcs and angles, arcs and chords of angles, arcs and chords Inscribed Angles
lesson chords of a circle states a circle states that: of a circle states that: 1. If an angle is
that: In a circle or in In a circle, a diameter inscribed in a circle,
In a circle or in congruent circles, two bisects a chord and an then the measure of
congruent circles, two minor arcs are congruent if arc with the same the angle equals one-
minor arcs are congruent and only if their endpoints if and only if it half the measure of its
if and only if their corresponding chords are is perpendicular to the intercepted arc ( or the
corresponding central congruent. chord. measure of the
angles are congruent. intercepted arc is twice
the measure of the
inscribed angle)
2. If two inscribed
angles of a circle ( or
congruent circles)
intercept congruent
arcs or the same arc,
then the angles are
3. If an inscribed
angle of a circle
intercepts a semicircle,
then the angle is a
right angle.
4. If a quadrilateral is
inscribed in a circle,
then its opposite
angles are
I. Evaluating learning From the figure at the From the figure at the right In ⊙O given below, Answer the following:
right find the measure of find the measure of the determine the measures
the unknown angles and unknown angles and arcs. of the unknown quantity:
arcs. Given: ےCAD = 150⁰ Given: NO = 15 units
Given: ےUER = 130⁰ Chords ^
BC ≅ ^
ED ES = 6 units
PN = 160⁰
1. ےUER
2. ےUER
3. CU
4. UR
5. ^
1. CD 4. ^
1. SO
2. ^
DE 5. ےBAC 2. PR
3. SR
3. ^
BE 4. ^
5. ^
1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of circles
2. Performance The learner is able to formulate and find solutions to challenging situations involving circles and other
Standards related terms in different discipline through appropriate and accurate representations.
3. Learning The learner illustrates The learner proves The learner proves The learner proves
Competencies secants, tangents, theorem on tangents. theorem on tangents. theorem on segments
segments, and sector of (M10GE-IIe-f-1) (M10GE-IIe-f-1) (M10GE-IIe-f-1)
the circle.
Objectives a. Identify the secants, a. Use two-column proofs a. Use two-column a. Use two-column
tangents, segments in proving theorems proofs in proving proofs in proving
and sectors of a related to tangents and theorems related to theorems related
circle. secants. tangents to segments.
b. Name the secants, b. Determine the reasons b. Determine the reasons b. Determine the
tangents, segments, to support the given to support the given reasons to support
and sectors of a statements in a two- statements in a two- the given
circle column proof of column proof of a statements in a
c. . Value accumulated theorem on tangents theorem on tangent. two-column proof
knowledge as means and secants. c. Appreciate the of theorem on
of new c. Appreciate the importance of segments.
understanding. importance of geometric c. Appreciate the
geometric relationships relationships involving importance of
involving tangents and tangents in making geometric
secants in making wise wise decisions relationships
decisions. involving
segments of circle
in making wise
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp.178- 198 pp. 164-171,177-179,191- pp. 173 – 189 155 - 172
2. Learner’s pp. 155-172 pp. 178 - 209 pp. 199 – 210 178 - 197
Geometry III by Soledad Interactive
3. Textbook Jose pp. 202 – 205 Mathematics IV by
Orlando Oronce et. al
pp. 185-191
4. Additional
Materials from https://sophia.org LCTGs by DepEd Cavite http:// LCTGs by DepEd
Learning http:// www.onlinemathlearning. Cavite
Resources (LR) www.mathwarehouse.com/ com/tangent-circle.html
portal geometry/circle/tangents-
secants-arcs-angles.php https://sophia.org
B. Other Learning Illustrations, activity Illustrations, activity Illustrations, activity Illustrations, activity
Resources sheets, sheets, sheets, Guided sheets, Practice
Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by Exercises, Ruler, Exercises
DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite Compass, pencil and 2016 LCTGs by
Mathematics 2016 Mathematics 2016 paper. DepEd Cavite
Grade 10 LCTGs by Mathematics 2016
DepEd Cavite
Mathematics 2016
Preliminary Activity Motivational Activity Pre-Assessment
A. Reviewing previous a. Identify all the Find My X
lesson or presenting the tangent lines on the FIND MY LENGTH
new lesson circle
Use the figure and the Find the length of the
given information to unknown segment (x)
answer the questions that in each of the
follow. Explain how you following figures.
arrived at your answer. Answer the question
b. Give the secants that follows.
on the given circle 1. If m ADC = 160 and
m EF = 80,
find m ABC
e. Identify which of
the two figures shows
1. sector of the circle
4. Compare the
product of BA and
TA with the
product of MA
and NA.
5. Repeat # 1 to # 4
using other pairs
of chords of
different lengths.
What conclusion can
you make?
Intersecting at M.
U Solution:
Given: is a secant
and is a tangent Prove: AM • BM =
Solution: Intersecting in the DM • EM
exterior of O at S.
Tangent Line: 𝑈𝑃̅ Prove: m
Secant Line TR, CB
External Secant To Prove: Draw
Segment: SR
Tangent Segment: QU,
5.Sector of a circle
6.Segment of a circle
7. Sector of a circle:
region bounded <BEA
8. Segment of a circle:
region bounded by CD
E. Discussing new Discussion: What other definitions, a. In a two-column How did you find this
concepts and practicing postulates, or theorems proof what are activity? What other
new skills # 2 1. How did you find the can you give as reason? written on the left- definitions,
activity? hand side? postulates, or
2. Which lines are b. How about on the theorems can you
tangent to the circle? right-hand side? give as reason?
Why? c. State what are the
3. Which lines are given. What are to Supply the missing
prove? parts of the solution
secants? Why?
d. What is a tangent? to prove the
4. How did you identify
following theorems.
the tangent lines,
Guided Exercises
secants, segments
and sectors of a If two chords of a
Do these with your circle intersect, then
circle? seatmate the product of the
5. What is the If two segments measures of the
difference between from the same exterior segments of one
the tangent and point are tangent to a chord is equal to the
secant lines? circle, then the two product of the
6. How about the segments are congruent. measures of the
difference between segments of the other
the segments and chord.
sectors of a circle?
7. How will you describe
tangent lines, Solution:
secants, segments Given: and
and sectors of a are chords of D
circle? Intersecting at O.
Stateme Reason Task Prove: CO • OS =
Do these ______ ______ Copy the
Use ʘS below to ______ ______ given
identify and name the _ To Prove: Draw
______ Radii o Indicate
following: ______ the which radii and
_ same are
6. tangent line circle congruent.
7. secant congrue
8. external secant nt.
segment ⊥ Indicate
______ the
9. tangent segment and
______ property
10. sector of a circle ⊥ _ that
segment of a circle BM justifies
Hypoten Name the
______ use- congruent
______ Leg triangles
Write the
______ reason
______ why they
_ become
External Secant
Segment: _____ (part
of the secant segment
that is outside the
Tangent Segment:
______ (part of the
tangent line)
Sector of the circle:
_____ (the region
bounded by an arc of
the circle and the
two radii to the
endpoints of the arc)
Segment of the
circle is the region
bounded by an arc
and the segment
joining its endpoints.
Prove: m
G. Finding practical SQUARE GROUP Given: Theorem: If two secant
application of concepts ACTIVITY If a line is segments are drawn
and skills in daily living AC is a secant that
tangent to a circle, to a circle from an
Label the given figure passes through T at A then it is exterior point, then
below. Identify and give and B perpendicular to the product of the
one example for each: EC is a secant that passes the radius at its lengths of one secant
1. tangent line through T at E and D outer endpoint segment and its
2. secant Given: A with a external secant
AC and EC intersect at
3. external secant
segment exterior point C. line l tangent to segment is equal to
the circle at B the product of the
4. tangent segment (Draw the figure to
lengths of the other
5. sector of a circle illustrate the given) Prove that AB l secant segment and
6. segment of a circle
its external secant
1 A segment.
Prove: m ACE= (m
2 •
AE – m BD)
Given: and
To prove: Draw AD
are secant segments
and BE B C intersecting outside
T at S
a. Let C be any point
on l distinct from
b. C is in the exterior
of A
c. AC > AB Prove: =
d. AB is the shortest
segment from A to
e. AB l.
i. 1
ii. 0
iii. 2
iv. D.4
2.Study: Theorems on
Tangents, Secants and
Segments of a Circle
Bring the following
1. ruler
2. compass
3. protractor
4. two pieces of bond
5. colored
1. Content
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of circles.
2. Performance The learner is able to formulate and find solutions to challenging situations involving circles and other related terms
Standards in different disciplines through appropriate and accurate representation.
