Wippel 1
Wippel 1
Wippel 1
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Uranproduction vs. Uranium Requirements 2015
Uranium and the Nuclear Fuel Chain
Uranium „mill“
Graphics: WISE Uranium Project
New Developments
since 2007 / 2008
Uranium – Development of Price 1987 - 2013
New Developments since 2007 / 2008
- Finland
- Portugal
What became of these PROJECTS ?
- Namibia
- Malawi What became of the COMPANIES ?
- Namibia
- South Afrika What to expect for the FUTURE ?
- Cameroon
North America
... some examples ...
- Kanada
Niger – Imouraren
Announced as „ ... the largest mining project ever undertaken in Niger,
the largest open pit uranium mine in Africa,
and the largest anywhere to use heap leaching …” (WNA)
2009: Gvt of Tanzania has given 70+ exploration licenses to foreign companies
2014: UNESCO WHC lists Selous Game Reserve as „in DANGER“ due to
excessive poaching and „industrial developments“
2010, Dec.: ROSATOM / ARMZ buys Mantra, pays off share holders
Das zweite Verfahren wegen der „Verbreitung falscher Informationen, Verwendung oder
Vorlage falscher Bilanzen, Machtmissbrauch und der Fälschung von Dokumenten und der
Verwendung von gefälschten Dokumenten“
Chinese companies pushed Rössing / RioTinto and others out of
Rössing South, ROSATOM also not successful
Areva en rêvait, les Chinois l’ont fait. Le géant public du nucléaire, China General Nuclear Power
Corporation (CGNPC), a ouvert, le 30 décembre 2016, sa mine géante de Husab, en Namibie, pour un
investissement de 2 milliards de dollars (environ 1,9 milliard d’euros). L’ancien président chinois Hu
Jintao était venu en personne négocier avec le gouvernement la signature du contrat qui, en 2012, a
accordé 90 % des parts au groupe chinois et 10 % à l’Etat namibien.
Announced mining projects in Africa - SUMMARY
Amid decreasing world demand for nuclear energy, Speaking at last month’s Tekhnoprom-2017
Russia’s state nuclear corporation last week warned conference, a technical conference in the
it would likely be receiving fewer requests to build Siberian city of Novosibirsk, Rosatom’s
nuclear power plants abroad. deputy director Vyacheslav Pershukov called
the market for nuclear power stations
The announcement marks a sharp departure for the abroad “exhausted.”
corporation, which until recently has posed its
contracts with other countries as the bread and in-its-international-nuclear-builds-eyes-renewables
butter of its bottom line – as well as a potent tool creating a global
for broadening Moscow’s sphere of political
nuclear power empire?
… probably not.
The Nuclear Companies …
MARCH 29, 2017 Westinghouse, once one of the major
builders of nuclear power plants,
owned by Toshiba
The report makes clear, in telling detail, that the debate is over. Nuclear power has been
eclipsed by the sun and the wind. These renewable, free-fuel sources are no longer a dream
or a projection-they are a reality that are replacing nuclear as the preferred choice for new
power plants worldwide.
It no longer matters whether your greatest concern is nuclear power or climate change the
answer is the same. The modern-day “Edisons” have learned to harness economically the
everlasting sources of energy delivered to earth by Mother Nature free of charge.
The value of this report is that this conclusion no longer relies on hope or opinion but is
what is actually happening. In country after country the facts are the same. Nuclear
power is far from dead but it is in decline and renewable energy is growing by leaps and
It is more than symbolic that the Japanese Government has formally accepted the death of its
breeder reactor, which was the original holy-grail of nuclear power.
Most revealing is the fact that nowhere in the world, where there is a competitive market for
electricity, has even one single nuclear power plant been initiated. Only where the government
or the consumer takes the risks of cost overruns and delays is nuclear power even being
Future ...
Impacts on (future) demand for uranium
uranium-network.org / 2017
Future ...
Projected Uranium Production Capacity vs.
Reactor Requirements
RedBook 2016
Future ...
Historic Development Projections
? ?
World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2017 OECD – IAEA ´Red Book´ 2016
Future … Projections Uranium Demand by OECD / IAEA
HIGH estimate
LOW estimate
„RedBook“ 2016
Future ... End of Nuclear Age ?
US, Canada, Central Europe
very few new builts
Life-time expansion of existing NPPs
à targeted for uranium mining
à Nuclear companies push for and IAEA promotes nuclear power
Ø Nuclear industry pushes for small scale reactors
Ø EU European Union keeps investing heavily in nuclear research
Future ... re: Uranium Mining
„Traditional“ uranium miners (AREVA, CAMECO …) in difficulties