Welding & Fabrication Technician Business Plan
Welding & Fabrication Technician Business Plan
Welding & Fabrication Technician Business Plan
Completed Business Plans must be submitted to the Centre for Academic Excellence three weeks
in advance of the next Academic Leadership Team (ALT) meeting and two weeks in advance of
the next Senior Leadership Council (SLC) meeting.
Proposed credential:
☐ Ontario College Graduate Certificate
☐ Local Board Approved Certificate
☐ Collaborative Degree
☐ Ontario College Certificate
☐ Degree
☒ Ontario College Diploma
☐ Ontario College Advanced Diploma
For additional information, please refer to most recent Classification of Instructional Programs
(CIP) Canada published by Statistics Canada, available on http://www.statcan.gc.ca/.
Projected four-digit National Occupational Classification Codes (3 maximum), formatted as
MTCU Program
44900 Welding Techniques
Welding Sheet Metal Apprenticeship
Length of program:
• Number of semesters: 4
• Semester length in weeks: 15 weeks
• Total program hours: 1161
☒ Web-facilitated (face-to-face) ☐ Blended ☐ Online
Program delivery ☐ Fast-track ☐ Accelerated
(check as many as
☐ Collaborative ☐ Weekend
☐ Other
☐ No Co-operative Education component is required
☐ The Co-operative Education component is a required element
Co-op program
☒ There is a Co-operative Education stream and a non-Co-
operative Education stream
a) Ontario enjoys consistent demand for welders and this program is designed to allow students
to graduate with a skill set that meets the needs of even the most current manufacturing
environments. Students will enjoy a mix of theoretical and practical learning in Fanshawe’s
new state-of-the-art welding lab. The program features a significant amount of in-lab practice
time to allow students to master their craft. Instruction will incorporate emerging
technologies like virtual/augmented reality, robotics and pulse welding. Students will have the
opportunity to enhance their employability by earning Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB)
certifications. A co-op work experience has also been incorporated into the program in
consultation with Career & Employment Services.
b) This program is aligned with the Building Technology area of strength.
d) This diploma program will be a pathway program for the 1-year Welding Techniques program
offered by Simcoe, St. Thomas and Kincardine campuses. Graduates of this diploma will also be
eligible to challenge the first year curriculum of the Welding Techniques – Sheet Metal
apprenticeship program.
e) Saurabh Malhotra, Manager - International Recruitment and Market Development, has stated
that a program in this subject area will be highly sought-after by prospective students.
Current international and domestic demand experienced by other colleges offering a similar
programs is as follows:
In terms of general labour market demand, according to the Careers Outlook Report, the
median income for this NOC is $50,501 and there are projected to be 4,000 – 5,000 new job
openings in Ontario offered during the period of 2017 – 2021.
This unit group includes sheet metal, ironwork, welding and boiler-making trade contractors
who own and operate their own business. This group also includes supervisors who supervise
and co-ordinate the activities of workers classified in the following unit groups: Machinists and
Machining and Tooling Inspectors (7231), Tool and Die Makers (7232), Sheet Metal Workers
(7233), Boilermakers (7234), Structural Metal and Plate-work Fabricators and Fitters (7235),
Ironworkers (7236), Welders and Related Machine Operators (7237) and Machining Tool
Operators (9417). They are employed by structural, plate-work and related metal products
fabrication, manufacturing and erecting companies and machine shops.
In terms of general labour market demand, according to the Careers Outlook Report, the
median income for this NOC is $73,447 and there are projected to be 1,000 – 2,000 new job
openings in Ontario offered during the period of 2017 – 2021.
b) Indicate where and how existing courses may be included in this new program.
Consultation: CAE, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), External Resources
The curriculum has been designed to mirror Red Seal Journeymen-level learning. Graduates
may proceed into the workplace or challenge the first level of apprenticeship.
Employer feedback reinforced the need for graduates to have a range of knowledge/skills that
are appropriate to small/medium and large manufacturing environments where emerging
technologies like robotics are being used to augment production. Small and large
manufacturers will continue to rely on product innovation to compete in the global economy
so students must also embrace adaptability, resilience and innovative practices. In some
environments, welders play a key role in the design, iteration and production of new products.
Finally, topics like project management and entrepreneurship will afford graduates with more
flexible employment options.
This program reflects the College’s priority to provide students with a Signature Innovative
Learning Experience via opportunities for hands-on application based projects.
