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Injera is fermented Ethiopian ethnic traditional staple food prepared usually form teff flour [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.)
Trotter]. Almost all the Ethiopians consume this food at least once in a day. Injera preparation composed of many
steps, starting from grain preparation to baking; these all steps are still performing with indigenous knowledge with
traditional practices. This Ethiopian national super food appreciating in many western countries due to the superior
nutritional properties, especially lack of gluten and good mineral compositions (Rich of Iron). Research on injera
preparation from composite flours for nutritional enhancement and sensory quality improvements were took lion
share in reported scientific research. However, limited research was reported on preservation of injera by chemical
ingredients and natural species, microbes involved in fermentation and spoilage. In addition, very fewer studies
were reported on effect of milling quality of injera seed and role of fermentation on anti-nutritional factors
degradation. However, scientific review to show the injera traditional practice and scientific research undertaken in
this area is hardly found. In considering above all, this review is under taken with objective to review the traditional
ethnic practice and scientific research reported on injera preparation.
Keywords: Absit, Composite flour, Ethnic staple food, Ethiopian bread, ersho, Injera, shiro, wot
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Neela and Fanta Journal of Ethnic Foods (2020) 7:32 Page 2 of 15
origin [14] and domestication [15]. Teff was reported ex- pans of injera and “shiro” (a stew with lentils) (Fig. 2 A)
tensive distribution in high elevation and rainfall regions dated back to the 600 AD [25].
of central, eastern and southern Africa. Now, nutri- Ethiopians have special beliefs and attitudes towards
tionists considered teff as an ancient and “super to the foods in this regard; injera’s role in Ethiopian cul-
grain”. Teff cultivation has also reported in some ture is significant and prestigious. In Ethiopia, people al-
other parts of the world like, USA, South Africa, ways celebrate national and religious holidays including
Australia, India, Kenya, Eritrea, Djibouti, south- their family gatherings like marriage, birthday, and death
eastern Sudan and Netherlands [16]. ceremonies. In all the situations injera makes majority of
Teff appreciated for balanced nutrition properties, re- the food in lunch and dinner times. However, the dried
ported to possess protein in the range of 9.4–13.3% by injera is reconstituted in to a spicy, usually vegan diet
superior equilibrium in essential amino acids like leu- constitutes of garlic and tomato sauce consumed in
cine, valine, proline, alanine, glutamic and aspartic acids breakfast called as “firfir”. Injera usually consumes with
are the major. In case of the carbohydrates, 73% of “wot”, it is a traditional dish made from the mix of vege-
starch present in whole kernel stored as multilateral tables, meat, different spices and sauces. Usually, “wot”
starch granules in the endosperm of the grain [15]. Teff served on the top of the injera. Ethiopian Orthodox
reported 2.6–3.0 % of ash, and 2.0–3.1% of lipid [15, 17] Christians follows the fasting in different months in the
with rich amounts of minerals like Iron, Calcium, Zinc, holidays like Easter and Christmas. At these fasting days
Magnesium than other cereals [18]. The nutritional they strictly follows the vegan diet, at this duration injera
composition of the Teff and teff injera from USDA data consumes with wot prepared by the lentils called as
base is presented in Table 1 [19, 20] “shiro” along with different boiled vegetables and pasta
In certain aspects, teff injera was considered greater to (Fig. 2 E) served on a beautiful basket called as “mesob”.
wheat bread and has possible nutritional importance. Teff In addition, injera is still a major diet for migrant Ethio-
is the most well-liked grain for preparation of injera, even pians to different western countries. This is evident from
though additional grains such as sorghum, maize, barley, the availability of the Ethiopian restaurants and injera in
wheat and finger millets reported to use occasionally. Usu- western countries where Ethiopian migrant’s populations
ally, injera is consumed along with the stew called as “wot” are more.
[21]. The term wot meaning is ‘wet’ in Amharic language, Traditionally meal (injera) in Ethiopia consumed in
the resemblance English meaning is a stew. The stew is the communal plate (known 2-3 people eats in one plate
made from vegetables and animal meat and served with with same injera) it shows their relation, closeness and
injera. “Doro-wot” is a stew prepared from chicken, on- friendship. Amhara people in Bahir Dar region (Fig. 1)
ions, red pepper, spices, butter and water. “Shiro” is a have a strong belief that, the woman who prepares the
most common wot prepared from lentils, pulses, spices, best quality of the injera is considered as good at domes-
red pepper etc [22]. However, injera also consumes com- tic management. Similarly, the women who prepared in-
monly with cooked meat, boiled vegetables like beat root, jera with good eyes compared with honey bee and
cabbage, potato, spinach, kale, etc. The honey-comb like denote that, she is very hard working in nature. Also, in-
eyes help in the grasping of wot which soaks into the jera has unique role in baptism ceremony of the new
pores on the surface of injera [23]. born child in orthodox Christians in Bahir dar city. In
In Ethiopia still the injera preparation and consump- this ceremony some families practice roiling of baby in
tion carrying by traditional practices only. However, sci- injera and they believe that, this act provides bright fu-
entific research on areas like injera from composite ture and good fortune for the children. In addition, the
flour; microbiological properties and preservation were orthodox churches the priest consumes injera after fin-
reported. In this regards, the objective of this paper is to ishing the prayers, before leaving the church which is
review the traditional practice and scientific research re- provided by the group of church members and these
lated to the injera preparation. members feel this activity as a devotional. In Amhara re-
gion, elders gift injera to younger and blessed to have
great fortune.
