Module 6 Teacher Competency and Standards
Module 6 Teacher Competency and Standards
Module 6 Teacher Competency and Standards
Let is begin this lesson with this beautiful quote on Teaching Competence.
The PPST shall be used as a basis for all learning and development programs
for teachers to ensure that teachers are properly equipped to effectively implement
the K to 12 Program. It can also be used for the selection and promotion of teachers.
All performance appraisals for teachers shall be based on this set of standards.
Teachers play a crucial role in nation-building. Through quality teachers, the
Philippines can develop holistic learners who are steeped in values, equipped with
21st century skills, and able to propel the country to development and progress. This
is in consonance with the Department of Education vision of producing: “Filipinos
who passionately love their country and whose values and competencies enable them
to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building the nation”
(DepED Order No. 36, s. 2013).
Evidences show unequivocally that good teachers are vital to raising student
achievement, i.e., quality learning is contingent upon quality teaching. Hence,
enhancing teacher quality becomes of utmost importance for long-term and
sustainable nation building.
The changes brought about by various national and global frameworks such as
the K to 12 Reform and the ASEAN integration, globalization, and the changing
character of the 21st century learners necessitate improvement and adaptability of
education, and a call for the rethinking of the current teacher standards.
Teacher professional development happens in a continuum from beginning to
exemplary practice. Anchored on the principle of lifelong learning, the set of
professional standards for teachers recognizes the significance of a standards
framework that articulates developmental progression as teachers develop, refine
their practice and respond to the complexities of educational reforms.
The following statements, which define the work of teachers at different
career stages, make explicit the elements of high-quality teaching for the 21st
century. They comprise descriptors that have been informed by teachers’
understandings of what is required at each of the four Career Stages. The descriptors
represent a continuum of development within the profession by providing a basis for
attracting, preparing, developing and supporting teachers.
Strand 1.1 1.1.1 Demonstrat 1.1.2 Apply 1.1.3 Model 1.1.4 Model
Content e content knowledge of effective exemplary
knowledge knowledge content within applications of practice to
and its and its and across content improve the
application application curriculum knowledge applications of
within and within teaching areas. within and content
across and/or across knowledge
curriculum across curriculum within and
areas curriculum teaching areas. across
teaching curriculum
areas. teaching areas.
Strand 1.3 1.3.1 Show skills 1.3.2 Ensure 1.3.3 Promote 1.3.4 Mentor
Positive use of in the positive use the positive effective colleagues in
ICT of ICT to facilitate use of ICT to strategies in the
the teaching and facilitate the the positive implementatio
learning process. teaching and use of ICT to n of policies to
learning facilitate the ensure the
process. teaching and positive use of
Beginning Proficient Distinguished
Strands Proficient
Teachers Teachers Teachers
Strand 1.4 1.4.1 Demonstrate 1.4.2 Use a 1.4.3 Evaluate 1.4.4 Model a
Strategies for knowledge of range of with comprehensiv
promoting teaching strategies teaching colleagues the e selection of
literacy and that promote strategies that effectiveness effective
numeracy literacy and enhance of teaching teaching
numeracy skills. learner strategies that strategies that
achievement promote promote
in literacy and learner learner
numeracy achievement achievement
skills. in literacy and in literacy and
numeracy. numeracy.
Strand 1.5 1.5.1 Apply 1.5.2 Apply a 1.5.3 Develop 1.5.4 Lead
Strategies for teaching strategies range of and apply colleagues in
developing that develop teaching effective reviewing,
critical and critical and strategies to teaching modifying and
creative creative thinking, develop strategies to expanding
thinking, as and/or other critical and promote their range of
well as other higher-order creative critical and teaching
higher-order thinking skills. thinking, as creative strategies that
thinking skills well as other thinking, as promote
higher-order well as other critical and
thinking skills. higher-order creative
thinking skills. thinking, as
well as other
thinking skills.
