Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji - Joti Jyot Diharra

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Sri Guru
Singh Ji
Zafarnamah 3

Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji wrote the Zafarnamah

along with 11 Hikayats and showed Aurangzeb his
true nature. Zafarnamah made him recall his sins
and crimes against Guru Ji and how he had
committed violation of his oath of Quran. The
letter also told him on what to expect from
Almighty and prophet.
The letter was read by his daughter and upon
reading, it made him have deep remorse and
regret which made him die. Aurangzeb died in
Ahmadnagar on February 20, 1707. Bhai Dya
Singh and Bhai Dharam Singh who had sent the
letter to the emperor departed with this good
news back to Guru Ji.
This is the copy of the original Zafarnamah
by Bhai Dya Singh and it is present in his
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy Dasam Granth manuscript in Aurangabad
Upon Aurangzeb’s death, war of succession
began and Bahadur Shah who was in
The Royal Welcome
Afghanistan sent a message via his ex-
secretary, Bhai Nand Lal to Guru Ji requesting
for His help.
Merciful Guru Ji agreed and sent 5 Sikhs for
Bahadur Shah’s war of succession with his
brother, Azam at Jajau. Bahadur Shah became
victorious and requested Guru Ji to visit him in
Agra. Guru Ji agreed and he entered his royal
court with His horse (as a mark of authority).
Bahadur Shah stood up in respect and greeted
Guru Ji and gifted him a robe of honour along
with a jewelled scarf (Dhukh-Dhukhi) valued at
60 thousand rupees. Guru Ji remained with the
emperor from July till November 1707.
Upon which, Guru Ji along with Bahadur Shah
left for Deccan via Rajasthan passing through
Jaipur, Chittor, Jodhpur, Pune, etc to Nanded.
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Meeting Baba Banda Singh Bahadur

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Baba Banda Singh 6

Baba Banda Singh Bahadur was born in the house of

Ram Dev, Rajput ploughman in Rajauri, Poonch on
Ketak Sudi 13, 1727Bk (27th October 1670AD).
His initial name was Lachman Dev and he loved
hunting. Once he killed a pregnant she-deer
including its unborn offspring. This event changed
his life and he decided to spend his entire life as a
recluse. He changed his name into Madho Das.
In Nanded, Guru Ji went over to the Ashram of
Madho Das on the banks of River Godavari and
blessed Madho Das and made him His Banda (man).
Guru Ji sent Banda Singh along with 5 Sikhs (Baba
Binod Singh, Baba Baaj Singh, Baba Ram Singh,
Baba Kahan Singh, Baba Bijay Singh) to punish
Wazir Khan, the governor of Sirhand. 5 arrows, 25
soldiers, a battle drum (Nagara) and a Hukamnama
commanding every Sikh to support Banda Singh Ji
was given alongside.
(The name of 5 Sikhs are according to Tawarikh Gur Khalsa)
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The Wazir Khan’s Wickedness 8

Nawab Wazir Khan of Sirhind had felt concerned

at the Emperor's conciliatory treatment of Guru
Gobind Singh. Their marching together to the
South made him jealous, and he ordered two of
his trusted men with murdering the Guru before
this increasing friendship with the Emperor
resulted in any harm to him.
He called Akal Khan and Gul Khan whose father
was Saide Khan and grandfather was Painde
Khan (who died in hands of Sri Guru Hargobind
Sahib in Kartarpur Battle) . Both were told to
take revenge of their grandfather by attacking
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Nanded.
(Wazir Khan was the same wicked man under whose orders the younger
sons of the Guru, betrayed into his hands by a Brahman servant named
Gangu of village Saheri, near Morinda, were bricked up alive and
mercilessly done to death at Sirhind, in the last week of December 1704.)