History, cultural and Ethnic Aspects of Injera Similarly, in marriage, birth ceremonies near and dear
According to the Stewart and Getachew [1], the history gusts bring injera to the host and considering that this
of injera preparation is a mistery, however, they reported provides good feature. In case of the death ceremonies,
that from unpublished sources injera dated back to the people take injera in mesob to support the family of the
100 B.C. In case of the teff grain, the history was dated death person (Fig. 2 F). Few groups in the Amhara re-
back to the 3350 BC, archeologists reported the presence gion believe that if a person’s dreams injera consump-
of teff grain in Egypt pyramids [24]. However, some au- tion in sleep considered as a good sign for the future. In
thors are reported the evidence of excavated cooking Ethiopia graduation ceremony is having a special role in
Neela and Fanta Journal of Ethnic Foods (2020) 7:32 Page 3 of 15
Table 1: Nutritional composition of Teff injera and Teff grain (red) per 100 g
Name of the component Unit Teff Injera Teff grain
Water g 76.02 8.82
Energy kcal 88 367
Protein g 3.48 2.38
Total Fat g 0.83 2.37
Carbohydrate g 18.31 73.13
Total dietary Fiber g 2.7 8
Starch g NR 36.56
Calcium mg 13 180
Iron mg 1.03 7.63
Magnesium mg 64 184
Phosphorus mg 89 429
Potassium mg 152 427
Sodium mg 229 12
Zinc mg 0.85 3.63
Copper mg 0.14 0.81
Manganese mg NR 9.24
Selenium μg 1.5 4.4
Thiamin mg 0.174 0.39
Riboflavin mg 0.076 0.27
Niacin mg 1.711 3.363
Pantothenic acid mg NR 0.942
Vitamin B6 mg 0.143 0.482
Total Folate μg 29 NR
Lutein + zeaxanthin μg 49 66
Vitamin E mg 0.08 0.08
Vitamin K μg 1.7 1.9
Fatty acids
Total saturated Fatty acids g 0.177 0.449
Total monounsaturated Fatty acids g 0.272 0.589
Total polyunsaturated Fatty acids g 0.236 1.071
Amino acids
Tryptophan g NR 0.139
Threonine g NR 0.51
Isoleucine g NR 0.501
Leucine g NR 1.068
Lysine g NR 0.376
Methionine g NR 0.428
Cystine g NR 0.236
Phenylalanine g NR 0.698
Tyrosine g NR 0.458
Valine g NR 0.686
Arginine g NR 0.517
Neela and Fanta Journal of Ethnic Foods (2020) 7:32 Page 4 of 15
Table 1: Nutritional composition of Teff injera and Teff grain (red) per 100 g (Continued)
Name of the component Unit Teff Injera Teff grain
Histidine g NR 0.301
Alanine g NR 0.747
Aspartic acid g NR 0.82
Glutamic acid g NR 3.349
Glycine g NR 0.477
Proline g NR 0.664
Serine g NR 0.622
Source: USDA Food data base [19, 20]
NR= Not reported
Calculated by difference method
celebrations. Guests bring injera to the graduate along no wages for the work. A mesob (a injera placing basket)
with the traditional beverages like “Talla”, “Arake” and is printed on the 10 bir note (Ethiopian currency), it
all people celebrate the host’s graduation. Similarly, Ethi- shows the importance of injera in Ethiopian culture as a
opian coffee ceremony is the very famous and celebrates national food (Fig. 2 C, D).
in different holidays, in this ceremony injera used to dis-
tribute to the gust along with the coffee.
Particularly, in the rural areas the agriculture activities Traditional practices in Injera preparation
like harvesting and post harvest processing are shared by The ratio of the teff and different other grains in the in-
neighbors or small community. The person used the ser- jera depends on the traditional practices, previous ex-
vice of the neighbors in these activities at the time of perience, family financial status and family practices.
meal serves injera with different traditional drinks as the Teff is a major cereal and millets, barley, wheat, sor-
token of love and thankfulness. In all such cases there is ghum, maize are reported to use in different
Fig. 1 The Map of the Bahir dar city in Amhara region, Ethiopia
Neela and Fanta Journal of Ethnic Foods (2020) 7:32 Page 5 of 15
Fig. 2 Some of the pictures showed the historical evidences and the traditional practice of injera in Ethiopia. A. Injera cooking in a mitad (left) and spicy wot
cooking in a clay pot from the findings of an early 1970s excavation of Aksumite mitads, placing them in the late fifth or sixth centuries, thus some time before
600 AD (Source: Harry Kloman 2013, [25]); B. Ethiopian carrying injera in mesob on his head (Source: Harry Kloman 2013, [25]); C & D. The Ethiopian currency 10
birr note printed with misob, a traditional injera serving basket handmade with specific grass and threads; E. Injera placed on the the beautiful messob served
with different; F. This is the image shows that the near and dear carrying the injera in misob to a funeral happening in the next village (Marian 2011, [26])
Fig. 3 The traditional teff flour fermentation process for injera preparation. The traditional fermentation of the teff flour is very important for the
preparation of the injera. In the process, the teff flour is mixed with the water and a seed culture (Ersho) from the previous batch. The mixture
will be fermented from 2-3 days for primary fermentation. After the primary fermentation a portion of the batter mixed and boiled to produce
absit. The prepared absit mixes back to the primary fermented batter and allowed for secondary fermentation for 2 hours. Finally batter is ready
for injera preparations
Neela and Fanta Journal of Ethnic Foods (2020) 7:32 Page 6 of 15
proportions. The traditional preparation of injera batter fermentation which allowed for about 2 h. After adding,
was presented in Fig. 3. Depending on the requirements, absit develops the gas formation and causes the paste to
grains used to prepare by removing the inferior quality rise [40]. Adding absit is also critical to develop the de-
grains and dust like chuff and other unwanted materials. sired texture and consistency, as injera made without
Further, all the cereals used to converts into flour by the absit tends to be powdery and have fewer eyes which are
commercial mills (disc mills are the commonly used). It not liked by Ethiopian consumers. It is conformed that,
is a practice to mix one part of flour with two parts of teff, millet, and corn are the only grains that require
water and about 16 % “ersho” by weight of the flour [22, absit during the process of making injera [29]. Finally,
27, 28]. The container used to mix the components researchers reported that absit has a significant influence
called as “bohaka” which made of clay, metal or wooden on the physico-chemical and sensory quality of injera.
