Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) Survey

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Recent Advances in Trustworthy Explainable Artificial

Intelligence: Status, Challenges and Perspectives

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Rawal, Atul; McCoy, James; Rawat, Danda; Sadler, Brian; Amant, Robert (2021): Recent Advances in
Trustworthy Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Status, Challenges and Perspectives. TechRxiv. Preprint.



Recent Advances in Trustworthy Explainable

Artificial Intelligence: Status, Challenges and
Atul Rawal, Member, IEEE, James McCoy, Danda Rawat, Senior Member, IEEE,
Brian M. Sadler, Life Fellow, IEEE, and Rob St. Amant

Abstract—Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning bias against people of color has been reported in many AI
(ML) have come a long way from the earlier days of conceptual algorithms [5].
theories, to being an integral part of today’s technological society. AI bias may be a reflection of human training or data
Rapid growth of AI/ML and their penetration within a plethora
of civilian and military applications, while successful, has also collected by human operated systems for machine learning,
opened new challenges and obstacles. With almost no human but regardless of cause private companies and government
involvement required for some of the new decision-making AI/ML agencies alike are trying to make sure that the AI/ML systems
systems, there is now a pressing need to gain better insights provide unbiased explainable decisions.
into how these decisions are made. This has given rise to a This has led to the creation of new policies and laws, not just
new field of AI research, Explainable AI (XAI). In this paper,
we present a survey of XAI characteristics and properties. We in the United States, but across the world. For example, the
provide an in-depth review of XAI themes, and describe the European Union General Data Protection Regulation, which
different methods for designing and developing XAI systems, provides consumers with a “Right to Explanation” [6]. The US
both during and post model-development. We include a detailed Algorithmic Accountability Act of 2019 dictates “assessments
taxonomy of XAI goals, methods, and evaluation, and sketch of high-risk systems that involve personal information or make
the major milestones in XAI research. An overview of XAI for
security, and cybersecurity of XAI systems, is also provided. automated decisions” [7].
Open challenges are delineated, and measures for evaluating XAI Accountable AI is the solution to make sure that AI decision
system robustness are described. systems can be trusted. This has given rise to research on
Index Terms—Explainable AI (XAI), Artificial Intelligence, Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI). Yearly publications
Machine Learning, Robust AI, Explainability reflect the recent and rapid rise in XAI, Interpretable, Intelli-
gible, and Transparent AI (Fig. 1), with XAI’s emergence in
2017 along with the US DoD DARPA XAI program.
I. I NTRODUCTION Even though there are related surveys on XAI [1], [8]–[12].,
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have which provide great overviews of XAI, a recent and updated
come a long way from early conceptual theories, to being an survey that provides a more comprehensive look at not just
integral part of today’s technological society. Recent advances XAI’s development, but it’s goals and evaluation metrics is
in AI and ML have resulted in the widespread application of also needed. Further, there is a lack of studies that highlight
data-driven learning systems. In many cases these advances the current state of the art, when it comes to the security of
now require almost zero human involvement/supervision, with XAI systems. This survey paper aims at filling the gaps in
the AI/ML systems making decisions based on the learned literature by providing a comprehensive survey that looks at all
data. When these decision-making systems are used in ways
that impact human lives, such as healthcare and military
applications, there is a crucial need to understand how the
AI/ML systems make decisions [1], [2].
How can we be sure that the AI/ML systems can be trusted?
How can we be sure that there is no inherent bias within
these systems decisions? There have been many real-world
examples of AI system failures. Amazon’s recruitment AI had
bias against women, with preference given to male candidates,
and Facebook’s advertisement AI was biased against race,
gender and religion [3] [4]. Within the US healthcare system,

A. Rawal, J. McCoy and D. B. Rawat are with the Department of Electrical

Engineering and Computer Science at Howard University, USA
B. M. Sadler and R. Amant are with the US Army Research Lab, USA
This work was supported in part by the DoD Center of Excellence in AI Fig. 1: Yearly publications for Explainable, Interpretable,
and Machine Learning (CoE-AIML) at Howard University under Contract
Number W911NF-20-2-0277 with the U.S. Army Research Laboratory. Transparent and Intelligible AI. (Data derived from SCOPUS)

aspects of XAI from development to evaluation, and highlights completely, AI systems must be able to recognize and
some of the more recent breakthroughs and advances that have mitigate biases.
been made towards XAI. The main contributions of this survey • Decisions must be explainable to the end user - The
include: absolute end user must be capable of understanding the
• We present a detailed overview of XAI by focusing on decisions/predictions made by the AI systems.
all aspects of the field from design & development to • There must be consequences for its actions - meaningful