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The Kataar 9

gurisK pwlI pur qy Awey ] dovY ktwr kI Byt cFwey ]

qWko kr iek deI ktwrw ] khI guly KW ikqny vwrw ]2]

A Gursikh from Pali Pur came to have the glimpse of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji and
he brought two beautiful Kataar as gift. Guru Ji was very pleased with the Sikh
and hold both Kataar in His hand. Gul Khan was sitting nearby and Guru Ji gave
one of the Kataar to him and ask him how many times would you stab to kill
(Ref: Sri Gur Pad Prem Parkash Granth – Sakhi 44)

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Attack byGul Khan
After 3 days of Gul Khan & Akal Khan (grandsons of Painde Khan and son of Saide Khan) staying in the presence
of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji and collecting 5 gold coins daily, when Guru Ji left to rest in his chamber resting after
the Rehras prayer on 2 Asu 1764 Bikarmi (1707 CE);
…As kih siqgur nYn imcwie ] hOsl qb gul Kwn bFwie ] bKX sQl KMjr pRswXo] kr kMpXo nihM
dIrG GwXo]40] lgy Gwv qy kop ibswly ] Kg gwqR qy lIn sMBwl ] qq iCn sRI pRB vwr pRhwrXo] do Dr
kr BUmI pY fwrXo ]41] hwie aucwrXo igrqXo jbY] ieq auq qy isMGn Aw sbY ] gul KW prXo inhwrXo
iqsy] pRB ko Gwv lKXo nw iksy ] 42]
…Saying this, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji closed their eyes and Gul Khan confidently looked at this as an opportunity.
Without his hands shaking with any fear, he stabbed Guru Ji’s loin strongly causing a deep wound. Satguru Ji in Bir-
Rass unsheathed a sword and struck Gul Khan, cutting his body into two pieces as he fell on the ground. Hearing
his scream, the Singhs who were on guard outside rushed in and saw Gul Khan’s corpse but no one noticed the
wound on Guru Ji’s body. (Ref: Sri Gur Pur Parkash Granth – Chapter 118)

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The Aftermath 9
jb sMqoK isMG iFg gXo] ruDR pRvwih iblokq BXo ] bwgy sgry lwl su brxo ] hyrXo Awsqrx BI
Arxo]43] mhwrwj iQq DIrj DwrI] aUcy isMG sMqoK aucwrI ] lgXo Gwv gur qn pY Bwrw] Awie sBn
ipK bsqr twrw]44]khXo Gwv pRB lgXo bfyro ] crq n jwnXo jwie su qyro] sun gur DIrj hyq aucwryo ]
Alp Gwv prvwh n Dwro ]45] ipqw ipqwmy plto cwhXo] hqI qyg ipRQmih iqh GwXo ] ieh ibD cwhq
nIky BeI ] qjhu icMq ikm Dwrhu neI ]46] sun isMG DIrj Dr jl ilAwie ] krXo pKwrx Gwv qdwie]
Amr isMG siqgurU jrwv ] BlI BWq sIpXo gur Gwv ]47]
When Bhai Santokh Singh went closer to Guru Ji’ he saw blood gushing out of Guru Ji’s loin causing all clothes to
be drenched with blood. Satguru Ji consoled Bhai Santokh Singh to stay calm but he called out to the other Singhs
loudly telling them about Guru Ji’s wound which everyone saw. The Singhs looked at the wound to be deep and said
no one can understand Guru Ji ways. Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji calmed the Singhs down by saying the wound is a
minor one and there is nothing to worry about. Guru Ji told the Singhs that Gul Khan was here to avenge the death
of his Grandfather, Painde Khan but Guru Ji killed Gul Khan in one blow. Satguru Ji continued to say this was meant
to happen so leave all worries behind. Hearing this, the Singhs calmed down and brought water for Guru Ji and also
to clean the wound. Amar Singh, who was a physician attended to Guru Ji’s wound and stitched it as necessary.
(Ref: Sri Gur Pur Parkash Granth – Chapter 118)

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From Bhadon 1764Bk (1707CE) to Katak Sudi 5, 1765Bk (1708CE)

(Ref: Guru Perkash by Sant Giani Gurbachan Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale)
sqwrHW sO cOhT ivc doie idn A`sU gey, gul KW ktwr mwrI inmk hrwm hY [

On 2 Asu 1764 Bikarmi (1707), Namak Harami (traitor) Gul Khan attacked Sri Guru
Gobind Singh Ji with a Kataar.

