Transformer - Electrical Exams

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  The secondary winding of which of the following transformers is

always kept closed?

1. Current transformer
2. Voltage transformer
3. Power transformer
4. Step down transformer
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Answer.1. Current Transformer


The secondary winding of current transformers is always kept closed.

If the current transformer secondary is not shorted when unused
and kept open then it can develop a very high voltage across
secondary which may damage transformer insulation.

Detail Explanation:-

Instrument transformers are used in conjunction with an ammeter and

voltmeter to extend the range of meters. In dc circuit shunt and
multipliers are used to extend the range of measuring instruments. The
shunt is used to extend the range of the ammeter whereas the multiplier
is used to extend the range of voltmeters

This type of ammeter is shown in Figure. The primary of the transformer is

connected in series with the load, and the ammeter is connected to the
secondary of the transformer. Notice that the range of the meter is
changed by selecting different taps on the secondary of the current
transformer. The different taps on the transformer provide different turn-
ratios between the primary and secondary of the transformer. The
working of the current transformer is explained in detail.
 The current transformer is used to step down the current to a
lower value so that the current can be measured with a normal
range ammeter.
 The current transformer has a primary coil of one or more
turns of thick wire having high cross-sectional area and it
is connected in series.
 The primary of the current transformer is connected to the
load or feeder while the secondary of the current transformer
is connected to an ammeter.
 The impedance of the primary is very low, and the currents
very high. The primary current is dependent on the load on the
line rather than the load on the secondary circuit.
 The current drawn by the secondary has little effect on the line
 The secondary of the transformer contains many turns of fine
wire having a smaller cross-section area and has much higher
impedance. If the secondary is not loaded, this transformer
acts to step up the voltage to a dangerous level, due to the
high turns ratio. Because of this, a current transformer
should always have a short-circuit placed across its
secondary winding when connecting or removing any
device from its output. By heavily loading the secondary, the
high voltage is reduced to the safe level.
 The nominal current rating of the secondary winding of the
CT is 5A to 1 A.
 To illustrate the operation of a current transformer, assume
that the current ratio of the primary winding is 100 A. The
secondary winding has a standard rating of 5A.
 The primary winding consists of three turns of wire, and the
secondary winding consists of 60 turns.
 The ratio between the primary and the secondary currents is
100 A/5 A, or 20:1
 In other words, the primary current is 20 times greater than
the secondary current.
 Note that the number of turns and the current in the primary
and secondary windings are related by an inverse proportion.
i.e I1 / I2 = N2 / N1.
 By increasing the number of secondary windings, N2, the
secondary current can be made much smaller than the current
in the primary circuit being measured. In other words, as N2
increases, I2 goes down by a proportional amount.

Qus2.  If the supply frequency of a transformer increases, the secondary

output voltage of the transformer

1. Increase
2. Decrease
3. Remain the same
4. Any of the above
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Answer.1. Increase

The EMF Equation Of A Transformer is given by



E = the voltage in the winding either primary or secondary,

f = frequency
B = flux density in the core
N = Number of turns on the winding
A = Cross area of the core

A transformer is designed for some constant parameters like frequency.

So if the frequency increases, the secondary voltage or emf increases. But
with high frequency, there is an increase in transformer losses like core
loss and conductor skin effect. Also with high frequency, the magnetizing
current becomes low and with low frequency the magnetizing current
becomes high.

The higher the input frequency, the higher will be the rate of change of
magnetic flux, which results in higher induced EMF

Frequency ~ Rate of Change of Magnetic Flux ~ Induced EMF

Note:-  There are some other conditions which should be kept in mind

Condition 1:- If you are maintaining the same voltage but higher
frequency, flux ( V/f ) in the transformer falls, the induced emf would
hence remain the same and would not increase. Although the rate of
change of flux increases due to increased frequency but the value of flux
is reduced and hence the overall effect is that voltage induced in the
secondary remains the same but at a higher frequency of course.
Condition 2:- If you are increasing primary voltage along with increasing
frequency so as to maintain constant flux, only in that case the secondary
voltage will increase. Therefore you can safely conclude that secondary
voltage depends only upon the primary voltage and turns ratio.

Qus3. Power transformers are designed to have maximum efficiency at

1. Full load
2. 50% load
3. 80% load
4. no load
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Answer.1. Full load


Transformers of the large size used in generating stations at the sending

end of the transmission line to step up the voltage and at the receiving
end of the transmission line to step down the voltage is known as power
transformers. A number of such transformers are connected in parallel.
They are operated up to full-load capacity by connecting or disconnecting
transformers depending upon the load condition. Power transformers are
mostly used near full load conditions and hence designed for maximum
efficiency at or near full load.

Power transformers are used for transmission as a step-up device hence

they are not directly connected to consumers therefore, load fluctuation is
very less. So the power transformer can operate on full load.

Distribution transformers are comparatively smaller transformers of

rating of the order of hundreds of KVA and are connected directly to
supply the load at 400/230 volts. Thus, the secondary side of a distribution
transformer is directly connected to the load. They are to be kept in
operation all the time for all the days irrespective of whether the
consumer is utilizing the power or not. Thus, the load on a distribution
transformer varies throughout the day depending upon how the
consumers utilize the load. The average load on a distribution transformer
is much less than its rated capacity. That is why they are rated to have
maximum efficiency at a load lower than their full-load capacity.
They are designed to have good all-day efficiency rather than the
highest efficiency at or near full-load.

Qus4. The open-circuit test in a transformer is used to measure

1. Copper loss
2. Winding loss
3. Total loss
4. Core loss
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Answer 4. Core loss


The purpose of the open-circuit test’ is to determine the excitation

admittance of the transformer- equivalent circuit, the core loss, the
no-load excitation current, and the no-load power factor.

The figure shows the connections for the open-circuit test. The low voltage
winding is supplied with the rated voltage which should result in the rated
voltage on the high voltage side. The current drawn should be low
enough so that the copper losses are very low and the power
measured 1s almost all from the core losses. The current drawn during
the open Circuit test will be the excitation current.
 In the open-circuit test, the transformer load terminal is kept
open. Open circuit test is also known as the no-load test.
 The current drawn by shunt parameters is a no-load current a
very small current. Therefore the current that will flow in the
circuit in the open circuit test is very low so the measurement
of the quantities voltage, current, and power must be on the
low voltage side so that the corresponding value will be
readable in the instruments. And therefore, the open circuit
test must be performed on the low voltage side. This means
the high voltage side must be kept open and for the
measurement of power, voltage and current on the low
voltage side the wattmeter, voltmeter and ammeter must be
 We know that as the output terminal is open the parameters
that are in the shunt can be found out by this test. Since the
shunt circuit has the core parameter so we can say that the
open circuit test gives the core parameter.
 The open-circuit test on the transformer is performed to
determine magnetizing reactance and equivalent
resistance due to iron loss.
 As the normal rated voltage is applied to the primary,
therefore, normal iron losses will occur in the transformer
core. Hence, a wattmeter will record the iron losses and small
copper loss in the primary. Since the no-load current is very
small (2 to 5% of rated current), copper losses in the primary
under no-load conditions are negligible as compared with iron
losses. Hence, wattmeter reading practically gives the iron
losses in the transformer.

Qus5. The leakage flux in a transformer depends upon the value of

1. Frequency
2. Mutual Flux
3. Load current
4. Applied Voltage
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Answer 3. Load Current


Leakage flux:- The flux that escapes from the core and flux that passes
through one winding only.

 The flux that links with the primary, but not with the
secondary, is known as primary leakage flux, while that which
links with the secondary, but not the primary- winding is called
the secondary leakage flux. The value of leakage flux is
proportional to the load on the transformer.
 Since each leakage flux is linked with one winding only, it
induces back e.m.f. in that winding, which opposes the current
flow in the winding. The greater the leakage flux, the greater
the voltage drop. Good transformer design aims to reduce the
leakage flux to a low level.
 The voltage drop caused by leakage flux is proportional to
the load current. The greater the load current, the greater the
magnitudes of both the primary and secondary ampere-turns,
and hence the greater the respective leakage fluxes in both
primary and secondary windings.
 Although leakage flux has an adverse effect on the
transformer output voltage, it proves an asset under severe
short-circuit conditions; the large voltage drop caused by the
intense leakage flux limits the current to a lower value than
would otherwise occur if no leakage were present and thus
helps to avoid damage to the transformer.
 In a Transformer, Core flux is the difference between primary
flux and Secondary flux which are opposite to each other in
 When Current increases due to increased load (and voltage
remains the same). Then both primary and secondary flux
increase. Because both of them increase, so their difference
remains the same. And all remaining flux is forced out. Hence
leakage flux increases with current, but Core flux remains


Qus6. Lamination of the transformer core is made of

1. Cast Iron
2. Silicon Steel
3. Aluminum
4. Cast Steel
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Answer 2. Silicon Steel


Silicon steels are used for electrical transformer cores and cores of other
electrical devices for the following reasons:-

1. Low hysteresis loss.

2. High permeability.
3. Virtually eliminated aging.
4. High resistance.
The function of a transformer’s core is to provide a low-reluctance/high
permeability magnetic circuit by which magnetic flux, created by the
magnetomotive force in the primary winding, can efficiently couple with
the secondary winding.

Transformer cores are manufactured from a silicon-iron alloy (iron

with around 3% silicon content), which is more generally termed ‘silicon
steel, ‘electrical steel’, ‘transformer steel’, or by some trade name such as
‘Stalloy’. This ferromagnetic alloy is specifically designed to have all of the
characteristics described.

⇒ Low-reluctance/high permeability magnetic circuit, in order to

maximize the flux density within the core.

⇒ Low-remanence/low-coercivity/low-area hysteresis loop: To

minimize the energy loss per magnetization/demagnetization cycle; this
energy loss being termed its ‘hysteresis loss’

⇒ High resistivity conducting path: To minimize any ‘eddy currents’

(circulating currents) resulting from undesirable voltages induced into the
core; eddy currents are further minimized by manufacturing the core from

The silicon content of the iron acts to both reduce the core’s hysteresis
losses and to increase its resistivity by a factor of around 4.5, which acts to
reduces the magnitude of any circulating currents (eddy currents) that
result from voltages induced into the core.

There are two general categories of silicon-steel, termed ‘grain

orientated steel‘ and ‘non-orientated steel‘:
⇒ Grain-orientated steel has a silicon content of around 3% and is
manufactured in such a way that its magnetic properties are optimized
along the direction of its grain, enabling its flux density to be increased by
as much as 20% in that direction.

⇒ Non-orientated steel, with a silicon content of 2-3.5%, has a randomly

orientated grain with similar magnetic properties in all directions, but the
resulting flux density can be significantly lower than for grain-orientated

From the point of view of the varying flux, the core of a transformer is
simply another winding and, therefore, it will induce a voltage into it. If the
core was manufactured from a solid piece of silicon steel, then it would
behave like a heavy, short-circuited, single winding, and a large current
would circulate around it.

In eddy current, the magnetic field that induces a voltage in the secondary
of a transformer also induces a voltage in the core. This causes circulating
(or eddy currents) in the core. Making the laminations as thin as possible
reduces this loss. The laminations are coated with a thin insulating
material to prevent current from flowing between them.

Qus7.  Breather is provided in a transformer to

1. Absorb moisture of air during breathing

2. provide cold air in the transformer
3. The filter of transformer oil
4. None of above
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Answer 1. Absorb moisture of air during breathing.

Transformer oil should not be exposed directly to the atmosphere
because it may absorb moisture and dust from the environment and may
lose its electrical properties in a very short time. To avoid this problem a
breather is provided on the top of the conservator.

Breather is the heart of the transformer, which is similar to the human

heart. The breather transports fresh air in and out of the transformer.
This component is required to maintain the cooling-medium level in the

Breather mainly consists of a silica gel. The silica gel absorbs the
moisture content of air so that oil contamination can be
prevented. The silica gel which is blue in color turns pink when it absorbs
moisture fully. it is replaced periodically as routine maintenance.

Qus8. Which of the following losses varies with the load in the transformer?

1. Core loss
2. Copper loss
3. Both core & copper loss
4. None of the above
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Answer 2. Copper Loss


 Copper loss is due to the ohmic resistance of the transformer

 The copper loss for the primary winding is I12 × R1 and for
secondary winding is I22 × R2.
 Where I1 and I2 are current in primary and secondary winding
 R1 and R2 are the resistances of primary and secondary winding
 It is clear that Cu loss is proportional to the square of the
current, and current depends on the load. Hence copper loss in
the transformer varies with the load.

Qus9. A transformer transform

1. Current
2. Voltage & current
3. Frequency
4. Voltage

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Answer 2. Voltage  & Current


A transformer is a static device that is used to convert the voltage or

current to a higher (step-up) or lower (step down) level.

The Distribution Transformer, Auto Transformer, and Tap changing

Transformer basically belong to the family of Power Transformer with
respective unique features.

In an Instrument Transformer, voltage or current on one side of the

transformer, comparatively high (therefore not suitable for direct
measurement), is scaled down to voltage or current to levels that is
convenient for measurement with suitable instrumentation. Accordingly, the
two types of Instrument Transformers are the Current Transformer and the
Potential Transformer. Some applications may call for constant current (as
in welding) or constant voltage. Such transformers am called Constant
Current and Constant Voltage Transformers.

