Q2 DAY 3 LP Iconic Artists

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Arts 9

Maragatas Integrated School
Prepared by: Jomari P. Carnecer
Quarter 2
Grade 9- Wisdom

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. identify the artworks belonging to the Iconic Artists;

b. state the importance of studying the influence of iconic artists belonging to
the Renaissance and the Baroque periods; and
a. create an infographic about the artworks belonging to the Iconic Artists.

II- Subject Matter:

 Topic: Rebirth and Irregular: The Iconic Artists and the Influences in
 Reference/s: ARTS 9 SLM / ARTS 9 learners materials
 Authors: Ritchel B. Pedrano, Febee Blossom C. Labos, Guillesar P.
Villarente and etc.
 Materials: Printed Cut-off pictures, Marker, bond paper, pencil and Power
point presentation.
 Values Integration: Cooperation and valuing the importance of of
studying the influence of iconic artists belonging to the Renaissance and
the Baroque periods

III- Procedure

a. Preliminary
 Prayers
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 Reminding of Classroom Rules

b. Review
 The Teacher will ask his students about their previous topic and let
the students share it to the class.
c. Motivation
 The Teacher will present a code-decode number which corresponds
to the letter.
 The Teacher will ask his student about what they have observe on
the pictures and guess the topic

Code-Decode. Code-Decode. Decode the number corresponds to the letter.

A=1 B=2 C= 3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10 K=11 L=12 M=13 N=14
O=15 P=16 Q=17 R=18 S=19 T=20 U=21 V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26

1. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
18 5 14 1 9 19 19 1 14 3 5 16 5 18 9 15 5

2. ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
2 1 18 15 17 21 5 16 5 18 9 15 5

3. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __
12 9 3 8 1 5 12 1 14 7 5 12 15 2 21 15 14 1 18 15 20 20 9

4. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
7 9 1 14 12 15 18 5 14 26 15 2 5 18 14 9 14 9

5. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
12 5 15 14 1 18 4 15 4 1 22 9 14 3 9

6. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
13 9 3 8 5 12 1 14 7 5 12 5 13 5 17 9 19 9

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ __ __ __

4 1 3 1 18 1 22 1 7 7 9 15

Activity 2. Name the Iconic Artists

Instruction. Write the name of the Iconic Artists on the space provided. The name
based on the answer on the Activity 1- decoded letters number 3-6.

7__________________ 9. c. _______________
Guide Questions:

1. What are the decoded letters?

2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
5. _______________________________
6. ________________________________

2. How did you identify the artists from the activity?


3. What are the significant influences of the Iconic Artists belonging to

Renaissance and Baroque in arts?

d. Lesson Proper
 The teacher will present the subject matter.
 The teacher will present and ask his students to read the lesson
objectives to be attain at the end of the period.
 The teacher will ask his students of what they can associate with
the terms “Renaissance” and “Baroque”
 The Teacher will present the artist, artworks, and influences during
Renaissance Period and Baroque Period .
 The teacher will solicit information from his students based on the
topic being discuss.
 The Teacher will provide or present a short video with regards to
the topic to further expound the lesson.
 The teacher will solicit information from his students based on the
video presented and give reinforcement afterwards.
 The teacher will continue to discuss the topic accordingly and
throw some questions afterwards followed by reinforcement if

Renaissance in French word means “rebirth” or “rinascita” in Italian. The development of
art attributes the use of perspective, balance and proportion. The use of new method and
media produced life-like effects as the subject. Most of the great masterpieces are used

1. LEONARDO DA The Last Supper (1495-98) was Leonardo da Vinci was

VINCI (14521519) mural painting and one of his known not only as a
best paintings. It is one of the masterful painter but as
Leonardo was born in 1452 Western world's most an architect, sculptur,
in Village of Vinci in recognizable paintings. It engineer, and scientist.
Tuscany Vinci, Italy. He is represents the scene of the Last His pursuit of
genius in math, music and Supper of Jesus with his knowledge was
art. apostles, as it is told in the relentless and his
With his undeniable talent Gospel of John, 13:21 discoveries left lasting
he was quickly outshined his changes in the field of
master and in 1472 he was art and science. With
acknowledged to the Florence his sophisticated skills
painters' guild. and love for learning,
He works for da Vinci embodied the
Lodovico Sforza, Duke of He painted one of the most curiosity and
Milan for about twenty years famous portraits of all time, The individualism of the
Mona Lisa, more correctly known era and was the
as La Gioconda (1503-06). It is quinteessential
considered an archetypal Renaissance man.
masterpiece of the Italian

(1480 s
- 1499).
MICHAELANGELO David sculpture is a masterpiece His ideals and concepts
BUONAROTTI of Renaissance sculpture created in influenced throughout
(1475-1564) marble between 1501 and 1504 by his life. He began as a
Michelagniolodi the Italian artist Michelangelo. sculptor and made his
Lodovico di first statues from
Lionardo di 14961501 in
Buonarroti Simone Rome. It is also a work of
was born on March 6, great beauty, capable of
1475 in Caprese in eliciting a deeply
Tuscany. He was emotional response in the
gifted as a painter, a viewer.
sculptor, an engineer, Because of the nature of
an architect, and a the figure it represented,
poet, and exaltation of the statue soon came to
the human body. At symbolize the defense of
the age of 15, He is civil liberties embodied in
fascinated to Lorenzo the Republic of
de'Medici and was Florence
invited to join the
writers, scholars, and
artists who frequented
the Medici palace.

This period started in 1600- 1750 where music, arts , literature and
paintings are highly in demand. Using of elaborate f orms and ornate
emphasizes the uni ty in architecture and literature. Most of it are done in
large-scale form an d filled with colors to show stron g feelings.

