Nada 2014
Nada 2014
Nada 2014
Abstract: The article explores the wondrous fairy tales that have emanated from a wide variety of tiny
tales having undergone numerous transformations by political and social forces over time. The prominence
of feminine beauty ideal and the ways in which beauty is presented in these tales have been beautifully
dealt with and also the link between beauty and goodness and between ugliness and evil are reflected
through the various tales.
Fairy tales are also referred to as wonder or magic d’Aulnoy. It is observed that though d’Aulnoy’s
tales having originated from a wide variety of tiny fairy tales take place in some unknown realm and
tales, perhaps thousands of years ago. They were indefinite time, they encompassed the
related to beliefs, rites, values and experiences of contemporary social and political condition in her
pagan people. However, with the passage of time, own time. In 1750, the term ‘fairy tale’ was
the fairy tales have undergone great changes and brought into English usage and thereafter the fairy
have become diffused in their nature and spirit. A tales have grown immensely in significance and
beautiful definition of the term has been given by has become more widespread and complex. In
the critic Donald Haase “For some, the term recent times, the Disney Corporation has
denotes a specific narrative form easily identified commercialized fairy tales through its film series
characteristics but for others it suggests not a of “Fairies”. In the area of fairy tales experiments
singular genre but an umbrella category under are also being carried out in literature, opera,
which a variety of other forms may be grouped”. theater, film, TV and the internet.
Women figure prominently in the narrative
Fairy tales are important pieces of of fairy tales. If we recall Grimm's fairy tales, we
children's literature that have had a lasting impact think of figures such as Snow White, Rapunzel,
on our society. It was for the first time that the Red Riding Hood, Cinderella as well as countless
term fairy tale was coined by Marie Catherine evil stepmothers and witches. If on the one hand,
d’Aulnoy in 1697, when she published her first the women in the fairy tales are evil like the
collection of tales. d’ Aulnoy’s fairy tales witches or stepmothers who usually die in the end;
celebrate the beauty, generosity, eternal youth and on the other they are innocent, beautiful and
true love of the fairies. In a way her stories virtuous. The good maiden rides off with a prince,
marked the ‘modernist’ recreation of oral folklore. who saves her from misery and she marries him to
‘The Green Serpent’, ‘The Ram’, ‘Cupid and become the princess in his castle with the joyous
Psyche’ are some of the major stories of consensus of the King and the Queen. In fairy
Cite as : The Portrayal of Women in the Fairy Tales; Vol. 1|Issue 04|Pg:246-250
tales, we meet with a variety of female characters. a feast to which the robber has been invited. ‘The
There are examples, girls in fairy tales who are Robber Bridegroom’ exemplifies both the ways in
brave and witty, such as Gretel, who exhibits which patriarchal societies attempt to subjugate
common sense and kills the evil witches. The and silence woman and the way in which women
Grimm's “Marienkind” portrays a disobedient have turned to storytelling to overcome the
young girl who stubbornly denies that she has subjugation. By telling a dream like story on the
peered through a forbidden door. She does not wedding day, she lets the guests realize the truth
speak the truth, even when punished with the loss and gets the robber arrested. In Rapunzel, the girl
of her three children; it is only when she faces a in the beginning of the tale is less a character then
horrible death at the stake that she admits her fault a head of hair, but by the end of the tale, after she
and her life is spared. has lost her hair and finds her voice, through
which she finds the way to freedom. The two
Although many female characters in fairy examples show how female use voice as weapons
tales are passive figures, such as Snow White, to fight challenges. Women’s speech inside and
there are others who challenge the passivity by outside of the fairy tales indicate women’s
their transformative power of speech. In predicament of being oppressed by the dominant
'Rapunzel', 'The Robber Bridegroom' and power and their urge to speak out. In her
'Scheherazade', the female protagonists are not reflection upon the tale, Porter focuses on the
passive or silent. They are women who begin as process of how the Prince is attracted to Rapunzel.
objects of desire, but who strive to find their voice She indicates that it is Rapunzel’s voice that
and through means of speech transform their brings the prince to her and it is the beauty of her
social ambitions. The best example of such a fairy soul that makes him excited and eager to ascend
tale character who transforms her life by the tower. It was Rapunzel, who used to kill her
storytelling is the protagonist of the 'The Robber solitude by letting her sweet voice resound in the
Bridegroom'. The fairy tale begins with the forest, even after the witch separated the couple
Miller's decision to have his daughter marry a man and would not let them see each other. When the
who appears to be someone of wealth and status Prince hears the voice that he thought sounded
but turns out to be the head of an evil band of familiar, he went straight towards it, and when he
robbers who butchers young women. From the reached her, Rapunzel recognized him. Porter
beginning of her acquaintance with the man, the connects the process of finding the beautiful
bride to be senses that the man is not to be trusted future with the female character’s inner voice and
and puts off his invitation to visit his house in the thus she finds that voice has strength to make
forest, but eventually she can no longer be able to things better.
