ED 204 Learner-Centered Teaching
ED 204 Learner-Centered Teaching
ED 204 Learner-Centered Teaching
Role of Learners
The role of the student is to explore and observe.
Pros of Connectivism
1. It creates collaboration.
2. It empowers students and teachers.
CONNECTIVISM 3. It embraces diversity.
1. George Siemens Connectivism is a relatively new learning theory that
2. Stephen Downes suggests students should combine thoughts, theories, and
general information in a useful manner. It accepts that
Connectivism Theory technology is a major part of the learning process and
This is called the theory of learning for the digital that our constant connectedness gives us opportunities to
age, it is about explaining complex learning in a make choices about our learning. It also promotes group
rapidly evolving digital social world. collaboration and discussion, allowing for different
viewpoints and perspectives when it comes to decision-
Knowledge under this theory is a network product.
making, problem-solving, and making sense of
Technology plays a key role in learning and
information. Connectivism promotes learning that happens
outside of an individual, such as through social media,
online networks, blogs, or information databases.
Two Terms under this Theory
1. Nodes
In connectivism, students are seen as “nodes” in a Proponent:
network. A node refers to any object that can be 1. Jean Piaget
connected to another object, like a book,
webpage, person, etc. Cognitive Constructivim Theory
2. Links Is based on Piaget’s beliefs that humans cannot be
Connectivism is based onthe theory that we learn given information that they immediately
when we make connections, or “links, ” between understand and use.
various "nodes" of information, and we continue to Cognitive is the mental faculty of knowing, which
make and maintain connections to form involves perceiving, recognizing, conceiving,
knowledge. judging, reasoning, and imagining.