OPCRF-Final Cadayonan
OPCRF-Final Cadayonan
OPCRF-Final Cadayonan
KRA Quality Efficiency Timeliness Q E T Ave Rating Score
I. Leading 1.1. Ensure the Year Round 5% 5 100% of the developed, implemented 100% of the school's organizations E-SIP/ SLCP, List of programs, projects,
Strategically communication to the and reviewed school plans, programs, are involved in the school's programs, and policies; AIP; Minutes of meeting;
wider community the projects and policies which are projects and policies Attendance; Documentation;
developed, implemented aligned with the vision, mission, and Accomplishment report; Committee
and reviewed school plans, core values and are consistent with members; List of school organizations;
projects, and policies the the national and local regulations Meetings conducted; Minutes and
which are aligned with the and issuances were communicated attendance of the meeting
vision, mission, and core to the wider community
values and are consistent
with the the national and
4 85-99% of the developed, 85-99% of the school's organizations
local regulations and
implemented and reviewed school are involved in the school's programs,
plans, programs, projects and projects and policies
3 75-84% of the developed, 75-84% of the school's organizations
implemented and reviewed school are involved in the school's programs,
plans, programs, projects and projects and policies
2 65-74% of the developed, 65-74% of the school's organizations
implemented and reviewed school are involved in the school's programs,
plans, programs, projects and projects and policies
1 50-64% of the developed, 50-64% of the school's organizations
implemented and reviewed school are involved in the school's programs,
plans, programs, projects and projects and policies
1.2. Utilize relevant Year Round 3% 5 Developed and utilized 5 Implemented 5 innovations with a. Research findings adopted/ annotated
research findings from relevant findings from attached annotated bibliography to bibliography as attachment to innovations;
reliable sources in researches in facilitating data- improve school performance b. screenshot/ sample lessons/ outputs/
facilitating data-driven and driven and evidence-based teaching-learning resources, others
evidence-based innovations to improve school
innovations to improve performance
school performances 4 Developed and utilized 4 Implemented 4 innovations....
relevant findings from
3 Developed and utilized 3 Implemented 3 innovations...
relevant findings from
2 Developed and utilized 2 Implemented 2 innovations....
relevant findings from
1 Developed and utilized 1 Implemented 1 innovation...
relevant finding from
1.3. Implement programs Year Round 3% 5 100% of the programs and initiatives 100% of the school's programs MOVs: BE-LCP, SIP, Accomplishment
in the school that support are incorporated in the BE-LCP and were implemented, submitted Reports on school initiated programs:
the development of the SIP supported with approved and acknowledge by the comprehensive sexuality education,
learners AIP/program plan/work and financial Division Office. mental health program, POPDEV,
plans. Functional Teen Center, SSG/SPG
4 85-99% of the programs and 85-99% of the school's initiated activities, Balik Eskwela Program,
initiatives are incorporated in the BE- programs were implemented, Reading Program, Feedding Program,
LCP and SIP... submitted and acknowledge COVID Advocacy
by the Division Office.
3 75-84% of the programs and 75-84% of the school's
initiatives are incorporated in the BE- programs were implemented,
LCP and SIP... submitted and acknowledge
by the Division Office.
2 65-74% of the programs and 65-74% of the school's
initiatives are incorporated in the BE- programs were implemented,
LCP and SIP... submitted and acknowledge
by the Division Office.
1 50-64% of the programs and 50-64% of the school's
initiatives are incorporated in the BE- programs were implemented,
LCP and SIP... submitted and acknowledge
by the Division Office.
1.4. Utilize available Year Round 5% 5 Utilized 5 of the monitoring and Submitted reports on time Updated School Form 9 and 10; CMSS
monitoring and evaluation evaluation processes and tools to in 4 quarters report; Quarterly SMEA reports; Reports
processes and tools to promote learner achievement: on Learner's Progress; Different
promote learner (1) Accomplishment of School Form 9 interventions conductec such as Phil-IRI,
achievement and 10, SBM Evaluation/ Validation reports
(2) Submission of grades in the
CMSS, (3) Submission of SMEA
(4) Gathering of data on learners
progress such as PHIL-IRI, ELLN,etc.
