Mak M32C
Mak M32C
Mak M32C
M32 C
Engineer´s Handbook
M32 C L - VEE c
Engine data Engine operating data
In-line engine
Stroke: 480 mm Temperatures
Number of cylinders: 6 - 8 - 9
Fresh water circulation cooling
Stroke: 420 mm Engine outlet: 80 - 90 °C
Big end bearing in-line and Vee-type Nozzle cooling: 1.5 - 3.0 bar
Inside Ø 280 mm
Fuel pressure before
Outside Ø 293 mm injection pumps:
MDO-operation 3.0 - 5.0 bar
Valves (inlet and exhaust)
HFO-operation 4.0 - 5.0 nar
Length 567 mm
Valve guide
Length 324 mm
Inside Ø 26 mm
Tightening torque
The tightening torque for inserting the tie bolts is → M = 250 Nm
1. Pretighten round nuts manually with a pin.
The pressure must remain constant, when the pump is not operated, otherwise faulty
Check: Reduce pressure by 50 bar. Further loosening of the round nuts must not be
possible .
If the cyl. head nuts cannot be loosened at the prescribed pressure, pressure increase
by 50 bar is possible. The pressure must not be increased further, because elongation of
the thread and consequently jamming of the
nuts cannot be excluded.
When shrinking in new ball pins in cooled state attention must be paid to the accurate
position - 1 - in order to guarantee perfect oil supply. (Supercooling to - 195 ° C with
0.20 + 0.30
Radial clearance
Original size → 0.02 - 0.15 mm
Valve clearance
Inlet → 0.40 + 0.10 mm
Setting under hot running conditions abt. 15 min. after stopping the engine.
Inlet Exhaust
Valve guide
Nominal clearance
Inlet → 0.11 - 0.17 mm
Inlet → 0.35 mm
Exhaust → 0.35 mm
No gasket here
Removal - mounting
For removal screw threaded rod - 1 - with nut - 2 - on setscrew - 3 -.Then place the torsion
limiting device - 4 - on the threaded rod and studs and loosen the injection valve by turning
nut - 5 -.
The seat in the screwed-in sleeve is cleaned with a cleaning tool - 6 -. When inserting the
injection valve take care of the position of the fixing pin - 7 -, the flange is mounted with
clamping pin - 8 - to the exhaust gas side, the lug downwards.
Starting valve
The tightening torque is for nut - 1 - → M = 50 Nm
The inspection proceeds by measuring from top edge nut to top edge valve stem.
≤ 7.5 mm ≤ 7.5 mm
Reference Reference
dimension dimension
Row B Vee-engines
- 8'
valve cone and distribute the paste equally. Thereafter the
seat ring surface is to be sprayed with a thinner (F25)
Dimension „Y“
belonging to the diamond paste, for dilution and in order to
increase the grip. Insert the oiled valve stem into the guide
bush. Fasten the device at the valve head and grind the
valve face and seat by hand applying a moderate pressure,
rotating the device. The contact reflection „a“, visible
by the smooth grinding process, shall not exceed 30
% of the seat width starting from the outside
diameter. If the bearing characteristics described
above are not reached, remachining of both sealing
surfaces is necessary. After machining both seats
have to be checked with a luminous magnifier. The
fillet must not be refinished.
After machining round off the outside edge with a
The dimensions stated in the sketch must be
Dimension „Y“
Exhaust valve stem: 1.5 mm
Inlet valve stem: 0.2 mm
2. there is severe pitting on the bottom side of the valve disk (formation of so-called
„paving stones"),
20 20
down to -195 ° C.
2. Insert the valve seat rings. Ø
3. When being tight the valve seat rings
are tight are
pressed on
with the
Tighten nut
- 1 - of the
pressure 1
device with
M = 150 Nm.
If for removal of the pistons the screws on the shank division of the connecting rods are
loosened, the connecting rod must be fixed at the counterweights. As the 8 and 9 cyl.
engines are not equipped with a full set of counterweights, there are different retainers in
the tool set.
The engines are equipped with fire rings to be inserted in the upper part of the liner.
The rings have smaller diameters than the liner. They must be removed before drawing the
Piston bosses -
piston pin „c“ 0.005 mm 0.029 mm 0.06 mm
Arrange the ring butts in longitudinal direction of engine alternately opposed, then oil
pistons and piston rings well.