Based on external focus group feedback, experiential learning via a capstone course will
provide students with the ability to work with a number of small to medium sized business and
will provide students with an applied level of learning unique to this credential offering across
a) This diploma program will be a pathway program for the 1-year Welding Techniques program
offered by Simcoe, St. Thomas and Kincardine campuses. Graduates will also be eligible to
challenge the first year curriculum of the Welding Techniques – Sheet Metal apprenticeship
It is not anticipated that there will be much cross-over demand between the 1-year OCC and
this diploma. The OCC features compressed learning at a challenging pace to prepare learners
for a welding career in 1-year. The diploma will be offered to both international and domestic
students and will allow learning to build more gradually over a 2-year period plus a co-op work
Sheridan’s Welding & Fabrication Technician program would be the most similar in nature to
this program in that it also offers students the opportunity to complete testing for Canadian
Welding Bureau certifications. Fanshawe faculty in the proposed program will include Red Seal
journeymen so the emphasis on setting a level of learning that compliments that national
quality level will be a distinctive feature of this program.
Qualified welders have traditionally graduated from apprenticeship and welding is one of the top
10 Red Seal trades in Canada. Though specific to apprenticeship, the charts below are provided
to reflect general market demand for “welders”.
According to the Apprenticeship Demand LMI National 2019 Report, the average annual
certification demand by Red Seal Trade, Canada, 2013 to 2018 and 2019 to 2023 is summarized
as follows:
Please complete this table with the three most recent years of published data* for similar programs at
your college only (minimum one, maximum three). Similar programs may include programs at the same
or different credential levels, and transfer opportunities. Please add additional rows as needed.
Graduates from the Welding OCC will be evaluated for advanced standing in the diploma on a course-
by-course basis.
b) Indicate which student populations are most likely to be attracted to the program:
Persona Groups
☒ Direct
☒ Non-direct
☒ International
☐ Other (identify):
Current international and domestic demand experienced by other colleges offering similar
programs is as follows:
According to the Government of Canada’s Job Bank website, the employment outlook will be
fair for Welders and related machine operators (NOC 7237) in Ontario for the 2019-2021
The following factors contributed to this outlook:
• Employment growth will lead to a moderate number of new positions.
• A moderate number of positions will become available due to retirements.
• There are a moderate number of unemployed workers with recent experience in this
Welders and related machine operators mainly work in the manufacturing industry for
fabricated metal, transportation and machinery producers. A smaller number of welders and
operators are also employed by companies that perform commercial and industrial equipment
repair as well as by specialty trade contractors in the construction industry.
In terms of general labour market demand, according to the Careers Outlook Report, the median
income for this NOC is $50,501 and there are projected to be 4,000 – 5,000 new job openings in
Ontario offered during the period of 2017 – 2021.
Contractors and Supervisors, Machining, Metal Forming, Shaping and Erecting Trades and
Related Occupations NOC 7201
This unit group includes sheet metal, ironwork, welding and boiler-making trade contractors
who own and operate their own business. This group also includes supervisors who supervise
and co-ordinate the activities of workers classified in the following unit groups: Machinists and
Machining and Tooling Inspectors (7231), Tool and Die Makers (7232), Sheet Metal Workers
(7233), Boilermakers (7234), Structural Metal and Plate-work Fabricators and Fitters (7235),
Ironworkers (7236), Welders and Related Machine Operators (7237) and Machining Tool
Operators (9417). They are employed by structural, plate-work and related metal products
fabrication, manufacturing and erecting companies and machine shops.
In terms of general labour market demand, according to the Careers Outlook Report, the median
income for this NOC is $73,447 and there are projected to be 1,000 – 2,000 new job openings in
Ontario offered during the period of 2017 – 2021.
b) Student Services
1. What other Learner / Student Success Services are required?
Consultation: Student Success Advisor
Staffing Requirements:
• 1 FT faculty – year 2
• 1 Coordinator – at program start
What tuition and ancillary fees are being charged by other colleges for
Institution/Program Tuition Fees Ancillary Fees
Conestoga Welding & Domestic $2760 $723
Fabrication Technician International $12500
St. Lawrence Welding & Domestic $2720 $510
Fabrication Technician International $14600 $1,229
i. If Yes,
a. Will it differ by term or year?
b. Will it require renovations to existing space? If yes, describe.
c. Will it require designated space? If yes, describe.
d. Will additional office space be required for faculty and/or
ii. If No,
a. Specify the size, type and attributes of classrooms and/or space.
b. Will it require designated space? If yes, describe.
c. Can this new space be made available to other
d. If there is a comparable room that serves as a model, indicate the
room number__________.
b) Computing requirements
1. Identify any new computers or related hardware devices needed:
☐ Desktop Computer ☐ Laptop ☐ Notebook ☐ Tablet
☐ PC based ☐ MAC ☐ IOS ☐ Android ☐ Other:
2. Identify connectivity requirements:
☐ Permanent Hardwire ☐ Wireless ☐ Power Outlet – e.g., Laptops
☐ Other:
3. Identify data storage requirements (excluding FOL):
☐ Hard Drive Only ☐ Departmental Server ☐ ITS Network Server
☐ Third-Party Cloud Storage ☐ Other:
4. Identify new or modified software requirements including version, licensing
and cost:
6. Can the proposed hardware and software run on the College’s networks? If
no, describe what is required.