put him off. When she arrives at his house in the
forest, she manages to hide and witnesses her Ambitious women in the fairy tales are
fiancé and his gangs of cutthroats poison a young always portrayed as evil from within, ugly and
girl and chop her to pieces. One of the ring- scheming, wielding over other women and men.
fingers of the woman with the wedding ring still As for example, the stepmother in Snow White,
on it falls within the reach of the Miller’s daughter the evil stepmother in Cinderella, and the
and she takes it along. After the robbers have stepmother of Hansel and Gretel who left the
finished their butchering and fallen into drunken children in the forest. The stepmothers in fairy
stupor, the Miller’s daughter makes her escape tales bear negative and repulsive traits, such as
with the ring-finger as evidence to present to her vanity, jealousy and pride. Combined with these
father. It is at this point of the story that we traits are their knowledge of magic and sorcery.
witness the power and appeal of storytelling by One can imagine the witch locking herself away
women in the patriarchal society. Instead of in some remote, dark room of the castle, casting
making a direct charge against the robber spells and mixing lethal positions. Despite her
bridegroom, the Miller’s daughter presents her knowledge of the supernatural, her beauty is a
testimony in the guise of a recounted dream at fading one.
Cite as : The Portrayal of Women in the Fairy Tales; Vol. 1|Issue 04|Pg:246-250
In the fairy tales, passivity is the most
Fairy tales embody the ways that societies valued and honored attribute a woman can possess
attempted to silence and oppress women making in life. It is not the female who can save herself
them passive. Much of the fairy tale literature from harm or an undesirable situation; it is the
reinforces the idea that women should be wives male that must save her. The Sleeping Beauty
and mothers, submissive and self-sacrificing. sleeps for nearly hundred years only to be
Good women in stories are to be silent passive, awakened to life by the restoring kiss of the Prince
without ambition, beautiful and eager to marry. In charming. Cinderella is saved from her miserable
Snow White, the dwarfs make sure that Snow existence through the help of the prince. Likewise
White can cook, wash and clean the house. They in The Mermaid who could not swim Melin the
also make the condition that the girl should not go mermaid learns to swim to the depths of the sea
out of the house or entertain everyone. Snow only by the young Spedwin. Young women are
White is so innocent that she is deprived of often described as beautiful, pretty or fair than
developing an independent self. She is unable to older women. Beauty is highly revered in fairy
defeat the stepmother’s evil plans. Thus she is the tales being associated with intelligence, ability,
perfect image of innocence, virtuous beauty and kindness, worthiness and morality and this can be
youth. Out of fear for her life, she flees from her well perceived from the Grimms fairy tales. In
evil stepmother but the hunter she encounters in “The Pink Flower” a maiden is described as “so
the forest spares her and lets her flee into the beautiful that no painter could ever have made her
forest. Her life is again saved this time by seven look more beautiful’. (Grimm and Grimm 1992,
dwarfs. The dwarfs, also, men are clear about the 286). In “The Goose Girl at the spring” a young
conditions under which Snow White is allowed to woman is said to be “so beautiful that the entire
stay with them. She fulfills all the duties like a world considered her a miracle” (Grimm and
good housewife and has only one flaw. Her Grimm 1992, 566).
naiveté and curiosity compel her to open the
door and let the evil witch in, despite the fact that Often there is a clear link between beauty
wise dwarfs have warned her to be careful and goodness and between ugliness and evil. This
.Besides Snow White there are many other is best evidenced in ‘Mother Holle’. (Grimm and
examples like Cinderella who strictly fulfills the Grimm 1992, 96). Beautiful young maidens are
female duties around the house, even though she virtuous and marry handsome, powerful and
is abused by her stepmother and sisters. She does wealthy princes, while their ugly step-sisters
not choose to stand against them; instead she perish due to their evil doings. The best example
endures her situation until a princess rescues her. is the fairy tale of Cinderella where she is the
Cinderella possesses all the admirable qualities to epitome of all virtues, and these factors attract the
be wooed by the princes; works for the house and prince to her. Snow White is described as fair with
bears everything with silence. eyes of the color of the sea and hair as golden as
the sun. The irresistible beauty of the maiden
Embedded in these tales are warnings to makes the prince over joyous and happy and he
little girls of what will befall upon them should proposes her to marry him and come with him to
they choose to exhibit non-female traits. As for the father’s kingdom. In The Sleeping Beauty, the
instance, in Rapunzel, the girl sings, attracts the King’s beautiful daughter Rose is bestowed with
prince and all troubles befall her. Red Riding beauty, sweet voice, kindness, health, grace and
Hood is the best example of an innocent young other womanly qualities that make the handsome
girl becoming the victim of a wolf once she leaves prince dazed because he feels that he has never
her familiar home. She is confident, fearless and seen anyone so beautiful and he misses her.
