Good and Bad Kamma

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ll beings continue in a series of rebirths according to their accumulated kamma1-results. The uninitiated are enslaved by unwholesome kammaactions that prolong the continuance of rebirths. Buddhas come to this world and spread the all-important message: not to indulge in unwholesome kamma-actions but to engage in kamma-actions that are wholesome and meritorious. In that way beings can become free from the suffering of continuing rebirth. Question: How does a Noble Disciple who takes refuge in the three Refuges nullify accumulated unwholesome kamma-results, enhance wholesome kamma-actions and become free from the series of rebirths? TheSupremeBuddhafullyunderstoodthemanifestationsof kamma.HeacquiredwisdomwhichfreedHimfromitsinfluence. HeexplainedkammaclearlyinthediscourseoftheKammaSutta.




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ThisisadiscourseinAnguttaraNikayaoftheTripitaka2.Inthat discourseHementionsfourtypesofkammaactions: 1) Blackkammaactionsthatbringaboutblackresults, 2) Whitekammaactionsthatbringaboutwhiteresults, 3) Blackandwhitekammaactionsthatbringaboutblackand whiteresults, 4) Kammaactions neither black nor white but such that they helptonegateresultsofaccumulatedkammaactions. Kammaactions that bring about black results are identified as the tenfold unwholesome actions: Killing a living being, stealing,adultery,speakinguntruths,conveyingmaliciousrumour, speakingviciouswords,indulginginuselesstalk,ignorance,anger, andholdingwrongviews. Kammaactions that bring about white results are identified asthetenfoldwholesomeactions:Selflessgiving,thepracticeof virtue, meditation, offering merit, sharing merit, taking care of those who need care, honouring the deserving, speaking the Dhamma, attentive listening to the Dhamma, and strengthening therightview. Black and white kammaactions are a mixture of unwholesome and wholesome volitions that bring about wholesomeorunwholesomekammaresultssubjecttotheweight

TripitakaTripitakaistheBuddhistsholybook.Itisincluded84000partsofdoctrinespreachedbyLordBuddha.The largestreligiousbookoftheworldistheTripitaka.



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ageoftheaction.Theybringaboutpleasantaswellasunpleasant results. A kammaaction neither black nor white but such that it helps to negate results of other kammaactions is insight meditation where intuitive light flashes forth and exposes the truth of impermanency, suffering and the nonself nature of all corporeal and mental phenomena of existence. It is called the meditationofvipassana(vidharshanainSanskrit). Such was the truth that was realized and taught by the Supreme Buddha. Black volitions that bring about black kamma resultscausecontinuanceoftheprocessofexistenceandrebirth in the lower worlds of the Hells, the world of animals, and the world of ghosts. White volitions that bring about white kamma resultscausethegainofrebirthinworldsthatknowsnosuffering suchastheworldoftheSubhakinnaDevas.Kammaactionsthat areblackandwhitecauserebirthintheworldsoftheDevasand humanbeings. TheSupremeBuddhadiscoursedthatwhenvolitionnegates kammaactions that bring about black results and when volition negates kammaaction that brings about white results such volitions bring about the dissipation of kamma. Through such volitionsapersondiscardsallattachmenttothefiveaggregatesof clingingandattainsthestateofArahat.SoallSupremeBuddhas discourseis;


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Thus advise and enjoin all Buddhas in discoursing: Not to indulge in unwholesome kamma-actions, But accumulate wholesome kamma-results, By cleansing ones mind and mental volition. It is clear from the words of the Supreme Buddha that a kammavolition neither white nor black forms when one has developedconcentrationandwisdomthroughmeditationoftran quillity and insight, by cultivating virtue, concentration and wisdom, and travelled the Noble Eightfold Path. Such kamma volitions bring about the negation of white as well as black kammaresults. TheBuddhasDoctrineemphasizestheneedtobeeventually free from all kamma, good and bad. So, by means of wise consideration, anyone can understand the nature of kamma and proceedtowardsbecomingfreefromitsmanifestations. In ones life kamma occurs due to volition. The Supreme Buddha explained this interconnection between volition and kamma in His discourses. He said to the disciples, Bhikkhu3s, what I say about kamma is that it is also volition that causes kammaaction. When volition occurs, one accumulates kamma resultsbybodilyaction,wordandthought. Hehasalsodiscoursedthatwhenapersonrifeinignorance accumulates a wholesome kammaresult by doing a meritorious