7. Estimate the computing requirements required for startup of all levels (e.g.,
lab sizes required, specific hardware requirements).
8. Estimate the computing requirements for ongoing delivery of the program
(up to the 5th year) (e.g., estimated lab sizes required, specific hardware
requirements, equipment refresh cycle)
9. What are the implications for existing IT architecture given program size,
delivery format and computing requirements?
10. Does existing IT infrastructure allow this program to be offered as
proposed? If no, what is required?
Marketing Strategies
Admission Process
A. Alternate Offers
Events & Recruitment Presentations
B. Open House x
C. Recruitment Presentations x
D. Grad Fair
E. Industry Presentations
F. Internal Student Presentations x
G. College Events (e.g. Trauma & Treatment) x
H. School Sales Brochure x
I. Flyer x
Direct Mail
J. Guidance Counselor Mailing x
K. Influencer/Practitioner Mailing x
L. Google Adwords x
M. Google Display & Facebook Sponsored Posts x
Communications & Signage
Budget Recommendation
RBM recommends a marketing budget of $15,000 for the launch year and $5,000 for subsequent
years. Marketing tactics and spend will be dependent on launch timing and the COVID-19 situation at
that time.
Welding unit replacement costs $30,000 annually. Increase to $100k in 5th and 10th year for
infrastructure replacements.
b) Multi-year Budget
1. Outline any budgetary assumptions.
2. Specify the budget requirements required for ongoing delivery of the
program. Consider:
i. New space/building
ii. Facility renovations, additions and/or improvements
iii. Classroom and/or laboratory equipment
iv. Computers, software and IT infrastructure
v. Program related equipment (e.g., machinery, tooling)
vi. Non-academic furniture & office equipment
vii. Academic furnishings
viii. Marketing materials
ix. Staffing (FT, NFT, Technicians, Support)
3. What is the proposed Net Present Value (NPV)?
Consultation: Financial Planning
A. Funding Request: This proposal will be sent to the MTCU for Approval for Funding.
B. College Name: Fanshawe College
C. College Contact(s): Person responsible for this proposal.
Send the completed form and required appendices to: belfer@ocqas.org. For detailed information on how to complete the
Application Form for Program Proposal, please refer to the Instructions for Submission of Program Proposal document at
Ontario College Quality Assurance Service (OCQAS)
CVS Application Form for Program Proposal
Revised January 13, 2015
Ontario College Quality Assurance Service (OCQAS)
CVS Application Form for Program Proposal
Revised January 13, 2015
F. PROGRAM MAPS (APPENDIX A): Form 1 - Vocational Program Learning Outcomes
Provincial Vocational Program Proposed Program Vocational Learning Course Title / Course Code
Outcomes Outcomes
☐ Provincial Program Standard, or
☒ Provincial Program Description
MTCU code: 54902 Welding and
Fabrication Technician
1. Employ basic tools, materials and supplies 1. Unchanged See Appendix E
properly and appropriately, in keeping with
safe practices specific to manual welding
processes and regulations
2. Interpret the essential elements and 2.
concepts of blueprints in order to apply
these to the fabrication of welding pieces
3. Apply basic trade-related math concepts 3.
to complete welding and fabrication
projects according to required specifications
4. Use a range of basic welding and 4.
fabrication applications and methods to
complete projects to required specifications
using appropriate consumables, materials
and tools
5. Work in compliance with codes, 5.
standards and accepted principles and
practices of the welding industry
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CVS Application Form for Program Proposal