evaluation. accountability dictates the imposition of sanctions and

• We provide a comparison of the XAI development meth- affording redress to those negatively affected.
ods by characterizing them into either transparent models Although the words interpretability, understandability, com-
or post-hoc models and provide examples of current ML prehensibility, and explainability have been used interchange-
models that are compatible with each method. ably within the literature, we should distinguish between
• We summarize a comprehensive taxonomy for design/de- them in reference to XAI systems. The explanation of the
velopment and evaluation of XAI. system must go beyond the interpretation of the system. The
• We present the major milestones in XAI development system’s decision-making processes and detailed steps must be
since 1983. comprehensible to the (possibly non-technical) end-user. The
• We provide an insight into the security of XAI and end-users must understand why and how the system came to
highlight recent advances towards secure XAI. a particular result versus alternatives; they must be able to
• We present an open discussion of challenges that still identify incorrect results and understand why they are wrong;
remain within the field and perspectives on recommen- and they must be able to decide when to trust, and when not
dations for addressing them. to trust, the system.
This paper is organized as follows. Section II presents a
taxonomy and insight into the terms, design, and development A. XAI Terminology
methods for XAI. Section III provides a brief survey of the A challenge with XAI is the free and interchangeable use of
design and development methods for achieving explainability terms when it comes to explanation. For example, in the litera-
with AI/ML systems. Section IV describes techniques that ture, interpretable and explainable are often used as synonyms
are used for measuring the effectiveness of XAI systems, and although generally representing two distinct concepts. Other
Section V overviews XAI security. Section VI discusses open terms such as transparency and comprehensibility have also
challenges and current trends in XAI research, followed by been used as substitutes for explainability. Each of these have
concluding remarks in Section VII. a pronounced definition, and therefore should not be used so
freely. This section reviews the major nomenclature that has
been used within the XAI research field.
Transparency is how understandable a model is without
While explanation systems have been around since the providing any insights into the actual algorithmic process of
1980’s, recent years have seen a major increase in XAI the AI system. It’s the degree to which an end user can
research with ML/AI models. The prevalence of black-box understand the function of the model, without any technical
models in most military and commercial AI/ML systems using details [15], [16].
Deep Learning (DL) and other machine learning techniques Comprehensibility is commonly associated with the com-
has given rise to the need for more transparent systems capable plexity of the AI/ML model. It represents the algorithms’
of explaining their decisions. The U.S Defense Advanced Re- ability to portray/display its learned results in human terms
search Projects (DARPA) Agency defined XAI as “AI systems [17]–[19].
that can explain their rationale to a human user, characterize Interpretability in reference to XAI is the ability of the
their strengths and weakness, and convey an understanding AI/ML system to be explained in human terms [1] [9].
of how they will behave in the future” [13]. Fig. 2 provides Explainability is a set of processes or methods that ensures
a conceptual overview of XAI. Even though there are works that the system to capable of allowing humans to compre-
and studies on XAI that existed before 1983, the timeline in hend its overall decision and reasoning. Explainability can
Fig. 4 simply presents some of the more significant milestones be understood as a summary of the overall working features
in XAI research since 1983. and calculations that produce the final system output. Arrieta,
Explainability is central to developing a trustworthy and et al., gave an excellent definition of explainability in terms
explainable system. Proper implementation of explainability of machine learning (ML) as, “Given a certain audience,
needs to ensure that the system is accountable to build public explainability refers to the details and reasons a model gives
confidence in the algorithmic implementation. For a system it make its functioning clear and easy to understand” [1] [16]
to be accountable measures should be implemented to ensure [20] [21].
that input biases are recognized and mitigated.
Busuioc, listed the following criteria for AI systems to be B. XAI Goals
accountable (see Fig 3) [14]. The explosive growth of AI enabled applications that are
• The input information and data must be free of any and able to operate autonomously has increased the need to exam-
all biases - As it may not be possible to rid of bias ine the effectiveness of these systems. Due to the inability of

Fig. 2: Overview of the Explainable AI (XAI) concept.

trustworthy AI/ML system is explainable [1] [8] [25]–[28].

Understandability represents the features of the AI/ML
system to make an end-user understand how it works, with
or without the explanation for its algorithm and decision-
making processes. Its explanations should aim at improving
the user experience via the understanding of the system and
its decisions [1] [16] [8] [29] [10].
Fairness and bias avoidance are two very critical goals. Due
to the inherent bias within today’s society in a multitude of
Fig. 3: Criteria for Accountable AI. fields, XAI systems must be designed and developed without
any biases to guarantee that they can be trusted to not make the
mistakes of their creators (Humans). As mentioned previously,
many of these autonomous or AI enabled systems to fully real-world examples of biased AI decision-making may have
be expressed by humans, DARPA seeks to address these serious consequences. Some of the sources of bias within
limitations through designing a suite of machine learning these systems arise from biased training data and feature
tools that can be implemented to make the system robust and learning. Explainable systems can provide the end-user with
trustworthy. These techniques aim to: [13] the choice to either trust or not trust the systems based upon
1) Produce more explainable models, while maintaining a improved understanding of factors that influenced the result.
high level of learning performance (prediction accuracy); Explainability can thus aide in avoiding biases that cause
and unethical and harmful consequences [1] [6] [8] [30] [31].
2) Enable human users to understand, appropriately trust, Insightfulness should also be considered a crucial goal for
and effectively manage the emerging generation of arti- XAI design and development. As Arrieta, et al., stated in
ficially intelligent partners.” their survey, problems being solved by AI/ML systems aren’t
This dictates a need for merging the understandability of necessarily the same as those intended by the users. Therefore,
the system by the user, and their trust of the system. While it is very important that a system’s explainability helps the user
understandability and trust are both undoubtedly vital goals to gain insight into the overall goals of the system. There is a
for robust XAI systems, various other goals should also need to extract information about the systems [1]
be considered for the development of these systems. Goals Causality among data is an important source of information
such as transparency, fairness, bias avoidance, informativeness, for XAI systems. The study of causal reasoning from observed
causality, confidence, transferability, privacy and safety, and data is already a robust field of research. Several studies
ease of use should also be considered essential for XAI design have presented explainable systems as an important tool for
and development [1], [8], [15], [22]–[24]. investigating and deriving causal relationships among different
Trust in AI/ML systems has been viewed by many as the variables [32]–[34]. Causality in relation to explainability,
main goal of XAI models. It is the level of confidence in gave rise to a new term causability. Causability, coined by
the actions of an AI/ML system making decisions for specific Holzinger, et al.,is defined as ”the extent to which an explana-
problems. However, this should not be taken at face value tion of a statement to a human expert achieves a specified
as the only goal of XAI systems. While a crucial aspect of level of causal understanding with effectiveness, efficiency,
any XAI system, trust alone is not sufficient for explainability. and satisfaction in a specified context of use” [35]. A current
Like the saying, “not everything that shines is gold”, not every argument within the field of XAI states that for AI/ML systems

