2346 2183 Dyna 88 218 9
2346 2183 Dyna 88 218 9
2346 2183 Dyna 88 218 9
Received: November 17th, 2020. Received in revised form: March 3rd, 2021. Accepted: April 6th, 2021.
This paper describes the application of computational modeling and computer-aided design (CAD) for the conceptual design and structural
analysis of the maintenance process of Klimov TV3-117 engines at an approved Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) facility in
Colombia. The main issue is that these engines are difficult to roll and manipulate due to their weight, which ranges between 250 and 350
kg, which causes time and cost overruns for the operator, and delays in the scheduled maintenance times. The solution proposed by this
study is the conceptualization and structural feasibility of a prototype of ground support equipment for handling and maintenance of
Turboshaft engines, implementation of which could save up to 100 person-hours, which translates into about USD 10,000, since the current
process requires four specialists and two inspectors, whereas the modified process would only require one of each.
Keywords: Computer-Aided Design (CAD); structural analysis; turboshaft engines; ground support equipment; aeronautical maintenance.
Palabras clave: Diseño Asistido por Computador (CAD); análisis estructural; motores turboeje; equipo de soporte en tierra; mantenimiento
How to cite: Rodríguez-Barón, I.F., Orduy-Rodríguez, J.E., Rosas-Bonilla, B.A., Merchán-Camelo, J.S. and Bejarano-Sepúlveda, E.J., Conceptual design and structural analysis
of Ground Support Equipment for handling and maintenance of Turboshaft engines.. DYNA, 88(218), pp. 9-18, July - September, 2021.
© The author; licensee Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Revista DYNA, 88(218), pp. 9-18, July - September, 2021, ISSN 0012-7353
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15446/dyna.v88n218.91617
Rodríguez-Barón et al / Revista DYNA, 88(218), pp. 9-18, July - September, 2021.
Rodríguez-Barón et al / Revista DYNA, 88(218), pp. 9-18, July - September, 2021.
established technical and design requirements. Structural revolutions per minute (RPM) in the main rotor, both
analysis of the projected prototype will be performed by manually and automatically [9].
means of static simulation in the Solidworks structures • Engine type: Turboshaft, with free turbine
module to determine the technical and structural feasibility • Rotation: left
of the engine handling device and to establish its potential • Free turbine rotation: 15,000 rpm (100%)
scope and limitations [8]. • Output shaft power: 2000 c.v. (take-off speed)
Computational modeling was performed on the prototype • Dry weight: 293 kg
developed using Computer-Aided Design, and applied • Length (with accessories and exhaust nozzle): 2055 mm
research was also carried out for the structural analysis of the • Width: 650 mm
designed ground support equipment for engine handling and
rotation. 1.2 Aircraft engine attachment system
1.1 Klimov TV3-117 Engines The TV3-117VM engines are mounted on the fuselage
roof panel so that their axes and the helicopter's longitudinal
Turboshaft engines are a type of gas turbine that produces reference line form a 4 ° 30' angle. Each engine is fixed to the
shaft power rather than a jet thrust. They consist of two main fuselage using two support systems: the front and the
sets of parts: the turbine section driven by the primary shaft spherical rear. The frontal system is made up of two long and
(compressor, combustion chamber, and one or more stages of two short vertical bars. It is used to prevent engine
the turbine) and the power section driven by the secondary movements in the vertical and transverse directions and
shaft (additional stages of turbine, one gear reduction system, prevents the engine's rotation in relation to its axis. The
and the output shaft). In essence, the first section raises the spherical rear system prevents the engine from moving and
temperature of the expanding gas and triggers the second [9]. allows rotary movement with respect to all axes. With this
Among the types of Turboshaft engines, this study will clamping mode, axial forces are supported only by the back
focus on are those belonging to the Klimov TV3-117 family. support and by the short and long columns.