container. The flour, water and ersho are meticulously Once fermented batter is ready after the successful pri-
mixed by hand stirring to form a thin, watery paste and mary and secondary fermentations, injera griddled by
left for primary fermentation around 30 to 72 hours pouring about two-third liter of the batter onto the hot
[28]. However, the fermentation time depends on the greased plate known as “metad” (injera griddle made of
altitude (which determines the temperature) of the area, clay) using circular movement from the peripheries to
the concentration of the ersho and the type of the con- the center (Fig. 4 C, D), by closing a lid known as
tainer used [27]. Scientific study reported that, ersho “kidan” (Fig. 4E). For this poring process a special plastic
contained 96.4% moisture, 0.05 mg riboflavin/100 g, and device used known as “Mazoria” (Fig. 4 A). It was re-
0.4 mg of niacin/ 100 g [29]. Ashenafi reported the pH ported that, injera cooks about 2-3 minutes at metad
of ersho samples was about 3.5 and titratable acidity was temperature of 90-95 oC [41]. Rapeseed oil is a common
ranged among 3.1% - 5.7% [30]. lubricant used to grease the metad between each injera
Some researchers used varying amounts of teff flour to baking. Several layers of injera traditionally stored in a
water ratio in teff flour fermentation. The flour to water ‘messob’ (traditional straw basket) (Fig. 4 H, I) with tight
ratio varies in literature from 1:1 to 2:3. The flour: water packing in polythene cover. It is a traditional practice for
ratio of 1:1 was used by Abraha, et al., (2013) [31], 1:2 preservation of injera for three days in a cool, dry and
was used by Ashagrie and Abate, (2012) [28], Girma ventilated place.
et al., (2013) [27] and Abiyu et al., (2013) [32] , while a
ratio of 2:3 was used by Zegeye (1997) [22], 1:1.6 was
Scientific Research on Injera
used by Girma et al., (1989) and Mary et al., (1989) [33,
Limited research was reported on the major areas of in-
34]. The time for ceases finest fermentation considered
jera preparation. One of the well studied parts was de-
by the gas formation and the dough and small portion of
velopment of injera from composite flours for the
the liquid phase separation on the surface [1]. Time re-
improved nutritional and sensory quality. In contrast,
quired for the fermentation effected by diverse factors
limited research reported on microbial characterization
like, microbial flora of ersho and flour, fermentation
of the fermented batter, preservation of injera, degrad-
temperature and the cleanliness of the container used.
ation of the anti-nutritional factors and effect of process-
After about 48 to 72 hours of primary fermentation,
ing methods on quality of the injera. However, research
fraction of the fermented mix is gelatinized by cooking
on the energy requirements, development of the injera
to form “absit” which usually used to added back to the
cooking pans were developed and reported well. More-
fermentation batter (in primary fermentation), this step
over, a well reviewed document on the injera baking
initiates the ‘secondary fermentation’. Mihrete, (2019)
technologies was published by Adem and Ambie (2017)
[35], Zegeye, (1997) [22], Desiye et al., (2017) [36],
[42]. The following sections are composed of the re-
Wendy Darling Attuquayefio, (2014) [23], Beruk and
search reported on the scientific research done on differ-
Fasil (2017) [37], Ronda, (2019) [38] used 10% of Absit
ent aspects of injera.
in their research studies. However, there is a difference
in the water ratio and time and cooking temperature
used for preparation of absit. In contrast, few studies like Scientific studies reported on Composite flours for injera
Chemeda & Bussa, (2018) used 200 ml of the fermented As the injera preparation usually only from the cereals,
mixture was added with 400 ml of water and brought to nutritionists are evaluated injera is limited in protein
boiled and added back to 1kg of original flour [39]. Fi- and rich with anti-nutritional factors like tannins. How-
nally, the most of the researchers concluded that, absit is ever, due to the high price of the teff, preparations of
a gruel work as a dough binder in the course of second- the injera with the other low cost alternatives were in-
ary fermentation of dough. vestigated. Some researchers were investigated the af-
After cooling back to about 46°C, absit reported to be fects of functional ingredients like fenugreek and
mixed into fermenting vat for the second phase of flaxseed on injera nutritional and sensory quality.
Neela and Fanta Journal of Ethnic Foods (2020) 7:32 Page 7 of 15
Fig. 4 The baking process of the injera. The properly fermented batter is very important for the preparation of injera. After the secondary fermentation
the batter filled to the pouring device called as “Mazoria” The batter will be poured on hot baking pan called as “Metad” from outer part to inner and
covered with a lid called as “Kidan”. The injera after cooked enough it will remove from the pan and packed “ Measob”. Usually, injera will be preserved
for 3 days. A. Fermented batter filling in to pouring device known as “Mazoria”; B. Pouring the injera batter on to hot baking pan known as “Metad”
from periphery to center; C, D. Pouring the batter on to the “Metad”; E. Covering with the lid at the time of baking known as “Kidan”; F. Baked injera
ready to remove from the pan; G. Baked injera removed from “Metad”; H, I. Packing the injera in polythene sheet to pack in to “Mesob” (a traditional
storage made with hard grass); J. Injera served with different boiled vegetables and stew
Lamesgen Yegrem, (2019) was conducted a recent 10% barley. However, sensory adequacy was reported to
study to investigate the effect of lupine flour (Australian decrease with rise in the proportion of amaranths and
sweet lupine and Ethiopian Dibettered lupine seed) barley. The overall optimum point was reported in a
blending ratios on physico-chemical quality and sensory range of Amaranth of 12.5–60%, Barely of 0–10% and
acceptability of injera. In this study reported that the teff of 40–77.5%. Finally, concluded that blending of teff,
crude protein content highly increased (11.78 to 18.84 amaranths, and barley flours can improve the proximate
%) as the proportion of lupines increased. Iron, zinc and and mineral composition of injera [44].
