Cymel 325 Formulation

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CYMEL 325 .. CYMEL 825 resin is a new type of highly methylated melamine-formaldehyde resin which does not require strong acid catalyst for fast cure response. CYMEL 325 resin is reactive with hydroxyl amide and carboxy group containing polymers, The weight loss of CYMEL 325 resin during the baking process is significantly less than that of partially methylated melamine-formaldehyde resins, Tha baking volatiles from CYMEL 325 resin contain very low lavels of formaldehyde, The lower ‘weicht loss of CYMEL 925 resin crossiinked coatings also results in less tendency to blister at higher fim thickness. CYMEL $25 resin requires only weak actd catalysis for cure; @jow acid ruber inthe backtoone rosin fs sut- Gert, The cure reaction adcftonally can be catalyzed with weak organic acids or inorganic acids such as maleic, citric, phosphoric or alkyl phosphoric acids, low levels of ptoluene sulfoic acid or CYCAT® "4040 catalyst. CYMEL 328 resin wil set-condense like a partially methylated resin. Higher fm hardness may, therefore, bbe obtained by raising the level of amino crossinking agent. The high reaction rate of CYMEL 826 resin at lower temperature reduces the chance of evaporation of low molecular weight resin components. CYMEL 325 resin should, therefore, be Very suitable for applications ‘where “smoking” of the baking exhaust is a problem. Compared to partially methylated melarine-formalde- hyde resins, CYMEL 825 resin has shown, in some water-recucibe coatings, improvad humility and salt- spray resistance. CYMEL 326 resin is FDA approved under section 121.2514 and 121.2626. “Product ot oe mason ADVANTAGES Fast cure response Reduced weight loss Low free-formaiiehycie Less bolstering No strong acid catalyst required No smoking Higher resistance properties APPLICATION AREAS ‘Automotive enamels General purpose enamels, Cail coating High solids coatings Water-bome coatings TYPICAL PROPERTIES Non-valail,?% 802 Volume solids, % 7222 Salvent tsobutanol Viscosity, (Gardner-Holct), 25°C x2, Color, Gardner 1963 1 Pounds per gallon, aporox aa, Pounds per gallon, resin solids 10.8 Specific gravity, solution 412 Soectic gravity, resin solids 1.26 Methyiol content Low Free formaldehyde, % max 1.0 Fi mained, 45 ites at S80 CYTeEc GYTEC INDUSTRIES ING. Specialty Hess B03 6675 toh 208-294-5900 2) cRT-16-¢ SOLUBILITY CYMEL 828 resin is completely soluble in most alcohols, polyols, Ketones, esters, alycol ethers and chlorinated solvents; partially soluble in water and aro- matic hydrocarbons. CYMEL 325 resin is insoluble in aliphatic hydrocarbons. COMPATIBILITY CYMEL 828 resin has good compatibility with most film formers including short and medium oll alkyd resins, polyester resins, acrylics, epoxies and cellulosics. CYMEL 328 resin nas excellent compatibility in water- reducible acrylic and polyester systems, FORMULATIONS Use in Water-Reducible Finishes CYMEL 325 resin is compatible with most water- reducible acrylic, polyester and alkyd resins. For most applications an acid catalyst is not required. The following data ilustrates the use of CYMEL 225 resin in an acrylic based, water-reducible, spray enamel: Pounds/100 gallons fapprox) Rutile titanium dioxide 183.1 XC-4005' resin 918 Dimethyl ethanol amine 79 Disperse on 3 roll mill, and add: XC-4005 resin 92.0 CYMEL 328 resin 1149 Dimethyl ethanol amine 9.0 Demineralized water 485.0. 923.7 Resin ratios, weight % XO-4005 resin 60.0 (CYMEL 328 resin 40.0 Neutralization, % of carboxy! groups 70 Solvent composition, % by volume: Dimthyl ethanol amine 3.24 Butanol 9.62 Isobutano! 