Embedded System

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Republic of the Philippines

Quezon Boulevard, Kidapawan City
1St Semester, S.Y. 2022-2023
Based on CMO No.87 s.2017

Where quality and relevant education is within everyone’s reach…


Colegio de Kidapawan envisions in improving the Quality of Life through Quality Education.

Colegio de Kidapawan aims to produce outstanding professionals in a culturally diverse and changing global society.

1. Nurture the learners in safe and conductive environment and ensure an enriched life-long learning.
2. Develop individuals into mature and responsible citizens by internalizing desired Filipino cultural and moral values.
3. Promote environmental stewardship and advocacy to help the needy.
4. Propagate new knowledge or innovations through research studies which enhance teaching and learning.


A. Course Number : CpE20

B. Course Title : Embedded System
C. No. of Units : 4 units (3 hours lecture and 3 hours Laboratory)
D. Hours/Weeks/Sem : 54 hours/19weeks/1 semester
E. Prerequisite : None
F. Prerequisite to : Microprocessor


This course provides you with an understanding the basic software techniques for embedded systems, parallel input and output, difference between synchronous and asynchronous
transmission, explain the idea of an interrupt in reference to microcontroller, implementation strategies for complex embedded systems, and advance topic on input/output.

Course Outcomes and Relationship to Program Outcomes:

Course Outcomes Program Outcomes

After completing this course, the student must be able to: a b c d e f g h i j k l
CO 1 – understand the basic software techniques and general-purpose input/output I I I
CO 2 – understand the basic concept of serial communication, interrupts, timer, and counter E D D
CO 3 – understand the data acquisition, mobile network and techniques. D D D
Code: I – Introductory Course E – Enabling Course D – Demonstrating Course
Course Coverage:

Course Teaching and

Intended Learning Outcomes Topic Assessment Task Time Frame
Outcomes Learning Activities
(Software techniques, General purpose I/O)
At the end of the course the students will a. Orientation
be able to:  CDK Mission and Vision
 Course Outline Lecture, Oral recitation
 Grading System Collaborative Written Quiz 3 hours
 Classroom Policy Discussion
 Explain the mission and vision of CDK;
 Understand the course outline,
grading system and class; rules;
 List Classroom Policy
 Define the importance of embedded b. Basic Software Techniques for
testing. Embedded Systems
 Types of software testing Lecture, Written Quiz
 Discuss the function and importance of
techniques Collaborative Laboratory 6 hrs
software testing techniques in
CO1  Types of embedded software Discussion Exercises
embedded system
 Identify the function of embedded development tools
software development tools.
 Discuss the basic concept of input c. Parallel Input and Output
and output.  General-purpose input/output
 Explain the differences of  Serial general purpose input/output Lecture, Written Quiz
CO1 input/output  Special input/output Collaborative Laboratory 6 hrs
 Define the simplest type of I/O Discussion Exercises
techniques for exchanging data.

(Serial communication, interrupts, timer, and counter)
 Discuss the advantages and d. Asynchronous and Synchronous
disadvantages of Synchronous and Serial Communication
Asynchronous transmission.  Difference between Synchronous and Lecture, Written Quiz
C02  Determine the differences between Asynchronous transmission. Collaborative Laboratory 6 hrs
Synchronous and Asynchronous  Advantages and Disadvantages of Discussion Exercises
transmission. Synchronous and Asynchronous

 Explain the origin of interrupts e. Periodic interrupts, Waveform

 Discuss the concept of a timer and Generation, Time Assessment Lecture, Written Quiz
counter  Concept of a timer and counter Collaborative Laboratory 6 hrs
CO2  Explain the idea of an interrupt in  Interrupts in reference to Discussion and Exercises
reference to microcontroller microcontroller Demonstration.
 Explain the purpose of watchdog timer  Purpose of a watchdog timer.
 Discuss the strategies used for complex f. Implementation Strategies for Complex Lecture,
embedded systems. Embedded Systems Collaborative Written Quiz 6 hrs
CO2 Discussion and Laboratory
Demonstration. Exercises

(Data Acquisition, mobile network and techniques )
 Discuss the sensor are used in data g. Data Acquisition, Control, Sensor
acquisition and Actuators
 Explain the elements of data acquisition  Elements of data acquisition and
 Explain the common difference between Lecture, 8 hrs
control system
CO3 sensors and actuator. Collaborative Written Quiz
 Types of data acquisition methods
Discussion and Laboratory
 Main purpose of data acquisition
Demonstration. Exercises
 The difference between sensors and