Fig. 4: Major XAI milestones since 1983.

to generate human-like explanations, they human causally experts. AI novices are defined as regular users with little or no
understandable explanations are crucial [36]. Kilbertus, et al., technical knowledge of AI/ML systems. Data experts refers to
emphasized the importance of causal approaches for avoiding researchers and scientists that make practical use of AI/ML on
bias and discrimination, and providing better explanations a daily basis for research, commercial, or military applications.
[36], [37]. Holzinger et al., introduced the System Causability AI experts are the scientists and engineers that design and
Scale (SCS), a method of evaluating the quality of explanations develop AI/ML systems. The paper noted that while there are
based on causability [38]. overlaps and similarities between the goals for the different
Transferability is one of the major challenges for AI/ML. user groups, distinctions can be made in the design methods,
The practicality of adapting one AI/ML model for different implementation and research objectives. (Table I) [8].
applications is still being heavily researched for numerous While the development of trustworthy and robust XAI
models and systems. It is therefore desirable that XAI systems models is a priority, delivery of the explanation created by the
be able to adapt explainability to different problems/applica- model to the end-user is also a focal goal of XAI. DARPA’s
tions as well.It should however be noted that transferability XAI program put an emphasis on the explainable interface of
does not always imply explainability, and it should not be the AI/ML systems, to not only create better explainable mod-
assumed that all transferable models will be explainable [39]– els, but also improve on how these explanations are relayed to
[41]. the users. The integration of state-of-the-art human-computer
Privacy protection and data protection are a major challenge interface (HCI) methods with the XAI principles, strategies
in many applications. Data driven AI/ML systems must be and models, along with psychological theories of explanations
designed with the privacy of information in mind, and XAI is carried out to achieve more effective explanations for the
systems that use large datasets from the public domain must user [13].
be able to protect the consumers privacy. This is a potential
vulnerability if an XAI system might reveal private data in III. XAI D EVELOPMENT AND D ESIGN
the course of explanation. To this end, XAI systems must be XAI systems can be designed using either a transparent
developed that can hide/protect sensitive data from users and model approach or a post-hoc explainability approach [20].
developers alike [1] [8] . The difference between these methods stems from systems
Mohseni, et al., suggested characterizing the design goals of that are inherently explainable by design, and those that need
XAI systems according to the designated end users and divided to be made explainable. Within the classification of transparent
them into three groups: AI/data novices, data experts, and AI models, three specific distinctions can be made for the degree

TABLE I: XAI design goals based on user groups.

User Group Design Goals
AI/Data Novices Algorithmic Transparency, User and Trust Reliance, Bias Mitigation, Privacy Awareness
Data Experts Model Visualization and Inspection, Model Tuning and Selection.
AI Experts Model Interpretability, Model Debugging.