Fit piston rings with marking upward.
Fit piston mounting device and tighten clamping screw so far that free motion of the rings is
still guaranteed. This can be checked by turning the piston mounting device.
Wear and limit clearances
Grooves Groove height Ring height Wear limit Clearance limit
1 8 +0.17 - 0.20 7.937 -0.022 8.60 0.65
+0.14 - 0.17
2 6 5.95 -0.015
6.60 0.60
+0.04 - 0.06
3 10 9.987 -0.022
10.50 0.50
Depth * → 0.03 mm
Wedge-shaped indentation across the entire circumference, beginning at TDC 1st piston ring.
Length → 8.00 mm
Individual deep blow-through ducts in the area of the 1st piston ring (TDC)
Score Number → 3
Length → 180.00 mm
Depth → 0.03 mm
Pocket Number → 3
Length → 90.00 mm
Width * * → 30.00 mm
Depth * → 0.02 mm
* Radius r ≥ 3 mm
** in circumferential direction.
During installation take care
that marking - 1 - of the liner
coincides with marking - 2 -
of the cooling water distributor
Calibration ring
The diameter of the calibration ring is smaller than the liner. It is located in the upper part of
the liner. For removing use device as shown below.
1 1
Shank division
For loosening and tightening screws
- 2 - with a torque spanner there is a
spanner holding device to be fastened at
the screws of the crankcase cover. 1
Attention! The engine must not be turned
with mounted support.
Warning! Top and bottom parts of the
connecting rod are interchangeable.
Check: Drop the pressure by 50 bar, the round nuts must not be detachable any more.
Tightening torque applies to hydraulic cylinder with 66 cm2 hydraulic jack area, hydraulic jack No.
0.9213 C.
Removal: Are the nuts not detachable with the prescribed pressure, increase by 50 bar.
Another pressure increase is not advisable because otherwise the thread gets stretched
and the nut jammed.
The connecting rod is marked with the eng. No. and the cyl. No., the big end bearing cap
only with the cyl. No.
The big end bearing shell is marked with the cyl. No.
All marks are on camshaft side.
Tightening specification
The tightening torque for inserting the studs - 1 - is → M = 500 Nm
4 4
2 2
Check: Reduce pressure by 50 bar. Further loosening of the round nuts must not be possible.
Tighten both main bearing nuts of one bearing pocket in one operation.
Hydraulic jack area = 95.0 cm 2
The pressure must remain constant during tightening, when the pump is not operated, otherwise
faulty tightening.
If the nuts of the lateral bolts and the main bearing bolts cannot be loosened with the prescribed
pressure, pressure increase by P=50 bar is possible.
After longer operation the sum shall not be less than → 0.80 mm
Check: Reduce pressure by 50 bar. Further loosening of the round nuts by a pin must not be
Tighten both main bearing nuts of one bearing pocket in one operation.
Hydraulic jack area = 145.0 cm 2
The pressure must remain constant during tightening, when the pump is not operated, otherwise
faulty tightening.
If the nuts of the lateral bolts and the main bearing bolts cannot be loosened with the prescribed
pressure, pressure increase by P=50 bar is possible.
View on pump side
B-side A-side
2 2
4 4
3 3
Loosen both crankshaft bearing nuts - 3 - in one operation, then tighten both crankshaft
bearing nuts - 3 - with a pin alternately and steadily until the joint faces of the bearing shells
just touch each other. Measure the gap between cylinder crankcase and crankshaft bearing
cap on A-side and B-side.
Marking S1 S2
Bearing caps and bearing shells are marked
on camshaft side with the relative cylinder
numbers, counted from flywheel side. The
parts must not be mixed up.
Located and normal main bearings are 1 1
identical, for axial fixing thrust washers are
fitted at bearing 1 (located main bearing). 2
The lower parts of the thrust washers - 1 - 2
are fixed with clamping pins - 2 - at the
bearing cap - 3 -. The upper parts are
inserted in the cylinder crankcase without 3
A +3/-6
G +6/-9
Counterweight mounting
The engines are differently equipped with counterweights.
