This document is a contract between Cooperative Coffees Inc. in the US and Cooperative Agraria Cafetalera Pangoa in Peru for the sale of 250 bags of organic and fair trade certified Peruvian coffee. Key details include:
- The coffee will be shipped from Callao, Peru to New York, NY in July 2011.
- The net weight of the shipment is 17,250 kgs.
- The coffee is certified organic and Fair Trade by international standards.
- Payment will be made in full upon receipt of original documentation including organic transaction certificates.
This document is a contract between Cooperative Coffees Inc. in the US and Cooperative Agraria Cafetalera Pangoa in Peru for the sale of 250 bags of organic and fair trade certified Peruvian coffee. Key details include:
- The coffee will be shipped from Callao, Peru to New York, NY in July 2011.
- The net weight of the shipment is 17,250 kgs.
- The coffee is certified organic and Fair Trade by international standards.
- Payment will be made in full upon receipt of original documentation including organic transaction certificates.
This document is a contract between Cooperative Coffees Inc. in the US and Cooperative Agraria Cafetalera Pangoa in Peru for the sale of 250 bags of organic and fair trade certified Peruvian coffee. Key details include:
- The coffee will be shipped from Callao, Peru to New York, NY in July 2011.
- The net weight of the shipment is 17,250 kgs.
- The coffee is certified organic and Fair Trade by international standards.
- Payment will be made in full upon receipt of original documentation including organic transaction certificates.
This document is a contract between Cooperative Coffees Inc. in the US and Cooperative Agraria Cafetalera Pangoa in Peru for the sale of 250 bags of organic and fair trade certified Peruvian coffee. Key details include:
- The coffee will be shipped from Callao, Peru to New York, NY in July 2011.
- The net weight of the shipment is 17,250 kgs.
- The coffee is certified organic and Fair Trade by international standards.
- Payment will be made in full upon receipt of original documentation including organic transaction certificates.
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Green Coffee Association Inc.
I Green Coffee FOB, C&F, CIF contracts
All parties agree this contract is subject to the terms and conditions of the Green Coffee Association Inc. Date 09-Mar-11 Contract No PEP111 Seller I FLO 10: 920 Buyer: I FLO 10 1341 Coop Agraria Cafetalera Pangoa Cooperative Coffees Inc. Avenida Los Cafetaleros 600 302 W. Lamar St San Martin de Pangoa Americus GA 31709, USA Satipo, Peru Tel: 514 907 9853 Tel (51) - 64 - 543017 Fax: 229 924 6250 cacoanaoa@terracom.oe email: floren! Quantity Bags: 250 Kg I bag: 69 Lbs I bag: 152.12 Kg total: 17,250.00 Lbs total: 38,030.00 Quality Origin: Peru Coop: Pangoa Harvest: 2011 - 2012 Type: Green arabica specialty quality coffee, Altura Preparation: European Moisture Content: 10% - 12% Size: 15 y arriba Certification (s): Fair Tade FLO certified and Organic NOP certified Price To be fixed by seller before the 1st day of shipping month NY "C": Sep. 2011 Fair Trade: 0.20 SUS lib Organic: 0.30 SUS lib Differential: 0.10 SUS lib Highest price between NY"C" Sep. 2011 + 0.60 SUS lib or minimum guaranteed price of 2.00 SUS lib Inconterm: FOB, Callao xt'd a..+ $ 3.