of transparency of the models, simulatability, decomposability, the algorithms’ rationale to the symbols. This approach seeks
and algorithmic transparency [1]. Post-hoc explainable models to improve the overall explainability of the AI/ML system by
can also be further characterized into text explanation, visual generating text explanations of their results [31].
explanation, global explanation, local explanation, rule-based Visual explanations use visual representations of system
explanation, explanation by simplification, explanation by ex- behaviors to improve the systems overall explainability. This
ample, and feature relevance. Tables II and III provide an approach can be effective at explaining internal system be-
overview of the different methods used to achieve explainabil- haviors and processes for non-technical users, and can be
ity and Fig 5. presents a taxonomy for the goals, development coupled with other procedures such as text explanations to
and evaluation of XAI. [1] [20] [8] [42]. further enhance the explanation’s effectiveness.
Explanation by example provide examples of the results
A. Degree of Transparency generated by the AI/ML systems, allowing for a better compre-
hension of the system. These explanations provide examples
Transparent models are designed to be both interpretable of historical situations that are similar to the current one.
and explainable. The three levels of transparency act in a “Rus- [42] One of the most effective types of explanations by
sian doll” manner, where the highest degree encompasses all examples, are counterfactual explanations. Various studies
three transparency levels. Models that are simulatable maintain have highlighted the importance of counterfactuals as the
the highest level of transparency, followed by decomposable missing link for XAI to achieve human-like intelligence and
models and finally algorithmically transparent models. human-understandable explanations [35]. Chou, et al., defined
Simulatability is the ability to be simulated by the user. counterfactuals as “a conditional assertion whose antecedent
Lipton, et al., defined a simutalable model as “a model where is false and whose consequent describes how the world would
a human can take in input data together with the parameters have been if the antecedent had occurred (a what-if question).”
of the model and in reasonable time step through every [36] They provide specific explanations to convey what fea-
calculation required to produce a prediction” [15] [27]. tures need to be changed to achieve desired prediction/decision
Decomposability, also referred to as intelligibility, can be [46], [47].Choy et al, also analyzed 18 model agnostic XAI
defined as the ability of the system to explain all its processes counterfactual algorithms currently in use and classified them
[43]. Challenges of making AI/ML systems decomposable based on their theoretical approach as listed below: [36]
lie in the fact that not every system can be made as such.
The inherent strain in making systems decomposable is the
• Instance-centric algorithms
difficulty in explaining all the parts and processes of the
• Constraint-centric algorithms
systems, as it requires all the input parameters and variables
• Genetic-centric algorithms
to be easily interpretable [1].
• Regression-centric algorithms
Algorithmic transparency, as explained by Gareth, et al.,
• Game-centric algorithms
refers to the ability of the user to logically understand the
• Probabilistic-centric algorithms
AI/ML system’s error surface, allowing the user to predict the
• Case-based reasoning algorithms
system’s actions in different problems or situations [40]. It
is the level of a user’s understanding of the AI/ML systems’ Rule based explanations provide “if..then..” explanations for
operations to process the data and produce the result/deci- results. Even though these methods can be used post-hoc, they
sion. Algorithmic transparency is however limited to specific can be inherently transparent for a rule-based learner. [42] [48]
models, such as linear models, but is not applicable to deep Explanation by simplification methods create a new sim-
learning (DL) models due the requirement of the model’s plified version of the trained AI/ML system for explanations.
comprehensibility via mathematical techniques [44] [45]. This reduces complexity and can simplify the explanation as
Explanation by knowledge extraction Explanation via
B. Post-hoc Explainability knowledge extraction is done via two common approaches;
The post-hoc explainability approach is a set of techniques decompositional and pedagogical [49]. Decompositional ap-
that can be implemented after the system is complete to proaches extract knowledge rules directly form the model’s
make the system more explainable. This is done using post structures and weights. Whereas pedagogical approaches ex-
development/design methods such as text explanation, visual tract knowledge from input-output pairings [49], [50]. An
explanation, and local explanation. excellent example of pedagogical approaches is the novel tree
Text explanations encompass all explanation methods that induction algorithm introduced by Craven, et al., TREPAN
yield symbols/texts representing model functions by mapping [51]. It extracts decision trees from statistical classifiers.

TABLE II: An overview of different explanation methods and machine learning models.

XAI Model Explainability Method Machine Learning Model

Decision Trees
K-Nearest Neighbors
Rule-based Learners
General Additive Methods
Bayesian Methods
Test Explanation Neural Networks
Visual Explanation Ensemble Methods, Classifier Systems, SVM, Neural Networks
Post-Hoc Global & Local Explanations Decision Trees, Rule-based learners, Neural Networks
Explainability Explanation by Example Neural Networks
Explanation by Simplification Rule Based Learners, Decision trees, SVM, Probabilistic methods
Feature Relevance Ensemble methods, classifiers systems, SVM, Neural Networks

TABLE III: An overview of different available post-hoc explanation methods.

Explainable Method Explainable Model Model Specific/Agnostic Global/Local Explanations

Feature Relevance Shapley Values (SHAP) Agnostic Local
Local Explanation Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME) Agnostic Local
Global Explanation Skater Agnostic Global
Visual Explanation Individual Conditional Expectation (ICE) Specific Both
Text Explanation Visual Question Answering (VQA) Agnostic Local

Confalonieri, et al., expanded TREPAN, with their TREPAN ML models, these techniques can be applied to other ML
Reloaded algorithm which included domain knowledge to models including deep learning (DL) models.
enhance the understandability of surrogate decision trees. They Riberio, et al., proposed the Local Interpretable Mode-
used ontologies that model domain knowledge to generate Agnostic Explanations (LIME) technique that provides in-
better explanations. [52] terpretable and trustworthy explainability of classifier pre-
Feature relevance explanations generate a relevance score of dictions. LIME uses explanation by simplification and local
the managed variables. The approach produces a comparison explanation methods to generate a local interpretable model
of the relative scores for each variable, providing the emphasis around the prediction [27] [61].
of each of the variables on the results generated by the system. Genetic rule-extraction (G-rex) is a method for providing
Global explanations are model explanations that articulate explanations by simplification via rule extraction from opaque
the operating procedures of the entire AI/ML system. These models to increase the accuracy of comprehensible represen-
are meant to be thorough in their explanation of the entire tations [62] [63].
system model. Local explanations, in contrast to global expla- Tan, et al., presented a “distill and compare” method for
nations, provide reasoning for only a section of the AI/ML explanation by simplification of black-box models. Model
system. They explain by dissecting the solution space and distillation was done by training transparent models from the
providing explanations for specific input/output pairs. original black-box model to duplicate its results [64].
Global and local explanations are a higher level concept in Lundberg, et al., presented a unified framework for inter-
comparison to the aforementioned explanation methods, and preting predictions, SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP).
are mentioned here to classify between specific explanations SHAP provides explanations via feature relevance where an
within the ML pipeline and the entire ML system as a whole. importance value is assigned to each feature for specific
Both transparent and post-hoc explainable AI systems can predictions. It provides additive feature importance values for
be achieved via numerous available ML techniques including accurate and consistent explainable predictions of how much
linear regression, decision trees, support vector machines, each feature was involved in the system’s decision/prediction
Bayesian models, and k-nearest neighbors. Some approaches [65].
are more transparent, and linear/logistic regression, decision Cortez, et al., presented visual explanation techniques for
trees, K-nearest neighbors, rule-based learners, Bayesian mod- black-box models by using Sensitivity Analysis (SA) based
els and general additive models have been used due to their visualization. They built upon an existing SA model to propose
various levels of transparency [1], [53]–[60]. a Global SA (GSA) that extended the method’s applications to
Post-hoc explainable techniques have also been studied numerous visualization techniques for the assessment of input
extensively with a plethora of ML models being used for relevance [66] [67].
various applications. Arrieta, et al., presented a distinction Hugh, et al., presented DeepSHAP for explanations of com-
within the post-hoc models consisting of model-agnostic and plex models. It provides layer wise propagation of SHapley
model specific post-hoc explainable methods [1]. Model- values for deep learning models [11].
agnostic methods can be used with any ML model without Vazquez, et al., developed a compact support vector machine
the challenges associated with transferability. Whereas model (SVM) model called growing support vector classifier, to give
specific post-hoc explainable methods are designed for specific explanations with high fidelity and accuracy for decisions