6 cyl. engine 12 counterweights
8 cyl. engine 12 counterweights 9 cyl. engine 12 counterweights
Crankpin 1 2 pcs. Crankpin 1 2 pcs.
Crankpin 2 1 pc., left side * Crankpin 2 1 pc., left side *
Crankpin 3 1 pc., right side * Crankpin 3 without counterweight
Crankpin 4 2 pcs. Crankpin 4 2 pcs.
Crankpin 5 2 pcs. Crankpin 5 2 pcs.
Crankpin 6 1 pc., left side * Crankpin 6 2 pcs.
Crankpin 7 1 pc., right side * Crankpin 7 without counterweight
Crankpin 8 2 pcs. Crankpin 8 1 pc., right side *
Crankpin 9 2 pcs.
In-line engine
Counterweight mounting
Tightening specification
The tightening torque for inserting the tie bolts is → M = 150 Nm
1. Tighten one tie bolt with → P = 380 bar
Reduce pressure by 50 bar. Round nuts must not be detachable any more.
Reduce pressure by 50 bar. Round nuts must not be detachable any more.
Reduce pressure by 50 bar. Round nuts must not be detachable any more.
Reduce pressure by 50 bar. Round nuts must not be detachable any more.
Reduce pressure by 50 bar. Round nuts must not be detachable any more.
Hydraulic jack area A = 145 cm 2.
For mounting the gear wheel on the crankshaft see page 55, „crankshaft sealing“
Intermediate gear wheel
mounting Y
3 2
Grease here
For mounting the gear wheel on the crankshaft see page 58, „crankshaft sealing“.
Intermediate gear wheel mounting
Tighten screws - 1 - with →
Molykote M = 130 Nm
Hexagon screws M16 x 65 ISO 4014 8.8-A3C
Min. →
0.30 mm
Max. →
0.60 mm
Crankshaft gear - intermediate gear wheel → 0.28 - 0.44 mm
Crankshaft gear - intermediate gear wheel → 0.31 - 0.43 mm
→ 0.20 + 0.30 mm
End clearance at - 2 -
For shrink fitting Cooled For shrink fitting For shrink fitting
heat up to 40°C down to - heat up to 70°C heat up to 110°C
The backlash between camshaft gear wheel and governor drive gear is adjusted by gaskets
which are available in 2 different thicknesses:
For shrink fitting Cooled For shrink fitting For shrink fitting
heat up to 40°C down to heat up to 70°C heat up to 110°C
-195° C
The backlash between camshaft gear wheel and governor drive gear is adjusted by gaskets
which are available in 2 different thicknesses:
Camshaft bearing
Tighten Allen screws - 1 - and - 2 - with → M = 60 Nm
2 1 1
1 1
Camshaft mounting
Tighten screws - 1 - with → M = 260 Nm
Tighten screws - 2 - with → M = 50 Nm
Dry without oil and Molykote
Thrust washer
Tighten nuts - 1 -
with → M = 210 Nm
number 0 + 6
number 0 + 7
number 0 + 3
number 0 + 5
number 0 + 5
number 0 + 4
number 0 + 4
number 0 + 6
number 0 + 2
number 0 + 2
number 0 + 8
number 0 + 8
number 0 + 6
number 0 + 5
1 7
3 6
4 5
number 0 + 7
number 0 + 8
number 0 + 5
number 0 + 6
number 0 + 4
number 0 + 1
0 8 1
3 2
6 7
5 4
3 7
5 3
6 4
5 4
5 4 6
6 3
Here flange code number 1
3 7
5 3
6 4
5 4
Here flange code number 4
Here flange code number 7
3 7
5 3
6 4
5 4
Vibration damper
6 + 8-cyl. engines
Tighten screws - 1 - with → M = 50 Nm
12 screws M10 x 60 DIN 933
9-cyl. engines
Tighten screws - 1 - with → M = 130 Nm
8 screws M16 x 80 ISO 4014
On engines with higher engine number the intermediary is provided with an oil groove. The oil
serves for cooling the vibration damper.
To the right
cyl. 1
A To the left
During dismounting / mounting attention must be paid that the appertaining distance steel plates
are not removed. If for any reason removal of the distance steel plates is necessary, they have to
be marked with the relevant cylinder number.
The thickness of the distance steel plates for each cylinder is stated in the
acceptance test record.