3. Learning The learner solves The learner solves The learner solves The learner solves problems on
Competencies problems on circles problems on circles problems on circles circles (M10GE-llf-2)
(M10GE-llf-2) (M10GE-llf-2) (M10GE-llf-2)
a. How did you find the
value of x in each
b. What mathematical
1. Which of the lines or concepts or principles
line segments is a did you apply in solving
In billiards, the tangent? secant? the equations?
tangent line is the 1. Which lines intersect chord? Name these
natural direction a circle C at two points. lines or line
sliding cue ball takes How about the lines segments.
after contacting an that intersect the circle 2. AT intersects LN at E.
object ball. It is at exactly one point? What are the different
perpendicular to a line 2. What are the angles segments formed?
drawn through the object having A as the Name these
ball and cue ball at the vertex? C as the segments.
point of contact. This is vertex? D as the 3. What other segments
a 90 degree angle from vertex? G as the can be seen in the
the path of the object vertex? Make a list of figure? Name these
ball to the pocket. On all these angles, and then segments.
shots the cue ball will describe each. 4. SJ and LJ intersect at
travel this path unless it 3. What arc/s does each point J. How would
is shot with follow or angle intercept? you describe point J
draw. 4. Which angles intercept in relation to the given
the same arc? circle?
Can you give other real 5. Using a protractor, find
life illustrations of the measures of the Was it easy for you to
tangents and secants of angles identified in identify the tangent and
circles? item #2? secant lines and chords
6. How would you and to name all the
determine the segments?
measures of the arcs
intercepted by the
angles? Give the
degree measure of
each arc.
7. Compare the
measures of DCE
and DAE. How about
the mDE and mDAE?
Explain your answer.
8. How is the mAD
related to the mDAB?
How about mEFA and
9. What relationship
exists among mAD,
mAF, and mBGD?
Is there any
relationship among the
measures of RST, RVT,
and RT? Describe the
relationship, if there is
7. Slide the circular
cardboard so that S is
in the exterior of the
circle, ST intersects
the circle at T, and RS
intersects the circle at
two points, R and N.
Is there any
relationship among
the measures of
RST, RT, and MN?
Describe the
relationship, if there is
G. Finding practical Use the situation below to Solve the following problems.
application of Solve the following Solve the following answer the questions that
concepts and skills problems. problems. follow. 1. Kaybiang Tunnel located in
in daily living the Ternate- Nasugbu area is
1. You are in a hot air said to be the longest
In circle O below, balloon and your underground tunnel in the
secants are drawn eye level is 60 Philippines. It has a length of
from point P, mXY = 150 meters over the about 300 meters, and a ertical
and mMN = 30. What is ocean. Suppose distance of 4.85 meters. Using
m XPY? your line of sight is
tangent to the
radius of the earth
like the illustration
shown below.
H. Making The true application The true application of The true application The true application of
generalizations and of mathematics is in mathematics is in of mathematics is in mathematics is in solving real
abstractions about solving real life solving real life solving real life life problems. You must read
the lesson problems. You must problems. You must problems. You must and understand the problem,
read and understand the read and understand the read and understand the draw a diagram if necessary
problem, draw a problem, draw a diagram problem, draw a diagram and label it, determine the
diagram if necessary if necessary and label it, if necessary and label it, theorems to be used, write the
and label it, determine determine the theorems determine the theorems equation and then solve.
the theorems to be to be used, write the to be used, write the
used, write the equation equation and then solve. equation and then solve. Here are some theorems
and then solve. on secant segments tangent
Here are some Here are some segments of circles that can
Here are some theorems on secants theorems on secant be applied in solving real-life
theorems on secants and tangent of circles segments tangent problems involving circles.
and tangent of circles that can be applied in segments of circles that
that can be applied in solving real-life problems can be applied in solving If two segments from the
solving real-life involving circles. real-life problems same exterior point are tangent
problems involving involving circles. to a circle, then the two
circles. If two tangents segments are congruent.
intersect in the exterior of If two secant
If two tangents a circle, then the segments are drawn to a If two secant segments are
intersect in the exterior measure of the angle circle from an exterior drawn to a circle from an
of a circle, then the formed is one-half the point, then the product of exterior point, then the product
measure of the angle positive difference of the the lengths of one secant of the lengths of one secant
formed is one-half the measures of the segment and its external segment and its external secant
positive difference of the intercepted arcs. secant segment is equal segment is equal to the product
measures of the to the product of the of the lengths of the other
intercepted arcs. If two secants lengths of the other secant segment and its external
intersect in the interior of secant segment and its secant segment.
If two secants a circle, then the external secant segment.
intersect in the interior of measure of an angle If a tangent segment and a
a circle, then the formed is one-half the If a tangent segment secant segment are drawn to a
measure of an angle sum of the measures of and a secant segment circle from an exterior point,
formed is one-half the the arcs intercepted by are drawn to a circle from then the square of the length of
sum of the measures of the angle and its vertical an exterior point, then the the tangent segment is equal to
the arcs intercepted by angle. square of the length of the product of the lengths of the
the angle and its vertical the tangent segment is secant segment and its external
angle. If a secant and a equal to the product of secant segment.
tangent intersect in the the lengths of the secant
If a secant and a exterior of a circle, then segment and its external If two chords of a circle
tangent intersect in the the measure of the angle secant segment. intersect, then the product of
exterior of a circle, then formed is one-half the the measures of the segments
the measure of the positive difference of the of one chord is equal to the
angle formed is one-half measures of the product of the measures of the
the positive difference of intercepted arcs. segments of the other chord.
the measures of the
intercepted arcs. If two secants
intersect in the exterior of
If two secants a circle, then the
intersect in the exterior measure of the angle
of a circle, then the formed is one-half the
measure of the angle positive difference of the
formed is one-half the measures of the
positive difference of the intercepted arcs.
measures of the
intercepted arcs. If a secant and a
tangent intersect at the
If a secant and a point of tangency, then
tangent intersect at the the measure of each
point of tangency, then angle formed is equal to
the measure of each the product of the lengths
angle formed is equal to of the secant segment
the product of the and its external secant
lengths of the secant segment is one-half the
segment and its external measure of its
secant segment is one- intercepted arc.
half the measure of its
intercepted arc.
I. Evaluating Solve the problem Solve the problem below. Solve the problem below.
learning below. Show your Show your complete Show your complete Solve the problem below. Show
complete solutions. solutions. solutions. your complete solutions.
1. In circle O 1. Using the picture 1. A portion of a cake is 1. Anton used strings to hang
below, angle P is formulates a problem sliced in such a way two small light balls on the
x – 10, arc CD is involving angle formed that the dedication is ceiling as shown in the
55, and arc AD is by secant and tangent not cut. The edge of figure on the right. The
3x. What is the of a circle, then solve. the board is tangent to broken line represents the
measure the cake at E. What is distance from the point of
of angle P? the length of the sliced tangency of the two light
cake represented by balls to the ceiling.
CA if AK = 3 inches
and EK = 6 inches.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
GRADE 10 School Grade Level 10
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter SECOND
1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of circles and coordinate geometry.
2. Performance The learner is able to formulate and solve problems involving geometric figures on the rectangular
Standards coordinate plane with perseverance and accuracy.
3. Learning The learner derives the The learner derives the The learner applies the The learner applies
Competencies distance formula. distance formula. distance formula to prove the distance formula
(M10GE-IIg-1) (M10GE-IIg-1) some geometric to prove some
properties. (M10GE-IIg-2) geometric properties.
Objectives a. derive the distance a. Determine the a. Apply a coordinate a. Draw geometric
formula. coordinates of the midpoint proof. figures in the
b. Find the distance of a line segment on a b. Apply the distance Cartesian Plane.
between a pair of points coordinate plane using the formula to prove some b. Apply the distance
on the coordinate plane. midpoint formula. geometric properties. formula to prove
c. Appreciate how the b. Find the other endpoint c. Appreciate the some geometric
distance formula of a line segment when the significance of the properties.
facilitates finding midpoint and one endpoint distance formula and the c. Appreciate the
solutions to real-life are given. midpoint formula in significance of the
problems. c. Appreciate the writing a coordinate proof. distance formula and
importance of the midpoint the midpoint formula
formula in making wise in writing a coordinate
decisions. proof.
The Distance Formula The Midpoint Formula The Coordinate Proof The Coordinate
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp. 207 – 212 pp. 212 – 216 pp. 217 – 220 pp. 217 – 220
2. Learner’s pp. 229 – 247 pp. 238 - 246 pp. 239 - 249 pp. 239 – 249
3. Textbook Geometry by Holt, Geometry by Holt, Addison-Wesley Addison-Wesley
Rinehart and Winston, Rinehart and Winston, pp. Geometry by Stanley R. Geometry by Stanley
pp. 347-352 347-352 Clemens, et al, pp. 552- R. Clemens, et al, pp.
