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Final Examination Requirement

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What have I learned about sustainable What I researched about the current
tourism? sustainability issues of Philippine
tourism?How are these being
It taught me the benefits of traveling
sustainably for the environment, society, -We have approximately 7000 islands,
and the destinations people visit. This is and there are still many more that need
what inspires me to respect the locals, to be developed. At the moment, anyone
their culture, and their faith, as well as to can purchase an island and develop a
support local businesses. It encourages resort. Fine, as long as it is sustainable.
the use of ecologically friendly products However, there is always a lot of tourists
and the protection of the environment. I in the Philippines. More visitors imply
learned that tourism must be sustainable more garbage, noise, and pollution, all of
in order to retain the positive economic which could upset the area's ecological
and social consequences of the industry's equilibrium.The Save Our Spots (S.O.S.)
expansion while minimizing any negative campaign was started by the Philippines
effects on the natural, cultural, or social Department of Tourism (DOT) in an
surroundings. In a nutshell, sustainable effort to inform people about how to
tourism protects the local people, the travel more responsibly and persuade
environment, and the economy. them that environmentally friendly
Continuous impact monitoring and practices can improve their vacation
appropriate preventative and/or experience. The SOS campaign has
corrective action are required to achieve gained support from the national tourism
sustainable tourism. Sustainable tourism industry, with travel agencies, hotels,
should provide visitors with a memorable and tour operators helping to spread the
experience in addition to upholding a message. The DOT encourages these
high level of visitor happiness, improving stakeholders to include the campaign
their understanding of sustainability into their employee training by supplying
issues, and fostering sustainable them with information and promotional
practices. materials. Additionally, the Department
provides its own training courses, such as
this webinar on lowering the use of
single-use plastics in the hospitality
industry. In the Philippines, the campaign
attracted a lot of support and media
attention. Many referred to it as a
bayanihan project, which is a term for a
traditional form of community spirit.
Both visitors and residents can view their
involvement in the campaign as a
charitable endeavor.

- The growth of tourism is phenomenal

but the development is not sustainable.
They have no knowledge about
sustainability, what environmental
conservation is, why it is
important.Progress is good. Tourism that
contributes to progress and
development is good. Unfortunately, it is
the environment that pays dearly for
over-development and irresponsible
tourism. It costs a lot of money for many
hotels and resorts, for instance, to make
the transition to sustainable tourism
practices. When Boracay was reopened,
the 71-room Coast Boracay was among
the first resorts to support government
initiatives to protect the environment by
reducing the amount of waste the resort
and its visitors produce. It first started by
getting rid of its plastic water bottles,
which were previously served to its
guests in its restaurants and in every
room, and replacing them with glass
water bottles that can be refilled. Next, it
gave its visitors bamboo water straws.

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