(00 0" ZD Apil '2.01' Financing Do you request pre-financing for this contract? YES NO When do you expect to receive pre-financing? Which is your preferred solidarity lender? Pre financing will be provided by a solidarity lender and interest will be charged to the seller Weight Shipped weights, 112% franchise Payment Full payment upon first presentation of all original documents including organic transaction certificate Insurance To ship covered by seller. From Ship to US port covered by buyer Shipment Date: Julio, 2011 Port of: Callao. PERU New York, NY, USA Remarks Pre-shipment sample required. To be drawn from at least 100% of the contract's guantity Landed coffee will be approved within 15 days following the date of discharge in buyer's warehouse This coffee was traded according to international Fair - Trade cnteria as established by FLO Organic Certification documents by NOP agency recognized required before payment Certificate of Origin required before payment Bags must be marked with "Organic". "FLO Fair Trade", and with producers' coop FLO 10 Bags must be marked with Producers' coop logos, and Cooperative Coffee logo (if possible) or name If any, arbitration in accordance with the rules of arbitration of the Green Coffee Association Inc. Seller Signature: Signature 7 -. Name. E ('t:' ,:: ,ell"..'A :D (Olv t (J Name' Florent Gout Date: 0 5 - 0 '/_ 2c') .(-( Date 09-Mar-11 R.U.C.20135240681 COOPERATIVA AGRARIA CAFETALERA [tJ PANGOA "PANGOA" LydA. Av. Los Cafetaleros # 600 San Martin de Pangoa Satipo - Junin - Peru 002- 000384 Telf.: (064) 543017 Fax: (064) 543144 E-mail: Skype: cacpangoaltda Fecha [ 1 Date: 26 07 2,011 SeftoNs COOPERATIVE COFFEES, INC. t 10 FLO:1341) 302 W. LAMAR ST. SUITE E. AMERICUS, GA 31709 - USA. SuContrato Nuestro Contrato Pago C.A.O. Your Contract: P E P-111 Our Contract: Payment: Puerto de Embarque Destino NEW YORK MJN:MSC CARACAS V. 42R Port of Shipment: CALLAO Destination: Peso Neto Peso Bruto Peso Unitario Net Weight: 17,250.00 Gross Weight: 17,310.00 Kgs. 69.00 Kg. Unit Weight: LOGO PANGOA LOGO OCIA Envasadoen Marcas ORGANIC FAIRTRADE FLO. Packed in: JUTE BAGS Marks: 30/519/2564 - LOTE:04 CV.:PEP-l11 - FLO 10 tit FLO 10 BUYERa1341 -NEW YORK-USA C.ntidad Descripci6n Preclo Unitario V.lor de Venial Qwintlty Description Unit Price SaleV.lue 250 BAGS OF 69 KILOGRAMS NET EACH OF WASHED USS3.40/Lb. PERU ARABICA COFFEE ORGANIC FAIRTRADE , CERTIFIED CROP 2,011. FOB-CALLAO REGISTER FDA NQ 19679922310. Pl:.RU
PREMIO COMERCIO JUSTO (FLO 10 920) US$ O. 20/Lb. 7,606.00 (Cafe en grano sin descafeinar) P.A. 0901.11.90.00 MANUFACTURE: DRY MILL NEGRISA SAC REGISTERS FDA NQ 15149681278. TOTALS 136,908.00 HUNDRED THIRTY SIX THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED EIGHT AND 00/100 AMERICAN ARE: DOLLARS. SON: CIENTO TREINTISEIS MIL NOVECIENTOS OCHO YOO/l00 DOLARES AMRICANOS. _aF Cf " IMPRENTAGRAFlCA De: Lull z-ioI JIIaIdI Coopefativa AgrClria Cafeta\era rt>_oOWI- __l4aP,., USUARIO R.u.c. 10206807747 "PANGOA" Ltda.
. , See website for large version of the reverse I Ver pagina Web para terminos y condiciones I CMoTpMTe Be6-caIiiT AJ1A 03HaKOMIleHIIIA c ycnOBMAMIII III nonO>KeHIIIAMM l.m: *' ,1 iF-tn I MSCUP081S164 MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY S A BILL OF LADING No. Port-to-Port or 'Combined . ORIGINAL Transport' (see Clause 1) Website: SCAC Code: MSCU NO. & ORIGINAL Bil's INO. OF NDER PAGES SHleJ09PERATIVA AGRARIA CAFETALERA PANGOA LTDA. ENDORSEMENTS: (Include Agent(s) at POD) AV. LOS CAFETALEROS NO. 600 L1oydslimo number = 9138288 SAN MARTIN DE PANGOA DESTINATION AGENT ADDRESS:MSC NEW YORK SATlPO- JUNIN- PERU (AT 37TH STREET) - 8TH FLOOR PHONE: 51-064-543017 FAX: 51-064-543144 NEW YORK, N.Y. 10018-2702 or "To Order of ... here. +1212764 8592 302 W. LAMAR ST. SUITE E. +12127644800 AMERICUS, GA 31709 USA PHONE: +1-229-924-3035 FAX 1-229-924-6250 ATTN: BILL HARRIS NOTIFY PARTIES: (No responsibility shall attach to the