Qus10.  Transformer core are laminated in order to

1. Reduce hysteresis loss

2. Reduce hysteresis & eddy current loss
3. Minimize eddy current loss
4. Copper loss
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Answer 3. Minimize Eddy current loss


 In a transformer, the eddy current loss is proportional to the

square of the diameter of the core.
 Larger the diameter, the more the eddy current loss.
 In eddy current, the magnetic field that induces a voltage in
the secondary of a transformer also induces a voltage in the
core. This causes circulating (or eddy currents) in the core.
 Making the laminations as thin as possible reduces this loss.
 The laminations are coated with a thin insulating material to
prevent current from flowing between them.
 Hence the transformer core is laminated so that the net
effective diameter of the transformer core reduces and
thus eddy current loss can be minimized.
High resistivity conducting path: To minimize any ‘eddy currents’
(circulating currents) resulting from undesirable voltages induced into the
core; eddy currents are further minimized by manufacturing the core from

Ques 11. The essential condition for parallel operation of two single-phase

transformer is that they should have the same

1. KVA Rating
2. Turn Ratio
3. Polarity
4. All of the above
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Answer 4. All of the above


Parallel operation of transformers

There are a number of requirements that must be satisfied before two or

more single-phase transformers can be ‘paralleled -i.e. before they can be
connected in parallel with each other, in order to supply the same load.
These requirements are

1. Same voltage ratio (turns ratio)

2. Similar percentage impedance
3. Similar kVA rating
4. Same polarity
Same voltage ratio:- If two single-phase transformers with different
voltage ratios (or turns ratios) are connected in parallel across a common
primary voltage, then their secondary voltages will obviously be different.
Under ‘no-load’ conditions (i.e. with no load connected), this will result in a
circulating current between the loop formed by the two secondary
windings. As the impedance of a transformer’s windings is low, this
circulating current can be quite high, resulting in unnecessarily high I 2R

Similar percentage impedance:- A transformer’s percentage impedance

can be determined by shortcircuiting the secondary winding with an
ammeter, and gradually increasing the primary voltage until rated current
flows in the secondary. The percentage impedance is then simply the ratio
of that particular primary voltage to the rated primary voltage, expressed
as a percentage.
So, for example, if a particular transformer has a percentage impedance
of, say, ‘5%’, then it would take just 5% of the rated primary voltage to
cause 100% of the rated secondary current to flow through the short-
circuited secondary winding.

For unequal ratings, the numerical (ohmic) values of their impedances

should be in inverse proportion to their ratings to have current in them in
line with their ratings. A difference in the ratio of the reactance value to
the resistance value of the per-unit impedance results in a different phase
angle of the currents carried by the two paralleled transformers; one
transformer will be working with a higher power factor and the other with
a lower power factor than that of the combined output. Hence, the real
power will not be proportionally shared by the transformers.

Similar kVA rating:- Transformers with different kVA ratings will share

the load more-or-less in proportion to those ratings (i.e. with each
transformer carrying roughly its own share of the load), providing their
voltage ratios are identical and their percentage impedances are close.
However, it is generally recommended that the kVA-rating of any two
transformers should never differ by more than a ratio of 2:1.

Same Polarity:- The ‘polarity’ of a transformer describes the

instantaneous direction of the potential difference induced across the
secondary terminals of that transformer, relative to that across the
primary terminals.

The transformers should have the same polarity: The transformers should
be properly connected with regard to their polarity. If they are connected
within correct polarities then the two EMFs, induced in the secondary
windings that are in parallel, will act together in the local secondary circuit
and produce a  dead short circuit.

Qus12. A transformer has negative voltage regulation when its load power
factor is

1. Lagging
2. Leading
3. Unity
4. Any of the above
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Answer.2. Leading


Voltage regulation is the change in secondary terminal voltage from no

load to full load at a specific power factor of load and the change is
expressed in percentage.

E2 = no-load secondary voltage

V2 = full load secondary voltage

Voltage regulation for the transformer is given by the ratio of change in

secondary terminal voltage from no load to full load to no load secondary

Voltage regulation = E2–V2E2

It can also be expressed as,

Regulation = I2R02cos⁡ϕ2±I2X02sin⁡ϕ2E2

Regulation depends on the leakage impedance of the transformer and on

the power factor of the load.
 At leading power factors, regulation is usually negative; that is,
the voltage at the secondary terminals of a transformer is
larger at full load than it is when the load is disconnected.
 In such cases, the equipment connected to a transformer’s
secondary may be subjected to higher than rated voltages.
 This may occur when the power-factor-correction capacitor
banks remain on the network while the plant operates at a
reduced load.
 Also, note that for the leading power factor, if the magnitude
of the phase angle φ is high, the magnitude of I2X02sin⁡ϕ  may
become greater than that of I2R02cos⁡ϕ2. The regulation then
becomes negative.

Ques 13.  The main purpose of performing short circuit test in a

transformer is to measure its

1. Copper loss
2. Core loss
3. Insulation Resistance
4. Total loss
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Answer.1. Copper Loss


Short circuit or Impedance test

Short circuit test or Impedance test is performed to determine

⇒ Copper loss at full load
⇒ Equivalent impedance (Zo1 or Zo2)
⇒ Leakage reactance (Xo1 or Xo2)
 The figure shows the circuit diagram for conducting the short-
circuit test on a transformer. One of the windings of the
transformer is short-circuited through an ammeter, while a
low voltage is applied to the other winding.
 The applied voltage is slowly increased until full load current
flows in this winding. The full load current will then flow in the
other winding also.
 Normally the applied voltage is hardly 5 to 7 percent of the
rated voltage of this winding. As such the flux established in
the core will be quite small and so the iron losses occurring
under this condition is negligible.
 Thus, the reading indicated by the wattmeter connected in the
circuit gives the full load copper losses of the transformer.

Ques 14. The short circuit test in a transformer is performed on

1. Low voltage side

2. High voltage side
3. Either 1 & 2
4. Both 1 & 2
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Answer.2. High voltage side


 A short circuit test is conducted to find the copper loss.

 It is calculated under the assumption that core loss is
 When the SC test is conducted on the LV side it would require
a larger voltage to get the rated current.
 Hence core loss cannot be neglected in this case and the
wattmeter doesn’t give the copper loss alone.
Therefore to get accurate results that test is done on the HV
 The advantage of conducting the short-circuit test on the HV
side is that the rated current value on this side is lesser. This
will permit the use of ammeter and wattmeter with a lesser
current range.

Qus 15. Flash point of transformer insulating oil should be more than

1. 100°
2. >140°
3. 75°
4. Below 75°
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Answer.2. >140°


Flash Point of Transformer Oil is defined as the temperature at which light

hydrocarbon present in the transformer oil starts evaporating causing a
flash on the introduction of the source under specified conditions.

 Transformer oil or insulating oil is an oil that is stable at high

temperatures and has excellent electrical insulating
 In any case, this temperature should not be allowed to be less
than 130 degrees Celsius for transformer oil in service.
 We know that the maximum continuous operating
temperature of transformer oil is around 105 degrees Celsius.
 However, during fault conditions, transformer oil temperature
may go as high as 130 degrees Celsius.
 Therefore, it is very much required that the flashpoint of oil should be
maintained above 130 degrees Celsius to prevent fire during fault
 As per standard rules, the flash point of transformer oil
should be greater than or equal to 140 degrees.
 Due to the relatively high flash point and boiling point of
transformer oil, transformer fires can be extinguished quickly
by properly designed water spray systems.

Ques 16. Which of the following loss in a transformer is zero even at full


1. Eddy current loss

2. Core loss
3. Copper loss
4. Friction loss
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Answer.4. Friction loss


The transformer is a static device that is used to transfer electric power

from one circuit to another without changing its frequency. The main
function of a transformer is to raise as lower the voltage in a circuit with a
corresponding decrease or increase in current at the same frequency. It
works on the principle of Faraday’s law of Electromagnetic induction.
Transformers have no moving parts, rugged and durable in construction.

Since operation does not involve rotation of an armature, field

system, or commutator, rotational, friction loss. and windage losses
do not occur and its efficiency is thus high.

For electrical ‘power’ purposes, i.e. transformers operating at 50 or 60 Hz,

iron cores are essential and iron losses will occur. Winding copper losses
are also present when current is supplied, nonetheless, the transformer is
the most efficient of electrical machines and has a full-load efficiency of
95.5% for units of 5 kVA and 97.5% for units up to 1 MVA may be achieved.

Qus 17. In a transformer the resistance between its primary and secondary


1. Zero
2. Infinite
3. 1000 ohm
4. 100 ohm
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Answer.2. Infinite

In a transformer, the primary and secondary windings are not electrically
connected therefore the resistance between them is ideally infinite but an
autotransformer does the same using a single coil as primary with one or
more tap for secondary in different parts of the coil. In this case, the
resistance will ideally be zero or a short circuit.

Ques 18. The efficiency of two identical transformers under load conditions

can be determined by

1. Short Circuit test

2. Open Circuit test
3. No Load test
4. Back to Back test (Sumpner Test)
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Answer.4. Back to Back test (Sumpner Test)


To determine the maximum temperature rise of a transformer Sumpner’s

test is performed. This test can also be performed to find out the
efficiency of a transformer. With the help of Sumpner’s test both the
open-circuit and short-circuit tests can be performed simultaneously.
 Sumpner’s test is essentially a load test. It requires two
identical transformers whose primaries are connected in
 The two secondaries are connected in series with their
polarities in phase opposition. The primary windings are
supplied at rated voltage and frequency. A voltmeter,
ammeter, and wattmeter are connected to the input.
 As the two secondaries are connected in phase opposition, the
two secondary EMFs oppose each other and no current can
flow in the secondary circuit.
 A regulating transformer excited by an ac mains supply is used
to inject voltage into the secondary winding. The injected
voltage is adjusted till the ammeter A, reads full load
secondary current. The secondary current causes full load
current to flow through the primary windings.
 The wattmeter W1, indicates total core losses, W2 indicates total
copper losses, and ammeter A1 indicates the total no-load
current of the two transformers.
 Thus by this method, we can load the transformer to full load
but the supplying energy is only equal to that required for the
losses only. This test can be continued for a long time to
determine the maximum temperature rise of a transformer.
 The transformers are kept in this condition for 48 hours and
the temperature is noted on an hourly basis and a curve
is plot which should become constant after some time also it
should be within limit.
Efficiency at full load is

η = (Full Load output)/(Full Load output + Core loss + copper loss)

η = Wfull/(Wfull + W1 + W2)

Qus 19. The transformer ratings are usually expressed in terms of

1. KW
3. KVA
4. Volts
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Answer.3. KVA


The rating of any electrical machine shows its ability to carry the
mechanical load without showing any signs of overheating.
There are two types of losses in a transformer

⇒ Iron Losses
⇒ Copper loss

 Copper losses ( I²R)depends on the Current which passes

through transformer winding.
 Iron Losses (Core Losses or Insulation Losses) depends
on Voltage.
 This shows that the iron and copper losses depend only on the
supply voltage and the current flowing through the winding
 Since the power factor is dependent on the load which is not
 Since these losses do not depend on the phase angle
between the supply voltage and the current, the
transformer rating expressed as a product of voltage and
current is called the VA rating of the transformer.
 KVA tells you the current rating of the transformer, regardless
of the power factor of the load.
 Hence, total transformer loss depends on volt-ampere (VA)
and not on phase angle between voltage and current
Therefore, the transformer rating is expressed as kVA and not as kW.

Ques 20. Which winding in a transformer has more number of turns?

1. Secondary winding
2. primary winding
3. High voltage winding
4. Low voltage winding
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Answer.3. High Voltage Winding


The number of turns on the primary and secondary windings

depends upon their respective voltages.
 A high-voltage winding has far more turns than a low-
voltage winding.
 On the other hand, the current in a high-voltage winding is
much smaller, enabling us to use a smaller size conductor.
 The result is that the amount of copper in the primary and
secondary windings is about the same.
 If a transformer has more turns in the secondary winding than
in the primary winding, the secondary voltage is higher than
the primary voltage and it is a step-up transformer.
 If a transformer has more turns in the primary winding than in
the secondary winding, the primary voltage is higher than the
secondary voltage. This means that the voltage has been
decreased, or “stepped down.”
Ques 21. Oil is provided in an oil-filled transformer for

1. Lubrication
2. Insulation
3. cooling
4. both cooling and insulation
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Answer.4. both cooling and insulation

Explanation: There are two main functions of the transformer oil

Functions of Transformer Oil

Oil is an equally important part of a transformer’s overall insulation.

(i) Electrical Insulation:- The main function of insulating oil in a
transformer is to provide electrical insulation between the various
energized parts; it also acts as a protective coating layer to prevent
oxidation of the metal surfaces.

(ii) Heat Dissipation/Coolant:- Another important function of the oil is to

enhance heat dissipation. Transformer cores and windings get heated up
during operation due to various power losses. Oil takes heat away from
the core and windings by the process of conduction and carries heat to
the surrounding tank, which is then radiated out to the atmosphere. In
order that the mineral oil can dissipate the heat away effectively, certain
specifications — including viscosity, pour point, and flash point — need to
be maintained.

(iii) Diagnostic Purposes:- The third (very useful) function of insulating oil

in a transformer is that it acts as a health indicator for the device. Both the
chemical and electrical conditions of the transformer can be monitored by
examining the oil periodically. Oil samples are collected from designated
sampling points of the tank and taken to laboratories for several tests to
be performed.

When a fault develops within the transformer, the energy is dissipated

through the oil, which causes chemical degradation of the liquid. Testing
oil samples for degradation products can provide useful information
about the nature and severity of possible faults inside a transformer.

Qus 22. Iron loss in a transformer can be determined by

1. Open circuit test

2. Short Circuit test
3. Both 1 & 2
4. None of the above
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Answer.1. Open Circuit test


The purpose of the open-circuit test’ is to determine the excitation

admittance of the transformer- equivalent circuit, the no-load loss,
the no-load excitation current, and the no-load power factor.

