Research Paper 2
Research Paper 2
Research Paper 2
Optimum seat design for the quadruple offset butterfly valve by analysis of variance with
orthogonal array
Sang-Beom Lee1 ․ Dong-Myung Lee†
(Received September 30, 2014; Revised October 15, 2014;Accepted October 27, 2014)
Abstract: In onshore and offshore plant engineering, a broad use of pipe system have been achieved and accordingly related
technologies has been developed especially in the field of flow control valves. The aim of this study is to suggest the quad-
ruple offset butterfly valve for bi-directional applications which show equivalent operating torque characteristics of the triple
offset butterfly valve. Seat design parameters for the quadruple offset butterfly valve are determined by the proposed method
utilizing both ANOVA (analysis of variance) and the orthogonal array. Through additive model considering the effect of design
parameters on seating torque, mean estimation is performed and thus its optimization results are verified by design of experi-
ment results. The insight obtained from the present study is beneficial for valve design engineers to develop reliable and in-
tegrated design of the quadruple offset butterfly valve.
Keywords: Butterfly Valve, Quadruple Offset, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Orthogonal Array, Optimization
1. Introduction pressure, and flow rate, etc. are likely to become more and
With advancement of industrialization, facilities in industries more severe due to the trend of larger plants and production
are likely to diversify and become more complex. Accordingly, facilities. At present, either of a globe valve or gate valve is
offshore and onshore plant industries tend to focus on not only widely spread for control high-pressure. According to the pre-
improving productivities together with reducing production vious researcher [2][3], the number of applications of both
costs but also maintaining and managing the uniformity of butterfly and ball valves are expected to gradually continue to
products through enhancing energy efficiencies and simplifying rise due to the issues such as high cost and low maintain-
Offshore and onshore plants are aimed at manufacturing Until now, numerical studies related to the butterfly valve
products as inter-connected systems with a variety of control were mainly conducted for examining their performance in-
loops. In order to ensure the quality of the products, each con- cluding the loss coefficient of the valve, torque characteristics,
trol loop must work for limiting the main drivers including flow control characteristics and the structural reliabilities
pressure, flow, water level, temperature, etc. within the allow- [4][5]. With respect to the concentered butterfly valve, the
able range of each parameter [1]. Equipment and devices in- characteristics of the valve is numerically assessed based on
stalled in plants should be provided various sources including the structural and flow analysis in order to ensure the struc-
material, energy, and information enabling them efficiently. In tural reliability and the flow stability and therefore an opti-
this regard, pipelines play an important role to deliver material mum design of the valve disc was performed by the orthogo-
and energy from one device to another and the control of their nal array [5][6]. Further, the study of the pressure drop and
function is mainly dependent on the valve system. cavitation characteristics was carried out for the concentered
Furthermore, it is found that they are essential components butterfly-type valve [7]. For the offset butterfly valve, Park et
transporting various fluids in ships although pipelines are rela- al. [8] focused on the effect of the eccentric shaft on the in-
tively small compared with the cooling system built in onshore ternal flow characteristics and Lee et al. [9] analyzed the flow
plants such as desalination plants, chemical plants, nuclear and characteristics with varying shape of the seat.
thermal power plants. For the studies associated with butterfly valves, since they
Recently, the design requirements related to temperature, were designed in accordance with ANSI B 16.34 Class
†Corresponding Author ( Mechanical Part Technology Center, Korea Testing Laboratory, Sa-dong,
Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, 426-910, Korea, E-mail:, Tel: 031-500-0407
1 Global Core Research Center, Pusan National University, E-mail:, Tel: 051-510-2385
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 8, 2014. 10 962
Optimum seat design for the quadruple offset butterfly valve by analysis of variance with orthogonal array
3. Optimization Algorithm
In the present study, the optimization algorithm is developed
based on the structural analysis, the orthogonal array and
ANOVA, and the detail of each step is as follows:
Step 1. Definition and selection of object values
Step 2. Determine design parameters, the number of level
and their values
Step 3. Selection of orthogonal array and allocation of de-
sign parameters considering overall degrees
Figure 4: Valve operating direction
Step 4. Executing design of experiment and calculating ob-
ject values according to the combinations of design
parameters determined by the orthogonal array
Step 5. Calculating mean of object values for each level of
design parameters
Step 6. Selection of significant factors influencing most on
the object values based on the results of ANOVA
Step 7. Determining optimum design conditions resulting
from the mean estimation
Step 8. Estimation of the object values for significant factors
under optimum design conditions by additive model
Step 9. Implementing confirmation experiment and estimat-
Figure 5: Boundary condition for experiment
ing real object values under optimum design con-
Step 10. Determining optimum design conditions as an opti- 4.1 Determining design parameters
mum solution based on the validation of additivity In the present study, 5 design parameters for the quadruple
Step 11. If the additivity of the additive model is not met offset butterfly valve are defined as shown in Figure 6. The
for the criteria, back to the Step 4 in consideration detail is as follows.
