Nutrition Notes
Nutrition Notes
Nutrition Notes
Types of Diets
- in full liquid diet, food included are -liquid and food which are liquid at body temp
- It can provide adequate nutrition, with the exception of iron
- As the nutrient-density is not high, six or more feeding are given.
- This increases the lactose content of the diet and therefore, it should not be given to persons
with low lactase activity.
- This diet has high calcium and fat content and is low in fiber.
Soft Diet
- Soft diet is used to after full-liquid diet and before moving on to a normal diet
- It is nutritionally adequate. Foods included are those, which are easy to mix with saliva, swallow
and digest.
- Exclude Foods, which contain harsh fiber, strong flavor`s and too much fat
Pureed Diets
Some of the aspects that affect food acceptability include connective tissue, strong flavor and the
amount of stimulant present.
Connective Tissue :
The texture of meat, tender or less tender is mainly decided by the amount of connective tissue present.
The amount of connective tissue in meat depends on the age of the animal
Strong flavoured vegetables such as onins, leeks, radishes, dried beans and cabbage family vegetables
(Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, turnips) are normally omitted
Nutrient Content
- In the past, it was common practice to put more emphasis on “Food to avoid” and less on
“Foods to eat”
Tube Feeding
- If a patient whose gastrointestinal tract is working, cannot take sufficient food orally, tube
feeding is resorted to.
- The for of proteins in the formula can be intact proteins (Source of protein Milk and Egg) or
protein hydrolysates containing peptides and amino acids. When the patient has normal
enzymatic digesive function (absorption) intact proteins are included in the formula
- Carbohydrates is in the form of polymers of glucose, which are easily broken and absorbed.
- Fats used in the
Types of formulas
1. Balance complete formulas – are made from ordinary foods or baby food by blending thse
2. A milk based formulas - is prepared from cow`s, toned or skim milk with addition of pasteurized
3. Lactose free formulas
4. Specialty formulas
- The mode of administration of formula is decided taking patients condition and the period for
which tube feed is to be given.
- When there is injury to the esophagus or for long term tube feeding, a gastrostomy tube may be
surgically inserted into the stomach.
- This route is not suitable for patients with unchecked vomiting or where gastric emptying is
- A jejunostomy tube may be used when the stomach must be bypassed
- The feeding can be continuous or intermittent. Intermittent feeding permits patient to move
- Like all other diets, diluted formulas are fed in the beginning and gradually concentration is
increased to full strength.
- The rate of feeding is begun slowly and then increased gradually
- This decreases the possibility of diarrhea. The patients bed (head side) is raised while feeding, to
reduce chance of air block
- Long term tube feeding can be given at home, with guidance from the health care team
- The care provider needs to be given instructions about how to maintain sanitation and hygiene
in handling feeds and the equipment used.
- In parenteral feeding, the nutrient preparations are given directly into a vein.
- When a patient is likely to be dehydrated and needs quick reversal of the condition, a 5%
dextrose solution in water (DSW) is usually given by a peripheral vein (also known as IV drip) to
provide fluids and some energy (calories).
- Electrolyte solutions can also be given by this mode.
- In some conditions the higher dextrose concentrations with amino acids and lipids are given.
- TPN is used only when it is not possible to use enteral route and the patient is hypermetabolic
or debilitated.
- Before giving TPN, a thorough nutritional and metabolic assessment of the patient is done
- The blood levels of various nutrients are monitored frequently during TPN and the solution
adjusted, if needed
- TPN is need to find another route to give it to PX
Composition of solutions
- Crystalline amino acids are used to meet protein needs, so that the composition can be
controlled to meet patients needs. Dextrose solutions (hypertonic) provide carbohydrates as
energy source and ensure amino acid sparing action.
- Emulsions of safflower or soy oil are given separately.
- The family could be guided to take care of the patients nutrition at home.