Diaphragm + Abdominal Aorta + IVC + Liver

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C opening
Central Tendon
Oesophageal opening

Aortic Opening

Coeliac trunk Kidney

Sup. Mesenteric artery

Lt. common iliac
Inf. Mesenteric artery

Lt. External iliac artery

Median Sacral Artery Lt. Internal iliac artery

Rectum Ureter Lt. Gonadal Vessels

Urinary Bladder

o Nerve supply:
Phrenic Nerves (motor)
Branches from lower 6 or 7 inter-costal nerves (sensory )
o Openings:
Opening Vena cava opening Esophageal opening Aortic opening
Vertebral level T8 T10 T12
1" to the Rt. Of the middle line 1" to the Lt. of middle line piercing In the middle line behind the median
Position piercing the central tendon the Rt. Crus of diaphragm. arcuate lig. Of diaphragm.
1- I.V.C. 1- Esophagus. 1- Descending Aorta.
2- Rt. Phrenic n. 2- The ant. & post. Gastric nn. 2- Azygos vein.
Structures passing 3- Lymphatics from the liver to 3- Esophageal br. Of Lt. Gastric a. 3- Thoracic duct.
thoracic L.Ns

Abdominal aorta:
o Origin: at aor9c opening of diaphragm at level of T12 as con9nua9on of descending thoracic aorta.
o Termination: lower border of L4.
o Branches:
Vertebral level Single branches Paired branches
Upper border of L1 Coeliac trunk (from the front) Rt. & Lt. inf. Phrenic aa. (from sides)
Lower border of L1 Sup. Mesenteric a (from the front) Rt. & Lt. middle supra renal aa. (from sides)
L2 ------------------------------------- Rt. & Lt. renal arteries. (from sides)
L3 Inf. Mesenteric a. (from the front) Rt. & Lt. gonadal arteries (antro-lat. Aspect)
L4 Median sacral a. (back of abd. Aorta) Rt. & Lt. common iliac aa. (Terminal brs.)

Inferior Vena Cava

o Origin: in front of body of L5 by the union of Rt. & Lt. Common iliac.
o Termination: in the thorax by piercing the fibrous pericardium to open in the right atrium opposite the 6 sterno-costal junction.
o Tributaries:
2 common iliac vv.
rd th
2 pairs of lumber veins (3 lumbar "Rt. & Lt." + 4 lumbar "Rt. & Lt.")
2 renal veins.
2 Right sided veins: (Rt. Supra renal + Rt. Gonadal vein)
2 inferior phrenic veins.
2 hepa9c veins.

Renal veins NB: the Lt. renal vein is longer than the Rt. Renal vein and vice versa with the arteries.
Spleenic artery
Spleenic vein

Inf. Mesenteric vein Portal vein

Common bile duct

Sup mesenteric artery
Sup mesenteric vein

Root of mesentry

Oesophyegeal Caudate lobe
impression Inferior vena cava
Portal Vein

Gastric impression
Hepatic artery

Rt. kidney


2 part of duodenum
Ligamentum teres

Rt. Colic flexure

1- Lesser omentum
2- Pyluorodudenal junction
3- Transverse colon
Gall Bladder

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