qurk sMGwrw gurU qyrW idn Gwv rwjI, siqnwmu aupdys dyvYN subHw swm hY [

Guru Ji immediately beheaded Gul Khan and killed him on the spot. The wound from
the attack healed completely within the next 13 days but Satguru Ji did not stop the
daily routine of Katha and educating the Sangat.

mnI isMG ibnY krI dsm pVHwvo pRBu, sux gur Bey pRsMn AiBrwm hY [

In this period of time, Bhai Mani Singh Ji made a humble request to Sri Guru Gobind
Singh Ji by asking Guru Ji to teach the Singhs the Senthia and meanings of Sri Dasam
Granth Sahib Ji. Guru Ji then happily agreed to the request.

pMJI isMG pVHy qb BweI dIp isMG Awid, swm dy dIvwn krY sMQw ko qmwm hY ]120]

Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji taught 25 Singhs including Baba Deep Singh Ji the meanings of
Sri Dasam Granth Sahib and Katha of the shabads taught during the day was done in the
evening daily. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
sRI jwpu ausqiq Akwl bicqR nwtk so, cMfI cirqR dovyN qIjI cMfI vwr hY [

The Gurbani taught was Jaap Sahib, Akaal Ustat, Bachittar Natak, Chandi Charitr (1 & 2), Chandi
Di Vaar,

igAwn pRboD cObI pVHy Avqwr qb, bRhmw jnm s`iq purwx kQw swr hY [

Gian Parbodh, Chaubis Avtar, the 7 incarnations of Brahma,

rudRwvqwr khy d`qw qRyau pwrs so, ssqr mwlw purwxu kIAw nwvW ko aucwr hY [

Rudravtar including Datta Trey and Paras Nath chapters, Shastar Naam Mala in which

Guru Ji uttered countless names of weapons in worship of Almighty,

ds sbd qyqI svYXy qIn isMGWnuiq kY, cwr sO cirqR cwr jPrnwmw bwr hY ]121]

Shabad Hazare Patsahi 10, 33 Sevaiye, Khalsa Mahima, Charitropakhyan, Zafarnama,

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
dsm ieh bIV ilKI ArQ pVHwey gurW, Potk kib`q l`KI jMgl mwJ gwieAw [

Satguru Ji taught all the Singhs these Banis of Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji and
continued to utter more Gurbani such as Asfokat Kabitt, Lakhi Jangal, Raag Majh
Patsahi 10,

suKmnw aucwrw pRBu mwl kONs vwr rcI, Agm Apwr bwxI gurU PurmwieAw [

The banis of Sukhmana Sahib and Maalkauns Ki Vaar, which are very complex and
endless were also uttered by Satguru Ji in this time,

ArQW ko Bog pwie bhu pRswid vMfy, jX jX kwr hovY gurU suK dwieAw [

Upon completion, a lot of offerings (Parshad) were distributed among the Singhs
and Sanggat. Everyone came together to repeatedly say “Praise be to Sri Guru
Gobind Singh Ji, Praise be to Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji”.

BweI nMd lwl bwxI ArQ BI pVHy isMGW, BweI dXw isMG idMdy sB ko pVHwieAw ]122]

At the same time, Bhai Daya Singh Ji also taught the meanings of Bhai Nand Lal Ji’s
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
sRI dsmys BwrI lwieky dIvwn qb, ssqr ividAw sy DnuK iKcwvqy [

Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji held great congregations in which the Art of weaponry was
also taught such as Archery,

isMGW nUM isKwie kr Awp pRbIn gurU, nO tWk DnuK ko sihjy hI cVHwvqy [

The perfect and all-capable Satguru Ji taught the Singhs personally and with
endless strength, Guru Ji equipped and used bows made of 9 plates of iron easily.

dyK rwjy mhwrwjy dMg rhy gurU bIr, DMn DMn siqgurU js bhu gwvqy [

Seeing this, all the Kings and Nawab were astonished and uttered the greatness of
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

AYsy inq ssqR ko hoq AiBAws bhu, nwmu sMg pRIq ivc irdy dy itkwvqy ]123]

In this manner, Shastar Vidiya was taught and practiced daily by the Sikhs who had
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s name embedded in their hearts.