555 552-555
Analytic and Solid Analytic and Solid
Geometry made easy Geometry made easy Analytic and Solid Analytic and Solid
Metric Edition by Felipe Metric Edition by Felipe L. Geometry made easy Geometry made easy
L. Comandante, Jr., Comandante, Jr., pages 4 Metric Edition by Felipe Metric Edition by
pages 4 -12 -12 L. Comandante, Jr., Felipe L.
pages 4 -12 Comandante, Jr.,
pages 4 -12
4. Additional https:// https:// http:// http://
Materials from www.mathsisfun.com/ www.mathsisfun.com/ www.onlinemathlearning. www.onlinemathlearn
Learning algebra/line- algebra/line-midpoint.html com/coordinate-proof- ing.com/coordinate-
Resources (LR) midpoint.html http:// hsg-gpe4.html proof-hsg-gpe4.html
portal http:// passyworldofmathematics. http:// http://
passyworldofmathematic com/midpoint-between- ghitelman.pbworks.com/ ghitelman.pbworks.co
s.com/midpoint- two-points/ f/ m/f/
between-two-points/ https://www.sophia.org/ COORDINATE+GEOME COORDINATE+GEO
https://www.sophia.org/ concepts/applying-the- TRY++PROOFS.pdf METRY+
concepts/applying-the- midpoint-formula
midpoint-formula http://gopixdatabase.com/ www.sophia.org/ +PROOFS.pdf
http:// gallery/ tutorials/coordinate- www.sophia.org/
gopixdatabase.com/ plane+going+around+the+ proofs tutorials/coordinate-
gallery/ world/3 http:// proofs
plane+going+around+th www.regentsprep.org/
e+world/3 http://
Regents/math/ www.regentsprep.org
geometry/GCG4/ /Regents/math/
indexGCG4.htm geometry/GCG4/
http://www.123rf.com/ indexGCG4.htm
stock-photo/ http://
filipinoflag.html www.123rf.com/
http:// stock-photo/
www.bdpoolandspa.com/ filipinoflag.html
fiberglass/rectangle.html http://
http:// www.bdpoolandspa.c
jwilson.coe.uga.edu/ om/fiberglass/
emt668/ rectangle.html
EMAT6680.2002/ http://
Bauers/ jwilson.coe.uga.edu/
6690%20Instructional emt668/
%20Unit/ EMAT6680.2002/
5.7/5.7%20Proofs Bauers/
%20Coor%20Geom.html 6690%20Instructional
B. Other Learning Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by
Resources DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite
Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016,
Worksheets and Worksheets and Worksheets and Worksheets and
PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint
A. Reviewing previous As Quick As You Yes I Can! Plot each point on the What Figure am I?
lesson or presenting the Can! Give the difference in each coordinate plane. Plot each set of
new lesson Give the difference in pair of integers the divide 1. A(6,11), points on the
each pair of integers. by 2. 2. B( 6,4), coordinate plane.
1. -7 and -4 1. -8 and - 10 3. C(-1 4) Then connect the
2. 12 and - 14 2. 12 and - 17 4. D(-2,1), consecutive points by
3. -24 and 11 3. -24 and 14 5. E(8,1), a line segment and
4. 9 and -19 4. 7 and -19 6. F(3,9) give the kind of figure
5. 21 and 5 5. 21 and 15 7. G(-3, 10), formed.
8. H(11,6), 1. A(6,11), B( 6,4),
9. I(9,5) C(-1 4)
10. J(7, -8) 2. D(-2,1), E(8,1),
3. G(-3, 10),
H(11,6), I(9,5)
B. Establishing a purpose Along Aguinaldo A plane flying between two Put a check mark ( ) in Put a check mark ( )
for the lesson Highway are the houses cities cannot stop mid-air the box with the correct in the box with the
of four Grade 10 to ascertain its position. If answer. The column that correct answer. The
students namely Jose, you are the pilot and the has the most number of column that has the
Emilio, Gabriella and plane gets some engine correct answers reveals most number of
Antonio. Their teacher’s damage, will you go back the answer to the correct answers
house is some blocks or head on to the final question. reveals the answer to
away from Gabriella’s destination? What factor When was the question.
house as illustrated would you consider in the first
below making a decision? unfurling of
( x +x y + y
(x, y) = 1 2 , 1 2
2 2 ) Use the distance
formula to find the
lengths of ST and
(-1, 2) = ( 2
2 )
7+ x 2 − 8+ y 2
Equate the coordinates, Given: ABCD is a
then solve.
x +x y +y
E, F, G, and H are
a+ b b 2 c c 2
+ −
2 2 )
X= 1 2 y= 1 2 2
2 2 the midpoints of the sides ¿ ( a ) +(0)2
7+ x 2 −8+ y 2 of the rectangle. 2
-1 = 2= a
2 2 Prove: Quadrilateral =
-2 = 7 + x2 4 = -8+ y2 EFGH is a rhombus. 2
x2 = -9 y2 = 12 Solution: PR ¿ √ ( a −0 )2+ ( 0 − 0 )2
The coordinates of the To prove: ¿ √(a)2 +(0)2
other endpoint J are (-9, Place ABCD on a =a
12). coordinate plane. Label a 1
the coordinates using Since = (a)
2 2
variables as shown below 1
Therefore, ST =
Use the distance formula
to find the lengths of EF ,
FG , GH , and HE .
EF=√ (a − 0)2+(2 b −b)2
EF=√ a +b
2 2
FG=√ a2 +b 2
GH =√ (a− 2 a)2 +(0 −b)2
GH =√ a2 +b 2
HE=√ (0− a)2 +(b − 0)2
HE=√ a 2+b 2
Since EF = FG = GH =
HE , therefore
ABCD is a
D. Discussing new 1. Find the distance Solve each problem. Write the complete Prove that the
concepts and practicing between the points E(1, 2. Strike and Chezka are solution. midpoint of the
new skills # 1 1) and T(4, 5). having their vacation in 1.Show that the triangle hypotenuse of a right
2. Find the distance two different islands in with vertices triangle is equidistant
between the points the Philippines as (-7, 5), ( -3, -2), and (4, 2) from the three
(4,-5) and (-7, 4). illustrated below. They is an isosceles right vertices.
decided to meet at a triangle.
point halfway between 2.Show that the triangle Solution
their locations to save with vertices
travel time. Find the (-4, -3) , (√ 27 , - √ 48 ), and
exact coordinates of the (4,3) is equilateral.
midpoint between the two
islands where they will
E. Discussing new 1. What would be the 1. Name the endpoints of 1. What is a coordinate 1. What is a
concepts and practicing coordinates of K? the given line segment. proof? coordinate proof?
new skills # 2 2. What expression 2. Name the point on line 2. How do we position the 2. How do we
represents the horizontal segment PQ that divides it geometric figure in the position the
distance between E and into two equal parts. coordinate plane? geometric figure in
G? the vertical distance 3. What is the relation of 3. Which quadrant should the coordinate plane?
between T and G? we place the figure if 3. Which quadrant
the x-coordinate of M with
3. What equation will possible? should we place the
the x-coordinates of P and
you use to find the 4. Why do we need to figure if possible?
distance between E and Q? How about their y- assign variables as the 4. Why do we need to
T? coordinates? coordinates of the assign variables as
3. How do you find the 4. How do you determine vertices? the coordinates of the
distance between any the coordinates of the 5. What formula can we vertices?
pair of points on the midpoint of a line use to prove that the 5. What formula can
coordinate plane? segment? segments are equal? to we use to prove that
find the midpoint of the the segments are
side of a triangle? equal? to find the
6. What formula can we midpoint of the side
use in writing a of a triangle?
coordinate proof? 6. What formula can
we use in writing a
coordinate proof?
F. Developing mastery Determine the A. Find the midpoint of Prove that the lengths of Write a coordinate
(leads to Formative distance between the the line segment with the the diagonals of an proof of the problem.
Assessment 3) following pairs of points. given endpoints. isosceles trapezoid are
1. S(5, -1) and T(5,7) 1.P (-1, -6) and R (-6, 5) The segment
2. R(0,3) and F(1,4) 2. W (-1.2, 1.0) and A joining the midpoint of
3. L(2,6) and B(-3,6) (5.2, -5.3) Solution: consecutive sides of
3. A(-3,1) and M(2,2) 3.C (2, -1) and T (-6, 0) an isosceles
4. P(4,-3) and Q(-1,4) B. Find the other endpoint trapezoid form a
of the line segment with rhombus.
the given endpoint and
1.Endpoint: (2, 5)
Midpoint: (5, 1)
2.Endpoint: (-1, 9)
Midpoint: (-9, -10)
Given: Isosceles
trapezoid MATH with
AM ≅ TH ,
L, O, V, and E are
the midpoints of the
sides of the
Prove: Quadrilateral
LOVE is a rhombus
G. Finding practical The map below shows Solve the following Write a coordinate proof Solve:
application of concepts various landmarks in a problems by using the to prove this. Tenten claims that
and skills in daily living town. Find the distance midpoint formula. The medians to the the triangle on the
between the given pairs 1. Sheena and her friend legs of an isosceles coordinate plane is
of landmarks by using Ryan would like to work on triangle are congruent an equilateral
the distance formula. their math project. They triangle. Giancarlo
Write the corresponding decided to meet each says that it is an
letters in the box to other at a point halfway isosceles triangle.
answer the question. between their houses with Who do you think is
coordinates (-14, 60) and correct? Write a
(2,100) respectively. coordinate proof to
Should they meet in the justify your answer.
park represented by the
coordinates (-8, 70)? Or in
the coffee shop
represented by the
coordinates (-6, 80)? Given:
Justify your answer. Isosceles triangle PQR
with PQ ≅ RQ.