calcium contents were reported higher than injera with- Mihrete, (2019) determined effect of the faba bean (5-
out the lupine flours. Sensory acceptability of blended 15%), sorghum (20-30%) and teff (55-70%) flour combi-
injera was reduced after lupine ratio was increased above nations and fermentation time (24, 48 and 72 h) on min-
10%. Rollability and eye distribution were reported eral contents and sensory quality of injera. High
higher for composite injera from dibettered lupine rather concentration of Fe (22.66 mg/100 g), Zn (23.81 mg/100
than Australian sweet lupine [43]. Whereas, Woldemar- g) and Ca (187.25 mg/100 g) contents were reported in
iam et al., (2019) evaluated amaranths (0–60%), teff (40– injera prepared with 55% teff, 30% sorghum and 15%
100%), barley (0–20%) flour combinations on nutritional faba bean, fermented for 72 h. Sensory adequacy of in-
and sensory adequacy of injera. Protein and gross en- jera scored a mean rating well above the average accept-
ergy, calcium, iron and zinc contents were reported to ability. Finally, Mihrete, (2019) reported that, most
increase as the rise in amaranth flour concentration and favored injera by assessors was teff flour combined with
addition of barley reported rise in the carbohydrate of 20% sorghum and 10% faba bean flours fermented for 72
injera. Overall optimum concentration with protein h [35].
(11.84–14.60%), carbohydrate (74.39–79.71%), Energy Daka et al., (2019) evaluated the effect of fenugreek
(363.68–381.22 kcal/100 g), Fe (29.34–42.44 mg/100 g), (roasted, germinated and raw) on phyto-chemical con-
and Ca (177.42 −430.47 mg/100 g) of injera was reported tents and antioxidant capacity of teff injera. The max-
in a range of 40–77.5% teff, 12.5–60% amaranths and 0– imum total flavonoid content (117.4 mg/g) and total
Neela and Fanta Journal of Ethnic Foods (2020) 7:32 Page 8 of 15
condensed tannin content (18.44 mg/g) were reported in color and overall acceptability had shown decreasing by
injera prepared with 5% roasted and 5% raw fenugreek. increasing the quinoa compositions. Finally, in this re-
The 5% roasted fenugreek substituted injera showed search concluded that up to 30% quinoa flour can in-
strongest anti-oxidant properties than control. Finally, corporate to teff flour with good nutritional profiles
researchers concluded the substitution of processed without adverse effect on sensory attributes of teff-
fenugreek flour with teff flour reported enhancement in quinoa injera [49].
antioxidant ability and total flavonoid composition than Abraha & Abay (2017) evaluated the sensory proper-
raw fenugreek flour added injera [45]. In addition, Daka ties of injera made from combination of diverse cereals
et al., (2019) determined the effect 5% germinated fenu- (Teff, barley, sorghum and maize) in the proportion of
greek substitution on injera in other study. Similarly, re- 100, 75, 50 and 25%. The outcome of their research re-
sults showed the highest crude protein (15.90%), crude vealed that cereal flour blends in injera reported the non
fiber (3.42%) and ash (2.86 %) crude fat content (11.90 significant variation in texture, mouth feel, and overall
%) for the injera prepared with 5% raw fenugreek- acceptability, colour, taste and the appearance of injera
substituted. 5% roasted fenugreek-substituted injera had surface eyes. From this study results concluded that,
reported the highest Ca (168.7 mg/100 g), Mg (16.3 mg/ quality of injera prepared with teff and other cereals
100 g), Zn (2.0 mg/100 g) and Fe (2.45 mg/100 g). Injera ranked next to merely teff [50].
with 1% fenugreek rated as more overall sensory accept- Beruk and Fasil, (2017) determined the effect of blend-
able than that of 5% [46]. ing ratio of cassava (up to 30%) on nutritional, physico-
Tamene et al., (2019) assessed the total folate contents chemical property and sensory adequacy of injera. Cas-
of teff flour, fermented batter and injera by microbial as- sava addition reported to significantly reduce all macro
says using Lactobacillus rhamnosus (ATCC 7469). Folate nutrients except carbohydrate. From this study outcome
content of teff flour was determined as 8.7 μg/100 g and reported that, all sensory attributes were significantly af-
reported as similar with oats (Consider as folate rich ce- fected due to increased cassava flour except color. In-
reals), however injera reported as 14.3 μg/100 g. Re- creasing the amount of cassava improved the water
searchers were reported as the increase in folate content absorption capacity [37].
and showed high variability (60–148%). Cooking process Ghebrehiwot et al., (2016) determined the adequacy of
of injera reported loss (52.8%) in the folate content. In injera prepared by grains of a closely related but underu-
this research they concluded that injera fermentation re- tilized grass, Eragrostis curvula (Schrad) and 0, 5, 10% of
ported to augmented folate retention raged as 38.0 and sorghum flour. Nutritional profile of E. curvula was re-
121.8% [47]. ported twice the amount of crude protein than teff. E.