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Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy

The final saroop of Aad Granth Sahib was prepared by
Guru Gobind Singh in 1706. 11
At Damdama Sahib, Guru Gobind Singh dictated the
entire Granth Sahib from his memory to Bhai Mani Singh Akhand Path
Ji; Sri Guru Granth Sahib was dictated word by word as it
originally was.
Upon completion, In the year 1708, six days before Guru
Gobind Singh Ji merged into His Formless Form (Jothi
Jyot) an Akhand Path in Hazoor Sahib, Nanded was
organised. In which the following five Gursikhs were the
1. Pyare Bhai Dharam Singh JI
2. Baba Deep Singh Ji
3. Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Ji
4. Bhai Santokh Singh Ji
5. Bhai Har Singh Ji
The akhand path was done by 25 Sikhs (5 Pathi, 5 Jap Ji
Sahib, 5 Chob Berdar, 5 Chor sewa and 5 incense
caretakers). Guru Gobind Singh Ji listened to entire
recitation of Akhand Path in one sitting. On the
conclusion the following Hukamnama was read;

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Hukamnama on completion of Akhand Path

mwrU , mhlw 5 ]
Maaru, Fifth Mahala:
KuilAw krmu ik®pw BeI Twkur kIrqnu hir hir gweI ] sRmu Qwkw pwey ibsRwmw imit geI sglI DweI ]1]
Good karma has dawned for me - my Master has become merciful. I sing the Kirtan of the Praises of Almighty. My struggle is ended; I
have found peace and tranquility. All my wanderings have ceased. ||1||
Ab moih jIvn pdvI pweI ] cIiq AwieE min purKu ibDwqw sMqn kI srxweI ]1] rhwau ]
Now, I have obtained the state of eternal life. The Primal Master, the Architect of Destiny, has come into my conscious mind; I seek the
Sanctuary of the Saints. ||1||Pause||
kwmu k®oDu loBu mohu invwry invry sgl bYrweI ] sd hjUir hwjru hY nwjru kqih n BieE dUrweI ]2]
Sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment are eradicated; all my enemies are eliminated. He is always ever-present, here and
now, watching over me; He is never far away. ||2||
suK sIql srDw sB pUrI hoey sMq shweI ] pwvn piqq kIey iKn BIqir mihmw kQnu n jweI ]3]
In peace and cool tranquility, my faith has been totally fulfilled; the Saints are my Helpers and Support. He has purified the sinners in an
instant; I cannot express His Glorious Praises. ||3||
inrBau Bey sgl BY Koey goibd crx EtweI ] nwnku jsu gwvY Twkur kw rYix idnsu ilv lweI ]4]6]
I have become fearless; all fear has departed. The feet of the Master of the Universe are my only Shelter. Guru Nanak sings the Praises of
his Master; night and day, he is lovingly focused on Him. ||4||6||
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji – Ang 1000)

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Guru Gobind Singh Ji organised a free
kitchen (Langgar) in mega scale for two days
and on the third day, Guru Ji came before Sri
Guru Granth Sahib Ji and instructed the five
Gursikhs as mentioned above to stand
behind Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
On Katak Sudi 2, 1765 Bikarmi (1708 AD),
Guru Ji inaugurated Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
as the eternal Guru of the universe in Abchal
Nagar, Nanded.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji offered a Kirpan, Five
Paisa (representing the entire maya) and
coconut (symbolising self-surrender). Guru Ji
did three perkarma of Guru Granth Sahib Ji,
after which Ardaas was done and the
following Hukamnama was read;

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The 1st Hukamnama after inauguration as the Eternal Guru 14
sUhI , mhlw 5 ]
Suhi, Fifth Mahala:
Aibcl ngru goibMd gurU kw ; nwmu jpq suKu pwieAw rwm ]
Eternal and immovable is the City of God and Guru; chanting His Name, I have found peace.

mn ieCy syeI Pl pwey ; krqY Awip vswieAw rwm ]

I have obtained the fruits of my mind's desires; the Creator Himself established it.

krqY Awip vswieAw , srb suK pwieAw ; puq BweI isK ibgwsy ]
The Creator Himself established it. I have found total peace; my children, siblings and Sikhs have all blossomed forth in bliss.