Strand 1.6 1.6.1 Use Mother 1.6.2 Display 1.6.3 Model 1.6.4 Show
Mother Tongue, Filipino proficient use and support exemplary
Tongue, and English to of Mother colleagues in skills in and
Filipino and facilitate teaching Tongue, the proficient advocate the
English in and learning. Filipino and use of Mother use of Mother
teaching and English to Tongue, Tongue,
learning facilitate Filipino and Filipino and
teaching and English to English in
Beginning Proficient Distinguished
Strands Proficient
Teachers Teachers Teachers
Strand 1.7 1.7.1 Demonstrate 1.7.2 Use 1.7.3 Display 1.7.4 Exhibit
Classroom an understanding effective a wide range exemplary
communicatio of the range of verbal and of effective practice in the
n strategies verbal and non- non-verbal verbal and use of
verbal classroom classroom non-verbal effective
communication communicatio classroom verbal and
strategies that n strategies to communicatio non-verbal
support learner support n strategies to classroom
understanding, learner support communicatio
participation, understanding, learner n strategies to
engagement and participation, understanding, support learner
achievement. engagement participation, understanding,
and engagement participation,
achievement. and engagement
achievement. and
in different
Domain 2 highlights the role of teachers to provide learning environments that
are safe, secure, fair and supportive in order to promote learner responsibility and
achievement. This Domain centers on creating an environment that is learning-
focused and in which teachers efficiently manage learner behavior in a physical and
virtual space. It highlights the need for teachers to utilize a range of resources and
provide intellectually challenging and stimulating activities to encourage
constructive classroom interactions geared towards the attainment of high standards
of learning.
Beginning Proficient Distinguished
Strands Proficient
Teachers Teachers Teachers
Strand 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 Maintain 2.2.3 Exhibit 2.2.4 Advocate and
Fair learning Demonstrate learning effective facilitate the use of
environment understanding environments practices to effective practices
of learning that promote foster learning to foster learning
environments fairness, environments environments that
that promote respect and that promote promote fairness,
fairness, care to fairness, respect respect and care to
respect and encourage and care to encourage
care to learning. encourage learning.
encourage learning.
Beginning Proficient Distinguished
Strands Proficient
Teachers Teachers Teachers
Strand 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 Apply a 2.5.3 Model 2.5.4 Lead and
Promotion of Demonstrate range of successful empower
purposive learning knowledge of successful strategies and colleagues in
learning strategies that support promoting learning
environments maintain colleagues in environments that
that motivate learning promoting effectively
learners to environments learning motivate learners
work that motivate environments to achieve quality
productively learners to that effectively outcomes by
by assuming work motivate assuming
responsibility productively by learners to work responsibility for
for their own assuming productively by their own learning.
learning. responsibility assuming
for their own responsibility
learning. for their own
Beginning Proficient Distinguished
Strands Proficient
Teachers Teachers Teachers
Strand 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 Use 3.1.3 Work with 3.1.4 Lead
Demonstrate differentiated, colleagues to colleagues to
Learners' gender, knowledge developmentally share evaluate
needs, strengths, and appropriate differentiated, differentiated
interests and understanding learning developmentally strategies to
experiences of experiences to appropriate enrich
differentiated address learners' opportunities to teaching
teaching to gender, needs, address learners' practices that
suit the strengths, differences in address
learners' interests and gender, needs, learners'
gender, needs, experiences. strengths, differences in
strengths, interests and gender, needs,
interests and experiences. strengths,
experiences. interests and
Strand 3.3 3.3.1 Use 3.3.2 Design, 3.3.3 Assist 3.3.4 Lead
strategies adapt and colleagues to colleagues in
Beginning Proficient Distinguished
Strands Proficient
Teachers Teachers Teachers
Strand 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 Plan and 3.4.3 Evaluate 3.4.4 Model a
Learners in Demonstrate deliver teaching with colleagues range of high
difficult understanding strategies that teaching level skills
circumstances of the special are responsive strategies that responsive to
educational to the special are responsive the special
needs of educational to the special educational
learners in needs of educational needs of
difficult learners in needs of learners in
circumstances, difficult learners in difficult
including: circumstances, difficult circumstances,
geographic including: circumstances, including:
isolation; geographic including: geographic
chronic isolation; geographic isolation;
illness; chronic illness; isolation; chronic
displacement displacement chronic illness; illness;
due to armed due to armed displacement displacement
conflict, urban conflict, urban due to armed due to armed
resettlement resettlement or conflict, urban conflict, urban
or disasters; disasters; child resettlement or resettlement or
child abuse abuse and child disasters; child disasters; child
and child labor practices. abuse and child abuse and
labor labor practices. child labor
practices. practices.