Similarly, Chemeda & Bussa, (2018) evaluated the ef- curvula also contains fat, fiber and minerals better than
fect of amaranth grain addition on injera quality. From teff. Injera made of teff and E. curvula flours showed
this research injera reported that, amaranths grain non-significant differences in taste, texture, appearance
addition had developed more accepted colour, consist- and overall acceptability. This study suggested that E.
ently dispersed eyes, non-sticky and soft surface [39]. In curvula has the potential to serve as a novel source of
other study, Cherie et al., (2018) reported the gluten-free flour for human consumption. Agronomical
optimization study of injera made from blends of teff reports suggested that cultivation of E. curvula is more
(70–100%), maize (0–30%) and rice (0–30%). In this advantageous among the small scale farmers on marginal
study reported that, minerals (mg/100 g) in injera varied lands due to the capability of harvest seeds twice a year
from Iron: 17.7 to 25.1 Zinc: 1.62–2.10, and Calcium: (unlike teff) and tolerance to the acidic soils (better than
25.9 to 51.1. Sensory acceptability of color, taste, texture, teff) [51].
number of eyes, eye size, eye distribution, top & bottom Abera et al., (2016) prepared injera by incorporation of
surface and overall acceptability were reported superior taro flour (Colocasia esculenta) in to teff flour. Results
for injera from blends. Optimum compositions for the were reported that, sensory properties of injera were re-
injera with the best acceptable color, overall sensory ac- ported lower with the rise in taro levels. The proximate
ceptability reported as 70% teff, 0% maize and 30% rice composition of the injera reported that, moisture con-
with a desirability of 0.909 [48]. tent, protein, crude fiber, fat and carbohydrate was re-
For the first time, Agza, et al., (2018) reported the qui- ported not statically differences. In contrast, ash content
noa flour substitution in injera preparation. The overall showed a significance difference. The optimum point for
essential amino acid profile of the teff and quinoa injera sensory and proximate composition for injera prepar-
considered as well-balanced. Quinoa replacement from 0 ation was 15:85 for taro and teff, respectively [52].
to 40%, reported the protein, fat, fiber and ash contents Girma, et al., (2013) reported the effect of teff flour
of the injera was increased. In case of sensory attributes mix with flaxseed on mineral content, antioxidant activ-
for taste, aroma, rollability, eyes evenness, underneath ity, phytic acid content and microbial quality of injera.
Neela and Fanta Journal of Ethnic Foods (2020) 7:32 Page 9 of 15
The results were reported that, functional character Ethiopian consumers and had very good keeping qual-
enhanced by substitution with whole flaxseed and ities [55]..
flour of flaxseed and 3%, 6% and 9% flaxseed incorp- Cherinet, (1993) prepared a composite flour with inex-
oration levels. Injera with whole and powdered flax- pensive cereal grains for making injera. Sixty four com-
seed showed a significant effect on minerals, binations were baked; their physical characteristics and
antioxidant properties, phytic acid and microbial qual- shelf-life properties were tested. The best composition
ity of injera. From this study reported that, 9% flax- was determined as teff (35%), wheat (25%) and sorghum
seed substitution increased the antioxidant power, (40%) for the best sensorial properties. The authors are
Zinc and Calcium contents. In contrast phytic acid reported that, 27% of the cost reduction was reported in
and Iron contents were deceased as compared to the the injera by the prepared composites [56].
control [27]. Similarly, Girma, et al., (2013) in other From the research reported on the composite flour
study reported flaxseed incorporation had a consid- cleared that, type of the composition, quantity affected
ered impact on moisture, fiber, titratable acidity, pH on the injera physical, sensory and compositional prop-
of the injera. The flaxseed-substituted injera sensory erties as the composition and quantities are varied.
attributes were reported statistically significant differ-
ent with control. Rise in flaxseed levels reported the Studies reported on the microbiology of injera
increase in sensory scores for rollability, sourness, fermentation
odour, flavour and overall acceptability, in contrast, Tadesse et al., (2019) reported yeast is responsible for in-
colour, injera eyes and underneath colour scores de- jera fermentation also they identified Pichia fermentans,
creased. Finally, reported that, 9% whole flaxseed flour Pichia occidentalis, Candida humilis, Saccharomyces cer-
partial replacement of teff flour had showed improve- evisiae, and Kazachstania bulderi species in fermented
ment in nutritional composition and functional prop- injera batter. This study has confirmed the presence of
erties includes the dietary fiber, ω-3 fatty acid, different yeast species in the fermented mix and con-
proteins, lignans and antioxidant proportion [2]. formed the complex nature of injera dough fermentation
Abraha et al., (2013) investigated the differences in in- [57]. Desiye & Abegaz, (2013) reported the microbial
jera quality by addition of different variety of barley and composition of 34 injera batter samples, and identified
teff. Significant variation in sensory quality were re- 107 lactic acid bacteria strains (LAB) and 68 yeast strains
ported for two barley varieties (Haftusene and Himblil were isolated and identified. The LAB strains were iden-
2011) [31]. tified was Pediococcus pentosaceus (49.53%), Lactobacil-
Mohammed, et al., (2011) was carried the research to lus fermentum (28.04%), Lactococcus piscium (5.61%),
evaluate nutritional value of sorghum flour incorpor- Lactococcus plantarum (4.67%), Pediococcus acidilactici
ation in injera. From this research revealed that injera (3.74%), Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteriodes
with sorghum flour posses lower protein, ash and fat (2.80%), Lactococcus raffinolactis (2.80%), L. mesenter-
contents but high in fiber content. Moreover, injera was iodes subsp. dextranicum (1.87%), Enterococcus cassiifla-
found to have significantly higher in energy (389.08 vus (0.93%), and the yeast strains comprised
Kcal/100g) lower in anti-nutritional factors. Injera with Saccharomyces cerevisiae (48.53%), Candida humilis
sorghum flour reported with appreciable amount of (22.06%), Candida tropicalis (17.65%), Saccharomyces
amino acids except Arginine and Tyrosine [53]. exiguus (7.35%) and Pichia norvegensis (4.4%) [58].