(5) Accomplishment of SBM tools
2.3. Manage school 3% 5 ensured 100% of proper utilization of submitted report on the Inventory report; repair and maintenance
facilities and equipment in school facilities and equipment. utilization and report/documents based on POW
adherence to policies, management of school
guidelines, and issuances facilities a day before the
on acquisition, recording, deadline
utilization, repair, and 4 ensured 85-89% of proper utilization submitted report on the
maintennance, storage of school facilities and equipment. utilization and
and disposal management of school
facilities on the deadline
3 ensured 75-84% of proper utilization submitted report on the
of school facilities and equipment. utilization and
management of school
facilities a day after the
2 ensured 64-75% of proper utilization submitted report on the
of school facilities and equipment. utilization and
management of school
facilities 2 days after the
1 ensured 50% of proper utilization of submitted report on the
school facilities and equipment. utilization and
management of school
facilities 3 days after the
2.4. Manage staffing such Year Round 3% 5 Ensured 100% of teaching personnel Submitted SF7, General Approved copy of General Class Program
as teaching load are given teaching loads and other Class Program and and Teaching Load by SDS
distribution and grade level tasks Teaching Load to the DO
and subject area 2 days before the
assignment in adherence deadline.
to laws, policies, 4 Ensured 85-89 % of teaching Submitted SF7, General
guidelines, and issuances personnel are given teaching load and Class Program and
based on the needs of the other tasks Teaching Load to the DO
school 1 day before the deadline.
4 4 engagements were coordinated, 85-99% of the school activities... Submitted action plans,
conducted and initiated accomplishment reports
and pictures of the
mentioned school
engagements 1 day
before the deadline.
3 3 engagements were coordinated, 75-84% of the school activities.... Submitted action plans,
conducted and initiated accomplishment reports
and pictures of the
mentioned school
engagements on the
2 2 engagements were 65 - 74% of the school activities/// Submitted action plans,
coordinated,conducted and initiated accomplishment reports
and pictures of the
mentioned school
engagements a day after
the deadline.
1 1 engagement coordinated, 50-64% of the school activities... Submitted action plans,
conducted and initiated accomplishment reports
and pictures of the
mentioned school
engagements 2 days after
the deadline.
Sub-Total 18%
III. Focusing on 3.1 Assisted teachers in Year Round 3% 5 100% of the teachers were assisted in Provided at least five technical a. Technical Assistance Plan & Report of
Teaching and the review, the review, contextualizaion and in the assistance across learning areas in Assistance provided b. List and samples
Learning contextualization and implementation of learning standards the review, contextualization and of Contextualized SLMs, LAS, recorded
implementation of learning to make the curriculum relevant for implementation of learning standards. video lessons
standards to make the learners
curriculum relevant for
standards to make the
curriculum relevant for
learners. 4 85-99% of the teachers were assisted Provided at least four technical
in the review, contextualizaion and in assistance across learning areas in
the implementation of learning the review, contextualization and
standards to make the curriculum implementation of learning standards.
relevant for learners
3.2. Provided Technical Year round 5% 5 100% of the teachers were given 2 or Technical Assistance was ISP, Consolidated TOGA, Classroom
Assistance to teachers on more Technical Assistance (TA) given within 2 days after Observations
teaching standards and based on their modalities offered. the classroom
pedagogies within and observation.
across learning areas on 4 85-99% of the teachers were given 2 Technical Assistance was
the different learning or more Technical Assistance (TA) given within 3 days after
modalities to improve their based on their modalities offered. the classroom
teaching practice. observation.
3 75-84% of the teachers were given 2 Technical Assistance was
or more Technical Assistance (TA) given within 4 days after
based on their modalities offered. the classroom
2 65-74% of the teachers were given 2 Technical Assistance was
or more Technical Assistance (TA) given within 5 days after
based on their modalities offered. the classroom
1 50% to 64% of the teachers were Technical Assistance was
given 2 or more Technical Assistance given 5 days after the
(TA) based on their modalities classroom observation.
3.3 Ensured the use of Year-round 3% 5 100% of the validated feedback The validated feedback Feedback mechanism tool; List of
validated feedback obtained from learners, parents and received were acted upon Feedback with date received and date
obtained from learners, other stakeholders were used to help within 2 days acted upon by school head
parents and other improve the teacher's performance
stakeholders to help observing confidentiality and data
improve the teacher's privacy
performance 4 85-99% of the validated feedback The validated feedback
obtained from learners, parents and received were acted upon
other stakeholders... within 3 days
3 75-84% of the validated feedback The validated feedback
obtained from learners, parents and received were acted upon
other stakeholders... within 4days
2 65-74% of the validated feedback The validated feedback
obtained from learners, parents and received were acted upon
other stakeholders... within 5 days
1 50-64% of the validated feedback The validated feedback
obtained from learners, parents and received were acted upon
other stakeholders... after 5 days.