 In the open-circuit test, the transformer load terminal is kept

open. Open circuit test is also known as the no-load test.
 The current drawn by shunt parameters is a no-load current a
very small current. Therefore the current that will flow in the
circuit in the open circuit test is very low so the measurement
of the quantities voltage, current, and power must be on the
low voltage side so that the corresponding value will be
readable in the instruments. And therefore, the open circuit
test must be performed on the low voltage side. This means
the high voltage side must be kept open and for the
measurement of power, voltage, and current on the low
voltage side the wattmeter, voltmeter and ammeter must be
 We know that as the output terminal is open the parameters
that are in the shunt can be found out by this test. Since the
shunt circuit has the core parameter so we can say that the
open circuit test gives the core parameter.
 The open-circuit test on the transformer is performed to
determine magnetizing reactance and equivalent
resistance due to iron loss.
 As the normal rated voltage is applied to the primary,
therefore, normal iron losses will occur in the transformer
core. Hence, a wattmeter will record the iron losses and small
copper loss in the primary. Since the no-load current is very
small (2 to 5% of rated current), copper losses in the primary
under no-load conditions are negligible as compared with iron
losses. Hence, wattmeter reading practically gives the iron
losses in the transformer.

Ques 23. The path of magnetic flux in a transformer should have

1. Low resistance
2. Low reluctance
3. High Resistance
4. High Reluctance
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2. Low reluctance


 Magnetic reluctance, or magnetic resistance, is a concept

used in the analysis of magnetic circuits. It is analogous to
resistance in an electrical circuit, but rather than dissipating
electric energy it stores magnetic energy.
 Low the reluctance, less the opposition to flux therefore more
flux can pass through the transformer core.
Also from the equation

Flux = MMF/Re
Where Re = Reluctance

So lower the reluctance higher will be the flux flow

Qus 24. Buchholz relay is used for the protection

1. Alternator
2. AC motor
3. DC motor
4. Transformer
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Answer.4. Transformer


The Buchholz relay is a gas-operated relay used for the protection of oil-
immersed transformers against all types of internal faults. The slow-
developing faults called incipient faults in the transformer tank below oil
level operate Buchholz relay which gives an alarm. If the faults are
severe it disconnects the transformer from the supply.

It uses the principle that due to the faults, oil in the tank decomposes,
generating the gases. The 70% component of such gases is hydrogen
which is light and hence rises upwards towards the conservator through
the pipe. The Buchholz relay is connected to the pipe, as shown in Fig. Due
to the gas collected in the upper portion of the Buchholz relay, the relay
operates and gives an alarm.
There are many types of
internal faults such as insulation fault, core heating, bad switch contacts,
faulty joints etc. which can occur. When the fault occurs the
decomposition of oil in the main tank starts due to which the gases are
generated. As mentioned earlier, the major component of such gases is
hydrogen. The hydrogen tries to rise up towards the conservator but in its
path, it gets accumulated in the upper part of the Buchholz relay.

When gas gets accumulated in the upper part of the housing, the oil level
inside the housing falls. Due to which the hollow float tilts and closes the
contacts of the mercury switch attached to it. This completes the alarm
circuit to sound an alarm. Due to this operator knows that there is some
incipient fault in the transformer. The transformer is disconnected and the
gas sample is tested. The alarm circuit does not immediately disconnect
the transformer but gives the only indication to the operator. This is
because sometimes bubbles in the oil circulating system may operate the
alarm circuit though there is no fault.

However, if a serious fault such as an internal short circuit between

phases, earth fault inside the tank etc. occurs then a considerable amount
of gas gets generated. Thus due to fast reduce the level of oil, the
pressure in the tank increases.  This energizes the trip circuit which opens
the circuit breaker. Thus transformer is totally disconnected from the
The connecting pipe between the tank and the conservator should be as
straight as possible and should slope upwards conservator at a small
angle from the horizontal This angle should be between 10 to 11°

For the economic considerations, Buchholz relays are not provided for the
transformers having a rating below 500 kVA.

Ques 25. The noise of the transformer is mainly due to

1. Cooling fan
2. magnetostriction in an iron core
3. Mechanical vibration
4. All of the above

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Answer.2. Magnetostriction in iron core


Noise in transformer

The transformers using ferromagnetic core produces noise. Such a noise

exists in the form of an electric hum around transformers. Such noise may
be annoying to the nearby residential area. We can think of a transformer
core, therefore, as behaving like a giant loudspeaker producing a
continuous humming or buzzing noise, which is well within a human’s
audible frequency range, and extremely irritating.

The noise is produced due to the vibration of the enclosure and

accessories. The vibrations are produced mainly due to stray
magnetic fields and due to magnetostriction.
Magnetostriction is a phenomenon due to which the length of the
ferromagnetic core increases when magnetized and gets back to the
original when demagnetized. Due to this, there is an increase and
decrease in the cross-section of the core. As the laminations change their
dimensions, the core vibrates to produce the noise. The core sound is
dominant in no-load conditions.

In load conditions, the vibrations in the tank and winding cause noise. The
load noise is caused due to electromagnetic forces resulting from leakage
fields produced by load currents. These forces are proportional to the
square of the load currents. Similarly, there is noise due to sound
generated by cooling equipment such as pumps and cooling fans.

Thus the various factors responsible for producing transformer noise


1. Magnetic forces producing vibrations due to stray magnetic

2. The vibrations are produced due to magnetostriction.
3. The vibrations are due to electromagnetic forces generated
due to the load currents.
4. Mechanical vibrations due to the degree of tightness of
clamping the core by nuts and bolts.
5. The joints in the core.
6. The sound is produced by cooling equipment like fans and
7. The damping
The noise productions in transformers can be reduced by

1. The no-load sound generated due to the magnetostriction can

be reduced by lowering the flux density in the core.
2. By using proper core material with low loss, high permeability,
and low noise generation.
3. By properly tightening the core by clamps and bolts and
properly fixing laminations and frames.
4. By providing sound insulation to the tank from the ground and
surrounding air.
5. By using cushion padding and oil barriers which help in
insulating the sound of vibration.
6. By using proper innovative designs and materials like
stiffeners while designing the tank walls.
The noise cannot be completely eliminated but taking the frequency of
vibration of the transformer outside the audio frequency range is most

Ques 26. In a transformer the primary flux is _______ secondary flux.

1. Greater than
2. Smaller than
3. Either 1 & 2
4. Equal to
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Answer.4. Equal to


 The transformer is said to be a constant main flux device. It is

due to the high permeability and greater mutual flux which
maintain a constant value.
 When a load resistance is connected to the secondary winding
the voltage induced into the secondary causes a flow of
secondary current.
 This current produces a secondary flux field which is in
opposition to the primary field flux (Lenz’s law). Thus, the
secondary flux cancels some of the primary flux.
 With less flux surrounding the primary, the primary EMF is
reduced and more current is drawn from the source. The
additional primary current generates more lines of flux nearly
reestablishing the original number of total flux lines.
 Similarly,  for reducing the load, the secondary current
decreases, and hence the primary current also reduces.
To summarize, as current is drawn from the secondary, total flux
momentarily decreases, and primary current increases restoring the flux
lines to almost their original number. Thus, over the normal operating
range of load § current, the total core flux does not change more than two
or three percent.

Ques 27. What would happen if a transformer is connected to a DC


1. No effect
2. Operate with high efficiency
3. Damage the transformer
4. Operate with low frequency
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3.Damage the transformer


 A transformer works on the principle of mutual
induction, in which you need a varying magnetic field in
a winding to induce an EMF in the secondary winding.
 In DC generally change in frequency with respect to
time is zero. If the primary of a transformer is
connected to a d.c. supply, the primary will draw a
steady current and hence produce constant flux.
Consequently, no back e.m.f. will be produced.
 So a dc source cannot provide varying magnetic fields,
hence mutual induction is not possible.
 The primary winding will draw excessive current due to
the low resistance of the primary. The result is that the
primary will overheat and burn out or the fuses will
blow. Care must be taken not to connect the primary of
a transformer across the d.c. supply.

Qus 28. An autotransformer can be used as

1. Step up device
2. Step down device
3. Both step up and step down
4. None of the above
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3. Both step up and step down


An autotransformer is a type of transformer that uses a single tapped

winding rather than the two separate and electrically isolated windings
used by mutual transformers.

Because autotransformers don’t have separate windings, unlike mutual

transformers there is no electrical isolation between the primary and
secondary circuits.
 For example, if 230 V is applied between points A and B which
involves 115 turns of the autotransformer winding, then the
volts per turn (230/115) will be 2.
 By a suitable selection of taps, one may select the number of
turns to supply the necessary voltage to the other
 A selection of 55 turns will provide a voltage of 110 V while a
selection of 160 turns can provide 320 V.
 Thus, an autotransformer can function as a step-up or
step-down transformer.
 In the step-up version, the voltage induced in the additional
winding is added to the supply voltage.
 In the step-down version, the induced voltage reduces the
supply voltage.
 It is possible to design an autotransformer to a required
secondary output, which is variable in fractions or multiples of
applied voltage.

Qus 29. The friction loss in a transformer is

1. 20%
2. 0%
3. 50%
4. more than 50%
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2. 0%

The transformer is a static device that is used to transfer electric power

from one circuit to another without changing its frequency. The main
function of a transformer is to raise as lower the voltage in a circuit with a
corresponding decrease or increase in current at the same frequency. It
works on the principle of Faraday’s law of Electromagnetic induction.
Transformers have no moving parts, rugged and durable in construction.

Since operation does not involve rotation of any armature, field

system, or commutator, rotational, friction loss. and windage losses
do not occur and its efficiency is thus high.

For electrical ‘power’ purposes, i.e. transformers operating at 50 or 60 Hz,

iron cores are essential and iron losses will occur. Winding copper losses
are also present when current is supplied, nonetheless, the transformer is
the most efficient of electrical machines and has a full-load efficiency of
95.5% for units of 5 kVA and 97.5% for units up to 1 MVA may be achieved.

Qus 30. In an Auto Transformer, The Primary and Secondary


1. Electrically only
2. Magnetically only
3. Both electrically & magnetically
4. None of the above
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3.Both electrically & magnetically


An autotransformer is a type of transformer that uses a single tapped

winding rather than the two separate and electrically isolated windings
used by mutual transformers. Because autotransformers don’t have
separate windings, unlike mutual transformers there is no electrical
isolation between the primary and secondary circuits.
 Therefore the primary is electrically connected to the
secondary, as well as magnetically coupled to it.
 The alternating current applied between the input points will
induce a flow of magnetic flux around the core.
 This magnetic flux will link with all the turns forming the coil,
inducing a voltage into each turn of the winding.
 Since the volts-per-turn is the same in both windings, each
develops a voltage in proportion to its number of turns.
 In an autotransformer, part of the current flows directly from
the input to the output, and only that part is transferred.
Where electrical isolation between the primary and secondary windings is
unimportant, the use of an autotransformer has a number of advantages
over a mutual transformer.

 With only one winding, the volume of copper required in its

manufacture can be lower than for a mutual transformer.
 There are no secondary copper losses, so autotransformers
are more efficient than a corresponding mutual transformer.
Qus 31. Stones are provided in the substation to

1. To provide insulation
2. To avoid Fire accident during leakage of transformer oil
3. To avoid growing of plants and weed
4. All of the above
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4. All of the above


The ground of the substation yard is filled with crushed gravel stones.
Generally, 20 to 25 mm baby gravel stones are used instead big size
stones to facilitate the movement of persons and equipment in the
substation yard. This is because of the following reasons concern to safety
from shock:

1. It provides a high resistance layer or insulation between our

feet and the ground. So that the fault currents flow into the
ground but not along the ground.
2. To minimize step potential and touch potential voltages.
3. It avoids a pool of inflammable oil, etc. on the substation
ground in case of any spilling of insulation oil from the
equipment. This also avoids spreading free from one
equipment to the other in the substation.
4. It restricts the entering of snakes and other reptiles as the
surface would be inconvenient to crawl.
5. It avoids the growth of plants and weeds in the substation yard
to some extent.
6. Oil leakage takes place during operation or when changing the
oil in the transformer. This oil spillage can catch fire is
dangerous to the switchyard operation. So Stones is provided
to protect from fire when oil spillage takes place.

Qus 32.   A transformer on no-load is switched on to a source of voltage. It

will draw a current

1. Which is several times the steady-state magnetizing current

depending upon the initial state of the residual flux in the
transformer core.
2. Which is several times the steady-state magnetizing current
depending upon the initial state of the residual flux in the
transformer core.
3. Which is the same as the steady-state magnetizing current.
4. Which is twice the steady-state magnetizing current provided
the core has no residual flux.
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1. Which is several times the steady-state magnetizing current
depending upon the initial state of the residual flux in the transformer


 Whenever a transformer is on no-load,i.e the secondary

winding has no burden(load) connected to it.
 The transformer must actually withdraw zero current from the
primary side.
 But practically even on no-load, a small amount of current is
drawn from the primary side, to set up the required magnetic
flux in the magnetic core.
 At no load, the transformer draws some current (Im) in order to
establish the flux in the transformer core which lags the
applied voltage by 90° (since flux is required to create a
magnetic pool in order to transfer energy from one port to
another) called as magnetizing current.
This magnetizing current (no-load current) is about 3-5%
of the full load current and it accounts for the losses in a
 When the transformer is in no-load condition, the primary
carries a small no-load current while the secondary current is
 However, difficulties arise when an unloaded or lightly loaded
transformer is switched on to the supply by closing the
breaker at the primary side.
 There may be a transient on the primary side immediately
after the switching.
 The core flux may rise to a very high value (almost equal to
twice the normal value) depending on the switching instant,
for a few cycles afterward.
 This high core flux density drives the core to saturation
and the primary winding draws a very large (may be even
7-10 times the rated current) magnetizing current.
 In some transformers, this may be as high as 50 to 100
times the normal magnetizing current.
 This is the inrush current which decays with time to the small
no-load current.
 It is not an abnormal situation as the transformer can
withstand such a large current for a few cycles without

Qus 33. Cruciform shape is used in the transformer core to

1. Reduce core loss

2. Reduce core reluctance
3. Reduce winding copper
4. All of the above
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4. All of the above


Cruciform transformer

Cruciform core Transformer

 Cruciform shape is used in transformer core to reduce core
loss, copper, in the winding, reduce core reluctance, and
reduction of iron and copper losses.
  In a transformer, eddy current losses in the iron core are
directly proportional to the core’s thickness. To reduce eddy
current loss, we usually use thin sheets of the iron core to
reduce the skin effect.
 Cruciform or stepped core reduces the diameter of
circumscribing. Due to the less diameter, the insulating
material required is less and the amount of copper required
for winding is reduced. Due to the above reason size, weight,
and cost of the Transformer are less with cruciform care.