Designed by the Russian Aeronautical Manufacturer Klimov, The other forces are transmitted to the front vertical bars
this engine was developed in 1972 for helicopters and and the back support, proportionally to the distance from the
airplanes. According to Lom Praha, one of the leading engine's center of gravity. The engine's alignment with the
companies providing MRO services to helicopters, the main transmission is carried out in the assembly process,
Turboshaft TV3-117 engines in all their versions belong to varying the vertical bars' length, rotating the tensioners
the most widely used propulsion units worldwide. Since its without removing the vertical bars from the engine or the roof
creation, more than 25,000 units have been built, and it is still supports. (Fig 4).
being manufactured today. This Turboshaft engine is used,
among others, in the Mil Mi-8, which is, in turn, the most- 1.3 Rear ball attachment
produced helicopter in the world [10, 11].
The engine is connected to the main transmission through
1.1.1 Specifications (TV3-117VM) the ball bushing attached to the screws on the main
transmission body. The engine body is attached to this
The propulsion unit of Mi-8 helicopters is composed of bushing by means of a spherical cover. To remove the engine
two TV3-117VM engines and other additional auxiliary from the main transmission, which has an additional bracket,
systems. The engine control is carried out employing a a special device was installed in the fuselage's central section
unified control system that allows maintaining the required (Fig 5).
Rodríguez-Barón et al / Revista DYNA, 88(218), pp. 9-18, July - September, 2021.
3.1. Needs
An applied research approach was used for this study. As RE.1: The ground support equipment must prevent
stated by Vargas, it is based on identifying the specific needs structural failure; consequently, the loads that the structure
of a sector, whether social or productive, that can be must be able to withstand during operation are substantially
converted into solutions. For the case of this study, an greater than the static load.
innovative solution was proposed for a need that was found
at MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul, in accordance
with Colombian Aeronautics Regulations RAC 4.11, RAC
43, RAC 145, based on the Federal Aviation Regulations
FAR 43, FAR 145 and Latin American Regulations LAR 43,
LAR 145) facilities, such as a Helicopter Maintenance and
Repair Center. At this MRO station, a problem was found
regarding the maintenance of helicopter Turboshaft engines.
With the ground support systems current in place, it is
difficult for technicians to carry out the process, and it is
expensive in terms of uptime. Therefore, the need to obtain a
product capable of improving these types of processes and, at
the same time, improving the quality of life and the work
conditions of the people involved was evident [13].
Consequently, rather than emphasizing general
Figure 6. Klimow TW-3-117 Scale 1:68.5.
theoretical aspects, this study focuses on a specific Source: Creative commons, 2008 [14]
application aimed at making changes in the studied reality by
Rodríguez-Barón et al / Revista DYNA, 88(218), pp. 9-18, July - September, 2021.
Table 1.
Minimum values for the properties of A36 steel established by the ASTM
ASTM A36 properties
Drainage stress (MPa) 250
Maximum tensile stress (MPa) 400
Elongation at break (%)
Source: MatWeb, 2019.
Rodríguez-Barón et al / Revista DYNA, 88(218), pp. 9-18, July - September, 2021.
Table 2. Table 4.
Minimum values for the properties of A36 steel established by the ASTM Mesh properties of the rotating handle.
standard. Mesh properties
Volumetric properties Mesh type Solid mesh
Mass (Kg) 5.64708 Used mesh Standard mesh
Volume (m3) 0.000773573 Jacobian Points 4 Points
Density (Kg/m3) 7300 Item size 5.88017 mm
Weight (N) 55.3414 Tolerance 0.294008 mm
Material properties Total number of nodes 55853
Name Cast steel alloy Total number of items 30514
Model type Linear elastic isotropic % of elements whose proportion is less than 3 97.1
Elastic limit (N/m2) 2.41275 e+8 % of elements whose aspect ratio is greater than 10 0.0197
Traction limit (N/m2) 4.48083 e+8 Source: Prepared by the authors
Elastic module (N/m2) 1.9 e+11
Poisson's ratio 0.26
Density (Kg/m3) 7300
Shear module (N/m2) 7.8 e+10
The properties considered for the prototype are shown in Table 4.
