Lecture 3
Lecture 3
Lecture 3
Three basic geometric shapes point - Direct - plane can form six different
pairs: Point - Point, Point - direct, point - Plane Direct - Direct, Direct - Plane,
Plane - Plane that differently can be positioned relative to each other in these
pairs . For positional properties projections indicated pairs of geometric shapes in
their drawings determine their relative position in space.
The point - the point. Two points in the space may coincide or not coincide
with each other. If the same point in space, then the diagrams of projection of these
points on each plane projections are identical to each other. A vivid illustration of
this problem is a positional point of intersection of the two lines. On the one hand,
this point belongs to a line, but on the other hand, it belongs to another, but at the
same time it is one and the same point.
If the points in space do not match, then the diagrams may be many different
options relative position of their projections. The greatest interest in terms of
reading drawings are those cases where only one pair of projections dots identical
(ie identical), and others - not identical. This can only happen when both points
define projection line. They are in this case called competing points relative to the
plane of projection, which is perpendicular to the line, defined by these points.
In other words, if the points are located on one projection rays and are
different shapes, called competitive (Figure 3.1). With competing points of the
drawings set visibility projections.
Figure 3.1 - Example competing points 1 and 2 in the direction projection s1
Point - straight. The point may belong or not to belong to the line. Given the
way the property projection incidence of conservation (identity) and continuity
geometric shapes fair is to determine:
if the point belongs to the line, the projection of this point belonging to the
projections of the same line and interconnected projection lines of communication.
In terms of reading drawings can formulate the following definition:
point belongs to the line on the diagram if all its projections are projections
of the same name to the line and interconnected projection lines of communication;
and is not a direct, if at least one of the projection is not a direct projection of the
same name (examples nenalezhnosti point to line shown in Figure 3.2 - 3.4).
Recognize the relative position of the profile and the system of direct
projections of two planes п1п2 using the above definition it is impossible for a
point and a straight lie in one plane and the profile of the same name projection
coincides whether a point belongs to the line or not (Figure 3.5 ).
Recognize the relative position of the profile and direct implementation by
using one of the following two conditions:
1) verify the identity profile projections point to a profile projection for
direct projection lines of communication (you need to build a third projection -
Figure 3.5);
2) use parallel projection property, namely, if the line segment share point in any
respect, the projection of this point will share the same name projection segment in
the same terms (Figure 3.6, Figure 3.7, b).
3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5
Figures 3.2 - 3.5 are examples point to direct affiliation
а) б)
Figure 3.7 - Separation segment in a given respect
a) - illustration F.Miletskoho theorem;
b) - a division of the segment on diagrams based on the
Figure 3.6 - Belonging to theorem F.Miletskoho
the point straight profile
Straight - straight. Direct in space can occupy relative to each other the
following provisions: direct overlap (in their own point) - Figure 3.8, direct
parallel (intersect at improper point) - Figure 3.9, direct and do not intersect and
are not parallel - mymobizhni (intersect at an imaginary point) - Figure 3.10.
а) б) в)
Figure 3.8 - diagram of lines Figure 3.9 - diagrams of Figure 3.10 - Diagrams
crossed parallel lines skew lines
If direct overlap, they also intersect the projection of the same name, and the
intersection points are on the lines of projection connection (Figure 3.8).
Regarding the definition of mutual crossing the line profile of their other
diagrams, you must use the guidelines to determine relative position of the profile
Direct can intersect at right angles. We are interested in such cases the
location of the right angle in space when the diagram is proektsiyuvatysya right
angle without distortion.
Theorem on projection right angle. If at least one of the parties the right angle
parallel to the plane of projection, and the other is not perpendicular to it, its
projection on this plane does not change its value (Figure 3.11).
а) б)
Figure 3.11 - theorem about right angle proektsiyuvannya
a) visual images, b) diagram
If you live in a space parallel to each other, they are the same name as the
projection parallel to each other (Figure 3.9). When the diagram given two
pieces of relevant direct, to determine their relative position to be additionally
apply one of the following conditions:
1) or to build a profile of the projection;
2) or check analogy lengths of these projections segments:
C1D1 | : | C2D2 | .
Thus, we must pay attention to the order of the same projections endpoints
If no direct parallel and do not intersect, then they are mymobizhnymy
(Figure 3.10).
In symbolic form skew lines is written as follows:m n = .
If direct mymobizhni, the point of intersection of similar projections are
not directly in line projection of communication. It may be that one pair of
projections two lines parallel to each other, and the other intersects - (Figures
3.10, 3.12). This happens in the case where the skew lines overlap area occupies
the position of the projection plane.
Plane called plane parallelism simultaneously parallel to two skew lines.
Direct - plane. Direct may belong to the plane to be parallel to or crossing
the plane at some point.
Direct belong to the plane if:
1) two of its points are the elements of the determinant of the plane;
2) one point refers to a straight plane and straight line parallel to the line is
in a plane.
Among the set of lines, which fill an entire plane, allocate direct special
position of the plane. These include horizontal fro, profile and straight lines bow
largest plane to the planes of projections (Figure 3.13).
horizontal plane h (Figure 3.13) is a straight line, which belongs to this
plane and parallel to the horizontal plane of projections П 1. Building a horizontal plane of any of its
start with front projection
h2 х12 ,
Direct crosses the plane of the overall situation, if it competing with it straight
plane intersect; This point is the intersection point of the straight plane.
а) б)
Figure 3.17 - Building a direct point of intersection with the plane of general
a) a visual image; b) diagrams
Figure 3.18 - Building the intersection Figure 3.19 - Building the intersection of
of planes by finding 2 points as a result planes by applying 2 plane- mediators
of crossing the 2 straight with plane
2) through the third, auxiliary plane, plane- mediators (Figure 3.19, Figure 3.20),
based on the premise that any three planes intersect at a point. To construct the two
points of intersection of the plane to apply intermediary twice. By plane
intermediate projection are plane.
Figure 3.20 - Construction diagrams on the intersection of 2 planes
through the use of two plane- mediators