RAVI Pivot Points High Low Breakout
RAVI Pivot Points High Low Breakout
RAVI Pivot Points High Low Breakout
study(title="RAVI Pivot Points High Low Breakout ", shorttitle="PP Breakout", overlay=true,
if not na(_pivot)
countH = 0
countL = 0
pvtH = 0.0
pvtL = 0.0
plot(ShowSRLevels and not ShowChannel and (maxLvlLen == 0 or countH < maxLvlLen) ? pvtH : na,
color=colorH, offset=-rightLenH , title="Top Levels
plot(ShowSRLevels and not ShowChannel and (maxLvlLen == 0 or countL < maxLvlLen) ? pvtL : na,
color=colorL, offset=-rightLenL , title="Bottom Levels
buy = false
sell = false
// Alerts
//candle Volume
paintCandle = input(false,
tooltip="to be visible you will have to right click on the candlesticks on the chart, go in visual order,
and click send to bottom")
color_volume = #004d40
if volume >= lowVol and volume < highVol and close > open
color_volume := #00FF00
color_volume := #b2dfdb
if volume >= highVol and close < open
color_volume := #b71c1c
if volume >= lowVol and volume < highVol and close < open
color_volume := #FF00FF
color_volume := #ef9a9a
o1 = paintCandle ? open : na
h1 = paintCandle ? high : na
l1 = paintCandle ? low : na
c1 = paintCandle ? close : na
//BB Blast
source = input(close)
if(MAType == "ema")
ma1 := ema(source,length)
if(MAType == "hma")
ma1 := hma(source,length)
if(MAType == "rma")
ma1 := rma(source,length)
if(MAType == "vwma")
ma1 := vwma(source,length)
if(MAType == "wma")
ma1 := wma(source,length)
height=input(title="Arrow height",type=input.integer,defval=20)
arrowPlot = (rsi>60 and source>up1 and ema>wma )? 1:(rsi<40 and ema<wma and
down1>source )?-1:na
//HigherTimeFrame = period == '1' ? '5' : (period == '3' ? '5' : (period == '5' ? '15' : (period == '15' ?
'60' : (period == '30' ? '60' : (period == '45' ? '60' : (period == '60' ? '240' : (period == '120' ? '240' :
(period == '180' ? '240' : (period == '240' ? 'D' : (period == 'D' ? 'W' : 'W'))))))))))