IB Physics TSM
IB Physics TSM
IB Physics TSM
How to use this teacher support material
How to use this teacher
This teacher support material is designed to support new and experienced support material
teachers in the application of the internal assessment criteria for the group The design criterion in
4 courses. The criteria can be found in the Diploma Programme Biology physics internal assessment
guide, Chemistry guide and Physics guide (published March 2007).
Errors and uncertainties in
physics internal assessment
The first part has three sections of general guidance for teachers. These
focus on the design criterion, errors and uncertainties, and manipulative Manipulative skills in
skills. To look at these, simply select the section you wish to look at from physics internal assessment
the menu on the right.
Assessed student work
The second part shows the application of the criteria in the assessment of Overview
practical work. It consists of a series of investigations or part investigations
Investigation 1
by students that have been assessed by moderators using the assessment
criteria. To look at the investigations featured in the assessed student Investigation 2
work, select the overview table from the menu on the right and select a
Investigation 3
specific investigation by clicking on the title. Each investigation can also be
accessed by selecting the link that leads directly to it from the menu on the Investigation 4
Investigation 5
Investigation 6
Investigation 7
Investigation 8
Investigation 9
Investigation 10
© IBO 2007
1 of 1 10-Jan-09 22:33
Physics teacher support material http://tuhsphysics.ttsd.k12.or.us/IBDocs/IA/files/design_en.html
The design criterion in physics internal
How to use this teacher
assessment support material
Bicycle stopping
1 of 1 10-Jan-09 22:33
Physics teacher support material http://tuhsphysics.ttsd.k12.or.us/IBDocs/IA/files/errors_en.html
Errors and uncertainties in physics
How to use this teacher
internal assessment support material
The core physics syllabus covers errors and uncertainties in the following Investigation 2
section of the Physics guide (2007):
Investigation 3
Measurement and uncertainties (topic 1.2). Investigation 4
Investigation 5
Both standard and higher level students are to be assessed by the same
syllabus content and the same assessment criteria. Investigation 6
Investigation 7
Expectations at standard level and higher Investigation 8
level Investigation 9
All physics students are expected to deal with uncertainties throughout
Investigation 10
their investigations. Students can make statements about the minimum
uncertainty in raw data based on the least significant figure in a
measurement. They can calculate the uncertainty using the range of data © IBO 2007
in a repeated measurement, and they can make statements about the
manufacturer's claim of accuracy. Students can estimate uncertainties in
compound measurements, and can make educated guesses about
uncertainties in the method of measurement. If uncertainties are small
enough to be ignored, the student should note this fact.
Arbitrary or made-up uncertainty bars will not earn the student credit.
Students should be able to use the uncertainty bars to discuss,
qualitatively, whether or not the plot is linear, and whether or not the two
plotted quantities are in direct proportion. In respect of the latter, they
should also be able to recognize if a systematic error is present.
Using the uncertainty bars in a graph, students should be able to find the
minimum and maximum slopes, and then use these to express the overall
uncertainty range in an experiment.
1 of 1 10-Jan-09 22:33
Physics teacher support material http://tuhsphysics.ttsd.k12.or.us/IBDocs/IA/files/skills_en.html
Manipulative skills in physics internal
How to use this teacher
assessment support material
Note: No supporting evidence is required for moderation of Investigation 1
manipulative skills.
Investigation 2
Investigation 3
Aspect 1: Following instructions Investigation 4
The student: Investigation 5
only starts the investigation after having read/listened to all the Investigation 7
Investigation 8
is able to follow a sequence of several written or verbal
Investigation 9
instructions with little assistance.
Investigation 10
Measuring length
The student:
The student:
1 of 1 10-Jan-09 22:34
Physics teacher support material http://tuhsphysics.ttsd.k12.or.us/IBDocs/IA/files/overview_en.html
Investigation Title D DCP CE How to use this teacher
support material
1 Investigating the x x x
relationship between the The design criterion in
drop height and the time of physics internal assessment
six bounces of a super-ball Errors and uncertainties in
physics internal assessment
2 Does the weight of the ball x x x
Manipulative skills in
affect the depth of the
physics internal assessment
crater formed?
Assessed student work
3 Investigating the braking x x x
distance of a wooden crate
Investigation 1
4 Parachute investigation x x x
Investigation 2
Investigation 6
6 Investigating the change in x x x
acceleration of a trolley Investigation 7
running down an inclined
Investigation 8
Investigation 9
7 The half-life of a bouncing x x x
ball Investigation 10
1 of 1 10-Jan-09 22:27
Physics teacher support material
Investigation 1
D 1 In this laboratory I’m going to relate the time that a ball needs for 6 bounces from different
dropping heights.
My variables are height, time for bounces, mass of ball, bouncing surface and number of
bounces. The independent variable is the dropping height H because I choose it. The dependent
variable is the bouncing time T because this depends on the drop height. The constants must be
the mass of ball, bouncing surface, and number of bounces because they are going to be the same
during the whole experiment.
The question to answer is how the time of six bounces is related to the height of dropping it. I
will look for a linear and proportional relationship between the independent and dependent
variables. My idea is if the height increases, the time will increase. If I don’t find this result I will
graph whatever is needed to find the relationship.
Therefore the function of this graph would be T = mH where T is time, m is the gradient, and H
is the height.
D 2 The method to make this experiment is easy and simple. The equipment and materials that I will
use are: one ball, a stopwatch, a meter stick, the floor surface, a table, and materials to write.
When I have all of this, I will start the measure of the independent variable. I’ll use a paw of a
D 3
table and there I’ll mark lightly different heights with the ruler. I’ll start with 20 and then 30, 40,
50, 60 and I’ll use the height of the table and the ruler too.
D 2 To make the experiment I will put the ruler horizontally to the mark in the table and in the edge
of the rule I will put the ball.
Then I’ll leave the ball fall, therefore now I’m going to explain how I will measure the time
(dependent variable). When the ball is on the ruler I’ll be ready with the watch in my hand. I’ll
leave the ball go from the ruler and I will press the button on the stopwatch at this moment in
order to start timing. I will then watch and listen for the ball to make 6 bounces. At the moment
of the 6th bounce I will stop the stopwatch timing.