Revised January 13, 2015
6. Contribute to the management of 6.
welding/fabrication projects by preparing
accurate estimates of time and costs using
appropriate project planning tools
7. Solve and correct basic welding problems 7.
through analysis and the application of
other problem solving tools and processes
used in the welding/fabrication
8. Perform preventative maintenance and 8.
correct problems related to welding
materials, tools and equipment
9. Fabricate an item from initial sketches to 9.
completion and inspection according to
given standards and tolerances
Ontario College Quality Assurance Service (OCQAS)
CVS Application Form for Program Proposal
Revised January 13, 2015
F. PROGRAM MAPS (APPENDIX A): Form 2 – Essential Employability Skills Outcomes
Skill Categories Defining Skills Essential Employability Skills Course Title / Course Codes
Skill areas to be Outcomes (As indicated in Appendix A)
demonstrated by the The graduate has reliably demonstrated the
graduates ability to:
Communication • Reading • communicate clearly, concisely, See Appendix E
• Writing and correctly in the written,
• Speaking spoken, and visual form that fulfils
• Listening the purpose and meets the needs
• Presenting of the audience (1)
• Visual Literacy • respond to written, spoken, or
visual messages in a manner that
ensures effective communication
Numeracy • Understanding and • execute mathematical operations
applying accurately (3)
concepts and
• Analysing and
using numerical
• Conceptualizing
Ontario College Quality Assurance Service (OCQAS)
CVS Application Form for Program Proposal
Revised January 13, 2015
Skill Categories Defining Skills Essential Employability Skills Course Title / Course Codes
Skill areas to be Outcomes (As indicated in Appendix A)
demonstrated by the The graduate has reliably demonstrated the
graduates ability to:
Critical Thinking • Analysing • apply a systematic approach to
& Problem • Synthesizing solve problems (4)
Solving • Evaluating • use a variety of thinking skills to
• Decision-making anticipate and solve problems (5)
• Creative and
innovative thinking
Information • Gathering and • locate, select, organize, and
Management managing document information using
information appropriate technology and
• Selecting and using information systems (6)
appropriate tools • analyse, evaluate, and apply
and technology for relevant information from a
a task or a project variety of sources (7)
• Computer literacy
• Internet skills
Inter-personal • Team work • show respect for the diverse
• Relationship opinions, values, belief systems,
management and contributions of others (8)
• Conflict resolution • interact with others in groups or
Ontario College Quality Assurance Service (OCQAS)
CVS Application Form for Program Proposal
Revised January 13, 2015
Skill Categories Defining Skills Essential Employability Skills Course Title / Course Codes
Skill areas to be Outcomes (As indicated in Appendix A)
demonstrated by the The graduate has reliably demonstrated the
graduates ability to:
• Leadership teams in ways that contribute to
• Networking effective working relationships
and the achievement of goals (9)
Personal • Managing self • manage the use of time and other
• Managing change resources to complete projects
and being flexible (10)
and adaptable • take responsibility for one’s own
• Engaging in actions, decisions, and
reflective practice consequences (11)
• Demonstrating
Ontario College Quality Assurance Service (OCQAS)
CVS Application Form for Program Proposal
Revised January 13, 2015
Program Description
Provide a brief description of the program, similar to what might be used as, or found in, advertising or a calendar
Ontario enjoys consistent demand for welders and this program is designed to allow students to graduate with a skill set
that meets the needs of even the most current manufacturing environments. Students will enjoy a mix of theoretical and
practical learning in Fanshawe’s new state-of-the-art welding lab. The program features a significant amount of in-lab
practice time to allow students to master their craft. Instruction will incorporate emerging technologies like
virtual/augmented reality, robotics and pulse welding. Students will have the opportunity to enhance their employability
by earning Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) certifications. A co-op work experience has also been incorporated into the
program in consultation with Career & Employment Services.
Laddering Opportunities
Provide a brief description of known laddering into and from the proposed program, e.g. certificate to diploma, diploma to
degree, apprenticeship to college, diploma to apprenticeship, college to college, diploma to college degree, etc.
Welding OCC
Welding/Sheet Metal Apprenticeship
Occupational Areas
Provide a brief description of where it is anticipated graduates will find employment.
In terms of general labour market demand, according to the Careers Outlook Report, the median income for this NOC is
$50,501 and there are projected to be 4,000 – 5,000 new job openings in Ontario offered during the period of 2017 –
Ontario College Quality Assurance Service (OCQAS)
CVS Application Form for Program Proposal
Revised January 13, 2015
The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to:
Admission Requirements
Identify the Admission Requirements for the program.
OSSD or equivalent
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Revised January 13, 2015
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CVS Application Form for Program Proposal
Revised January 13, 2015
shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) and gas metal arc
welding (GMAW) processes. Students can be assessed
to the W47.1 standard by Canadian Welding Bureau
1 Gen Ed X 45
2 Computer Aided Design 30 This course introduces students to computer aided
design. Students will learn to create basic two-
dimensional drawings in AutoCAD.
2 WELD-XXXX Welding 30 Weld Theory 2 will build on lessons from content
Theory 2 learned in Weld Theory 1. Students continue to study
welding techniques, machine functions, electrodes,
effects of shielding gases, types of filler wires and wire
transfer methods.
2 WELD-XXXX Metallurgy 45 This course of study introduces students to the study
Fundamentals of ferrous metals and their alloys used in industry.
