Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji - Joti Jyot Diharra
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji - Joti Jyot Diharra
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji - Joti Jyot Diharra
Sri Guru
Singh Ji
Zafarnamah 3
A Gursikh from Pali Pur came to have the glimpse of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji and
he brought two beautiful Kataar as gift. Guru Ji was very pleased with the Sikh
and hold both Kataar in His hand. Gul Khan was sitting nearby and Guru Ji gave
one of the Kataar to him and ask him how many times would you stab to kill
(Ref: Sri Gur Pad Prem Parkash Granth – Sakhi 44)
On 2 Asu 1764 Bikarmi (1707), Namak Harami (traitor) Gul Khan attacked Sri Guru
Gobind Singh Ji with a Kataar.
qurk sMGwrw gurU qyrW idn Gwv rwjI, siqnwmu aupdys dyvYN subHw swm hY [
Guru Ji immediately beheaded Gul Khan and killed him on the spot. The wound from
the attack healed completely within the next 13 days but Satguru Ji did not stop the
daily routine of Katha and educating the Sangat.
mnI isMG ibnY krI dsm pVHwvo pRBu, sux gur Bey pRsMn AiBrwm hY [
In this period of time, Bhai Mani Singh Ji made a humble request to Sri Guru Gobind
Singh Ji by asking Guru Ji to teach the Singhs the Senthia and meanings of Sri Dasam
Granth Sahib Ji. Guru Ji then happily agreed to the request.
pMJI isMG pVHy qb BweI dIp isMG Awid, swm dy dIvwn krY sMQw ko qmwm hY ]120]
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji taught 25 Singhs including Baba Deep Singh Ji the meanings of
Sri Dasam Granth Sahib and Katha of the shabads taught during the day was done in the
evening daily. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
sRI jwpu ausqiq Akwl bicqR nwtk so, cMfI cirqR dovyN qIjI cMfI vwr hY [
The Gurbani taught was Jaap Sahib, Akaal Ustat, Bachittar Natak, Chandi Charitr (1 & 2), Chandi
Di Vaar,
igAwn pRboD cObI pVHy Avqwr qb, bRhmw jnm s`iq purwx kQw swr hY [
rudRwvqwr khy d`qw qRyau pwrs so, ssqr mwlw purwxu kIAw nwvW ko aucwr hY [
Rudravtar including Datta Trey and Paras Nath chapters, Shastar Naam Mala in which
ds sbd qyqI svYXy qIn isMGWnuiq kY, cwr sO cirqR cwr jPrnwmw bwr hY ]121]
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
dsm ieh bIV ilKI ArQ pVHwey gurW, Potk kib`q l`KI jMgl mwJ gwieAw [
Satguru Ji taught all the Singhs these Banis of Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji and
continued to utter more Gurbani such as Asfokat Kabitt, Lakhi Jangal, Raag Majh
Patsahi 10,
suKmnw aucwrw pRBu mwl kONs vwr rcI, Agm Apwr bwxI gurU PurmwieAw [
The banis of Sukhmana Sahib and Maalkauns Ki Vaar, which are very complex and
endless were also uttered by Satguru Ji in this time,
ArQW ko Bog pwie bhu pRswid vMfy, jX jX kwr hovY gurU suK dwieAw [
Upon completion, a lot of offerings (Parshad) were distributed among the Singhs
and Sanggat. Everyone came together to repeatedly say “Praise be to Sri Guru
Gobind Singh Ji, Praise be to Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji”.