made by SVM systems via input space segmentation in system decision/results and the failures. Lombrozo suggested
Voronoi selections. Voronoi selections of a feature are defined the importance of the feature’s explanation which impacts
as ”the set of points that are closer to that feature than to any the categorization and is critical to the understanding of the
other.” [68]. conceptual representation [78]. Lim, et al., studied the different
Zilke, et al., presented the explanation by simplification types of explanations expected by users in different scenarios
method for deep learning models. The Deep neural network [74]. Penney, et al. and Rader, et al., investigated the users’
Rule Extraction via Decision tree induction (DeepRED) algo- interpretations of the AI/ML systems and their algorithms [79]
rithm to extract rules form deep neural networks by adding [80]. Dodge, et al., Kim, et al., Kulesza, et al, and Lakkaraju,
more decision trees and rules. [69] et al., employed user interviews and questionnaires to evaluate
Che, et al., introduced the Interpretable Mimic learning the mental models of the explanations [81]–[84]. Model output
(IML) approach for deep learning. They extracted interpretable and failure predictions were also measured to evaluate the
models by using gradient boosting trees with predictions as mental model in studies by Ribeiro, et al., Nushi, et al., and
strong as the original deep learning model. Their results Bansal, et al. [27] [85]–[87].
showed excellent performance along with explanations for Task performance for the XAI system measures whether
clinicians [70]. the explanation improves the user’s decision making or not,
Shrikumar, et al. presented the DeepLIFT (Learning Im- and also how well the user understands the XAI systems. User
portant FeaTures) method for explanation of deep neural task performance was the evaluation of the user’s performance
networks. The method provides importance scores for multi- for the designated task supported by the system. [13] Studies
layer neural networks by calculating the distinction between from Lim, et al., Lakkaraju, et al., Kahng, et al., Groce, et al.,
the each neuron’s activation and its reference activation [71] . and Kulesza, et al., investigated the performance, throughput,
and the prediction accuracy of the end users. [75] [84] [88]–
[90] While other studies, such as the ones from Kulesza, et
IV. XAI E VALUATION al., M. Liu, et al., S. Liu, et al., Stumpf, et al., evaluated
the performance of the XAI system itself by measuring the
Different measures are needed to evaluate and verify the
model accuracy, tuning and selection. [91]–[94] Confalonieri,
validity and performance of explanations given by XAI sys-
et al., presented task performance evaluations based on both
tems, that may be designed with different explanation goals.
subjective and objective methods for their proposed Trepan
To this end, DARPA’s XAI program assessed XAI systems
Reloaded algorithm. Objective evaluations were based on
using these measures [13].
syntactic complexity of a decision tree, whereas subjective
• User Satisfaction evaluations were based on user performance and ratings [95]
• Mental Model Trust Assessment in any AI system is of the utmost im-
• Task Performance portance. For XAI systems specifically, the user’s trust in
• Trust Assessment the system is a measure of its effectiveness. Ultimately it is
User satisfaction measured the clarity and utility of the the evaluation of the user’s ability to know when to trust or
explanation based on the views of the end-user [13].Both doubt the decisions made by the XAI systems. [13] Trust in
subjective and objective approaches have been explored to these systems has been investigated in literature in various
measure the usefulness, understandability/comprehensibility, ways, including user knowledge, confidence, competence and
and end user satisfaction. Common approaches found in the lit- use over time. Studies by Nourani, et al., and Ming, et al.,
erature are user-interviews, self-reporting questioners, Likert- investigated how the system’s properties such as accuracy,
scale questionnaires, and expert case studies. Studies by Bunt, precision, inclusion, and level of explanation affected user’s
et al., Gedikli, et al., and Lim, et al., employed user interviews trust on the system. [96] [97] Other studies have measured
to investigate their satisfaction and the most efficient ways to the trust based on subjective and objective measures such as
provide explanations [72]–[75]. Other studies such as Coppers, interviews/questionnaires (subjective) and user’s understand-
et al., and Lage, et al., use a Likert-scale questionnaire to ability, compliance and their perception of systems confidence
quantify the user’s satisfaction [76] [77]. (objective). [96]–[102]
Mental models are derived from the philosophical, psycho-
logical, and naturalistic models of human explanatory rea-
soning to measure the effectiveness of an explanation, which
is the user’s understanding of the system and the ability to XAI and cybersecurity are closely related. On the one hand,
predict its decisions in different situations [13].This aids in the the XAI system needs to be secure, and on the other hand XAI
users’ decisions to either trust or doubt the AI/ML systems may aid security.However, there is relatively little work on how
decisions, based on how much they understand/comprehend to make XAI systems more robust, and how to protect them
the system and how it came to a specific decision. These from adversarial attacks [103].
measures focus on understanding individual decisions, the As one of the most famous quotes from Marvel’s cinematic
overall model, strengths and weaknesses of the system, and universe states “With great power, comes great responsibility.”
what/how predictions. Different approaches have been used Explainable AI’s explanations also bring about a great deal of
to evaluate how effective mental models are at measuring responsibility for AI systems to generate precise and accurate
the user-understanding of the system, prediction of the explanations. Especially in time-critical applications such as

