8.EMW14 Notes
8.EMW14 Notes
8.EMW14 Notes
Electromagnetic waves:
Electromagnetic waves are coupled time varying electric and magnetic fields which
are propagating in space.
Max well discovered electromagnetic waves.
Hertz experimentally demonstrated the existence of electromagnetic wave
Consider a parallel plate capacitor. Let ‘A’ be the area of each plate, ‘d’
be the distance between the plates. The capacitance of parallel plate
capacitor is given by,
𝜺𝟎 𝑨
𝑪= →𝟏
If ‘q’ is the charge on the capacitor and ‘V’ be the potential difference between its
plates, then
𝑞 = 𝐶𝑉 𝑜𝑟 𝑉 = →2
The electric field between the plates is
𝑬= →3
From eqn 2 and 3
𝑬= →𝟒
From eqn 1 and 4
𝜺𝟎 𝑨
𝑬= →𝟓
𝜺𝟎 𝑨
The electric flux through the surface ‘S’ is
𝜙𝐸 = 𝐸 × 𝐴 → 6
From eqn 5 and 6
𝜙𝐸 = ×𝐴
𝜺𝟎 𝑨
𝝓𝑬 = 𝜺
If is the rate of change of charge with time on the plate of the capacitor then,
𝑑𝜙𝐸 1 𝑑𝑞
𝑑𝑡 𝜀0 𝑑𝑡
𝒅𝒒 𝒅𝝓𝑬
= 𝜺𝟎
𝒅𝒕 𝒅𝒕
This represents the current through the surface ‘S’ due to changing electric field and
it is called Maxwell’s displacement current.
𝑰𝑫 = 𝜺 𝟎
𝒅𝝓𝑬 → 𝑬𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒙, 𝑰𝑫 → 𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕,
𝜺𝟎 → 𝑨𝒃𝒔𝒖𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒆
Note :1. The EMW generated by Hertz were of large wave length, which could not be
dectected over a large distance.
2. J.C Bose discovered some EMW of very short wave length ranging from 25mm to 5mm.
3. Guglielmo Marconi succeeded in transmitting EMW waves over distance of many
Note: 1.Here in above equation 𝒌 = is called angular wave number.
𝒗= is called velocity of electromagnetic wave.
2. These electromagnetic wave are transverse in nature
3. EMW travel through the space with the speed given by
√𝜺𝟎 𝝁𝟎
4. The speed of electromagnetic wave in a medium is given by 𝒗 =
5. EMW Transport energy and momentum.
Note: Hull successfully measured radiation pressure of visible light its value is
Note: Huygen explained that the medium pervading all space is called Ether.
Electromagnetic spectrum:
Heinrich Hertz arranged all EMW according to their wave length.
An orderly arrangement of electromagnetic wave according to their wave
length or frequencies is called Electromagnetic spectrum.
Radio waves:
Radio waves produced by accelerated motion of charges in conducting wire.
Radio waves are the electromagnetic waves of wavelength greater than 0.1 m frequency
range from 500kHz to 1000MHz. Radio wave have the longest wavelength and smallest
frequency among all the electromagnetic waves. They are used in television and radio
communication system.
1. AM ( amplitude modulated ) band has frequency range from 530kHz -1710kHz
2. Short wave band uses up to 54MHz.
3. For television transmission EMW of frequency range from 54MHz to 890MHz are used.
4. For FM radio broad casting EMW of frequency range from 88MHz to 108MHz is used.
5. Cellular phone uses ultrahigh frequency (UHF) radio waves for voice communication.
These are the electromagnetic radiations of wavelength range from 0.1m to1mm.These
radiations are produced by special tube such as Klystrons, magnetrons and Gunn diode .It
was discovered by Hertz. In1887
Uses of microwaves:
Microwaves are used in ,
1. In Radar systems for aircraft navigation.
2. In Ovens for cooking purposes.( In ovens the frequency of microwave is set in such away
that it resonates with frequency of water molecules so that energy is efficiently
3. In the study of atomic and molecular structures
4. In speed gun the detection of speed of tennis ball, cricket ball and moving automobiles.
5. In satellite communications.
Note: RADAR ( Radio detecting and ranging )
Infrared radiations :
Infrared radiations are the electromagnetic radiations lying beyond red region of
visible radiation. It is having wavelength range from 1mm – 700nm. Sun is the natural and
powerful sources of infrared radiations. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1800. IR
rays are also called as Heat waves.
The artificial sources are :-
1. Nernst filament
2. Golbar
3. Pointolite lamp
4. Lasers [CO2-He-Ne-lasers]
Visible region :
These are the electro-magnetic radiation of wavelength range from 400nm –700nm.
and frequency range from 7 X1014Hz – 4 X 1014 Hz. This is the region in electromagnetic
spectrum that human eye can detect.
Note : 1 Human eye has peak sensitivity to light of 550nm
2. Human eye has peak sensitivity to greenish – yellow light.
1. They travel with the velocity of 3X10 8 ms-1
2. They undergo reflection and refraction
3. They exhibit interference, diffraction and polarization.
Ultraviolet radiations :
Ultraviolet radiations are the electromagnetic radiations of wave length range from
400nm – 1nm. Sun is the natural and powerful source of ultraviolet radiations. The other
artificial sources are:
1. Arc lamp
2. Mercury vapor lamp
3. Discharge tube.
Ultraviolet radiation was discovered by Ritter.in 1801
Properties 0f ultraviolet radiations:
1. They exhibit all the properties of light.
2. They travel with speed of light in free space.
3. They affect photographic plates.
4. They cause photoelectric effect.
5. They are strongly absorbed by glass.
Applications :
1. They are used to cure diseases like rickets and bone diseases.
2. They are used in the sterilization of air and water in hospitals.
3. They are used in high resolving power microscopes.
4. They are used to detect forgeries in documents adulteration of food.
5. They are used to distinguish between real and artificial gems.
6. They are used to produce vitamin – D.
7. They are used for preserving food.
8. They are used in burglar alarm circuit.
9. They can be focused in to very narrow beams for high precision application such as
LASIK( Laser assisted in situ keratomileusis) eye surgery
Properties of X – rays:
1. They exhibit all the properties of light.
2. They travel with the speed of light in free space.
3. They affect photographic plates.
4. They cause fluorescence in certain substances.
5. They produce photoelectric effect.
Applications of X – rays:
1. They are used to detect bone fracture and foreign bodies and bone dislocation.
2. They are used in the treatment of cancer and skin diseases.
3. They are used to detect defect in rubber tyres and cracks in structure[railway tracks]
4. They are used to detect defect in metal moldings. Casting and in welding.
5. They are used in the study of crystal structure.
6. They are used in forensic department for detection of explosives, opium, gold in
Gamma rays:
Gamma rays are the electromagnetic wave of wave length less than 10−3nm. They are
produced when an electron jumps from higher orbit to lower orbit. These rays are
produced during radioactive decay of nuclei and nuclear reaction.
Note: 1. rays were discovered by Willard.
2. Cosmic rays are the source of rays.
1. - rays travel with the speed of light in vacuum.
2. - rays exhibit reflection and reaction.
3. - rays exhibit interference and diffraction and polarization
4. - rays have very high penetrating power.
5. - rays have very small ionizing power.
6. They affect photographic plates.
7. - rays are not deflected by electric field or magnetic field.
8. - rays are injurious to living tissues.
9. - rays produces fluorescence in certain substance.