Yetneberk, et al., (2004) studied the effects of 12 sor- Desiye et al., (2017) collected 34 batter samples and
ghum cultivar on injera quality. Form this study they reported the total aerobic mesophilic count, Lactic acid
concluded that sorghum cultivar type was significantly bacteria and yeast increased by about 3 log cycles until
affects injera making quality. Cultivars like AW (floury 48 hr fermentation, while reported the decrease of En-
endosperm), 3443-2-op and 76TI #23 (intermediate), terobacteriaceae below detectable levels after 18 hr due
and PGRC/E #69349 (with more vitreous endosperm) to the low pH of the teff batter [36], this trend was re-
were generally associated with soft, rollable and fluffy ported by Fischer et al., (2014). In their study isolated 76
positive attributes of injera [54]. isolates from 13 different fermenting teff batters. Entero-
Zewdie, et al., (1997) prepared injera by co- cocci and Enterobacteriaceae were below the detection
fermentation of kocho, a product from the false banana limits of 2 log cfu/g. Spore forming Bacillus species,
with barley to determine its nutrient composition and yeast and mold counts were detected infrequently and
the microorganisms involved in the fermentation considered as below detection limits. Aerobic mesophiles
process. The co-fermentation of kocho with barley in- were reported in wide range of 3 to 7 log after 24 h in-
creased the protein content of the fermented injera by cubation and increased up to 8 log cfu/g after 72 h of
2.6-fold. The injera prepared from co-fermented dough fermentation. The highest counts were observed for pre-
of kocho and barley was found to be acceptable to sumptive lactic acid bacteria on average 8 log cfu/g,
Neela and Fanta Journal of Ethnic Foods (2020) 7:32 Page 10 of 15
ranging from 4 to 8 log cfu/g. These microorganisms in- Scientific Studies reported on Preservation of Injera
clude, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus buchneri, Usually on household level injera reported to be pre-
Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacil- served for 2-3 days, again these duration may be de-
lus plantarum, Pediococcus pentosaceus [59] pends on the processing, hygiene, variation in
Ashenafi, (1994) reported that ersho samples pH preparation practices, composition of the ingredients.
was about 3.5 and titratable acidity was ranged be- However, very few preservation studies were carried by
tween 3.1% and 5.7%. The mean aerobic mesophilic administration of chemical preservatives and the natural
counts from four households varied between 6.9 × spices. Those reported studies are summarized in the
106 and 1.3 x 10 5 cfu/ml and the aerobic bacterial following text.
flora consisted of Bacillus spp. Mean yeast counts Ashagrie and Abate, (2012) reported that, Aspergillus
ranged between 5.2 x 105 and 1.8 x 106 cfu/ml and niger, Penicillium sp and Rhizopus sp found to be re-
comprised, in order of abundance, Candida milleri, sponsible in injera spoilage. Penicillium and Rhizopus
Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Kluyveromyces marxianus, are more dominant at the temperature of between 16-
Pichia naganishii and Debaromyces hansenii. Candida 200C, while Aspergillus niger is more dominant at higher
milleri was reported as the most dominant isolate in temperature of between 25-320C [28]. Hassen, et al.,
all samples. About 90% of the teff batter samples re- (2018) also confirmed that at room temperature moulds
ported for aerobic mesophilic counts ~105 cfu/g and took essential role in spoilage of injera and reported
Gram-positive bacteria constituted about 71% of the shelf life of 2-3 days [63].
total isolates. About 80% of samples had Enterobacte- Girma et al., (2013),was determined the effect of flax
riaceae counts of 104 cfu/g [30]. Zewdie, et al., (1997) seed on the injera shelf life from 2 to 6 days, yeast-
reported that the predominant organisms identified mould (2.27 to 3.93 log cfu/g) and total aerobic plate
were Lactobacillus, Bacillus and Yeasts. The fermenta- counts (Not Detected to 3.77 log cfu/g) were lowest for
tion process was characterized by the fall in pH from 9% flaxseed substitution and highest for the control in-
5.0 to 4.2 and rise in the titratable acidity from 0.20 jera [27].
to 0.50% during 96 hrs of fermentation [55]. Zewdu, (2009), studied the effect of 0.1% of benzoic
Gashe determined the involvement of LAB in the fer- acid/ sodium benzoate, 0.2 % of potassium sorbate, 0.3 %
mentation of injera batter, reported as Enterobacteria- of calcium propionate and 0.2% blend of the flour on
ceae initiates the fermentation and actions during the weight basis according to the Food and Drug Administra-
first 18 hr of fermentation reduce the pH of the dough tion recommendations for 12 days of the storage. The ef-
to 5.8. In next stage identified the role of Leuconostoc fectiveness of preservation was ranked as sodium
mesenteroides and Streptococcus faecalis and observed benzoate>benzoic acid>potassium sorbate >blend >cal-
the further reduction in pH to 4.7. In addition reported cium propionate. The authors are reported that benzoates
that, fermentation was carried out by predominating and benzoic acid are the most effective in preservation
flora of Pediococcus cerevisiae, Lactobacillus brevis, of the injera [64]. Similarly, Hassen and his co-workers
Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus fermentum determined the effects of benzoic acid (0.1%), sodium
and remained until the fermentation is terminated at benzoate (0.1%), and potassium sorbate (0.2%) and 1:1:1
72 hr [40]. Different scientists reported the role of blend of the three (0.2%) on injera shelf life. This re-
yeasts at later stage of the fermentation. However, searchers were confirmed that chemical preservatives
mould related information was not reported in the fer- (0.1 benzoic acid, 0.2% potassium sorbate, 0.1% sodium
mented batters. In contrast, Geta (2019), isolated the benzoate and 0.2% of the three preservatives) have cap-
fungal species of different genera of Penicillium, Asper- acity to extent the shelf-life of injera up to 10 days at
gillus, Rhizopus and Mucor species were isolated from room temperature [63].
spoiled teff injera [60]. In contrast Geta, (2019), evaluated the efficiency of lo-
Tilahun et al., (2018) isolate and identified the yeasts cally available spices to enhance the shelf life and sen-
from fermenting teff dough and reported as Pichia fer- sory attributes of teff injera. In the study used powder
mentans, Pichia spp., Rhodotorula aurantiaca B, Pichia form of spice, hydro and ethanol extract of Nigella
fluxuum, Candida humilis, Trichosporon beigelii B and, sativa seeds, Trigonella foenum seeds, Curcuma longa
Cryptococcus albidus Var aerus [61]. Umeta & Faulks, rhizomes, Carum at 2% concentration was used in the
(1989) initially identified the action of the endogenous preservation of the injera. Shelf life of teff injera contain-
micro flora to produce sour dough. Also reported that, ing 2 % powder, water extract and ethanol extract of T.
