IMT LISABenton BirenderBansal
IMT LISABenton BirenderBansal
IMT LISABenton BirenderBansal
Question 1
INSTANCE 1: During Lisa's first day at work, there was a first-time conflict between
Lisa and Linton.
She "doesn't like MBAs," Linton said.
The remark was the main plot element, combined with her boss's chilly and
uninterested welcome.
INSTANCE 2: The group's product manager, Richard Clarke, who impressed her during
the recruitment process, barely recognized her and did not welcome her into the
organization, which is totally unexpected by her.
INSTANCE 3: Scoville’s condescending manner in which he spoke to her, and he was
acting like a overbearing big brother. He assigned her routine mental tasks like copying
reports. This was another instance that triggered to core during first few weeks of
joining job.
Lisa felt disappointed during her first few weeks due to following reasons:-
Linton: On the first day Linton mentioned that she does not like MBA’s as they act like
they know a lot more than they do. She did not feel welcomed on the very first day.
Scoville: He gave Benton menial jobs because of his poor planning, and he was
rude and he acted like condescending big brother when he took Benton out to lunch
on the first day.
Question 2
Answer 2B---On the OCEAN analysis Lisa can improve relationship with Scoville by:
Lisa can initiate an emotional connect with Scoville. She could assess what ticks him
and what doesn’t by connecting with him personally, outside office on an emotional
1. As both are opposite on extraversion, Lisa can handle the parts which involves
teamwork and people while Scoville can handle the internal parts of the projects
such as analysis.
Question 3
ANSWER3A: As per the current Information related to the actions or the persuasive
approach of that office it seems like the area of Johari window is the hidden area.
1) Benton should come out of learner-mode and take initiative and make
heropinions known which would make Linton see her analytical skills
and organizational abilities thus give more opportunities to Benton.
2) As Linton boss Jack Vernon adores Benton, she should ask Vernon's
help inconflict resolving between Benton and Linton.
3) She should ask for separate responsibilities which are suited to her
abilitiesthat of analytical skills and organizational capabilities.
Question 4
1.Instead of coming across and telling the negatives directly, Linton could have
presented the opportunities of being heard, where she can present herself
assertivelyand respond on her feedback and perception about her work and abilities.
2. when Linton heard of how abhorrent Scoville’s management was, she could
havegiven Lisa her word that she would counsel him to alter his behavior and
attitude towards Lisa.
3. Rather than telling the problem, Linton should advise her how she can work on
Question 5
ANSWER5: Three engagement tactics that could have helped Liaison feeling more
motivated to work in House world:
The soft tactics that Lisa can use, following are relevant ways in which these can be
1) Persuasion-Lisa can use soft skill with Scoville such as persuasion that is
emotionally opening up as we have seen that Scoville is open to feedback, when
Benton took Scovilleto drinks they discussed serious matters
2) Exchange-She can also exchange favor with Scoville. By helping him with
tasks shecan influence him to accept her points of view.
ASSERTIVENESS: Lisa can be more assertive in her conversations with Scoville and
Linton. The conversation with Lisa when she said she doesn’t like MBA’S and she could
havegiven assertive feedback to Scoville about his abhorrent style of management. This
could haveminimized her negative experiences.
COALITION: as Linton’s boss Vernon adores benton and he’s also MBA from
Harvard Benton can use hard tactic of coalition formation to get more responsibility
on the project and fromthere she can show her talents to Linton.
Question 7
Question 8
According to my opinion Lisa should not leave her job at House world because:
1. The main incentive for Benton to join House World was the opportunity to
learn traditional marketing techniques from an expert in the field in a
disciplined setting.
3. Benton has a higher chance to advance in her career in the House world
as because she already gets along with her colleagues in the office and
the management has appraising or boosted the amount of Harvard and
management recruits for the current profiles.