2 WELD-XXXX Practical 120 Practical Weld Lab 2 builds on students’ skills and
Weld Lab 2 knowledge established during Lab 1. Students will
also continue to hone their skills using GMAW and
SMAW to become competent in completing tasks in
vertical and overhead positions. In this lab, Carbon Air
Arc will also be introduced. Students can be assessed
to the W47.1 standard.
2 COOP-1020 Preparation 6 This workshop will provide an overview of the Co-
for Co-op Work Study operative Education consultants and students' roles
and responsibilities as well as the Co-operative
Education Policy. It will provide students with
employment preparatory skills specifically related to
co-operative education work assignments and will
prepare students for their work term
3 MATH-XXXX Trade 30 This course builds on work-related math skills from
Calculations Math 1 and will include basic algebraic techniques,
geometric theorems involving angles and triangles,
units of measurement and application of formulas,
tables and charts to determine perimeter, area,
volume, weight and bending allowance.
3 DRAF-XXXX Blueprint – This course is designed to further the students’
Structural & Pipe knowledge by introducing symbols and line types in
drawings that are associated with working in pressure
fitting applications and piping of low/high pressures.
Through lecture and individual/team projects,
students become adept with reading larger working
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Revised January 13, 2015
3 WELD-XXXX Welder 30 Weld Theory 3 will cover the function of and
Theory 3 equipment related to gas tungsten arc welding and
flux core/metal core advanced functions. Theory
related to pressure fitting and pipe welding will also
be taught and applied.
3 WELD-XXXX Practical 120 Students will advance their skills by being introduced
Weld Lab 3 to the gas tungsten arc process in Practical Lab 3.
Students perform fillet and groove welds on varied
types and thicknesses of metals in multiple positions.
Flux core /metal core process will also be covered.
3 General Education X 45 Gen Ed elective – no description required
4 PRJT-XXXX Project 15 This course is designed to offer students a better
Planning understanding of the process behind producing
products from start to finish. Students will progress
from initial design to drawing to costing and
fabrication. They will adhere to proper procedures,
codes and standards. This course will also focus on
project planning from an entrepreneurial perspective,
with a view to skills/attitudes required to create and
maintain a small business.
4 WELD-XXXX Metallurgy 30 In this course, students investigate properties of
for Welders different steel and the effects of stress and heating.
They will learn testing and inspection procedures
related to the welding industry. Identification of
discontinuities is also highlighted.
4 WELD-XXXX Fabrication 30 In this course, students will be tasked with submitting
Lab plans for a practical capstone project. Students select
proper materials and process and perform the
necessary operations to bring the fabrication to its
4 WELD-XXXX Practical 30 Practical Weld Lab 4 introduces students to pipe and
Weld Lab 4 pressure vessel welding techniques
4 WELD-XXXX Robotics & 30 This course offers students the opportunity to learn
Weld basic programming and operation of multi axis
automated welding robots. Students work in a safe
controlled robotic cell learning communication and
welding commands needed to operate today’s high
production equipment.
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Revised January 13, 2015
4 General Education X 45 Gen Ed elective – no description required
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Revised January 13, 2015
There IS or IS NOT a voluntary (i.e., not required by legislation) licensing or certification for
entry to practice in the profession or trade.
☐ NO
*Note: There may be titling implications for programs that are not seeking recognition in an area
where existing programs have secured recognition.
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Revised January 13, 2015
Where licensing or certification is required by legislation for entry to practice in the profession
or trade, the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities requires that colleges ensure that
their programs will meet the requirements of the regulatory body in order to be approved for
☐ The college is working toward accreditation with the regulatory authority/ designated
third party.
Describe current status of application:
Expected date of recognition:
☐ The regulatory authority does not accredit educational programs directly or through
designated third party. Formal acknowledgement (e.g. in its published or legislated
registration requirements) that the program graduates will be eligible to write any required
certifying or registration exam(s) or that the program is otherwise recognized for the
purposes of certifying or registering a graduate is being sought.
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Revised January 13, 2015
☐ The association does not recognize educational programs directly or through designated
third party. Formal recognition (e.g. in its published requirements) that the program
graduates will be eligible to write any required certifying or registration exam(s) or that the
program is otherwise recognized for the purposes of certifying or registering a graduate is
being sought.