Lactic and acetic acids were the major organic acids pro- foenum were 7, 7 and 9 days; C. sativum were 8, 8 and
duced (90 %) with seven other volatile fatty acids, pro- 11 days; N. sativa were 7, 8 and 10 days; C. copticum
pionic, isobutyric, n-butyric, isovaleric, n-valeric, were 8, 7 and 9 days and C. longa were 5, 5 and 6 days
isocaproic, n-caproic repre- senting less than 5% [62]. reported, respectively [60].
Neela and Fanta Journal of Ethnic Foods (2020) 7:32 Page 11 of 15
Studies on the effect of processing methods on Quality of color of the injera was not affected. The variation in in-
Injera jera sensory property and starch digestibility was re-
Hassen et al., (2018) reported the effect of the starter ported and attributed to the variation in mill type used,
cultures (Lactobacillus plantarum + Saccharomyces cere- where particle size distribution and the damaged starch
visiae) on rice-teff injera quality produced under con- levels were varied. The use of disc mill reported the tiny
trolled fermentation. Reported that best acceptability in flour particle with high starch damage and reported a
softness, fluffiness, sponginess, slight sourness and eye best sensory acceptability than that of blade mill and
size are attributes associated with quality of rice injera hammer mill. Blade mill reported to produce a larger
attributed to starter culture [65]. flour particle size with lower rapid available glucose and
Wendy Attuquayefio, (2014) reported the effects of digested starch [68].
fermentation time and viscosity of batter on the elasticity Yoseph et al., (2018) determined the mechanical
and eye formation of injera and conformed that, both kneading and absit preparation on the quality of teff in-
the factors were possess a significant effect on elasticity jera. They reported that, variation in kneading time and
and eye formation in injera. Also reported that, injera speed not affected free sugar, slow digestible starch, re-
from low or high viscosity batters produced fewer eyes sistant starch, total starch and starch digestion rate
on their surfaces. In the study concluded that, Injera bat- index. This study also reported that, flavonoids, total
ter with viscosity of 1.1 to 1.4 required for injera with phenolis and phytate contents depends on the kneading
more eyes. Moreover, addition of sodium metabisulphite time-speed combinations. In addition, kneading process
(a reducing agent) in to batter reported a good elasticity reported the overall acceptability of injera. In the same
and eye formation in injera this attributed to the contri- study confirmed that, absit preparation (water to fer-
bution of the disulfide bonds in proteins to elasticity and mented dough ratio) also found to affect the quality of
eye formation [23]. teff injera. Same was confirmed by the study of Yoseph
Yetneberk, et al., (2005) evaluated the grain decortica- et al., (2018), where absit was prepared from 100 ml of
tions and compositing with teff flour as methods to en- fermented dough and 900 ml of water had the highest
hance the quality of injera made from tannin-containing injera overall quality while, the lowest was observed in
and tannin-free red sorghums. From their research re- absit prepared from 300 ml of fermented dough and 100
ported that, decortication and compositing are the both ml of water [69]. Dessalegn Abit (2018) reported the
efficient ways to enhance the injera quality by both study on absit process factors dough level (10-20 %), agi-
tannin-containing and tannin-free red sorghums. Also tation speed (200-300 rpm) and adding temperature (45-
they were identified that, decortication positively influ- 650C) on injera quality. From this study, concluded that,
ence the color and other quality properties of injera by the optimum processing factors of absit by considering
decreasing the level of non-starch components of the taste, texture, number of eyes, eye size, eye distribution,
grains. In the case of tannin-containing sorghum, decor- top & bottom surface and overall acceptability were
tication was reported for removal of tannins, improving dough level of 11.06 %, agitation speed of 200rpm and
injera fermentation. Same authors were reported that, temperature of 45 oC with a desirability of 0.91 [70].
mechanical abrasion is a best method to remove the tan-
nins than the hand pounding to obtain injera with good Scientific studies on the degradation of Anti-nutrition
sensory acceptable level [66]. Similarly, Seyoum et al., factors in injera
(2016) determined nutrient preservation, and the fate of Baye et al., (2014) reported variations in mineral absorp-
iron-binding polyphenols during injera processing by tion inhibitors by fermentation of injera. The highest Fe,
improved tannin-free and high-tannin sorghum culti- Zn and Ca contents were found in teff–white sorghum
vars. In this study confirmed that, the high-tannin sor- injera. The lowest phytic acid: Fe and phytic acid: Zn
ghum had significantly higher iron-binding polyphenols molar ratios were found in barley–wheat and wheat–red
contents than the tannin-free sorghum. Decortication re- sorghum injera. Although, ideal phytic acid: Fe molar ra-
ported the loss of iron, calcium, iron-binding polyphe- tios (<0.4) were found in barley–wheat and wheat–red
nols, and tannin losses. In the same study reported that, sorghum [71]. However, Baye et al., (2015) evaluated the
sourdough fermentation processes reduced the iron- effect of phytate removal, iron-binding polyphenols and
binding polyphenols and tannin levels in high-tannin dietary fibers on iron bio-accessibility in wheat-red sor-
sorghum. However, reported that, pre-soaking reduced ghum and teff-white sorghum to make injera, by the ap-
the highest iron-binding polyphenols [67]. plication of exogenous enzymes. In this study confirmed
Assefa et al., (2018) studied the effect of mill type used that, the hydrolysis of dietary fibers improved iron bio-
in teff grinding on different properties of injera. In this accessibility, suggesting the effect of the fiber is inde-
study concluded that, differences in mill type used af- pendent of phytate content. The researchers confirmed
fected the color of the teff flour in contrast, the final the improvement of iron bio-accessibility by applying a
Neela and Fanta Journal of Ethnic Foods (2020) 7:32 Page 12 of 15
mix of phytase, cellulase, xylanase and Polyphenol oxi- observed in teff–white sorghum, and equimolar concen-
dase enzymes [72]. trations of lactic acid and ethanol were produced simul-
Assefa et al., (2018) determined the mechanical mill taneously. Final α-galactoside concentrations were
type, kneading speed-time combinations on fermenta- reported low in all sourdoughs [74].