travels in the forest alone to reach her Goodness and Beauty are also associated with
grandmother’s place. She has absolutely no idea industriousness. They are always rewarded in the
of ‘evil’ associated with the wolf and her learning long run. The best example is Cinderella where
experience is a painful one. she finally marries the handsome prince despite
Cite as : The Portrayal of Women in the Fairy Tales; Vol. 1|Issue 04|Pg:246-250
the ordeals and hazards faced by her. The image ages. Fairy tales are beginning to recognize the
of ‘beauty’ moves the story forward with moral change in societal values, being evolved and
overtones that can be conveyed to the readers. It morphed to mirror the current society and their
has also seen observed that several of the tales present day values. The roles of women are
have been popular and have been reproduced like already changing in today’s culture. Disney
‘Cinderella’ and ‘Snow White’ which represent fairytales films namely The Little Mermaid and
feminine beauty. Beauty and the Beast portray females in a more
positive light. They possess more freedom to
Although beauty is often rewarded but at make choices and more changes in their lives as
times it is also a source of danger. In ‘All Fur’ the they pursue their highly articulated dreams. Thus
princess described in the tale is “so beautiful that Disney has recently developed tales such as
her equal could not be found anywhere on earth” Mulan, where there is a female heroine
(G&G 1992, 258). She was forced to run away challenging the prejudices her country currently
from the castle because her father fell passionately has. In her Chinese culture women are not
in love with her and said to his councilors’ that he permitted to join the army and fight alongside the
is going to marry his daughter (G&G 1992, 260). men. Nevertheless, she does, and in the end is
There are at times links between beauty and given many accolades for her accomplishments.
jealousy among female characters In the ‘Snow Her grandfather praises her bravery and is even
White’ the murderous action taken by the proud of her disobedience. Such a drastic change
stepmother reminds readers of the symbolic in the structure of fairy tales shows how culture
lengths some women go to maintain or acquire can change for the better. Hence, society must
beauty. In ‘Cinderella’ the jealousy between make an effort to accept the change of societal
Cinderella and the step sisters is stretched to such values and reflect these changes in its modern
an extent that the girl goes through hell. works of art. In doing so the traditional
presentation of the female gender as exhibited in
Fairy tales may be interpreted from new angles.
Fairy tales have portrayed woman in her
different aspects: admirable and abominable. The
underlying messages in these stories convey the References:
praise and adulation of ‘Female’ beauty not only
externally but also internally. However critics like Aulnoy,Marie-Catherine,d’.1997-
Jack Zipes and Barbara G. Walker have 1998.Contes.Ed.PhillipeHourcade.
commented on the traditional sexist roles women Intro.acquesBarchilon. 2vols. Paris: Societedes
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exposed to reflect the variety of paths offered to Grimm,1857.Children’s and household
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to be portrayed in different roles than what were
viewed as ‘traditional’. These other roles may Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm,1992. The
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children's literature that have had a lasting impact Fairytales. 3 vols, Ed. Haase, Westport,CT:
on our society. The classic tales have been retold Greenwood Press, 1:322-25.
through many generations and nowadays have
been transformed into major film productions
treasured by not only children but by people of all
Cite as : The Portrayal of Women in the Fairy Tales; Vol. 1|Issue 04|Pg:246-250
Porter, Connie Rose, 2000 Happy Birthday, the Process of Civilization, 1983. Reprint, New
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Grimms’ Fairy Tales. Princeton University Press, Dr. Silima Nanda is presently the Director in
NJ. International Division, IGNOU. As an academic
administrator, she coordinates programs of
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Fairy Tales and their Tellers.New York Farrar, IGNOU in 2006, she worked as a lecturer and a
Straus and Giroux, 1995. reader teaching English Literature in different
prestigious colleges of Orissa. Her specialization
Zipes, Jack Ed. The Trials and Tribulations of is American Literature. She has published two
Little Red Riding Hood.London: Routledge, 1993 books and has contributed scholarly articles in
various journals of repute. Her email id is
Zipes, Jack. Fairy Tales and the Art of,
Subversion: The Classical Genre for Children and