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CVS Application Form for Program Proposal
Revised January 13, 2015
APPENDIX E – Program Outcomes – Curriculum Map
B - Building
Welding Theory 2
C - Culminating
Welder Theory
The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to: (Source: MTCU
Code )
1. Employ basic tools, materials and supplies properly and appropriately, in keeping
with safe practices specific to manual welding processes and regulations X X X 3
2. Interpret the essential elements and concepts of blueprints in order to apply these to
the fabrication of welding pieces X X 2
3. Apply basic trade-related math concepts to complete welding and fabrication
projects according to required specifications X X X 3
4. Use a range of basic welding and fabrication applications and methods to complete
projects to required specifications using appropriate consumables, materials and tools
X X X X 4
5. Work in compliance with codes, standards and accepted principles and practices of
the welding industry X X X X X X X 7
6. Contribute to the management of welding/fabrication projects by preparing accurate
estimates of time and costs using appropriate project planning tools X X 2
7. Solve and correct basic welding problems through analysis and the application of
other problem solving tools and processes used in the welding/fabrication environment
X X X X X 5
8. Perform preventative maintenance and correct problems related to welding
materials, tools and equipment X 1
9. Fabricate an item from initial sketches to completion and inspection according to
given standards and tolerances 0
NB - Only indicate the outcomes that are Taught & Evaluated (TE or TRE) in a course
Date Completed:
APPENDIX E – Program Outcomes – Curriculum Map
Robotics and Weld
Trade Calculations
B - Building
Welder Theory 3
Project Planning
Practical Weld 4
C - Culminating
Fabrication Lab
The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to: (Source: MTCU
Code )
1. Employ basic tools, materials and supplies properly and appropriately, in keeping
with safe practices specific to manual welding processes and regulations X X x 3
2. Interpret the essential elements and concepts of blueprints in order to apply these
to the fabrication of welding pieces X X X X 4
3. Apply basic trade-related math concepts to complete welding and fabrication
projects according to required specifications X X X X 4
4. Use a range of basic welding and fabrication applications and methods to complete
projects to required specifications using appropriate consumables, materials and
tools X X X X X 5
5. Work in compliance with codes, standards and accepted principles and practices of
the welding industry X X X X X 5
6. Contribute to the management of welding/fabrication projects by preparing
accurate estimates of time and costs using appropriate project planning tools X X 2
7. Solve and correct basic welding problems through analysis and the application of
other problem solving tools and processes used in the welding/fabrication
environment X X X X X X 6
8. Perform preventative maintenance and correct problems related to welding
materials, tools and equipment X X X 3
9. Fabricate an item from initial sketches to completion and inspection according to
given standards and tolerances X X X 3
NB - Only indicate the outcomes that are Taught & Evaluated (TE or TRE) in a course
Date Completed:
APPENDIX E – Program Outcomes – Curriculum Map
Welders Theory 2
Practical Welding
Practical Welding
Math for Welders
Intro to Blueprint
Computer Aided
Welders Theory
Indicate with an 'x' where each skill is taught and/or reinforced and evaluated.
Work Study
The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to: (Source:
Lab 1
Lab 2
MTCU Code)
1. communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form
that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of the audience. x x x x x x x x x 9
2. respond to written, spoken, or visual messages in a manner that ensures effective
communication. x x x x x x x x x 9
10. manage the use of time and other resources to complete projects.
x x x x x x x x 8
11. take responsibility for one’s own actions, decisions, and consequences.
x x x x x x x x x 9
Date Completed:
APPENDIX E – Program Outcomes – Curriculum Map
Trade Calculations
Welders Theory 3
General Elective
Robotic Welding
Project Planning
Indicate with an 'x' where each skill is taught and/or reinforced and evaluated.
Fabrication Lab
The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to: (Source:
MTCU Code)
1. communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form
that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of the audience. x x x x x x x x x 9
2. respond to written, spoken, or visual messages in a manner that ensures effective
communication. x x x x x x x x x 9
10. manage the use of time and other resources to complete projects.
x x x x x x x x x 9
11. take responsibility for one’s own actions, decisions, and consequences.
x x x x x x x x x 9
Date Completed:
Indicate the number of hours that a student is required to spend in each instructional
setting in each semester or level of this program. All hours in all instructional settings
are to be noted.