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deed,ameritoriousconsciousnessforms.Similarly,whenaperson rife in ignorance accumulates an unwholesome kammaresult by doing an evil action that persons consciousness forms according totheunwholesomekammaresult.Furthermore,whenaperson rife in ignorance accumulates formations such as meditative absorptionsandattainsotherstagesofmeditation,hisorhercon sciousnessformsaccordingtothoseabsorptions. Thus we can see that if one commits a kammaaction nurtured by ignorance and caused by volition then that kamma actionaccumulateskammaresults.Suchakammamaybearfruit in this present life, it may bear fruit in the next birth, or it may bearfruitinyetalaterlife.TheSupremeBuddhahasdiscoursed that the continuance of actions and results of kamma are incalculable,whichmeansthephenomenaofkammaarebeyond thecomprehensionofthemundanemind. The question whether great wholesome kammaactions can negate other unwholesome kammaresults has been amply answered in instances of reallife accounts of people of the Buddhastime:ExamplesarethehighwayrobberAngulimalawho became an Arahat and the courtesan Ambapali who became an Arahat.Theseareproofthatunwholesomekammaresultscanbe negatedbypowerfulwholesomekammaactions. There was a Brahmin named Kasi Bharajvaja. On a certain occasionheberatedandinsultedtheBuddha:Iamafarmerwho growswhatIeat.ReverendSir,youshouldstopgoingaboutwith


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your begging bowl poised to receive alms and instead earn your living. Later, however, he became a disciple of the Buddha and became an Arahat. These incidents illustrate that accumulated unwholesome kammaresults can be negated by ardent, mindful practiceoftheDhamma. Notonlyunwholesomekammabutalsomeritoriouskamma resultscanbecompletelyovercomeandnullified.IntheDiscourse of the Gems (Ratana Sutta), an Arahat is described as someone whose previous accumulated kamma have been all negated, and whodoesnotcontinuekammaactionsthataccumulateanymore results. One then has no more bonds with the process of existence. Ones consciousness has ended the process of recurrenceofkamma.Likealampthatisextinguishedwhenitsoil isexhausted,anArahatbecomesextinguishedattheendofhisor herholylife. Thus,byfollowingtheNobleEightfoldPathwecanextinguish unwholesome kammaresults, by the accumulation of powerful wholesome kammaactions. However, there are exceptions to that rule. The five heinous sins: matricide, patricide, killing of an Arahat, causing injury to a Supreme Buddha and causing dishar mony among the community of Bhikkhus, are exceptions. Howeverpowerfulthemerit,theresultsofthosefivesinshaveto complete their course before beneficial negating kammaactions cantakeeffect.


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Question: One hears about a debate occasionally: since both merits as well as sin tend to prolong the process of existence, is it not better to abstain from merit as well as well as from sin? There is some validity in that argument. Accumulation of meritcontinuestheprocessofexistence.Accumulationofsinalso continues the process of existence. There is indeed a way of shortening the process of existence by abstaining from merit as wellasfromsin.Buttodothatwehavefirstlytounderstandthe activitythatleadstothatsituation.Thecorrectprocedureinthat pursuitistofollowtheNobleEightfoldPath. If one is diligent in the practice of the Noble Eightfold Path and culminates in the fruition of the state of Arahant 4 one has understood fully the activity that leads to the negation of all kammaresults. In the Buddhas words, An Arahat who forsakes nightsofsleepandresttofindthattrueandNobleEightfoldPath hasnomorelurkingfears. Although we see clearly that merit and sin are two factors thatprolongtheprocessofexistence,theonlywaytonullifythe resultsofmeritandsinistheNobleEightfoldPath.Attachmentto a view such as Merit and sin both prolong the process of existence, and so they are both unnecessary, is nothing more




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than another unwholesome volition that prolongs the process of existence. TheSupremeBuddhahasdiscoursedthatthewaytoexhaust accumulated kammaresults is to engage in kammaactions that are neither black nor white so that their results are also neither white nor black. In other words, one should engage in such kammaactions as would negate accumulated white as well as blackkammaresults. That is what would occur through the development of concentrationandwisdom,throughmeditationoftranquillityand insight and the practice of the Noble Eightfold Path. Tranquillity develops wisdom and concentration develops knowledge. When ones wisdom and knowledge develop one develops understandingofreality.Thenonewouldseethingsimpermanent as things impermanent, things engulfing suffering as things engulfingsufferingandthingsofnonselfasthingsofnonself. Thus one would be at the threshold of Nibbana. The only roadthatleadstoitistheNobleEightfoldPath,comprisingvirtue, concentrationandwisdom.


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