4.86 Water 82.28 100.00 ‘Product of Opec ists he FILM PROPERTIES* Baked 20 minutes at temperature- 250°F/ 300°F/ arc 4s"c Day fm thickness, mils o9 as Gloss, 60" 93 92 Gloss, 20° 74 68 Hardness, Knoop, KHN.. 169 196 Hardness, penci 2H-3H 2H-3H Impact resistance, reverse, in-los <10 <10 MEK double rubs, passes 200+ 200+ Salt spray resistance— ‘After 290 hours exposure: ‘Creenage, inches <1N6 <1/16 ‘Adhesion, taped pass pass Biistering 8F None Gioss retention, 60°, % 95 96 ‘After 500 hours exposure: Creepage, inches ve 16 ‘Adhesion, taped pass pass Blistering 7MD None Gioss retention, 60°, 9 $Qre cot sprayed on Proc of Gael Fr USE IN COIL COATING FINISHES CYMEL 328 resin is useful in polyester and acrylic resin coil coating systems, where a minimum amount of weight loss and a high build without the danger of sok vent popping during cure is desirable. Since CYMEL. 825 resin does self-condense to sorne extent, some sacrifice in flewiblity should be expected. CYMEL 325 resin is therefore recommended for prefinished metal applications where shorter dell times or lower temper- alure cures are required and postorming is not of a artical nature. ‘The following formulation for a White, High Gloss, Coil Coating Enamel ilustrates this applica tion of CYMEL. 325 resin: e100" tones coda te nana ig Comaion, Parker Dison White High Gloss Coil Coating Enamel No. 955 Pounds/100 gallon Titanium dioxide 338.5 CYPLEX*” 1531 resin 2249 Solvesso? 150 solvent 75.0 Disperse on sand mill, and add: CYPLEX 1581 resin 252.2 GYMEL 325 resin 93.9 Bulyrate® EAB-S51.2 (25% solution) 7.1 Cellosolve acetate" 48 Isophorone 77 Solvesso 150 solvent 356 Butanol 2° Total non-voiatile-65.0% 1098.8 “Capetion 08-551 2coacr ‘Shes Meek ee duet of Oyec indica We Rradet ef Been Comey SProdet o Easnan Chenoa Prods ‘Typical fim properties obtained with White Coil Coating Enamel No. 955 when applied to Alodine 12008° treated aluminum test panels and cured on the following schedules: ‘Oven temperature, FC) 5501288) 500(260) Dwell time, seconds 30 45 Peak metal temperature, “F(°C) 430(221) 435(224) Dry fim thickness, mils oe 4.0 Color, Photovot, bive fier, reflectance, % 88 86 Gloss, 60° 90 92 Gloss, 20° 73 7 Hardness, pen FH PH Hardness, Knoop, KHN. 174 186 Impact resistance, reverse, inch-pounds 10 10 T-Bend test, passes TA Ts MEK resistance, douible nibs, passes 200% 200+ Adhesion, cross-hatched and taped, 4% 100 ‘co Overbaked 60 seconds at 500°F(260°0}- Peak metal temperature, “FCC) 4801249) 4801249) Color retention, % 95 98 Gloss retention, 60°, % 99 99 Gloss retention, 20°, % 96 97 -450(232) 60 420/216) 1.0 ar 94 75 FH 173 40 4 200+ 400 480(249) 99. 400 400 '500(260) 30 400(204) 1.0 37 4 80 FH 15.2 10-20 v3 2004 100 480/249) 93 98. 94 Prado rene Pod HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION Direct contact with this material can cause eye irritation and may cause skin imitation, Overexposure to formalde- hyde and isobutancl vapor from this product may cause eye and respiratory tract itritation. Read the Cytec Industries Inc. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) on this product for detailed safety and handling information. © 1928 Oe Indusies no. Aon esavet IMPORTANT NOTICE ‘The information and statements herein are believed to be reliable but are not to be construed as a warranty or rep- resentation for which we assume legal responsibilty or as an assumption of a duty on our part. Users should undertake sufficient vertication and testing to determine the suitability for their own particular purpose of any infor- ‘mation, products ar vendors referred to herein. NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE IS MADE. Nothing herein is to be taken as permis- sion, inducement or recommendation ta practice any patented invention without a license. TRADEMARK NOTICE ‘The @ indicates 2 Registered Trademark in the United States, The mari may also be registered, the subject of ‘an application for registration or a trademark in other counties. + Asia/Pacific - Oytec Industos Pte. Ltd, Singapore, tel, 65-739-6788, fax, 65-735-7783 Europe - Cjtec Netherlands (CRP) BV, Botie, the Netherland, te. S1-181-295504, fax, 1-181-296401 + Latin America - Gytee do Brasl LTDA, Sao Paulo, tel, §5-11-8505-48A8, fax. 55-11-5505-8565 * United States - Cytec Industiesinc., West Paterson, NJ, U.S.A, tel 973-857-3100, tax 973-957-8068

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