Funded Instructional Settings*
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total
Classroom instruction 315 231 315 300 1161
Laboratory/workshop/ fieldwork
One-on-one instruction
Clinical placement
Weeks / Course No. of
Course Code Course Name Hours Section Course Delivery Space (hours distribution per week) Additional Comments
Term Status Sections
Dedicated Computer Other
Classroom Laboratory None
Space Room (describe)
Level 1
1 Math for Welding 30 15 x
1 Industrial Safety and Rigging 45 15 x
1 Intro to Blueprint Reading 30 15 x
1 Welders Theory Intro 45 15 x
1 Practical Welding Lab 1 120 15 x
1 Comms 45 15 x
Total 315
Level 2
Computer Aided Design 30 15 x
Welders Theory 45 15 x
Practical Welding Lab 2 120 15 x
Coop Preperation for work study 6 15 x
Metallurgy Fundamentals 30 15 x
Total 231
Level 3
Trade Calculations 30 15 x
Structual/Pipe Drawings 45 15 x
Welders Theory 45 15 x
Practical Welding Lab 3 120 15 x
Metallurgy for Welders 30 15 x
Gen Ed 45 15
Total 315
Level 4
Robotic Welding 30 15
General Elective 30 15
Project Planning 30 15
Fabriacation Lab 45 15
Practical Welding Lab 4 120 15
Gen Ed 45 15
Total 300
Program Name: Welding Technician
Program type: Ontario College Diploma
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Total
Incremental revenues
Grants: Notes
Welding Technician 1 n/a n/a n/a 23,155 69,466 120,739 148,856 153,818 153,818 153,818 153,818 977,490
Welding Technician 2,3,4 611,139 1,208,561 1,339,519 1,339,519 1,339,519 1,339,519 1,339,519 1,339,519 1,339,519 1,339,519 12,535,853
Program Specific Fee ** 5 8,639 17,123 18,974 18,974 18,974 18,974 18,974 18,974 18,974 18,974 177,553
Other associated revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sub‐total Incl Grant 0 619,777 1,225,684 1,381,649 1,427,959 1,479,232 1,507,350 1,512,311 1,512,311 1,512,311 1,512,311 13,690,897
Sub‐total Without Grant 0 619,777 1,225,684 1,358,493 1,358,493 1,358,493 1,358,493 1,358,493 1,358,493 1,358,493 1,358,493 12,713,406
Incremental Expenses
Indirect Salaries:
Admin/Support Staff 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Teaching Salaries:
Full Time ‐ number required 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
‐ cost @ $144,674 0 0 144,674 144,674 144,674 144,674 144,674 144,674 144,674 144,674 144,674 1,302,066
Part Time ‐ hours per week req'd 6. 0 60 124 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144
‐ cost @ see below 0 101,687 210,152 244,048 244,048 244,048 244,048 244,048 244,048 244,048 244,048 2,264,219
Coord Stipend 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
cost @ $3,827 3,827 3,827 3,827 3,827 3,827 3,827 3,827 3,827 3,827 3,827 3,827 42,097
Curriculum Dev. @ $25k/pgm year 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,000
International Recruitment Costs 86,417 111,108 111,108 111,108 111,108 111,108 111,108 111,108 111,108 111,108 1,086,386
One Time Costs ‐ facilities 0 0 0
fitup/equipment 7. 0 0 0
Other Startup 0 0 0
Operating Expenses 8. 0 17,279 29,338 31,969 31,969 31,969 31,969 31,969 31,969 31,969 31,969 302,368
Marketing 15,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 65,000
Capital Expenses 9. 0 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 100,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 100,000 440,000
Sub‐total 68,827 244,209 534,099 570,625 570,625 640,625 570,625 570,625 570,625 570,625 640,625 5,552,137
Incremental Cash Inflows With Grant ‐68,827 375,568 691,585 811,023 857,334 838,607 936,724 941,686 941,686 941,686 871,686 8,138,760
CTO% 56% 59% 60% 57% 62% 62% 62% 62% 58%
Incremental Cash Inflows Without Grant ‐68,827 375,568 691,585 787,868 787,868 717,868 787,868 787,868 787,868 787,868 717,868 7,161,269
CTO% 56% 58% 58% 53% 58% 58% 58% 58% 53%
Net present value With Grant @ 8% $4,851,786
Net present value Without Grant @ 8% $4,327,278
1. Grant based on existing MCU program 54902 (wght 1.4, fndg unit 1.8)
2. Tuition based on existing standard program
3. 50%/50% domestic/international enrolments assumed
4. Based on lvl 1 enrolment total of 50
5. Prog Specific fees ‐ Welding kits offset in ISU
6. Based on vl 1 = 21hrs, vl 2 = 15hrs, lvl 3 = 21hrs, lvl 4 = 20hrs
7. No new equipment costs as will be using newly renovated existing welding lab
8. $5k/year plus pgm specific fee offset plus $32.50/student/term welding lab operating costs