2. While designing his RM and PN are the
garden, Raymond created medians.
a grid representing his Prove: RM ≅ PN
backyard. He already has
one lamp post in the
garden at coordinates (6,
20). He wants to add
W. E. T. Tirona another one so that the
Memorial National High center of the fishpond
School and Kalayaan which is at coordinates (5,
Hospital -10) would be the midpoint
I. Island Cove and of the two lamp posts.
Binakayan Public Market
Where should the second
N. St. Mary
lamp post be placed?
Magdalene School and
Municipal Hall
K. Aguinaldo Shrine
and Binakayan Public
A. Save More and
Fire Station
T. Water Camp and
Island Cove
H. Making generalizations The Distance Formula The Midpoint Formula is A proof that uses figures A proof that uses
and abstractions about the is an equation that can a formula that can be used on a coordinate plane to figures on a
lesson be used to find the to find the coordinates of prove geometric coordinate plane to
distance between any the midpoint of a line properties is called a prove geometric
pair of points on the segment on the coordinate coordinate proof. properties is called a
coordinate plane. plane. To prove geometric coordinate proof.
The distance formula is The midpoint of P (x1, y1) properties using the To prove geometric
√ 2 2
d = ( x 2 − x 1 ) + ( y 2 − y 1 ) or and Q (x2, y2) is methods of coordinate properties using the
PQ =
( x 2 − x 1 ) +( y 2 − y 1 )
2 ( 2 )
x 1 + x 2 y 1+ y 2
geometry, consider the
following guidelines for
placing figures on a
methods of
coordinate geometry,
consider the following
if P ( x 1 , y 1 ¿ and Q ( coordinate plane. guidelines for placing
x 2 , y 2 ¿ are points on a 1. Use the origin as figures on a
coordinate plane. vertex or center of a coordinate plane.
figure. 1. Use the origin as
2. Place at least one side vertex or center of a
of a polygon on an axis. figure.
3. If possible, keep the 2. Place at least one
figure within the first side of a polygon on
quadrant. an axis.
4. Use coordinates that 3. If possible, keep
make computations the figure within the
simple and easy. first quadrant.
Sometimes, using 4. Use coordinates
coordinates that are that make
multiples of two would computations simple
make the computation and easy.
easier. Sometimes, using
Once the figure is coordinates that are
placed in the coordinate multiples of two
plane you can use would make the
coordinates of the computation easier.
vertices, the distance Once the figure is
formula, and the midpoint placed in the
formula to prove some coordinate plane you
geometric relationships. can use coordinates
of the vertices, the
distance formula, and
the midpoint formula
to prove some
I. Evaluating learning Use the distance Use the midpoint formula Solve the problem. Write a coordinate
formula to solve the to solve the following proof of the problem.
following. 1. Which of the following Given: MID is
1. What is the distance pairs of points have a isosceles, with MI ≅
between the points M midpoint with coordinates DI .
(0, 0)? W, A, and
(3,-6) and P (-4, 1)? a. (1, 1) and (-1, 0) Paul and Derek are Y are the midpoints of
b. (-3, 0) and (3, 0) swimming in a MI, ID, and
2. Find the length of the 2. Find the midpoint rectangular pool. Paul MD respectively.
line segment whose between (1.53, -0.2) and (- claims that the diagonals Prove: WAY is an
endpoints are (3,-12) 1.33, 2.0). of a rectangle are equals. isosceles triangle.
and (-2, 8). 3. Given the endpoint (2, They decided to compete
8) and midpoint (4, 4),
3. Which will give the
what is the other endpoint?
correct distance 4. While on a hunting trip
between R (1, 9) and J Jose created a map grid.
(9, 1)? He determined that a
mountain could have the
a. RJ = √( 9− 1)2 +(1 − 9)2 coordinates (425, 1800)
and that his current and swim along each of
b. RJ = √(1 −9)2 +(1 − 9)2
position is at (173, 254). If the diagonals. Write a
4. Nidora wants to go to a nipa hut is located coordinate proof to show
a computer shop for her exactly midway between that Paul is correct.
assignment. There are Jose and the mountain,
what coordinates should
two shops that are at
represent the nipa hut’s
coordinates A (4, 3) and location?
B(-5,-2). Her sister
Tinidora suggested that
she should go to
computer shop A
because it is nearer their
house which is at (-1, 2).
Is Tinidora correct?
Justify your answer.
J. Additional activities for A. Follow Up A. Follow Up A .Follow Up A .Follow Up
application or remediation Solve the following 1. Use the following Write a coordinate proof To be a right
problem. diagram and find the to prove that the triangle, the midpoint
1. Strike knows that the midpoint of each side diagonals of a of the hypotenuse
distance between two of the triangle. parallelogram bisect each must be equidistant
points is 2√ 5units. If one other. from the three
of the points has vertices. Show that
coordinates (3, 0) and the points (5,0), (-3,4)
the x-coordinate of the and (3, -2) are the
second point is -1, what vertices of a right
is the y-coordinate of the triangle.
second point? There are
two possible answers.
B. Study: The
B. Study: The Midpoint
Equation of a Circle
1. What is the
1. What is the Midpoint
standard form of the
equation of a circle?
Study: The Coordinate
2. How do you Given: Quadrilateral 2. What is the general
determine the MARK, equation of a circle?
1. Define coordinate proof.
coordinates of the 2. How do you determine MR and AK are
midpoint of a line the missing coordinates of diagonals.
segment? the vertices of geometric I is the
figures? intersection of MR and
Prove: MI = MR
B. Study: The Equation
of a Circle
1. What is the standard
form of the equation of a
2. What is the general
equation of a circle?
1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of circles and coordinate geometry.
2. Performance The learner is able to formulate and find solutions to changing situations involving circles and other related
Standards terms in different disciplines through appropriate and accurate representations.
The learner is able to formulate and solve problems involving geometric figures on the rectangular
coordinate plane with perseverance and accuracy
3. Learning The learner illustrates The learner illustrates the The learner determines The learner
Competencies the center-radius form of center-radius form of the the center and radius of a determines the center
the equation of a circle. equation of a circle. circle given each and radius of a circle
(M10GE-lIh-1) (M10GE-lIh-1) equation and vice versa. given each equation
(M10GE-lIh-2) and vice versa.
Objectives a. Transform the general a. Transform the general (M10GE-lIh-2)
equation of a circle to equation of a circle to a. Determine the center
center-radius form of a center-radius form of a and radius of a circle a. Determine the
circle. circle. given each equation and center and radius of a
b. Give the center and b. Give the center and vice versa. circle given each
radius of a circle. radius of a circle. b. Transform the general equation and vice
c. Appreciate the use of c. Appreciate the use of equation of a circle to versa.
the equation of a circle the equation of a circle in center-radius form of a b. Transform the
in finding solutions to finding solutions to real life circle. general equation of a
real life problems and problems and decision c. Appreciate the use of circle to center-radius
decision making. making. the equation of a circle in form of a circle.
finding solutions to real c. Appreciate the use
life problems and of the equation of a
decision making. circle in finding
solutions to real life
problems and decision
II. CONTENT The Equation of a The Equation of a Circle The Equation of a Circle The Equation of a
Circle Circle
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp. 221-234 pp. 221-234 pp. 223-230 pp. 223-230
2. Learner’s Materials pp. 252-271 pp. 252-271 pp. 256-262, pp. 256-262,
3. Textbook Work Text in Advanced
Algebra Trigonoetry and
Work Text in
Statistics,Ferdinand Work Text in Advanced
Work Text in Advanced Advanced Algebra
Malapascua, pages 193- Algebra Trigonoetry and
Algebra Trigonoetry and Trigonoetry and
196 Statistics,Ferdinand
Statistics,Ferdinand Statistics,Ferdinand
Advanced Algebra with Malapascua, pages 193-
Malapascua, pages 193- Malapascua, pages
Trigonometry and 196
196 193-196
Statistics, Efren L. Advanced Algebra with
Advanced Algebra with Advanced Algebra
Valencia, pages 36-37 Trigonometry and
Trigonometry and with Trigonometry and
Statistics, Efren L.
Statistics, Efren L. Statistics, Efren L.
E-Math Geometry, Valencia, pages 36-37
Valencia, pages 36-37 Valencia, pages 36-37
Orlando A. Orence,
pages 445-446 E-Math Geometry,
E-Math Geometry, Orlando E-Math Geometry,
Orlando A. Orence,
A. Orence, pages 445-446 Orlando A. Orence,
Geometry, Holt, pages 445-446
pages 445-446
Rinehart and Winston,
page 729
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by
Resources DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite
Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016,
Worksheets and Worksheets and Worksheets and Worksheets and
PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint
A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the
new lesson Activity: Think Deeply!