tion kinetics was investigated and phytate to mineral
molar ratio (Fe, Zn and Ca) of teff injera. In both milling Studies reported on bioactive compounds
and kneading levels reported maltose was the highest Shumoy et al., (2017) investigated the cause of fermenta-
sugar concentration initially, than followed by glucose tion on soluble and bound phenolic profiles and antioxi-
and fructose. As fermentation continued, a similar trend dant potential of fermented injera for different intervals
in maltose break down was reported in all studied mill from 4 teff varieties of brown and white color. They con-
types. However, for phytate/mineral molar ratio of the cluded that, the contribution of soluble phenolic extracts
flours, reported significantly different both mills and to the total phenolic content ranged from 14 to 17% and
kneading speed-time combinations [68]. 17–32%, before and after fermentation, respectively. In
Fischer et al., (2014) developed starter culture to sub- phenolic acids, identified the gallic, protocatechuic,
stantially degrade phytic acid during injera preparation. vanillic, syringic, p-coumaric, salicylic, ferulic acid, cat-
Seventy-six isolates from 13 different teff fermentations echin and naringenin reported in both in the fermented
were analyzed for phytase activity and out of 13 isolates and unfermented injera from Quncho and Zezew teff
7 different species were detected as positive in a phytase varieties. They confirmed that by 72 h of fermentation
screening assay. Lactobacillus buchneri strain MF58 and time, the majority of the phenolic compounds increased
Pediococcus pentosaceus strain MF35 resulted in lowest in the range of 42–1805% in soluble and decreased by
remained phytic acid amounts after the fermentation 2–100% in bound extracts in both varieties. Finally,
41% and 42%, respectively, in comparison 59% of phytic established that, fermentation for 72 h brown seed col-
acid remained in spontaneous fermentation. From this ored varieties (Zagurey and Zezew) showed superior in
study concluded that, L. buchneri MF58 displaying the total phenolic and antioxidant contents compared to the
highest phytic acid degrading potential. Similarly, white varieties (Quncho and Tsedey) [75]. Similarly,
Shumoy et al., (2017) evaluated the in vitro dialysability Shumoy et al., (2019) simulated static in vitro digestion
of Fe and Zn in a back slop fermented injera. They re- of teff injera, sampled after different fermentation times,
ported that, traditional fermentation leads up to 49-66% was performed to measure the dialyzable and soluble
of reduction in phytic acid. Molar ratios of Phytic acid: non-dialyzable total phenolic, total flavonoid contents,
Fe and Phytic acid:Zn was decreased from 14 to 1 and and their total antioxidants. The absolute total flavonoid
63 to 19, respectively, after 120h of fermentation. The contents fractions decreased as the fermentation in-
total soluble fractions of Fe and Zn reported in range of creased from 0 to 120 h. No clear pattern in the absolute
11 and 38% and 11 and 29%, respectively, after 120h of radical scavenging capacity of the fractions was observed
fermentation [59]. Fischer et al., (2015) determined the among different fermentation times [76].
effect of phytase enzyme on Fe bio-availability in injera. Shumoy & Raes, (2017) determined the in vitro starch
From this study reported that, iron absorption from digestibility of injera from seven teff varieties and esti-
traditional teff injera was low, suggesting that reducing mated the glycemic index. The total starch, free glucose,
the phytate content of teff injera by either co- apparent amylose, resistant, slowly digestible and rapidly
fortification with wheat or addition of purified phytase digestible starches of the varieties ranged between 66
provides the more than doubled iron bioavailability from and 76, 1.8 and 2.4g/100g flour dry matter, 29 and 31%,
this Ethiopian staple food and would provide additional 17 and 68, 19 and 53, 12 and 30g/100g starch, respect-
absorbable iron [73]. ively. Finally, concluded that, teff injera classified as
medium to high Glycimic Index (GI) foods, not to be
Studies reported on fermentation kinetics considered as a proper food ingredient for diabetic
Baye et al., (2013) reported the control of cereal blends, people and patients in weight gain [77].
teff–white sorghum, barley–wheat and wheat–red sor- Boka, et al., (2013), reported the antioxidant properties
ghum, on fermentation kinetics in traditional fermenta- of the injera prepared with white, brown and red teff
tion of dough. In the study reported that, wheat–red variety and enriched with fenugreek. The anti-oxidant
sorghum and barley–wheat injera sourdough fermenta- properties were observed in red teff while the lowest was
tions were characterized by a transient accumulation of shown in white teff. Total phenol content was higher in
glucose and maltose and a two-step fermentation red teff (11.47 mg GAE/g) as compared to brown teff
process: lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermenta- (9.72 mg GAE/g) and white teff (8.28 mg/ GAE/g). Total
tion with ethanol as the major end product. Also con- flavonoids for white, brown and red teff were 1.03 mg/g,
cluded that, only transient accumulation of glucose was 1.78 mg /g and 2.13 mg/g, respectively. In antioxidant
Neela and Fanta Journal of Ethnic Foods (2020) 7:32 Page 13 of 15
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