Kahoot en El Aula.
Kahoot en El Aula.
Kahoot en El Aula.
Length of lesson: 55 min Topic / theme: Adverbs of frequency Date: October 7th
Learning Aims (what your learners will have done or achieved by the end of the lesson):
Personal aims:
Materials to be used: (cite author’s name, book title, date and publisher / website link and date consulted where relevant)
Class Profile
In the class we have 6th through 11th grade students who were assigned to this group. This is a class from level A1 to level
B1. In the group I have two Institutions. One where a bilingual course has been implemented and another non-profit
institution that provides support to the children of families who have been deported from the United States. The intention
of the second institute is to make them able to continue their studies. ESL classes are three times a week. I am not the title
teacher of this group but I have worked with some of them before. They are enthusiastic and talkative.
Adverbs of frequency
Meaning / Use:
Ls will be better able to express routines and hobbies using adverbs of frequency to answer the question How often
Learners will drill the adverbs of frequency and practice saying answers and questions in the chart they will fill out and
I will introduce and convey meaning using pictures and the written text of the target language.
I will ask some CQQs to confirm if they understood ‘’Do you have to write three lies and one truth?
I will mime the actions that are related to the target language.
How will you focus on form? (write your FCQs/guided discovery/colour coding)
We will review the grammar structure that they have seen with their Title teacher before then I will imply Guided
discovery through a reading where they will see and use the structure. I will use make them questions about their hobbies
and interests to give them context of the real use of the form. To check their knowledge, we are going to play play 2 truths
and one lie
How will you focus on phonology? (write what you will drill and how)
I will check the phonemes of the Adverbs of frequency after Ls fill the chart of the adverbs.
ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT CLASS / LANGUAGE (e.g. what do they know about the topic of the lesson? What schematic
knowledge do your learners have of the target language?):
o I have not worked with some of the learners. Probably they might not know about the topic and will have problems
o Learners may not be able to use the form in third person.
o Learners might not be familiar with the Adverbs of frequency
o Learners will be unfamiliar with the question ‘’How often do you play videogames?’’
Possible solutions:
o Build rapport during the class asking them about their hobbies in order to personalised the topic and engage them
o Drill in affirmative, negative and question forms. Remind them the use of the third person using present simple.
o Mime the action and write the percentages to convey the meaning.
o Provide prompts and examples.
Possible Problems
Possible solutions:
❖ I will send them a video to log in Kahoot before the class and help them step by step in case they cannot enter
❖ I might have a presentation in drive to give them access and work together
❖ I will ask them to guide their classmates and do the activities with them.
To notice the target -T ask them to underline sentences with adverbs of 2 min Ls - T
Noticing language in context. frequency in the text. T will show them an example on 2 min
the table 2 min
-Ls will have few minutes to discuss and compare their 2 min
-Ls will write the answers in the Jamboard 27 min
-T shows share the answersheet
To clarify meaning, -T will talk about frequency adverbs charts 2 min
Language form and - Then Ls will fill a chart with the appropriate adverbs of 1min
Clarification pronunciation of the frequency according to their degree of frequency from 2 min
target language. the less frequent to the most. 2min
--Ls will work in groups to write the form of some
Controlled To provide controlled -Ls will play individually to rewrite the sentences in the 7 min
Practice practice of the target correct order on Kahoot platform 3 min
language by rewriting -T will give feedback in some difficult questions for them
sentences 44 min
Freer practice To provide -Ls will play two truths and one lie.
opportunity for -T will start writing an example and Ls will guess. After, 8 min
learners to practice they will have 2 minutes to write their sentences.
the TL in a
personalised way.
52 min
Feedback To provide overall -T will write the most common mistakes and tell at the 3 min
feedback on the task end of the class
and upgrade the
He elegido este esquema compartido en uno de los sitios de Google site debido al dinamismo y
lo sencillo de la actividad. Como comenta María José Guijosa, “Está hecha para ser divertida.
La música, los colores, el mismo proceso… Cuando juegas, no piensas que estás aprendiendo o
evaluando lo que sabes y con Kahoot! es lo que haces”. En varias ocasiones he utilizado esta
herramienta de gamificación para evaluar de diferentes maneras. En el plan de clase que he
integrado en las hojas anteriores lo utilice para una práctica controlada donde le di
retroalimentación a mis alumnos en la estructura gramatical del uso de Adverbios de
Frecuencia. Este esquema ayuda a enganchar a los alumnos en una competencia sana donde
podemos evaluar los ejercicios sin que sientan el peso de una evaluación directa.
Además, las modificaciones que se deben realizar no son muchas y toman poco tiempo.
Inclusive hay Kahoots creados que sólo pueden adaptarse según el nivel de inglés que esté
aplicando el aula. En el caso de esta lección, solo estábamos revisando oraciones afirmativas
y eliminando las oraciones interrogativas para que pudiéramos trabajar lo visto en clase
como actividad de refuerzo. El aprendizaje cooperativo es otra de las funciones que podemos
aplicar al dividirlos en equipo creando una atmósfera de compañerismo para construir
relaciones sociales. En estos tiempos de pandemia donde la conectividad por medio online se
ha vuelto más fría este tipo de actividades acercan a los alumnos a crear buenos lazos.
Además, construyen su conocimiento mediante experiencias diferentes a un examen
tradicional en hoja y papel.
En conclusión creo que este tipo de actividad cubre no solo las necesidades académicas sino
también las sociales que se han vuelto carentes durante esta pandemia y esta nueva era