gux gwvih pUrn prmysur ; kwrju AwieAw rwsy ]

Singing the Glorious Praises of the Perfect Transcendent Lord, my affairs have come to be resolved.

pRBu Awip suAwmI Awpy rKw ; Awip ipqw Awip mwieAw ]

God Himself is my Lord and Master. He Himself is my Saving Grace; He Himself is my father and mother.
khu nwnk siqgur bilhwrI ; ijin eyhu Qwnu suhwieAw ]1]
Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to the True Guru, who has embellished and adorned this place. ||1||
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji – Ang 783)
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
Upon bestowing Guruship to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji,
Srin Guru Gobind Singh Ji said; The Eternal Guru’s Form
mm pUjn syvn guru gRMQih boln bwnI bcnW ]
drsn krn mor Xyh mMjI rUp iekwds jcnw ]11]
dvwds rUp so mor Kwksw pMj isMG ijh hohI ]
ies sMkw sB dur krweI DIr DrweI qXoN hI ]12]
Serve and devote to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as the physical Guru
and listen to Gurbani as this are my words. There is no difference
between my physical form and Sri Guru Granth sahib Ji as this the
11th Guru therefore you may have my glimpse obviously. My other
form is within the 5 Pyare who represents the Khalsa Panth. Do not
have any doubt as I am always present.
(Ref: Sri Gur Pad Prem Parkash Granth – Sakhi 51)

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Joti-Joyt –
Merging Into His
Formless Form

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Sermons to Sikhs
jgq AsqX rihn iQr nwhI rwau rMk Avqwrw ]
clnw siqX rYn idn iqh TW ikRpw isMD krqwrw ]30]

gurbwnI pF rihq kmwvhu pMc mWih moih mwnohu ]

iqn kI syvw myrI muih phuMcih pihcwno ]31]
Ssqr Sbd mih prcw kr kY Buikq mukiq doaU pwvo ]

doaU AiBAws mwih mih doaU ibiD doaU Pl pwvo ]32]

Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji before merging with His formless form told that know this
world as temporary and no one stays forever. To depart from this world is the
ultimate truth to merge with the ocean of mercy the creator, Almighty. Read Gurbani,
adhere to Rehat and earn Sikhi as I am present within the Panj Pyare (5 Rehatwan
Sikhs- who strictly follows rehat). Serve 5 Pyare as they represent my physical form
and what ever is given to them reaches me directly. All the worldly and spiritual
blessing shall be obtained through serving the weaponry and Shabad. Sikhs shall
attained all the best of two worlds by serving Shastar and Shabad
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
Gurbani Read by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji -
pRQm pwT jpujI ko kIno pun “hir hir jn” dohw ]

Akwl purK kI riCAw ijs ƒ mhW kwl imiq sohw ]33]

Kry hoie pF ipRQm BgOqI Awp krI Ardwsw ]

krd kmwn hwQ mih lih pun mwQu inXwey suK rwsw ]34]

sIs rwK kr krd Kwlsy smuih gRMQ gur Awgy ]

bol vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw Pqy vwihgurU pwgy ]35]

Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji firstly recited Sri Jap Ji Sahib then the Dohra - Har Har Jan ..’
followed by the beginning bani of Sri Akaal Ustat ‘Akaal Purakh Ki Rachia….’ and then He
stood and did Ardaas ’Pritham Bhagauti…’. While holding kard (knife) and bow in His hand
he bowed before Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Guru Ji then placed the Kard (knife) before Sri
Guru Granth Ji in the presence of Khalsa and wished Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji
fateh. (Ref: Sri Gur Pad Prem Parkash Granth – Sakhi 52)
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
Gurbani Read by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji -
ieqny mihN jpujI piT kir kY[ pMc dohry bhur aucir kY[

‘hir hirjn dueI eyk’ aucwrw[ AYso AwSY ijnhuN mJwrw ]30]

‘pRQm BgauqI ismrn krIAY[ SRI nwnk ko DÎwie sMBrIAY[’

ieh pauVI piT kir pun swrI[ Kry Bey Ardws aucwrI ]31]

In this time, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji recited Sri Jap Ji Sahib and the
Dohras which appear in Chaupai Sahib (as following slides) within
Rehras were read. following this Guru Ji stood and did Ardaas
commencing from the first Pauri of Chandi Di Vaar before merging with
His formless form told that know this world as temporary and no one
stays forever .

