Lecture 8

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Lecture 8

Advanced In-situ construction methods

(Tilt-up construction )
- This method is similar to the lift slab in terms of they are casted and then lifted to their
normal positions.
- This method is used in the USA.
- It is used in multi-storey buildings.
- It is characterized by the possibility of casting the walls horizontally on the ground level
or on a concrete slab, and then adjusting the wall to take its normal vertical position by
tilting and raising upwards from two adjacent corners.
- And then it is fixed on its position
- The slab of the next ceiling is used as a floor on which the walls of the next floor is
casted horizontally.

Construction design of the tilt up system:

- It is one of the methods that depend on the pre-casting in the site.
- The walls and columns are casted in the horizontal position and then adjusted to its
normal position.
- It must be taken into account when designing the wall panels, that they resist the forces
that are exposed to them. (lifting and pulling it to its place)
Wall joints:

Column joints:
Advantages of the tilt up system:

- This method doesn’t require the use of wooden formworks to cast the walls, but it is
casted on a horizontal plane.
- This method can be used with the lift slab system, i.e. using the lift slab system in casting
walls and lifting it with tilt up system.
- This method is suitable for single-storey buildings, and can be implemented with multi
storey but with some restrictions. (the height of the building may reach 8 floors)

Notes on tilt-up system:

- The reinforced concrete wall panels are casted lying down over a previously casted slab,
that serves as a smooth work surface.
- When the wall panels have cured to sufficient strength, they are tilted up into vertical
position by a crane, and then grouted together.
- The elimination of most of the wall formworks, result in formwork costs that are less than
5 percent of the cost of the overall system, so making tilt up construction, economically
better for single storey building. ‫الت‬‫ينتج عن التخلص من معظم قوالب الجدران تكاليف صب الخرسانة ي‬
‫ مما يجعل البناء المائل أفضل اقتصاديا للمبت المكون من طابق واحد‬، ‫الكل‬
‫ يف المائة من تكلفة النظام ي‬5 ‫تقل عن‬.
- Most tilt up panel construction is for walls no taller than 45 feet (13.7m), but it is possible
to get until 100 feet (30 m) panels.
- Tilt up wall panels can be casted as a sandwich panels, with plastic insulation to create
panels with greater thermal efficiency. ‫ مع‬، ‫شطية‬ ‫ر‬ ‫يمكن صب األلواح الجدارية المائلة عل شكل ألواح‬
‫بالستيك إلنشاء ألواح ذات كفاءة حرارية أكي‬
‫ي‬ ‫عزل‬.

Slides 17-30 .. projects by tilt up system in USA and Canada.

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