3.4 Ensured the utilization Year Round 3% 5 100% of the teachers utilized the 100% of the Learners Performance Quarterly Comparative Data of CMSS, TA
of learning outcomes and learning outcomes and provided Achievement from 1st to 4th Quarter plan and TA Provided; School Form 6;
provision of technical technical assistance in using learning in all learning areas. Characterization and analysis of CMSS
assistance to teachers in assessment tools , strategies and results
using learning assessment results to improve achievement.
tools, strategies and
results to improve 4 85-99% of the teachers utilized the 85-99% of the Learners Performance
performance achievement learning outcomes and provided Achievement from 1st to 4th Quarter
and other performance technical assistance... in all learning areas.
3 75-84% of the teachers utilized the 75-84% of the Learners Performance
learning outcomes and provided Achievement from 1st to 4th Quarter
technical assistance... in all learning areas.
Sub-Total 23%
IV. Developing 4.1. Set and implemented Year Round 3% 5 Set and implemented at least 5 100% of the school personnel Any 5 of the following: (1) eSAT, (2)
Self and Others personal and professional personal and professional participated in any of the professional Received copy of Training Needs, (3)
development goals and development goals and networks developments goals and networks set Development Plan, (4) Certificates of
networkings based on self- based on self-assessment aligned and implemented. Participation/Recognition , (5),
assessment aligned with with the PPSH to enhance ones' Accomplishment report, (6) summary of
the PPSSH to enhance knowledge, practice and skills; such trainings attended, (7) Approved ERF or
one's knowledge, practices as (1) Submission of eSAT, (2) list of promoted teachers, List of teachers
and skills. Submission of Training Needs, (3) and permit to study of personnel enrolled
Crafting of Development Plan, (4) in post graduate or vocational courses, (9)
Certificate of TIP accomplishment report
Recognition/participations, (5)
Submission of Accomplishment
Report, (6) Summary of trainiings
attended by the school personnel, (7)
Approved ERF or list of promoted
personnel, (8) List of teachers earned
post graduate and vocational courses,
(9) TIP accomplishment (if there are
any), and (10) Accomplished
4.3. Implement Year Round 3% 5 Implemented professional 100% of the school personnel (1) Accompishment Report and
professional development development initiatives to enhanced, attended and acted as resource attendance of LAC/INSEt conducted, (2)
initiatives to enhance the strengthen & address performance person, demo-teacher, chair-person Copy of Certificate of Participation of
strengths and address the gaps among school personnel such or co-cherperson during INSET or trainings attended, (3) Approved training
performance gaps among as the conduct of atleast 10 Learning LAC sessions. matrix
school personnel Action Cell (LAC) and 2 In-Service
Training for Teachers (INSET) verified
by the PSDS and for approval of the
division office (HRD, M & E, CID &
SGOD Chief, to SDS)
4 ...at least 7-8 Learning Action Cell 85-99% of the school personnel
(LAC) and 2 In-Service Training for attended and acted as resource
Teachers (INSET)... person, demo-teacher, chair-person
or co-cherperson during INSET or
LAC sessions.
3 ...at least 5-6 Learning Action Cell 75-84% of the school personnel
(LAC) and 2 In-Service Training for attended and acted as resource
Teachers (INSET)... person, demo-teacher, chair-person
or co-cherperson during INSET or
LAC sessions.
2 ...at least 3-4 Learning Action Cell 65-74% of the school personnel
(LAC) and 1-2 In-Service Training for attended and acted as resource
Teachers (INSET)... person, demo-teacher, chair-person
or co-cherperson during INSET or
LAC sessions.
1 ...at least 1-2 Learning Action Cell 50-64% of the school personnel
(LAC) and 1-2 In-Service Training for attended and acted as resource
Teachers (INSET)... person, demo-teacher, chair-person
or co-cherperson during INSET or
LAC sessions.