Qus 34. Which of the following test is performed to determine the leakage

1. Short circuit test
2. Open circuit test
3. Both Open circuit and short circuit test
4. Test by an Impedance bridge
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1.Short circuit test


Short circuit or Impedance test

The short-circuit test is carried out at very low voltage and at the rated full
load current. Therefore, the iron loss at that voltage is very low.

The short-circuit test on the transformer is performed to determine the

equivalent resistance and leakage reactance either referred to the primary
side or referred to the secondary side. Thus for the performance
calculation of a transformer, there is no necessity of determination of the
individual parameters of the primary and secondary windings once the
equivalent resistance and equivalent leakage reactance are known.

Short circuit test or Impedance test is performed to determine

⇒Copper loss at full load
⇒Equivalent impedance (Zo1 or Zo2)
⇒Leakage reactance (Xo1 or Xo2)

 In the short-circuit test, the secondary terminals are short-

circuited by a thick conductor, and a reduced voltage is applied
until the rated primary current flows. From the measured
voltage and current, we can calculate the leakage inductance.
 A short circuit test is performed on the HV side of the
 Low voltage (5 to 10%) is applied to the primary and slowly
increases till full load current is flowing both in primary and
 The ammeter reading gives full load current IL.
 Since applied voltage is small so flux (Φ) is also small therefore
core loss is small hence core loss can be neglected.

Qus 35. During SC test the Power Input to a transformer comprises

1. Core loss
2. Copper loss
3. Hysteresis loss
4. Eddy current loss
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2. Copper loss

Explanation: (For more detail check previous question)

Short circuit or Impedance test

Short circuit test or Impedance test is performed to determine

⇒ Copper loss at full load

⇒ Equivalent impedance (Zo1 or Zo2)
⇒ Leakage reactance (Xo1 or Xo2)

 The figure shows the circuit diagram for conducting the short-
circuit test on a transformer. One of the windings of the
transformer is short-circuited through an ammeter, while a
low voltage is applied to the other winding.
 The applied voltage is slowly increased until full load current
flows in this winding. The full load current will then flow in the
other winding also.
 Normally the applied voltage is hardly 5 to 7 percent of the
rated voltage of this winding. As such the flux established in
the core will be quite small and so the iron losses occurring
under this condition is negligible.
 Thus, the reading indicated by the wattmeter connected in the
circuit gives the full load copper losses of the transformer.

Qus 36. The maximum load that a power transformer can carry is limited

by its

1. Voltage ratio
2. Temperature Rise
3. Cooper Loss
4. Dielectric strength of coil
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Ans 2. Temperature Rise


 The amount of power a transformer can transfer depends

primarily on the magnetic properties and the volume of its
 This power is frequency-dependent and it scales essentially
with P ∝ V ∝ F.
 For a given core size and core material (which also depends on
the application), the number of turns then determines the
inductance and the capacitance of the primary and secondary
 The capacity of a transformer is in KVA or MVA. Its voltage and
current ratings are fixed for a particular transformer.
 The kVA capacity of a transformer is the output that it can
deliver for a specified period of time, at the rated
secondary voltage and rated frequency, without exceeding
a specified temperature rise based on insulation life and
ambient temperature.
 Transformers can be loaded above their kVA ratings with no
loss of life expectancy only when operated within the
manufacturer’s stated limits. Select the transformer based
on its kVA capacity and temperature rating.
 The rated kVA capacity is based on the maximum current
delivered at rated voltage.
 The real limit in the transformer’s capability is the amount of
current that it can provide without exceeding a defined
temperature rise.

Qus 37. A shell-type transformer has

1. High eddy current losses

2. Reduce magnetic leakage
3. Low hysteresis losses
4. All of the above
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Ans 2. Reduce magnetic leakage


Shell Type Transformer

 When the primary and secondary windings are encircled by

the magnetic material, the transformer is referred to as a
shell-type transformer.
 In shell-type construction, there are two parallel magnetic
paths into which the flux from the central limb can divide.
 The primary and secondary windings are wound on the central
limb one above the other. This provides a better magnetic
coupling between the primary and secondary windings
and reduces the magnetic leakage from the core.

 Shell-type transformer construction features a short magnetic

path and a longer mean length of the electrical turn.
 The shell-form transformer has a larger core area and a
smaller number of winding turns than the core-form of the
same output and performance.
 Additionally, the shell form generally has a larger ratio of steel
to copper than an equivalently rated core-form transformer.
 The core type has a longer mean length of the magnetic flux
but a shorter mean length for the winding coils and so it is
better suited for very high voltage transformers which require
a large number of turns in their windings and also, it offers
better scope for insulation and its inspection.

Qus 38. A transformer can have zero voltage regulation closer to zero

1. On full load
2. On overload
3. On leading power factor
4. On zero power factor
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Ans 3. On Leading power factor


Voltage regulation is defined as the ratio of the difference between no-

load voltage and full load voltage to no-load voltage. Voltage regulation
depends on the nature of the load.

For lagging and unity power factor V2 > E2.

V2 = Secondary terminal voltage on a given load.
E2 = Secondary terminal voltage on no load.

 As the load increase, it tends to become capacitive and V2 start

 In case the load has a leading power factor, the voltage drop is
less than what it is in the case of the unity power factor load. If
the effect of voltage drop due to resistance is exactly balanced
by the voltage drop due to reactance, it is possible to have V2 =
E2, i.e., the voltage on load remains the same as the voltage on
no-load, and regulation becomes zero.
 In leading, the power factor condition load is just able to
supply the reactive power for the active power flow. 
In a transformer, minimum voltage regulation occurs when the power
factor of the load is leading.

The voltage regulation of the transformer is zero at a leading power factor

load such as a capacitive load.

Qus 39. Natural air cooling is generally restricted for transformer upto

1. 1.5 MVA
2. 5 MVA
3. 15 MVA
4. 20 MVA
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Ans 1. 1.5 MVA


Air natural cooling method:

 The natural air cooling method is also known as the self-cooled

 In this method, the heat generated by the transformer is cooled
by the circulation of natural air.
  It is used for small voltage transformers.
 Due to the available insulating materials like glass and silicon
resins nowadays, the method can be used for the
transformers upto ratings 1.5 MVA.
 Beyond that level, natural air cooling is not very effective and
the transformer can be heated upto a dangerous level which
can cause serious damage to the transformer.

Qus 40. The size of the transformer core mainly depends on

1. Frequency
2. Area of core
3. Flux density of core
4. Both frequency and area of core
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Ans. 4 Both frequency and area of core

From emf equation of transformer


E= Voltage
f= frequency
A= Area of the core
N= number of turns
B =magnetic flux density

In general, we can say

A = E/(4.44fNB)

 For the constant value of E, N, B if we increase F, then the Area

of the core will decrease means the size of the transformer will
 The Frequency is inversely proportional to the A-area of the
Transformer. As the Frequency is High, the Size and Weight of
the Transformer of the same power Rating can be reduced.
 Higher frequency implies faster MMF variations with time
hence higher emf is inducted on coils, then for same voltage
lower core area is needed or lower number of turns, in any
case, lower volume.
The flux is proportional to the ratio of voltage/frequency. The higher the
frequency lower is the flux in the transformer and vice versa. So, at higher
frequencies the operating flux in the transformer core is low. That means
there is no point in using a lot of magnetic material in the core to handle
that flux which reduces the size of a transformer.

But if we operate a transformer at low frequencies the build has to be a

big one. Large flux would need a larger core thus increasing the size of a
Ques 41. The transformer oil should have  _____ Volatility and _____

1. Low & High

2. High & High
3. Low & Low
4. High & Low
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Ans 3. Low & Low


The transformer oil should have low Volatility and low Viscosity.

Viscosity- The ease with which this convection flow can be induced

clearly is very dependent on the viscosity of the fluid and it is therefore
important for a transformer oil to have a low viscosity.

Low viscosity will assist in the penetration of oil into narrow

ducts and assist in the circulation through windings to prevent local
overheating which would result from poorer flow rates in the less
accessible areas. Therefore transformer Oil having low viscosity i.e greater
fluidity will cool transformers at a much better rate.

Mineral oils, like most other fluids, increase in viscosity as their

temperature is reduced until they become semi-solid, at which stage
their cooling efficiency is virtually nil. The pour point of a fluid is the lowest
temperature at which the fluid is capable of any observable flow. For
many transformers used in cold climates, the oil must not approach this
semi-solid condition at the lowest temperatures likely to be experienced
and so the oil must have a low pour point.
Volatility:- Normally transformers are expected to have a life of at least
30 years. It is desirable not to have to constantly think of making good
evaporation losses during this lifetime, nor is it acceptable that the
composition of the oil should change due to the loss of its more volatile
elements. Low volatility is therefore a desirable feature. Volatility is
quantified by the tendency of a substance to vaporize. Volatility is directly
related to a substance’s vapor pressure. At a given temperature, a
substance with higher vapor pressure vaporizes more readily than a
substance with lower vapor pressure

It will be recognized that fire and explosion are to some extent potential
risks whenever petroleum oils are used in electrical equipment. It is,
therefore, necessary that the temperature of the oil in service should be
very much lower than the flashpoint.

Ques 42. During the open circuit test of a transformer

1. Primary is supplied rated voltage

2. Primary is supplied current at reduce the voltage
3. Primary is supplied rated KVA
4. Primary is supplied full load current
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Ans 1. Primary is supplied rated voltage


Open-circuit test

The open-circuit test is used to measure core losses and obtain the core
loss resistance and magnetizing inductance which is helpful in finding
shunt branch parameters of the equivalent circuit.
The current drawn by shunt parameters in a transformer is a no-load
current. Therefore the current that will flow in the circuit in the open
circuit test is very low so the measurement of the quantities voltage,
current, and power must be on the low voltage side so that the
corresponding value will be readable in the instruments. And therefore,
the open circuit test must be performed on the low voltage side. This
means the high voltage side must be kept open. The current drawn from
the open circuit test is the no-load current at a low power factor
corresponding to the core loss component.

As the normal rated voltage is applied to the primary, therefore,

normal iron losses will occur in the transformer core. Hence
wattmeter will record the iron losses and small copper loss in the primary.
Since the no-load current is very small (usually 2 — 10% of rated current),
Cu losses in the primary under no-load conditions are negligible as
compared with iron losses. Hence, wattmeter reading practically gives the
iron losses in the transformer It is reminded that iron losses are the same
at all loads.

Ques 43. Which type of winding is used in a 3-phase shell type


1. Rectangular Type
2. Cylindrical Type
3. Sandwich Type
4. Circular type
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Ans 3.Sandwich Type


Shell Type Transformer

 When the primary and secondary windings are encircled by

the magnetic material, the transformer is referred to as a
shell-type transformer.
 In shell-type construction, there are two parallel magnetic
paths into which the flux from the central limb can divide.
 The primary and secondary windings are wound on the central
limb one above the other. This provides a better magnetic
coupling between the primary and secondary windings and
reduces the magnetic leakage from the core.
 In the case of shell-type transformers, sandwich-type
windings are used.
 The high voltage and low voltage windings are split into a
number of sections where each high voltage section lies
between two low voltage sections. Such type of sandwich
windings is shown in Fig.
 Shell-type transformer construction features a short magnetic
path and a longer mean length of the electrical turn.
 The shell-form transformer has a larger core area and a
smaller number of winding turns than the core-form of the
same output and performance.
 Additionally, the shell form generally has a larger ratio of steel
to copper than an equivalently rated core-form transformer.
 The core type has a longer mean length of the magnetic flux
but a shorter mean length for the winding coils and so it is
better suited for very high voltage transformers which require
a large number of turns in their windings and also, it offers
better scope for insulation and its inspection.

Ques 44. The transformer laminations are insulated from each other by

1. Mica strip
2. Paper
3. Thin coating of Varnish
4. Any of the above
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Ans 3. Thin coating of Varnish


The magnetic core of the transformer is made up of laminated silicon

steel. The silicon steel material is used to decrease the hysteresis loss. The
thickness of the lamination varies from 0.3 to 0.5 mm. In order to reduce
the eddy current losses, the thickness of laminations should be very
small. The laminations are insulated from each other by using
insulation like varnish. When requiring a varnish for a winding
application, bond strength, application, build (thickness), temperature
class and chemical resistance must be determined.

The purpose of providing the coating of varnish in windings are

 Bonding the magnet wire together to form a hard structure,

which provides a degree of mechanical strength.
 Adding additional insulation to the winding system preserves
the initial dielectric strength of the insulation to which it is
 The extra insulation allows the winding to withstand higher
voltage stress levels without damage.
 Sealing the winding to resist contaminants such as moisture,
dust, fungus, and chemicals.
 Filling the voids (displacing the air – that is, a thermal barrier)
in the slots of electrical apparatus, between layers of insulation
and winding turns.
 To promote the conduction of heat from the center of
windings to the exterior environment via a low thermal
resistance path and so keep the winding temperature down.
 A reduced winding temperature means lower electrical
resistance and therefore less copper (I2R) losses.
 To reduce mechanical vibrations and the audible noise level of
the apparatus.