Fig. 5: Taxonomy for design and development of Explainable AI (XAI) systems.

medical or military. This is derived from the essential XAI when, where, why and how as follows.
goal of Trust, as false explanations will result in a complete
• Who gives and receives the explanation?
loss or reduced trust in the system.
• What is explained?
Due to the inherent white-box nature of XAI systems,
• When is an explanation given?
whether they are transparent or post-hoc explanations, they are
• Where is the explanation given?
more susceptible adversarial attacks than black-box models.
• Why is explainable security needed?
With explanations provided for not only the decisions/predic-
• How to explain security?
tions of the AI/ML systems, but also their inner-workings,
they can be easily manipulated for adversarial purposes. To Vigano, et al., expanded on ”Six - W’s” very well, as each
this end, the security of XAI systems is of vital importance ”W” by itself holds major implications for the security of XAI
to protect them from adversarial attacks and perturbations systems. who, as listed above is concerned with the personnel
leading to false and inaccurate explanations Therefore, it is involved with not just design and development of the XAI sys-
essential to develop techniques to make them more robust tems, but also the end-user, the possible adversarial attackers,
and better protected against the attacks and exposure of any the analyst for the systems and the security experts defending
private/sensitive data. them against such attacks. As with any math equation, the
The development of secure XAI systems likely requires a larger the number of variables, the more complex systems
multi-faceted approach. Vigano, et al., introduced the concept become. And with almost anyone involved, becoming a vital
of Explainable Security (XSec) for research on the security of part of the security for the XAI systems, it is a very complex
XAI systems and provided a thorough review on how to secure topic that needs to probed further to gain valuable insights
these systems [104]. They proposed a multifaced approach for into securing XAI. For the what, explanations will defer in
securing XAI systems using the “Six - W’s” : who, what, accordance to the stakeholders, aims and the level of details