Make It Perfect: (Pair- Do concentric circles
Share) have same center and
Determine the number radius?
that must be added to
make each of the
following a perfect square
trinomial. Then express
each as a square of a
Mrs Santos surprised her binomial.
Imagined that you live class by bringing pizza pie 1. x2 + 6x + ___
on this two dimensional from Dexters. To the 2. n2 – 10n + ___
surface. As you move enjoyment of everybody 3. y2 – 5y + ___
outward from the center, she challenges each one 4. p2 + 9p + ___
everything gets smaller-- of them to determine the 5. s2 + s + ___
including yourself. center and radius of the
Would you ever reach pie. If you are one of the
the edge of your students how will you do
“universe”? that?
B. Establishing a purpose Draw coordinates axes Purpose Setting Activity Determine which of
for the lesson on grid paper. Using a On a grid map of Cavite the following
compass construct a province, the coordinates equations describe a
circle with center at (0,0) that corresponds to the circle and which do
and with radius equal to location of a cellular phone not. Justify your
10 units. tower is at the (-6, 3) and it answer.
(x,y) x2+y2 Is can transmit signal up to a. x2 + y2 + 2x – 4y +
(x,y) 12 km radius. Also the 10 = 0
on coordinates of some towns b. x2 + y2 – 6x – 8y +
the in Cavite are shown. 24 = 0
circle c. x2 – y2 – 5x – y + 21
? =0
D. Discussing new Dexter’s Pizza shop Complete the steps in Activity: Don’t Treat This Find the coordinates
concepts and practicing offers 3 different sizes of reducing the general as a Demolition! of the center and the
new skills # 1 pizza. Supposed the equation of a circle to The general equation of a length of the radius of
coordinate of the center center-radius form of a circle is given, Transform a circle with each
and the measure of the circle. the equation in standard given equation.
9x2 + 9y2 -12x -24y -5= 0
E. Discussing new 1. Write the equation of Reduce the following Determine the center and Determine the center
concepts and practicing a circle with the center general equation of a circle radius of each circles and radius of each
new skills # 2 at the origin and a radius to center-radius form of a given its equation. circles given its
of 9 units? circle. a. Given: x2 + y2 = 36 equation.
Solution: Solution: 1. Given: x2 + y2 = 100
Given: center (__,__); 6. x2 + y2 -2x + 4y = -5 a. Given: (x + 5)2 + (y – Solution:
radius = __ h = ___ 7. 2x2 + 2y2 -3x +5y - 6)2 = 121 _________________
k = ___ 4= 0 Solution: Write in x2 + y2 = r2
2 2 2
x +y =r _________________ Center (__ , __);
x2 + y2 = __2 Write in (x – h)2 + (y – k)2 radius = _____
x2 + y2 = __ = r2 2. Given: (x -3)2 + (y
2. Write the equation of Center (__ , __); radius = +5)2 = 144
a circle with the center _____ Solution:
at the origin and a radius b. Given: x2 + y2 – 2x – 6y _________________
of units? – 15 = 0 Write in (x – h)2 + (y –
Solution: Solution: Write in the k)2 = r2
Given: center (__,__); form (x – h)2 + (y – k)2 = r2 Center (__ , __);
radius = __ h = ___ x2 – 2x + y2 – 6y = ___ radius = _____
k = ___ 3. Given: 5x2 + 5y2 +
x2 + y2 = r2 20x – 30y – 15 = 0
x2 + y2 = __2 Solution:
x2 + y2 = __ 5x2 + 5y2 + 20x – 30y
= ___
x2 + y2 + ___x – ___y =
___ Divide
both side by 5
x2 + ___x + y2 - ___y =
rearrange the
Complete the square
by adding to both
sides of the equation
the square of one-half
the coefficient of x and
square of one-half the
coefficient of y.
x2 + ___x + ___ + y2 –
___y + ___ = 3 + ___
+ ___
(x2 + ___x + ___) + (y2
– ___y + ___) = ____
(x + ___)2 + ( y – ___)2
= ____
equation in
standard form
or (x + ___)2 + ( y –
___)2 = ___2
Center (__ , __);
radius = _____
F. Developing mastery Answer the given Choose from the following Find the center and the Find the center and
(leads to Formative problem: equations the correct radius of the circle given the radius of the circle
Assessment 3) What is the equation of center-radius form of the its equation given its equation
a circular table whose given general form of a
center lies at (0,0) and circle Equation Ce Ra Equatio Ce Ra
which passes through (- x2 + y2 - 2x + 4y = -1. in general nte diu n in nt diu
3,5)? 4. (x-1)2 + (y+2)2 = 4 form r s general er s
5. (x-2)2 + (y+1)2 = 4 a x + y2 =
6. (x-1)2 + (y+1)2 = 4 . 64 a x2 + y2 =
b (x – 2)2 + . 81
. (y + 7)2 = b (x – 7)2
12 . + (y +
c x + y2 +
7)2 = 64
. 4x – 5 = 0 c x2 +
d x2 + y2 – . (y+2)2=
. 4x – 2y – 16
11 = 0 d x + y2 +
e 2x2 + 2y2 . 4x –4 =
. + 8x + 100
12y – 6 = e x2 + y2-
0 . 10y+25
G. Finding practical Answer the following. Think-Pair-Share Matching Type
application of concepts What is the equation of Find the center and Find the center and
and skills in daily living the circle in standard radius. radius of each circle
form? 6. The equation that given its equation by
d. The center of a represent he matching column
circle is at the origin transmission boundaries A( Barangay in
and its radius is 12 of the tower is x2+y2+4x- Tagaytay) with column
units. What is the 16y-76=0. B(Their famous
equation of the Suppose Liza bought a 7. The equation of a Tourist Spot)
circle? buko tart from circle that defines the
e. The diameter of a Rowena’s.She was boundary up to which the
circular garden in surprise that there was messages can be
Tagaytay City something written inside transmitted by a radio COLUMN COLUMN
Science National the box. In order to eat the signal is (x+2)2+(y-7)2=25. A B
High School is 8 buko tart, one must
meters and its following the direction
center is at (0,0). stated in the box. SUNGAY SKY
Write the equation of Direction: Reduce the RANCH
the circular garden. general form of the circle
to its center-radius form. center:
a) x2 + y2 -6x + +16 = 0 x2 + y2 =
b) x2 + y2 +2x - 4y + 1= 0 25
radius: 46
(x2 - 2) + center: (-
(y2 - 3) = 5,-2);
16 radius: 4
x2 + y2 + center: (-
10x + 4y - 2,2);
3= radius: 6
x2 + y2 + center:
4x - 4y = (0,0);
28 radius: 54
H. Making generalizations The equation of a center Steps in reducing the Determine the Center Determine the Center
and abstractions about the at the origin and a radius general equation of a circle and the Radius of a and the Radius of a
lesson of length r is x2+y2=r2. to center-radius form of a Circle Given the Equation Circle Given the
circle. To find the center and Equation
radius of the circle given To find the center and
Ax2 + Ay2 +Dx +Ey +F= 0 its equation in general radius of the circle
form, write the equation given its equation in
Step 1: Reduce the in the form (x – h)2 + (y – general form, write the
coefficients of the second k)2 = r2. Rearrange the equation in the form (x
degree terms by dividing terms and complete the – h)2 + (y – k)2 = r2.
each term by 9(or square by adding to both Rearrange the terms
multiplying each term by sides of the equation the and complete the
1/9) square of one-half the square by adding to
Step 2: Transpose the coefficient of x and both sides of the
constant to the right side of square of one-half the equation the square of
the equation. coefficient of y. Then one-half the coefficient
Step 3: Perform factor the left side of the of x and square of
completing the square in x equation. You can now one-half the coefficient
(or y), we add and subtract determine the center and of y. Then factor the
the square of the half the the radius of the circle. left side of the
coefficient of x (or y) to equation. You can
both sides of the equation now determine the
then factor the expression. center and the radius
of the circle.
I. Evaluating learning Give the coordinates of Reduce the following General equation of a
the center and radius of general equation of a circle circle is given, transform Answer the following
the following: to center-radius form of a the equation in standard question.
circle. form and then give the 5. The end points of
x2+y2=49 coordinates of the center the diameter of a
x2+y2=54 6. x2 + y2 -2x + 4y +1 = and radius. circle are (-3,-2)
x2+y2=125 0 a) x2 + y2 – 4 = 0 and (9,-6). What is
2 2
x2+y2=300 7. x + y +2x -6y +5= b) x2 + y2 – 16x + 39 = 0 the length of the
x2+y2=225 0 c) x2 + y2 + 2x – 2y – 16 radius of a circle?
=0 6. What is the center
d) x2 + y2 – 14x + 6y + of a circle x2+y2-
48 = 0 4x+6y-36=0?
e) 3x2 + 3y2 – 5x + y – 6
J. Additional activities for A. Follow up A. Give at least three Find the center and the Solve.
application or remediation 1. Write the equation of general equations of circle radius of a circle. 1. The equation that
a circle in standard form then reduce it to center- 6. x2+y2=121 represents the
with the following center radius form. 7. 2x2+2y2=12 transmission
and radius. B. How will you find the 8. (x-3)2+(y-5)2=1 boundaries of a
d. (0,0), r= 6units center and radius of a 9. 9x2+9y2-12x-6y- cellular phone tower is
e. (0,0) and passes circle given the center- 31=0 x2+y2-10x+2y-199=0.
through (-5,3) radius form of a circle.