9. Welding unit replacement costs $30k annually. Increase to $100k in 5th and 10th year for infrastructure replacements.
Enrolment table Program name
Domestic Int'l
level 1 ‐ Fall 10 30 40
level 2 ‐ Winter 8 24 32
level 1 ‐ Winter 10 30 40
level 0 0 0
28 84 112
Tuition rates
Domestic Int'l
level 1 1,250.89 6,858.50
level 2 1,250.89 6,858.50
level 3 1,250.89 6,858.50
level 4 1,250.89 6,858.50
Grant values
Domestic Int'l
level 1 2,480.94 0.00
level 2 2,480.94 0.00
level 3 2,480.94 0.00
level 4 2,480.94 0.00
Enrolment table Program name
Domestic Int'l
level 1 ‐ Fall 10 30 40
level 2 ‐ Winter 8 24 32
Level 3 ‐ Fall 7 20 27
Level 4 ‐ Winter 6 18 24
level 1 ‐ Winter 10 30 40
level 2 Summer 8 24 32
Level 3 ‐ Winter 7 20 27
56 166 222
Tuition rates
Domestic Int'l
level 1 1,250.89 6,858.50
level 2 1,250.89 6,858.50
level 3 1,250.89 6,858.50
level 4 1,250.89 6,858.50
Grant values
Domestic Int'l
level 1 2,480.94 0.00
level 2 2,480.94 0.00
level 3 2,480.94 0.00
level 4 2,480.94 0.00
Enrolment table Program name
Domestic Int'l
level 1 ‐ Fall 10 30 40
level 2 ‐ Winter 8 24 32
Level 3 ‐ Fall 7 20 27
Level 4 ‐ Winter 6 18 24
level 1 ‐ Winter 10 30 40
level 2 Summer 8 24 32
Level 3 ‐ Winter 7 20 27
Level 4 ‐ Summer 6 18 24
62 184 246
Tuition rates
Domestic Int'l
level 1 1,250.89 6,858.50
level 2 1,250.89 6,858.50
level 3 1,250.89 6,858.50
level 4 1,250.89 6,858.50
Grant values
Domestic Int'l
level 1 2,480.94 0.00
level 2 2,480.94 0.00
level 3 2,480.94 0.00
level 4 2,480.94 0.00
Enrolment table Program name
Domestic Int'l
level 1 ‐ Fall 10 30 40
level 2 ‐ Winter 8 24 32
Level 3 ‐ Fall 7 20 27
Level 4 ‐ Winter 6 18 24
level 1 ‐ Winter 10 30 40
level 2 Summer 8 24 32
Level 3 ‐ Winter 7 20 27
Level 4 ‐ Summer 6 18 24
62 184 246
Tuition rates
Domestic Int'l
level 1 1,250.89 6,858.50
level 2 1,250.89 6,858.50
level 3 1,250.89 6,858.50
level 4 1,250.89 6,858.50
Grant values
Domestic Int'l
level 1 2,480.94 0.00
level 2 2,480.94 0.00
level 3 2,480.94 0.00
level 4 2,480.94 0.00
Welding & Fabrication Technician
AUGUST 25TH, 2020| 4:00 – 5:00 P.M.
James White – Cross Enterprise Leader, Wellmaster
Lindsay Engel – Associate Dean, School of Technology
Tracey Davies – Program Manager, School of Technology
Chris Hooper – Faculty, School of Technology
Sherry McEvoy – Curriculum Consultant, Centre for Academic Excellence (recording)
Kenny Cunningham, Winsafe
Beth Velkow, Velkow Truck Lift Service
Dave King, VOL Industries
Mary Sloan, Upper Thames Conservation Authority
Sharon Dykstra, Timberland Group
Product Customization vs. Mass Production:
1. In some organizations, custom product design and innovation is key to their business model.
Welders contribute to product design and production, thus it would desirable for students to
exhibit flexibility and an affinity for innovation.
2. Custom products are often designed to solve specific problems and welders need to embrace
the ability to interact with customers, understand their needs and develop/iterate products to
meet those needs
3. Welders/fabricators in some organizations still do a significant amount of repetitive production
while other companies are off-shoring their high volume production and/or using robots for
high volume, repetitive production.
Project Planning and Use of Drawings:
1. Students may not only be the recipients of drawings/plans, they may also have to create plans
and use plans to communicate ideas to clients. The ability to use software and also freehand
sketching are equally valued in creating/communicating plans.
2. As a student project, consider asking the students to fabricate something that they have
drawn. Test the legitimacy of the plans by also asking another student use them as a
reference in creating a product.
Course Titling:
1. Consider using course titles that reflect the benefit of the course or the reason why. For
example, instead of calling a course Advanced Math, call it ‘Measure Twice, Cut Once’
Welding Theory:
1. COVID has also caused a substantive shirt in manufacturing and there could be mature
students entering the welding program and as form of re-training
2. There is a lot of diversity in the welding career area and use some of the time in these courses
to introduce students to the career areas. This will bring additional relevancy to some of the
theory they will be learning.