 Discuss the special purpose of h. Mobile and Networked Embedded

CO3 embedded system in network System 6 hrs
 Explain the four types of  Example of network embedded
embedded systems system Written Quiz
 Types of mobile embedded system Discussion and
 Discuss the low power techniques and i. Techniques for Low-power Lecture,
the techniques of power optimization. operation and Advance topic on Collaborative 7 hrs
CO3  Explain the low power reduction Written Quiz
input/output Discussion and
techniques used and application. Laboratory

Textbook: none

Course Requirements:
The course requires accomplishments of the following:
1. 3 major examinations (prelim, midterm, final)
2. At least 8 short quizzes

Course Assessment:

 Prelim/Midterm/Finals Grade Calculation

Lecture: Laboratory:
Attendance: 10% Attendance: 20%
Quiz: 30% Activities: 80%
Participation: 10% 100%
Examination: 50%

Lecture: 60%
Laboratory: 40%

* As per the institution guide, the grade for prelim/midterm/finals are

calculated using the base-50 grading system:

Prelim/Midterm/Finals Grade = +50=100 %

 Final Grade Calculation:

Prelim Grade+ Midterm Grade+ Finals Grade

=100 %

Suggested References:

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUQJ7zMoSCM&list=PL0o_zxa4K1BVsziIRdfv4Hl4UIqDZhXWV
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHYOuWu9jQI&list=PL0o_zxa4K1BVsziIRdfv4Hl4UIqDZhXWV&index=3
 https://www2.gsu.edu/~mgtbas/forecasting%20Quantitative%20Time%20Series.ppt
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1mQ9kD-i9I&list=PL0o_zxa4K1BVsziIRdfv4Hl4UIqDZhXWV&index=7
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdrBNhWw9AM&list=PL0o_zxa4K1BVsziIRdfv4Hl4UIqDZhXWV&index=8
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40o82o3uNfk&list=PL0o_zxa4K1BVsziIRdfv4Hl4UIqDZhXWV&index=18
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjHfAhcU6kE&list=PL0o_zxa4K1BVsziIRdfv4Hl4UIqDZhXWV&index=22
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaTFpp-uzp0&list=PL0o_zxa4K1BVsziIRdfv4Hl4UIqDZhXWV&index=23
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHVUbvO0aT0&list=PL0o_zxa4K1BVsziIRdfv4Hl4UIqDZhXWV&index=24
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6Pnf57wRAs&list=PL0o_zxa4K1BVsziIRdfv4Hl4UIqDZhXWV&index=26
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bzzqx1F23a8&t=8s

Course Study Guide

This module was prepared for you to work diligently and independently. Remember, this is intended for you to advance your knowledge in digital logic design to become confident
in creating circuits design not only in your IT practice but also when you become an IT professional. Digital logic design activities is challenging but with the help of your course
facilitator (that is me!) and your enthusiasm, you will be able to ace it.
1. Manage your time well. Schedule properly your reading assignments.
2. Focus your attention. Make sure that you do things one at a time. Read the material over and over until you can get the point of the lesson. If you do not understand the
lesson, you can read other materials found in other resources like the internet or books. Also, you can ask the help of your parents, siblings, or friends. Do not forget, I am
here to help and assist you. You can message me through the platforms that I will be giving you.
3. Give your best. In doing the course assessment (exercises, assignment, and major examinations), target the highest standards because you are a better student. You have
the knowledge and skills that you need to finish with the quality of your work. I believe in you.
4. Submit on time. Before the end of prelim, midterm, and final term, you will be submitting the accomplished exercises.
5. Be patient. I will make sure to give you my feedback on your work to ensure that you are on the right track.
6. Work Independently. You can ask help from others but do your best to do it first.
7. Motivate yourself. Whatever knowledge or skill you are gaining from this course will help you in your career. Enjoy what you are doing and everything else will follow.
8. Contact me. If any part of the module or lesson, you need my help and guidance, do not hesitate to contact me through email, messenger, or SMS. Remember, I am here to
ensure that we go through the completion of the course together.

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Instructor I OIC, ITE Department Head Vice-President of Academic Affairs

Date of Revision: Date of Effectivity:

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