This document is a configuration report listing the activated assays for a clinical laboratory. It includes 88 assays organized by code, full name, and assay name. The assays include various tumor markers, infectious disease markers, hormones, vitamins, and other biochemical assays. This configuration report spans two pages and was printed on July 31, 2021.
This document is a configuration report listing the activated assays for a clinical laboratory. It includes 88 assays organized by code, full name, and assay name. The assays include various tumor markers, infectious disease markers, hormones, vitamins, and other biochemical assays. This configuration report spans two pages and was printed on July 31, 2021.
This document is a configuration report listing the activated assays for a clinical laboratory. It includes 88 assays organized by code, full name, and assay name. The assays include various tumor markers, infectious disease markers, hormones, vitamins, and other biochemical assays. This configuration report spans two pages and was printed on July 31, 2021.
This document is a configuration report listing the activated assays for a clinical laboratory. It includes 88 assays organized by code, full name, and assay name. The assays include various tumor markers, infectious disease markers, hormones, vitamins, and other biochemical assays. This configuration report spans two pages and was printed on July 31, 2021.
** Activated assays ** Page 1 of 2 Printed on 31 Jul 2021 17:23:02
Code Assay Full name
---- ----- --------- BA 125 CA 125 II D2 153 CA 15-3 BB 199 CA 19-9 TY 9COG SARS-COV-2 IgG II T7 9COM SARS-COV-2 IgM AX AFP AFP PQ AHBS Anti-HBs Total II QL AMH AMH OZ ATG Anti-Tg OY ATPO Anti-TPO DQ B2M B-2 Microglobulin BW CDAB C. difficile Toxin A & B M4 CEAS CEA (S) B7 CKMB CK MB Q4 CMVA CMV IgG Avidity II CA CMVG CMV IgG A4 CMVM CMV IgM BV CORS Cortisol S SF DEAG DENGUE NS1 Ag SG DENG Anti-DENGUE IgG SH DENM Anti-DENGUE IgM MZ DEX2 D-Dimer Exclusion II 36 DIG Digoxin CK E2II Estradiol II MP EBNA EBV EBNA IgG C6 FER Ferritin S7 FPSA FREE PSA AR FSH FSH AM FT3 FT3 OA FT4N FT4 PO GAL3 Galectin-3 PB GDH C difficile GDH AI HAVM HAV IgM CX HAVT Anti-HAV Total DE HBCM HBc IgM II D8 HBCT Anti-HBc Total II D6 HBE HBe Ag AG HBET Anti-HBe F9 HBL HBs Ag Ultra F8 HBS HBs Ag Ultra C7 HCG HCG OF HCV Anti-HCV RD HEVG Anti-HEV IgG RE HEVM Anti-HEV IgM FH HIV5 HIV DUO Ultra FV HIV6 HIV DUO Quick 24 HPY H. pylori B2 IGE Total IgE MC LEAK New LEAK Test AQ LH LH OC LYG LYME IgG OR LYGS LYME IgG / CSF OD LYM LYME IgM 33 MPG Mumps IgG 31 MSG Measles IgG F7 MYO MYOGLOBIN Configuration Report ** Activated assays ** Page 2 of 2 Printed on 31 Jul 2021 17:23:02
Code Assay Full name
---- ----- --------- Z6 OPT Optics/Substrate Test DM P24 HIV P24 II OB PBN2 NT-proBNP2 BJ PC PROTEIN C BT PCT VIDAS BRAHMS PCT G6 PRG Progesterone CL PRL Prolactin S2 PTH PTH (1-84) Y4 QCV Quality Control VIDAS CY RBG RUB IgG II A9 RBM RUB IgM AN T3 T3 AO T4 T4 QG TES2 Testosterone II QX TNHS High sensitive Troponin I Z3 TP1 Cuvette Reading Test Z0 TP4 Pipette Movement Test Z2 TP5 Tower Movement Test Z1 TP6 Tray Movement Test S6 TPSA T. PSA AK TSH TSH DV TSH3 TSH 3 C3 TXC TOXO Competition DH TXG TOXO IgG II DN TXGA Toxo IgG Avidity CC TXM TOXO IgM MR VCAG EBV VCA/EA IgG MS VCAM EBV VCA IgM Q0 VITD 25-OH Vitamin D TOTAL BK VWF vWF 32 VZG V-Z IgG