BweI nMd lwl bwxI ArQ BI pVHy isMGW, BweI dXw isMG idMdy sB ko pVHwieAw ]122]
At the same time, Bhai Daya Singh Ji also taught the meanings of Bhai Nand Lal Ji’s
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
sRI dsmys BwrI lwieky dIvwn qb, ssqr ividAw sy DnuK iKcwvqy [
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji held great congregations in which the Art of weaponry was
also taught such as Archery,
isMGW nUM isKwie kr Awp pRbIn gurU, nO tWk DnuK ko sihjy hI cVHwvqy [
The perfect and all-capable Satguru Ji taught the Singhs personally and with
endless strength, Guru Ji equipped and used bows made of 9 plates of iron easily.
dyK rwjy mhwrwjy dMg rhy gurU bIr, DMn DMn siqgurU js bhu gwvqy [
Seeing this, all the Kings and Nawab were astonished and uttered the greatness of
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
AYsy inq ssqR ko hoq AiBAws bhu, nwmu sMg pRIq ivc irdy dy itkwvqy ]123]
In this manner, Shastar Vidiya was taught and practiced daily by the Sikhs who had
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s name embedded in their hearts.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
mwrU , mhlw 5 ]
Maaru, Fifth Mahala:
KuilAw krmu ik®pw BeI Twkur kIrqnu hir hir gweI ] sRmu Qwkw pwey ibsRwmw imit geI sglI DweI ]1]
Good karma has dawned for me - my Master has become merciful. I sing the Kirtan of the Praises of Almighty. My struggle is ended; I
have found peace and tranquility. All my wanderings have ceased. ||1||
Ab moih jIvn pdvI pweI ] cIiq AwieE min purKu ibDwqw sMqn kI srxweI ]1] rhwau ]
Now, I have obtained the state of eternal life. The Primal Master, the Architect of Destiny, has come into my conscious mind; I seek the
Sanctuary of the Saints. ||1||Pause||
kwmu k®oDu loBu mohu invwry invry sgl bYrweI ] sd hjUir hwjru hY nwjru kqih n BieE dUrweI ]2]
Sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment are eradicated; all my enemies are eliminated. He is always ever-present, here and
now, watching over me; He is never far away. ||2||
suK sIql srDw sB pUrI hoey sMq shweI ] pwvn piqq kIey iKn BIqir mihmw kQnu n jweI ]3]
In peace and cool tranquility, my faith has been totally fulfilled; the Saints are my Helpers and Support. He has purified the sinners in an
instant; I cannot express His Glorious Praises. ||3||
inrBau Bey sgl BY Koey goibd crx EtweI ] nwnku jsu gwvY Twkur kw rYix idnsu ilv lweI ]4]6]
I have become fearless; all fear has departed. The feet of the Master of the Universe are my only Shelter. Guru Nanak sings the Praises of
his Master; night and day, he is lovingly focused on Him. ||4||6||
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji – Ang 1000)
krqY Awip vswieAw , srb suK pwieAw ; puq BweI isK ibgwsy ]
The Creator Himself established it. I have found total peace; my children, siblings and Sikhs have all blossomed forth in bliss.
Joti-Joyt –
Merging Into His
Formless Form
krd kmwn hwQ mih lih pun mwQu inXwey suK rwsw ]34]
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji firstly recited Sri Jap Ji Sahib then the Dohra - Har Har Jan ..’
followed by the beginning bani of Sri Akaal Ustat ‘Akaal Purakh Ki Rachia….’ and then He
stood and did Ardaas ’Pritham Bhagauti…’. While holding kard (knife) and bow in His hand
he bowed before Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Guru Ji then placed the Kard (knife) before Sri
Guru Granth Ji in the presence of Khalsa and wished Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji
fateh. (Ref: Sri Gur Pad Prem Parkash Granth – Sakhi 52)
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Academy
Gurbani Read by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji -
ieqny mihN jpujI piT kir kY[ pMc dohry bhur aucir kY[
‘hir hirjn dueI eyk’ aucwrw[ AYso AwSY ijnhuN mJwrw ]30]
ieh pauVI piT kir pun swrI[ Kry Bey Ardws aucwrI ]31]
In this time, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji recited Sri Jap Ji Sahib and the
Dohras which appear in Chaupai Sahib (as following slides) within
Rehras were read. following this Guru Ji stood and did Ardaas
commencing from the first Pauri of Chandi Di Vaar before merging with
His formless form told that know this world as temporary and no one
stays forever .