It is usually difficult or very expensive to examine the entire population of potential customers
and competitors. To avoid this problem, a sample must be chosen to be representative of the
population of interest. To guarantee the validity and reliability of the data in making decisions,
care must be taken in choosing the sample. The idea behind this to ensure objectivity that will
guarantee the quality of the data and hence of the decisions based on them.
The starting point of marketing is assumed to be at the point of creating the idea of a particular
business venture. An entrepreneur‘s first commitment to his business is the determination of a
felt need of a defined customer or consumer. This is done by deliberately judging and
evaluating the environment.
Environmental scanning is the process of evaluating the environment with a view to identifying
business opportunities. Environmental scanning helps the entrepreneur to identify goods and
services that are needed, the extent of the demand, the nature of competition in that market and
the chances of taking deep advantages to make the business successful and profitable. Market
research is one of the tools of environmental scanning.
Another marketing challenge facing the entrepreneur is the issue of producing and delivering
the products or services in the form of quality that will adequately satisfy the taste and desires
of the consumer. Therefore, one of the functions of marketing involves making input into the
processes of production, packaging and effective delivery of the goods and services to the
satisfaction of buyers and consumers. Until these basic requirements are met by the
entrepreneur, marketing would become a major problem against business success.
It is possible for an un-informed small business owner to go into the business of producing
goods and services without this necessary background market information. Atuma (2012)
outline the following marketing issues which should agitate the mind of any entrepreneur:
What goods and services are needed by the society in which the entrepreneur is interested in
What kind of goods are being demanded: industrial or consumer, perishable or durable, retail
or wholesale?
What motivates the buyers, consumers or decision makers?
What economic, social, technological, cultural or legal factors determine or affect the demand
for the goods and services under consideration by the business?
What market communication platforms are necessary to position the products in the market?
What is the position of the product in the value chain?
How will the image of the business be enhanced by the product?
What level of quality standard is planned for the product?
What will be the most effective distribution channel for the product in the market?
How best will be the goods be packaged for best appeal to buyers, users or consumers?
The analysis of these issues and the adoption of appropriate and rational position about them
will constitute what is generally referred to as marketing strategy: a set of decisions and actions
designed to achieve market goals and targets. Market strategies drive and direct the actions of
the entrepreneur. According to Aluma (2012 pp 174-175), marketing, therefore, for the
entrepreneur involves designing actions that would touch on the following:
(i) Product: what to produce, what value will the product convey and bestow to the consumer,
what quality is embedded, what size, what standards, what expectation in terms of services, are
(ii) Price: what is the price to charge? How competitive and quality embedded? How affordable
is it considering the status of the buyer or consumer?
(iii)Place: what logistics are needed to make the product available? What are the channels of
distribution and the network in place? What delivery arrangements are needed?
(iv) Promotion: what efforts are needed to bring awareness of the product in terms of value,
availability, utility in use and ownership? How can incentives be provided for current users
andpotential consumer? This is related to advertising to enhance sales.
(v) People: who are involved in the whole marketing effort? Are distributors required? Are
retailers required? Are agents needed in the marketing effort?
Promotional Mix
This includes advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and personal selling.
Adverting – is a personal form of promotion and involves transmitting standard messages to
large numbers of intended receivers.
Sales promotion – involves activities which are essentially used to complement advertising and
personal selling. It can be in the form of exhibitions, point – of – sale displays, or
Publicity – is concerned with the presentation of the firm‘s image, its products, services or
ideas in a
favorable light to the public. Publicity is free but although publicity people get paid, they seek
attract public attention to a company and its product without paying media costs.
Personal selling – aims to marry specific products with specific customers on a person – to –
person basis to secure ownership transfers
Consideration for Choosing a Business Opportunity
An entrepreneur that wants to start a business must consider one of these three critical
decisions namely: the first is whether to take the plunge at all. The second dwells on the type
of business to start and the last is to decide on how to proceed on the new venture in terms of
basics such as financing, organization and lifestyle adjustment. However, the second decision
which required a choice of the opportunity to exploit to set up is usually by far the most difficult
and tasking decisions that an entrepreneur will ever make. A potential business owner can
usually identify several business opportunities, each of which is attractive for one reason or the
Some of the factors to be considered in choosing a business opportunity are:
(i) Business Experience: this is a fundamental ingredient for the success of any business
venture. To succeed in the undertaking, the entrepreneur must possess the relevant and
appropriate experience required to excel in his/her chosen niche. There exists a wide array of
differences in the practices and mode of operation in the different industries in the economy.
For instance, there are differences in the purchasing practices, production processes, customer
relations practices, ethics and modes of relating with the relevant government agencies. Also
the technicalities and concepts used vary from industry to industry. Overcoming these problems
will usually be easy for an entrepreneur who has had some years of working experience in the
chosen industry.
(ii) Skills Required for the Successful Operation of the Business: Every business requires
certain skills for successfully running it. Different businesses require different constellation of
skills or group of skills. But for each group of skills, there will be one skill which is core and
critical for success. The entrepreneur must therefore choose a business for which he/she has
the relevant core skills. Though it may be possible to acquire such skills by employing
experienced workers, the risk of being cheated and exploited is high if the entrepreneur does
not have the relevant skills required.
(iii) Financial Capability: Just as it is with every form of business, the financial implications
is very important. Funds will be needed to provide the relevant raw materials to be used for
production. Furthermore, there will be need to acquire the relevant technology and skills which
also borders on finance. Without adequate finance, the entrepreneur is unlikely to succeed in
the chosen business.
(iv) Risk Profile of the Entrepreneur: The entrepreneurs‘ tolerance for adventure in a new
livelihood is an important component in choosing a business. We all have different risk levels
or tolerance levels. Therefore, the entrepreneur must ensure that he/she selects a business
within his/her acceptable risk class.
(v) Support from Friends and Family Members: Usually many businesses fail because of the
inability of the entrepreneur to gain the support and encouragement of their families and
friends. The support of family members is particularly crucial in the early stage of the business.
(vi) The Owners Personal Interest: If the entrepreneur loves the kind of activities that the
business will entail, the easier it is for the business to succeed. At all times, the entrepreneur
must ensure that there is no conflict between the chosen business venture and his/her preferred
(vii) The Desired Level of Income: The income expected from the business venture must be
adequate to meet the entrepreneurs need for housing, clothing, food, recreation, entertainment
etc. While the business owner may accept a reduced standard of living at the initial stage, in
the long run, the business must have the potential of providing the desired level of income for
the owners.
(viii) Legal or Regulatory Constraints: In some cases, the law specifies the minimum
professional training and/or experience that is required to operate certain types of businesses.
Persons desiring to operate such businesses are required to obtain a license from the appropriate
authorities. Examples are pharmacy shops, hospitals and clinics and stockbroking firms
(Inegbenebor, 2006:22).
This unit has attempted to show how opportunity recognition is a key part of the entrepreneurial
process. There is also an insight on the distinction between business idea and business
opportunity. The factors that entrepreneurs should considered when choosing business
opportunity were also highlighted.