B. How do you write the
equation of a circle
given the radius if the
center is not at the
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
GRADE 10 School Grade Level 10
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter SECOND
1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of circles and coordinates geometry.
2. Performance The learner is able to formulate and find solutions to changing situations involving circles and other related
Standards terms in different disciplines through appropriate and accurate representations.
The learner is able to formulate and solve problems involving geometric figures on the rectangular
coordinate plane with perseverance and accuracy
3. Learning The learner graphs a The learner graphs a circle The learner graphs a The learner graphs a
Competencies circle and other and other geometric circle and other geometric circle and other
geometric figures on the figures on the coordinate figures on the coordinate geometric figures on
coordinate plane. plane. (M10GE-lIi-1) plane. (M10GE-lIi-1) the coordinate plane.
(M10GE-lIi-1) (M10GE-lIi-1)
Objectives a. Determines the center a. Determines the center a. Determines the center a. Determines the
and radius of a circle and radius of a circle given and radius of a circle center and radius of a
given its equation; its equation; given its equation; circle given its
b. Graphs a circle on the b. Graphs a circle on the b. Graphs a circle on the
coordinate plane;c. coordinate plane; coordinate plane; b. Graphs a circle on
Appreciate the use of c. Appreciate the use of c. Appreciate the use of the coordinate plane;
equation of a circle in equation of a circle in equation of a circle in c. Appreciate the use
finding solutions to real- finding solutions to real-life finding solutions to real- of equation of a circle
life problems and problems and decision life problems and in finding solutions to
decision making. making. decision making. real-life problems and
decision making.
The Equation of a The Equation of a Circle The Equation of a Circle The Equation of a
II. CONTENT Circle Circle
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp. 221-234 pp. 221-234 pp. 221-234 pp. 221-234
2. Learner’s
pp. 252 – 271 pp. 252 – 271 pp. 252 – 271 pp. 252 – 271
3. Textbook
4. Additional http:// http://www.geobaby.com/ http://www.geobaby.com/ http://
Materials from www.geobaby.com/ forum/thread117906.html forum/thread117906.html www.geobaby.com/
Learning forum/ forum/
Resources (LR) thread117906.html thread117906.html
B. Other Learning Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by
Resources DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite
Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016,
Worksheets and Worksheets and Worksheets and Worksheets and
PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint
A. Reviewing previous Let us sing the “The Pig GRAPH ME A CIRCLE Match the following Fill in the blanks with
lesson or presenting the Song” PICTURE! graphs with the correct then correct answer.
new lesson Link: On your graph paper, you equations: The equation of a
http://www.geobaby.com must create a picture using Equations: circle is given below.
/forum/thread117906.ht circles. You must use at 1. 1.x2 + (y - 2)2= 9 (x - 13.4)2 + (y + 2.6)2
ml least 4 circles in your 2. (x - 1)2 + (y + 1)2 = 4 = 100
small circle, small circle picture. On another piece 3. x2 + y2 = 4 What is its center??
big circle (eyes n face) of paper, you must also 4.(x +)2 + y2 = 16 (_____,_____)
small circle, small circle provide the equations of 5.(x - 4)2 + (y + 3)2 = 16 What is its center?
big circle (two small your circles. Graphs: __________units
holes and a bigger circle Example is given below:
to make up the snout)
this is the boat we're
going to ride on (a
smiling mouth)
here's mama, here's
papa (half circles for
ears) waving goodbye
(make small half circles A.
inside each ear)
six times six (one six
and an opposite facing
six to make the arms) is
thirty six (fingers on the
six times six (one six
and an opposite facing B.
one) makes magic (the ^
that connects these
B. Establishing a purpose Perfect Math Illustrative Example: Illustrative Example: Illustrative Example:
for the lesson Find the center and Determine the center and Determine the center and Determine the center
radius of each circle the radius of the circle (x – the radius of the circle x2 and the radius of the
given its equation by 3)2 + (y + 2)2 = 16, then + y2 + 10x – 8y – 8 = 0, circle, then draw the
matching Column A (the draw the graph. then draw the graph. graph. (x –1.3 )2 + (y
municipalities in Cavite) Solution: Solution: Write the +4.5)2 =25.
with Column B (their The center of the circle is equation in the form (x – Solution: Write the
famous product). (3, -2) and its radius is 4 h)2 + (y – k)2 = r2. equation in the form
COLUMN A COLUMN B units. 1. x2 + y2 + 10x – 8y – 8 (x – h)2 + (y – k)2 = r2.
The graph is shown =0 Determine the center
below. 2. x2 + 10x + y2 – 8y = 8 and radius.
3. x2 + 10x + 25 + y2 – . (x –1.3 )2 + (y +4.5)2
8y + 16 = 8 + 25 + =25.
16 Center : ( 1.30, -4.5)
4. (x2 + 10x + 25) + (y2 – Radius: 5
8y + 16) = 49 The graph is shown
5. (x + 5)2 + (y – 4)2 = below:
(x + 5)2 + (y – 4)2 = 72
C. Presenting Illustrative Example: Determine the center and Determine the center and Determine the center
examples/Instances of the Determine the center radius of the circle that is radius of the circle that is and radius of the circle
new lesson and radius of the circle defined by the following defined by the following that is defined by the
x2 + y2 = 4, then draw equations. Then graph equations. Then graph following equations.
the graph. each circle in the each circle in the Then graph each
Solution: coordinate plane (or use coordinate plane (or use circle in the coordinate
The center of the circle GeoGrebra to graph each). GeoGrebra to graph plane (or use
is (0,0) and its radius is Given: each). GeoGrebra to graph
2 units. The graph is (x – 6)2 + (y + 1)2 = 49 Given: x2 + y2 – 6x – 8y + each).
shown below. Solution: 9=0 3x2 + 3y2 +4x – 6y - 4
Center (__ , __); radius = Solution: =0
_____ Write in the form (x–h)2 + Solution: Write the
(y–k)2 = r2 equation in the form
____________________ (x – h)2 + (y – k)2 = r2.
_________ __________________
Center (__ , __); radius = _______
_____ Determine the center
and radius.
Center :
E. Discussing new Guide Questions: Guide Questions: Guide Questions: Guide Questions:
concepts and practicing a. How did you
a. How did you a. How did you determine a. How did you determine
new skills # 2 determine the center
determine the center the center and the radius the center and the radius
and the radius of the
and the radius of the of the circle? of the circle?
circle? b. How do you graph b. How do you graph
b. How do you graph
b. How do you graph circles that are defined by circles that are defined by
circles that are defined
circles that are defined equations of the form (x – equations of the form x2 +
by equations of the
by equations of the form h)2 + (y – k)2 = r2? y2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0?
form x2 + y2 + Dx + Ey
x2 + y2 = r2?
+ F = 0?
F. Developing mastery Determine the center Determine the center and Determine the center and Determine the center
(leads to Formative and radius of the circle radius of the circle that is radius of the circle that is and radius of the circle
Assessment 3) that is defined by the defined by the following defined by the given that is defined by the
following equations. equations. Then graph equation. Then graph the equations. Then graph
Then graph each circle each circle in the circle in the coordinate its circle in the
in the coordinate plane coordinate plane (or use plane (or use GeoGrebra coordinate plane (or
(or use GeoGrebra to GeoGrebra to graph each). to graph each). use GeoGrebra to
graph each). (x + 7)2 + (y – 6)2 = 49 x2 + y2 + 4x + 8y – 80 = 0 graph each).
x2 + y2 -144=0 x2 + y2 +5x – y - 6 = 0
Center (__ , __); radius
= _____
G. Finding practical Draw Me Graphing Circles with Think-Pair- Share Challenge yourself
application of concepts Draw the circles with the Emojis Answer the following Graph the circle and
and skills in daily living center at the origin and Draw the following questions: write the standard
identify the radius given circles given the following 1) Identify the equation of a circle
the following conditions: conditions. Draw the coordinates of the center with the diameter with
a. circle with point (5, assigned emoji inside the and the length of the endpoints (-2, -3) and
0) on the circle circle. radius in the circle below (-1, 5)
b. circle with point (0, (X − 5)2 + ( y+ 2) 2 = 4
4) on the circle radius:
Center: (___, _____)
Center at (2, 3) 2) Graph a circle
and radius 5. centered at (5,1) with a
Center at (-1,3) radius of 5
radius 3 3) What is the equation of
Center at (-3, -5) the circle pictured below
radius 4
Center at (-
3, 8)
radius 2
H. Making generalizations Graphing a Circle in a Graphing a Circle in a Graphing a Circle in a Graphing a Circle in a
and abstractions about the Cartesian Plane Cartesian Plane Cartesian Plane Cartesian Plane
lesson To graph a circle in a To graph a circle in a To graph a circle in a To graph a circle in a
Cartesian plane given its Cartesian plane given its Cartesian plane Cartesian plane
equation, determine first equation, determine first given its equation, given its equation,
the coordinates of the the coordinates of the determine first the determine first the
center and the radius. If center and the radius. If coordinates of the center coordinates of the
center and the radius.
the equation of the circle the equation of the circle is and the radius. If the
If the equation of the
is in the general form, in the general form, equation of the circle is in
circle is in the general
transform it to the form transform it to the form (x - the general form,
form, transform it to
x2 + y2 = r2. Then draw h)2 + (y – k)2 = r2. Then transform it to the form (x
the form (x - h)2 + (y –
the graph. draw the graph. - h)2 + (y – k)2 = r2. Then
k)2 = r2. Then draw the
draw the graph.
