General Laboratory Procedures

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1. Labs are conducted in pairs/groups. You will need to be organized and divide tasks to
complete the labs in the allocated time.

2. Glassware will be provided on as needed basis during the lab period. Students
should come
to the prepared with a list of required glassware and an organized work plan.

Note: You may need to pre-rinse some glassware prior to use.

3. In order to avoid contaminating supplied chemical reagents, a sufficient quantity of

reagents should be transferred to an appropriate receptacle, e.g. small beaker or weigh
boat. A reagent bottle should always be returned to its allocation place after use.




4. At the end of the laboratory period: All glassware should be thoroughly washed
(including a final rinse with deionized water) and left on the return cart. All electrical
apparatus should be switched off and unplugged. All taps should be turned fully off and
all waste should be placed in the appropriate waste container.

5. No student should attempt unauthorised experiments in the laboratory Students may,

on occasion, schedule laboratory work provided permission from an instructor has been
A student must not use the laboratory in the absence of the laboratory supervisor or

6. No chemicals or equipment should be removed from the laboratory at any Time.


A chemical laboratory is a potentially dangerous environment; the hazards of fire, cuts,

burns and poisoning being most prevalent. It is a safe practice to assume all chemical
reagents are potentially hazardous. While the use of particularly toxic or carcinogenic
reagents is generally avoided, some of the reagents in this lab are dangerous. Consult
your instructor for more information. The first line of defence for skin contact is to flush
with plenty of water. Two eyewash stations are provided for the immediate flushing of
eye splashes. In the event of an accident, contact your instructor immediately. Safety
rules will work only if you obey them and encourage others to obey them. Please
familiarise yourself with the following regulations.

 There must be no smoking or eating in the laboratory.

 Students must wear safety glasses at all times. Safety glasses are available.
Contact lenses should be removed prior to entering the laboratory. Prescription
glasses may be worn, but should be covered with safety glasses.
 Students are recommended to wear laboratory coats in the laboratory.

 Many of the chemicals in the laboratory are poisonous whether taken orally or
absorbed through the skin. If any chemical is swallowed the supervisor shoud be
summoned immediately. If any chemical comes into contact with the skin it
should be washed off immediately with plenty of water.
 While heating a substance in a test tube, care should be taken to ensure that the
mouth of the test tube is not pointing at anyone. A student shoud never look
down into a test tube that is being heated.
 Concentrated acids and bases; strong oxidising and reducing agents; flammable
solvents and toxic chemicals should be treated with respect.
 Always wash your hands pior to existing the lab and before eating.


 In the event of fire, the flames should be extinguished with one of the
extinguishers in the laboratory and the supervisor notifed immediately

Spillages and Fumes

 All breakages and minor spills of chemicals should be reported immediately to

the supervisor or technician without delay
 A receptade in the laboratory is reserved solely for broken glassware
 Any expenment involving the evolution of pungent odours or fumes must be
carnied out in the fume hood
 Students are accountable for their own actions in the laboratory and this
Department wll not accept liability for accidents that occur due to irresponsibility
on the part of a student or students



 Do not bring any food or drinks near the machine.

 Tum off the machine once you are done using it.
 .Do not plug in external devices without scanning them for computer viruses.
 Ensure that the temperature in the room stays cool, since there are a lot of
machines inside a lab as these can overheat easily. This is one of the many
ways of ensuring computer safety.
 Try not to touch any of the circuit boards and power sockets when a device is
connected to them and switched on.
 Always maintain an extra copy of all your important data files,

General Safety Guidelines to be followed at all times

 AlI users of the laboratory are to follow the directions of Academic/Laboratory
Technician staff member.
 Food or drink is not permitted at any time in the laboratory.
 Students should not attempt to repair, open, tamper or interfere with any of the
computer, printing, cabling, air conditioning or other equipment in the laboratory.
 Students should be aware of office ergonomic guidelines for correct posture
when using computer equipment.
 Please treat fellow users of the laboratory, and all equipment within the
laboratory, with the appropriate level of care and respect.
 Wipe off all prep areas with sanitizer water provided in the sanitizer bucket.
 Clean your stove with stove cleaner and dish rag or green scrubbie every single
time you cook.
 Never sit on my prep tables or desks.
 Cooperate with your group members. Learn to work together, to share work, and
to help others.
 Do NOT take your phone into your kitchen area with you. Points will be deducted
any time I find you on your phone when you are "in" a lab.
 Have a positive attitude no matter what job you are performing that day
 Everyone is required to clean up regardless of what job you may have signed up
 NO student is allowed to leave the kitchen without being excused by Mrs.
Duncan until after their kitchen has had a final check and all required lab papers
are turned in.

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