(Ref: Gurpertap Suraj Granth –Ayan 2 Chapter 23)

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy

dohrw ] The 5 Dohras
hir hirjn , dueI eyk hY ; ibb ibcwr kCu nwih ]
jl qy aupj qrMg ijau ; jl hI ibKY smwih ]2]
Almighty and Almighty’s servants (devotees) are both the same, to discuss their differences is
futile. Like waves; which arise from water, but eventually re-immerse in that same water.
(Waves seem different because of their appearance and colour, but they came from the water
around it and when the wave sinks into the ocean again, it is clear how they are the same).

kib bwc ] dohrw ]

dohrw ]
TwF BXo mY joir kir ; bcn khw isr inAwie ]
pMQ clY qb jgq mY ; jb qum krhu shwie ]1] sgl duAwr kau Cwif kY , ghXo quhwro duAwr ]
I then stood up with folded hands and said the following with a bowing head: The path of Dear Almighty, I have forsaken all the other doors of the deiti
Truth can only prosper in this world, If you (Waheguru Ji), are by my side. es and goddesses and I have caught hold of Your door alone
means that I have no other hope besides You.
dohrw ]
jy jy qumry iDAwn ko ; inq auiT iDAYhYN sMq ]
bWih ghy kI lwj As , goibMd dws quhwr ]864]
AMq lhYNgy mukq Plu ; pwvihgy BgvMq ]1]
Oh Waheguru, those who awake in the ambrosial hours and meditate on you, at their last Please keep the honour of me whose arm is in Your hand. I G
moment they will attain the fruit of freedom (salvation) i.e. they will attain you. obind (Guru Gobind Singh Ji) is Your humble servant. (864)

dohrw ] (254 – dsm gRMQ)

kwl purK kI dyih mo ; koitk ibsn mhys ]
koit ieMdR bRhmw ikqy ; rv sis kRor jlys ]1]
In the Timeless Waheguru’s formless body, reside hundreds of millions of Vishnus and
Shivas. Waheguru has created hundreds of millions of Indra the kingh of heaven, Brahmas,
suns, moons and poseidons.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy


The following are events narrated by Kavi Santokh Singh Ji in Sri

Gur Partap Suraj Granth;
Guru Ji saw the horse caretakers and said "Clean the best
horses in the stable immediately. Decorate them with
golden saddle." The horses were then decorated beautifully
upon the orders of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
Guru Sahib Ji reached the stable where a huge number of
astonished Sikhs had gathered. Guru Sahib Ji looked outstanding
among all as there was none other to be compared to HIM. The
radiance on Guru Gobind Singh Ji's face was 4 times brighter
than usual. He had adorned weapons of different types and had
a kamarkassa tied to His waist. Although knowing that Guru
Gobind Singh Ji was merging into His formless form, the sanggat
was still in bliss despite having the sadness of being physically
separated from Guru Ji.

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Riding into the Tent
Before departing towards the prepared tent, Guru
Ji gave His sermons to the sanggat very precisely.
Guru Ji was visible to all but no one could feel HIS
physical form anymore.
It was night time but the brightness of lamps
lighted made the atmosphere seem to be as bright
as the day. Guru Ji on His horse was heading
towards the tent with a pyre inside slowly. Right
before entering the tent, Guru Ji said to His Sikhs,
"When I sit on the pyre, the sanggat is allowed
to circumambulate around the pyre once. The
pyre will then be ignited, all of you bow down
once and immediately leave the premises of the
tent without any delay. Once you are out,
meditate on the name of Almighty and embrace
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
Guru Ji’s Darshan
Saying this, Guru Gobind Singh Ji
reached the pyre. Guru Ji had adorned
a bow and a rifle on His Shoulders, a
small spear in His right hand, a pesh
kabaz, jamdhaar, an axe and a khanjar
in His Kamarkassa, a quiver full of
arrows behind His back and a
Shamshir. Guru Gobind Singh Ji
looked as glorious as a lion and was in
high spirits. The diamond-studded
Kalgi on Guru Gobind Singh Ji's
dastaar was shining bright with
reflection of the brightness.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy

Everyone then left the tent except for Bhai Santokh Singh Ji. Guru Gobind
Singh Ji told Bhai Santokh Singh Ji, "You shall remain in this place
and serve Karah Parshad and Langgar (Degh). Keep all the
faithful Sikhs here. Be cautious in using the wealth that will
come to this place and never misuse it for personal reasons.
Never forget these words."
Bhai Santokh Singh Ji folded his hands and replied, "There are no Sikhs
here. From who shall I attain the wealth to prepare langgar?" Guru Ji
" There will be no country without a Sikh. There will at least
be one or two groups of Sikhs here to sustain the langgar.
Never be worried about wealth and focus only on
distributing langgar equally to all."
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
Bhai Santokh Singh Ji got out of the tent Gurfateh
and stood around the tent with all of the
Sanggat present. A huge fire then lighted
from inside and Shabads could be heard
by all present there.
The sanggat standing outside repeatedly
said the Fateh 'Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh' to Guru Ji.
The huge fire released a lot of smoke till
everyone present could not even see
anything nearby. The only thing visible at
that time was the amount of light coming
from the tent. Everyone went into the state
of 'samadhi' and could hear 'Anhad
Shabads' from within them.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
Joti Joyt
The spiritual game of the Guru is
beyond description. Everyone
present were instantly spiritually
elevated into a state of 'samadhi'.
Although it was midnight, The sky
lighted up as though it was a sunset
of the rainy season (reddish orange)
upon the departure of Guru Gobind
Singh Ji.
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji was 42
years, 9 months and 18 days old
when he left his physical form on
Katak Sudi 10, 1765 Bikarmi
(1708CE) on Thursday.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
The following are the belongings
which Guru Ji left for his Khalsa
before his departure and are present
in Hazoor Sahib,

1. 4 inches long Kard

2. Matchlock
3. Quiver with 35 arrows
4. Engraved wootz shield
5. Talwar
6. Peshkabz with gold koftgari
7. A Sarabloh Saang
8. 2 wallets with Guru Ji’s Kanga and
9. Battle standard Guru Ji’s
(ref: Gurdwara Darshan – Gyani Tahil Singh) Belongings
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
Eye-Witness Manuscript
A historic manuscript which
writes on the events of Guru
Gobind Singh Ji’s last 20 days at
(The document was retrieved by Dr. Trilochan Singh in

It mentions stanzas from Akal

Ustat being read at Guru Gobind
Singh Ji’s Bhog on the tenth (10)

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy

The Completion of Antim Sanskar

After 10 days passed from the day Sri Guru Gobind

Singh Ji merged into His Formless Form, Ragis sang
the Shabad –
rogn qy Ar sogn qy ; jl jogn qy bhuBWq bcwvY ]
Diseases, suffering and fatal animals, Variously saves the
Almighty from all of them;
s`qR Anyk clwvq Gwv ; qaU qn eyk n lwgn pwvY ]
Varied kinds of weapons uses the enemy but not a single injury
comes to Thee;

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy

One quarter Pehar of night (2.40am) remained on Thursday Joti Joyt
It was Katak Sudi Fifth in signatory Abchal Nagar
In the year 1765BK (1708AD) when Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji merged
into His Formless Form
Thirty-Two (32) years 11 months 2 days on Guruship throne
Forty-One (41) years 9 month 28 days was the age of Prabhu (Lord).
He performed great benevolent acts, as the same light enshrined in all
forms of Sikh Gurus
Two hundred Thirty Nine (239) years, Almighty existed in human form
Guruship throne was then blessed upon Guru Granth and He
established Khalsa Panth
The Khalsa Faith was brought to act, perishing the wicked ones
The Saints were saved and liberated through the teaching of the Truth
Guru merged into His Formless Form but He remain to exist within all
He manifests wherever He is called and comes to protects
(Ref: Guru Perkash by Sant Gyani Gurbachan Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindrawale)