Ques 46. Two transformers are connected in parallel. These transformers

have different percentage impedance. It is likely to result in
1. Loading in the transformer is not proportional to their KVA
2. Short circuit in secondary
3. Higher copper loss
4. Power factor of one of the transformer is leading while that of
the other is lagging.
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Ans 1. Loading in the transformer is not proportional to their KVA



Parallel operation of transformers

There are a number of requirements that must be satisfied before two or

more single-phase transformers can be ‘paralleled -i.e. before they can be
connected in parallel with each other, in order to supply the same load.
These requirements are

1. Same voltage ratio (turns ratio)

2. Similar percentage impedance
3. Similar kVA rating
4. Same polarity
Similar percentage impedance:-

 A transformer’s percentage impedance can be determined by

shortcircuiting the secondary winding with an ammeter, and
gradually increasing the primary voltage until rated current
flows in the secondary.
 The percentage impedance is then simply the ratio of that
particular primary voltage to the rated primary voltage,
expressed as a percentage.
 In other words, the per-unit or percentage impedance of the
two transformers should be equal. If this condition is fulfilled,
load sharing of the total connected load between the two
transformers will be proportional to their kVA ratings.
So, for example, if a particular transformer has a percentage impedance
of, say, ‘5%’, then it would take just 5% of the rated primary voltage to
cause 100% of the rated secondary current to flow through the short-
circuited secondary winding.

 For unequal ratings, the numerical (ohmic) values of their

impedances should be in inverse proportion to their ratings to
have current in them in line with their ratings.
 If the transformer does not have equal percentage
impedance then the loading of the transformer is not in
proportion to their kVA rating.
 A difference in the ratio of the reactance value to
the resistance value of the per-unit impedance results in a
different phase angle of the currents carried by the two
paralleled transformers; one transformer will be working with
a higher power factor and the other with a lower power factor
than that of the combined output.
 Hence, the real power will not be proportionally shared by the

Ques 47. Which of the following is the main advantage of an

autotransformer over a two winding transformer?

1. Reduces hysteresis losses

2. Reduce eddy current losses
3. Copper losses are negligible
4. Saving of copper material
Show Explanation

 Ans 4. Saving of copper material 


An autotransformer is a type of transformer that uses a single tapped winding rather

than the two separate and electrically isolated windings used by mutual transformers.
Because autotransformers don’t have separate windings, unlike mutual transformers
there is no electrical isolation between the primary and secondary circuits.

 Therefore the primary is electrically connected to the secondary, as

well as magnetically coupled to it.
 The alternating current applied between the input points will induce a
flow of magnetic flux around the core.
 This magnetic flux will link with all the turns forming the coil, inducing
a voltage into each turn of the winding.
 Since the volts-per-turn is the same in both windings, each develops a
voltage in proportion to its number of turns.
 In an autotransformer, part of the current flows directly from the input to
the output, and only that part is transferred.
Where electrical isolation between the primary and secondary windings is
unimportant, the use of an autotransformer has a number of advantages over a mutual

1. As we know that, the saving of copper in auto-transformer is “K” times

the copper required in the 2-winding transformer. Hence less copper is
required in the case of an auto-transformer.
2. As less copper is required, hence less ohmic losses and core losses will
occur. Correspondingly the efficiency of an auto-transformer is higher
than the efficiency of a 2-winding transformer.
3. Leakage reactance is less in the case of an auto-transformer, hence it has
superior voltage regulation.
4. Due to single winding, less weight as well as less space will be there.
5. There are no secondary copper losses, so autotransformers are more
efficient than a corresponding mutual transformer.

Qus 48. Which winding of the transformer has less cross-sectional area?

1. Primary winding
2. Secondary Winding
3. High Voltage Winding
4. Low Voltage Winding
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Ans 3. High Voltage winding


 The number of turns on the primary and secondary windings

depends upon their respective voltages.
 We know that current density is defined as the ratio of current
to perpendicular cross-section area through which current is
 The value of current density of HV winding is more in
comparison to LV winding because of better cooling of HV
 Since HV winding is placed far from the core in Comparison to
LV winding which is placed near to the core.
 Current density is inversely proportional to the area of the
core so the thin wire is used for HV winding.
 Also as the resistance of winding is inversely proportional
to the area of cross-section, the area of high voltage
winding is less compared to low voltage winding.
 Therefore HV winding has Low cross-sectional area.
 A high-voltage winding has far more turns than a low-voltage
 On the other hand, the current in a high-voltage winding is
much smaller, enabling us to use a smaller size conductor.
 The result is that the amount of copper in the primary and
secondary windings is about the same.

Ques 49. The core used in the high-frequency transformer is usually

1. Copper Core
2. Iron Core
3. Mild Steel Core
4. Air core
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Ans. 4 Air Core

Transformer core

Air core transformer- This transformer has no iron core. It consists of

simply two insulated primary and secondary coils placed closely one to
the other.

Open core transformer:- In this transformer, the primary and secondary

coils are each separately wrapped around their own ferromagnetic cores.
Again both coils+cores are placed close to each other. Some auto-
transformers are open-core type transformers (both insulated coils are
wrapped around a single iron core).

Closed core transformer (most often used):- In this transformer, the

primary and secondary coils are wrapped around an iron core with closed
geometry (either a ring or square shape).

 From the application parameters point of view, the type of a

transformer core depends on operational factors such as
applied voltage, current, and frequency.
 In addition to these, size limitations and construction costs are
further factors to be considered. Conventionally applied core
materials are air, soft iron, and steel.
 Generally, air-core transformers are used when the
voltage source has a  higher frequency above 20kHz
 Iron-core transformers are usually used when the source
frequency is below 20kHz.
 Transformer cores composed of laminated steel sheets
isolated with a nonconducting material provide the highest
efficiency among conventional core materials primarily due to
better dissipation of heat generated during the process.
 Iron becomes less effective as a magnetic circuit because at
high frequencies, the fluX penetrates to lesser extent in the
Qus 50. Harmonics in transformer results in
1. Increase core losses
2. Increases I2R Losses
3. Interference with communication circuits
4. All of the above
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Ans 4. All of the Above


The term harmonic is derived from acoustics and is defined as the content
of the electrical signal whose frequency is an integral multiple of
fundamental or system frequency produced by generators.

Transformer as Source of Harmonics

Transformers can be considered as sources of harmonic voltages, which

arise from magnetic distortion and magnetic saturation due to the
presence of a DC component in its secondary. The magnitude of these
harmonics depends upon the operating flux density. Converter
transformers are usually operated at high flux densities than conventional
3-phase transformers, and therefore the possibility of generation of
harmonics is more in the former than in the later.

Effects of Harmonics on Transformers

Harmonics have an effect on transformers in various ways

1. Core loss: Harmonic voltage increases the hysteresis and

eddies current losses in the laminations. The amount of the
core loss depends on the harmonics present in the supply
voltage design parameter of core materials and magnetic
circuits. Eddy current losses are of large concern when
harmonic current is present in the network. These losses
increase approximately with the square of the frequency. Total
eddy current losses are normally about 10% of the losses at
full load.
2. Hysteresis loss: Hysteresis loss increases because voltage
harmonics set up the hysteresis loop on the fundamental loop.
So each loop represents a higher magnetization power
requirement and higher core losses in the transformer.
3. Copper loss: Harmonic current increases copper loss. The loss
(I2R,) mainly depends on the harmonics present in the load and
the effective ac resistance of the winding. Copper loss
increases temperature and creates hot spots in that
transformer. The effect is prominent in the case of converter
transformers these transformers do not benefit from the
presence of filters as filters are normally connected on the a.c.
system side.
4. Stress: Voltage harmonics increase the stresses of the
5. Core vibration: Current and voltage harmonics increase small
core vibration.
6. Saturation problem: Sometimes additional harmonic voltage
causes core saturation.
7. Interference in communication line:- The third harmonic
current may cause interference in the communication circuit
running parallel to power lines. If a tertiary delta winding is
provided, the third harmonic currents will be reduced but not
completely eliminated.
Ques.51. Among the following, which is not seen on the nameplate of a
Power transformer?

1. Vector group
2. Duty
3. Insulation class
4. Frame size
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Answer.4. Frame size

Minimum Nameplate Requirement

Every distribution and power transformer has a metal nameplate attached

to the tank that gives vital information on how the transformer is to be
connected and operated.

The minimum information to be shown on a transformer nameplate

depends on the KVA rating of the transformer as specified in the
standards. The standards require the following information for
transformers rated above 500 KVA

 Name of manufacturer
 Serial number
 Month/Year of manufacture
 Insulation class (Cooling class)
 Number of phases
 Frequency
 KVA or MVA rating
 Voltage ratings
 Tap voltages
 Rated temperature rise, °C
 Polarity (single-phase transformers)
 Phasor or vector diagram (polyphase transformers  or
Three Phase Transformers)
 Percent impedance
 Basic lightning impulse insulation levels
 Connection diagram
 Type of insulating liquid
 Duty

Ques.52. Which type of transformer does not isolate the secondary?

1. Potential transformer
2. Autotransformer
3. Distribution transformer
4. Current transformer
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Answer.2. Auto transformer


An autotransformer is a type of transformer that uses a single tapped

winding rather than the two separate and electrically isolated windings
used by mutual transformers.

Because autotransformers don’t have separate windings, unlike mutual

transformers there is no electrical isolation between the primary and
secondary circuits.

Where electrical isolation between the primary and secondary windings is

unimportant, the use of an autotransformer has a number of advantages
over a mutual transformer.

 With only one winding, the volume of copper required in its

manufacture can be lower than for a mutual transformer.
 There are no secondary copper losses, so autotransformers
are more efficient than a corresponding mutual transformer.

Ques.53. Which of the following is the major disadvantage of


1. No primary and secondary wire isolation

2. Insulation failure of primary winding may damage the whole
3. Individual earthing of winding is not possible
4. All of the above
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Answer.4. All of the above


In case, where electrical isolation is important for safety reasons, then an

autotransformer simply cannot be used.

Disadvantages of auto-transformer

 An autotransformer does not provide electrical isolation

between its windings as an ordinary transformer does. Hence
an autotransformer can not safely be used for stepping down
higher voltages too much lower voltages suitable for smaller
 A failure of the insulation of the windings of an
autotransformer can result in full input voltage applied to the
 If there is a break in the part of the winding, then the
transformer acts as an inductor in series with the load.
 Since the neutral connection is common to both the primary
and secondary windings, earthing of the secondary winding
automatically Earth’s the primary as there is no isolation
between the two windings. Double wound transformers are
sometimes used to isolate equipment from the earth.

Ques.54. Which of the following transformer does not step up or step

down the voltage level?

1. Three-phase transformer
2. Isolation transformer
3. Auto-transformer
4. Double wound transformer
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Answer.2. Isolation transformer


An “isolation transformer” neither steps the voltage up or down, but it

simply provides electrical isolation between primary and secondary

Isolation Transformers are used to isolate electronic equipment from 240-

volts AC, 50-hertz power while it is being tested. The reason for using a
transformer is to prevent shocks. Without the transformer, one side of the
power source is connected to the chassis. When the chassis is removed
from the cabinet, the “hot”.

Ques.55. Which of the following are applications of Auto-transformer?

1. Used as switch
2. Used as Variac
3. Used for voltage correction
4. All of the above
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Answer.4. All of the above

Application of Autotransformer

1. Autotransformer is used as a variac (variable a.c) in the

laboratory and other situations that require continuously
variable voltage over a broad range.
2. It can be used as a regulating transformer.
3. For giving a small boost to distribution cable to correct voltage
4. For safely starting the machines like an induction motor,
synchronous motor i.e., as a starter.

Ques.56. A potential transformer is a ______

1. Autotransformer
2. Step up transformer
3. Ideal transformer
4. Step down transformer
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Answer.4. Step down transformer


 Transformers used in conjunction with measuring instruments

for measurement purposes are called instrument
transformers. The actual measurements are done by the
measuring instruments only.
 The potential transformer is also called a voltage
transformer and is a step-down transformer whose
secondary is rated at 110 V. The main difference between the
voltage transformer and the power transformer is that in the
former, the secondary current is of the same order as that of
the magnetizing current of the transformer.
 The primary is connected across the high voltage supply and
the secondary to the voltmeter or potential coil of the
 Since the voltmeter (or potential coil) impedance is very high,
the secondary current is very small and the potential
transformer behaves as an ordinary two winding transformer
operating on no-load.

Ques.57. Transformer undergo regular maintenance to check

1. Transformer insulation
2. Transformer electrical current
3. Transformer conduction
4. Transformer rusting
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Answer.1. Transformer insulation


The objective of transformer maintenance is to safeguard against

breakdowns by detecting potential causes and eliminating them. The
transformer undergoes regular maintenance to check the Transformer
insulation i.e. oil, dielectric strength, etc.

Transformers are a vital link in the electrical distribution system and

should be given proper care and attention. Transformer maintenance
schedules should be determined according to the critical or non-critical
nature of the transformer and the load that is connected to it.