I. Evaluating learning Find the center and Find the center and radius Find the center and Graph the circle and
radius of each circle of each circle given its radius of each circle write the standard
given its equation and equation and draw the given its equation and equation of a circle
draw the graph. graph. draw the graph. given the following
a. x2 + y2 = 36 a. (x + 7)2 + (y – 5)2 = 144 a. x2 + y2 – 4y – 45 = 0 conditions:
b. x2 + y2 = 144 b. (x -37)2 + (y – 2)2 = 36 b. 5x2 + 5y2 – 10x – 30y circle with the
c. x2 + y2 -169 = 0 – 75 = 0 diameter with
endpoints (-1, 4) and
(2, -2)
with general equation
4x2 + 4y2 +8x – 4y - 11
J. Additional activities for Follow-up Follow-up Follow-up A. Follow-up
application or remediation Draw the graph of each Give at least two equations Draw the graph of each Draw the graph of
circle given its equation: of circle in center-radius circle given its equation: each circle given its
a. x2 + y2 = 25 form then graph. a. 3x2 + 3y2 – 6x – 6y= 0 equation:
b. x2 + y2 -4 = 0 c. 10x2 + 5y2 – 10x – a. x2+y2-18x+15y-18=0
30y – 75 = 0 b. 2x2 + 2y2 – 8x –
12y-8= 0
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
1. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of circles and coordinate geometry.
2. Performance Standards
The learner is able to formulate and solve problems involving geometric figures on the rectangular coordinate plane with perseverance and
3. Learning Competencies
The learner The learner solves a. Write the standard
solves problems involving form of the equation of
problems geometric figures on the a circle
involving coordinate plane. b. Analyze and solve
geometric (M10GE-Ili-j-1) problems involving
figures on equation of a circle
the c. Appreciate the use of
coordinate equation of a circle in
plane. finding solutions to
(M10GE-Ili-j-1) real-life problems and
decision making.
a. Write the general form
The learner solves problems involving geometric figures on the coordinate plane. of the equation of a circle
(M10GE-Ili-j-1) b. Analyze and solve
problems involving
a. Determine the equation equation of a circle
The learner solves problems involving of a circle given its radius c. Appreciate the use of
geometric figures on the coordinate plane. and point of tangency equation of a circle in
(M10GE-Ili-j-1) with the given line finding solutions to real-life
b. Analyze and solve problems and decision
a. Determineinvolving
the making.
II. CONTENT equation of a circle
Standard Form Of The Equation Of The c. Appreciate
with a given center
the use of
Circle equation
and a tangent
of a circle
line. in
General Form Of The Equation Of The finding
b. Analyze
and solve
Circle real-life problems
problems involvingand
Equation Of The Circle Given Its Radius decision making.
equation of a circle; And Point Of Tangency
Equation Of The Circle With a Given c. Appreciate the use Center And a tangent Line
III. LEARNING RESOURCES of equation of a circle in
finding solutions to
real-life problems and
decision making.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
pp. 221 - 234
pp. 221 – 234
pp. 221 - 234
pp. 221 - 234
2. Learner’s Materials
pp. 252 - 271
pp. 252 – 271
pp. 252 - 271
pp. 252 - 271
3. Textbook
B. Other Learning Resources
Grade 10 LCTGs by DepEd Cavite Mathematics 2016, Worksheets and PowerPoint presentation
Grade 10 LCTGs by DepEd Cavite Mathematics 2016, Worksheets and PowerPoint presentation
Grade 10 LCTGs by DepEd Cavite Mathematics 2016, Worksheets and PowerPoint presentation
Grade 10 LCTGs by DepEd Cavite Mathematics 2016, Worksheets and PowerPoint presentation
4. ( x – 2 ) 2 + ( y – 4 ) 2
= 25
5. x 2 + y 2 - 6x – 10y
+ 18 = 0
Find the equation in general form of the circle that satisfies the given conditions.
1. The center is
( -2, -7 ) and is tangent to the x-axis.
2. The center is
( 5, -4 ) and is tangent to the y-axis.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
a. How do you write the equation a circle, given its radius, if the center is at the origin?
b. How about if the center is not at (0,0)?
c. What is the standard form of the equation of the circle?
a. How would you connect this to real life? How would you use this in making wise decisions?
b. How do you write the equation a circle, given its radius and point of tangency?
a. What new realizations do you have about the equation of a circle?
b. How do you write the equation a circle with given center and tangent line?
b. Find the standard form of the equation of the ferris wheel of Sky Ranch Tagaytay whose center is at (4 , -1) and has a radius 7 meters.
Given: Center (4 , -1);
(x – h) 2 + (y – k) 2 = r 2 Write in standard form
(x – 4) 2 + [y – (-1)] 2 =72
(x – 4) 2 + (y + 1) 2 = 49
Answer :
(x – 4) 2 +(y + 1) 2 = 49 is the standard form of the equation of the ferris wheel with the center
(4, -1) and radius of 7 m.
The General Equation of a Circle
The general equation of a circle is x2 + y2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0, where D, E, and F are real numbers. This equation is obtained by expanding the
standard equation of a circle (x – h)2 + (y – k) 2 = r 2.
Illustrative Example:
a. Find the general equation of the circular pool of Hardin ng Postema whose center is at the origin and has a radius 5 meters.
Given: Center (0,0); r = 5
x2+y2=r2 Write in standard form
x 2 + y 2 = 52
x 2 + y 2 = 25 Write in the form
x + y – 25 = 0
2 2
x 2 + y 2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0
Answer: x 2 + y 2 – 25 = 0 is the general equation of the circular pool of Hardin ng Postema Resort with the center
(0, 0) and radius of 5 m. In the equation, D = -8, E = 2, and F = -32.
b. Find the general equation of the circular pool of Watercamp Resort whose center is at (4 , -1) and has a radius 7 meters.
Given: Center (4 , -1); r = 7
(x – h) 2 + (y – k) 2 = r 2 Write in standard form
2 2 2
(x – 4) + [y – (-1)] = 7
(x – 4) 2 + (y + 1) 2 = 49 Expand the standard equation
2 2
X – 8x + 16 + y + 2y + 1 = 49 of a circle by finding the square of the binomials
x2 + y2 – 8x + 2y + 16 + 1
– 49 = 0
Write in the form
x 2 + y 2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0
x2 + y2 – 8x + 2y – 32 = 0
x2 + y2 – 8x + 2y – 32 = 0 is the general equation of the circular pool of Watercamp Resort with the center C(4 , -1) and radius of 7 m. In the
equation, D = -8, E = 2, and F = -32.
Illustrative Example :
Find the equation of a circle whose center is at ( 4, 2 ) and is tangent to y – axis
Sketch the figure
Since the circle is tangent to y-axis, the radius of the circle is perpendicular to y-axis. It also means that the length of the radius is also the length
of the perpendicular segment from the center of the circle to y-axis. From the figure, you can determine that the point of tangency is at ( 0,2 ). To
find the length of the radius, use the distance formula.
r = √ ( 4 − 0 ) 2 + (2 – 2) 2
= √ 42
= √ 16
= 4
To solve for the equation, use the coordinates of the center ( 4, 2 ) and the computed length of radius r = 4
( x – h ) 2 + ( y – k ) 2 = r 2 ( x – 4 ) 2 +( y – 2 ) 2 = 4 2
x 2 – 8x + 16 + y 2 – 4y
+ 4 = 16
x 2 + y 2 – 8x – 4y + 4 = 0
The equation of a circle whose center is at
( 4, 2 ) and is tangent to
y – axis is
x 2 + y 2 – 8x – 4y + 4 = 0
Illustrative Example
Find the equation of a circle tangent to the line 3x- 4y = 24 with center at
( 1, 0 )
Sketch the figure
The radius of the circle is equal to the distance of the center
( 1, 0 ) from the line 3x – 4y = 24
To find the distance from a point to a line, we use the formula
d = A x1 + B y 1 + C
− √ A2 + B2
Where A and B are the coefficients of x and y, and C is the constant in the equation of line. X 1 and Y1 are the coordinates of the point.