of developing new orthogonal array of selection of - Parameter 1: Offset between flange and shaft center lines
the design parameters, adjusting the level range and (fixed at 10.0mm)
including the interaction term and perform all the - Parameter 2: Offset between seat and shaft center lines
steps accordingly. (fixed at 47.5 mm)
- Parameter 3: Offset between flange center line and seat
4. Optimization Seat Configuration angle
The aim of this chapter is to analyze the relation between - Parameter 4: Angle offset between shaft center line and
each design parameter and seating torque for the quadruple seat center line
offset butterfly valve. By using finite element method compu- - Parameter 5: Engagement angle of seat
tation, torque of the shaft is numerically calculated in terms of The configuration optimization is carried out for parameters 3,
rotational directions, here preferred and reverse directions. In 4 and 5.
the present study, the fluid flow from left to right is defined Park [12] noted that in order to identify linear and nonlinear
as the preferred direction as shown in Figure 4. Applied boun- effect, level 2 and 3 of the design parameter are proper,
dary conditions of the finite element method computation are respectively. In the present study, level 3 is applied. Table 1
shown in Figure 5. It is assumed that both ends of valves are represents the level of each design parameter based on the de-
fixed and the load, 16.85 MPa is applied for the inside of termined results along with the maximum and minimum rang-
Class 900. To apply the contact condition between the disc es at which no physical interference. To analyze interactions
and the body of the seat, “No separation” contact condition is among parameters, 3 design parameters with 3-level by using
applied. The “Bond” contact condition is applied for the valve the orthogonal array of full factorial experiment are defined
body and the disc with their stems. and summarized in Table 1. Table 2 shows the numerical
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 8, 2014. 10 963
Sang-Beom Lee ․ Dong-Myung Lee
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 8, 2014. 10 964
Optimum seat design for the quadruple offset butterfly valve by analysis of variance with orthogonal array
Source DOF SS MS F value confidence interval), is variance of error and is sig-
A 2 2.0425 2.0425 1.0212 nificant number variation. And is number of experiment
B 2 0.1851 0.1851 0.0925
data in each parameter and is number of total experiment
C 2 10.4246 10.4246 5.2123
Error 20 0.1194 0.1194 0.006 data.
Total 26 12.7715
4.4 Results of Optimum seat design
For alternative of selected model, it is unable to implement
Table 7: ANOVA results for reverse direction : without for seat interaction in practical cases. In order to settle down
interaction effect
this problem, the engagement angle is adjusted and therefore
Source DOF SS MS F value the interaction effect is eliminated. Table 8 summarizes the se-
A 2 1.3699 1.3699 0.6849 lected optimum design conditions. Under selected conditions,
B 2 0.4574 0.4574 0.2287
mean estimation of the seating torque using additive model are
C 2 9.0384 9.0384 4.5192
developed by a form of prediction equation suggested
Error 20 0.1029 0.1029 0.0051
Total 26 10.9685 Equation (1). Table 2 shows the mean of measured seating
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 8, 2014. 10 965
Sang-Beom Lee ․ Dong-Myung Lee
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 8, 2014. 10 966
Optimum seat design for the quadruple offset butterfly valve by analysis of variance with orthogonal array
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 8, 2014. 10 967