Coef. thermal expansion (K-1) 1.5 e-5
Source: Prepared by the authors 5.2.2. Analysis of the rotating handle simulation
Rodríguez-Barón et al / Revista DYNA, 88(218), pp. 9-18, July - September, 2021.
Table 5.
Static analysis of stresses and displacements.
Resulting Forces
Reaction forces
Set of selections X Y Z Module
Whole model (N) 1500.04 3.85303 -0.0731659 1500.05
Reaction moments
Set of selections X Y Z Module
Whole model (N) 0 0 0 0
Minimum Maximum
Figure 14. A triangular mesh of the fixing bracket.
6.478e+3 N/m2(node: 28611) 4.674e+8 N/m2(node: 51062)
Source: Prepared by the authors
Minimum Maximum
0.0 mm (node: 613) 3.356e-1 mm (node: 28366)
Source: Prepared by the Authors Table 7.
Mesh properties of the fixing bracket.
Mesh properties
Mesh type Solid mesh
Used mesh Standard mesh
Jacobian Points 4 Points
Item size 3.18936 mm
Tolerance 0.159468 mm
Total number of nodes 29753
Total number of items 19365
% of elements whose proportion is less than 3 100%
% of elements whose aspect ratio is greater than 10 0
Source: Prepared by the Authors
Table 8.
Figure 13. Fixing bracket. Resulting Forces of the fixing bracket.
Source: Prepared by the authors Resulting Forces
Reaction forces
Set of selections X Y Z Module
Whole model (N) 0.0351877 750.005 0.00419164 750.005
Table 5 shows the results found in Solidworks for Reaction moments
displacement and stress analysis. Set of selections X Y Z Module
Whole model (N) 0 0 0 0
5.2.4. Fixing bracket simulation Tensions
Minimum Maximum
The fixing bracket (Fig. 13) is one of the most critical 1.006e+3 N/m2 (node: 91) 1.460e+7 N/m2 (node: 29656)
parts, as it is the non-contact intermediate between an engine Source: Prepared by the authors
and the swing clamping ring.
Besides, the fixing bracket absorbs the movements of
the ring with fixing properties (Table 6), the maneuverer The percentage of elements whose proportion is less than
gain, or the engine hanger's weight. This part is ready in the 3 is 100%, which means an excellent type of mesh, due to the
position of resistance and obtaining optimum results in part's geometry. (Table 7)
terms of use.
5.3 Static analysis of stresses, displacements, and
5.2.5 Fixing bracket mesh deformations.
As shown in the Fig. 14, the fixing bracket mesh is As it is presented in Table 8, the result of a stress analysis
triangular. carried out to the fixing bracket shows that the maximum
strength before accepting rupture is 1.460e + 7 N/m2.
Table 6. As show in Fig. 15, the fixing bracket provides excellent
Load properties and fasteners.
dispersion of stress loads throughout the rest of the part.
Resulting forces
Reaction forces
Set of selections X Y Z Module 5.4 Static analysis of displacement and deformations of the
Reaction forces 0.0351877 750.005 0.00419164 750.005 fixing bracket
0 0 0 0
In the Fig 16 it is shown the results of the displacement
Fixing details
Entities Type Value analysis, it can be seen that it does not represent a significant
One face Application of the normal force 750 N effort for the fixing bracket.
Source: Prepared by the authors
Rodríguez-Barón et al / Revista DYNA, 88(218), pp. 9-18, July - September, 2021.
Table 10.
Mesh properties
Minimum Maximum
0.0 mm (node: 844) 7.170e-3 mm (node: 448)
Minimum Maximum
2.696e-9 (node: 6096) 5.277e-5 (node: 13527)
Source: Prepared by the authors
Figure 17. Static analysis of the fixing bracket - Deformations. Coef. thermal expansion (K-1) 1.5 e-5
Source: Prepared by the Authors
Source: Prepared by the Authors
Rodríguez-Barón et al / Revista DYNA, 88(218), pp. 9-18, July - September, 2021.
6. Discussion
Rodríguez-Barón et al / Revista DYNA, 88(218), pp. 9-18, July - September, 2021.
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