Also I should explain how I’m going to keep the constant variable. The surface that I’ll choose
it’ll be the ground of the classroom and the ball will be a showy ball and therefore I will not miss
the ball.
D 3 Another point to talk about is how many times I’ll measure the variables. I will measure the time
for six bounces 4 times for each different height and then I’ll take the average. To measure the
height I’ll repeat it 3 times and I’ll take the average. I’m going to take 7 different values from 20
cm being the smallest height until 100 cm being the longest height.
DCP 1 With all of the process done I have to measure and write the values, therefore I make the raw
data table here.
Raw Data
# Drop Height H (cm) Time of 6 Bounces T (s)
Uncertainty ± 0.2 cm Uncertainty ± 0.2 s
1 20.0 19.0 20.0 1.68 1.78 1.79 1.57
2 30.0 30.0 29.5 1.97 2.10 2.34 2.28
3 41.0 40.0 39.0 2.35 2.46 2.75 2.77
4 50.0 50.5 50.5 2.72 2.73 2.72 2.72
5 60.0 60.1 60.6 3.19 3.01 3.09 3.16
6 77.5 77.9 77.2 3.32 3.28 3.59 3.35
7 100 100.3 100.9 4.03 4.00 3.97 4.03
I estimate the uncertainty in the height as about 0.2 cm. The uncertainty in the bouncing time is
harder to figure. Taking the difference between the largest and smallest time for each height I
find the range of uncertainty. This is 0.22 s, 0.37 s, 0.42 s, 0.01 s, 0.18 s, 0.31 s and 0.06 s. The
average of these ranges is 0.22 s, so half the range is 0.11 s or ±0.1 s. But that is too precise
given that five of the ranges are much more than this, so to be safe I say the timing uncertainty is
±0.2 s. This seems reasonable. By the way, I first drew a graph with uncertainty bars at ±0.1 s
and the best straight line did not cross many of the uncertainty ranges, so 0.2 seconds is better.
DCP 2 H1 + H 2 + H 3
For the height, H ave = . This was done on calculator. I decided to keep the
uncertainty here as ±0.2 cm or ±0.002 m. I also changed heights from cm to m.
T1 + T2 + T3 + T4
For times, Tave = and this was done on calculator. Averaging should reduce the
uncertainty but because of the variation in uncertainty range for the different heights, I decided to
keep the time uncertainty as ± 0.2 s.
I will keep my numbers to three decimal places even though the uncertainty is only one decimal
place because I will round off numbers only at the conclusion.
Now I construct a graph of time against height. The uncertainty in the height is relatively small
and so I will ignore this, while the uncertainty in the time is more significant and so I will show
error bars for time.
The best straight-line gradient mBest = 2.71 , the maximum gradient mMax = 3.43 and the
minimum gradient mMin = 2.35 . The range is:
∆mBest = ± = ±0.54 ≈ ±0.5
The gradient and its uncertainty are thus mBest = 2.71 ± 0.495 ≈ 2.7 ± 0.5
The uncertainty divided by the gradient times 100 gives us an error of about 19%, and that is not
good. The correlation between T and H is suspect.
I notice at the y-intercept, for a height of zero, a time of 1.35 s. This is impossible, so the
systematic shift must have some meaning. Perhaps the time from the release to the first bounce
1 2 2H
offsets all the data points. So, using the theoretical time from H = g t drop to t drop = I had
2 g
the graphing program calculate the revised bounce time as t revised = T − where g is gravity
at 9.81m s-2 . Here is the graph.
The y-axis offset is still significant, about 1.19 s compared to the previous graph offset of 1.35 s.
There must be some other theoretical problem.
Looking close at the data points and realizing that the time must be zero for a zero height, I
might suggest a curving trend in the data. Perhaps the true shape of the graph is not a straight
line. Next I try logarithms to find the relationship between time and height. The graphing
software does this for me when I define the terms.
CE 1 This is great news. There is a high correlation of 0.996 and the gradient is 0.506 or about 0.5.
The gradient is the exponent n and the proportionality constant is now k.
This is great. The best straight lines nearly goes through the origin with an offset of only
–0.07 s2. We can ignore this experimental error. Also, the correlation is 0.996, slightly better
than other graphs. I think it is safe to say that my data shows that T 2 = mH and not T = mH .
In my conclusion I am going to relate what I got and what I was expected to get. My experiment
investigated the relationship between the time that a ball does 6 bounces as a function of
dropping height. As the height increases I expected the time to increase. My graph showed this.
The graph was linear but did not pass through the origin. I suspected some systematic error in the
theory. Although I was more or less correct, I also sense a trend in the graph as the data kind of
curved. I then graphed the log of time against the log of height and found that the graph of time
squared against height was a much better straight line and it went through the origin. Hence my
original idea is wrong and a new discovery was made, namely that time squared is proportional
the drop height.
CE 2 The most important problem here is in the trend of the data as seen as the scatter of data on the
graph. To improve the quality of data and hence to better find the correct trend I would consider
the following things.
CE 2 I would construct a better ball release mechanism, and not do it by hand. Perhaps a clamp and a
stand, where the clamp when opened would release the ball without any twisting or turning and
the stand would allow repeated drops from exactly the same height.
There is a difficulty in measuring the time of 6 bounces. I could use a computer and data logging
equipment to record the sound as time goes by. The bounces would review spikes in the sound
CE 3
level, and the time scale would be very accurate. This would be a great improvement.
I would like to have a wider range of data, perhaps up to 1.60 meters. I would also want more
data points within this range, say every 10 cm.
Perhaps the bouncing ball could be restrained in a closed box to keep it from moving off to one
side. However, this would also take energy away from the ball and invalidate my data.
There is no known textbook answer on the relationship of time to time of a number of bounces
and the drop height, but my discovery of T 2 ∝ h must be hidden in the theory of free fall motion
and the equations we learned in class. We know (with uniform acceleration) that the impact
speed is proportional to the square root of the drop height, and that the bouncing time should be
proportional to the impact speed.
