Infographic APA 7th Edition

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APA 7th Edition

By Silvia Lucrecia Hernandez Rosales

Format Example
Page Set Up
Letter Size, Portrait, 1 inch (2.54 cms)
margins, Left alignment,
1.5 or doble space.
Arial 11 / Georgia 11 / Calibri 11
Times New Roman 12 / Lucida Sans 10

Title page (center align)

Title of the essay (bolded)
Author's name
University name
Course name and code
Teacher / instructor name
Date only (no place)
Heading: Titles and subtitles levels
Main tiltle: Bolded, centered, Initial capital
letter each word.
Text: Left align, all paragraphs idented in the
first line.
1st. Sub-Title: Left aligned, bolded. Capital
letter each word. Paragraph begins in another
2nd. Sub-Title: Same above but italic.
3rd. Sub-Title: Idented, finish with period,
then write the text.
4th Sub-Title: Same as title No. 3 but Italic

In- text citations

Parenthetical: At the end of a
sentence before the period. (Author's
name, year)

Narrative: Author's name appears

naturally within the sentence. Out of
parenthesis. Year of publication iin
Author's name (year)
APA 7th Edition
By Silvia Lucrecia Hernandez Rosales

In- text citations

Paraphrasing: Write ideas of other
authors using our own words, maintaining
the original meaning.

Quoting: Copy exact words from another

author within quotations marks.

Reference entries "provide detailed information
about a source." (Streefkerk, 2020). They must
be listed in a reference page at the end of the
paper. The components of an APA reference

Bias- free Language

The pronouns "he" and "she" will be replaced
for "they or their" as a neutral gender.

Bias- free Language

Be careful and sensitive to labels. The bias -free
language "emphasizes the need to talk about all
people with inclusivity and respect" that includes "the
individual characteristics of age, disability, gender,
participation in research, racial and ethnic identity,
sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and
intersectionality" (APA, 2022).

Streefkerk, R. (2020, November 5). How to create or
Generate APA Reference Entries 7th edition. Scribbr.

Courtney, G. & Caulfield, J. (2022, April 8). How to

Paraphrase | Step-by-step Guide & Examples. Scribbr.

Streefkerk, R. (2020, November 5). APA 7th Edition (2020)

the 17 Most Notable changes. Scribbr.

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