Transformer Inspection and Maintenance

General inspection
General Inspection Item Frequency

Load current Hourly or use recording meters

Voltage Hourly or use recording meters

Liquid level Hourly or use recording meters

Temperature Hourly or use recording meters

Protective devices Yearly

Protective alarms Monthly

Ground connections Every 6 months

Tap changer Every 6 months

Lightning arresters Every 6 months

Pressure-relief devices Every 3 months

Breather Monthly

Auxiliary equipment Annually

External inspection Every 6 months

Internal inspection 5 to 10 years

Insulating liquid Test

Insulating liquid Frequency

Dielectric strength Annually

Color Annually

Neutralization number Annually

Interfacial tension Annually

PF test Annually

Moisture content Annually

Gas-analysis test Annually

Solid Insulting winding test

Solid Insulting winding Frequency

Insulation resistance Annually

Power factor Annually

Frame leakage protection Annually

Polarisation Index Annually

Hi-pot (AC or DC) Five year or more

Induced voltage Five year or more

Polarization recovery voltage Annually

DC winding resistance Annually

Ques.58. A common method of cooling a power transformer is

1. Natural air cooling

2. Airblast cooling
3. Oil cooling
4. Any of the above
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Answer.3. Oil cooling

The coolants used in the transformer are:

1. Air Cooling
2. Oil Cooling
The dry-type transformer uses air as a coolant, whereas the oil-immersed
transformer uses oil as a coolant.

The heat produced in dry-type transformers is conducted across the core

and windings. Finally, the heat dissipates from the outer surfaces of the
windings to the surrounding air through convection.
The cooling methods used in transformers up to 25 kVA size and of dry-
type are discussed below:

Natural air: Ambient air is used as the cooling medium in this method,

and the natural circulation of the surrounding air is used to carry away the
generated heat by natural convection. They are used for transformers
having low voltage and output ratings.

Air blast: Natural circulation of air used in cooling becomes insufficient

for dissipation of heat from large transformers. Therefore, the circulation
of air (air blast) is used to keep the temperature rise within prescribed
limits. A continuous blast of cool air is forced through the cores and the
windings to cool the transformer in this method. External fans are used to
produce air blasts. They are used for machines with ratings higher than 33
kV and 100 MVA.

Oil cooled:- Generally most of the transformers are of oil-immersed types

because oil provides better insulation than air due to its better conduction
heat. Mineral oil is used for this purpose. The heat generated inside the
core and windings of an oil-immersed transformer is conducted across
them to their surfaces. This heat produced is transferred by the oil to the
walls of the tank through convection. They are used for  large-sized
transformers with ratings up to 132 kV and 100 MVA

Ques.59. The primary and secondary voltages of an autotransformer are

250 V and 200 V, respectively. The secondary current is 100 A. What will be
the economy of copper in the auto-transformer?

1. 50%
2. 80%
3. 60%
4. 40%
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Answer.2. 80%



Primary voltage =200 V

Secondary voltage = 250 V

Transformation volatge K = V2/V1

K = 200/250 = 0.8

Economy of copper = K = 0.8 = 80%

Ques.60. How many magnetic paths does a shell-type transformer have?

1. 4
2. 3
3. 2
4. 5
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Answer.3. 2

There are two common transformer structures in use today.

1. Core type transformer

2. Shell type transformer
Core type:- When the magnetic circuit is encircled by two or more
windings of the primary and secondary, the transformer is referred to as a
core-type transformer. A core-type transformer is one in which there is
only one iron path, usually in rectangular form, and the windings are
wound on two opposite limbs. The core-type is not often used in small-
size transformers as its shape makes mounting difficult, but it offers
advantages, considering the insulation requirement when very high
voltages have to be generated on small transformers.

Shell type:- When the primary and secondary windings are encircled by

the magnetic material, the transformer is referred to as a hell-type
transformer. In shell-type construction, there are two parallel
magnetic paths into which the flux from the central limb can
divide. The primary and secondary windings are wound on the central
limb one above the other. This provides a better magnetic coupling
between the primary and secondary windings.
Shell-type transformer construction features a short magnetic path and a
longer mean length of the electrical turn. The shell-form transformer has
a larger core area and a smaller number of winding turns than the core-
form of the same output and performance. Additionally, the shell form
generally has a larger ratio of steel to copper than an equivalently rated
core-form transformer.

61. The gel used in the breather of the transformer is

1. Silica gel
2. Silicon gel
3. Mica gel
4. Formica gel
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Answer.1. Silica gel


Transformer oil should not be exposed directly to the atmosphere because it may
absorb moisture and dust from the environment and may lose its electrical properties
in a very short time. To avoid this problem a breather is provided on the top of the
conservator. It mainly consists of a silica gel. The silica gel absorbs the moisture
content of air so that oil contamination can be prevented. The silica gel which is
blue in color turns pink when it absorbs moisture fully. It is replaced periodically as
routine maintenance.

Ques.62. Minimum BDV of a good 11 kV/433 V working transformer oil shall be


1. More than 100 kV

2. More than 30 kV
3. Less than 11 kV
4. Less than 433 V
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Answer.2. More than 30 kV


Dielectric strength of transformer oil

Dielectric breakdown test of oil is the most reliable method of testing the condition of
oil. Transformer oil greatly reduces in its breakdown strength by the presence of
moisture content. The presence of moisture content could be very minutely tested by
this test after which if needed oil can be filtered and heated for removal of moisture.

The transformer oil must comply with the Bureau of Indian Standard Specifications
IS:335-1983 in respect of its tendency towards sludging, acidity, flashpoint, dielectric
strength, etc. Description of all the tests performed to ascertain the suitability of the
oil is beyond the scope of this experiment and only dielectric strength verification will
be dealt with. The electric strength of transformer oil as per IS:335-1983 should be as
given below:

(a) New unfiltered oil 30 kV (RMS)

(b) After filtration of 60 kV (RMS)

If the new unfiltered oil does not withstand 30 kV (RMS), the oil should be filtered
and re-tested.
The minimum breakdown voltage of 11kV/433 V transformer oil or dielectric strength
of transformer oil at which this oil can safely be used in transformer, is considered to
be more than 30 kV.

A typical value of BDV Test result for 220 / 6.6 kV Transformer oil is 65 kV and
moisture content should be less than 10 ppm

The electric strength of the oil is tested by finding the breakdown voltage at which
there is visible arcıng through the oil across two electrodes.

Ques.63.A transformer has 2% resistance and 5% reactance. What is its voltage

regulation at full load with 0.8 p.f. lagging?

1. 5.3%
2. 4.6%
3. 0.53%
4. 0.46%
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Answer.2. 4.6%


In transformer voltage regulation is given by:

Voltage regulation = x (Rpu cosθ ± Xpu sinθ)

Where x = fraction of load

Rpu = resistance in pu (we can use % resistive drop in fraction)

Xpu = reactance in pu (we can use % reactive drop in fraction)

+ for lagging load

– for leading load


Given that, the transformer is working at 0.8 lagging power factor at full load

⇒ cos θ = 0.8, sin θ = 0.6


Rpu = 2%

Xpu = 5%

%V.R. = 1 × (2 × 0.8 + 5 × 0.6)

%V.R = 4.6%

Ques.64. The primary current in a current transformer is dictated by

1. The secondary burden

2. The core of the transformer
3. The load current
4. None of these
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Answer.3. The load current


The current transformer is used in conjunction with the current measuring device
(such as an ammeter, wattmeter, energy meter etc.). The current transformer is used
with low-range ammeters to measure currents in high voltage alternating current
circuit. The primary current of the transformer is dictated by the load current.

When the current in a circuit is too high to apply to measuring instruments directly,
a current transformer produces a reduced current accurately proportional to the
load current in the course, conveniently connected to measuring and recording
devices. A current transformer also isolates the measuring instruments from a very
high voltage in the monitored circuit.

Ques.65. The transformer core are laminations are insulated from each other by

1. Cotton
2. Paper
3. Mica Strip
4. The thin coating of Varnish
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Answer.4. The thin coating of varnish


The purpose of providing the coating of varnish in windings are

 To keep moisture out of the windings to preserve insulation.

 To protect the windings from humming or vibrating when magnetized.
 To increase the electrical insulation and dielectric strength.
 Provide heat dissipation from the coil.

Ques.66. Find the current transformer measurement, if a 100:5 CT is used in

conjunction with (0 – 5A) ammeter reads 3A

1. 60 A
2. 35 A
3. 15 A
4. 70 A
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Answer.1. 60 A


The ratio between the primary and the secondary currents is 100 A/5 A, or 20:1. In
other words, the primary current is 20 times greater than the secondary current.
Note that the number of turns and the current in the primary and secondary windings
are related by an inverse proportion. i.e I1 / I2 = N2 / N1.

A current transformer (CT) has large load currents connected to the primary winding
of the transformer and the ammeter connected to the seconds winding.

If the ammeter reads 3A that means the current in the secondary winding is 3A. If the
turn ratio is kept constant then-new primary current is

Now I1 / I2 = I’1 / I’2

100/5 = I’1 / 3

I’1 = 60 A

Ques.67. What is the phase shift angle of LV w.r.t HV in the vector group Dy11
transformer? (Anti-clockwise vector rotation)
1. +30°
2. -30°
3. -180°
4. +60°
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Answer.1. +30°


Dy11(Δ-Y) means that

 The high voltage winding of the transformer is in delta connection.

 The low voltage winding of the transformer is star connected.
 Dy11 means 30° degrees lagging or 30° leading ( LV leads HV with 30

Advantages of DY11
1. On the high voltage side of the transformer, insulation is stressed only to
the extent of 57.7% of line voltage.
2. In this case, the neutral point is stable and will not “float” when the load
is unbalanced.
3. There is no distortion of flux because the primary is delta connected
which allows a path for the 3rd harmonic currents.

Ques.68. Efficiency of a power transformer is in the order of

1. 60%
2. 70%
3. 80%
4. 97%
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Answer.4. 97%


Power transformers are used in power supply circuits because of the efficiency and
ease with which they transfer energy. The power transformer is capable of receiving a
voltage at one level and delivering it at the same level, some higher level, or some
lower level.

The efficiency of a transformer

The efficiency is always less than 100% for a practical transformer. With careful
design, the efficiency of a transformer is usually greater than 90%.

No energy is lost in an ideal transformer, which does not exist. For such an ideal
transformer, the output power is equal to the input power by the principle of
conservation of energy.  In fact, due to energy loss in the transformer, the output
power is always less than the input power.

Efficiency = Output power/Input Power

Power transformers used for bulk power transmission are operated near about full load
at all times and are therefore designed to have maximum efficiency at full load. On
the other hand, the distribution transformer’s supply load varies over the day through
a wide range. Such transformers are, therefore, designed to have maximum efficiency
at about three-fourths the full load.

Ques.69. In parallel operation of 1-ϕ transformers, a dead short circuit can happen if:

1. Their percentage impedances are not equal

2. There is a difference in the transformation ratios of the transformers
3. The power factors of the transformer don’t match with that of the load
4. Paralleling is done with incorrect polarities
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Answer.4. Paralleling is done with incorrect polarities


Parallel operation of transformers

There are a number of requirements that must be satisfied before two or more single-
phase transformers can be ‘paralleled -i.e. before they can be connected in parallel
with each other, in order to supply the same load. These requirements are

1. Same voltage ratio (turns ratio)

2. Similar percentage impedance
3. Similar kVA rating
4. Same polarity
Same voltage ratio:- If two single-phase transformers with different voltage ratios (or
turns ratios) are connected in parallel across a common primary voltage, then their
secondary voltages will obviously be different. Under ‘no-load’ conditions (i.e. with
no load connected), this will result in a circulating current between the loop formed by
the two secondary windings. As the impedance of a transformer’s windings is low,
this circulating current can be quite high, resulting in unnecessarily high I 2R losses.

Similar percentage impedance:- A transformer’s percentage impedance can be

determined by shortcircuiting the secondary winding with an ammeter, and gradually
increasing the primary voltage until rated current flows in the secondary. The
percentage impedance is then simply the ratio of that particular primary voltage to the
rated primary voltage, expressed as a percentage.
So, for example, if a particular transformer has a percentage impedance of, say, ‘5%’,
then it would take just 5% of the rated primary voltage to cause 100% of the rated
secondary current to flow through the short-circuited secondary winding.

For unequal ratings, the numerical (ohmic) values of their impedances should be in
inverse proportion to their ratings to have current in them in line with their ratings. A
difference in the ratio of the reactance value to the resistance value of the per-unit
impedance results in a different phase angle of the currents carried by the two
paralleled transformers; one transformer will be working with a higher power factor
and the other with a lower power factor than that of the combined output. Hence, the
real power will not be proportionally shared by the transformers.

Similar kVA rating:- Transformers with different kVA ratings will share the load
more-or-less in proportion to those ratings (i.e. with each transformer carrying
roughly its own share of the load), providing their voltage ratios are identical and their
percentage impedances are close. However, it is generally recommended that the
kVA-rating of any two transformers should never differ by more than a ratio of 2:1.

Same Polarity:- The ‘polarity’ of a transformer describes the instantaneous direction

of the potential difference induced across the secondary terminals of that transformer,
relative to that across the primary terminals.

The transformers should have the same polarity: The transformers should be properly
connected with regard to their polarity. If they are connected within correct
polarities then the two EMFs, induced in the secondary windings that are in
parallel, will act together in the local secondary circuit and produce a  dead short

Ques.70. What is the approx Primary full load line current of 11 kV/433 V, 3 MVA,
50 Hz step down transformer?

1. 160 A
2. 4617 A
3. 11000 A
4. 4000 A
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Answer.1. 160 A

In a transformer, the current or the voltage steps up and down. But the power
transferred is always equal.