Investigation 1: Investigating the
How to use this teacher
relationship between the drop height and support material
Investigation 1
Achievement c, p, p, c, p,
of aspects c, c p Investigation 2
Investigation 3
Annotated student work
Investigation 4
Investigation 5
Investigation 6
Design Investigation 7
Moderator comments Investigation 8
Defining the problem and
selecting variables Investigation 9
Complete Investigation 10
The research question is clear and
the relevant variables are © IBO 2007
Controlling variables
Although the method of starting
and stopping the stopwatch is not
quite clear, the student does his
best (fourth paragraph under
“Design” heading) to address this
issue, and so with the benefit of
doubt this aspect earns a
1 of 1 10-Jan-09 19:13
Physics teacher support material
Investigation 2
D 1 Does the weight of the ball affect the depth of the crater formed?
I dropped balls onto some sand to make craters. The height at which the different balls
were dropped at was the independent variable, where the depth of the crater was the dependent
And then you can see the data from the results table presented on the graph below.
Though the experiment was quite successful, I believe that it could be improved. If the
experiment was to be altered the question being asked may be changed to see if the height at
which the ball is dropped affects the depth of the crater, as this too would imitate a real asteroid
CE 3
hitting the moon. Also, improving the techniques to measure the depth in the sane was difficult,
by using heavier objects to drop into it making the crater may have made it easier. Or a smaller
more accurate ruler could have been used to do the measurements of the depth. When dropping
the ball from 20 cm it was difficult to set the ball at the same point each time, though mainly
accurate, it could have been measured with a pin or small stick to be more sufficient. Finally,
when the ball was dropped into the sane, covering the crater for the next drop was hard as it had
to make the same depth of sand as before at 2 cm. This I found was not always sufficient, nor
easy for measure the depth of the sand with a larger ruler. In another experiment a smaller ruler
again would be used.
Investigation 2: Does the weight of the
How to use this teacher
ball affect the depth of the crater formed? support material
Achievement p, p, n, n,
of aspects p, p n, p Investigation 1
Annotated student work Investigation 2
Investigation 3
Investigation 4
Investigation 5
Design Investigation 6
Moderator comments Investigation 7
Defining the problem and
selecting variables Investigation 8
Partial Investigation 9
The research question is vague Investigation 10
and the variables do not tie in with
the research question. More
thought on the controlled variable © IBO 2007
of sand depth is needed.
Controlling variables
Balls of different mass might have
different sizes. This variable needs
explicit attention. A metre rule may
not be the most appropriate ruler to
measure a crater depth, and this
choice is a major error.
1 of 1 10-Jan-09 19:29
Physics teacher support material
Investigation 3
In this experiment I looked at the braking distance of a wooden crate. The purpose of the
experiment was to determine whether there was a relationship between the breaking distance of
the crate and its initial velocity. I came to the conclusion that the breaking distance was
proportional to the velocity squared.
D 1 My research question is to investigate the relationship between the velocity and the braking
distance of a crate.
1 2
Because kinetic energy becomes heat energy when braking, I can write mv0 = Fd or simply
that the distance is proportional to the square of the speed, d ∝ v02 .
D 1 The dependent variable is the braking distance while the independent variable is the initial
velocity. The fixed variables are the frictional forces of the table surface and the mass of the
D 3
I used a track, crate with a flag, photocells, electronic clock, and rulers. My method used two D 2
photocells and the electronic clock to find the time the crate uses to pass between two points with
the flag distance ∆d . I use this to calculate the initial velocity using the formulae v0 = . The
initial velocity is v0 for the experiment. We use the two rulers to find the distance the crate has
traveled. I used a rubber band to give the crate an initial velocity, and tried the best I could to
control the initial velocity.
The flag ∆d = 3, 4 cm .
DCP 2 Calculating the initial velocity of the crate I used distance of flag divided by time the flag takes
0.90 m
to pass the photocells. For example: v = = 1.89 m / s .
0.0186 s
DCP 2 ∆s
v0 = v2
± 0, 4 m / s
± 0, 4 m / s
1,89 3,57
1,45 2,10
1,60 2,56
1,1 1,23
1,54 2,37
1,90 3,61
CE 1 Plotted on the graph above is the time vs. velocity squared. As evident from the graph, the
derivative function of distance vs. time will be a straight line, and so the breaking distance is
proportional to the velocity squared. My expectation was true. We had trouble controlling the
CE 2 launch speed, so that is one problem. Often the crate would move off at an angle. To fix this we
CE 3 would make sure it always moves straight along the track. I enjoyed this experiment and I was
successful in proving my idea.
Investigation 3: Investigating the braking
How to use this teacher
distance of a wooden crate support material
Achievement c, c, p, p,
of aspects p, p p, n Investigation 1
Annotated student work Investigation 2
Investigation 3
Investigation 4
Investigation 5
Design Investigation 6
Moderator comments Investigation 7
Defining the problem and
selecting variables Investigation 8
Complete Investigation 9
Although friction might vary with Investigation 10
speed, this is not significant here.
The research question and the
variables are clear and well © IBO 2007
Controlling variables
Between which points is the
distance travelled measured? More
detail is required. There is an
attempt at measuring the
independent variable (although not
too clearly expressed) and there is
only a passing reference to the use
of a rubber band to give the crate
an initial speed. There is some
attempt, although only minimal, at
describing the method and so this
aspect earns a partial.
1 of 1 10-Jan-09 19:27
Physics teacher support material
Investigation 4
Research Question.
D 1 My research question is “How does the mass of a parachute affect the amount of time it takes to
fall?” I believe that there should be some sort of inverse relationship here—that as the mass
increases the fall time gets smaller.
The independent variable is the mass of the parachute, and the dependent variable is the amount
of time to descend. Constant variables include the surface areas of the canopy of the parachute;
the distance dropped the lengthy of the strings connecting the canopy to the base of the
parachute, and the material of the parachute.
D 3 The materials I used are a plastic cup, string, garbage bag, masses of 10 g each, and a stopwatch. D 2
DCP 1 Data.
DCP 3 Analysis.
Sure enough, there is an inverse relationship here: as the mass increases the time decreases.
DCP 2 The computer’s best curve fit tells me that Time = Constant × Mass −0.3279 or t ∝ m −0.33 which is
the same as t −3 ∝ m . Hence I now graph 1 t 3 against m .