needed. Several parameters will also influence the explanations were able to increase system resiliency to attacks by smoothing
such as the system model, its properties, threat model and the explanation process.
vulnerabilities. When the explanation is provided will also play As robust and trustworthy AI/ML systems require privacy
a vital role in XAI security. All the security aspects of the and transparency as foundational pillars, the trade-off between
XAI system will need to be defined during all major phases explainability and privacy preservation is another major con-
of design, development, deployment, and defense. where the cern within XAI security. While the explanations help the user
explanation is given will also impact the security of the XAI understand the systems decisions/predictions, privacy is of the
system. The explanation could be treated as its entity from the utmost importance for protecting sensitive information. Exist-
AI system and be separated and delivered. The authors believe ing studies have shown the vulnerability of transparent and
the best-option forward, would be a ”security-explanation- explainable models to leak such sensitive data. [111]–[114]
carrying-system”, which requires a significant amount of work Shokri, et al., explored the privacy related risks of explainable
to secure the explanation. The how will depend on the XAI ML models via the use of membership inference attacks. They
system itself, it will have to be explained in a method suited demonstrated the significant privacy leakage from propagation-
for the specific stakeholder. Finally, the why seems like an based explanations by revealing statistical information about
obvious question, as XAI systems will no-doubt need to be the decision boundaries of the model. Additionally, they
secured to protect the end-user and their privacy. [104] quantified the leakage of private information based on the
Kuppa, et al., also presented a taxonomy for XAI in relation model predictions and their explanations. Privacy-preserving
to cybersecurity. They proposed three different approaches algorithms, such as the ones by Agarwal, et al., Aggrawal et
with a) X-PLAIN – explanations of the predictions/data, b) al., and Zhong, et al., for AI/ML systems will play a major
XSP – PLAIN – explanations for security and privacy, and role in making XAI systems more robust [115]–[117]. Harder,
finally, c) XT- PLAIN – explanation for the threat models et al., presented simple interpretable models to approximate
[105]. complex models via locally linear maps to achieve a high
Additionally, protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and classification accuracy, while also preserving the privacy of
availability of XAI systems (the so-called CIA principles) is the model [118]. Quantifying the trade-off between privacy
crucial for their practical deployment. As adversarial learning and explanations will provide insightful details into how far
techniques grow more advanced and robust against current explanations can be taken without risking the system’s privacy.
ML and DL techniques we must assume that attacks will Motivated by ensemble defense techniques for robust ma-
be forthcoming against XAI systems. Due to their innate chine learning models, Rieger, et al., proposed a simple yet
sensitivity, ranging from their learning datasets to the deci- effective technique of combining explanation methods, AGG-
sions/recommendations made, securing them against any and Mean (Aggregated Explanations), to make the XAI system
all perturbations to the data, learning models, and biases more robust adversarial manipulation [119]. Their method was
is critical for XAI [12]. Xu, et al., presented adversarial effective against white-box attacks where the adversaries have
perturbations for misleading classifiers and causing variations the exact knowledge of the model.
to the network interpretability maps [106]. Ghorbani, et at., While the security of these XAI systems remains a challenge
demonstrated the fragility of deep learning explanations when for the field, the use of these systems for cybersecurity
two identical images with minute perturbations can lead to purposes also remains to be properly evaluated. Their inherent
different explanations [107]. Mittlelstadt, et al., demonstrated nature makes them an excellent option for securing AI/ML
the vulnerabilities of the available XAI algorithms such as systems where explanations are crucial in identifying and
LIME and SHAP [108]. Kuppa, et al., presented a black-box defending against different types of attacks. If explanations
attack on gradient-based XAI systems [105]. are provided for adversarial attacks, they become easier to
For a more realistic scenario where attackers don’t have defend against.
knowledge of the network architecture, model inputs and Mahbooba, et al., demonstrated the use of XAI to reinforce
weights are manipulated to attack XAI. Heo, et al., demon- an intrusion detection system (IDS) via decision trees [120].
strated the vulnerabilities of state of the art saliency-map Using simple if. . . then decision tree rules with logical condi-
based systems by fooling the system with adversarial model tions, the authors were able to distinguish between normal
manipulation [109]. They were able to a change the explana- network traffic and malicious traffic. The rules, which are
tions given by the system without affecting its accuracy, by explainable aide the security personnel to take the proper
incorporating the explanations directly within the penalty term course of action against incoming adversarial attacks.
of the objective function. They proposed two different types Another example of XAI systems for cybersecurity is pre-
of “fooling” attacks, passive and active. Passive fooling causes sented by Islam, et al., [121]. The authors proposed a domain
the XAI systems to generate uninformative results, whereas knowledge aided XAI system for better explainability for an
active fooling generates false explanations. IDS. The infusion of CIA principles in the XAI-based black
Another common attack method is to attack the input data it- box model provided better explainability and generalizability.
self to alter the explanation given by the system. Dombrowski, This was shown effective in detecting adversarial attacks, even
et al., demonstrated that adversarial manipulations of the input unknown attacks. A major advantage of this work was the
data can drastically change the explanation maps [110]. The finding that it can accommodate big data.
authors also demonstrated methods to make the XAI systems Rao, et al., presented a novel new approach for protecting
more robust from the insights they gained by attacking. They systems against the alarm flooding problem. By using explana-

Fig. 6: A comparison of different machine learning techniques’ explainability and performance (as presented by DARPA).

tions for anomalies, they applied a zero-shot method for detect- VI. O PEN C HALLENGES & P ERSPECTIVES
ing alarm labels generated by security information and event
management(SIEM) and intrusion detection systems(IDS) to Even though remarkable strides have been made in both
match them to specific adversarial attacks on the systems. AI/ML systems and XAI itself, numerous challenges still
XAI is used to characterize the incoming attacks into specific remain. These include transferability of the post-hoc explain-
categories based on the attack’s feature [122]. ability methods, the lack of universally adopted definition,
standards, and measures for the explainability of AI/ML sys-
Mane, et al., presented a deep neural network model tems, the balance between explainability and performance, and
combined with XAI for intrusion detection. XAI algorithms, the challenges of making deep learning models explainable.
SHAP, LIME, Contrastive Explanations Method (CEM), Pro- Explainability vs Performance - The trade-off for the bal-
toDash and Boolean Decision Rules via Column Genera- ance of explainability and performance is also a major issue.
tion (BRCG) are used to generate explanations on which As deep learning models become more and more complex
features influences the predictions of the IDS system for and successful at solving learning problems, their inherent
an impending attack [123]. Marino, et al., demonstrated an “non-transparency” presents a major challenge in making them
adversarial XAI approach for misclassifications made by IDS. explainable for XAI purposes. As stated by Rudin, higher
Minimum perturbations to correct misclassified samples into complexity does not inherently mean higher accuracy, and this
accurate classifications are made to generate explanations for has been very true for such DL models. [127] As shown in
the misclassifications of the samples in the first place [124] Fig 6, ML models with higher performance for prediction
XAI systems have also been used to carryout various accuracy have the lower explainability performance. Thus,
types of cyberattacks. Kuppa, et al., presented four different more research needs to focus on improving the performance
explanation based black-box attacks to compromise the CIA and higher accuracy of these systems. There must be an
principles of the classifiers. They presented privacy attacks optimal balance for which both the systems performance and
with Explanation-based model extraction, and Explanation- explainability are accepted.
based membership inference attacks. Evasion attacks were Lack of a universal standard - One of the major challenges
performed via Explanation-based poisoning attacks and Ex- within the field of XAI is terminology and ambiguity of
planation based adversarial sample generation attacks. Evasion definitions.As shown in the earlier sections, numerous terms
attacks were demonstrated on commercial anti-virus systems, are used when trying to articulate explainability to an AI/ML
while membership inference attacks were used to extract system. Furthermore, terms like interpretability, understand-
user passwords. They also provided possible defenses against ability and comprehensibility have been used as synonyms and
XAI-based attacks such as adversarial training, input/network only in the past few years have the terms taken on distinct
randomization [125]. Garcia, et al., also demonstrated the use meanings.However, a lack of a standard unified definition for
of XAI for adversarial attacks against host fingerprinting and the theory of explainability is noted.A unifying framework
biometric authentication systems. XAI was used to extract will provide common ground for researchers to contribute
decision boundaries from an oracle, and determine the most towards the properly defined needs and challenges of the field.
relevant features within the model. This was done without the Also metrics, other than simple interviews and questionnaires,
need or any prior information about the potential victims. [126] are needed for measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of
These types of studies have done an excellent job highlighting XAI. A study by Hoffman, et al., presented one of the only
the risks that XAI pose to both the users and attackers. evaluation metrics for measuring the explanations of AI/ML