4.4. Provide opportunities Year Round 3% Set and Implemented atleast 5 school 100% of the school personnel played (1) Organmization Chart/list of committes/
to individuals and teams in PAPs or DepEd advocacies where a role of school PAPs chairman or clubs/ team, (2) Designation letter, (3)
performing leadership teachers able to practice their coordinator, resource speaker and/or Accomplishment report of programs
roles and responsibilities. leadership roles and respomsibilities grade leader. conducted, (4) approved matrix or plans
as a Grade leader, chairman, conducted by the school head, PSDS or
coordinator or resource speaker such OSDS, (5) Certificate of Recognition.
as (1) SDRRM/NDEP, (2) Brigada
Eskwela (BE), (3) SBM, (4) Reading
Program, (5) Journalism, (6) LAC
Session Leader, (7) INSET TWG , (8)
Roll-out, (10) WinS/SBFP and/or other
8 medical flagship, etc.
4 Set and Implemented 4 school PAPs 85-99% of the school personnel
or DepEd advocacies... played a role of school PAPs
chairman or coordinator, resource
speaker and/or grade leader.
3 Set and Implemented 3 school PAPs 75-84% of the school personnel
or DepEd advocacies... played a role of school PAPs
chairman or coordinator, resource
speaker and/or grade leader.
2 Set and Implemented 2 school PAPs 65-74% of the school personnel
or DepEd advocacies... played a role of school PAPs
chairman or coordinator, resource
speaker and/or grade leader.
1 Set and Implemented 1 school PAPs 50-64% of the school personnel
or DepEd advocacies... played a role of school PAPs
chairman or coordinator, resource
speaker and/or grade leader.
4.5. Implement laws, Year Round 3% 5 Implemented 5 activities and 100% of the teachers benefitted in (1) Organmization Chart/list of committes/
policies, guidelines and programs that displays knowledge on the activities and programs clubs/ team, (2) Certificate of resolved
issuances on the rights, laws, policies guidelines and conflicts or no conflicts raised, (3)
privileges and benefits of issuances on the rights, privileges and Summary of teachers received its NOSI
school personnel to ensure benefits of school personnel to ensure and NOSA, (4) Summary of approved or
their general welfare their general welafre such as (1) earned credits of teachers, (5) Form 7, (6)
organizing school grievance membership to professional club or
committee, (2) Issuance of resolved organizations
conflict(s), issues raised as maybe or
certification of no conflict and issues
raised, (3) Updating and upgrading of
school personnel records such as
upgraded NOSI and NOSA, (4)
Processing of earned service credits,
leave applications, and retirement
process, (5) Monthly update of school
personnel's attendnace, (6)
membership to professional club or
Sub-Total 18%
V. Building 5.1. Build constructive Year Round 3% 5 Built constructive relationship among 100% of the listed partners from the Deed of donations/MOA/MOU
Connections relationships with the 5 partners such as authorities, community were able to accomplish Attendance in activities related to
authorities, colleauges, colleagues, parents, alumni, Local school projects. partnership
parents, and other Government Unit to foster an enabling Summary/List of partners, stakeholders
stakeholders to foster an and supportive environment. BE Reports
enabling and supportive Acknowledgement Reciepts
environment for learners 4 Built constructive relationship among 85-99% of the listed partners from Certificate of Acceptance
the 4 partners such as authorities, the community were able to
colleagues, parents, Local accomplish school projects.
Government Unit...
3 Built constructive relationship among 75-84% of the donated resources
the 3 partners such as colleagues, addressed the needs of the school.
parents, Local Government Unit...
5.5. Initiate partnerships Year round 3% 5 Established 5 partners in the 100% of the donated resources from Proof of compliance/submission of
with the community, such community such as parents the stakeholders were utilized to the following data/information 1.
as parents, alumni, association, School governing council, strenghten support for learners Deed of Donations 2. Letter 3.
authorities, industries, and Alumni association, Non-government development Liquidation report on stakeholders
other stakeholders, to organization, local and international donation 4. Masterlist List of
strengthen support for Foundation and Local Government donors and donations 5.
learner development, as Unit to strenghten support for learners Liquidation report on stakeholder's
well as school and development. donation 6, Masterlist of donors
community improvement and donations 7. List of projects
4 Established 4 partners in the implemented
85-99% of the donated resources
community... from the stakeholders were utilized...
Sub-Total 15%
VI. Other Tasks Ensured performance of Year Round 10% 5 Accomplished 5 tasks delegated that 100% of the delegated task from the MOVs depending on the special tasks of
other functions as may be were assigned by the higher office higher office were accomplished. the school head
assigned by higher office
4 Accomplished 4 tasks delegated that 85-99% of the delegated task from
were assigned by the higher office the higher office were accomplished.