Essential Oil of Red Galangal (Alpinia Galanga (L) Willd)
Essential Oil of Red Galangal (Alpinia Galanga (L) Willd)
Essential Oil of Red Galangal (Alpinia Galanga (L) Willd)
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Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University,
IPB Campus, Darmaga, Bogor, 16680, Indonesia
Biopharmaca Research Center-Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, 16128, Indonesia
Primate Research Center-Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, 16151, Indonesia
Red galangal (Alpinia galanga (L) Willd) is an aromatic plant which has potential as
aromatherapy. The aim of this research was to evaluate and identify the red galangal
essential oil as slimming aromatherapy through in vivo observation in adult male Sprague
Dawley rats. The oil was separated by distillation and fractionated by silica gel column
chromatography resulting five fractions. Crude essential oil, fractions 1 and 2 were further
analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and performed in vivo assay. The
major compounds in the crude oil were β-bisabolene (11.78%) and trans-caryophyllene
(9.10%); in fraction 1 was bicyclo-2-heptene (12.08%); and pentadecane (11.09%) in
fraction 2. After five weeks of inhalation with 0.1% concentration, body weight showed
significant difference (P<0.05) and animals inhaling the crude oil had the lowest body
weight compared to fraction 1 but not different compared to control and fraction 2 treated
animals. In conclusion, red galangal’s essential oil compound β-bisabolene and
trans-caryophyllene were suggested as the responsible compounds that has slimming
aromatherapy effect.
0.1% given for 5 weeks. The inhalation of oils in the treatment process. The amount of diets
was performed like shown in Figure 1. The oil given to the animals were recorded daily and
gas from the bottle was distributed to all cages body weight were recorded every week.
Figure 1
Apparatus for oils inhalation to the animal cages.
Table 1
Fractions of essential oil from red galangal rhizome
Table 2
Concentration of major compounds of the crude essential oil, fraction 1 and fraction 2
Figure 2
Structure of β-bisabolene, trans-caryophyllene, bicyclo-2-heptene and trans-α-bergamotene
Table 3
Average body weight male rat at pretreatment and post treatment
According to WHO, obesity is defined as an tissue deposit shown in Figure 3. The average
excess in accumulation of fat that can be body fat deposit from each group was not
harmful to health18. The total weight of body fat significantly different (P>0.05). However,
Group II showed a trend of lower average body leads to weight reduction. The reason of this
fat deposit compared to the other groups. This insignificant result can be due to the possibility
trend showed that the crude essential oil tend of relatively short treatment time and the
to respond in a reduction of fat deposit which limited number of animals in each group.
Figure 3
Average of body fat deposit after treatment. Group (I) control,
(II) red galangal crude essential oil, (III) fraction 1 and (IV) fraction 2
Average concentration of TG after treatment norvegicus) was between 97.44-102.40
showed no significant difference (p>0.05) mg/dl19. Sukcow et al. and Fahri et al. reported
(Table 4). Farouk et al. reported that male that the concentration of TG in white rat was
rat albino normal TPC concentration was around 25-145 mg/dl19-20. These previous
around 115 mg/dl. Also reported the results illustrated that the concentration of TPC
concentration of TPC in white rat (Rattus and TG in this study was in the normal range.
Table 4
Total plasma cholesterol and triglycerides concentration after 5 weeks treatment
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