Beginning Proficient Distinguished
Strands Proficient
Teachers Teachers Teachers
Strand 4.1 4.1.1 Prepare 4.1.2 Plan, 4.1.3 Develop 4.1.4 Model
developmentall manage and and apply exemplary
Planning and y sequenced implement effective practice and
management teaching and developmentall strategies in the lead colleagues
of teaching learning process y sequenced planning and in enhancing
and learning to meet teaching and management of current
process curriculum learning process developmentall practices in the
requirements. to meet y sequenced planning and
curriculum teaching and management of
requirements learning process developmentall
and varied to meet y sequenced
teaching curriculum teaching and
contexts. requirements learning
and varied process.
Strand 4.2 4.2.1 Identify 4.2.2 Set 4.2.3 Model to 4.2.4 Exhibit
Learning learning achievable and colleagues the high-level skills
outcomes outcomes that appropriate setting of and lead in
aligned with are aligned with learning achievable and setting
learning learning outcomes that challenging achievable and
competencies competencies. are aligned with learning challenging
learning outcomes that learning
Beginning Proficient Distinguished
Strands Proficient
Teachers Teachers Teachers
Strand 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 Adapt and 4.3.3 Work 4.3.4 Provide
Relevance and Demonstrate implement collaboratively advice in the
responsivenes knowledge in learning with colleagues design and
s of learning the programs that to evaluate the implementation
programs implementation ensure design of of relevant and
of relevant and relevance and learning responsive
responsive responsiveness programs that learning
learning to the needs of develop the programs that
programs. all learners. knowledge and develop the
skills of knowledge and
learners at skills of
different ability learners at
levels. different ability
Strand 4.4 4.4.1 Seek 4.4.2 Participate 4.4.3 Review 4.4.4 Lead
advice in collegial with colleagues, colleagues in
Professional concerning discussions that teacher and professional
collaboration strategies that use teacher and learner discussions to
to enrich can enrich learner feedback to plan and
teaching teaching feedback to plan, facilitate, implement
practice practice. enrich teaching and enrich strategies that
practice. teaching enrich teaching
practice. practice.
Strand 4.5 4.5.1 Show 4.5.2 Select, 4.5.3 Advise 4.5.4 Model
skills in the develop, and guide exemplary
Teaching and selection, organize and colleagues in skills and lead
learning development use appropriate the selection, colleagues in
resources and use of a teaching and organization, the
including ICT variety of learning development development
teaching and resources, and use of and evaluation
Beginning Proficient Distinguished
Strands Proficient
Teachers Teachers Teachers
Beginning Proficient Distinguished
Strands Proficient
Teachers Teachers Teachers
Beginning Proficient Distinguished
Strands Proficient
Teachers Teachers Teachers
that are
responsive to
Strand 6.2 6.2.1 Seek 6.2.2 Build 6.2.3 Guide 6.2.4 Lead in
advice relationships colleagues to consolidating
Engagement concerning with strengthen networks that
of parents strategies that parents/guardians relationships strengthen
and the wider build and the wider with relationships
school relationships school parents/guardians with
community with community to and the wider parents/guardi
in the parents/guardia facilitate school ans and the
educative ns and the involvement in community to wider school
process wider the educative maximize their community to
community. process. involvement in maximize their
the educative involvement in
process. the educative
Beginning Proficient Distinguished
Strands Proficient
Teachers Teachers Teachers
Strand 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 Apply 7.1.3 Manifest 7.1.4 Model a learner-
Articulate a a personal a learner- centered teaching
Philosophy of personal philosophy centered philosophy through
teaching philosophy of of teaching teaching teaching practices that
teaching that that is philosophy in stimulate colleagues to
is learner- learner- various engage in further
Beginning Proficient Distinguished
Strands Proficient
Teachers Teachers Teachers
Strand 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 Adopt 7.2.3 Identify 7.2.4 Act as a role
Demonstrate practices that and utilize model and advocate
Dignity of behaviors that uphold the personal for upholding the
teaching as a uphold the dignity of professional dignity of teaching as a
profession dignity of teaching as a strengths to profession to build a
teaching as a profession by uphold the positive teaching and
profession by exhibiting dignity of learning culture within
exhibiting qualities teaching as a and beyond the school.
