Diseases Caused by Protozoa

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Diseases caused by Protozoa

Disease Vector/Mode of Symptoms Precautions/

transmission Treatment

1. Malaria Female Chill and high fever Destruction of

(Plasmodium) anopheles repeated on mosquito, using
mosquito 3 mosquito net and
rd or 4th day repellants
Drugs: Quinine,

2. Amoebic Contamination of Destruction of lining Proper sanitation,

dysentery food by flies of large protecting food from
(Entamoeba intestine, diarrhoea dust and flies
histolytica) with gripping
pain, discharge of
mucus and
blood in stool

3. Sleeping Tsetse fly Fever, headache, Drugs: Metarsophol

sickness itchiness, joint
(Trypanosoma pain, in advanced
brucei) stage
confusion, poor
numbness, trouble in

Diseases caused by Helminthes

1. Ascariasis Ingesting infected Severe abdominal Washing hands with

(Ascaris) eggs, consuming pain, fatigue, soap
undercooked vomiting, weight and water before
vegetables and loss, worms in eating
fruits vomit and stool food, general

2. Taeniasis Consuming raw Absorbs most of Washing hands with

(Taenia soleum) vegetables, the host’s soap
imperfectly digested food and water before
cooked pork and and patient eating
beef becomes terribly food, general
weak sanitation

3. Filariasis Culex mosquito Enlargement of Eradication of vector,

(Wuchereria limbs/ankle, fever use
bancrofti) with chills of antibiotics and anti
inflammatory drugs

Diseases caused by Virus

1. Chicken pox Close contact with Highly irritating Keeping rashes

(Varicella zoster) infected person rashes clean, not pricking
appear near the the blister, calamine
chest, lotion, use of neem
back and spread to leaves,Active
arms, immunization by
legs, face and head vaccination

2. Hepatitis Contaminated food, Jaundice, cirrhosis of Bed rest, high calorie

(Hepatitis virus A, B, water, syringes, liver, diet, no
C, D, E) blood transfusion high temperature, proteins and fats
headache, joint pain,
of appetite, nausea,

3. AIDS Sexual contact with Swollen lymph nodes, Prevent the mode of
(HIV) an infected person, fever, night sweats, transmission.
contaminated weight
blood transfusion, loss
Infected mother to
child transmission,
Use of infected

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