CE 1 From the results it is apparent that a correlation exists between the mass of the parachute and the
time required to fall to the ground. It is not linear but rather parabolic, to the power three. I found
that the reciprocal of time cubed is proportional to the mass.
CE 2 One limitation of the experiment occurred when the parachute fell. Because it never fell straight
down towards the ground, the distance traveled was never constant. This means that the
apparently controlled variable of height was in not perfectly controlled. This would produce the
results that are not entirely accurate but merely relativity close.
Another limitation is the timing system. Because the person timing is not perfectly accurate
when pressing the button to stop and start, the time will vary even if the actual time for the fall
remains the same.
CE 3 To improve the experiment it could be done in an area with no wind so that the parachute falls
straight to the ground without being blown off course. This would allow the distance fallen to
remain constant and produce accurate results. Secondly, multiple timers could be used for each
drop and the average could be taken so that any times that do not concur could be eliminated. I
would need help doing this.
Investigation 4: Parachute investigation
How to use this teacher
support material
Investigation 2
Investigation 3
Investigation 4
Design Investigation 5
Moderator comments Investigation 6
Defining the problem and
selecting variables Investigation 7
Complete Investigation 8
The research question and
Investigation 9
relevant variables are clearly
stated. Investigation 10
1 of 1 10-Jan-09 21:46
Physics teacher support material
Investigation 5
The aim of the experiment is to investigate the relationship between mass and sound produced in
a one-dimensional collision between a wooden trolley and a wooden surface. This will be done
D 2
by changing the mass of a trolley, and then recording the collision sound by using a microphone
and an oscilloscope.
The trolley will always roll down a runway the same distance and from the same initial height,
hence it should collide with the same speed each time. The theory of kinetic energy says that
kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the speed (which should be a constant) and
proportional to the mass. Hence as the mass increases kinetic energy increase. All the kinetic
energy is lost in the collision, mostly due to heat but also to sound. Assuming that the percentage
of energy changed into sound is the same for all collisions, then I predict that as the mass
increases so the sound will increase. This is a directly proportional and linear relationship. The
ideal graph is sketched below.
D 1 Variables
D 2 Apparatus
• Trolley
• Wooden ramp
• Wooden block
• Ruler
• Nine 10 gram (0.010 kg) masses
• Microphone to record the sound
• Oscilloscope to show the peaks of the sound
• Wires
• Camera to record the peaks of sound
• Tripod to hold the camera
Diagram of Experiment
D 2 A camera was put in front of the oscilloscope to record the highest peak registered with the
This is a screenshot of what the camera recorded and it can be seen where the highest sound peak
The mass M is the mass added to the trolley, and so does not include the trolley itself.
Mass Uncertainty
The mass of the trolley is not relevant here, so we can ignore its uncertainty. The uncertainty in
the added masses is ±0.001 kg. This is determined by the significant figures given on the mass
Sound Uncertainty
Because I read the sound units from a video of the CRO it is not easy to determine the
uncertainty because the green line is faint and thin, so I will say that at its worst, the uncertainty
in sound level is ±0.5 units. This is carried through to the average of the sound.
Graph of Data
My data for drawing a graph is then adjusted so that it can pass through the origin. To do this I
substract the sound level for zero mass, which on average of 0.5 units; this means that the mass
of the trolley is substracted from the total, such that the sound level due to added masses is now
equal to Smass = Smass+trolley − Strolley = Smass − 0.67 units ≈ Smass − 0.8 units .
The gradient of the graph is 47.44 units per kilogram. The graph is linear and proportional and
all the data points lie on the best straight line (as constructed by the computer).
DCP 2 The maximum gradient is 58.89 and the minimum gradient is 36.67. Again, the best-straight line
gradient is 47.44.
The uncertainty above the best straight line is 58.89 – 47.44 = + 11.45.
The uncertainty below the best straight line is 36.67 – 47.44 = – 10.77.
The gradient and its uncertainty are thus 44.77 (+11.45)/(–10.77) or about 45 ± 11 to 2 SD.
CE 1 Conclusion
The gradient and its uncertainty means that the sound increases as the mass increases by a
proportionality factor of about 45 units of sound per kilogram of mass, with an uncertainty of
±11 units of sound per kilogram.
As shown by my graph, there is a linear and proportional relationship between mass and sound
produced in a collision, and by original research question has been answered with a reasonable
degree of certainty. The original suggestion about sound and kinetic energy seems to justify my
CE 2 Even though the relationship is linear, it can be seen that the errors involved are significant. The
gradient varies by about 24%, which is high. The error is mostly due to the precision that the
peak sound is recorded. In fact, the peak sound registered in the oscilloscope was recorded with a
camera, and it was very hard to see what was recorded in the fraction of second where the sound
was at its highest value. The green line was light and thin at the peak.
Other errors occurred because the trolley did not go straight but tended to go to the left or right,
meaning that the collision occurred at an angle and not perpendicularly. Other smaller errors
were given by external sounds.
CE 3 One improvement to make would be to use an oscilloscope that would record the highest peak as
an actual value and show it. Perhaps a computer based CRO where data is sorted and where
measurements are a high degree of precision. The CRO used for this experiment was very
Another improvement would be to use a ramp that would be as wide as the trolley so that it will
only go straight and not either left or right. However there will be another problem with this,
which is that more friction will be present between the sides of the ramp and the trolley, but it
does not matter because it will be the same throughout the experiment. Finally, other errors could
be avoided by doing the experiment in an isolated room without external sounds affecting the
entire experiment; otherwise a less sensitive microphone could be used.
Investigation 5: Investigating collisions in
How to use this teacher
one dimension: the relationship between support material
Investigation 1
Achievement c, c, c, c c, c,
of aspects c, c Investigation 2
Investigation 3
Annotated student work
Investigation 4
Investigation 5
Investigation 6
Design Investigation 7
Moderator comments Investigation 8
Defining the problem and
selecting variables Investigation 9
Complete Investigation 10
There is a reasonable research
question and the variables, © IBO 2007
including assumptions, are clearly
Controlling variables
There is no appreciation of the
sound loudness. Does doubling
the CRO deflection mean twice the
sound level? The units could have
been cm or volts. The mass of the
trolley is not used as part of the
raw data hence the student does
not need to list a balance or scale
to measure the trolley mass. Still,
this aspect is nicely addressed.