Available sizes: 2,40 mm 2,50 mm 2,60 mm 2,70 mm 2,80 mm
2,90 mm 3,00 mm 3,10 mm 3,20 mm 3,30 mm
3,40 mm 3,50 mm 3,60 mm 3,70 mm 3,80 mm
3,90 mm 4,00 mm 4,10 mm
> 78,5
1. Adjust the mounting reference dimension – 78.5 mm – with spacer plates at all
cylinders. The lower valve drive is to be fitted with - 3 mm - base plate.
2. Turn the camshafts into engine direction until the injection pump of cyl. 1 is positioned
on commencement of fuel delivery.
3. Loosen the camshaft gear wheel with –1200 – 1600 bar – and turn the engine until
the graduated disc indicates the value 6.5 (+0.5° — - 1.0°) for the in-line engine and
9.0 (+0.5 — - 1.0°) for the Vee-engine. Fix the camshaft gear wheel.
4. Check the commencement of delivery on all other cylinders. Correct the commence-
ment of fuel delivery at the lower valve drive only if necessary.
5. For this purpose turn out bottom screw – 1 – (M20 x 180). Turn out the “outer” top
screw – 2 – by max. 3 mm.
7. If the checkup compared with cyl. 1 is not okay, readjustment is necessary starting
with step 2. From step 3 on the camshaft is to be turned to the left/right again until all
cylinders are within the tolerance range compared with cyl. 1.
Tighten screws – 1 – and 2 – 2 (M20 x 180) with → M = 300 Nm
Shims are available of the sizes 2.4 mm, 2.7 mm, 3.0 mm, 3.3 mm, and 3.6 mm.
1 1
Articulated lever
Tighten screws - 2 - for the articulated lever with → M = 15 Nm
Clearance at - 3 - → 0.20 mm
3 3
Mounting instructions
for the screws: Tighten
by hand up to the limit
stop and loosen by 1/4
turn. The screws must be
Stop position
Fuel rack
3 4 1
Oil sump
Tighten screws from the engine block to the
oil sump with → M = 170 Nm
Oil lubrication
6 cylinder engines 42 screws M16 x 100 ISO 4014 with distance piece
18 screws M16 x 80 ISO 4014 with conical spring washer
In-line engine
The device must not be loosened before than 24 hours after pressure relief. Engine
start not before 72 hours after removal of the device..
1.91.7-73.40.00-02 / -03
6 pcs. hexagon screws M 10 x 50 DIN 931 10.9
Drive dowel pin - 1 - into the flywheel hub. Turn crankshaft into position cyl. 1 in TDC.
Hang flywheel vertically into transport opening. In this position the projecting dowel pin in
the flywheel hub is in line with the relative bore on the flywheel.
Tighten screws - 1 -
with → M = 350 Nm
2 hexagon screws M20 x 130 DIN 931
Pump carrier
Tighten screws M12 with → M = 60 Nm
Tighten screws M16 with → M = 130 Nm
Example: 20° C shaft temperature → 110° - 120° C gear wheel temperature. The slide-on distance
is 0.43 - 0.47 mm for the in-line engine and 0,51 - 0.57 mm for the Vee-engine.
Example: 20° C shaft temperature → 130° - 140° C gear wheel temperature. The slide-on distance
is 0.58 - 0.63 mm.
Example: 20° C shaft temperature → 50° - 60° C gear wheel temperature. The slide-on distance is
0.14 - 0.18 mm.
2 6
5 5
Tighten screws - 4 -
with → M = 70 Nm
1. Fix L-strap - 3 - with screws - 2 - at the charge air cooler without water separator.
3. Draw the charge air cooler with screws - 4 - against the sealing surface of the casing.
counterclockwise 1-2-4-6-5-3
counterclockwise 1-3-5-7-8-6-4-2
counterclockwise 1-3-5-7-9-8-6-4-2
counterclockwise 1-2-4-6-5-3
counterclockwise 1-3-5-7-8-6-4-2
Oil sump
6 cyl. engine 4.069 1.158 474 777
Intermediate wheel
Vee-engine 120 Ø 556 205
12 cyl. engine
12 cyl. engine
Cyl. head without inlet and exhaust valve with guide bushes 300