qualities such such as profession to
as caring caring help build a
attitude, attitude, positive
respect and respect and teaching and
integrity. integrity. learning
culture within
the school.
Strand 7.5 7.5.1 7.5.2 Set 7.5.3 Reflect 7.5.4 Lead reforms in
Demonstrate professional on the enhancing professional
Professional motivation to development Philippine development programs
development realize goals based Professional based on an in-depth
goals professional on the Standards for knowledge and
development Philippine Teachers to understanding of the
goals based Professional plan personal Philippine Professional
on the Standards for professional Standards for
Philippine Teachers. development Teachers.
Professional goals and
Standards for assist
Teachers. colleagues in
planning and
their own
Learning Activities:
1) Our learning activity for this chapter would expect you to work as a whole
2) Divide yourself into five (5) groups. You can devise your own way of doing the
grouping. Please be reminded that interviews should only be done through any
convenient media and strictly no face-to-face. It would be better if you can
interview one (1) teacher from a private school and one from a public school
3) Group 1 should interview two (2) teachers who have taught for 1 – 3 years.
General Questions:
1. In which career stage do these teachers belong?
2. What are the characteristics of teachers in this stage?
Use the guide questions below for your interview.
a. Where did you earn your degree? When?
b. How many years did it take for you to be hired in a teaching job?
c. How did your university/college prepare you to become a good teacher?
d. When did you pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)? What was your
e. When did you start teaching as a professional?
f. What are some of your most unforgettable experiences as a teacher?
g. What inspires you as a teacher?
h. What are your greatest challenges as a teacher?
i. What professional development activities/trainings have you participated in?
j. What professional organizations are you a member of?
k. What should professional teachers remember always in terms of their behavior?
l. What kind of teacher would you like students to remember you when you retire?
m. How do you see yourself 5 years from now?
4) Group 2 should interview two (2) teachers who have taught for 4 – 10 years.
General Questions:
1. In which career stage do these teachers belong?
2. What are the characteristics of teachers in this stage?
5) Group 3 should interview two (2) teachers who have taught for 11 – 15 years.
General Questions:
1. In which career stage do these teachers belong?
2. What are the characteristics of teachers in this stage?
6) Group 4 should interview two (2) teachers who have taught for 15 years or
more. General Questions:
1. In which career stage do these teachers belong?
2. What are the characteristics of teachers in this stage?
7) Group 5 should interview two (2) teachers who have retired from teaching.
General Questions:
1. In which career stage do these teachers belong?
2. What are the characteristics of teachers in this stage?
8) Present your output as a video. You can choose your own way of presenting it.
Begin the video with a short introduction of the members of the group. Criteria
for grading the video: Content (40%); Presentation (20%); Creativity (20%);
Participation of Group Members (20%).
9) Answer these questions for Summarization as the last part of your video.
1) Identify at least five (5) characteristics/ideas/beliefs that these teachers have in
common, despite the differences in the teaching experience?
2) Would you say that they are professional teachers in the real sense of the word?
Justify your answer.
3) Has your interviews strengthened your dream to become a teacher? In what way?
4) What do you think are the values that you should develop for you to become a
competent teacher?
5) If you are to choose one (1) word to describe the teaching profession, what would it
be and why?
6) Give a comprehensive description of the teachers in the different career stages,
focusing on their characteristics and competencies.