1 of 1 10-Jan-09 21:48
Physics teacher support material
Investigation 6
The Investigation
The time the trolley travels is the independent variable while the distance it moves is the
dependent variable. The controlled variables are the equipment settings, the physical set up of
the runway and trolley (initial height, release method, etc.), and the room temperature. Times and
distances are measured by an ultrasonic motion detector and computer software. The distance is
determined from echo time and the speed of sound.
1 2
Uniform acceleration is related to distance s and time t by the equation s = at .
A graph of distance against time squared will be a straight line with gradient equal to .
DCP 2 Calibration. The accuracy (a value compared to a known standard) of the Motion Detector
depends upon the room temperature. Because the Motion Detector uses the speed of sound to
determine distance, and the speed of sound depends on the air temperature, then the temperature
of the air during the experiment must be measured. The motion detector can easily be calibrated
to the room temperature.
DCP 2 the resolution (the minimum detectable change) is about 0.1 mm. Vernier claims a resolution of
1 mm.
Precision of Measurements. I will use the scatter of measurements to determine the uncertainty
in the sonic unit. The sample graph below show the range of values for a stationary target close
to the sonic unit.
The first and second decimal places of positions are all identical. Only by the third decimal place
do we detect some variation. The maximum value is 0.176821 m and the minimum is 0.16766 m,
with the median value of 0.16793 m. The range is 0.00055 m and half the range is 0.000272 m or
about ±0.0003 m. This is a precision of ±0.3 mm. The stationary target is thus measured to be
(0.1679 ± 0.0003) m or the uncertainty is ±0.3 mm.
With the stationary target placed at the end of the runway, the following data is recorded.
Here the maximum is 0.965614 m, the minimum is 0.965065 m, and the median is 0.965339 m.
The range is 0.000549 m and half the range is 0.00027 m, or an uncertainty of ±0.0003 m. Again,
it is about ±0.3 mm.
Therefore, for both the near and far targets, the precision (or self-repeatability) of the ultrasonic
range system is established as ±0.3 mm, or ±0.0003 m.
Speed and Acceleration. Since speed is calculated from changes in consecutive relative
positions, speed values do not need calibration; only the distance uncertainty needs to be
Systematic Uncertainty. There is another source of measurement error. In the time interval for
the ultrasonic pulse to reflect off the trolley and travel back to the sensor unit, the trolley will
have moved slightly forward. The uncertainty here is not constant but should increase in a linear
way as the distance increases. This factor of uncertainty may be ignored since the motion of the
DCP 2 trolley is relatively slow and the overall range is small. Moreover, systematic shifts in speeds
against times will not matter when calculating acceleration from the gradient of a graph.
Overall Uncertainty. The uncertainty in the longest distance moved by the trolley is ±0.3mm.
The systematic shift in measuring technique may be ±0.1mm or more, and the calibration for the
speed of sound may be ±0.1mm or more. Overall, looking at the worst possible case, a general
uncertainty of ±0.7 mm to ±1 mm in all distance measurements would be acceptable. Hence,
Vernier’s stated uncertainty of ±1 mm can be accepted. . Over a distance of 0.5m, the uncertainty
is therefore ±0.2%. The timing uncertainty in an interval, say of 2s, is only 0.00005%. Hence
timing uncertainty may be ignored.
D 3 After trialing different sample rates, it was found that a frequency of 20 Hz (for a period of 0.05
s) worked well. A sample time of 5 seconds was also selected. The Data Collecting box (as
shown here) was adjusted to these values.
The data-logging process recorded the raw data of time and position. Here is a sample of the data
as collected by the data logging.
DCP 2 Squaring is a simple data processing function, where, for example, using the 4th data information,
t 2 = t × t = 0.20s × 0.20s = 0.04s 2 .
Data Analysis
Below is a graph of position against time squared with uncertainty bars. The error here is
negliegble. The uncertainty bars look funny because they are so small, the hat and the trail
overlap given the distance scale.
Here is an enlargement of a section of the graph with uncertainty bars at ±1 mm. The uncertainty
bars are insignificant. This is little point in trying to construct maximum and minimum gradients.
The Tangent Tool was used to find the gradient at various data points. An example of a range
where the acceleration is not uniform and where it is uniform, are shown below.
The graph below is used to calculate the gradient of a linear region of the graph. The straight line
is interpolated to highlight the region of non-uniform acceleration.
Using the above graph, the uniform acceleration a (for the selected data) is given by
As described above, the uncertainty in the gradient is 0.2%, so the uncertainty in the acceleration
is 0.4%.
The experiment was repeated several times under identical conditions. The following table
summarizes the results.
Average 0.4024
Range =
(0.4368 − 0.3354 )m s−2 = ±0.0507m s −2 ≈ ±0.05m s −2
CE 1 Uniform Acceleration. The calculated uniform acceleration based on one trial would seem to be
very precise, viz, a ≈ (0.437 ± 0.002 )m s −2 .
Repetition however, reveals a much less precise result. The values are scattered and the result
calculated from a range of these five trials is only accurate to two significant figures.
The quality of the measurements is reduced by the scatter of gradient values in the multiple
trials. Therefore the uncertainty of 13% should be accepted.
Changing Acceleration. Analysis of the distance against time-squared graph shows uniform
acceleration in the range from about 1.56 s 2 to 3.61s 2 . After 3.61s 2 (or about 1.9s) the trolley
collides with the end of the runway.
The acceleration is non-uniform in the range from start to about 1s. This could be because the
frictional force acting on the trolley is varying in this range and then becomes constant.
CE 2 Weakness and Improvements. There are two weaknesses in this investigation. First, the
variation in trials suggests that there are factors that need to be better controlled. Perhaps the
CE 3
release mechanism could be improved. An electromagnet could be used to hold the trolley in
place and then gently release it.