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy

Great Among the Greatest Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji
idXwln mihM AYsy gur dXwrw [ ihMd duKI pY srbMs vwrw [
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji is more merciful than even mercy itself as
Satguru Ji sacrificed everything upon the oppressed people of Hind for
the betterment of society.
kvIAn mihM gur kvI bfyry [ cikRq ibAws bRhmw pun hyry ]44]
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji is the greatest poet among all poets as even
the well-known poets such as Vyasa and Brahma get astonished by Guru
Ji’s endless intellect.
Dnr ibdÎw mhu prbInw [ Arjn rwm ienhu qy lInw [
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji is the greatest archer of all and it seems as
though the great archers like Arjun and Ram Chandar Ji also learned this
skill from Guru Ji.
sUrn mhu sUry Aq rQI [ ikRsn Awid rihM pwCy pQI ]45]
Greatest is Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji among all warriors as even brave
men like Krishna are no match for Guru Ji.

(Ref: Sri Gur Pur Perkash Granth – Chapter 121)

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy

Great Among the Greatest Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji
gXwnn mihM pUrn gur gÎwnI [ Awid visst nhI ko swnI [
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji is the complete and perfect scholar leaving
scholars such as Vashisht out of comparison.
DÎwnn mihM BI ADk iDAwnI [ hovih sRI sMkr kurbwnI ]46]
In meditation, there is no one Greater than Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji
upon whom, Shankar (Shiva) sacrifices himself (Shiva is known to be
the greatest in meditation due to his unshakeable concentration).
dwnn mhu AYsy pRB dwnI [ ibkRm AO kubyr quC jwnI [
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji is the greatest giver of all leaving the owners
of treasures such as Bikramaditya and Kuber (deity known to house
all kinds of treasure) to be close to unknown.
eyk jIh gun kOn aucwro [ ieqI pRsMg AbY inrDwro ]47]
How many virtues of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji can be sun by just one
tongue when Satguru Ji and His praise is endless, I conclude this here
for now.

(Ref: Sri Gur Pur Perkash Granth – Chapter 121)

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy


Bala Rai & Rustom Rai

This true event took place in 1716 AD

(8 years after Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s Joti Jyot)

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy

The Saviour – Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji 26

Bala Rai and Rustom Rai were wealthy men from

Janvara near to Bidar. They had been imprisoned due
to revolt at Sitara Fort in Pune.
Once, they heard their warden reading Gurbani and
they inquired regarding the Guru and upon listening
to the brief history, they developed faith for Guru
Gobind Singh Ji.
Their faith grew day by day and they started to read
Gurbani. Once they did an ardas to Guru Ji to have
them released from the jail.
On the same night, they got up from their sleep to
discover that their prison cell was wide open with an
upcoming noise of a galloping horse. To their
surprise, they saw Guru Ji on his horse and Guru Ji
told them to hold onto the stirrup on each side.
This way, both of them escaped the jail and became
adherent of Guru Sahib till their last breath.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s life from Katak Sudi Puranmasi 1762Bk (1705CE)
to Katak Sudi 3 1765BK (1708CE)


Reference : Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji - Facts Beyond Doubt Pu

published by Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji
17th December 1675 A.D. sent from Delhi,
GURUSHIP Inauguration at Anandpur Sahib
Magar Sudhi 3 1732 (Bikermi)
AGE AT GURUSHIP 10 Years 11 months 16 days
TOTAL AGE, 41 years 9 months 28 days
TIME AT GUR GADHI 32 years 11 months 2 days
• Emperor Aurangzeb (1658-1707 A.D.)
REGIMES • Emperor Azam Shah (1707 A.D.)
• Emperor Bahadur Shah (1707-1712 A.D.)
1 Dohra in Selok Mahalla 9 at Ang 1429,
CONTRIBUTION IN Sri Dasam Granth Sahib,
Sri Sarbloh Granth Sahib,Vidhia Sagar

JOTI-JOYT DAY Katak Sudhi 5, 1765 (Bikermi) , (1708 CE)

JOTHI JOT PLACE Takht Sri Hazoor Sahib, Nanded, Maharashtra
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy

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