systems [128]. To this end, survey papers such as the ones by XAI Security - Finally, as explained in the previous section,
Arrieta, et al., Mohseni, et al., and the one presented in this the security of XAI also remains a major challenge. Due to the
paper will aid the overall development of XAI as an emerging infancy of the field, major work is being done in improving
new field [1], [8]. the explainability to bring it up to par with performance of the
Fairness of AI - Another major concern for XAI coincides model. While this is a crucial step forward for the development
with one of the vital reasons/goals for the creations of such and practical deployment of XAI systems, their security cannot
explainable systems: fairness and bias detection. As the fields be ignored. As shown in Figure 7, the amount of research
of accountable AI and XAI were born out of a need for fair being done for the security of XAI systems is very limited. The
and unbiased decision making that affects human lives, getting number of publications for XAI compared to XAI and Security
rid of such biases remains a challenge within this young is almost negligible. Therefore, if these systems are to be used
field. Benjamins, et al., noted that the discipline of fairness in for both civilian and military purposes, they must be made
AI inherently includes bias detection. Proposals for datasets robust and resilient against adversarial attacks. The field of
with private and sensitive data may disproportionately affect adversarial machine learning (AML) grows and progresses to
underrepresented groups [129]. These datasets, when used for include efficient attacks against most AI/ML models.The goal
training black-box models such as DL systems, can result in of robust AI/ML systems is coupled with the goal of making
biased decisions, which can cause discriminatory, unethical them explainable. Using the explanations from the system to
and unfair issues [130]. detect and defend them against different adversarial attacks
may play a crucial role in overall performance and successful
In addition to datasets, other sources of biases can include
limited features, disparities in sample sizes and proxy features
Semantics - In addition to the previously mentioned con-
[131]. Different techniques have been proposed to mitigate
cepts, semantics also plays an integral role in XAI. Con-
biases within XAI systems. Kamiran, et al., proposed a pre-
falonieri, et al. emphasized explanations that can support
processing technique for the learning dataset by reweighing
common-sense reasoning when based upon ontologies, con-
it, to eliminate discrimination [132]. Zemel, et al., presented a
ceptual networks or knowledge graphs. They also stated the
technique to achieve fairness via optimizing the representation
importance of these semantic methods for the development
of the data that presents the best encoding while also obscuring
of AI/ML systems capable of providing stakeholder specific
some parts to protect the membership information [133]. Other
explanations [49].
approaches included techniques such as adversarial de-biasing
Neural-symbolic learning and reasoning, in regard to se-
during data processing, equalized odds for post-processing,
mantics, also will play a major role within XAI. It is an
and bias detection techniques [131] [134]–[136].
interdisciplinary fusion of different (research subjects/topics)
Transferability - of post-hoc explanation methods is also for generation of better explanations. Garcez, et al., stated,
a vital challenge. Transferability of post-hoc explainability “neural-symbolic reasoning seeks to integrate principles from
techniques remains one of the most challenging issues. Most neural networks learning and logical reasoning.” [137] They
post-hoc techniques are designed to explain specific AI/ML state the goal of neural-symbolic reasoning is to “integrate
models/systems. While some techniques successfully explain robust connectionist learning and sound symbolic reasoning.”
certain models, they may be deemed difficult and perform For neural-networks, neural-symbolic computation can provide
poorly when explaining other models. These post-hoc tech- dynamic alternatives for knowledge representation, learning
niques are typically very much intertwined with the particular and reasoning. Garcez, et al., presented the effectiveness of
ML model and network architecture. There is a need for more neural-symbolic computing by highlighting its characteristic
generalized methods and AI/ML designs that are inherently as the ”integration of neural learning with symbolic knowledge
explainable with different post-hoc methods. Deep Learning representation and reasoning allowing for the construction of
methods for example are very difficult to explain due to their explainable AI systems.” [138] Borges, et al., presented a
black-box nature. novel neural-computation model for neural networks that is
capable of learning and representing temporal knowledge. The
model extracts temporal knowledge from trained networks via
effective representation, adoption of the temporal models and
learning from examples [139]. de Penning, et al., introduced
a novel model for online learning and reasoning in complex
training environments, capable fo learning new hypotheses
from observed data and making recommendations based on
them via the combination of neural learning and symbolic
representation [140]

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