The rated power of transformer can be written as:

P (MVA) = √3 VL × IL


Power = 3 MVA. (Full load rated power)

V1 = 11 kV

V2 = 433 V

We can write:

3 × 106 = √3 × 11 × 103 × I1

I1 = 157.45 A

I1 = 160 (Approx)

Ques.71. A 10 kVA auto-transformer, turn ratio is 0.4. Find the power transferred

1. 10 kVA
2. 6 kVA
3. 4 kVA
4. 0 kVA
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Answer.3. 4 kVA

Here turn ratio = 0.4

Inductively transferred power = (1 – K) × input power = 10 (1- 0.4) = 6 kVA

Conductively transferred power = K × input power = 10 × 0.4 = 4 kVA

Ques.72. Which of the following is not a type of construction used for a single-phase


1. Core type
2. Shell type
3. Berry type
4. Roof type
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Answer.4. Roof type


According to the core construction and the manner in which the primary and
secondary are placed around it, the transformers are named as follows:

1. Core-type transformers
2. Shell-type transformers
3. Berry-type transformers
Core-type transformers:- In the core type, one-half of the primary winding and one-
half of the secondary winding are placed around each limb. This arrangement reduces
the leakage of flux. The flux produced by one winding but not linking with the other
winding is called the Leakage Flux. Obviously, the leakage flux can be reduced by
winding the coils to have the same axis and to be in very close proximity.
Shell-type transformers:- In the shell type, both the windings are placed around a
central limb, the two outer limbs acting simply as low reluctance paths for the flux.
The core type has a longer mean length of the magnetic flux but a shorter mean length
for the winding coils and so it is better suited for very high voltage transformers
which require a large number of turns in their windings and also, it offers better scope
for insulation and its inspection. On the other hand, the shell type offers better
mechanical support and protection for the windings. However, the shell type requires
specialized fabrication facilities.
Berry-type transformers:- In the Berry type construction, the core is placed around
the windings. It is essentially a shell-type construction but with the magnetic paths
distributed evenly around the windings. This is more difficult to manufacture and
hence not as commonly used as the other two.

Ques.73. The primary winding of a 230/6 V, 50 Hz transformer is energized from 110

V, 50 Hz supply. The secondary output voltage will be ______.
1. 6.0 V
2. 2.86 V
3. 3.0 V
4. 12 V
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Answer.2. 2.86 V


In a transformer, the relation between the number of turns, current, and voltages is
given by:

N1/N2 = V1/V2 = I2/I1

N1 and N2 = number of turns in the primary and secondary windings respectively

V1 and I1 = Voltage and current respectively at the primary end

V2 and I2 = Voltage and current respectively at the secondary end


Given that, V1 = 230 V

V2 = 6 V

The ratio of voltage will be the same

V1/V2 = V’1/V’2

230/6 = 110/V’2

V’2  = 2.86 V

Ques.74. A transformer works on the principle of:

1. Faraday’s law of electrolysis
2. Mutual induction between inductively coupled circuits
3. Self-induction of coils
4. Conduction of current between primary and secondary
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Answer.2. Mutual induction between inductively coupled circuits


A transformer is a static piece of apparatus used for transferring power from one
circuit to another without a change in frequency. It can raise or lower the voltage with
a corresponding decrease or increase in current. In its simplest form, a transformer
consists of two conducting coils having a mutual inductance. The primary is the
winding that receives electric power, and the secondary is the one that may deliver it.
The coils are wound on a laminated core of magnetic material.

The physical basis of a transformer is mutual inductance between two circuits

linked by a common magnetic flux through a path of low reluctance. The two
coils possess high mutual inductance.

If one coil is connected to a source of alternating voltage, an alternating flux is set up

in the laminated core, most of which is linked up with the other coil in which it
produces mutually induced emf (electromotive force) according to Faraday’s laws
electromagnetic induction, i.e.



e = induced EMF

M = mutual inductance

Ques.75. Which of the following is not fitted on the transformer?

1. Commutator
2. Breather
3. Conservator
4. Buchholz Relay
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Answer.1. Commutator


The accessories with the transformer tank are thermometer pockets, drain cock,
rollers, or wheels for moving the transformer from one place to
another, breather, bushings, and Buchholz relay.

The conservator, breather, and Buchholz relay provide protection to the transformer.
For cooling, cooling tubes are welded with the tank, but for radiators, separate
radiators are individually welded and then bolted onto the transformer tank.

Transformers with a voltage rating of 6 kV and an output rating of 25 kVA and more
should be provided with an oil conservator.

Conservator:- The conservator is of the airtight cylindrical metal drum which is

supported horizontally on a neighboring wall. When the transformer is working its
temperature rises, rise being excessive in case of overloads. Due to these changes in
temperature the oil in the tank of the transformer undergoes the process of expansion
and contraction.

Conservators are provided over the transformer tanks to absorb this expansion and
contraction of oil, without allowing the oil to come in contact with the air. Usually,
the conservator capacity should be 10 to 12 percent of the oil volume in the tank.

Breather:- A breather mounted on the transformer tank contains calcium chloride or

silica gel, which extracts the moisture from the air. Due to changes in the oil volume,
the displacement of air due to these changes of oil volume takes place through the
breather, which can extract the moisture from the air. The silica gel extracts the
moisture from the air.

Buchholz relay:- Buchholz relay is designed to detect the faults within the

transformer. So, it is a very important part of the transformer. Most of the internal
fault within the transformer generates the gas. This relay can only be fitted to the
transformer having conservators and is installed on the pipe between the transformer
and its conservator.
This relay consists of two internal floats which operate mercury switches connected to
the external alarm circuit and tripping circuit. Normally, the relay is full of oil. At the
time of the fault, small bubbles of gas are generated. When these bubbles pass through
the conservator, they are trapped in the relay hence oil level in the relay falls, which
rotates the upper float and operates the mercury switch which triggers an alarm.

Note:- The commutator is a part of the D.C machine

Ques.76. If the iron core of a transformer is replaced by an air core, then the
hysteresis losses in the transformer will

1. Increase
2. Decrease
3. Remains unchanged
4. Become zero
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Answer.4. Become zero


When the iron core of a transformer is replaced by an air core, then the
hysteresis losses in the transformer will become zero.

Iron core transformer:- A transformer having a magnetic core usually is called an

iron-core transformer, regardless of the specific composition of the core.

Air core transformer:- A transformer having a non-magnetic core usually is called

an air-core transformer, although the core might be (at least in part) paper or plastic.

Transformer action demands only the existence of alternating flux linking the two
windings. No doubt such action will be obtained if an air core is used but it will be
obtained much more effectively if an iron core is used. It is because the flux is then
substantially confined to a definite path (i.e., iron path) having a much higher
permeability than air.

Hysteresis is the property exhibited by ferrous materials, particularly those having

iron in its composition.
So naturally, air-cored transformers will not have any hysteresis losses. In fact, it
is this reason air-cored transformers are used in electronic applications, particularly
those involving higher frequencies, where iron losses due to hysteresis are high.

In an air-core transformer, the iron core is absent and the flux is linked with the
windings through the air. So that hysteresis losses are eliminated.

In addition to the noise-free operation, an air-core transformer is quite lightweight due

to the absence of a heavy-weight iron core. That is why this air-core transformer is
most suitable for portable, lightweight electronic devices and high-frequency devices.

Air core transformers are generally used in radio transmitters and communication
devices etc.

Ques.77. A 5 kVA, 50 V/100 V, single-phase transformer has a secondary terminal

voltage of 95 V when loaded. The regulation of the transformer is
1. 4.5%
2. 9%
3. 5%
4. 1%
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Answer.3. 5%


% voltage regulation = (No-load voltage − Full Load voltage)/No voltage voltage

Given that, no-load voltage = 100 V

full load voltage = 95 V

% V.R = (100 − 95) × 100/100

= 5%

Ques.78. Voltage regulation of transformer is given by

1. (V0 – V) / V0
2. (V0 – V) / V
3. (V – V0) / V0
4. (V – V0) / V
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Answer.1. (V0 – V) / V0


A transformer voltage regulation is defined as ‘the change in secondary voltage, from

no load to full load, at a specified power factor, expressed as a percentage of its no-
load voltage, with the applied primary supply voltage being held constant.

Voltage regulation = (no voltage regulation) − (full load voltage)/(no load voltage)

Voltage regulation = (Vo − V)/Vo

Ques.79. A transformer operates most efficiently at 3/4th full load. Its iron loss (Pi)
and full load copper loss (Pc) are related as
1. Pi/Pc = 16/9
2. Pi/Pc = 3/4
3. Pi/Pc = 9/16
4. Pi/Pc = 4/3
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Answer.3. Pi/Pc = 9/16


The maximum efficiency in any machine occurs, when the Copper losses (P cu) is equal
to the iron losses/constant losses (Pcu).

Copper losses (Pcu) = iron losses (Pi) at the maximum efficiency

Then, Total losses = 2 × iron losses (Pi)

Copper losses are proportional to the square load current (i.e. Square of X% full load)

∴ x2 (full load Cu losses) = iron losses

Condition for the maximum efficiency at x of full load.

x2 of full load =  Pi/Pcu

(3/4)2 = Pi/Pcu

9/16 = Pi/Pcu

Ques.80. In T-T connection, the percentage tapping of main transformer and teaser
transformer respectively are

1. 50%, 5%
2. 50%, 86.6%
3. 86.6%, 86.6%
4. 86.6%, 50%
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Answer.2. 50%, 86.6%

Scott (T-T) connection:

The Scott connection is used to convert three-phase power into two-phase power
using two single-phase transformers. The Scott connection is very similar to the T
connection in that one transformer, called the main transformer, must have a center or
50% tap, and the second or teaser transformer must have an 86.6% tap on the primary
side. The difference between the Scott and T connections lies in the connection of the
secondary windings.
In the Scott connection, the secondary windings of each transformer provide the
phases of a two-phase system. The voltages of the secondary windings are 90° out of
phase with each other. The Scott connection is generally used to provide two-phase
power for the operation of two-phase motors.

Scott-connected transformers are similar to T-connected ones in that the main

transformer must have a 50% tap on both the primary and secondary, and the
teaser transformer must have an 86.6% tap.

1. The Scott connection is used to produce two-phase power from a three-phase


2. A two-phase system has voltages 90° out of phase with each other
Ques.81. In which type of windings extra insulation between layers is
required in addition to the insulation of conductors.

1. Cross over windings

2. Continuous disc windings
3. sandwich windings
4. Helical windings
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Answer.4. Helical Winding


Helical Winding: The helical coils cover the intermediate range of current

which falls between the range of high current range of spiral coils and the
low current range of multi-conductor disc coil. This coil is wound in the
form of a helix where each conductor may consist of a number of
rectangular strips wound in parallel radially. Helical winding is mostly
suitable for low-voltage (11 kV to 33 kV) windings of large transformers. In
general, simple single-layer helical coils are used for the LV side of large
transformers. The cross-sectional view of a typical single-layer helical coil
is shown in Fig.  However, multiplayer helical coils may be used for high-
voltage windings.
They can also be used for high voltage windings by putting extra
insulation between layers in addition to the insulation of conductors.

Ques.82. A 2 kVA transformer has an iron loss of 150 W and a full load
copper loss of 250 W. The maximum efficiency of the transformer will
occur when the total loss is:

1. 500 W
2. 400 W
3. 300 W
4. 275 W
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Answer.3. 300 W

The efficiency of a transformer will be maximum when copper losses are
equal to iron losses. Iron losses include both hysteresis and eddy current

Copper losses = 250 W

Iron losses = 150 W

At maximum efficiency, copper losses = 150 W

Total losses = 150 + 150 = 300 W

Ques.83. A single-phase 100 kVA, 1000 V / 100 V, 50 Hz transformer has a

voltage drop of 5% across its series impedance at full load. Of this, 3% is
due to resistance. The percentage regulation of the transformer at full
load with 0.8 lagging power factor is

1. 4.8
2. 6.8
3. 8.8
4. 10.8
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Answer.1. 4.8


Given that,

Voltage drop across series impedance (% Z) = 5%

Voltage drop due to resistance (% R) = 3%

Power factor = 0.8 lagging

We know that, 

X=(5)2−(3)2 = 4%

Voltage regulation = %R cos ϕ ± %X sin ϕ

+ve is for lagging loads

-ve is for leading loads

Voltage regulation = (3) (0.8) + (4) (0.6) = 4.8%

Ques.84. The hysteresis loss in a given magnetic material may be

decreased by

1. Laminating it
2. Decreasing maximum flux density established through it
3. Increasing frequency of reversal of magnetization
4. Increasing flux density through it
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Answer.2. Decreasing maximum flux density established through it


Hysteresis losses are also known as Iron Loss or Core Loss and it is always

Hysteresis loss is due to the reversal of magnetization of the transformer

core whenever it is subjected to the alternating nature of magnetizing
force. The power consumed by the magnetic domains for changing the
orientation after every half cycle is called Hysteresis loss.

Wh = η × Bm1.6 × f × V

Where, η is Steinmetz constant

f is frequency

Bm is the magnetic flux density

V is the volume of the core

Wh = hysteresis loss

∴ The hysteresis loss in a given magnetic material can be decreased by

decreasing the maximum flux density established through it

Ques.85.  In a transformer, the core loss is found to be 46 W at 50 Hz and

is 80 W at 70 Hz, both losses being measured at the same peak flux
density. The hysteresis loss and eddy current loss at 60 Hz is

1. 11 W, 20 W
2. 30 W, 45 W
3. 16 W, 30 W
4. 22 W, 40 W
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Answer.4. 22 W, 40 W


Core loss = Eddy current loss + Hysteresis loss

= Kef2 + Kcf

At 50 Hz, Pc = 46 watt

46 =  Ke (50)2 + Kh x 50……….  1

At 70 Hz, Pc = 80 watt

70 =  Ke (70)2 + Kh x 70…………… 2

From equation (1) and (2),

Ke = 0.0111

Kh = 0.363

Now at 60 Hz,

Pe = Ke x 602

= 0.0111 x 3600 = 39.96 ≅ 40 Watt

Ph = 0.36306 x 60

= 21.78≅ 22 Watt

Ques.86. The maximum flux density in the core of a 250/3000 Volts, 50 Hz,

1 = ph transformer is 1.2 wb/m2. Determine the LV and HV turns of the
transformer if the emf per turn is 8 V.