CE 2 Second, instead of a 10 cm height, a height of 20 or 30 cm for the given 1.2 meter long runway
CE 3
could be used. Alternatively, the same height could be used but with a much longer runway,
perhaps 2.5 meters long. Having a greater acceleration and/or increasing the range over which
measurements are taken would help reduce the effect that small variation in the movement of the
trolley might have on the results.
Investigation 6: Investigating the change
How to use this teacher
in acceleration of a trolley running down support material
Investigation 1
Achievement c, c, c, c c, p,
of aspects c, p Investigation 2
Investigation 3
Annotated student work
Investigation 4
Investigation 5
Investigation 6
Design Investigation 7
Moderator comments Investigation 8
Defining the problem and
selecting variables Investigation 9
Complete Investigation 10
The research question is clear but
what the student really wants is © IBO 2007
acceleration (dependent variable)
as a function of speed
(independent variable). Perhaps a
graph of acceleration against
speed would have been better,
and this could have been done
with the data-logging equipment
and software. Distance and time
are relevant, however, so this
aspect earns a complete.
Controlling variables
There is not much to controlling
the independent variable but for
the given investigation the student
is planning an appropriate
1 of 1 10-Jan-09 22:03
Physics teacher support material
Investigation 7
This investigation asks the question of whether the height of a bouncing ball displays exponential
decay and, if so, what is the half-life of the height?
D 2
The independent variable is the bounce number. The ‘life’ of a bouncing ball is measured as
D 1
the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. bounce number. This is a counting number, a pure number with no units and
no uncertainties.
D 1 The dependent variable is the rebound height, H, the height reached between bounces. To
measure H, the time ∆T between consecutive bounces is measured and H calculated from
1 2 1 1
H= gt where t = ∆T . The comes from the face that ∆T is the time up to the rebound
2 2 2
height plus the time down from the rebound height. It is far more accurate to measure the time
interval, and then calculate the height, than it would be to try to measure the rebound height of a
moving bouncing ball. There is no significant uncertainty in the calculated height as it is based
on a very precise timing mechanism with the computer and interface.
D 1 The controlled variables include using the same surface and the same ball. The initial drop
height is not relevant because the first bounce height is calculated by the time interval between
the first impact and the second impact. If the ball moves off the vertical while bouncing, then the
data is rejected. Hence a controlled variable is that the bouncing stays more or less along the
D 3
The time ∆T is determined by recording the impact sound of a bouncing ball. Time intervals are
read off a graph of sound pressure against time. A number of trials were made and it was found
that a ping-pong ball made the cleanest (least noise) sound for the computer to record. A number
D 3 of trials from various initial drop heights were made, and it was found that the best drop height
was about 60 cm.
The microphone was connected to the Vernier Lab Pro interface and then this was connected to
the computer. The Vernier LoggerPro 3.4.1 software automatically sensed the microphone and
displayed graph axes of sound level against time. The settings were pre-set.
Figure 1 shows a sample of the raw data of sound intensity (in arbitrary units) and time
measurements (in seconds).
DCP 1 Figure 1: Raw Data: Sound Pressure (units) and Time (s)
Figure 2: Graph of Sound Pressure (units) against Time (s)
DCP 2 The computer calculates the consecutive times for the first peaks of each bounce and uses this to
calculate the rebound height H and the natural logarithms of the height H. A value of
g = 9.81m s-2 is used but as this is a constant through out the experiment, it could have been
normalized, i.e. g = 1 .
See the data table below, Figure 3, and details of sample calculations.
1 2 1 § ∆T ·
Rebound Height = H = gt = g ¨
g∆T 2
9.81m s-2 ∆T 2 )
= 1.22625 × ∆T 2
2 2 © 2 ¹̧ 8 8
H is graphed against total time (see Figure 4). Error bars have not been added since, as described
above, the uncertainty in the calculation of H is insignificant.
Figure 4.
Clearly this is not an exponential decay as the time it takes consecutive values of H to deduce 0.5
H, is not constant. To find a relationship between H and T, a graph of the natural logarithm of H
against total time is plotted.
Figure 5.
The graph shows that there is not a power relation between H and T. It was at this stage that it
was appreciated that the wrong research question was being asked. Since time intervals between
bounces are not the same, the research question should be “Does the height H of consecutive
number of bounces made by the ball decay exponentially with bounce number?” Hence a graph
of H against bounce number is plotted and shown below.
DCP 3 Figure 6.
H reduces from 0.10 m to 0.05 m in about 5 bounces (4.9) and then from 0.05 to 0.025 in a
further 5 bounces, thus indicating an “exponential decay”.
Assume that H = H 0 e− λ n where λ is the decay constant and n is the bounce number so that a
plot of the natural logarithm of H against n should give a straight line graph the gradient of
which is = λ . This graph is plotted below.
DCP 3 Figure 7.
CE 1 The gradient of the graph is calculated by the computer as m = λ = −0.143 . The “half-life” is
ln 2
calculated from t 1 = = 4.85 bounces . This ties in with the plot of H against bounce number
2 λ
(see above).
Results: The results show that, for this particular ball and surface, the height of consecutive bounces decays
exponentially with the number of bounces. However, one has to remember that the decrease in height is a set
function. As such, the decay would only be true if there were a very large number of bounces and after each bounce
there was a very small decrease in height.
CE 2 Limitations: The only limitation in this experiment is that there was insufficient time to take
CE 3 more data. More data would have helped to test the validity and or limitations of the exponential
rule in this situation but also to test its validity for balls of different material dropped into
different surfaces.
CE 3 Improvements: The ball could have been dropped from a greater height to increase the number of data points and
dropped from a smaller height to decrease the number of data points. This could have been repeated for different
balls dropped on the different surfaces from different heights.
Investigation 7: The half-life of a bouncing
How to use this teacher
ball support material
Achievement c, c, c, c c, c,
of aspects c, c Investigation 1
Annotated student work Investigation 2
Investigation 3
Investigation 4
Investigation 5
Design Investigation 6
Moderator comments Investigation 7
Defining the problem and
selecting variables Investigation 8
Complete Investigation 9
This is an original and interesting Investigation 10
response to the teacher prompt. It
is clear and well thought out.
© IBO 2007
Controlling variables
The bouncing ball controls the
variables but the student clearly
identifies what they are looking for.