Gian Lorenzo David statue is a life-size He produced major works

Bernini marble sculpture by Gian in paintings. His supreme
(16231624) was a Lorenzo Bernini. intensity and vibrant style
sculpture, The sculpture was one of many in all mediums exhibited
architecture, composer commissions to decorate the villa of in his work.
and was Bernini's patron Cardinal.
a dramatist during His sculptures give a
Baroque Period. lifelike effect and forceful
During Baroque time, he
makes the sculpture
Ecstacy of Saint
Theresa, in the Cornaro
Chapel shows
threatrical style.

MICHELANGELO The 'Supper at Emmaus', was one that The techniques of

MERISI DA made his paintings appear to be an Caravaggio are darkening
CARAVAGGIO extension of real space, deliberately the shadows, transform by
(1571-1610) making the viewers feel as if they putting in the subject in a
were taking part in the scene. blinding beam of light.
Caravaggio, a master of Most of his is realism
the Italian Baroque. He (Caravaggisti) which 20th
was a genius, inventive century artist based his
painter, and futuristic work.
artist from a BOY to
MAN experiences and
stories associated to his
artwork. In 1593, he
started painting The Conversion of Saint Paul,
Supper at Emmaus, The
Betrayal of Christ, The
Sacrifice of Issac, Death of the Virgin,
David with the Head of Goliath, The
Seven Works of Mercy, Portrait of a
Knight of Malta, Fra Antonio Martelli.
e. Application

 The teacher will task his students to create an infographic about the
artworks belonging to the Iconic Artists.
 Each students will work the task individually.
 The teacher will present rubric, for the students be guided
 The Teacher will present the result of their output next meeting,
since it is an output-based performance.

5 4 3 2 1
Indicators Excellent Very Good Fair Poor
1. Accuracy and Organization of
2. Relevance to the topic

3. Content and Designs

4.Neatness and timeliness.

Total 20 pts.

f. Generalization
 The teacher will ask his students the following questions.


 Identify the artworks belonging to the Iconic Artists

 What do you think is the importance of studying the influence of iconic artists belonging
to the Renaissance and the Baroque periods?
 Who are the iconic artists during Renaissance period?
 Who are the iconic artists during Baroque period?
IV- Evaluation

Instruction: Select an answer by encircling the letter that best corresponds the question.
1. Which of the following best describe the “renaissance” period?
a. The development of perspective, symmetrical and asymmetrical
b. The use of old method such as produced ideal effects as the subject.
c. The development of art attributes the use of perspective, balance and
d. The usage of new and old method in making a lifelong art and the aesthetic

2. How to describe the Art of Baroque Period?

a. It is more on sophisticated embellishment.
b. It colors are more on pastel and light depicts purity and bright.
c. It is done in medium -scale form and filled with colors to show strong
d. It uses elaborate forms and ornate emphasizes the unity in its art forms.

3. This iconic artist pursuit of knowledge was relentless and his discoveries left
lasting changes in the field of art and science.
a. Leonardo Da Vinci c. Gian Lorenzo Bernini
b. Michaelangelo Buonarotti d. Michael Merisi da Caravaggio

4. Michael Merisi da Caravaggio used chiaroscuro in his art works.

Which of the following describe Chiaroscuro technique? a.
The use of light colors
b. The use of pastel colors
c. The use of contrast between light and dark
d. The shading of the brightest to the lightest color

5. An iconic artist that influence during the Baroque Period. His supreme
intensity and vibrant style exhibited in his work.
a. Leonardo Da Vinci c. Gian Lorenzo Bernini
b. Michaelangelo Buonarotti d. Michael Merisi da Caravaggio

6. Which of the following describe the work of Michaelangelo Buonarotti?

a. It display the perfection of the work.
b. It depicts the sacrificies and struggles.
c. Its is the expression of the real situation.
d. It shows the great beauty, capable of eliciting a deeply emotional response
in the viewer.
7. Aside from The Last Supper, what is the well-known work of Leonardo da
a. The David c. Baldacchino
b. Monalisa d. Supper at Emmaus

8. Which is NOT describe “the David” of the iconic Baroque Artist Gian
Lorenzo Bernini ?
a. It is symbol of Catholic church.
b. It is created during the renaissance period where the human body is work
of art.
c. The motion is extreme to the point where the subject looks like he is about
to break
d. The sympathy for this underdog about to give his all to fight a powerful

9. Which is the influence of the iconic artist Michael Merisi da Caravaggio?

a. The light shadows from a clear beam of light.
b. The radiant of the shadows it will transform into a light.
c. The darkening the shadows, transform by putting in the subject in a
blinding beam of light.
d. The shadows that allows the dark that will convert into a more progressive
shadow in an artwork.

10. One of the famous artwork of Leonardo Da Vinci is the “Last Supper” it
is influence describe as
a. It depicts the Catholic faith only
b. Imaginative freedom to classical
c. A theatrical employment of light and shadow.
d. A perfect proportion and expression of Jesus when one of His Twelve
Apostles betray him.
Instruction: Identify the title of artwork, Iconic artists, and period/era based on the
artwork presented.
2. 3.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_(Michel angelo)

4 5. 6.


7. 8. 9.


_Last_Supper_-_Leonardo_Da_Vinci_-_ High_Resolution_32x16.jpg

10. 11. 12.

V- Assignment

Let Us Practice More

Venn Diagram
Instruction: Based on what you have read and understand from the
readings above, explain the following terms:
1. Renaissance Art Period

2. Baroque Art Period


3. Iconic Artists

4. Chiaroscuro technique

5 4 3 2 1
Indicators Excellent Very Good Fair Poor
1. Accuracy and Organization of
2. Relevance to the topic

3. Content

4.Neatness and timeliness.

Total 20 pts.
Prepared by:

Checked by:

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