1. NLV = 64, NHV 750

2. NLV = 375, NHV = 32
3. NLV = 32, NHV = 375
4. NLV = 750, NHV = 64
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Answer.3. NLV = 32, NHV = 375


In a transformer, the relation between the number of turns, current, and

voltages is given by:

N1/N2 = V1/V2 = I2/I1

N1 ∝ V1 & N2 ∝ V2

N1 and N2 = number of turns in the primary and secondary windings


V1 and I1 = Voltage and current respectively at the primary end

V2 and I2 = Voltage and current respectively at the secondary end


V1 = 250 V = LV side voltage,

V2 = 3000 V = HV side voltage,

EMF or voltage per turn = 8 V

The number of LV turns of the transformer is

N1 =  NLV = 250/8 = 32

The number of HV turns of the transformer is

N2 =  NLV = 3000/8 = 375

Ques.88. Impulse testing of transformers is done to determine the ability


1. Bushings to withstand vibrations

2. Insulation to withstand transient voltages
3. Windings to withstand voltage fluctuations
4. All of the above
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Answer.2. Insulation to withstand transient voltages


The purpose of the impulse test is to determine the ability of the
insulation of the transformers to withstand the transient voltages
due to lightning, etc. It is well known that power system components are
subjected to severe overvoltage due to internal switching or external
lightning surges. Since the transients are impulses of short rise time, the
voltage distribution along the transformer winding will not be uniform.

In addition to the verification of dielectric strength of transformer

insulation, impulse tests indicate the quality of insulation, processing, and
workmanship. The dielectric test alone cannot determine the dielectric
strength of the insulator (for all the frequencies).

Impulse testing of transformers is done using both the full-wave and the
chopped wave of the standard impulse, produced by a rod gap u ith a
chopping time of 3 to 6 µs. To prevent large overvoltages from being
induced in the windings, not under test, they are short-circuited and
connected to the ground. But the short-circuiting reduces the impedance
of the transformer and hence poses problems in adjusting the standard
waveshape of the impulse generators. It also reduces the sensitivity of

Ques.89. In transformers, which of the following statements is valid

1. In an open circuit test, copper losses are obtained while in

short circuit test, core losses are obtained
2. In an open circuit test, current is drawn at high power factor
3. In a short circuit test, current is drawn at zero power factor
4. In an open circuit test, current is drawn at low power factor
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Answer.4. In an open circuit test, the current is drawn at the low
power factor


Open-circuit test

The open-circuit test is used to measure core losses and obtain the core
loss resistance and magnetizing inductance which is helpful in finding
shunt branch parameters of the equivalent circuit.
The current drawn by shunt parameters in a transformer is a no-load
current. Therefore the current that will flow in the circuit in the open
circuit test is very low so the measurement of the quantities voltage,
current, and power must be on the low voltage side so that the
corresponding value will be readable in the instruments. And therefore,
the open circuit test must be performed on the low voltage side. This
means the high voltage side must be kept open. The current drawn from
the open circuit test is the no-load current at a low power factor
corresponding to the core loss component.

As the normal rated voltage is applied to the primary, therefore, normal

iron losses will occur in the transformer core. Hence wattmeter will record
the iron losses and small copper loss in the primary. Since the no-load
current is very small (usually 2 — 10% of rated current), Cu losses in the
primary under no-load conditions are negligible as compared with iron
losses. Hence, wattmeter reading practically gives the iron losses in the
transformer It is reminded that iron losses are the same at all loads.

Ques.90. In an open circuit, a converter of 11 KVA 1100/110 V outputs 100

W of power when 110 V is applied to an LV winding with an open HV
winding. If 1100 V is applied on HV winding with open LV winding, what
will be the power input?

1. 10000 W
2. 1000 W
3. 100 W
4. 10 W
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Answer.3. 100 W


W0 = wattmeter reading

V1 = voltmeter reading

I0 = Ammeter reading

cosϕo  = No load power factor.

∴ Iron loss of the transformer, Pi = W0

W0 = V1 I0 cosϕ0

No-load power factor = cosϕ0  = W0/V1 I0

Working component or core loss component,

IW = I0 cos ϕ0

When LV side is given supply and HV winding is open

power is drawn = 100 W

When the HV side is given supply and LV winding is open

Power is drawn = 100 W

This is because the no-load test can be performed on any winding side
and the reading remains same. But preferred is on the LV side.

Ques.91. From an open circuit test on a transformer, the no-load power

factor was determined. Out of the following choices which is the most
likely value.

1. 0.4
2. 0.9
3. Unity
4. 0.8
Hide Explanation
Answer. 1. 0.4


 Open circuit test or no load test on a transformer is performed

to determine ‘no-load loss (core loss)’ and ‘no-load current I 0‘ in
the transformer.

 At load, the primary current has two components: Shunt

branch current & secondary current when referred to the
primary side.

 At no load, the secondary current becomes zero due to open-

circuited at secondary.

 Therefore, only the shunt branch component is left which is

used to magnetize the transformer coils. The current flowing
in coils leads to winding losses. Hence, the current supplied by
the source at no load is shunt branch current which is known
as No Load Current.

 No load current has two components (a)Iron loss component

(b) Magnetizing Component.
 Iron loss component: It is the component of no-load current
responsible for the resistive loss in the core.
 Magnetizing Component: It is the component of no-load
current responsible for hysteresis loss in the core
 In this method, the secondary of the transformer is left open-
 A wattmeter is connected to the primary.
 An ammeter is connected in series with the primary winding. A
voltmeter is optional since the applied voltage is the same as
the voltmeter reading.
 Rated voltage is applied at primary.
 If the applied voltage is normal voltage then normal flux will be
set up. Since iron loss is a function of applied voltage, normal
iron loss will occur. Hence the iron loss is maximum at rated
voltage. This maximum iron loss is measured using the
 As the secondary side is open, the entire coil will be purely
inductive in nature. So, the power will be lagging due to the
inductive property of the circuit. So LPF (Low Power
Factor) Wattmeter is used in open circuit test of
 So that from the given options most suitable power
factor is 0.4 because it is the lowest among all of the given
power factors.

Ques.92. A 20 kVA, 2000/200 V, single-phase transformer has a leakage

impedance of 8%. What voltage applied to the HV side will result in full-
load current flow in the LV side, when the LV side is short-circuited?

1. 64 V
2. 160 V
3. 86 V
4. 132 V
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Answer.2. 160 V


Rated short circuit current: It is the rated current in the windings under
short circuit conditions corresponding to the reduced applied voltage.

%Z of transformer = percentage rated voltage required to produce

rated short circuit current.


Given that leakage impedance = 0.08 p.u

Voltage develop across secondary at the time of short circuit = percentage

impedance = 0.08 × 1 = 0.08 pu

The base voltage on the secondary side = 200 V

Voltage develop across secondary at the of short circuit = 0.08 × 200 = 16


The voltage applied on the primary side (16 × 2000/200) = 160 V

Ques.93. A transformer on no-load has a core loss of 50 W, draws a

current of 2 A, and has an induced EMF of 230 V. Determine the no-load
power factor and core-loss current.

1. Power factor = 0.208 lagging, core-loss current = 0.416 A

2. Power factor = 0.108 lagging, core-loss current = 0.216 A
3. Power factor = 0.108 lagging, core-loss current = 2 sin(cos -
 0.108) A
4. Power factor = 0.208 lagging, core-loss current = 2 sin(cos -
 0.208) A
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Answer.2. Power factor = 0.108 lagging, core-loss current = 0.216 A



W0 = wattmeter reading

V1 = voltmeter reading

I0 = Ammeter reading

cosϕo  = No load power factor.

∴ Iron loss of the transformer, Pi = W0

W0 = V1 I0 cosϕ0

No-load power factor = cosϕ0  = W0/V1 I0

Working component or core loss component,

IW = I0 cos ϕ0



W0 = 50 W

V1 = 230 V
I0 = 2 A

W0 = V1 I0 cos ϕ0 

50 = 230 × 2 × cos ϕ0

cos ϕ0  = 0.108 lagging

Core loss component

IW = 2 × 0.108 = 0.216 A

Ques.94. A short circuit test is performed on a transformer with a certain

impressed voltage at rated frequency. If the short circuit test is now
performed with the same magnitude of impressed voltage, but at a
frequency higher than the rated frequency then the magnitude of current:

1. And power-factor will both increase

2. Will decrease but the power factor will increase
3. Will increase, but power factor will decrease
4. And power factor will both decrease
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Answer.4. And power factor will both decrease


The short-circuit test on the transformer is performed to determine the

equivalent resistance and leakage reactance either referred to the primary
side or referred to the secondary side.
Since the H.V. rated current is less, a short-circuit test is conducted
preferably on H.V. side keeping L.V short-circuited.

ower Factor (cos ϕ) = R / Z


R is the equivalent resistance

Z is the equivalent impedance

Z = R + j 2π f L

f is the supply frequency

L is the equivalent inductance

⇒ cos ϕ = R / (R + j 2π f L)

Power factor during the short circuit test is inversely proportional to

supply frequency

Current (I) = V / Z

V is the supply voltage

⇒ I = V / (R + j 2π f L)

The magnitude of current during the short circuit test is inversely

proportional to supply frequency

Therefore as the frequency of a transformer increases both power

factor and current decrease.

Ques.95. Non-loading heat run test on transformers is performed by

means of

1. SC test
2. OC test
3. Sumpner’s test
4. Core balance test
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Answer.3. Sumpner’s test


With the help of Sumpner’s test both the open-circuit and short-circuit
tests can be performed simultaneously. The heat run test can also be
performed by this test. The only need of Sumpner’s test is that another
identical transformer is required.

Sumpner’s test: is a non-loading heat run test on transformers

While OC and SC tests on a transformer yield its equivalent circuit

parameters, these cannot be used for the ‘heat run’ test wherein the
purpose is to determine the steady temperature rise if the transformer
was fully loaded continuously; this is so because under each of these tests
the power loss to which the transformer is subjected is either the core-
loss or copper-loss but not both. The way out of this impasse without
conducting an actual loading test is the Sumpner’s test which can only
be conducted simultaneously on two identical transformers.

Ques.96. Which of the following is a type test for transformers?

1. Temperature rise test

2. Lightning impulse test
3. Partial discharge test
4. All of the above
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Answer.2. Lightning impulse test


Type tests of the transformer include:

 Transformer winding resistance measurement

 Transformer ratio test.
 Design test
 Production test
 Applied voltage test
 Transformer vector group test.
 Measurement of impedance voltage/short circuit impedance
(principal tap) and load loss (Short circuit test).
 Measurement of no-load loss and current (Open circuit test).
 Measurement of insulation resistance.
 Lightning impulse test
 Tests on on-load tap-changer.
 Vacuum tests on tanks and radiators.
Lightning Impulse Test

Distribution lines are routinely disturbed by voltage surges caused by

lightning strokes and switching transients. A standard impulse wave with a
peak equal to the BIL (basic impulse insulation level) of the primary
system is applied to verify that each transformer will withstand these
surges when in service.

Ques.97. A 2000/200 V, 50 Hz single-phase transformer has an exciting

current of 0.5 A and a core-loss of 600 W. When H.V side is energized by
the rate voltage and frequency, the magnetizing current is

1. 0.1 A
2. 0.2 A
3. 0.3 A
4. 0.4 A
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Answer.4. 0.4 A


In open-circuit test,

No-load current I0 = 0.5 A

Core loss = 600 W

VIe = 600

Ie = 600/2000 = 0.3A

Magnetising current IM=(0.5)2+(0.3)2=0.4A

Ques.98. While performing a short circuit test on a single-phase 110/220

V, 50 Hz transformer with LV side shorted, wattmeter reading is found to
be 20 W. If the same test is performed on the transformer with the HV
side shorted, the wattmeter reading will be?

1. 5W
2. 10 W
3. 20 W
4. 40 W
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Answer.3. 20 W


Short-Circuit Test

The short-circuit test on the transformer is performed to determine the

equivalent resistance and leakage reactance either referred to the primary
side or referred to the secondary side.

 Since the H.V. rated current is less, a short-circuit test is

conducted preferably on H.V. side keeping L.V short-circuited.
 For conducting a short-circuit test only a small percentage (of
the order 5% to 10%) of the rated voltage is sufficient to cause
the rated current to flow through the windings.
 As the voltage is less, the core flux density is very much less
compared to the normal value, so the iron loss which depends
on flux density (voltage) can be neglected. The input is
therefore equal to the total copper loss.
 So, whatever power flows into the transformer thus gets
dissipated, in the primary and secondary windings as well as
the core.
 Now if the same test is performed with the HV side short-
circuited then the wattmeter reads the same reading.
Therefore, the wattmeter reads 20 W only.

Ques.99.  Which of the following transformer type does not have primary

1. Window type
2. Shell type
3. Core Type
4. Air core type
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Answer.1. Window type


Window type Transformer

The window-type current transformer contains no primary winding. The

current transformer has an insulated hole through the core and
secondary winding. The circuit conductor is inserted through the window
of the current transformer, and thus this conductor then becomes the
primary of the current transformer.

Ques.100. In an auto-transformer, the number of turns in the primary

winding is 210 and in the secondary winding is 140. If the input current is
60 A, the current in output and in common winding are respectively.

1. 40A, 20A
2. 40A, 100 A
3. 90A, 30 A
4. 90A, 150A
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Answer.3. 90A, 30 A


The auto-transformer ratio is given as

I1/I2 = N2/N1

60/I2 = 140/210

I2 = 90A

Current in common Winding Ic

Ic = (N2 – N1)I1/N2

=  60 x (210 – 140)/140

= 30 A

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