Carrier or to his Agent for failure to notify see TRADING L.P. 17 BATTERY PLACE SUITE 1010 NEW YORK NY 10004 U.SA PHONE: + 1-212-344-6771 FAX. + 1-212-344-8723 ATTN: GEORGE TSIASTSIOS EMAIL: (GTSIATSIOS@EXCELTRADE.COM) VESSEL & VOYAGE NO. (see Clauses 8 & 9) PORT OF lOADING PLACE OF RECEIPT: (Combined Transport ONLY - see Clauses 1 & 5.2) MSC CARACAS 42R CALLAO XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX BOOKING REF. (or) SHIPPER'S REF. PORT OF DISCHARGE PLACE OF DELIVERY: (Combined Transport ONLY - see Clauses 1 & 5.2) 087LIM94132 NEW YORK XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PAR TIC U LA R S FUR N ISH E D B Y THE S HIP PER NOT C H E C KED B Y CAR R I E R - CAR R I ERN 0 T RES P 0 N SIB L E (see Clause 14) Container Numbers, Seal Description of Packages and Goods Gross Cargo Numbers and Marks (Continued on attached Bill of lading Rider page(s), if applicable) Weight Measurement Ix 20' CNTR(S) S.T.C. 250 BAGS OF 69 KILOGRAMS NET EACH OF WASHED PERU ARABICA LOGOPANGOA COFFEE ORGANIC FAIRTRADE CERTIFIED LOGOOC1A CROP 2,011. ORGANIC FAIRTRADE FLO REGISTER FDA # 19679922310 30/51912564 LOTE 04 NET WEIGHT 17,250.00 KGS. C.V. PEP-III FOB-CALLAO-PERU FLO ID SELLER 920 P A 0901.11.90.00 FLO ID BUYER 1341 NEW YORK - USA MANUFACTURE: DRY MILL NEGRISA SAC ADDRESS: JR, LAS FLORES 240-250 PTE. PIEDRA LIMA - PERU. REGISTER FDA # 15149681278 FREIGHT COLLECT EXCELCO - SC#10-404WW TEMU2071143120'DV TARE: 2200 kg 250 BAGS 1 310.000 KG Seal: MSC049008 Seal:000968 TOTAL TARE: 2200.00 KG 1 310.000KG FREIGHT & CHARGES Cargo shall not be delivered unless Freight & Charges are paid (see Clause 16). RECEIVED by the Carrier in apparent good order and condition (unless otherwise stated herein) the total number or quantity 01 Containers or other packages or units indicated in the box entitled Receipt lor carriage subject to all the terms and conditions hereol from the Place 01 Receipt or Port 01 Loading to the Port 01 Discharge or Place 01 Delivery, whichever is applicable. IN ACCEPTING THIS BILL OF LADING THE MERCHANT EXPRESSLY ACCEPTS AND AGREES TO ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. WHETHER PRINTED, STAMPED OR AS PER AGREEMENT OTHERWISE INCORPORATED ON THIS SIDE AND ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS BILL OF LADING AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CARRIER'S APPLICABLE TARIFF AS IF THEY WERE ALL SIGNED BY THE MERCHANT. II this is a negotiable (To Order I of) Bill 01 Lading, one original Bill 01 Lading, duly endorsed must be surrendered by the Merchant to the Carrier (together with outstanding Freight and charges) . xchange lor the Goods or a Delivery Order. II this is a non-negotiable (stmig . of Lading, the Carrier shall deliver the Goods or issue a Delivery Order er yment of outstanding Freight and charges) against the surrender 01 eo' inal Bill of Lading or in accordance with the national law at the Port 01 sch e or Place 01 Delivery whichever is applicable. IN WITNESS WHERE the rrier or their Agent has signed the number 01 Bills ....
DECLARED VALUE (only applicable if Ad Valorem CARRIER'S RECEIPT (No. of Cntrs or Pkgs rcvd by I SIGNEq ,AI e.""'" .' ping Company SA Charges paid - see Clause 7.3) Carrier - see Clause 14.1) - - ________ ________ PlACE AND DATE OF ISSUE SHIPPED ON '"7'::011 l' _ _________m CALLAO, 26/0712011'RRIeR 432 Standard Edition 08/2009 TERMS CONTINUED ON REVERSE -' J!E>Mrf!. 0
Rutan & Tucker LLP 611 Anton BLVD., Suite 1400 Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 Telephone: (714) 641-5100 Facsimile: (714) 546-9035 Eric J. Fromme Matthew W. Grimshaw Attorneys For Brandlogic, Inc