The student did reject non-vertical
bounce trials. With the benefit of
doubt the student earns a
1 of 1 10-Jan-09 22:25
Physics teacher support material
Investigation 8
The aim of this experiment is to compare the experimental values from two different methods of
determining the value the mass (m) per unit length (L) of a wire, where µ = .
DCP 1 The first method determines a value by direct measures of mass and length. In this case, I
measured the mass of the wire as m ± ∆m = (0.0026 ± 0.0005 )kg with a top pan balance and the
DCP 2 m 0.0026 kg
The first method yields a value of µOne = = = 1.52 × 10 −3 kg m −1 . The uncertainty in
L 1.710 m
The second method is based on the variation of the speed v of a wave in the wire with the
tension T in the wire. The equipment is set up as shown in the sketch.
For a given load, the length of the wire is adjusted until it vibrates in its fundamental modes (first
harmonic). Theory tells us that the frequency f, length L, the speed v, and mass per unit length µ
are related as follows:
v µ T
f = = = 2L f T = 2 µ f L T = 4µ f 2L 2
2L 2L µ
The slope of a graph of tension T against length squared L2 is 4 µ f 2 for the first harmonic.
Hence µ Two =
By using the above formulas I calculated the following information based on the raw data.
Graph of Tension against the Square of the Length for the First harmonic.
CE 1 slope
The slope here is given as 46.13N m −2 . Hence µ Two = = 1.2 × 10 −3 kg m −1 .
As we can see the values of µ for both methods are nearly the same if uncertainties are taken
into account.
CE 2 As we can see from the graph, the trend line matches the point with a few errors. A cause of error
in this investigation is that it is hard to judge the exact value of the length that corresponds to the
resonance. Also, the wire used might not be uniform, causing error to the data collected.
CE 3 Some ways to improve the experiment are to take more measurements and take different length
sample from the same type of wire. By doing that the experimental data should reduce errors.
Investigation 8: The mass per unit length
How to use this teacher
of a wire measured by two different support material
Investigation 1
Achievement p, p, p,
of aspects p n, n Investigation 2
Investigation 3
Annotated student work
Investigation 4
Assessment Investigation 5
Investigation 6
Data collection and
Investigation 7
Moderator comments Investigation 8
Recording raw data
Investigation 9
Investigation 10
The mass and length data are
recorded with uncertainties. The
raw data of load and harmonic © IBO 2007
lengths have the correct units and
reasonable uncertainties. It would
have helped to include some
discussion of errors and
uncertainties instead of just listing
them. Unfortunately, there is no
record of the frequency, and
frequency is essential in the
calculation. Therefore this aspect
cannot earn full marks. To earn a
complete the two frequencies with
their uncertainties need to be
recorded. Also, a brief discussion
of errors and uncertainties would
have been relevant.
1 of 1 10-Jan-09 22:26
Physics teacher support material
Investigation 9
The independent variable is this distance r between the detector and the source. The dependent
variable is the intensity I.
The background radiation count is recorded three times and the results are shown below. Each
count is recorded for 60 s three times and got the following counts per minute.
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 I Background Average
counts/min. counts/min. counts/min. counts/min.
23 20 12 18
DCP 2 23 + 20 + 12
I Background Average = = 18.333 ≈ 18 counts/min.
Fours values of r were chosen and the number of counts measured three times at each distance
each for a period of 60 s.
The average background count rate is subtracted from each measurement and the average count
for the adjusted values is calculated.
DCP 3 The uncertainty for the distance is ±0.2 cm. Error bars are shown below.
The above graph shows the adjusted activity count as a function of distance. The graph below
shows count rate plotted against 1 r 2 . First the uncertainties are calculated.
r / cm
∆r% =
100% = r 2 / cm 2 ∆r 2 % = 2 (∆r%) =
∆r = ±0.2 cm r
1 1 1 § 1 1 ·
/ cm −2 (min ) (max ) 1 (max) + (min)
¨ ∆r 2
∆r 2 ¸
r 2
r + ∆r 2
r − ∆r 2
± 2 = ±¨ ¸ / cm −2
∆r 2
¨© ¸¹
1.0 0.71 2.5 ±1.6
0.040 0.038 0.042 ±0.04
0.010 0.0096 0.010 ±0.01
0.0044 0.0043 0.005 ±0.005
CE 1 This graph does not look convincing because three data points are close together and one is far
away. Also, the error bars do not include the best straight-line, except the last data point but the
uncertainty here is way too big to mean anything. However, the general relationship is shown to
us in the first graph. The experiment supports the theory that the radiation detected per minute
will decrease as the distance between the source and the detector gets bigger.
CE 2 The experiment has a lot of systematic and random errors involved that resulted in the lack of
precision and accuracy of the data.
CE 3 Random errors were caused mostly by the nature of radioactive emissions that is very
unpredictable. To diminish this problem, we could extend the time period of collecting data as
well as increasing the number of readings collected.
Mostly the environment in which the practical was performed caused large systematic errors.
There was consistent random radiation in the background and this interfered greatly in the
collection of data. Subtracting the background radiation helped in reducing the inaccuracies due
to radiation form the surroundings. Another cause of error was due to shifted positions in the
base of the detector.
Investigation 9: Detecting gamma
How to use this teacher
radiation from distances support material
Achievement p, c, n,
of aspects p p, p Investigation 1
Investigation 3
Assessment Investigation 4
Investigation 5
Data collection and
processing Investigation 6
Moderator comments Investigation 7
Recording raw data
Investigation 8
Investigation 9
The raw data is clear and easy to
follow. However, there are no Investigation 10
uncertainties in the count rate.
© IBO 2007
Processing raw data
The calculations are done
correctly, including the propagation
of uncertainties for the second
graph. The inverse square
calculations are presumably done
in the graphing program.
Conclusion and
Not at all
The conclusion about a decreasing
count with distance is correct but
this does not address the aim of
the experiment. The relation
between intensity and distance has
not been established. The second
graph is inconclusive and the
1 of 1 10-Jan-09 22:26
Physics teacher support material
Investigation 10
The general gas law relates pressure P, volume V, temperature T, the number of gram moles n,
and the universal gas constant R, as PV = n RT . A sealed syringe with a fixed mass of gas has
the volume reduced by placing masses on top of the plunger. The atmospheric pressure is P0 , the
mass is m, the plunger’s cross-sectional surface area is A, gravity is g and the resulting applied
pressure is force over area or .
