Electrical Science
Electrical Science
Electrical Science
Unit - I
DC Circuits: Passive circuit components, Basic laws of Electrical Engineering, Temperature Resistance
Coefficients. voltage and current sources, Series and parallel circuits, power and energy, Kirchho 's Laws,
Nodal & Mesh Analysis, delta-star transformation, superposition theorem, Thevenin's theorem, Norton's
theorem, maximum power transfer theorem. Time domain analysis of first Order RC & LC circuits. [10Hrs]
Unit - II
AC Circuits: Representation of sinusoidal waveforms, peak and rms values, phasor representation, real power,
reactive power, apparent power, power factor. Analysis of single-phase ac circuits consisting of R, L, C, RL,
RC, RLC combinations (series and parallel), resonance. Three phase balanced circuits, voltage and current
relations in star and delta connections. [10Hrs]
Unit - Ill
D. C. Generators & Motors: Principle of operation of Generators & Motors, Speed Control of shunt motors, Flux
control, Rheostatic control, voltage control, Speed control of series motors.
A. C. Generators & Motors: Principle of operation, Revolving Magnetic field, Squirrel cage and phase wound
rotor, Starting of Induction motors, Direct on line and Star Delta starters, Synchronous machines. [10Hrs]
Unit - IV:
Transformers: Construction and principle of operation, equivalent circuit, losses in transformers, regulation
and efficiency. Auto-transformer and three-phase transformer connections.
Measuring Instruments: Electromagnetism, Different Torques in Indicating instruments, Moving Iron
Instruments: Construction & Principle, Attraction and Repulsion type; Moving Coil instruments: Permanent
Magnet type; Dynamometer type Instruments. [10Hrs]
1. Electrical Engineering Fundamentals by Vincent Del Toro, PHI (India), 1989
1. An Introduction to Electrical Science by Adrian Waygood, Routledge, 2"' Ed. 2019.
2. Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology by John Bird, Elsevier, 2007.
3. Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering by Giorgio Rizzoni, MacGraw-Hill, 200],.,./\'
4. Electrical Engineering by Allan R. Hambley, Prentice-Hall, 2011. / tf- I
5. Hughes Electical & Electronic Technology by Edward Hughes revised by Hohn Wiley, Keith Brown and Ian
McKenzie Smith, Pearson, 2016.
6. Electrical and Electronics Technology by E. Hughes, Pearson, 2010.
7. Basic Electrical Engineering by D.C. Kulshrestha, McGraw-Hill, 2009.
8. Basic Electrical Engineering by D. P. Kothai and I.J. Nagrath, McGraw-Hill, 2010.