Therefore in the given,
A = 3, B= - 4, and C = - 24, X1 = 1 and
r = 3( 1) +(- 4) (0) - 24
- √ 32 +4 2
r = 3 + 0 – 24
-√ 9+16
r = – 25
-√ 25
r = - 21
r = 21
The equation of the circle with center at
( 1,0 ) and radius
r = 21/5 is
(x–1)2+y2 =
( 21/5) 2
( x – 1 ) 2 + y 2 = 441/ 25
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
Answer the following by completing the missing part of the solution.
a. Write the standard form of the equation of a circle with the center at (1, -6 ) and a radius of 2 units?
Given: Center (1 , -6 ); radius = 2
(x – h) 2 + (y – k) 2 = r 2
(x – __)2 + (y – __)2 = __2
(x – 1)2 + (y + __)2 = __
Answer: ___________________
b. Write the standard form of the equation of a circle with the center at origin and a radius of 4 units?
Given: center (0 , 0); radius = 4
X 2 + y 2 = __2
X 2 + y 2 = __
Answer: __________________
c. Write the standard form of the equation of the circle whose center is (3 , 0) and radius is 2 √ 2 units
Given: center (3 , 0); radius = 2√ 2
(x – h ) 2 + y 2 = r 2
(x – __) 2 + y 2 = __2
(x – __) 2 + y 2 = __
Given: Center (1 , -6); radius = 2
(x – h) 2 + (y – k) 2 = r 2
(x – __)2 + (y – __)2 = __2
(x – 1)2 + (y + __)2 = __
X2 – 2x + 1 + y2 + __y +__
= __
2 2
X + y – 2x + __ y + 1
+ ____– __ = 0
Answer: ___________________
D = ____ E = ____ F = ____
b. Write the general equation of a circle with the center at origin and a radius of 4 units?
Given: center (0 , 0); radius = 4
X2 + y 2 = r 2
X2 + y2 = __2
X2 + y2 = ____
Answer: __________________
D = ____ E = ____ F = ____
c. Write the general equation of the circle whose center is (3 , 0) and radius is 2√2 units
Given: center (3 , 0); radius =2 √2
(x – h)2 + y2 = r2
(x – __)2 + y2 = __2
(x – __)2 + y2 = __
X2 – __x + __ + y2 = __
X2 + y2 – __x + __ – __ = 0
Answer: _________________
D = ____ E = ____
F = ____
Answer the following by completing the missing part of the solution.
a. Write the equation of the circle where ( 10, 8 ) and ( 4, - 2 ) are the endpoints of the diameter.
In a circle, the radius is one-half of the diameter. Since the given are the endpoints of the diameter, then the center of the circle is the midpoint
of the diameter.
M = [ ( x1 + X2) ,( y1 + y2 )]
M = [ ( __ + __), ( _ + _ )
M = ( _____ , _____ )
The next step is to get the length of the radius. Since the radius is one-half of the circle, so get the distance from the center to one of the
endpoint of the diameter. Any endpoint will d
r =√ ¿ ¿(_ - _)
= √ ¿2¿ +¿2¿ ¿ ¿
= √ ¿¿
= _____
To find the equation of the line use c ( ___, ___) and r = __
( x - h ) 2( y – k ) 2 = r 2
( x - __ ) 2 ( y – _ ) 2 = __ 2
Where A and B are the coefficients of x and y, and C is the constant in the equation of line. X 1 and Y1 are the coordinates of the point.
Therefore in the given,
r = ( )( ) + ( ) ( ) + ( )
√ ¿¿ 2+¿ ¿2
r= + +___
- √ ¿¿ +¿ ¿ ¿
r= ________
Find the equation of the circle whose center is at the point ( -4,6 ) and passes through the point
(1, 2).
a. What is the general equation of a circle?
b. How to write the general equation of a circle?
c. Did the mathematics concept and principles from you previously learned help you in transforming the equation?
Find an equation of the circle whose center is at the point ( - 3, 4 ) and is tangent to the x –axis
a. How to write the general equation of a circle given the radius its radius and point of tangency with the given line ?
b. Did the mathematics concept and principles from you previously learned help you in transforming the equation?
Find the equation of the circle that is tangent to the line whose equation is given by x - y = 3 and has its center at
( 4, -2 ).
a. How to write the general equation of a circle with a given center and a tangent line?
b. Did the mathematics concept and principles from you previously learned help you in transforming the equation?
F. Developing mastery (leads to Formative Assessment 3)
Answer the following:
1. The diameter of a circle is 18 units and its center is at (-3,8). What is the standard form of the equation of the circle?
2. Find the equation of the circle with radius 3 and center ( 2, -5 )
Solve the following problems. Sketch the figure. Show the complete solution.
1. Write the equation of the circle with center at
( 3, -1 ) and tangent to the x-axis.
2. Find the equation of the circle that is tangent to both x and y axes, with a radius of 4 and whose center is located in second quadrant.
a. If each unit on the coordinate plane is equivalent to 1 km, what is the equation of the circle enclosing the critical
b. Suppose you live at point (11, 6). Would you follow the advice of the PDRRMC? Why?
Cellular phone networks use towers to transmit calls to a circular area. On a grid of a province, the coordinates that respond to the location of the
towers and the radius each covers are as follows: Wise tower is at ( -5, -3 ) and covers a 9 km radius; Global tower is at ( 3, 6 ) and covers a 4
km radius; and Star tower is at
(12,-3) and covers a 6 km radius.
a. What equation represents the transmission boundaries of each tower?
b. Which tower transmits calls to phone located at
( 12,2)? ( -6, -7)? ( 2,8 )?
( 1,3)?
Solve the following problems. Sketch the figure. Show the complete solution
1. Find an equation of the circle whose center is at the point ( 2, -5 ) and is tangent to the x –axis.
2. Calculate the equation of the circle that has its center at
( 2, - 3 ) and has x-axis as a tangent.
3. Determine the equation of the circle with center at ( 2 , 3 ) and tangent to the y-axis
Solve the following problems. Show the complete solution
1. Determine the equation of the circle which has its center at
( 3 , 1 ) and a tangent to the line whose equation is given by 3x – 4y + 5 = 0.
2. Find the equation of a circle tangent to the line 3x- 4y -10 = 0 with center at ( 4, 2 ).
If the circle is tangent to y-axis, the radius of the circle is perpendicular to y-axis. It means that the length of the radius is also the length of the
perpendicular segment from the center of the circle to y-axis.
If the circle is tangent to x-axis, the radius of the circle is perpendicular to x-axis. It means that the length of the radius is also the length of the
perpendicular segment from the center of the circle to x- axis.
If the circle is tangent to both axes, therefore the center of the circle is at equal distance from both x and y axes .
To find the distance from a point to a line, we use the formula
d = A x1 + B y 1 + C
- √ A 2 +B 2
I. Evaluating learning
Answer the following:
1. Find the equation of a circle with center at
( 2,-3) and radius of 5 units.
2. You don’t know how to swim so you decided to buy a “salbabida” in SM Palapala. There are three available sizes. One has a center at the
origin with 6 in. radius. The other has 7 in. radius and a center at
( 0,-6 ).And the last one,with 9 in. radius and center at ( 5, -2 ). Write the equation of each salbabida.
3. A line passes through the center of a circle and intersects it at points
( 2,3 ) and ( 8, 7 ).What is the equation of the circle?
Write the letter of the answer that matches the problem.
_____1. Find the equation of a circle whose center is at ( 5, -1) and radius 3.
_____2. Find the equation of a circle that has a diameter with the endpoints given by the points A( -4,-2 ) and
B ( 4,2 ).
_____3. Find the equation of a circle whose center is at ( 4, -5) and radius 9.
_____4.Find the equation of a circle whose center is at ( 4, -7) and radius 6.
_____5.Find an equation of the circle whose diameter has endpoints at ( -5, 6) and ( 7, - 4 ).
A. x 2 + y 2 - 20= 0
B. x 2 + y 2 – 2x – 2y + 63
C. x 2 + y 2 – 10x + 2y
+ 17 = 0
D. x 2 + y 2 – 8x + 14y
+ 29 = 0
E. x 2 + y 2 – 8x + 10y - 40
Find an equation of the circle whose diameter has endpoints at ( -5, 2) and
( 3, 6 ).
Solve the following problems. Sketch the figure. Show the complete solution.
1. Determine the equation of the circle with center at ( 4 , - 2 ) and tangent to the y-axis.
2. Find an equation of the circle that is tangent to both the x and y axes, with a radius of 4 and whose center is located in the second quadrant.
3. Find an equation of the circle whose center is at the point
( 2, - 5 ) and tangent to the x- axis.
1. Follow-up
Find the equation of a circle that tangent to both x and y axes, with radius 3
and its center in the fourth quadrant.
2. Study the equation of a circle with a given center and a tangent line.
1. Follow-up
Find the equation of a circle tangent to the line 2x + 2y + 2 = 0 with center at (- 4, 2 ).
2. Study the permutations
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?