§ mg · 1 § g·
From the equation nRT = PV = ¨ P0 + V we obtain (R nT ) = m ¨ + P0 . A graph of the
© A ¹̧ V © A ¹̧
reciprocal of the volume against the applied mass yields a straight line from which R is
calculated. This assumes the temperature is kept constant and we determine n.
A calibrated syringe is sealed with a plunger. Masses are carefully placed on top of the plunger
as shown.
DCP 1 The syringe is calibrated from zero to 35 cc in steps of 1 cc. It is estimated that the uncertainty in
the measurement of volume is 0.4 cc. It is difficult to read the scale and the edge of the plunger
has a noticeable width, so the uncertainty is at least ±0.4 cc even though the least count reading
is 0.1 cc.
Each 500 g mass was measured on a digital balance with a precision of 0.1 g. In all cases the
measured mass was less than 1 g off. A typical measure is m1 = 499.3 g . The masses are thus
assumed to be accurate to ±1 g or ∆m = ±0.001kg .
Raw Data m / kg Volume
V / cm 3
Measure ∆m = ±0.001kg
∆V = ±0.4 cm 3
per 500 g mass
1 0.000 34.6
2 0.500 33.0
3 1.000 30.0
4 1.500 26.9
5 2.000 25.1
6 2.500 23.5
7 3.000 22.0
8 3.500 20.1
9 4.000 19.0
10 4.500 17.8
11 5.000 17.0
The diameter d of the syringe was measured with vernier calipers and found to be
d = (2.33 ± 0.01) × 10 −2 m .
DCP 2 § d·
The area of the plunger surface is A = π ¨ = 4.26 × 10 −4 m 2 .
© 2 ¹̧
The room temperature was 16°C or 289 K. To determine n, P0 was measured with a barometer
( )
One mole of a gas at STP T = 273K, P = 1.01 × 10 5 Pa occupies 2.24 × 10 −2 m 3 . Therefore
where 3.46 × 10 −5 m 3 is the volume of the syringe at 289K. Gravity g is assumed to be 9.81m s−2 .
All calculations, including the slope, were done on the spreadsheet of the graphing program
1 1
LoggerPro 3.4.6. One example: = = 2.89 × 10 4 m −3 .
V1 34.6 × 10 −5 m 3
Here is a graph of the reciprocal of volume (the dependent variable) against the mass (the
independent variable).
Reciprocal of Volume against Mass
§ mg · § 1· § g·
Where nRT = ¨ P0 + V we find nRT ¨ = m¨ + P0 and then solve for R.
© A ¹̧ © V ¹̧ © A ¹̧
CE 1 The slope is = 6.214 × 10 3 m −3kg −1 and so we find R = = 8.27 J mol−1 K −1 .
(slope ) A nT
The experimental value is less than 1% off the accepted value of R, which is 8.31J mol−1 K −1 .
However, this does not mean that the accepted value lies within the uncertainty range of the
experimental value. For a correct statement of our results, in the form Rexp ± ∆Rexp , we need to
Here are the uncertainties in the reciprocal of the volume for the first and last data points. These
are used to construct error bars on the second graph.
1 1
Data (max ) (min )
Number V V
#1 1 1
= 28.6 × 10 3 m −3 = 29.2 × 10 3 m −3
28.9 × 10 3 m −3 V1 + ∆V V1 − ∆V
#11 1 1
= 60.2 × 10 3 m −3 = 57.5 × 10 3 m −3
58.8 × 10 3 m −3 V11 − ∆V V11 + ∆V
The next graph shows the minimum and maximum slopes using the uncertainties in the volume
measurements of the first and last data points.
CE 1 The maximum slope is 6.32 × 10 3 m −3 and the minimum slope is 5.66 × 10 3 m −3 . The
experimental range for R is thus:
RMin = = 8.13J mol−1 K −1
(slopeMax )A nT
CE 1 g
RMax = = 9.08 J mol−1 K −1
(slopeMin )A nT
In conclusion, the measured value of R was found have an uncertainty of about ±6%. The
experimental range is from 7.8 to 8.8 J mol−1K −1 and this range includes the accepted value,
CE 2 Clearly, the source of greatest error in the experiment is in the measurement of the volume. The
mass uncertainty is only a fraction of one percent, the area uncertainty is about 0.4% and the
temperature uncertainty is only 0.3%. None of these are significant. (One interesting note is that
using the graph intercept, an experimental value for atmospheric pressure is calculated as
1.02 × 10 5 Pa . This is about 5% off the barometer measurement.)
There is also a reliance on other data that is assumed rather than measured such as the value of g
and the determination of n, and there is the problem of the plunger sticking and hence giving
inaccurate readings.
CE 3 The slight but noticeable scatter of data about the best straight-line could be improved by taking
more readings. Using a much larger syringe with a finer calibration scale could increase the
accuracy in the volume. This would also enable more readings to be taken and this would help
eliminate inaccuracies due to the plunger sticking. However, with repeated readings there is the
possibility of air leaking from the syringe.
To overcome the dependency on assumed data, an alternative method is needed such that a value
of R can be determined from directly measured quantities.
Finally, the first data point, where there is no applied mass, appears to be off the trend line
compared to the rest of the data. Excluding this data point the graph slope gives a value of
R = 7.66 J mol−1K −1 which is actually lower than the value of R that includes the first data point.
CE 3 Perhaps the mass of the plunger or friction between the plunger and the syringe makes a
difference, but it seems insignificant here.
Investigation 10: Determining the
How to use this teacher
universal gas constant. support material
Achievement c, c, c c, c,
of aspects c Investigation 1
Investigation 3
Assessment Investigation 4
Investigation 5
Data collection and
processing Investigation 6
Moderator comments Investigation 7
Recording raw data
Investigation 8
Investigation 9
The basic data was recorded
thoroughly. Investigation 10
Conclusion and
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